/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary formstrArg, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIEstrArg, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // This IDL file is for testing the bindings code generator and for tracking // changes in its ouput. module test { interface TestObj { // Attributes readonly attribute long readOnlyIntAttr; readonly attribute DOMString readOnlyStringAttr; readonly attribute TestObj readOnlyTestObjAttr; attribute short shortAttr; attribute unsigned short unsignedShortAttr; attribute long intAttr; attribute long long longLongAttr; attribute unsigned long long unsignedLongLongAttr; attribute DOMString stringAttr; attribute TestObj testObjAttr; JS, V8 // WK_ucfirst, WK_lcfirst exceptional cases. attribute TestObj XMLObjAttr; attribute boolean create; // Reflected DOM attributes attribute [Reflect] DOMString reflectedStringAttr; attribute [Reflect] long reflectedIntegralAttr; attribute [Reflect] unsigned long reflectedUnsignedIntegralAttr; attribute [Reflect] boolean reflectedBooleanAttr; attribute [Reflect, URL] DOMString reflectedURLAttr; attribute [Reflect, NonEmpty, URL] DOMString reflectedNonEmptyURLAttr; attribute [Reflect=customContentStringAttr] DOMString reflectedStringAttr; attribute [Reflect=customContentIntegralAttr] long reflectedCustomIntegralAttr; attribute [Reflect=customContentBooleanAttr] boolean reflectedCustomBooleanAttr; attribute [Reflect=customContentURLAttr, URL] DOMString reflectedCustomURLAttr; attribute [Reflect=customContentNonEmptyURLAttr, NonEmpty, URL] DOMString reflectedCustomNonEmptyURLAttr; // Methods void voidMethod(); void voidMethodWithArgs(in long intArg, in DOMString strArg, in TestObj objArg); long intMethod(); long intMethodWithArgs(in long intArg, in DOMString strArg, in TestObj objArg); TestObj objMethod(); TestObj objMethodWithArgs(in long intArg, in DOMString strArg, in TestObj objArg); [RequiresAllArguments] TestObj methodThatRequiresAllArgs(in DOMString strArg, in TestObj objArg); [RequiresAllArguments=Raise] TestObj methodThatRequiresAllArgsAndThrows(in DOMString strArg, in TestObj objArg) raises(DOMException); void serializedValue(in SerializedScriptValue serializedArg); void idbKey(in IDBKey key); void optionsObject(in OptionsObject oo, in [Optional] OptionsObject ooo); // Exceptions void methodWithException() raises(DOMException); attribute long attrWithGetterException getter raises(DOMException); attribute long attrWithSetterException setter raises(DOMException); attribute DOMString stringAttrWithGetterException getter raises(DOMException); attribute DOMString stringAttrWithSetterException setter raises(DOMException); // 'Custom' extended attribute attribute [Custom] long customAttr; [Custom] void customMethod(); [Custom] void customMethodWithArgs(in long intArg, in DOMString strArg, in TestObj objArg); [CustomArgumentHandling] void customArgsAndException(in log intArg) raises(DOMException); void addEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture); void removeEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture); // 'CallWith' extended attribute [CallWith=DynamicFrame] void withDynamicFrame(); [CallWith=DynamicFrame] void withDynamicFrameAndArg(in long intArg); [CallWith=DynamicFrame] void withDynamicFrameAndOptionalArg(in long intArg, in [Optional] long optionalArg); [NeedsUserGestureCheck, CallWith=DynamicFrame] void withDynamicFrameAndUserGesture(in long intArg); [NeedsUserGestureCheck, CallWith=DynamicFrame] void withDynamicFrameAndUserGestureASAD(in long intArg, in [Optional] long optionalArg); [CallWith=ScriptState] void withScriptStateVoid(); [CallWith=ScriptState] TestObj withScriptStateObj(); [CallWith=ScriptState] void withScriptStateVoidException() raises(DOMException); [CallWith=ScriptState] TestObj withScriptStateObjException() raises(DOMException); [CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext] void withScriptExecutionContext(); // 'Optional' extended attribute void methodWithOptionalArg(in [Optional] long opt); void methodWithNonOptionalArgAndOptionalArg(in long nonOpt, in [Optional] long opt); void methodWithNonOptionalArgAndTwoOptionalArgs(in long nonOpt, in [Optional] long opt1, in long opt2); #if defined(TESTING_V8) || defined(TESTING_JS) // 'Callback' extended attribute void methodWithCallbackArg(in [Callback] TestCallback callback); void methodWithNonCallbackArgAndCallbackArg(in long nonCallback, in [Callback] TestCallback callback); void methodWithCallbackAndOptionalArg(in [Callback, Optional] TestCallback callback); #endif // 'ConvertScriptString' extended attribute readonly attribute [ConvertScriptString] DOMString scriptStringAttr; // 'Conditional' extended attribute attribute [Conditional=Condition1] long conditionalAttr1; attribute [Conditional=Condition1&Condition2] long conditionalAttr2; attribute [Conditional=Condition1|Condition2] long conditionalAttr3; #if defined(TESTING_V8) || defined(TESTING_JS) // Overloads void overloadedMethod(in TestObj objArg, in DOMString strArg); void overloadedMethod(in TestObj objArg, in [Optional] long intArg); void overloadedMethod(in DOMString strArg); void overloadedMethod(in long intArg); void overloadedMethod(in [Callback] TestCallback callback); #endif // Class methods within JavaScript (like what's used for IDBKeyRange). [ClassMethod] void classMethod(); [ClassMethod] long classMethodWithOptional(in [Optional] long arg); #if defined(TESTING_V8) // 'EnabledAtRuntime' methods and attributes. [EnabledAtRuntime] void enabledAtRuntimeMethod1(in int intArg); [EnabledAtRuntime=FeatureName] void enabledAtRuntimeMethod2(in int intArg); attribute [EnabledAtRuntime] long enabledAtRuntimeAttr1; attribute [EnabledAtRuntime=FeatureName] long enabledAtRuntimeAttr2; #endif // ObjectiveC reserved words. readonly attribute long description; attribute long id; readonly attribute DOMString hash; // Check constants and enums. const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_0 = 0; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_1 = 1; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_2 = 2; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_4 = 4; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_8 = 8; const short CONST_VALUE_9 = -1; const DOMString CONST_VALUE_10 = "my constant string"; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_11 = 0xffffffff; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_12 = 0x01; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_13 = 0X20; const unsigned short CONST_VALUE_14 = 0x1abc; }; }