# Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Jerdonek (cjerdonek@webkit.org) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. 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"""Unit tests for parser.py.""" import unittest from webkitpy.common.system.logtesting import LoggingTestCase from webkitpy.style.optparser import ArgumentParser from webkitpy.style.optparser import ArgumentPrinter from webkitpy.style.optparser import CommandOptionValues as ProcessorOptions from webkitpy.style.optparser import DefaultCommandOptionValues class ArgumentPrinterTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the ArgumentPrinter class.""" _printer = ArgumentPrinter() def _create_options(self, output_format='emacs', min_confidence=3, filter_rules=[], git_commit=None): return ProcessorOptions(filter_rules=filter_rules, git_commit=git_commit, min_confidence=min_confidence, output_format=output_format) def test_to_flag_string(self): options = self._create_options('vs7', 5, ['+foo', '-bar'], 'git') self.assertEquals('--filter=+foo,-bar --git-commit=git ' '--min-confidence=5 --output=vs7', self._printer.to_flag_string(options)) # This is to check that --filter and --git-commit do not # show up when not user-specified. options = self._create_options() self.assertEquals('--min-confidence=3 --output=emacs', self._printer.to_flag_string(options)) class ArgumentParserTest(LoggingTestCase): """Test the ArgumentParser class.""" class _MockStdErr(object): def write(self, message): # We do not want the usage string or style categories # to print during unit tests, so print nothing. return def _parse(self, args): """Call a test parser.parse().""" parser = self._create_parser() return parser.parse(args) def _create_defaults(self): """Return a DefaultCommandOptionValues instance for testing.""" base_filter_rules = ["-", "+whitespace"] return DefaultCommandOptionValues(min_confidence=3, output_format="vs7") def _create_parser(self): """Return an ArgumentParser instance for testing.""" default_options = self._create_defaults() all_categories = ["build" ,"whitespace"] mock_stderr = self._MockStdErr() return ArgumentParser(all_categories=all_categories, base_filter_rules=[], default_options=default_options, mock_stderr=mock_stderr, usage="test usage") def test_parse_documentation(self): parse = self._parse # FIXME: Test both the printing of the usage string and the # filter categories help. # Request the usage string. self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--help']) # Request default filter rules and available style categories. self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--filter=']) def test_parse_bad_values(self): parse = self._parse # Pass an unsupported argument. self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--bad']) self.assertLog(['ERROR: no such option: --bad\n']) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--min-confidence=bad']) self.assertLog(['ERROR: option --min-confidence: ' "invalid integer value: 'bad'\n"]) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--min-confidence=0']) self.assertLog(['ERROR: option --min-confidence: invalid integer: 0: ' 'value must be between 1 and 5\n']) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--min-confidence=6']) self.assertLog(['ERROR: option --min-confidence: invalid integer: 6: ' 'value must be between 1 and 5\n']) parse(['--min-confidence=1']) # works parse(['--min-confidence=5']) # works self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--output=bad']) self.assertLog(['ERROR: option --output-format: invalid choice: ' "'bad' (choose from 'emacs', 'vs7')\n"]) parse(['--output=vs7']) # works # Pass a filter rule not beginning with + or -. self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parse, ['--filter=build']) self.assertLog(['ERROR: Invalid filter rule "build": ' 'every rule must start with + or -.\n']) parse(['--filter=+build']) # works def test_parse_default_arguments(self): parse = self._parse (files, options) = parse([]) self.assertEquals(files, []) self.assertEquals(options.filter_rules, []) self.assertEquals(options.git_commit, None) self.assertEquals(options.diff_files, False) self.assertEquals(options.is_verbose, False) self.assertEquals(options.min_confidence, 3) self.assertEquals(options.output_format, 'vs7') def test_parse_explicit_arguments(self): parse = self._parse # Pass non-default explicit values. (files, options) = parse(['--min-confidence=4']) self.assertEquals(options.min_confidence, 4) (files, options) = parse(['--output=emacs']) self.assertEquals(options.output_format, 'emacs') (files, options) = parse(['-g', 'commit']) self.assertEquals(options.git_commit, 'commit') (files, options) = parse(['--git-commit=commit']) self.assertEquals(options.git_commit, 'commit') (files, options) = parse(['--git-diff=commit']) self.assertEquals(options.git_commit, 'commit') (files, options) = parse(['--verbose']) self.assertEquals(options.is_verbose, True) (files, options) = parse(['--diff-files', 'file.txt']) self.assertEquals(options.diff_files, True) # Pass user_rules. (files, options) = parse(['--filter=+build,-whitespace']) self.assertEquals(options.filter_rules, ["+build", "-whitespace"]) # Pass spurious white space in user rules. (files, options) = parse(['--filter=+build, -whitespace']) self.assertEquals(options.filter_rules, ["+build", "-whitespace"]) def test_parse_files(self): parse = self._parse (files, options) = parse(['foo.cpp']) self.assertEquals(files, ['foo.cpp']) # Pass multiple files. (files, options) = parse(['--output=emacs', 'foo.cpp', 'bar.cpp']) self.assertEquals(files, ['foo.cpp', 'bar.cpp']) class CommandOptionValuesTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests CommandOptionValues class.""" def test_init(self): """Test __init__ constructor.""" # Check default parameters. options = ProcessorOptions() self.assertEquals(options.filter_rules, []) self.assertEquals(options.git_commit, None) self.assertEquals(options.is_verbose, False) self.assertEquals(options.min_confidence, 1) self.assertEquals(options.output_format, "emacs") # Check argument validation. self.assertRaises(ValueError, ProcessorOptions, output_format="bad") ProcessorOptions(output_format="emacs") # No ValueError: works ProcessorOptions(output_format="vs7") # works self.assertRaises(ValueError, ProcessorOptions, min_confidence=0) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ProcessorOptions, min_confidence=6) ProcessorOptions(min_confidence=1) # works ProcessorOptions(min_confidence=5) # works # Check attributes. options = ProcessorOptions(filter_rules=["+"], git_commit="commit", is_verbose=True, min_confidence=3, output_format="vs7") self.assertEquals(options.filter_rules, ["+"]) self.assertEquals(options.git_commit, "commit") self.assertEquals(options.is_verbose, True) self.assertEquals(options.min_confidence, 3) self.assertEquals(options.output_format, "vs7") def test_eq(self): """Test __eq__ equality function.""" self.assertTrue(ProcessorOptions().__eq__(ProcessorOptions())) # Also verify that a difference in any argument causes equality to fail. # Explicitly create a ProcessorOptions instance with all default # values. We do this to be sure we are assuming the right default # values in our self.assertFalse() calls below. options = ProcessorOptions(filter_rules=[], git_commit=None, is_verbose=False, min_confidence=1, output_format="emacs") # Verify that we created options correctly. self.assertTrue(options.__eq__(ProcessorOptions())) self.assertFalse(options.__eq__(ProcessorOptions(filter_rules=["+"]))) self.assertFalse(options.__eq__(ProcessorOptions(git_commit="commit"))) self.assertFalse(options.__eq__(ProcessorOptions(is_verbose=True))) self.assertFalse(options.__eq__(ProcessorOptions(min_confidence=2))) self.assertFalse(options.__eq__(ProcessorOptions(output_format="vs7"))) def test_ne(self): """Test __ne__ inequality function.""" # By default, __ne__ always returns true on different objects. # Thus, just check the distinguishing case to verify that the # code defines __ne__. self.assertFalse(ProcessorOptions().__ne__(ProcessorOptions()))