Lines Matching refs:WebView
195 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
197 @result The WebView for the new window.
198 - (WebView *)webView:(WebView *)sender createWebViewWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;
204 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
205 @abstract Show the window that contains the top level view of the WebView,
209 - (void)webViewShow:(WebView *)sender;
216 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
219 WebView. Other clients may choose to ignore this method
221 - (void)webViewClose:(WebView *)sender;
228 @param The WebView sending the delegate method.
230 also do something to focus the one corresponding to this WebView.
231 - (void)webViewFocus:(WebView *)sender;
238 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
240 also do something to unfocus the one corresponding to this WebView.
241 - (void)webViewUnfocus:(WebView *)sender;
248 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
250 WebView's view, if any. If the view is out of the window
254 - (NSResponder *)webViewFirstResponder:(WebView *)sender;
261 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
264 subhierarchy of the top-level web view for this WebView. If the
265 WebView's top level view is currently out of the view
268 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender makeFirstResponder:(NSResponder *)responder;
275 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
277 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setStatusText:(NSString *)text;
284 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
286 - (NSString *)webViewStatusText:(WebView *)sender;
293 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
300 - (BOOL)webViewAreToolbarsVisible:(WebView *)sender;
306 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
312 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setToolbarsVisible:(BOOL)visible;
319 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
321 - (BOOL)webViewIsStatusBarVisible:(WebView *)sender;
331 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setStatusBarVisible:(BOOL)visible;
338 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
343 - (BOOL)webViewIsResizable:(WebView *)sender;
350 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
355 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setResizable:(BOOL)resizable;
362 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
367 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setFrame:(NSRect)frame;
373 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
376 - (NSRect)webViewFrame:(WebView *)sender;
383 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
389 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect;
397 - (NSRect)webViewContentRect:(WebView *)sender;
404 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
408 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message;
415 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
421 - (BOOL)webView:(WebView *)sender runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message;
428 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
435 …- (NSString *)webView:(WebView *)sender runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt:(NSString *)prompt d…
442 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
449 …- (BOOL)webView:(WebView *)sender runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message initi…
456 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
460 …- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener:(id<WebOpenPanelResu…
468 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
471 …- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender mouseDidMoveOverElement:(NSDictionary *)elementInformation modif…
478 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
482 …- (NSArray *)webView:(WebView *)sender contextMenuItemsForElement:(NSDictionary *)element defaultM…
489 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
491 @pararm defaultValidation Whether or not the WebView thinks the item is valid
492 …@discussion This method allows the UI delegate to control WebView's validation of user interface i…
493 …See WebView.h to see the methods to that WebView can currently validate. See NSUserInterfaceValida…
495 …- (BOOL)webView:(WebView *)webView validateUserInterfaceItem:(id <NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)it…
502 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
505 …@discussion This method allows the UI delegate to control WebView's behavior when an action is bei…
506 …For example, if the action is copy:, the delegate can return YES to allow WebView to perform its d…
507 …copy behavior or return NO and perform copy: in some other way. See WebView.h to see the actions t…
508 WebView can perform.
509 - (BOOL)webView:(WebView *)webView shouldPerformAction:(SEL)action fromSender:(id)sender;
515 @abstract Controls behavior when dragging to a WebView
516 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
518 …@discussion This method is called periodically as something is dragged over a WebView. The UI dele…
521 …- (unsigned)webView:(WebView *)webView dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo:(id <NSDraggingInf…
527 @abstract Informs that WebView will perform a drag destination action
528 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
531 … call to webView:dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo: after something is dropped on a WebView.
532 … This method informs the UI delegate of the drag destination action that WebView will perform.
533 …- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView willPerformDragDestinationAction:(WebDragDestinationAction)acti…
539 @abstract Controls behavior when dragging from a WebView
540 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
541 @param point The point where the drag started in the coordinates of the WebView
542 …@discussion This method is called after the user has begun a drag from a WebView. The UI delegate …
544 - (unsigned)webView:(WebView *)webView dragSourceActionMaskForPoint:(NSPoint)point;
550 @abstract Informs that a drag a has begun from a WebView
551 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
553 @param point The point where the drag started in the coordinates of the WebView
555 …ter webView:dragSourceActionMaskForPoint: is called after the user has begun a drag from a WebView.
558 …- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView willPerformDragSourceAction:(WebDragSourceAction)action fromPoi…
565 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
580 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
582 … @param point The point associated with the context menu event in the coordinates of the WebView
589 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
597 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
605 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
614 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
621 … @abstract Informs whether focus can be transferred out of the WebView in the specified direction
622 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
629 @abstract Instructs the delegate to take focus out of the WebView
630 @param sender The WebView sending the delegate method.
687 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
697 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
701 first WebView that displayed a directory listing, so this will only be called once.
707 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
712 - (float)webViewHeaderHeight:(WebView *)sender;
718 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
723 - (float)webViewFooterHeight:(WebView *)sender;
729 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
733 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender drawHeaderInRect:(NSRect)rect;
739 @param webView The WebView sending the delegate method
743 - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender drawFooterInRect:(NSRect)rect;