// Copyright 2006-2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "v8.h" #include "ast.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "execution.h" #include "factory.h" #include "jsregexp.h" #include "platform.h" #include "string-search.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "compilation-cache.h" #include "string-stream.h" #include "parser.h" #include "regexp-macro-assembler.h" #include "regexp-macro-assembler-tracer.h" #include "regexp-macro-assembler-irregexp.h" #include "regexp-stack.h" #ifndef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 #include "ia32/regexp-macro-assembler-ia32.h" #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 #include "x64/regexp-macro-assembler-x64.h" #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM #include "arm/regexp-macro-assembler-arm.h" #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS #include "mips/regexp-macro-assembler-mips.h" #else #error Unsupported target architecture. #endif #endif #include "interpreter-irregexp.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { Handle RegExpImpl::CreateRegExpLiteral(Handle constructor, Handle pattern, Handle flags, bool* has_pending_exception) { // Call the construct code with 2 arguments. Object** argv[2] = { Handle::cast(pattern).location(), Handle::cast(flags).location() }; return Execution::New(constructor, 2, argv, has_pending_exception); } static JSRegExp::Flags RegExpFlagsFromString(Handle str) { int flags = JSRegExp::NONE; for (int i = 0; i < str->length(); i++) { switch (str->Get(i)) { case 'i': flags |= JSRegExp::IGNORE_CASE; break; case 'g': flags |= JSRegExp::GLOBAL; break; case 'm': flags |= JSRegExp::MULTILINE; break; } } return JSRegExp::Flags(flags); } static inline void ThrowRegExpException(Handle re, Handle pattern, Handle error_text, const char* message) { Isolate* isolate = re->GetIsolate(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); Handle elements = factory->NewFixedArray(2); elements->set(0, *pattern); elements->set(1, *error_text); Handle array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements); Handle regexp_err = factory->NewSyntaxError(message, array); isolate->Throw(*regexp_err); } // Generic RegExp methods. Dispatches to implementation specific methods. Handle RegExpImpl::Compile(Handle re, Handle pattern, Handle flag_str) { Isolate* isolate = re->GetIsolate(); JSRegExp::Flags flags = RegExpFlagsFromString(flag_str); CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache(); Handle cached = compilation_cache->LookupRegExp(pattern, flags); bool in_cache = !cached.is_null(); LOG(isolate, RegExpCompileEvent(re, in_cache)); Handle result; if (in_cache) { re->set_data(*cached); return re; } pattern = FlattenGetString(pattern); CompilationZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT); PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate); RegExpCompileData parse_result; FlatStringReader reader(isolate, pattern); if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(), &parse_result)) { // Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern. ThrowRegExpException(re, pattern, parse_result.error, "malformed_regexp"); return Handle::null(); } if (parse_result.simple && !flags.is_ignore_case()) { // Parse-tree is a single atom that is equal to the pattern. AtomCompile(re, pattern, flags, pattern); } else if (parse_result.tree->IsAtom() && !flags.is_ignore_case() && parse_result.capture_count == 0) { RegExpAtom* atom = parse_result.tree->AsAtom(); Vector atom_pattern = atom->data(); Handle atom_string = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromTwoByte(atom_pattern); AtomCompile(re, pattern, flags, atom_string); } else { IrregexpInitialize(re, pattern, flags, parse_result.capture_count); } ASSERT(re->data()->IsFixedArray()); // Compilation succeeded so the data is set on the regexp // and we can store it in the cache. Handle data(FixedArray::cast(re->data())); compilation_cache->PutRegExp(pattern, flags, data); return re; } Handle RegExpImpl::Exec(Handle regexp, Handle subject, int index, Handle last_match_info) { switch (regexp->TypeTag()) { case JSRegExp::ATOM: return AtomExec(regexp, subject, index, last_match_info); case JSRegExp::IRREGEXP: { Handle result = IrregexpExec(regexp, subject, index, last_match_info); ASSERT(!result.is_null() || Isolate::Current()->has_pending_exception()); return result; } default: UNREACHABLE(); return Handle::null(); } } // RegExp Atom implementation: Simple string search using indexOf. void RegExpImpl::AtomCompile(Handle re, Handle pattern, JSRegExp::Flags flags, Handle match_pattern) { re->GetIsolate()->factory()->SetRegExpAtomData(re, JSRegExp::ATOM, pattern, flags, match_pattern); } static void SetAtomLastCapture(FixedArray* array, String* subject, int from, int to) { NoHandleAllocation no_handles; RegExpImpl::SetLastCaptureCount(array, 2); RegExpImpl::SetLastSubject(array, subject); RegExpImpl::SetLastInput(array, subject); RegExpImpl::SetCapture(array, 0, from); RegExpImpl::SetCapture(array, 1, to); } /* template , typename PatternChar> static int ReStringMatch(Vector sub_vector, Vector pat_vector, int start_index) { int pattern_length = pat_vector.length(); if (pattern_length == 0) return start_index; int subject_length = sub_vector.length(); if (start_index + pattern_length > subject_length) return -1; return SearchString(sub_vector, pat_vector, start_index); } */ Handle RegExpImpl::AtomExec(Handle re, Handle subject, int index, Handle last_match_info) { Isolate* isolate = re->GetIsolate(); ASSERT(0 <= index); ASSERT(index <= subject->length()); if (!subject->IsFlat()) FlattenString(subject); AssertNoAllocation no_heap_allocation; // ensure vectors stay valid // Extract flattened substrings of cons strings before determining asciiness. String* seq_sub = *subject; if (seq_sub->IsConsString()) seq_sub = ConsString::cast(seq_sub)->first(); String* needle = String::cast(re->DataAt(JSRegExp::kAtomPatternIndex)); int needle_len = needle->length(); if (needle_len != 0) { if (index + needle_len > subject->length()) return isolate->factory()->null_value(); // dispatch on type of strings index = (needle->IsAsciiRepresentation() ? (seq_sub->IsAsciiRepresentation() ? SearchString(isolate, seq_sub->ToAsciiVector(), needle->ToAsciiVector(), index) : SearchString(isolate, seq_sub->ToUC16Vector(), needle->ToAsciiVector(), index)) : (seq_sub->IsAsciiRepresentation() ? SearchString(isolate, seq_sub->ToAsciiVector(), needle->ToUC16Vector(), index) : SearchString(isolate, seq_sub->ToUC16Vector(), needle->ToUC16Vector(), index))); if (index == -1) return FACTORY->null_value(); } ASSERT(last_match_info->HasFastElements()); { NoHandleAllocation no_handles; FixedArray* array = FixedArray::cast(last_match_info->elements()); SetAtomLastCapture(array, *subject, index, index + needle_len); } return last_match_info; } // Irregexp implementation. // Ensures that the regexp object contains a compiled version of the // source for either ASCII or non-ASCII strings. // If the compiled version doesn't already exist, it is compiled // from the source pattern. // If compilation fails, an exception is thrown and this function // returns false. bool RegExpImpl::EnsureCompiledIrregexp(Handle re, bool is_ascii) { Object* compiled_code = re->DataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii)); #ifdef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP if (compiled_code->IsByteArray()) return true; #else // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP (RegExp native code) if (compiled_code->IsCode()) return true; #endif return CompileIrregexp(re, is_ascii); } bool RegExpImpl::CompileIrregexp(Handle re, bool is_ascii) { // Compile the RegExp. Isolate* isolate = re->GetIsolate(); CompilationZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT); PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate); Object* entry = re->DataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii)); if (entry->IsJSObject()) { // If it's a JSObject, a previous compilation failed and threw this object. // Re-throw the object without trying again. isolate->Throw(entry); return false; } ASSERT(entry->IsTheHole()); JSRegExp::Flags flags = re->GetFlags(); Handle pattern(re->Pattern()); if (!pattern->IsFlat()) { FlattenString(pattern); } RegExpCompileData compile_data; FlatStringReader reader(isolate, pattern); if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(), &compile_data)) { // Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern. // THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. We already pre-parsed it successfully once. ThrowRegExpException(re, pattern, compile_data.error, "malformed_regexp"); return false; } RegExpEngine::CompilationResult result = RegExpEngine::Compile(&compile_data, flags.is_ignore_case(), flags.is_multiline(), pattern, is_ascii); if (result.error_message != NULL) { // Unable to compile regexp. Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); Handle elements = factory->NewFixedArray(2); elements->set(0, *pattern); Handle error_message = factory->NewStringFromUtf8(CStrVector(result.error_message)); elements->set(1, *error_message); Handle array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements); Handle regexp_err = factory->NewSyntaxError("malformed_regexp", array); isolate->Throw(*regexp_err); re->SetDataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii), *regexp_err); return false; } Handle data = Handle(FixedArray::cast(re->data())); data->set(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii), result.code); int register_max = IrregexpMaxRegisterCount(*data); if (result.num_registers > register_max) { SetIrregexpMaxRegisterCount(*data, result.num_registers); } return true; } int RegExpImpl::IrregexpMaxRegisterCount(FixedArray* re) { return Smi::cast( re->get(JSRegExp::kIrregexpMaxRegisterCountIndex))->value(); } void RegExpImpl::SetIrregexpMaxRegisterCount(FixedArray* re, int value) { re->set(JSRegExp::kIrregexpMaxRegisterCountIndex, Smi::FromInt(value)); } int RegExpImpl::IrregexpNumberOfCaptures(FixedArray* re) { return Smi::cast(re->get(JSRegExp::kIrregexpCaptureCountIndex))->value(); } int RegExpImpl::IrregexpNumberOfRegisters(FixedArray* re) { return Smi::cast(re->get(JSRegExp::kIrregexpMaxRegisterCountIndex))->value(); } ByteArray* RegExpImpl::IrregexpByteCode(FixedArray* re, bool is_ascii) { return ByteArray::cast(re->get(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii))); } Code* RegExpImpl::IrregexpNativeCode(FixedArray* re, bool is_ascii) { return Code::cast(re->get(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii))); } void RegExpImpl::IrregexpInitialize(Handle re, Handle pattern, JSRegExp::Flags flags, int capture_count) { // Initialize compiled code entries to null. re->GetIsolate()->factory()->SetRegExpIrregexpData(re, JSRegExp::IRREGEXP, pattern, flags, capture_count); } int RegExpImpl::IrregexpPrepare(Handle regexp, Handle subject) { if (!subject->IsFlat()) { FlattenString(subject); } // Check the asciiness of the underlying storage. bool is_ascii; { AssertNoAllocation no_gc; String* sequential_string = *subject; if (subject->IsConsString()) { sequential_string = ConsString::cast(*subject)->first(); } is_ascii = sequential_string->IsAsciiRepresentation(); } if (!EnsureCompiledIrregexp(regexp, is_ascii)) { return -1; } #ifdef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP // Byte-code regexp needs space allocated for all its registers. return IrregexpNumberOfRegisters(FixedArray::cast(regexp->data())); #else // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP // Native regexp only needs room to output captures. Registers are handled // internally. return (IrregexpNumberOfCaptures(FixedArray::cast(regexp->data())) + 1) * 2; #endif // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP } RegExpImpl::IrregexpResult RegExpImpl::IrregexpExecOnce( Handle regexp, Handle subject, int index, Vector output) { Isolate* isolate = regexp->GetIsolate(); Handle irregexp(FixedArray::cast(regexp->data()), isolate); ASSERT(index >= 0); ASSERT(index <= subject->length()); ASSERT(subject->IsFlat()); // A flat ASCII string might have a two-byte first part. if (subject->IsConsString()) { subject = Handle(ConsString::cast(*subject)->first(), isolate); } #ifndef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP ASSERT(output.length() >= (IrregexpNumberOfCaptures(*irregexp) + 1) * 2); do { bool is_ascii = subject->IsAsciiRepresentation(); Handle code(IrregexpNativeCode(*irregexp, is_ascii), isolate); NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::Result res = NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::Match(code, subject, output.start(), output.length(), index, isolate); if (res != NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::RETRY) { ASSERT(res != NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::EXCEPTION || isolate->has_pending_exception()); STATIC_ASSERT( static_cast(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::SUCCESS) == RE_SUCCESS); STATIC_ASSERT( static_cast(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::FAILURE) == RE_FAILURE); STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::EXCEPTION) == RE_EXCEPTION); return static_cast(res); } // If result is RETRY, the string has changed representation, and we // must restart from scratch. // In this case, it means we must make sure we are prepared to handle // the, potentially, different subject (the string can switch between // being internal and external, and even between being ASCII and UC16, // but the characters are always the same). IrregexpPrepare(regexp, subject); } while (true); UNREACHABLE(); return RE_EXCEPTION; #else // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP ASSERT(output.length() >= IrregexpNumberOfRegisters(*irregexp)); bool is_ascii = subject->IsAsciiRepresentation(); // We must have done EnsureCompiledIrregexp, so we can get the number of // registers. int* register_vector = output.start(); int number_of_capture_registers = (IrregexpNumberOfCaptures(*irregexp) + 1) * 2; for (int i = number_of_capture_registers - 1; i >= 0; i--) { register_vector[i] = -1; } Handle byte_codes(IrregexpByteCode(*irregexp, is_ascii), isolate); if (IrregexpInterpreter::Match(isolate, byte_codes, subject, register_vector, index)) { return RE_SUCCESS; } return RE_FAILURE; #endif // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP } Handle RegExpImpl::IrregexpExec(Handle jsregexp, Handle subject, int previous_index, Handle last_match_info) { ASSERT_EQ(jsregexp->TypeTag(), JSRegExp::IRREGEXP); // Prepare space for the return values. #ifdef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP #ifdef DEBUG if (FLAG_trace_regexp_bytecodes) { String* pattern = jsregexp->Pattern(); PrintF("\n\nRegexp match: /%s/\n\n", *(pattern->ToCString())); PrintF("\n\nSubject string: '%s'\n\n", *(subject->ToCString())); } #endif #endif int required_registers = RegExpImpl::IrregexpPrepare(jsregexp, subject); if (required_registers < 0) { // Compiling failed with an exception. ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->has_pending_exception()); return Handle::null(); } OffsetsVector registers(required_registers); IrregexpResult res = RegExpImpl::IrregexpExecOnce( jsregexp, subject, previous_index, Vector(registers.vector(), registers.length())); if (res == RE_SUCCESS) { int capture_register_count = (IrregexpNumberOfCaptures(FixedArray::cast(jsregexp->data())) + 1) * 2; last_match_info->EnsureSize(capture_register_count + kLastMatchOverhead); AssertNoAllocation no_gc; int* register_vector = registers.vector(); FixedArray* array = FixedArray::cast(last_match_info->elements()); for (int i = 0; i < capture_register_count; i += 2) { SetCapture(array, i, register_vector[i]); SetCapture(array, i + 1, register_vector[i + 1]); } SetLastCaptureCount(array, capture_register_count); SetLastSubject(array, *subject); SetLastInput(array, *subject); return last_match_info; } if (res == RE_EXCEPTION) { ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->has_pending_exception()); return Handle::null(); } ASSERT(res == RE_FAILURE); return Isolate::Current()->factory()->null_value(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the Irregexp regular expression engine. // // The Irregexp regular expression engine is intended to be a complete // implementation of ECMAScript regular expressions. It generates either // bytecodes or native code. // The Irregexp regexp engine is structured in three steps. // 1) The parser generates an abstract syntax tree. See ast.cc. // 2) From the AST a node network is created. The nodes are all // subclasses of RegExpNode. The nodes represent states when // executing a regular expression. Several optimizations are // performed on the node network. // 3) From the nodes we generate either byte codes or native code // that can actually execute the regular expression (perform // the search). The code generation step is described in more // detail below. // Code generation. // // The nodes are divided into four main categories. // * Choice nodes // These represent places where the regular expression can // match in more than one way. For example on entry to an // alternation (foo|bar) or a repetition (*, +, ? or {}). // * Action nodes // These represent places where some action should be // performed. Examples include recording the current position // in the input string to a register (in order to implement // captures) or other actions on register for example in order // to implement the counters needed for {} repetitions. // * Matching nodes // These attempt to match some element part of the input string. // Examples of elements include character classes, plain strings // or back references. // * End nodes // These are used to implement the actions required on finding // a successful match or failing to find a match. // // The code generated (whether as byte codes or native code) maintains // some state as it runs. This consists of the following elements: // // * The capture registers. Used for string captures. // * Other registers. Used for counters etc. // * The current position. // * The stack of backtracking information. Used when a matching node // fails to find a match and needs to try an alternative. // // Conceptual regular expression execution model: // // There is a simple conceptual model of regular expression execution // which will be presented first. The actual code generated is a more // efficient simulation of the simple conceptual model: // // * Choice nodes are implemented as follows: // For each choice except the last { // push current position // push backtrack code location // // backtrack code location: // pop current position // } // // // * Actions nodes are generated as follows // // // push backtrack code location // // backtrack code location: // // // // * Matching nodes are generated as follows: // if input string matches at current position // update current position // // else // // // Thus it can be seen that the current position is saved and restored // by the choice nodes, whereas the registers are saved and restored by // by the action nodes that manipulate them. // // The other interesting aspect of this model is that nodes are generated // at the point where they are needed by a recursive call to Emit(). If // the node has already been code generated then the Emit() call will // generate a jump to the previously generated code instead. In order to // limit recursion it is possible for the Emit() function to put the node // on a work list for later generation and instead generate a jump. The // destination of the jump is resolved later when the code is generated. // // Actual regular expression code generation. // // Code generation is actually more complicated than the above. In order // to improve the efficiency of the generated code some optimizations are // performed // // * Choice nodes have 1-character lookahead. // A choice node looks at the following character and eliminates some of // the choices immediately based on that character. This is not yet // implemented. // * Simple greedy loops store reduced backtracking information. // A quantifier like /.*foo/m will greedily match the whole input. It will // then need to backtrack to a point where it can match "foo". The naive // implementation of this would push each character position onto the // backtracking stack, then pop them off one by one. This would use space // proportional to the length of the input string. However since the "." // can only match in one way and always has a constant length (in this case // of 1) it suffices to store the current position on the top of the stack // once. Matching now becomes merely incrementing the current position and // backtracking becomes decrementing the current position and checking the // result against the stored current position. This is faster and saves // space. // * The current state is virtualized. // This is used to defer expensive operations until it is clear that they // are needed and to generate code for a node more than once, allowing // specialized an efficient versions of the code to be created. This is // explained in the section below. // // Execution state virtualization. // // Instead of emitting code, nodes that manipulate the state can record their // manipulation in an object called the Trace. The Trace object can record a // current position offset, an optional backtrack code location on the top of // the virtualized backtrack stack and some register changes. When a node is // to be emitted it can flush the Trace or update it. Flushing the Trace // will emit code to bring the actual state into line with the virtual state. // Avoiding flushing the state can postpone some work (eg updates of capture // registers). Postponing work can save time when executing the regular // expression since it may be found that the work never has to be done as a // failure to match can occur. In addition it is much faster to jump to a // known backtrack code location than it is to pop an unknown backtrack // location from the stack and jump there. // // The virtual state found in the Trace affects code generation. For example // the virtual state contains the difference between the actual current // position and the virtual current position, and matching code needs to use // this offset to attempt a match in the correct location of the input // string. Therefore code generated for a non-trivial trace is specialized // to that trace. The code generator therefore has the ability to generate // code for each node several times. In order to limit the size of the // generated code there is an arbitrary limit on how many specialized sets of // code may be generated for a given node. If the limit is reached, the // trace is flushed and a generic version of the code for a node is emitted. // This is subsequently used for that node. The code emitted for non-generic // trace is not recorded in the node and so it cannot currently be reused in // the event that code generation is requested for an identical trace. void RegExpTree::AppendToText(RegExpText* text) { UNREACHABLE(); } void RegExpAtom::AppendToText(RegExpText* text) { text->AddElement(TextElement::Atom(this)); } void RegExpCharacterClass::AppendToText(RegExpText* text) { text->AddElement(TextElement::CharClass(this)); } void RegExpText::AppendToText(RegExpText* text) { for (int i = 0; i < elements()->length(); i++) text->AddElement(elements()->at(i)); } TextElement TextElement::Atom(RegExpAtom* atom) { TextElement result = TextElement(ATOM); result.data.u_atom = atom; return result; } TextElement TextElement::CharClass( RegExpCharacterClass* char_class) { TextElement result = TextElement(CHAR_CLASS); result.data.u_char_class = char_class; return result; } int TextElement::length() { if (type == ATOM) { return data.u_atom->length(); } else { ASSERT(type == CHAR_CLASS); return 1; } } DispatchTable* ChoiceNode::GetTable(bool ignore_case) { if (table_ == NULL) { table_ = new DispatchTable(); DispatchTableConstructor cons(table_, ignore_case); cons.BuildTable(this); } return table_; } class RegExpCompiler { public: RegExpCompiler(int capture_count, bool ignore_case, bool is_ascii); int AllocateRegister() { if (next_register_ >= RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegister) { reg_exp_too_big_ = true; return next_register_; } return next_register_++; } RegExpEngine::CompilationResult Assemble(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler, RegExpNode* start, int capture_count, Handle pattern); inline void AddWork(RegExpNode* node) { work_list_->Add(node); } static const int kImplementationOffset = 0; static const int kNumberOfRegistersOffset = 0; static const int kCodeOffset = 1; RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler() { return macro_assembler_; } EndNode* accept() { return accept_; } static const int kMaxRecursion = 100; inline int recursion_depth() { return recursion_depth_; } inline void IncrementRecursionDepth() { recursion_depth_++; } inline void DecrementRecursionDepth() { recursion_depth_--; } void SetRegExpTooBig() { reg_exp_too_big_ = true; } inline bool ignore_case() { return ignore_case_; } inline bool ascii() { return ascii_; } static const int kNoRegister = -1; private: EndNode* accept_; int next_register_; List* work_list_; int recursion_depth_; RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler_; bool ignore_case_; bool ascii_; bool reg_exp_too_big_; }; class RecursionCheck { public: explicit RecursionCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler) : compiler_(compiler) { compiler->IncrementRecursionDepth(); } ~RecursionCheck() { compiler_->DecrementRecursionDepth(); } private: RegExpCompiler* compiler_; }; static RegExpEngine::CompilationResult IrregexpRegExpTooBig() { return RegExpEngine::CompilationResult("RegExp too big"); } // Attempts to compile the regexp using an Irregexp code generator. Returns // a fixed array or a null handle depending on whether it succeeded. RegExpCompiler::RegExpCompiler(int capture_count, bool ignore_case, bool ascii) : next_register_(2 * (capture_count + 1)), work_list_(NULL), recursion_depth_(0), ignore_case_(ignore_case), ascii_(ascii), reg_exp_too_big_(false) { accept_ = new EndNode(EndNode::ACCEPT); ASSERT(next_register_ - 1 <= RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegister); } RegExpEngine::CompilationResult RegExpCompiler::Assemble( RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler, RegExpNode* start, int capture_count, Handle pattern) { Heap* heap = pattern->GetHeap(); bool use_slow_safe_regexp_compiler = false; if (heap->total_regexp_code_generated() > RegExpImpl::kRegWxpCompiledLimit && heap->isolate()->memory_allocator()->SizeExecutable() > RegExpImpl::kRegExpExecutableMemoryLimit) { use_slow_safe_regexp_compiler = true; } macro_assembler->set_slow_safe(use_slow_safe_regexp_compiler); #ifdef DEBUG if (FLAG_trace_regexp_assembler) macro_assembler_ = new RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer(macro_assembler); else #endif macro_assembler_ = macro_assembler; List work_list(0); work_list_ = &work_list; Label fail; macro_assembler_->PushBacktrack(&fail); Trace new_trace; start->Emit(this, &new_trace); macro_assembler_->Bind(&fail); macro_assembler_->Fail(); while (!work_list.is_empty()) { work_list.RemoveLast()->Emit(this, &new_trace); } if (reg_exp_too_big_) return IrregexpRegExpTooBig(); Handle code = macro_assembler_->GetCode(pattern); heap->IncreaseTotalRegexpCodeGenerated(code->Size()); work_list_ = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG if (FLAG_print_code) { Handle::cast(code)->Disassemble(*pattern->ToCString()); } if (FLAG_trace_regexp_assembler) { delete macro_assembler_; } #endif return RegExpEngine::CompilationResult(*code, next_register_); } bool Trace::DeferredAction::Mentions(int that) { if (type() == ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES) { Interval range = static_cast(this)->range(); return range.Contains(that); } else { return reg() == that; } } bool Trace::mentions_reg(int reg) { for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != NULL; action = action->next()) { if (action->Mentions(reg)) return true; } return false; } bool Trace::GetStoredPosition(int reg, int* cp_offset) { ASSERT_EQ(0, *cp_offset); for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != NULL; action = action->next()) { if (action->Mentions(reg)) { if (action->type() == ActionNode::STORE_POSITION) { *cp_offset = static_cast(action)->cp_offset(); return true; } else { return false; } } } return false; } int Trace::FindAffectedRegisters(OutSet* affected_registers) { int max_register = RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister; for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != NULL; action = action->next()) { if (action->type() == ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES) { Interval range = static_cast(action)->range(); for (int i = range.from(); i <= range.to(); i++) affected_registers->Set(i); if (range.to() > max_register) max_register = range.to(); } else { affected_registers->Set(action->reg()); if (action->reg() > max_register) max_register = action->reg(); } } return max_register; } void Trace::RestoreAffectedRegisters(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler, int max_register, OutSet& registers_to_pop, OutSet& registers_to_clear) { for (int reg = max_register; reg >= 0; reg--) { if (registers_to_pop.Get(reg)) assembler->PopRegister(reg); else if (registers_to_clear.Get(reg)) { int clear_to = reg; while (reg > 0 && registers_to_clear.Get(reg - 1)) { reg--; } assembler->ClearRegisters(reg, clear_to); } } } void Trace::PerformDeferredActions(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler, int max_register, OutSet& affected_registers, OutSet* registers_to_pop, OutSet* registers_to_clear) { // The "+1" is to avoid a push_limit of zero if stack_limit_slack() is 1. const int push_limit = (assembler->stack_limit_slack() + 1) / 2; // Count pushes performed to force a stack limit check occasionally. int pushes = 0; for (int reg = 0; reg <= max_register; reg++) { if (!affected_registers.Get(reg)) { continue; } // The chronologically first deferred action in the trace // is used to infer the action needed to restore a register // to its previous state (or not, if it's safe to ignore it). enum DeferredActionUndoType { IGNORE, RESTORE, CLEAR }; DeferredActionUndoType undo_action = IGNORE; int value = 0; bool absolute = false; bool clear = false; int store_position = -1; // This is a little tricky because we are scanning the actions in reverse // historical order (newest first). for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != NULL; action = action->next()) { if (action->Mentions(reg)) { switch (action->type()) { case ActionNode::SET_REGISTER: { Trace::DeferredSetRegister* psr = static_cast(action); if (!absolute) { value += psr->value(); absolute = true; } // SET_REGISTER is currently only used for newly introduced loop // counters. They can have a significant previous value if they // occour in a loop. TODO(lrn): Propagate this information, so // we can set undo_action to IGNORE if we know there is no value to // restore. undo_action = RESTORE; ASSERT_EQ(store_position, -1); ASSERT(!clear); break; } case ActionNode::INCREMENT_REGISTER: if (!absolute) { value++; } ASSERT_EQ(store_position, -1); ASSERT(!clear); undo_action = RESTORE; break; case ActionNode::STORE_POSITION: { Trace::DeferredCapture* pc = static_cast(action); if (!clear && store_position == -1) { store_position = pc->cp_offset(); } // For captures we know that stores and clears alternate. // Other register, are never cleared, and if the occur // inside a loop, they might be assigned more than once. if (reg <= 1) { // Registers zero and one, aka "capture zero", is // always set correctly if we succeed. There is no // need to undo a setting on backtrack, because we // will set it again or fail. undo_action = IGNORE; } else { undo_action = pc->is_capture() ? CLEAR : RESTORE; } ASSERT(!absolute); ASSERT_EQ(value, 0); break; } case ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES: { // Since we're scanning in reverse order, if we've already // set the position we have to ignore historically earlier // clearing operations. if (store_position == -1) { clear = true; } undo_action = RESTORE; ASSERT(!absolute); ASSERT_EQ(value, 0); break; } default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } } // Prepare for the undo-action (e.g., push if it's going to be popped). if (undo_action == RESTORE) { pushes++; RegExpMacroAssembler::StackCheckFlag stack_check = RegExpMacroAssembler::kNoStackLimitCheck; if (pushes == push_limit) { stack_check = RegExpMacroAssembler::kCheckStackLimit; pushes = 0; } assembler->PushRegister(reg, stack_check); registers_to_pop->Set(reg); } else if (undo_action == CLEAR) { registers_to_clear->Set(reg); } // Perform the chronologically last action (or accumulated increment) // for the register. if (store_position != -1) { assembler->WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(reg, store_position); } else if (clear) { assembler->ClearRegisters(reg, reg); } else if (absolute) { assembler->SetRegister(reg, value); } else if (value != 0) { assembler->AdvanceRegister(reg, value); } } } // This is called as we come into a loop choice node and some other tricky // nodes. It normalizes the state of the code generator to ensure we can // generate generic code. void Trace::Flush(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* successor) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); ASSERT(!is_trivial()); if (actions_ == NULL && backtrack() == NULL) { // Here we just have some deferred cp advances to fix and we are back to // a normal situation. We may also have to forget some information gained // through a quick check that was already performed. if (cp_offset_ != 0) assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(cp_offset_); // Create a new trivial state and generate the node with that. Trace new_state; successor->Emit(compiler, &new_state); return; } // Generate deferred actions here along with code to undo them again. OutSet affected_registers; if (backtrack() != NULL) { // Here we have a concrete backtrack location. These are set up by choice // nodes and so they indicate that we have a deferred save of the current // position which we may need to emit here. assembler->PushCurrentPosition(); } int max_register = FindAffectedRegisters(&affected_registers); OutSet registers_to_pop; OutSet registers_to_clear; PerformDeferredActions(assembler, max_register, affected_registers, ®isters_to_pop, ®isters_to_clear); if (cp_offset_ != 0) { assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(cp_offset_); } // Create a new trivial state and generate the node with that. Label undo; assembler->PushBacktrack(&undo); Trace new_state; successor->Emit(compiler, &new_state); // On backtrack we need to restore state. assembler->Bind(&undo); RestoreAffectedRegisters(assembler, max_register, registers_to_pop, registers_to_clear); if (backtrack() == NULL) { assembler->Backtrack(); } else { assembler->PopCurrentPosition(); assembler->GoTo(backtrack()); } } void NegativeSubmatchSuccess::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); // Omit flushing the trace. We discard the entire stack frame anyway. if (!label()->is_bound()) { // We are completely independent of the trace, since we ignore it, // so this code can be used as the generic version. assembler->Bind(label()); } // Throw away everything on the backtrack stack since the start // of the negative submatch and restore the character position. assembler->ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(current_position_register_); assembler->ReadStackPointerFromRegister(stack_pointer_register_); if (clear_capture_count_ > 0) { // Clear any captures that might have been performed during the success // of the body of the negative look-ahead. int clear_capture_end = clear_capture_start_ + clear_capture_count_ - 1; assembler->ClearRegisters(clear_capture_start_, clear_capture_end); } // Now that we have unwound the stack we find at the top of the stack the // backtrack that the BeginSubmatch node got. assembler->Backtrack(); } void EndNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { if (!trace->is_trivial()) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); return; } RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); if (!label()->is_bound()) { assembler->Bind(label()); } switch (action_) { case ACCEPT: assembler->Succeed(); return; case BACKTRACK: assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack()); return; case NEGATIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS: // This case is handled in a different virtual method. UNREACHABLE(); } UNIMPLEMENTED(); } void GuardedAlternative::AddGuard(Guard* guard) { if (guards_ == NULL) guards_ = new ZoneList(1); guards_->Add(guard); } ActionNode* ActionNode::SetRegister(int reg, int val, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(SET_REGISTER, on_success); result->data_.u_store_register.reg = reg; result->data_.u_store_register.value = val; return result; } ActionNode* ActionNode::IncrementRegister(int reg, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(INCREMENT_REGISTER, on_success); result->data_.u_increment_register.reg = reg; return result; } ActionNode* ActionNode::StorePosition(int reg, bool is_capture, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(STORE_POSITION, on_success); result->data_.u_position_register.reg = reg; result->data_.u_position_register.is_capture = is_capture; return result; } ActionNode* ActionNode::ClearCaptures(Interval range, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(CLEAR_CAPTURES, on_success); result->data_.u_clear_captures.range_from = range.from(); result->data_.u_clear_captures.range_to = range.to(); return result; } ActionNode* ActionNode::BeginSubmatch(int stack_reg, int position_reg, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(BEGIN_SUBMATCH, on_success); result->data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register = stack_reg; result->data_.u_submatch.current_position_register = position_reg; return result; } ActionNode* ActionNode::PositiveSubmatchSuccess(int stack_reg, int position_reg, int clear_register_count, int clear_register_from, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS, on_success); result->data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register = stack_reg; result->data_.u_submatch.current_position_register = position_reg; result->data_.u_submatch.clear_register_count = clear_register_count; result->data_.u_submatch.clear_register_from = clear_register_from; return result; } ActionNode* ActionNode::EmptyMatchCheck(int start_register, int repetition_register, int repetition_limit, RegExpNode* on_success) { ActionNode* result = new ActionNode(EMPTY_MATCH_CHECK, on_success); result->data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register = start_register; result->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_register = repetition_register; result->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_limit = repetition_limit; return result; } #define DEFINE_ACCEPT(Type) \ void Type##Node::Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) { \ visitor->Visit##Type(this); \ } FOR_EACH_NODE_TYPE(DEFINE_ACCEPT) #undef DEFINE_ACCEPT void LoopChoiceNode::Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) { visitor->VisitLoopChoice(this); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Emit code. void ChoiceNode::GenerateGuard(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler, Guard* guard, Trace* trace) { switch (guard->op()) { case Guard::LT: ASSERT(!trace->mentions_reg(guard->reg())); macro_assembler->IfRegisterGE(guard->reg(), guard->value(), trace->backtrack()); break; case Guard::GEQ: ASSERT(!trace->mentions_reg(guard->reg())); macro_assembler->IfRegisterLT(guard->reg(), guard->value(), trace->backtrack()); break; } } // Returns the number of characters in the equivalence class, omitting those // that cannot occur in the source string because it is ASCII. static int GetCaseIndependentLetters(Isolate* isolate, uc16 character, bool ascii_subject, unibrow::uchar* letters) { int length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(character, '\0', letters); // Unibrow returns 0 or 1 for characters where case independence is // trivial. if (length == 0) { letters[0] = character; length = 1; } if (!ascii_subject || character <= String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) { return length; } // The standard requires that non-ASCII characters cannot have ASCII // character codes in their equivalence class. return 0; } static inline bool EmitSimpleCharacter(Isolate* isolate, RegExpCompiler* compiler, uc16 c, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check, bool preloaded) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); bool bound_checked = false; if (!preloaded) { assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter( cp_offset, on_failure, check); bound_checked = true; } assembler->CheckNotCharacter(c, on_failure); return bound_checked; } // Only emits non-letters (things that don't have case). Only used for case // independent matches. static inline bool EmitAtomNonLetter(Isolate* isolate, RegExpCompiler* compiler, uc16 c, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check, bool preloaded) { RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); bool ascii = compiler->ascii(); unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth]; int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(isolate, c, ascii, chars); if (length < 1) { // This can't match. Must be an ASCII subject and a non-ASCII character. // We do not need to do anything since the ASCII pass already handled this. return false; // Bounds not checked. } bool checked = false; // We handle the length > 1 case in a later pass. if (length == 1) { if (ascii && c > String::kMaxAsciiCharCodeU) { // Can't match - see above. return false; // Bounds not checked. } if (!preloaded) { macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check); checked = check; } macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(c, on_failure); } return checked; } static bool ShortCutEmitCharacterPair(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler, bool ascii, uc16 c1, uc16 c2, Label* on_failure) { uc16 char_mask; if (ascii) { char_mask = String::kMaxAsciiCharCode; } else { char_mask = String::kMaxUC16CharCode; } uc16 exor = c1 ^ c2; // Check whether exor has only one bit set. if (((exor - 1) & exor) == 0) { // If c1 and c2 differ only by one bit. // Ecma262UnCanonicalize always gives the highest number last. ASSERT(c2 > c1); uc16 mask = char_mask ^ exor; macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(c1, mask, on_failure); return true; } ASSERT(c2 > c1); uc16 diff = c2 - c1; if (((diff - 1) & diff) == 0 && c1 >= diff) { // If the characters differ by 2^n but don't differ by one bit then // subtract the difference from the found character, then do the or // trick. We avoid the theoretical case where negative numbers are // involved in order to simplify code generation. uc16 mask = char_mask ^ diff; macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(c1 - diff, diff, mask, on_failure); return true; } return false; } typedef bool EmitCharacterFunction(Isolate* isolate, RegExpCompiler* compiler, uc16 c, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check, bool preloaded); // Only emits letters (things that have case). Only used for case independent // matches. static inline bool EmitAtomLetter(Isolate* isolate, RegExpCompiler* compiler, uc16 c, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check, bool preloaded) { RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); bool ascii = compiler->ascii(); unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth]; int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(isolate, c, ascii, chars); if (length <= 1) return false; // We may not need to check against the end of the input string // if this character lies before a character that matched. if (!preloaded) { macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check); } Label ok; ASSERT(unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth == 4); switch (length) { case 2: { if (ShortCutEmitCharacterPair(macro_assembler, ascii, chars[0], chars[1], on_failure)) { } else { macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[0], &ok); macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(chars[1], on_failure); macro_assembler->Bind(&ok); } break; } case 4: macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[3], &ok); // Fall through! case 3: macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[0], &ok); macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[1], &ok); macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(chars[2], on_failure); macro_assembler->Bind(&ok); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } return true; } static void EmitCharClass(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler, RegExpCharacterClass* cc, bool ascii, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check_offset, bool preloaded) { ZoneList* ranges = cc->ranges(); int max_char; if (ascii) { max_char = String::kMaxAsciiCharCode; } else { max_char = String::kMaxUC16CharCode; } Label success; Label* char_is_in_class = cc->is_negated() ? on_failure : &success; int range_count = ranges->length(); int last_valid_range = range_count - 1; while (last_valid_range >= 0) { CharacterRange& range = ranges->at(last_valid_range); if (range.from() <= max_char) { break; } last_valid_range--; } if (last_valid_range < 0) { if (!cc->is_negated()) { // TODO(plesner): We can remove this when the node level does our // ASCII optimizations for us. macro_assembler->GoTo(on_failure); } if (check_offset) { macro_assembler->CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_failure); } return; } if (last_valid_range == 0 && !cc->is_negated() && ranges->at(0).IsEverything(max_char)) { // This is a common case hit by non-anchored expressions. if (check_offset) { macro_assembler->CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_failure); } return; } if (!preloaded) { macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check_offset); } if (cc->is_standard() && macro_assembler->CheckSpecialCharacterClass(cc->standard_type(), on_failure)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < last_valid_range; i++) { CharacterRange& range = ranges->at(i); Label next_range; uc16 from = range.from(); uc16 to = range.to(); if (from > max_char) { continue; } if (to > max_char) to = max_char; if (to == from) { macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(to, char_is_in_class); } else { if (from != 0) { macro_assembler->CheckCharacterLT(from, &next_range); } if (to != max_char) { macro_assembler->CheckCharacterLT(to + 1, char_is_in_class); } else { macro_assembler->GoTo(char_is_in_class); } } macro_assembler->Bind(&next_range); } CharacterRange& range = ranges->at(last_valid_range); uc16 from = range.from(); uc16 to = range.to(); if (to > max_char) to = max_char; ASSERT(to >= from); if (to == from) { if (cc->is_negated()) { macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(to, on_failure); } else { macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(to, on_failure); } } else { if (from != 0) { if (cc->is_negated()) { macro_assembler->CheckCharacterLT(from, &success); } else { macro_assembler->CheckCharacterLT(from, on_failure); } } if (to != String::kMaxUC16CharCode) { if (cc->is_negated()) { macro_assembler->CheckCharacterLT(to + 1, on_failure); } else { macro_assembler->CheckCharacterGT(to, on_failure); } } else { if (cc->is_negated()) { macro_assembler->GoTo(on_failure); } } } macro_assembler->Bind(&success); } RegExpNode::~RegExpNode() { } RegExpNode::LimitResult RegExpNode::LimitVersions(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { // If we are generating a greedy loop then don't stop and don't reuse code. if (trace->stop_node() != NULL) { return CONTINUE; } RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); if (trace->is_trivial()) { if (label_.is_bound()) { // We are being asked to generate a generic version, but that's already // been done so just go to it. macro_assembler->GoTo(&label_); return DONE; } if (compiler->recursion_depth() >= RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) { // To avoid too deep recursion we push the node to the work queue and just // generate a goto here. compiler->AddWork(this); macro_assembler->GoTo(&label_); return DONE; } // Generate generic version of the node and bind the label for later use. macro_assembler->Bind(&label_); return CONTINUE; } // We are being asked to make a non-generic version. Keep track of how many // non-generic versions we generate so as not to overdo it. trace_count_++; if (FLAG_regexp_optimization && trace_count_ < kMaxCopiesCodeGenerated && compiler->recursion_depth() <= RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) { return CONTINUE; } // If we get here code has been generated for this node too many times or // recursion is too deep. Time to switch to a generic version. The code for // generic versions above can handle deep recursion properly. trace->Flush(compiler, this); return DONE; } int ActionNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { if (recursion_depth > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) return 0; if (type_ == POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS) return 0; // Rewinds input! return on_success()->EatsAtLeast(still_to_find, recursion_depth + 1, not_at_start); } int AssertionNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { if (recursion_depth > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) return 0; // If we know we are not at the start and we are asked "how many characters // will you match if you succeed?" then we can answer anything since false // implies false. So lets just return the max answer (still_to_find) since // that won't prevent us from preloading a lot of characters for the other // branches in the node graph. if (type() == AT_START && not_at_start) return still_to_find; return on_success()->EatsAtLeast(still_to_find, recursion_depth + 1, not_at_start); } int BackReferenceNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { if (recursion_depth > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) return 0; return on_success()->EatsAtLeast(still_to_find, recursion_depth + 1, not_at_start); } int TextNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { int answer = Length(); if (answer >= still_to_find) return answer; if (recursion_depth > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) return answer; // We are not at start after this node so we set the last argument to 'true'. return answer + on_success()->EatsAtLeast(still_to_find - answer, recursion_depth + 1, true); } int NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { if (recursion_depth > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) return 0; // Alternative 0 is the negative lookahead, alternative 1 is what comes // afterwards. RegExpNode* node = alternatives_->at(1).node(); return node->EatsAtLeast(still_to_find, recursion_depth + 1, not_at_start); } void NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails( QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler, int filled_in, bool not_at_start) { // Alternative 0 is the negative lookahead, alternative 1 is what comes // afterwards. RegExpNode* node = alternatives_->at(1).node(); return node->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, filled_in, not_at_start); } int ChoiceNode::EatsAtLeastHelper(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, RegExpNode* ignore_this_node, bool not_at_start) { if (recursion_depth > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) return 0; int min = 100; int choice_count = alternatives_->length(); for (int i = 0; i < choice_count; i++) { RegExpNode* node = alternatives_->at(i).node(); if (node == ignore_this_node) continue; int node_eats_at_least = node->EatsAtLeast(still_to_find, recursion_depth + 1, not_at_start); if (node_eats_at_least < min) min = node_eats_at_least; } return min; } int LoopChoiceNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { return EatsAtLeastHelper(still_to_find, recursion_depth, loop_node_, not_at_start); } int ChoiceNode::EatsAtLeast(int still_to_find, int recursion_depth, bool not_at_start) { return EatsAtLeastHelper(still_to_find, recursion_depth, NULL, not_at_start); } // Takes the left-most 1-bit and smears it out, setting all bits to its right. static inline uint32_t SmearBitsRight(uint32_t v) { v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; return v; } bool QuickCheckDetails::Rationalize(bool asc) { bool found_useful_op = false; uint32_t char_mask; if (asc) { char_mask = String::kMaxAsciiCharCode; } else { char_mask = String::kMaxUC16CharCode; } mask_ = 0; value_ = 0; int char_shift = 0; for (int i = 0; i < characters_; i++) { Position* pos = &positions_[i]; if ((pos->mask & String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) != 0) { found_useful_op = true; } mask_ |= (pos->mask & char_mask) << char_shift; value_ |= (pos->value & char_mask) << char_shift; char_shift += asc ? 8 : 16; } return found_useful_op; } bool RegExpNode::EmitQuickCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace, bool preload_has_checked_bounds, Label* on_possible_success, QuickCheckDetails* details, bool fall_through_on_failure) { if (details->characters() == 0) return false; GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, 0, trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE); if (details->cannot_match()) return false; if (!details->Rationalize(compiler->ascii())) return false; ASSERT(details->characters() == 1 || compiler->macro_assembler()->CanReadUnaligned()); uint32_t mask = details->mask(); uint32_t value = details->value(); RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); if (trace->characters_preloaded() != details->characters()) { assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(trace->cp_offset(), trace->backtrack(), !preload_has_checked_bounds, details->characters()); } bool need_mask = true; if (details->characters() == 1) { // If number of characters preloaded is 1 then we used a byte or 16 bit // load so the value is already masked down. uint32_t char_mask; if (compiler->ascii()) { char_mask = String::kMaxAsciiCharCode; } else { char_mask = String::kMaxUC16CharCode; } if ((mask & char_mask) == char_mask) need_mask = false; mask &= char_mask; } else { // For 2-character preloads in ASCII mode or 1-character preloads in // TWO_BYTE mode we also use a 16 bit load with zero extend. if (details->characters() == 2 && compiler->ascii()) { if ((mask & 0x7f7f) == 0x7f7f) need_mask = false; } else if (details->characters() == 1 && !compiler->ascii()) { if ((mask & 0xffff) == 0xffff) need_mask = false; } else { if (mask == 0xffffffff) need_mask = false; } } if (fall_through_on_failure) { if (need_mask) { assembler->CheckCharacterAfterAnd(value, mask, on_possible_success); } else { assembler->CheckCharacter(value, on_possible_success); } } else { if (need_mask) { assembler->CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(value, mask, trace->backtrack()); } else { assembler->CheckNotCharacter(value, trace->backtrack()); } } return true; } // Here is the meat of GetQuickCheckDetails (see also the comment on the // super-class in the .h file). // // We iterate along the text object, building up for each character a // mask and value that can be used to test for a quick failure to match. // The masks and values for the positions will be combined into a single // machine word for the current character width in order to be used in // generating a quick check. void TextNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in, bool not_at_start) { Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); ASSERT(characters_filled_in < details->characters()); int characters = details->characters(); int char_mask; int char_shift; if (compiler->ascii()) { char_mask = String::kMaxAsciiCharCode; char_shift = 8; } else { char_mask = String::kMaxUC16CharCode; char_shift = 16; } for (int k = 0; k < elms_->length(); k++) { TextElement elm = elms_->at(k); if (elm.type == TextElement::ATOM) { Vector quarks = elm.data.u_atom->data(); for (int i = 0; i < characters && i < quarks.length(); i++) { QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = details->positions(characters_filled_in); uc16 c = quarks[i]; if (c > char_mask) { // If we expect a non-ASCII character from an ASCII string, // there is no way we can match. Not even case independent // matching can turn an ASCII character into non-ASCII or // vice versa. details->set_cannot_match(); pos->determines_perfectly = false; return; } if (compiler->ignore_case()) { unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth]; int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(isolate, c, compiler->ascii(), chars); ASSERT(length != 0); // Can only happen if c > char_mask (see above). if (length == 1) { // This letter has no case equivalents, so it's nice and simple // and the mask-compare will determine definitely whether we have // a match at this character position. pos->mask = char_mask; pos->value = c; pos->determines_perfectly = true; } else { uint32_t common_bits = char_mask; uint32_t bits = chars[0]; for (int j = 1; j < length; j++) { uint32_t differing_bits = ((chars[j] & common_bits) ^ bits); common_bits ^= differing_bits; bits &= common_bits; } // If length is 2 and common bits has only one zero in it then // our mask and compare instruction will determine definitely // whether we have a match at this character position. Otherwise // it can only be an approximate check. uint32_t one_zero = (common_bits | ~char_mask); if (length == 2 && ((~one_zero) & ((~one_zero) - 1)) == 0) { pos->determines_perfectly = true; } pos->mask = common_bits; pos->value = bits; } } else { // Don't ignore case. Nice simple case where the mask-compare will // determine definitely whether we have a match at this character // position. pos->mask = char_mask; pos->value = c; pos->determines_perfectly = true; } characters_filled_in++; ASSERT(characters_filled_in <= details->characters()); if (characters_filled_in == details->characters()) { return; } } } else { QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = details->positions(characters_filled_in); RegExpCharacterClass* tree = elm.data.u_char_class; ZoneList* ranges = tree->ranges(); if (tree->is_negated()) { // A quick check uses multi-character mask and compare. There is no // useful way to incorporate a negative char class into this scheme // so we just conservatively create a mask and value that will always // succeed. pos->mask = 0; pos->value = 0; } else { int first_range = 0; while (ranges->at(first_range).from() > char_mask) { first_range++; if (first_range == ranges->length()) { details->set_cannot_match(); pos->determines_perfectly = false; return; } } CharacterRange range = ranges->at(first_range); uc16 from = range.from(); uc16 to = range.to(); if (to > char_mask) { to = char_mask; } uint32_t differing_bits = (from ^ to); // A mask and compare is only perfect if the differing bits form a // number like 00011111 with one single block of trailing 1s. if ((differing_bits & (differing_bits + 1)) == 0 && from + differing_bits == to) { pos->determines_perfectly = true; } uint32_t common_bits = ~SmearBitsRight(differing_bits); uint32_t bits = (from & common_bits); for (int i = first_range + 1; i < ranges->length(); i++) { CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i); uc16 from = range.from(); uc16 to = range.to(); if (from > char_mask) continue; if (to > char_mask) to = char_mask; // Here we are combining more ranges into the mask and compare // value. With each new range the mask becomes more sparse and // so the chances of a false positive rise. A character class // with multiple ranges is assumed never to be equivalent to a // mask and compare operation. pos->determines_perfectly = false; uint32_t new_common_bits = (from ^ to); new_common_bits = ~SmearBitsRight(new_common_bits); common_bits &= new_common_bits; bits &= new_common_bits; uint32_t differing_bits = (from & common_bits) ^ bits; common_bits ^= differing_bits; bits &= common_bits; } pos->mask = common_bits; pos->value = bits; } characters_filled_in++; ASSERT(characters_filled_in <= details->characters()); if (characters_filled_in == details->characters()) { return; } } } ASSERT(characters_filled_in != details->characters()); on_success()-> GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in, true); } void QuickCheckDetails::Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < characters_; i++) { positions_[i].mask = 0; positions_[i].value = 0; positions_[i].determines_perfectly = false; } characters_ = 0; } void QuickCheckDetails::Advance(int by, bool ascii) { ASSERT(by >= 0); if (by >= characters_) { Clear(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < characters_ - by; i++) { positions_[i] = positions_[by + i]; } for (int i = characters_ - by; i < characters_; i++) { positions_[i].mask = 0; positions_[i].value = 0; positions_[i].determines_perfectly = false; } characters_ -= by; // We could change mask_ and value_ here but we would never advance unless // they had already been used in a check and they won't be used again because // it would gain us nothing. So there's no point. } void QuickCheckDetails::Merge(QuickCheckDetails* other, int from_index) { ASSERT(characters_ == other->characters_); if (other->cannot_match_) { return; } if (cannot_match_) { *this = *other; return; } for (int i = from_index; i < characters_; i++) { QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = positions(i); QuickCheckDetails::Position* other_pos = other->positions(i); if (pos->mask != other_pos->mask || pos->value != other_pos->value || !other_pos->determines_perfectly) { // Our mask-compare operation will be approximate unless we have the // exact same operation on both sides of the alternation. pos->determines_perfectly = false; } pos->mask &= other_pos->mask; pos->value &= pos->mask; other_pos->value &= pos->mask; uc16 differing_bits = (pos->value ^ other_pos->value); pos->mask &= ~differing_bits; pos->value &= pos->mask; } } class VisitMarker { public: explicit VisitMarker(NodeInfo* info) : info_(info) { ASSERT(!info->visited); info->visited = true; } ~VisitMarker() { info_->visited = false; } private: NodeInfo* info_; }; void LoopChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in, bool not_at_start) { if (body_can_be_zero_length_ || info()->visited) return; VisitMarker marker(info()); return ChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in, not_at_start); } void ChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in, bool not_at_start) { not_at_start = (not_at_start || not_at_start_); int choice_count = alternatives_->length(); ASSERT(choice_count > 0); alternatives_->at(0).node()->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in, not_at_start); for (int i = 1; i < choice_count; i++) { QuickCheckDetails new_details(details->characters()); RegExpNode* node = alternatives_->at(i).node(); node->GetQuickCheckDetails(&new_details, compiler, characters_filled_in, not_at_start); // Here we merge the quick match details of the two branches. details->Merge(&new_details, characters_filled_in); } } // Check for [0-9A-Z_a-z]. static void EmitWordCheck(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler, Label* word, Label* non_word, bool fall_through_on_word) { if (assembler->CheckSpecialCharacterClass( fall_through_on_word ? 'w' : 'W', fall_through_on_word ? non_word : word)) { // Optimized implementation available. return; } assembler->CheckCharacterGT('z', non_word); assembler->CheckCharacterLT('0', non_word); assembler->CheckCharacterGT('a' - 1, word); assembler->CheckCharacterLT('9' + 1, word); assembler->CheckCharacterLT('A', non_word); assembler->CheckCharacterLT('Z' + 1, word); if (fall_through_on_word) { assembler->CheckNotCharacter('_', non_word); } else { assembler->CheckCharacter('_', word); } } // Emit the code to check for a ^ in multiline mode (1-character lookbehind // that matches newline or the start of input). static void EmitHat(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); // We will be loading the previous character into the current character // register. Trace new_trace(*trace); new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter(); Label ok; if (new_trace.cp_offset() == 0) { // The start of input counts as a newline in this context, so skip to // ok if we are at the start. assembler->CheckAtStart(&ok); } // We already checked that we are not at the start of input so it must be // OK to load the previous character. assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(new_trace.cp_offset() -1, new_trace.backtrack(), false); if (!assembler->CheckSpecialCharacterClass('n', new_trace.backtrack())) { // Newline means \n, \r, 0x2028 or 0x2029. if (!compiler->ascii()) { assembler->CheckCharacterAfterAnd(0x2028, 0xfffe, &ok); } assembler->CheckCharacter('\n', &ok); assembler->CheckNotCharacter('\r', new_trace.backtrack()); } assembler->Bind(&ok); on_success->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); } // Emit the code to handle \b and \B (word-boundary or non-word-boundary) // when we know whether the next character must be a word character or not. static void EmitHalfBoundaryCheck(AssertionNode::AssertionNodeType type, RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); Label done; Trace new_trace(*trace); bool expect_word_character = (type == AssertionNode::AFTER_WORD_CHARACTER); Label* on_word = expect_word_character ? &done : new_trace.backtrack(); Label* on_non_word = expect_word_character ? new_trace.backtrack() : &done; // Check whether previous character was a word character. switch (trace->at_start()) { case Trace::TRUE: if (expect_word_character) { assembler->GoTo(on_non_word); } break; case Trace::UNKNOWN: ASSERT_EQ(0, trace->cp_offset()); assembler->CheckAtStart(on_non_word); // Fall through. case Trace::FALSE: int prev_char_offset = trace->cp_offset() - 1; assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(prev_char_offset, NULL, false, 1); EmitWordCheck(assembler, on_word, on_non_word, expect_word_character); // We may or may not have loaded the previous character. new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter(); } assembler->Bind(&done); on_success->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); } // Emit the code to handle \b and \B (word-boundary or non-word-boundary). static void EmitBoundaryCheck(AssertionNode::AssertionNodeType type, RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); Label before_non_word; Label before_word; if (trace->characters_preloaded() != 1) { assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(trace->cp_offset(), &before_non_word); } // Fall through on non-word. EmitWordCheck(assembler, &before_word, &before_non_word, false); // We will be loading the previous character into the current character // register. Trace new_trace(*trace); new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter(); Label ok; Label* boundary; Label* not_boundary; if (type == AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY) { boundary = &ok; not_boundary = new_trace.backtrack(); } else { not_boundary = &ok; boundary = new_trace.backtrack(); } // Next character is not a word character. assembler->Bind(&before_non_word); if (new_trace.cp_offset() == 0) { // The start of input counts as a non-word character, so the question is // decided if we are at the start. assembler->CheckAtStart(not_boundary); } // We already checked that we are not at the start of input so it must be // OK to load the previous character. assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(new_trace.cp_offset() - 1, &ok, // Unused dummy label in this call. false); // Fall through on non-word. EmitWordCheck(assembler, boundary, not_boundary, false); assembler->GoTo(not_boundary); // Next character is a word character. assembler->Bind(&before_word); if (new_trace.cp_offset() == 0) { // The start of input counts as a non-word character, so the question is // decided if we are at the start. assembler->CheckAtStart(boundary); } // We already checked that we are not at the start of input so it must be // OK to load the previous character. assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(new_trace.cp_offset() - 1, &ok, // Unused dummy label in this call. false); bool fall_through_on_word = (type == AssertionNode::AT_NON_BOUNDARY); EmitWordCheck(assembler, not_boundary, boundary, fall_through_on_word); assembler->Bind(&ok); on_success->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); } void AssertionNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler, int filled_in, bool not_at_start) { if (type_ == AT_START && not_at_start) { details->set_cannot_match(); return; } return on_success()->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, filled_in, not_at_start); } void AssertionNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); switch (type_) { case AT_END: { Label ok; assembler->CheckPosition(trace->cp_offset(), &ok); assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack()); assembler->Bind(&ok); break; } case AT_START: { if (trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE) { assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack()); return; } if (trace->at_start() == Trace::UNKNOWN) { assembler->CheckNotAtStart(trace->backtrack()); Trace at_start_trace = *trace; at_start_trace.set_at_start(true); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &at_start_trace); return; } } break; case AFTER_NEWLINE: EmitHat(compiler, on_success(), trace); return; case AT_BOUNDARY: case AT_NON_BOUNDARY: { EmitBoundaryCheck(type_, compiler, on_success(), trace); return; } case AFTER_WORD_CHARACTER: case AFTER_NONWORD_CHARACTER: { EmitHalfBoundaryCheck(type_, compiler, on_success(), trace); } } on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace); } static bool DeterminedAlready(QuickCheckDetails* quick_check, int offset) { if (quick_check == NULL) return false; if (offset >= quick_check->characters()) return false; return quick_check->positions(offset)->determines_perfectly; } static void UpdateBoundsCheck(int index, int* checked_up_to) { if (index > *checked_up_to) { *checked_up_to = index; } } // We call this repeatedly to generate code for each pass over the text node. // The passes are in increasing order of difficulty because we hope one // of the first passes will fail in which case we are saved the work of the // later passes. for example for the case independent regexp /%[asdfghjkl]a/ // we will check the '%' in the first pass, the case independent 'a' in the // second pass and the character class in the last pass. // // The passes are done from right to left, so for example to test for /bar/ // we will first test for an 'r' with offset 2, then an 'a' with offset 1 // and then a 'b' with offset 0. This means we can avoid the end-of-input // bounds check most of the time. In the example we only need to check for // end-of-input when loading the putative 'r'. // // A slight complication involves the fact that the first character may already // be fetched into a register by the previous node. In this case we want to // do the test for that character first. We do this in separate passes. The // 'preloaded' argument indicates that we are doing such a 'pass'. If such a // pass has been performed then subsequent passes will have true in // first_element_checked to indicate that that character does not need to be // checked again. // // In addition to all this we are passed a Trace, which can // contain an AlternativeGeneration object. In this AlternativeGeneration // object we can see details of any quick check that was already passed in // order to get to the code we are now generating. The quick check can involve // loading characters, which means we do not need to recheck the bounds // up to the limit the quick check already checked. In addition the quick // check can have involved a mask and compare operation which may simplify // or obviate the need for further checks at some character positions. void TextNode::TextEmitPass(RegExpCompiler* compiler, TextEmitPassType pass, bool preloaded, Trace* trace, bool first_element_checked, int* checked_up_to) { Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); bool ascii = compiler->ascii(); Label* backtrack = trace->backtrack(); QuickCheckDetails* quick_check = trace->quick_check_performed(); int element_count = elms_->length(); for (int i = preloaded ? 0 : element_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TextElement elm = elms_->at(i); int cp_offset = trace->cp_offset() + elm.cp_offset; if (elm.type == TextElement::ATOM) { Vector quarks = elm.data.u_atom->data(); for (int j = preloaded ? 0 : quarks.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (first_element_checked && i == 0 && j == 0) continue; if (DeterminedAlready(quick_check, elm.cp_offset + j)) continue; EmitCharacterFunction* emit_function = NULL; switch (pass) { case NON_ASCII_MATCH: ASSERT(ascii); if (quarks[j] > String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) { assembler->GoTo(backtrack); return; } break; case NON_LETTER_CHARACTER_MATCH: emit_function = &EmitAtomNonLetter; break; case SIMPLE_CHARACTER_MATCH: emit_function = &EmitSimpleCharacter; break; case CASE_CHARACTER_MATCH: emit_function = &EmitAtomLetter; break; default: break; } if (emit_function != NULL) { bool bound_checked = emit_function(isolate, compiler, quarks[j], backtrack, cp_offset + j, *checked_up_to < cp_offset + j, preloaded); if (bound_checked) UpdateBoundsCheck(cp_offset + j, checked_up_to); } } } else { ASSERT_EQ(elm.type, TextElement::CHAR_CLASS); if (pass == CHARACTER_CLASS_MATCH) { if (first_element_checked && i == 0) continue; if (DeterminedAlready(quick_check, elm.cp_offset)) continue; RegExpCharacterClass* cc = elm.data.u_char_class; EmitCharClass(assembler, cc, ascii, backtrack, cp_offset, *checked_up_to < cp_offset, preloaded); UpdateBoundsCheck(cp_offset, checked_up_to); } } } } int TextNode::Length() { TextElement elm = elms_->last(); ASSERT(elm.cp_offset >= 0); if (elm.type == TextElement::ATOM) { return elm.cp_offset + elm.data.u_atom->data().length(); } else { return elm.cp_offset + 1; } } bool TextNode::SkipPass(int int_pass, bool ignore_case) { TextEmitPassType pass = static_cast(int_pass); if (ignore_case) { return pass == SIMPLE_CHARACTER_MATCH; } else { return pass == NON_LETTER_CHARACTER_MATCH || pass == CASE_CHARACTER_MATCH; } } // This generates the code to match a text node. A text node can contain // straight character sequences (possibly to be matched in a case-independent // way) and character classes. For efficiency we do not do this in a single // pass from left to right. Instead we pass over the text node several times, // emitting code for some character positions every time. See the comment on // TextEmitPass for details. void TextNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace); if (limit_result == DONE) return; ASSERT(limit_result == CONTINUE); if (trace->cp_offset() + Length() > RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxCPOffset) { compiler->SetRegExpTooBig(); return; } if (compiler->ascii()) { int dummy = 0; TextEmitPass(compiler, NON_ASCII_MATCH, false, trace, false, &dummy); } bool first_elt_done = false; int bound_checked_to = trace->cp_offset() - 1; bound_checked_to += trace->bound_checked_up_to(); // If a character is preloaded into the current character register then // check that now. if (trace->characters_preloaded() == 1) { for (int pass = kFirstRealPass; pass <= kLastPass; pass++) { if (!SkipPass(pass, compiler->ignore_case())) { TextEmitPass(compiler, static_cast(pass), true, trace, false, &bound_checked_to); } } first_elt_done = true; } for (int pass = kFirstRealPass; pass <= kLastPass; pass++) { if (!SkipPass(pass, compiler->ignore_case())) { TextEmitPass(compiler, static_cast(pass), false, trace, first_elt_done, &bound_checked_to); } } Trace successor_trace(*trace); successor_trace.set_at_start(false); successor_trace.AdvanceCurrentPositionInTrace(Length(), compiler); RecursionCheck rc(compiler); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &successor_trace); } void Trace::InvalidateCurrentCharacter() { characters_preloaded_ = 0; } void Trace::AdvanceCurrentPositionInTrace(int by, RegExpCompiler* compiler) { ASSERT(by > 0); // We don't have an instruction for shifting the current character register // down or for using a shifted value for anything so lets just forget that // we preloaded any characters into it. characters_preloaded_ = 0; // Adjust the offsets of the quick check performed information. This // information is used to find out what we already determined about the // characters by means of mask and compare. quick_check_performed_.Advance(by, compiler->ascii()); cp_offset_ += by; if (cp_offset_ > RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxCPOffset) { compiler->SetRegExpTooBig(); cp_offset_ = 0; } bound_checked_up_to_ = Max(0, bound_checked_up_to_ - by); } void TextNode::MakeCaseIndependent(bool is_ascii) { int element_count = elms_->length(); for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) { TextElement elm = elms_->at(i); if (elm.type == TextElement::CHAR_CLASS) { RegExpCharacterClass* cc = elm.data.u_char_class; // None of the standard character classses is different in the case // independent case and it slows us down if we don't know that. if (cc->is_standard()) continue; ZoneList* ranges = cc->ranges(); int range_count = ranges->length(); for (int j = 0; j < range_count; j++) { ranges->at(j).AddCaseEquivalents(ranges, is_ascii); } } } } int TextNode::GreedyLoopTextLength() { TextElement elm = elms_->at(elms_->length() - 1); if (elm.type == TextElement::CHAR_CLASS) { return elm.cp_offset + 1; } else { return elm.cp_offset + elm.data.u_atom->data().length(); } } // Finds the fixed match length of a sequence of nodes that goes from // this alternative and back to this choice node. If there are variable // length nodes or other complications in the way then return a sentinel // value indicating that a greedy loop cannot be constructed. int ChoiceNode::GreedyLoopTextLength(GuardedAlternative* alternative) { int length = 0; RegExpNode* node = alternative->node(); // Later we will generate code for all these text nodes using recursion // so we have to limit the max number. int recursion_depth = 0; while (node != this) { if (recursion_depth++ > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) { return kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops; } int node_length = node->GreedyLoopTextLength(); if (node_length == kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops) { return kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops; } length += node_length; SeqRegExpNode* seq_node = static_cast(node); node = seq_node->on_success(); } return length; } void LoopChoiceNode::AddLoopAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt) { ASSERT_EQ(loop_node_, NULL); AddAlternative(alt); loop_node_ = alt.node(); } void LoopChoiceNode::AddContinueAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt) { ASSERT_EQ(continue_node_, NULL); AddAlternative(alt); continue_node_ = alt.node(); } void LoopChoiceNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); if (trace->stop_node() == this) { int text_length = GreedyLoopTextLength(&(alternatives_->at(0))); ASSERT(text_length != kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops); // Update the counter-based backtracking info on the stack. This is an // optimization for greedy loops (see below). ASSERT(trace->cp_offset() == text_length); macro_assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(text_length); macro_assembler->GoTo(trace->loop_label()); return; } ASSERT(trace->stop_node() == NULL); if (!trace->is_trivial()) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); return; } ChoiceNode::Emit(compiler, trace); } int ChoiceNode::CalculatePreloadCharacters(RegExpCompiler* compiler, bool not_at_start) { int preload_characters = EatsAtLeast(4, 0, not_at_start); if (compiler->macro_assembler()->CanReadUnaligned()) { bool ascii = compiler->ascii(); if (ascii) { if (preload_characters > 4) preload_characters = 4; // We can't preload 3 characters because there is no machine instruction // to do that. We can't just load 4 because we could be reading // beyond the end of the string, which could cause a memory fault. if (preload_characters == 3) preload_characters = 2; } else { if (preload_characters > 2) preload_characters = 2; } } else { if (preload_characters > 1) preload_characters = 1; } return preload_characters; } // This class is used when generating the alternatives in a choice node. It // records the way the alternative is being code generated. class AlternativeGeneration: public Malloced { public: AlternativeGeneration() : possible_success(), expects_preload(false), after(), quick_check_details() { } Label possible_success; bool expects_preload; Label after; QuickCheckDetails quick_check_details; }; // Creates a list of AlternativeGenerations. If the list has a reasonable // size then it is on the stack, otherwise the excess is on the heap. class AlternativeGenerationList { public: explicit AlternativeGenerationList(int count) : alt_gens_(count) { for (int i = 0; i < count && i < kAFew; i++) { alt_gens_.Add(a_few_alt_gens_ + i); } for (int i = kAFew; i < count; i++) { alt_gens_.Add(new AlternativeGeneration()); } } ~AlternativeGenerationList() { for (int i = kAFew; i < alt_gens_.length(); i++) { delete alt_gens_[i]; alt_gens_[i] = NULL; } } AlternativeGeneration* at(int i) { return alt_gens_[i]; } private: static const int kAFew = 10; ZoneList alt_gens_; AlternativeGeneration a_few_alt_gens_[kAFew]; }; /* Code generation for choice nodes. * * We generate quick checks that do a mask and compare to eliminate a * choice. If the quick check succeeds then it jumps to the continuation to * do slow checks and check subsequent nodes. If it fails (the common case) * it falls through to the next choice. * * Here is the desired flow graph. Nodes directly below each other imply * fallthrough. Alternatives 1 and 2 have quick checks. Alternative * 3 doesn't have a quick check so we have to call the slow check. * Nodes are marked Qn for quick checks and Sn for slow checks. The entire * regexp continuation is generated directly after the Sn node, up to the * next GoTo if we decide to reuse some already generated code. Some * nodes expect preload_characters to be preloaded into the current * character register. R nodes do this preloading. Vertices are marked * F for failures and S for success (possible success in the case of quick * nodes). L, V, < and > are used as arrow heads. * * ----------> R * | * V * Q1 -----> S1 * | S / * F| / * | F/ * | / * | R * | / * V L * Q2 -----> S2 * | S / * F| / * | F/ * | / * | R * | / * V L * S3 * | * F| * | * R * | * backtrack V * <----------Q4 * \ F | * \ |S * \ F V * \-----S4 * * For greedy loops we reverse our expectation and expect to match rather * than fail. Therefore we want the loop code to look like this (U is the * unwind code that steps back in the greedy loop). The following alternatives * look the same as above. * _____ * / \ * V | * ----------> S1 | * /| | * / |S | * F/ \_____/ * / * |<----------- * | \ * V \ * Q2 ---> S2 \ * | S / | * F| / | * | F/ | * | / | * | R | * | / | * F VL | * <------U | * back |S | * \______________/ */ void ChoiceNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); int choice_count = alternatives_->length(); #ifdef DEBUG for (int i = 0; i < choice_count - 1; i++) { GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives_->at(i); ZoneList* guards = alternative.guards(); int guard_count = (guards == NULL) ? 0 : guards->length(); for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) { ASSERT(!trace->mentions_reg(guards->at(j)->reg())); } } #endif LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace); if (limit_result == DONE) return; ASSERT(limit_result == CONTINUE); int new_flush_budget = trace->flush_budget() / choice_count; if (trace->flush_budget() == 0 && trace->actions() != NULL) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); return; } RecursionCheck rc(compiler); Trace* current_trace = trace; int text_length = GreedyLoopTextLength(&(alternatives_->at(0))); bool greedy_loop = false; Label greedy_loop_label; Trace counter_backtrack_trace; counter_backtrack_trace.set_backtrack(&greedy_loop_label); if (not_at_start()) counter_backtrack_trace.set_at_start(false); if (choice_count > 1 && text_length != kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops) { // Here we have special handling for greedy loops containing only text nodes // and other simple nodes. These are handled by pushing the current // position on the stack and then incrementing the current position each // time around the switch. On backtrack we decrement the current position // and check it against the pushed value. This avoids pushing backtrack // information for each iteration of the loop, which could take up a lot of // space. greedy_loop = true; ASSERT(trace->stop_node() == NULL); macro_assembler->PushCurrentPosition(); current_trace = &counter_backtrack_trace; Label greedy_match_failed; Trace greedy_match_trace; if (not_at_start()) greedy_match_trace.set_at_start(false); greedy_match_trace.set_backtrack(&greedy_match_failed); Label loop_label; macro_assembler->Bind(&loop_label); greedy_match_trace.set_stop_node(this); greedy_match_trace.set_loop_label(&loop_label); alternatives_->at(0).node()->Emit(compiler, &greedy_match_trace); macro_assembler->Bind(&greedy_match_failed); } Label second_choice; // For use in greedy matches. macro_assembler->Bind(&second_choice); int first_normal_choice = greedy_loop ? 1 : 0; int preload_characters = CalculatePreloadCharacters(compiler, current_trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE); bool preload_is_current = (current_trace->characters_preloaded() == preload_characters); bool preload_has_checked_bounds = preload_is_current; AlternativeGenerationList alt_gens(choice_count); // For now we just call all choices one after the other. The idea ultimately // is to use the Dispatch table to try only the relevant ones. for (int i = first_normal_choice; i < choice_count; i++) { GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives_->at(i); AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen = alt_gens.at(i); alt_gen->quick_check_details.set_characters(preload_characters); ZoneList* guards = alternative.guards(); int guard_count = (guards == NULL) ? 0 : guards->length(); Trace new_trace(*current_trace); new_trace.set_characters_preloaded(preload_is_current ? preload_characters : 0); if (preload_has_checked_bounds) { new_trace.set_bound_checked_up_to(preload_characters); } new_trace.quick_check_performed()->Clear(); if (not_at_start_) new_trace.set_at_start(Trace::FALSE); alt_gen->expects_preload = preload_is_current; bool generate_full_check_inline = false; if (FLAG_regexp_optimization && try_to_emit_quick_check_for_alternative(i) && alternative.node()->EmitQuickCheck(compiler, &new_trace, preload_has_checked_bounds, &alt_gen->possible_success, &alt_gen->quick_check_details, i < choice_count - 1)) { // Quick check was generated for this choice. preload_is_current = true; preload_has_checked_bounds = true; // On the last choice in the ChoiceNode we generated the quick // check to fall through on possible success. So now we need to // generate the full check inline. if (i == choice_count - 1) { macro_assembler->Bind(&alt_gen->possible_success); new_trace.set_quick_check_performed(&alt_gen->quick_check_details); new_trace.set_characters_preloaded(preload_characters); new_trace.set_bound_checked_up_to(preload_characters); generate_full_check_inline = true; } } else if (alt_gen->quick_check_details.cannot_match()) { if (i == choice_count - 1 && !greedy_loop) { macro_assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack()); } continue; } else { // No quick check was generated. Put the full code here. // If this is not the first choice then there could be slow checks from // previous cases that go here when they fail. There's no reason to // insist that they preload characters since the slow check we are about // to generate probably can't use it. if (i != first_normal_choice) { alt_gen->expects_preload = false; new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter(); } if (i < choice_count - 1) { new_trace.set_backtrack(&alt_gen->after); } generate_full_check_inline = true; } if (generate_full_check_inline) { if (new_trace.actions() != NULL) { new_trace.set_flush_budget(new_flush_budget); } for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) { GenerateGuard(macro_assembler, guards->at(j), &new_trace); } alternative.node()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); preload_is_current = false; } macro_assembler->Bind(&alt_gen->after); } if (greedy_loop) { macro_assembler->Bind(&greedy_loop_label); // If we have unwound to the bottom then backtrack. macro_assembler->CheckGreedyLoop(trace->backtrack()); // Otherwise try the second priority at an earlier position. macro_assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(-text_length); macro_assembler->GoTo(&second_choice); } // At this point we need to generate slow checks for the alternatives where // the quick check was inlined. We can recognize these because the associated // label was bound. for (int i = first_normal_choice; i < choice_count - 1; i++) { AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen = alt_gens.at(i); Trace new_trace(*current_trace); // If there are actions to be flushed we have to limit how many times // they are flushed. Take the budget of the parent trace and distribute // it fairly amongst the children. if (new_trace.actions() != NULL) { new_trace.set_flush_budget(new_flush_budget); } EmitOutOfLineContinuation(compiler, &new_trace, alternatives_->at(i), alt_gen, preload_characters, alt_gens.at(i + 1)->expects_preload); } } void ChoiceNode::EmitOutOfLineContinuation(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace, GuardedAlternative alternative, AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen, int preload_characters, bool next_expects_preload) { if (!alt_gen->possible_success.is_linked()) return; RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); macro_assembler->Bind(&alt_gen->possible_success); Trace out_of_line_trace(*trace); out_of_line_trace.set_characters_preloaded(preload_characters); out_of_line_trace.set_quick_check_performed(&alt_gen->quick_check_details); if (not_at_start_) out_of_line_trace.set_at_start(Trace::FALSE); ZoneList* guards = alternative.guards(); int guard_count = (guards == NULL) ? 0 : guards->length(); if (next_expects_preload) { Label reload_current_char; out_of_line_trace.set_backtrack(&reload_current_char); for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) { GenerateGuard(macro_assembler, guards->at(j), &out_of_line_trace); } alternative.node()->Emit(compiler, &out_of_line_trace); macro_assembler->Bind(&reload_current_char); // Reload the current character, since the next quick check expects that. // We don't need to check bounds here because we only get into this // code through a quick check which already did the checked load. macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(trace->cp_offset(), NULL, false, preload_characters); macro_assembler->GoTo(&(alt_gen->after)); } else { out_of_line_trace.set_backtrack(&(alt_gen->after)); for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) { GenerateGuard(macro_assembler, guards->at(j), &out_of_line_trace); } alternative.node()->Emit(compiler, &out_of_line_trace); } } void ActionNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace); if (limit_result == DONE) return; ASSERT(limit_result == CONTINUE); RecursionCheck rc(compiler); switch (type_) { case STORE_POSITION: { Trace::DeferredCapture new_capture(data_.u_position_register.reg, data_.u_position_register.is_capture, trace); Trace new_trace = *trace; new_trace.add_action(&new_capture); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); break; } case INCREMENT_REGISTER: { Trace::DeferredIncrementRegister new_increment(data_.u_increment_register.reg); Trace new_trace = *trace; new_trace.add_action(&new_increment); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); break; } case SET_REGISTER: { Trace::DeferredSetRegister new_set(data_.u_store_register.reg, data_.u_store_register.value); Trace new_trace = *trace; new_trace.add_action(&new_set); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); break; } case CLEAR_CAPTURES: { Trace::DeferredClearCaptures new_capture(Interval(data_.u_clear_captures.range_from, data_.u_clear_captures.range_to)); Trace new_trace = *trace; new_trace.add_action(&new_capture); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); break; } case BEGIN_SUBMATCH: if (!trace->is_trivial()) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); } else { assembler->WriteCurrentPositionToRegister( data_.u_submatch.current_position_register, 0); assembler->WriteStackPointerToRegister( data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register); on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace); } break; case EMPTY_MATCH_CHECK: { int start_pos_reg = data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register; int stored_pos = 0; int rep_reg = data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_register; bool has_minimum = (rep_reg != RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister); bool know_dist = trace->GetStoredPosition(start_pos_reg, &stored_pos); if (know_dist && !has_minimum && stored_pos == trace->cp_offset()) { // If we know we haven't advanced and there is no minimum we // can just backtrack immediately. assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack()); } else if (know_dist && stored_pos < trace->cp_offset()) { // If we know we've advanced we can generate the continuation // immediately. on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace); } else if (!trace->is_trivial()) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); } else { Label skip_empty_check; // If we have a minimum number of repetitions we check the current // number first and skip the empty check if it's not enough. if (has_minimum) { int limit = data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_limit; assembler->IfRegisterLT(rep_reg, limit, &skip_empty_check); } // If the match is empty we bail out, otherwise we fall through // to the on-success continuation. assembler->IfRegisterEqPos(data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register, trace->backtrack()); assembler->Bind(&skip_empty_check); on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace); } break; } case POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS: { if (!trace->is_trivial()) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); return; } assembler->ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister( data_.u_submatch.current_position_register); assembler->ReadStackPointerFromRegister( data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register); int clear_register_count = data_.u_submatch.clear_register_count; if (clear_register_count == 0) { on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace); return; } int clear_registers_from = data_.u_submatch.clear_register_from; Label clear_registers_backtrack; Trace new_trace = *trace; new_trace.set_backtrack(&clear_registers_backtrack); on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace); assembler->Bind(&clear_registers_backtrack); int clear_registers_to = clear_registers_from + clear_register_count - 1; assembler->ClearRegisters(clear_registers_from, clear_registers_to); ASSERT(trace->backtrack() == NULL); assembler->Backtrack(); return; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } } void BackReferenceNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) { RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler(); if (!trace->is_trivial()) { trace->Flush(compiler, this); return; } LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace); if (limit_result == DONE) return; ASSERT(limit_result == CONTINUE); RecursionCheck rc(compiler); ASSERT_EQ(start_reg_ + 1, end_reg_); if (compiler->ignore_case()) { assembler->CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(start_reg_, trace->backtrack()); } else { assembler->CheckNotBackReference(start_reg_, trace->backtrack()); } on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dot/dotty output #ifdef DEBUG class DotPrinter: public NodeVisitor { public: explicit DotPrinter(bool ignore_case) : ignore_case_(ignore_case), stream_(&alloc_) { } void PrintNode(const char* label, RegExpNode* node); void Visit(RegExpNode* node); void PrintAttributes(RegExpNode* from); StringStream* stream() { return &stream_; } void PrintOnFailure(RegExpNode* from, RegExpNode* to); #define DECLARE_VISIT(Type) \ virtual void Visit##Type(Type##Node* that); FOR_EACH_NODE_TYPE(DECLARE_VISIT) #undef DECLARE_VISIT private: bool ignore_case_; HeapStringAllocator alloc_; StringStream stream_; }; void DotPrinter::PrintNode(const char* label, RegExpNode* node) { stream()->Add("digraph G {\n graph [label=\""); for (int i = 0; label[i]; i++) { switch (label[i]) { case '\\': stream()->Add("\\\\"); break; case '"': stream()->Add("\""); break; default: stream()->Put(label[i]); break; } } stream()->Add("\"];\n"); Visit(node); stream()->Add("}\n"); printf("%s", *(stream()->ToCString())); } void DotPrinter::Visit(RegExpNode* node) { if (node->info()->visited) return; node->info()->visited = true; node->Accept(this); } void DotPrinter::PrintOnFailure(RegExpNode* from, RegExpNode* on_failure) { stream()->Add(" n%p -> n%p [style=dotted];\n", from, on_failure); Visit(on_failure); } class TableEntryBodyPrinter { public: TableEntryBodyPrinter(StringStream* stream, ChoiceNode* choice) : stream_(stream), choice_(choice) { } void Call(uc16 from, DispatchTable::Entry entry) { OutSet* out_set = entry.out_set(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < OutSet::kFirstLimit; i++) { if (out_set->Get(i)) { stream()->Add(" n%p:s%io%i -> n%p;\n", choice(), from, i, choice()->alternatives()->at(i).node()); } } } private: StringStream* stream() { return stream_; } ChoiceNode* choice() { return choice_; } StringStream* stream_; ChoiceNode* choice_; }; class TableEntryHeaderPrinter { public: explicit TableEntryHeaderPrinter(StringStream* stream) : first_(true), stream_(stream) { } void Call(uc16 from, DispatchTable::Entry entry) { if (first_) { first_ = false; } else { stream()->Add("|"); } stream()->Add("{\\%k-\\%k|{", from, entry.to()); OutSet* out_set = entry.out_set(); int priority = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < OutSet::kFirstLimit; i++) { if (out_set->Get(i)) { if (priority > 0) stream()->Add("|"); stream()->Add(" %i", from, i, priority); priority++; } } stream()->Add("}}"); } private: bool first_; StringStream* stream() { return stream_; } StringStream* stream_; }; class AttributePrinter { public: explicit AttributePrinter(DotPrinter* out) : out_(out), first_(true) { } void PrintSeparator() { if (first_) { first_ = false; } else { out_->stream()->Add("|"); } } void PrintBit(const char* name, bool value) { if (!value) return; PrintSeparator(); out_->stream()->Add("{%s}", name); } void PrintPositive(const char* name, int value) { if (value < 0) return; PrintSeparator(); out_->stream()->Add("{%s|%x}", name, value); } private: DotPrinter* out_; bool first_; }; void DotPrinter::PrintAttributes(RegExpNode* that) { stream()->Add(" a%p [shape=Mrecord, color=grey, fontcolor=grey, " "margin=0.1, fontsize=10, label=\"{", that); AttributePrinter printer(this); NodeInfo* info = that->info(); printer.PrintBit("NI", info->follows_newline_interest); printer.PrintBit("WI", info->follows_word_interest); printer.PrintBit("SI", info->follows_start_interest); Label* label = that->label(); if (label->is_bound()) printer.PrintPositive("@", label->pos()); stream()->Add("}\"];\n"); stream()->Add(" a%p -> n%p [style=dashed, color=grey, " "arrowhead=none];\n", that, that); } static const bool kPrintDispatchTable = false; void DotPrinter::VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* that) { if (kPrintDispatchTable) { stream()->Add(" n%p [shape=Mrecord, label=\"", that); TableEntryHeaderPrinter header_printer(stream()); that->GetTable(ignore_case_)->ForEach(&header_printer); stream()->Add("\"]\n", that); PrintAttributes(that); TableEntryBodyPrinter body_printer(stream(), that); that->GetTable(ignore_case_)->ForEach(&body_printer); } else { stream()->Add(" n%p [shape=Mrecord, label=\"?\"];\n", that); for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) { GuardedAlternative alt = that->alternatives()->at(i); stream()->Add(" n%p -> n%p;\n", that, alt.node()); } } for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) { GuardedAlternative alt = that->alternatives()->at(i); alt.node()->Accept(this); } } void DotPrinter::VisitText(TextNode* that) { stream()->Add(" n%p [label=\"", that); for (int i = 0; i < that->elements()->length(); i++) { if (i > 0) stream()->Add(" "); TextElement elm = that->elements()->at(i); switch (elm.type) { case TextElement::ATOM: { stream()->Add("'%w'", elm.data.u_atom->data()); break; } case TextElement::CHAR_CLASS: { RegExpCharacterClass* node = elm.data.u_char_class; stream()->Add("["); if (node->is_negated()) stream()->Add("^"); for (int j = 0; j < node->ranges()->length(); j++) { CharacterRange range = node->ranges()->at(j); stream()->Add("%k-%k", range.from(), range.to()); } stream()->Add("]"); break; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } } stream()->Add("\", shape=box, peripheries=2];\n"); PrintAttributes(that); stream()->Add(" n%p -> n%p;\n", that, that->on_success()); Visit(that->on_success()); } void DotPrinter::VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) { stream()->Add(" n%p [label=\"$%i..$%i\", shape=doubleoctagon];\n", that, that->start_register(), that->end_register()); PrintAttributes(that); stream()->Add(" n%p -> n%p;\n", that, that->on_success()); Visit(that->on_success()); } void DotPrinter::VisitEnd(EndNode* that) { stream()->Add(" n%p [style=bold, shape=point];\n", that); PrintAttributes(that); } void DotPrinter::VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) { stream()->Add(" n%p [", that); switch (that->type()) { case AssertionNode::AT_END: stream()->Add("label=\"$\", shape=septagon"); break; case AssertionNode::AT_START: stream()->Add("label=\"^\", shape=septagon"); break; case AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY: stream()->Add("label=\"\\b\", shape=septagon"); break; case AssertionNode::AT_NON_BOUNDARY: stream()->Add("label=\"\\B\", shape=septagon"); break; case AssertionNode::AFTER_NEWLINE: stream()->Add("label=\"(?<=\\n)\", shape=septagon"); break; case AssertionNode::AFTER_WORD_CHARACTER: stream()->Add("label=\"(?<=\\w)\", shape=septagon"); break; case AssertionNode::AFTER_NONWORD_CHARACTER: stream()->Add("label=\"(?<=\\W)\", shape=septagon"); break; } stream()->Add("];\n"); PrintAttributes(that); RegExpNode* successor = that->on_success(); stream()->Add(" n%p -> n%p;\n", that, successor); Visit(successor); } void DotPrinter::VisitAction(ActionNode* that) { stream()->Add(" n%p [", that); switch (that->type_) { case ActionNode::SET_REGISTER: stream()->Add("label=\"$%i:=%i\", shape=octagon", that->data_.u_store_register.reg, that->data_.u_store_register.value); break; case ActionNode::INCREMENT_REGISTER: stream()->Add("label=\"$%i++\", shape=octagon", that->data_.u_increment_register.reg); break; case ActionNode::STORE_POSITION: stream()->Add("label=\"$%i:=$pos\", shape=octagon", that->data_.u_position_register.reg); break; case ActionNode::BEGIN_SUBMATCH: stream()->Add("label=\"$%i:=$pos,begin\", shape=septagon", that->data_.u_submatch.current_position_register); break; case ActionNode::POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS: stream()->Add("label=\"escape\", shape=septagon"); break; case ActionNode::EMPTY_MATCH_CHECK: stream()->Add("label=\"$%i=$pos?,$%i<%i?\", shape=septagon", that->data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register, that->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_register, that->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_limit); break; case ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES: { stream()->Add("label=\"clear $%i to $%i\", shape=septagon", that->data_.u_clear_captures.range_from, that->data_.u_clear_captures.range_to); break; } } stream()->Add("];\n"); PrintAttributes(that); RegExpNode* successor = that->on_success(); stream()->Add(" n%p -> n%p;\n", that, successor); Visit(successor); } class DispatchTableDumper { public: explicit DispatchTableDumper(StringStream* stream) : stream_(stream) { } void Call(uc16 key, DispatchTable::Entry entry); StringStream* stream() { return stream_; } private: StringStream* stream_; }; void DispatchTableDumper::Call(uc16 key, DispatchTable::Entry entry) { stream()->Add("[%k-%k]: {", key, entry.to()); OutSet* set = entry.out_set(); bool first = true; for (unsigned i = 0; i < OutSet::kFirstLimit; i++) { if (set->Get(i)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { stream()->Add(", "); } stream()->Add("%i", i); } } stream()->Add("}\n"); } void DispatchTable::Dump() { HeapStringAllocator alloc; StringStream stream(&alloc); DispatchTableDumper dumper(&stream); tree()->ForEach(&dumper); OS::PrintError("%s", *stream.ToCString()); } void RegExpEngine::DotPrint(const char* label, RegExpNode* node, bool ignore_case) { DotPrinter printer(ignore_case); printer.PrintNode(label, node); } #endif // DEBUG // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tree to graph conversion static const int kSpaceRangeCount = 20; static const int kSpaceRangeAsciiCount = 4; static const uc16 kSpaceRanges[kSpaceRangeCount] = { 0x0009, 0x000D, 0x0020, 0x0020, 0x00A0, 0x00A0, 0x1680, 0x1680, 0x180E, 0x180E, 0x2000, 0x200A, 0x2028, 0x2029, 0x202F, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x205F, 0x3000, 0x3000 }; static const int kWordRangeCount = 8; static const uc16 kWordRanges[kWordRangeCount] = { '0', '9', 'A', 'Z', '_', '_', 'a', 'z' }; static const int kDigitRangeCount = 2; static const uc16 kDigitRanges[kDigitRangeCount] = { '0', '9' }; static const int kLineTerminatorRangeCount = 6; static const uc16 kLineTerminatorRanges[kLineTerminatorRangeCount] = { 0x000A, 0x000A, 0x000D, 0x000D, 0x2028, 0x2029 }; RegExpNode* RegExpAtom::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { ZoneList* elms = new ZoneList(1); elms->Add(TextElement::Atom(this)); return new TextNode(elms, on_success); } RegExpNode* RegExpText::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { return new TextNode(elements(), on_success); } static bool CompareInverseRanges(ZoneList* ranges, const uc16* special_class, int length) { ASSERT(ranges->length() != 0); ASSERT(length != 0); ASSERT(special_class[0] != 0); if (ranges->length() != (length >> 1) + 1) { return false; } CharacterRange range = ranges->at(0); if (range.from() != 0) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) { if (special_class[i] != (range.to() + 1)) { return false; } range = ranges->at((i >> 1) + 1); if (special_class[i+1] != range.from() - 1) { return false; } } if (range.to() != 0xffff) { return false; } return true; } static bool CompareRanges(ZoneList* ranges, const uc16* special_class, int length) { if (ranges->length() * 2 != length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) { CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i >> 1); if (range.from() != special_class[i] || range.to() != special_class[i+1]) { return false; } } return true; } bool RegExpCharacterClass::is_standard() { // TODO(lrn): Remove need for this function, by not throwing away information // along the way. if (is_negated_) { return false; } if (set_.is_standard()) { return true; } if (CompareRanges(set_.ranges(), kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount)) { set_.set_standard_set_type('s'); return true; } if (CompareInverseRanges(set_.ranges(), kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount)) { set_.set_standard_set_type('S'); return true; } if (CompareInverseRanges(set_.ranges(), kLineTerminatorRanges, kLineTerminatorRangeCount)) { set_.set_standard_set_type('.'); return true; } if (CompareRanges(set_.ranges(), kLineTerminatorRanges, kLineTerminatorRangeCount)) { set_.set_standard_set_type('n'); return true; } if (CompareRanges(set_.ranges(), kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount)) { set_.set_standard_set_type('w'); return true; } if (CompareInverseRanges(set_.ranges(), kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount)) { set_.set_standard_set_type('W'); return true; } return false; } RegExpNode* RegExpCharacterClass::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { return new TextNode(this, on_success); } RegExpNode* RegExpDisjunction::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { ZoneList* alternatives = this->alternatives(); int length = alternatives->length(); ChoiceNode* result = new ChoiceNode(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { GuardedAlternative alternative(alternatives->at(i)->ToNode(compiler, on_success)); result->AddAlternative(alternative); } return result; } RegExpNode* RegExpQuantifier::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { return ToNode(min(), max(), is_greedy(), body(), compiler, on_success); } RegExpNode* RegExpQuantifier::ToNode(int min, int max, bool is_greedy, RegExpTree* body, RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success, bool not_at_start) { // x{f, t} becomes this: // // (r++)<-. // | ` // | (x) // v ^ // (r=0)-->(?)---/ [if r < t] // | // [if r >= f] \----> ... // // RepeatMatcher algorithm. // The parser has already eliminated the case where max is 0. In the case // where max_match is zero the parser has removed the quantifier if min was // > 0 and removed the atom if min was 0. See AddQuantifierToAtom. // If we know that we cannot match zero length then things are a little // simpler since we don't need to make the special zero length match check // from step 2.1. If the min and max are small we can unroll a little in // this case. static const int kMaxUnrolledMinMatches = 3; // Unroll (foo)+ and (foo){3,} static const int kMaxUnrolledMaxMatches = 3; // Unroll (foo)? and (foo){x,3} if (max == 0) return on_success; // This can happen due to recursion. bool body_can_be_empty = (body->min_match() == 0); int body_start_reg = RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister; Interval capture_registers = body->CaptureRegisters(); bool needs_capture_clearing = !capture_registers.is_empty(); if (body_can_be_empty) { body_start_reg = compiler->AllocateRegister(); } else if (FLAG_regexp_optimization && !needs_capture_clearing) { // Only unroll if there are no captures and the body can't be // empty. if (min > 0 && min <= kMaxUnrolledMinMatches) { int new_max = (max == kInfinity) ? max : max - min; // Recurse once to get the loop or optional matches after the fixed ones. RegExpNode* answer = ToNode( 0, new_max, is_greedy, body, compiler, on_success, true); // Unroll the forced matches from 0 to min. This can cause chains of // TextNodes (which the parser does not generate). These should be // combined if it turns out they hinder good code generation. for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { answer = body->ToNode(compiler, answer); } return answer; } if (max <= kMaxUnrolledMaxMatches) { ASSERT(min == 0); // Unroll the optional matches up to max. RegExpNode* answer = on_success; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { ChoiceNode* alternation = new ChoiceNode(2); if (is_greedy) { alternation->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(body->ToNode(compiler, answer))); alternation->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(on_success)); } else { alternation->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(on_success)); alternation->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(body->ToNode(compiler, answer))); } answer = alternation; if (not_at_start) alternation->set_not_at_start(); } return answer; } } bool has_min = min > 0; bool has_max = max < RegExpTree::kInfinity; bool needs_counter = has_min || has_max; int reg_ctr = needs_counter ? compiler->AllocateRegister() : RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister; LoopChoiceNode* center = new LoopChoiceNode(body->min_match() == 0); if (not_at_start) center->set_not_at_start(); RegExpNode* loop_return = needs_counter ? static_cast(ActionNode::IncrementRegister(reg_ctr, center)) : static_cast(center); if (body_can_be_empty) { // If the body can be empty we need to check if it was and then // backtrack. loop_return = ActionNode::EmptyMatchCheck(body_start_reg, reg_ctr, min, loop_return); } RegExpNode* body_node = body->ToNode(compiler, loop_return); if (body_can_be_empty) { // If the body can be empty we need to store the start position // so we can bail out if it was empty. body_node = ActionNode::StorePosition(body_start_reg, false, body_node); } if (needs_capture_clearing) { // Before entering the body of this loop we need to clear captures. body_node = ActionNode::ClearCaptures(capture_registers, body_node); } GuardedAlternative body_alt(body_node); if (has_max) { Guard* body_guard = new Guard(reg_ctr, Guard::LT, max); body_alt.AddGuard(body_guard); } GuardedAlternative rest_alt(on_success); if (has_min) { Guard* rest_guard = new Guard(reg_ctr, Guard::GEQ, min); rest_alt.AddGuard(rest_guard); } if (is_greedy) { center->AddLoopAlternative(body_alt); center->AddContinueAlternative(rest_alt); } else { center->AddContinueAlternative(rest_alt); center->AddLoopAlternative(body_alt); } if (needs_counter) { return ActionNode::SetRegister(reg_ctr, 0, center); } else { return center; } } RegExpNode* RegExpAssertion::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { NodeInfo info; switch (type()) { case START_OF_LINE: return AssertionNode::AfterNewline(on_success); case START_OF_INPUT: return AssertionNode::AtStart(on_success); case BOUNDARY: return AssertionNode::AtBoundary(on_success); case NON_BOUNDARY: return AssertionNode::AtNonBoundary(on_success); case END_OF_INPUT: return AssertionNode::AtEnd(on_success); case END_OF_LINE: { // Compile $ in multiline regexps as an alternation with a positive // lookahead in one side and an end-of-input on the other side. // We need two registers for the lookahead. int stack_pointer_register = compiler->AllocateRegister(); int position_register = compiler->AllocateRegister(); // The ChoiceNode to distinguish between a newline and end-of-input. ChoiceNode* result = new ChoiceNode(2); // Create a newline atom. ZoneList* newline_ranges = new ZoneList(3); CharacterRange::AddClassEscape('n', newline_ranges); RegExpCharacterClass* newline_atom = new RegExpCharacterClass('n'); TextNode* newline_matcher = new TextNode( newline_atom, ActionNode::PositiveSubmatchSuccess(stack_pointer_register, position_register, 0, // No captures inside. -1, // Ignored if no captures. on_success)); // Create an end-of-input matcher. RegExpNode* end_of_line = ActionNode::BeginSubmatch( stack_pointer_register, position_register, newline_matcher); // Add the two alternatives to the ChoiceNode. GuardedAlternative eol_alternative(end_of_line); result->AddAlternative(eol_alternative); GuardedAlternative end_alternative(AssertionNode::AtEnd(on_success)); result->AddAlternative(end_alternative); return result; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } return on_success; } RegExpNode* RegExpBackReference::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { return new BackReferenceNode(RegExpCapture::StartRegister(index()), RegExpCapture::EndRegister(index()), on_success); } RegExpNode* RegExpEmpty::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { return on_success; } RegExpNode* RegExpLookahead::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { int stack_pointer_register = compiler->AllocateRegister(); int position_register = compiler->AllocateRegister(); const int registers_per_capture = 2; const int register_of_first_capture = 2; int register_count = capture_count_ * registers_per_capture; int register_start = register_of_first_capture + capture_from_ * registers_per_capture; RegExpNode* success; if (is_positive()) { RegExpNode* node = ActionNode::BeginSubmatch( stack_pointer_register, position_register, body()->ToNode( compiler, ActionNode::PositiveSubmatchSuccess(stack_pointer_register, position_register, register_count, register_start, on_success))); return node; } else { // We use a ChoiceNode for a negative lookahead because it has most of // the characteristics we need. It has the body of the lookahead as its // first alternative and the expression after the lookahead of the second // alternative. If the first alternative succeeds then the // NegativeSubmatchSuccess will unwind the stack including everything the // choice node set up and backtrack. If the first alternative fails then // the second alternative is tried, which is exactly the desired result // for a negative lookahead. The NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode is a special // ChoiceNode that knows to ignore the first exit when calculating quick // checks. GuardedAlternative body_alt( body()->ToNode( compiler, success = new NegativeSubmatchSuccess(stack_pointer_register, position_register, register_count, register_start))); ChoiceNode* choice_node = new NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode(body_alt, GuardedAlternative(on_success)); return ActionNode::BeginSubmatch(stack_pointer_register, position_register, choice_node); } } RegExpNode* RegExpCapture::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { return ToNode(body(), index(), compiler, on_success); } RegExpNode* RegExpCapture::ToNode(RegExpTree* body, int index, RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { int start_reg = RegExpCapture::StartRegister(index); int end_reg = RegExpCapture::EndRegister(index); RegExpNode* store_end = ActionNode::StorePosition(end_reg, true, on_success); RegExpNode* body_node = body->ToNode(compiler, store_end); return ActionNode::StorePosition(start_reg, true, body_node); } RegExpNode* RegExpAlternative::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) { ZoneList* children = nodes(); RegExpNode* current = on_success; for (int i = children->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { current = children->at(i)->ToNode(compiler, current); } return current; } static void AddClass(const uc16* elmv, int elmc, ZoneList* ranges) { for (int i = 0; i < elmc; i += 2) { ASSERT(elmv[i] <= elmv[i + 1]); ranges->Add(CharacterRange(elmv[i], elmv[i + 1])); } } static void AddClassNegated(const uc16 *elmv, int elmc, ZoneList* ranges) { ASSERT(elmv[0] != 0x0000); ASSERT(elmv[elmc-1] != String::kMaxUC16CharCode); uc16 last = 0x0000; for (int i = 0; i < elmc; i += 2) { ASSERT(last <= elmv[i] - 1); ASSERT(elmv[i] <= elmv[i + 1]); ranges->Add(CharacterRange(last, elmv[i] - 1)); last = elmv[i + 1] + 1; } ranges->Add(CharacterRange(last, String::kMaxUC16CharCode)); } void CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(uc16 type, ZoneList* ranges) { switch (type) { case 's': AddClass(kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount, ranges); break; case 'S': AddClassNegated(kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount, ranges); break; case 'w': AddClass(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount, ranges); break; case 'W': AddClassNegated(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount, ranges); break; case 'd': AddClass(kDigitRanges, kDigitRangeCount, ranges); break; case 'D': AddClassNegated(kDigitRanges, kDigitRangeCount, ranges); break; case '.': AddClassNegated(kLineTerminatorRanges, kLineTerminatorRangeCount, ranges); break; // This is not a character range as defined by the spec but a // convenient shorthand for a character class that matches any // character. case '*': ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Everything()); break; // This is the set of characters matched by the $ and ^ symbols // in multiline mode. case 'n': AddClass(kLineTerminatorRanges, kLineTerminatorRangeCount, ranges); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } Vector CharacterRange::GetWordBounds() { return Vector(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount); } class CharacterRangeSplitter { public: CharacterRangeSplitter(ZoneList** included, ZoneList** excluded) : included_(included), excluded_(excluded) { } void Call(uc16 from, DispatchTable::Entry entry); static const int kInBase = 0; static const int kInOverlay = 1; private: ZoneList** included_; ZoneList** excluded_; }; void CharacterRangeSplitter::Call(uc16 from, DispatchTable::Entry entry) { if (!entry.out_set()->Get(kInBase)) return; ZoneList** target = entry.out_set()->Get(kInOverlay) ? included_ : excluded_; if (*target == NULL) *target = new ZoneList(2); (*target)->Add(CharacterRange(entry.from(), entry.to())); } void CharacterRange::Split(ZoneList* base, Vector overlay, ZoneList** included, ZoneList** excluded) { ASSERT_EQ(NULL, *included); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, *excluded); DispatchTable table; for (int i = 0; i < base->length(); i++) table.AddRange(base->at(i), CharacterRangeSplitter::kInBase); for (int i = 0; i < overlay.length(); i += 2) { table.AddRange(CharacterRange(overlay[i], overlay[i+1]), CharacterRangeSplitter::kInOverlay); } CharacterRangeSplitter callback(included, excluded); table.ForEach(&callback); } static void AddUncanonicals(Isolate* isolate, ZoneList* ranges, int bottom, int top); void CharacterRange::AddCaseEquivalents(ZoneList* ranges, bool is_ascii) { Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current(); uc16 bottom = from(); uc16 top = to(); if (is_ascii) { if (bottom > String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) return; if (top > String::kMaxAsciiCharCode) top = String::kMaxAsciiCharCode; } unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth]; if (top == bottom) { // If this is a singleton we just expand the one character. int length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(bottom, '\0', chars); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { uc32 chr = chars[i]; if (chr != bottom) { ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(chars[i])); } } } else { // If this is a range we expand the characters block by block, // expanding contiguous subranges (blocks) one at a time. // The approach is as follows. For a given start character we // look up the remainder of the block that contains it (represented // by the end point), for instance we find 'z' if the character // is 'c'. A block is characterized by the property // that all characters uncanonicalize in the same way, except that // each entry in the result is incremented by the distance from the first // element. So a-z is a block because 'a' uncanonicalizes to ['a', 'A'] and // the k'th letter uncanonicalizes to ['a' + k, 'A' + k]. // Once we've found the end point we look up its uncanonicalization // and produce a range for each element. For instance for [c-f] // we look up ['z', 'Z'] and produce [c-f] and [C-F]. We then only // add a range if it is not already contained in the input, so [c-f] // will be skipped but [C-F] will be added. If this range is not // completely contained in a block we do this for all the blocks // covered by the range (handling characters that is not in a block // as a "singleton block"). unibrow::uchar range[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth]; int pos = bottom; while (pos < top) { int length = isolate->jsregexp_canonrange()->get(pos, '\0', range); uc16 block_end; if (length == 0) { block_end = pos; } else { ASSERT_EQ(1, length); block_end = range[0]; } int end = (block_end > top) ? top : block_end; length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(block_end, '\0', range); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { uc32 c = range[i]; uc16 range_from = c - (block_end - pos); uc16 range_to = c - (block_end - end); if (!(bottom <= range_from && range_to <= top)) { ranges->Add(CharacterRange(range_from, range_to)); } } pos = end + 1; } } } bool CharacterRange::IsCanonical(ZoneList* ranges) { ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ranges); int n = ranges->length(); if (n <= 1) return true; int max = ranges->at(0).to(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { CharacterRange next_range = ranges->at(i); if (next_range.from() <= max + 1) return false; max = next_range.to(); } return true; } SetRelation CharacterRange::WordCharacterRelation( ZoneList* range) { ASSERT(IsCanonical(range)); int i = 0; // Word character range index. int j = 0; // Argument range index. ASSERT_NE(0, kWordRangeCount); SetRelation result; if (range->length() == 0) { result.SetElementsInSecondSet(); return result; } CharacterRange argument_range = range->at(0); CharacterRange word_range = CharacterRange(kWordRanges[0], kWordRanges[1]); while (i < kWordRangeCount && j < range->length()) { // Check the two ranges for the five cases: // - no overlap. // - partial overlap (there are elements in both ranges that isn't // in the other, and there are also elements that are in both). // - argument range entirely inside word range. // - word range entirely inside argument range. // - ranges are completely equal. // First check for no overlap. The earlier range is not in the other set. if (argument_range.from() > word_range.to()) { // Ranges are disjoint. The earlier word range contains elements that // cannot be in the argument set. result.SetElementsInSecondSet(); } else if (word_range.from() > argument_range.to()) { // Ranges are disjoint. The earlier argument range contains elements that // cannot be in the word set. result.SetElementsInFirstSet(); } else if (word_range.from() <= argument_range.from() && word_range.to() >= argument_range.from()) { result.SetElementsInBothSets(); // argument range completely inside word range. if (word_range.from() < argument_range.from() || word_range.to() > argument_range.from()) { result.SetElementsInSecondSet(); } } else if (word_range.from() >= argument_range.from() && word_range.to() <= argument_range.from()) { result.SetElementsInBothSets(); result.SetElementsInFirstSet(); } else { // There is overlap, and neither is a subrange of the other result.SetElementsInFirstSet(); result.SetElementsInSecondSet(); result.SetElementsInBothSets(); } if (result.NonTrivialIntersection()) { // The result is as (im)precise as we can possibly make it. return result; } // Progress the range(s) with minimal to-character. uc16 word_to = word_range.to(); uc16 argument_to = argument_range.to(); if (argument_to <= word_to) { j++; if (j < range->length()) { argument_range = range->at(j); } } if (word_to <= argument_to) { i += 2; if (i < kWordRangeCount) { word_range = CharacterRange(kWordRanges[i], kWordRanges[i + 1]); } } } // Check if anything wasn't compared in the loop. if (i < kWordRangeCount) { // word range contains something not in argument range. result.SetElementsInSecondSet(); } else if (j < range->length()) { // Argument range contains something not in word range. result.SetElementsInFirstSet(); } return result; } static void AddUncanonicals(Isolate* isolate, ZoneList* ranges, int bottom, int top) { unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth]; // Zones with no case mappings. There is a DEBUG-mode loop to assert that // this table is correct. // 0x0600 - 0x0fff // 0x1100 - 0x1cff // 0x2000 - 0x20ff // 0x2200 - 0x23ff // 0x2500 - 0x2bff // 0x2e00 - 0xa5ff // 0xa800 - 0xfaff // 0xfc00 - 0xfeff const int boundary_count = 18; int boundaries[] = { 0x600, 0x1000, 0x1100, 0x1d00, 0x2000, 0x2100, 0x2200, 0x2400, 0x2500, 0x2c00, 0x2e00, 0xa600, 0xa800, 0xfb00, 0xfc00, 0xff00}; // Special ASCII rule from spec can save us some work here. if (bottom == 0x80 && top == 0xffff) return; if (top <= boundaries[0]) { CharacterRange range(bottom, top); range.AddCaseEquivalents(ranges, false); return; } // Split up very large ranges. This helps remove ranges where there are no // case mappings. for (int i = 0; i < boundary_count; i++) { if (bottom < boundaries[i] && top >= boundaries[i]) { AddUncanonicals(isolate, ranges, bottom, boundaries[i] - 1); AddUncanonicals(isolate, ranges, boundaries[i], top); return; } } // If we are completely in a zone with no case mappings then we are done. for (int i = 0; i < boundary_count; i += 2) { if (bottom >= boundaries[i] && top < boundaries[i + 1]) { #ifdef DEBUG for (int j = bottom; j <= top; j++) { unsigned current_char = j; int length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(current_char, '\0', chars); for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { ASSERT(chars[k] == current_char); } } #endif return; } } // Step through the range finding equivalent characters. ZoneList *characters = new ZoneList(100); for (int i = bottom; i <= top; i++) { int length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(i, '\0', chars); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { uc32 chr = chars[j]; if (chr != i && (chr < bottom || chr > top)) { characters->Add(chr); } } } // Step through the equivalent characters finding simple ranges and // adding ranges to the character class. if (characters->length() > 0) { int new_from = characters->at(0); int new_to = new_from; for (int i = 1; i < characters->length(); i++) { int chr = characters->at(i); if (chr == new_to + 1) { new_to++; } else { if (new_to == new_from) { ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(new_from)); } else { ranges->Add(CharacterRange(new_from, new_to)); } new_from = new_to = chr; } } if (new_to == new_from) { ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(new_from)); } else { ranges->Add(CharacterRange(new_from, new_to)); } } } ZoneList* CharacterSet::ranges() { if (ranges_ == NULL) { ranges_ = new ZoneList(2); CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(standard_set_type_, ranges_); } return ranges_; } // Move a number of elements in a zonelist to another position // in the same list. Handles overlapping source and target areas. static void MoveRanges(ZoneList* list, int from, int to, int count) { // Ranges are potentially overlapping. if (from < to) { for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { list->at(to + i) = list->at(from + i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { list->at(to + i) = list->at(from + i); } } } static int InsertRangeInCanonicalList(ZoneList* list, int count, CharacterRange insert) { // Inserts a range into list[0..count[, which must be sorted // by from value and non-overlapping and non-adjacent, using at most // list[0..count] for the result. Returns the number of resulting // canonicalized ranges. Inserting a range may collapse existing ranges into // fewer ranges, so the return value can be anything in the range 1..count+1. uc16 from = insert.from(); uc16 to = insert.to(); int start_pos = 0; int end_pos = count; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CharacterRange current = list->at(i); if (current.from() > to + 1) { end_pos = i; } else if (current.to() + 1 < from) { start_pos = i + 1; break; } } // Inserted range overlaps, or is adjacent to, ranges at positions // [start_pos..end_pos[. Ranges before start_pos or at or after end_pos are // not affected by the insertion. // If start_pos == end_pos, the range must be inserted before start_pos. // if start_pos < end_pos, the entire range from start_pos to end_pos // must be merged with the insert range. if (start_pos == end_pos) { // Insert between existing ranges at position start_pos. if (start_pos < count) { MoveRanges(list, start_pos, start_pos + 1, count - start_pos); } list->at(start_pos) = insert; return count + 1; } if (start_pos + 1 == end_pos) { // Replace single existing range at position start_pos. CharacterRange to_replace = list->at(start_pos); int new_from = Min(to_replace.from(), from); int new_to = Max(to_replace.to(), to); list->at(start_pos) = CharacterRange(new_from, new_to); return count; } // Replace a number of existing ranges from start_pos to end_pos - 1. // Move the remaining ranges down. int new_from = Min(list->at(start_pos).from(), from); int new_to = Max(list->at(end_pos - 1).to(), to); if (end_pos < count) { MoveRanges(list, end_pos, start_pos + 1, count - end_pos); } list->at(start_pos) = CharacterRange(new_from, new_to); return count - (end_pos - start_pos) + 1; } void CharacterSet::Canonicalize() { // Special/default classes are always considered canonical. The result // of calling ranges() will be sorted. if (ranges_ == NULL) return; CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges_); } void CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ZoneList* character_ranges) { if (character_ranges->length() <= 1) return; // Check whether ranges are already canonical (increasing, non-overlapping, // non-adjacent). int n = character_ranges->length(); int max = character_ranges->at(0).to(); int i = 1; while (i < n) { CharacterRange current = character_ranges->at(i); if (current.from() <= max + 1) { break; } max = current.to(); i++; } // Canonical until the i'th range. If that's all of them, we are done. if (i == n) return; // The ranges at index i and forward are not canonicalized. Make them so by // doing the equivalent of insertion sort (inserting each into the previous // list, in order). // Notice that inserting a range can reduce the number of ranges in the // result due to combining of adjacent and overlapping ranges. int read = i; // Range to insert. int num_canonical = i; // Length of canonicalized part of list. do { num_canonical = InsertRangeInCanonicalList(character_ranges, num_canonical, character_ranges->at(read)); read++; } while (read < n); character_ranges->Rewind(num_canonical); ASSERT(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(character_ranges)); } // Utility function for CharacterRange::Merge. Adds a range at the end of // a canonicalized range list, if necessary merging the range with the last // range of the list. static void AddRangeToSet(ZoneList* set, CharacterRange range) { if (set == NULL) return; ASSERT(set->length() == 0 || set->at(set->length() - 1).to() < range.from()); int n = set->length(); if (n > 0) { CharacterRange lastRange = set->at(n - 1); if (lastRange.to() == range.from() - 1) { set->at(n - 1) = CharacterRange(lastRange.from(), range.to()); return; } } set->Add(range); } static void AddRangeToSelectedSet(int selector, ZoneList* first_set, ZoneList* second_set, ZoneList* intersection_set, CharacterRange range) { switch (selector) { case kInsideFirst: AddRangeToSet(first_set, range); break; case kInsideSecond: AddRangeToSet(second_set, range); break; case kInsideBoth: AddRangeToSet(intersection_set, range); break; } } void CharacterRange::Merge(ZoneList* first_set, ZoneList* second_set, ZoneList* first_set_only_out, ZoneList* second_set_only_out, ZoneList* both_sets_out) { // Inputs are canonicalized. ASSERT(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(first_set)); ASSERT(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(second_set)); // Outputs are empty, if applicable. ASSERT(first_set_only_out == NULL || first_set_only_out->length() == 0); ASSERT(second_set_only_out == NULL || second_set_only_out->length() == 0); ASSERT(both_sets_out == NULL || both_sets_out->length() == 0); // Merge sets by iterating through the lists in order of lowest "from" value, // and putting intervals into one of three sets. if (first_set->length() == 0) { second_set_only_out->AddAll(*second_set); return; } if (second_set->length() == 0) { first_set_only_out->AddAll(*first_set); return; } // Indices into input lists. int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; // Cache length of input lists. int n1 = first_set->length(); int n2 = second_set->length(); // Current range. May be invalid if state is kInsideNone. int from = 0; int to = -1; // Where current range comes from. int state = kInsideNone; while (i1 < n1 || i2 < n2) { CharacterRange next_range; int range_source; if (i2 == n2 || (i1 < n1 && first_set->at(i1).from() < second_set->at(i2).from())) { // Next smallest element is in first set. next_range = first_set->at(i1++); range_source = kInsideFirst; } else { // Next smallest element is in second set. next_range = second_set->at(i2++); range_source = kInsideSecond; } if (to < next_range.from()) { // Ranges disjoint: |current| |next| AddRangeToSelectedSet(state, first_set_only_out, second_set_only_out, both_sets_out, CharacterRange(from, to)); from = next_range.from(); to = next_range.to(); state = range_source; } else { if (from < next_range.from()) { AddRangeToSelectedSet(state, first_set_only_out, second_set_only_out, both_sets_out, CharacterRange(from, next_range.from()-1)); } if (to < next_range.to()) { // Ranges overlap: |current| // |next| AddRangeToSelectedSet(state | range_source, first_set_only_out, second_set_only_out, both_sets_out, CharacterRange(next_range.from(), to)); from = to + 1; to = next_range.to(); state = range_source; } else { // Range included: |current| , possibly ending at same character. // |next| AddRangeToSelectedSet( state | range_source, first_set_only_out, second_set_only_out, both_sets_out, CharacterRange(next_range.from(), next_range.to())); from = next_range.to() + 1; // If ranges end at same character, both ranges are consumed completely. if (next_range.to() == to) state = kInsideNone; } } } AddRangeToSelectedSet(state, first_set_only_out, second_set_only_out, both_sets_out, CharacterRange(from, to)); } void CharacterRange::Negate(ZoneList* ranges, ZoneList* negated_ranges) { ASSERT(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(ranges)); ASSERT_EQ(0, negated_ranges->length()); int range_count = ranges->length(); uc16 from = 0; int i = 0; if (range_count > 0 && ranges->at(0).from() == 0) { from = ranges->at(0).to(); i = 1; } while (i < range_count) { CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i); negated_ranges->Add(CharacterRange(from + 1, range.from() - 1)); from = range.to(); i++; } if (from < String::kMaxUC16CharCode) { negated_ranges->Add(CharacterRange(from + 1, String::kMaxUC16CharCode)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interest propagation RegExpNode* RegExpNode::TryGetSibling(NodeInfo* info) { for (int i = 0; i < siblings_.length(); i++) { RegExpNode* sibling = siblings_.Get(i); if (sibling->info()->Matches(info)) return sibling; } return NULL; } RegExpNode* RegExpNode::EnsureSibling(NodeInfo* info, bool* cloned) { ASSERT_EQ(false, *cloned); siblings_.Ensure(this); RegExpNode* result = TryGetSibling(info); if (result != NULL) return result; result = this->Clone(); NodeInfo* new_info = result->info(); new_info->ResetCompilationState(); new_info->AddFromPreceding(info); AddSibling(result); *cloned = true; return result; } template static RegExpNode* PropagateToEndpoint(C* node, NodeInfo* info) { NodeInfo full_info(*node->info()); full_info.AddFromPreceding(info); bool cloned = false; return RegExpNode::EnsureSibling(node, &full_info, &cloned); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Splay tree OutSet* OutSet::Extend(unsigned value) { if (Get(value)) return this; if (successors() != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < successors()->length(); i++) { OutSet* successor = successors()->at(i); if (successor->Get(value)) return successor; } } else { successors_ = new ZoneList(2); } OutSet* result = new OutSet(first_, remaining_); result->Set(value); successors()->Add(result); return result; } void OutSet::Set(unsigned value) { if (value < kFirstLimit) { first_ |= (1 << value); } else { if (remaining_ == NULL) remaining_ = new ZoneList(1); if (remaining_->is_empty() || !remaining_->Contains(value)) remaining_->Add(value); } } bool OutSet::Get(unsigned value) { if (value < kFirstLimit) { return (first_ & (1 << value)) != 0; } else if (remaining_ == NULL) { return false; } else { return remaining_->Contains(value); } } const uc16 DispatchTable::Config::kNoKey = unibrow::Utf8::kBadChar; const DispatchTable::Entry DispatchTable::Config::kNoValue; void DispatchTable::AddRange(CharacterRange full_range, int value) { CharacterRange current = full_range; if (tree()->is_empty()) { // If this is the first range we just insert into the table. ZoneSplayTree::Locator loc; ASSERT_RESULT(tree()->Insert(current.from(), &loc)); loc.set_value(Entry(current.from(), current.to(), empty()->Extend(value))); return; } // First see if there is a range to the left of this one that // overlaps. ZoneSplayTree::Locator loc; if (tree()->FindGreatestLessThan(current.from(), &loc)) { Entry* entry = &loc.value(); // If we've found a range that overlaps with this one, and it // starts strictly to the left of this one, we have to fix it // because the following code only handles ranges that start on // or after the start point of the range we're adding. if (entry->from() < current.from() && entry->to() >= current.from()) { // Snap the overlapping range in half around the start point of // the range we're adding. CharacterRange left(entry->from(), current.from() - 1); CharacterRange right(current.from(), entry->to()); // The left part of the overlapping range doesn't overlap. // Truncate the whole entry to be just the left part. entry->set_to(left.to()); // The right part is the one that overlaps. We add this part // to the map and let the next step deal with merging it with // the range we're adding. ZoneSplayTree::Locator loc; ASSERT_RESULT(tree()->Insert(right.from(), &loc)); loc.set_value(Entry(right.from(), right.to(), entry->out_set())); } } while (current.is_valid()) { if (tree()->FindLeastGreaterThan(current.from(), &loc) && (loc.value().from() <= current.to()) && (loc.value().to() >= current.from())) { Entry* entry = &loc.value(); // We have overlap. If there is space between the start point of // the range we're adding and where the overlapping range starts // then we have to add a range covering just that space. if (current.from() < entry->from()) { ZoneSplayTree::Locator ins; ASSERT_RESULT(tree()->Insert(current.from(), &ins)); ins.set_value(Entry(current.from(), entry->from() - 1, empty()->Extend(value))); current.set_from(entry->from()); } ASSERT_EQ(current.from(), entry->from()); // If the overlapping range extends beyond the one we want to add // we have to snap the right part off and add it separately. if (entry->to() > current.to()) { ZoneSplayTree::Locator ins; ASSERT_RESULT(tree()->Insert(current.to() + 1, &ins)); ins.set_value(Entry(current.to() + 1, entry->to(), entry->out_set())); entry->set_to(current.to()); } ASSERT(entry->to() <= current.to()); // The overlapping range is now completely contained by the range // we're adding so we can just update it and move the start point // of the range we're adding just past it. entry->AddValue(value); // Bail out if the last interval ended at 0xFFFF since otherwise // adding 1 will wrap around to 0. if (entry->to() == String::kMaxUC16CharCode) break; ASSERT(entry->to() + 1 > current.from()); current.set_from(entry->to() + 1); } else { // There is no overlap so we can just add the range ZoneSplayTree::Locator ins; ASSERT_RESULT(tree()->Insert(current.from(), &ins)); ins.set_value(Entry(current.from(), current.to(), empty()->Extend(value))); break; } } } OutSet* DispatchTable::Get(uc16 value) { ZoneSplayTree::Locator loc; if (!tree()->FindGreatestLessThan(value, &loc)) return empty(); Entry* entry = &loc.value(); if (value <= entry->to()) return entry->out_set(); else return empty(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Analysis void Analysis::EnsureAnalyzed(RegExpNode* that) { StackLimitCheck check(Isolate::Current()); if (check.HasOverflowed()) { fail("Stack overflow"); return; } if (that->info()->been_analyzed || that->info()->being_analyzed) return; that->info()->being_analyzed = true; that->Accept(this); that->info()->being_analyzed = false; that->info()->been_analyzed = true; } void Analysis::VisitEnd(EndNode* that) { // nothing to do } void TextNode::CalculateOffsets() { int element_count = elements()->length(); // Set up the offsets of the elements relative to the start. This is a fixed // quantity since a TextNode can only contain fixed-width things. int cp_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) { TextElement& elm = elements()->at(i); elm.cp_offset = cp_offset; if (elm.type == TextElement::ATOM) { cp_offset += elm.data.u_atom->data().length(); } else { cp_offset++; Vector quarks = elm.data.u_atom->data(); } } } void Analysis::VisitText(TextNode* that) { if (ignore_case_) { that->MakeCaseIndependent(is_ascii_); } EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success()); if (!has_failed()) { that->CalculateOffsets(); } } void Analysis::VisitAction(ActionNode* that) { RegExpNode* target = that->on_success(); EnsureAnalyzed(target); if (!has_failed()) { // If the next node is interested in what it follows then this node // has to be interested too so it can pass the information on. that->info()->AddFromFollowing(target->info()); } } void Analysis::VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* that) { NodeInfo* info = that->info(); for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) { RegExpNode* node = that->alternatives()->at(i).node(); EnsureAnalyzed(node); if (has_failed()) return; // Anything the following nodes need to know has to be known by // this node also, so it can pass it on. info->AddFromFollowing(node->info()); } } void Analysis::VisitLoopChoice(LoopChoiceNode* that) { NodeInfo* info = that->info(); for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) { RegExpNode* node = that->alternatives()->at(i).node(); if (node != that->loop_node()) { EnsureAnalyzed(node); if (has_failed()) return; info->AddFromFollowing(node->info()); } } // Check the loop last since it may need the value of this node // to get a correct result. EnsureAnalyzed(that->loop_node()); if (!has_failed()) { info->AddFromFollowing(that->loop_node()->info()); } } void Analysis::VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) { EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success()); } void Analysis::VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) { EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success()); AssertionNode::AssertionNodeType type = that->type(); if (type == AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY || type == AssertionNode::AT_NON_BOUNDARY) { // Check if the following character is known to be a word character // or known to not be a word character. ZoneList* following_chars = that->FirstCharacterSet(); CharacterRange::Canonicalize(following_chars); SetRelation word_relation = CharacterRange::WordCharacterRelation(following_chars); if (word_relation.Disjoint()) { // Includes the case where following_chars is empty (e.g., end-of-input). // Following character is definitely *not* a word character. type = (type == AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY) ? AssertionNode::AFTER_WORD_CHARACTER : AssertionNode::AFTER_NONWORD_CHARACTER; that->set_type(type); } else if (word_relation.ContainedIn()) { // Following character is definitely a word character. type = (type == AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY) ? AssertionNode::AFTER_NONWORD_CHARACTER : AssertionNode::AFTER_WORD_CHARACTER; that->set_type(type); } } } ZoneList* RegExpNode::FirstCharacterSet() { if (first_character_set_ == NULL) { if (ComputeFirstCharacterSet(kFirstCharBudget) < 0) { // If we can't find an exact solution within the budget, we // set the value to the set of every character, i.e., all characters // are possible. ZoneList* all_set = new ZoneList(1); all_set->Add(CharacterRange::Everything()); first_character_set_ = all_set; } } return first_character_set_; } int RegExpNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { // Default behavior is to not be able to determine the first character. return kComputeFirstCharacterSetFail; } int LoopChoiceNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { budget--; if (budget >= 0) { // Find loop min-iteration. It's the value of the guarded choice node // with a GEQ guard, if any. int min_repetition = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives()->at(i); ZoneList* guards = alternative.guards(); if (guards != NULL && guards->length() > 0) { Guard* guard = guards->at(0); if (guard->op() == Guard::GEQ) { min_repetition = guard->value(); break; } } } budget = loop_node()->ComputeFirstCharacterSet(budget); if (budget >= 0) { ZoneList* character_set = loop_node()->first_character_set(); if (body_can_be_zero_length() || min_repetition == 0) { budget = continue_node()->ComputeFirstCharacterSet(budget); if (budget < 0) return budget; ZoneList* body_set = continue_node()->first_character_set(); ZoneList* union_set = new ZoneList(Max(character_set->length(), body_set->length())); CharacterRange::Merge(character_set, body_set, union_set, union_set, union_set); character_set = union_set; } set_first_character_set(character_set); } } return budget; } int NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { budget--; if (budget >= 0) { GuardedAlternative successor = this->alternatives()->at(1); RegExpNode* successor_node = successor.node(); budget = successor_node->ComputeFirstCharacterSet(budget); if (budget >= 0) { set_first_character_set(successor_node->first_character_set()); } } return budget; } // The first character set of an EndNode is unknowable. Just use the // default implementation that fails and returns all characters as possible. int AssertionNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { budget -= 1; if (budget >= 0) { switch (type_) { case AT_END: { set_first_character_set(new ZoneList(0)); break; } case AT_START: case AT_BOUNDARY: case AT_NON_BOUNDARY: case AFTER_NEWLINE: case AFTER_NONWORD_CHARACTER: case AFTER_WORD_CHARACTER: { ASSERT_NOT_NULL(on_success()); budget = on_success()->ComputeFirstCharacterSet(budget); if (budget >= 0) { set_first_character_set(on_success()->first_character_set()); } break; } } } return budget; } int ActionNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { if (type_ == POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS) return kComputeFirstCharacterSetFail; budget--; if (budget >= 0) { ASSERT_NOT_NULL(on_success()); budget = on_success()->ComputeFirstCharacterSet(budget); if (budget >= 0) { set_first_character_set(on_success()->first_character_set()); } } return budget; } int BackReferenceNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { // We don't know anything about the first character of a backreference // at this point. // The potential first characters are the first characters of the capture, // and the first characters of the on_success node, depending on whether the // capture can be empty and whether it is known to be participating or known // not to be. return kComputeFirstCharacterSetFail; } int TextNode::ComputeFirstCharacterSet(int budget) { budget--; if (budget >= 0) { ASSERT_NE(0, elements()->length()); TextElement text = elements()->at(0); if (text.type == TextElement::ATOM) { RegExpAtom* atom = text.data.u_atom; ASSERT_NE(0, atom->length()); uc16 first_char = atom->data()[0]; ZoneList* range = new ZoneList(1); range->Add(CharacterRange(first_char, first_char)); set_first_character_set(range); } else { ASSERT(text.type == TextElement::CHAR_CLASS); RegExpCharacterClass* char_class = text.data.u_char_class; ZoneList* ranges = char_class->ranges(); // TODO(lrn): Canonicalize ranges when they are created // instead of waiting until now. CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges); if (char_class->is_negated()) { int length = ranges->length(); int new_length = length + 1; if (length > 0) { if (ranges->at(0).from() == 0) new_length--; if (ranges->at(length - 1).to() == String::kMaxUC16CharCode) { new_length--; } } ZoneList* negated_ranges = new ZoneList(new_length); CharacterRange::Negate(ranges, negated_ranges); set_first_character_set(negated_ranges); } else { set_first_character_set(ranges); } } } return budget; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dispatch table construction void DispatchTableConstructor::VisitEnd(EndNode* that) { AddRange(CharacterRange::Everything()); } void DispatchTableConstructor::BuildTable(ChoiceNode* node) { node->set_being_calculated(true); ZoneList* alternatives = node->alternatives(); for (int i = 0; i < alternatives->length(); i++) { set_choice_index(i); alternatives->at(i).node()->Accept(this); } node->set_being_calculated(false); } class AddDispatchRange { public: explicit AddDispatchRange(DispatchTableConstructor* constructor) : constructor_(constructor) { } void Call(uc32 from, DispatchTable::Entry entry); private: DispatchTableConstructor* constructor_; }; void AddDispatchRange::Call(uc32 from, DispatchTable::Entry entry) { CharacterRange range(from, entry.to()); constructor_->AddRange(range); } void DispatchTableConstructor::VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* node) { if (node->being_calculated()) return; DispatchTable* table = node->GetTable(ignore_case_); AddDispatchRange adder(this); table->ForEach(&adder); } void DispatchTableConstructor::VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) { // TODO(160): Find the node that we refer back to and propagate its start // set back to here. For now we just accept anything. AddRange(CharacterRange::Everything()); } void DispatchTableConstructor::VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) { RegExpNode* target = that->on_success(); target->Accept(this); } static int CompareRangeByFrom(const CharacterRange* a, const CharacterRange* b) { return Compare(a->from(), b->from()); } void DispatchTableConstructor::AddInverse(ZoneList* ranges) { ranges->Sort(CompareRangeByFrom); uc16 last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ranges->length(); i++) { CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i); if (last < range.from()) AddRange(CharacterRange(last, range.from() - 1)); if (range.to() >= last) { if (range.to() == String::kMaxUC16CharCode) { return; } else { last = range.to() + 1; } } } AddRange(CharacterRange(last, String::kMaxUC16CharCode)); } void DispatchTableConstructor::VisitText(TextNode* that) { TextElement elm = that->elements()->at(0); switch (elm.type) { case TextElement::ATOM: { uc16 c = elm.data.u_atom->data()[0]; AddRange(CharacterRange(c, c)); break; } case TextElement::CHAR_CLASS: { RegExpCharacterClass* tree = elm.data.u_char_class; ZoneList* ranges = tree->ranges(); if (tree->is_negated()) { AddInverse(ranges); } else { for (int i = 0; i < ranges->length(); i++) AddRange(ranges->at(i)); } break; } default: { UNIMPLEMENTED(); } } } void DispatchTableConstructor::VisitAction(ActionNode* that) { RegExpNode* target = that->on_success(); target->Accept(this); } RegExpEngine::CompilationResult RegExpEngine::Compile(RegExpCompileData* data, bool ignore_case, bool is_multiline, Handle pattern, bool is_ascii) { if ((data->capture_count + 1) * 2 - 1 > RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegister) { return IrregexpRegExpTooBig(); } RegExpCompiler compiler(data->capture_count, ignore_case, is_ascii); // Wrap the body of the regexp in capture #0. RegExpNode* captured_body = RegExpCapture::ToNode(data->tree, 0, &compiler, compiler.accept()); RegExpNode* node = captured_body; bool is_end_anchored = data->tree->IsAnchoredAtEnd(); bool is_start_anchored = data->tree->IsAnchoredAtStart(); int max_length = data->tree->max_match(); if (!is_start_anchored) { // Add a .*? at the beginning, outside the body capture, unless // this expression is anchored at the beginning. RegExpNode* loop_node = RegExpQuantifier::ToNode(0, RegExpTree::kInfinity, false, new RegExpCharacterClass('*'), &compiler, captured_body, data->contains_anchor); if (data->contains_anchor) { // Unroll loop once, to take care of the case that might start // at the start of input. ChoiceNode* first_step_node = new ChoiceNode(2); first_step_node->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(captured_body)); first_step_node->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative( new TextNode(new RegExpCharacterClass('*'), loop_node))); node = first_step_node; } else { node = loop_node; } } data->node = node; Analysis analysis(ignore_case, is_ascii); analysis.EnsureAnalyzed(node); if (analysis.has_failed()) { const char* error_message = analysis.error_message(); return CompilationResult(error_message); } NodeInfo info = *node->info(); // Create the correct assembler for the architecture. #ifndef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP // Native regexp implementation. NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::Mode mode = is_ascii ? NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::ASCII : NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::UC16; #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32 macro_assembler(mode, (data->capture_count + 1) * 2); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 RegExpMacroAssemblerX64 macro_assembler(mode, (data->capture_count + 1) * 2); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM RegExpMacroAssemblerARM macro_assembler(mode, (data->capture_count + 1) * 2); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS RegExpMacroAssemblerMIPS macro_assembler(mode, (data->capture_count + 1) * 2); #endif #else // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP // Interpreted regexp implementation. EmbeddedVector codes; RegExpMacroAssemblerIrregexp macro_assembler(codes); #endif // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP // Inserted here, instead of in Assembler, because it depends on information // in the AST that isn't replicated in the Node structure. static const int kMaxBacksearchLimit = 1024; if (is_end_anchored && !is_start_anchored && max_length < kMaxBacksearchLimit) { macro_assembler.SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(max_length); } return compiler.Assemble(¯o_assembler, node, data->capture_count, pattern); } }} // namespace v8::internal