# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import unittest import datetime import StringIO from .bugzilla import Bugzilla, BugzillaQueries, parse_bug_id, parse_bug_id_from_changelog from webkitpy.common.system.outputcapture import OutputCapture from webkitpy.tool.mocktool import MockBrowser from webkitpy.thirdparty.mock import Mock from webkitpy.thirdparty.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup class BugzillaTest(unittest.TestCase): _example_attachment = ''' 33721 2009-07-29 10:23 PDT Fixed whitespace issue patch text/plain 9719 christian.plesner.hansen@gmail.com ''' _expected_example_attachment_parsing = { 'attach_date': datetime.datetime(2009, 07, 29, 10, 23), 'bug_id' : 100, 'is_obsolete' : True, 'is_patch' : True, 'id' : 33721, 'url' : "https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=33721", 'name' : "Fixed whitespace issue", 'type' : "text/plain", 'review' : '+', 'reviewer_email' : 'one@test.com', 'commit-queue' : '+', 'committer_email' : 'two@test.com', 'attacher_email' : 'christian.plesner.hansen@gmail.com', } def test_url_creation(self): # FIXME: These would be all better as doctests bugs = Bugzilla() self.assertEquals(None, bugs.bug_url_for_bug_id(None)) self.assertEquals(None, bugs.short_bug_url_for_bug_id(None)) self.assertEquals(None, bugs.attachment_url_for_id(None)) def test_parse_bug_id(self): # FIXME: These would be all better as doctests bugs = Bugzilla() self.assertEquals(12345, parse_bug_id("http://webkit.org/b/12345")) self.assertEquals(12345, parse_bug_id("http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12345")) self.assertEquals(12345, parse_bug_id(bugs.short_bug_url_for_bug_id(12345))) self.assertEquals(12345, parse_bug_id(bugs.bug_url_for_bug_id(12345))) self.assertEquals(12345, parse_bug_id(bugs.bug_url_for_bug_id(12345, xml=True))) # Our bug parser is super-fragile, but at least we're testing it. self.assertEquals(None, parse_bug_id("http://www.webkit.org/b/12345")) self.assertEquals(None, parse_bug_id("http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml&id=12345")) _bug_xml = """ 32585 2009-12-15 15:17 PST bug to test webkit-patch's and commit-queue's failures 2009-12-27 21:04:50 PST 1 1 1 Unclassified WebKit Tools / Tests 528+ (Nightly build) PC Mac OS X 10.5 NEW P2 Normal --- 1 eric@webkit.org webkit-unassigned@lists.webkit.org foo@bar.com example@example.com eric@webkit.org 2009-12-15 15:17:28 PST bug to test webkit-patch and commit-queue failures Ignore this bug. Just for testing failure modes of webkit-patch and the commit-queue. 45548 2009-12-27 23:51 PST Patch bug-32585-20091228005112.patch text/plain 10882 mjs@apple.com 1261988248-dc51409e9c421a4358f365fa8bec8357 SW5kZXg6IFdlYktpdC9tYWMvQ2hhbmdlTG9nCj09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 removed-because-it-was-really-long ZEZpbmlzaExvYWRXaXRoUmVhc29uOnJlYXNvbl07Cit9CisKIEBlbmQKIAogI2VuZGlmCg== """ _single_bug_xml = """ %s """ % _bug_xml _expected_example_bug_parsing = { "id" : 32585, "title" : u"bug to test webkit-patch's and commit-queue's failures", "cc_emails" : ["foo@bar.com", "example@example.com"], "reporter_email" : "eric@webkit.org", "assigned_to_email" : "webkit-unassigned@lists.webkit.org", "bug_status": "NEW", "attachments" : [{ "attach_date": datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 27, 23, 51), 'name': u'Patch', 'url' : "https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=45548", 'is_obsolete': False, 'review': '?', 'is_patch': True, 'attacher_email': 'mjs@apple.com', 'bug_id': 32585, 'type': 'text/plain', 'id': 45548 }], } def test_parse_bug_id_from_changelog(self): commit_text = ''' 2011-03-23 Ojan Vafai Add failing result for WebKit2. All tests that require focus fail on WebKit2. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56988. * platform/mac-wk2/fast/css/pseudo-any-expected.txt: Added. ''' self.assertEquals(56988, parse_bug_id_from_changelog(commit_text)) commit_text = ''' 2011-03-23 Ojan Vafai Add failing result for WebKit2. All tests that require focus fail on WebKit2. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56988. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12345 * platform/mac-wk2/fast/css/pseudo-any-expected.txt: Added. ''' self.assertEquals(12345, parse_bug_id_from_changelog(commit_text)) commit_text = ''' 2011-03-31 Adam Roben Quote the executable path we pass to ::CreateProcessW This will ensure that spaces in the path will be interpreted correctly. Fixes Web process sometimes fails to launch when there are spaces in its path Reviewed by Steve Falkenburg. * UIProcess/Launcher/win/ProcessLauncherWin.cpp: (WebKit::ProcessLauncher::launchProcess): Surround the executable path in quotes. ''' self.assertEquals(57569, parse_bug_id_from_changelog(commit_text)) # FIXME: This should move to a central location and be shared by more unit tests. def _assert_dictionaries_equal(self, actual, expected): # Make sure we aren't parsing more or less than we expect self.assertEquals(sorted(actual.keys()), sorted(expected.keys())) for key, expected_value in expected.items(): self.assertEquals(actual[key], expected_value, ("Failure for key: %s: Actual='%s' Expected='%s'" % (key, actual[key], expected_value))) def test_parse_bug_dictionary_from_xml(self): bug = Bugzilla()._parse_bug_dictionary_from_xml(self._single_bug_xml) self._assert_dictionaries_equal(bug, self._expected_example_bug_parsing) _sample_multi_bug_xml = """ %s %s """ % (_bug_xml, _bug_xml) def test_parse_bugs_from_xml(self): bugzilla = Bugzilla() bugs = bugzilla._parse_bugs_from_xml(self._sample_multi_bug_xml) self.assertEquals(len(bugs), 2) self.assertEquals(bugs[0].id(), self._expected_example_bug_parsing['id']) bugs = bugzilla._parse_bugs_from_xml("") self.assertEquals(len(bugs), 0) # This could be combined into test_bug_parsing later if desired. def test_attachment_parsing(self): bugzilla = Bugzilla() soup = BeautifulSoup(self._example_attachment) attachment_element = soup.find("attachment") attachment = bugzilla._parse_attachment_element(attachment_element, self._expected_example_attachment_parsing['bug_id']) self.assertTrue(attachment) self._assert_dictionaries_equal(attachment, self._expected_example_attachment_parsing) _sample_attachment_detail_page = """ Attachment 41073 Details for Bug 27314 """ def test_attachment_detail_bug_parsing(self): bugzilla = Bugzilla() self.assertEquals(27314, bugzilla._parse_bug_id_from_attachment_page(self._sample_attachment_detail_page)) def test_add_cc_to_bug(self): bugzilla = Bugzilla() bugzilla.browser = MockBrowser() bugzilla.authenticate = lambda: None expected_stderr = "Adding ['adam@example.com'] to the CC list for bug 42\n" OutputCapture().assert_outputs(self, bugzilla.add_cc_to_bug, [42, ["adam@example.com"]], expected_stderr=expected_stderr) def _mock_control_item(self, name): mock_item = Mock() mock_item.name = name return mock_item def _mock_find_control(self, item_names=[], selected_index=0): mock_control = Mock() mock_control.items = [self._mock_control_item(name) for name in item_names] mock_control.value = [item_names[selected_index]] if item_names else None return lambda name, type: mock_control def _assert_reopen(self, item_names=None, selected_index=None, extra_stderr=None): bugzilla = Bugzilla() bugzilla.browser = MockBrowser() bugzilla.authenticate = lambda: None mock_find_control = self._mock_find_control(item_names, selected_index) bugzilla.browser.find_control = mock_find_control expected_stderr = "Re-opening bug 42\n['comment']\n" if extra_stderr: expected_stderr += extra_stderr OutputCapture().assert_outputs(self, bugzilla.reopen_bug, [42, ["comment"]], expected_stderr=expected_stderr) def test_reopen_bug(self): self._assert_reopen(item_names=["REOPENED", "RESOLVED", "CLOSED"], selected_index=1) self._assert_reopen(item_names=["UNCONFIRMED", "RESOLVED", "CLOSED"], selected_index=1) extra_stderr = "Did not reopen bug 42, it appears to already be open with status ['NEW'].\n" self._assert_reopen(item_names=["NEW", "RESOLVED"], selected_index=0, extra_stderr=extra_stderr) def test_file_object_for_upload(self): bugzilla = Bugzilla() file_object = StringIO.StringIO() unicode_tor = u"WebKit \u2661 Tor Arne Vestb\u00F8!" utf8_tor = unicode_tor.encode("utf-8") self.assertEqual(bugzilla._file_object_for_upload(file_object), file_object) self.assertEqual(bugzilla._file_object_for_upload(utf8_tor).read(), utf8_tor) self.assertEqual(bugzilla._file_object_for_upload(unicode_tor).read(), utf8_tor) def test_filename_for_upload(self): bugzilla = Bugzilla() mock_file = Mock() mock_file.name = "foo" self.assertEqual(bugzilla._filename_for_upload(mock_file, 1234), 'foo') mock_timestamp = lambda: "now" filename = bugzilla._filename_for_upload(StringIO.StringIO(), 1234, extension="patch", timestamp=mock_timestamp) self.assertEqual(filename, "bug-1234-now.patch") class BugzillaQueriesTest(unittest.TestCase): _sample_request_page = """ Request Queue

Flag: review

Requester Requestee Bug Attachment Created
Shinichiro Hamaji <hamaji@chromium.org> 30015: text-transform:capitalize is failing in CSS2.1 test suite 40511: Patch v0 2009-10-02 04:58 PST
Zan Dobersek <zandobersek@gmail.com> 26304: [GTK] Add controls for playing html5 video. 40722: Media controls, the simple approach 2009-10-06 09:13 PST
Zan Dobersek <zandobersek@gmail.com> 26304: [GTK] Add controls for playing html5 video. 40723: Adjust the media slider thumb size 2009-10-06 09:15 PST
""" _sample_quip_page = u""" Bugzilla Quip System

Existing quips:

  • Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein
  • Good artists copy. Great artists steal. - Pablo Picasso
  • \u00e7gua mole em pedra dura, tanto bate at\u008e que fura.
""" def _assert_result_count(self, queries, html, count): self.assertEquals(queries._parse_result_count(html), count) def test_parse_result_count(self): queries = BugzillaQueries(None) # Pages with results, always list the count at least twice. self._assert_result_count(queries, '314 bugs found.314 bugs found.', 314) self._assert_result_count(queries, 'Zarro Boogs found.', 0) self._assert_result_count(queries, '\n \nOne bug found.', 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, queries._parse_result_count, ['Invalid']) def test_request_page_parsing(self): queries = BugzillaQueries(None) self.assertEquals([40511, 40722, 40723], queries._parse_attachment_ids_request_query(self._sample_request_page)) def test_quip_page_parsing(self): queries = BugzillaQueries(None) expected_quips = ["Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein", "Good artists copy. Great artists steal. - Pablo Picasso", u"\u00e7gua mole em pedra dura, tanto bate at\u008e que fura."] self.assertEquals(expected_quips, queries._parse_quips(self._sample_quip_page)) def test_load_query(self): queries = BugzillaQueries(Mock()) queries._load_query("request.cgi?action=queue&type=review&group=type")