Lines Matching refs:end
3 @interface MyClass1 @end
8 @end
11 @end
14 @end
16 @interface MyClass1 (Category4) @end // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
17 @interface MyClass1 (Category5) @end
18 @interface MyClass1 (Category6) @end
19 @interface MyClass1 (Category7) @end // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
20 @interface MyClass1 (Category8) @end // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
23 @interface MyClass1 (Category4) @end // expected-warning {{duplicate definition of category 'Catego…
24 @interface MyClass1 (Category7) @end // expected-warning {{duplicate definition of category 'Catego…
25 @interface MyClass1 (Category8) @end // expected-warning {{duplicate definition of category 'Catego…
28 @protocol p3 @end
30 @interface MyClass1 (Category) <p2, p3> @end // expected-warning {{cannot find protocol definition…
32 @interface UnknownClass (Category) @end // expected-error {{cannot find interface declaration for …
36 @interface MyClass2 (Category) @end // expected-error {{cannot define category for undefined clas…
39 @end
42 @end
45 @end
48 @end
51 @end
54 @end
57 @end
60 @end
66 @end
68 @interface MultipleCat_I @end // expected-note {{required for direct or indirect protocol 'Multiple…
70 @interface MultipleCat_I() @end
72 @interface MultipleCat_I() <MultipleCat_P> @end
76 @end
80 @interface RDar7680391 () @end // expected-error{{cannot find interface declaration}}
87 @end
90 @end
93 @end
96 @end
101 @end