Lines Matching refs:binary
1 # A kind of clone of dc geared towards binary operations.
6 # b convert decimal to binary
7 # d convert binary to decimal
10 # < shift left binary by decimal number of bits (11 3< gives 11000)
11 # > shift right binary by decimal number of bits (1011 2> gives 10)
12 # & binary AND (between two binary operands)
13 # | binary OR (between two binary operands)
14 # ^ binary XOR (between two binary operands)
15 # ~ binary NOT (between one binary operand)
60 # " | sed -f binary.sed`
127 # Decimal to binary via analog form
199 # Left shift, convert to analog and add a binary digit for each analog digit
210 # Right shift, convert to analog and remove a binary digit for each analog digit