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IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) #include "HRTFElevation.h" #include "AudioBus.h" #include "AudioFileReader.h" #include "Biquad.h" #include "FFTFrame.h" #include "HRTFPanner.h" #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> #include <wtf/OwnPtr.h> using namespace std; namespace WebCore { const unsigned HRTFElevation::AzimuthSpacing = 15; const unsigned HRTFElevation::NumberOfRawAzimuths = 360 / AzimuthSpacing; const unsigned HRTFElevation::InterpolationFactor = 8; const unsigned HRTFElevation::NumberOfTotalAzimuths = NumberOfRawAzimuths * InterpolationFactor; // Takes advantage of the symmetry and creates a composite version of the two measured versions. For example, we have both azimuth 30 and -30 degrees // where the roles of left and right ears are reversed with respect to each other. bool HRTFElevation::calculateSymmetricKernelsForAzimuthElevation(int azimuth, int elevation, double sampleRate, const String& subjectName, RefPtr<HRTFKernel>& kernelL, RefPtr<HRTFKernel>& kernelR) { RefPtr<HRTFKernel> kernelL1; RefPtr<HRTFKernel> kernelR1; bool success = calculateKernelsForAzimuthElevation(azimuth, elevation, sampleRate, subjectName, kernelL1, kernelR1); if (!success) return false; // And symmetric version int symmetricAzimuth = !azimuth ? 0 : 360 - azimuth; RefPtr<HRTFKernel> kernelL2; RefPtr<HRTFKernel> kernelR2; success = calculateKernelsForAzimuthElevation(symmetricAzimuth, elevation, sampleRate, subjectName, kernelL2, kernelR2); if (!success) return false; // Notice L/R reversal in symmetric version. kernelL = HRTFKernel::createInterpolatedKernel(kernelL1.get(), kernelR2.get(), 0.5); kernelR = HRTFKernel::createInterpolatedKernel(kernelR1.get(), kernelL2.get(), 0.5); return true; } bool HRTFElevation::calculateKernelsForAzimuthElevation(int azimuth, int elevation, double sampleRate, const String& subjectName, RefPtr<HRTFKernel>& kernelL, RefPtr<HRTFKernel>& kernelR) { // Valid values for azimuth are 0 -> 345 in 15 degree increments. // Valid values for elevation are -45 -> +90 in 15 degree increments. bool isAzimuthGood = azimuth >= 0 && azimuth <= 345 && (azimuth / 15) * 15 == azimuth; ASSERT(isAzimuthGood); if (!isAzimuthGood) return false; bool isElevationGood = elevation >= -45 && elevation <= 90 && (elevation / 15) * 15 == elevation; ASSERT(isElevationGood); if (!isElevationGood) return false; // Construct the resource name from the subject name, azimuth, and elevation, for example: // "IRC_Composite_C_R0195_T015_P000" // Note: the passed in subjectName is not a string passed in via JavaScript or the web. // It's passed in as an internal ASCII identifier and is an implementation detail. int positiveElevation = elevation < 0 ? elevation + 360 : elevation; String resourceName = String::format("IRC_%s_C_R0195_T%03d_P%03d", subjectName.utf8().data(), azimuth, positiveElevation); OwnPtr<AudioBus> impulseResponse(AudioBus::loadPlatformResource(resourceName.utf8().data(), sampleRate)); ASSERT(impulseResponse.get()); if (!impulseResponse.get()) return false; size_t responseLength = impulseResponse->length(); size_t expectedLength = static_cast<size_t>(256 * (sampleRate / 44100.0)); // Check number of channels and length. For now these are fixed and known. bool isBusGood = responseLength == expectedLength && impulseResponse->numberOfChannels() == 2; ASSERT(isBusGood); if (!isBusGood) return false; AudioChannel* leftEarImpulseResponse = impulseResponse->channelByType(AudioBus::ChannelLeft); AudioChannel* rightEarImpulseResponse = impulseResponse->channelByType(AudioBus::ChannelRight); // Note that depending on the fftSize returned by the panner, we may be truncating the impulse response we just loaded in. const size_t fftSize = HRTFPanner::fftSizeForSampleRate(sampleRate); kernelL = HRTFKernel::create(leftEarImpulseResponse, fftSize, sampleRate, true); kernelR = HRTFKernel::create(rightEarImpulseResponse, fftSize, sampleRate, true); return true; } // The range of elevations for the IRCAM impulse responses varies depending on azimuth, but the minimum elevation appears to always be -45. // // Here's how it goes: static int maxElevations[] = { // Azimuth // 90, // 0 45, // 15 60, // 30 45, // 45 75, // 60 45, // 75 60, // 90 45, // 105 75, // 120 45, // 135 60, // 150 45, // 165 75, // 180 45, // 195 60, // 210 45, // 225 75, // 240 45, // 255 60, // 270 45, // 285 75, // 300 45, // 315 60, // 330 45 // 345 }; PassOwnPtr<HRTFElevation> HRTFElevation::createForSubject(const String& subjectName, int elevation, double sampleRate) { bool isElevationGood = elevation >= -45 && elevation <= 90 && (elevation / 15) * 15 == elevation; ASSERT(isElevationGood); if (!isElevationGood) return 0; OwnPtr<HRTFKernelList> kernelListL = adoptPtr(new HRTFKernelList(NumberOfTotalAzimuths)); OwnPtr<HRTFKernelList> kernelListR = adoptPtr(new HRTFKernelList(NumberOfTotalAzimuths)); // Load convolution kernels from HRTF files. int interpolatedIndex = 0; for (unsigned rawIndex = 0; rawIndex < NumberOfRawAzimuths; ++rawIndex) { // Don't let elevation exceed maximum for this azimuth. int maxElevation = maxElevations[rawIndex]; int actualElevation = min(elevation, maxElevation); bool success = calculateKernelsForAzimuthElevation(rawIndex * AzimuthSpacing, actualElevation, sampleRate, subjectName, kernelListL->at(interpolatedIndex), kernelListR->at(interpolatedIndex)); if (!success) return 0; interpolatedIndex += InterpolationFactor; } // Now go back and interpolate intermediate azimuth values. for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumberOfTotalAzimuths; i += InterpolationFactor) { int j = (i + InterpolationFactor) % NumberOfTotalAzimuths; // Create the interpolated convolution kernels and delays. for (unsigned jj = 1; jj < InterpolationFactor; ++jj) { double x = double(jj) / double(InterpolationFactor); // interpolate from 0 -> 1 (*kernelListL)[i + jj] = HRTFKernel::createInterpolatedKernel(kernelListL->at(i).get(), kernelListL->at(j).get(), x); (*kernelListR)[i + jj] = HRTFKernel::createInterpolatedKernel(kernelListR->at(i).get(), kernelListR->at(j).get(), x); } } OwnPtr<HRTFElevation> hrtfElevation = adoptPtr(new HRTFElevation(kernelListL.release(), kernelListR.release(), elevation, sampleRate)); return hrtfElevation.release(); } PassOwnPtr<HRTFElevation> HRTFElevation::createByInterpolatingSlices(HRTFElevation* hrtfElevation1, HRTFElevation* hrtfElevation2, double x, double sampleRate) { ASSERT(hrtfElevation1 && hrtfElevation2); if (!hrtfElevation1 || !hrtfElevation2) return 0; ASSERT(x >= 0.0 && x < 1.0); OwnPtr<HRTFKernelList> kernelListL = adoptPtr(new HRTFKernelList(NumberOfTotalAzimuths)); OwnPtr<HRTFKernelList> kernelListR = adoptPtr(new HRTFKernelList(NumberOfTotalAzimuths)); HRTFKernelList* kernelListL1 = hrtfElevation1->kernelListL(); HRTFKernelList* kernelListR1 = hrtfElevation1->kernelListR(); HRTFKernelList* kernelListL2 = hrtfElevation2->kernelListL(); HRTFKernelList* kernelListR2 = hrtfElevation2->kernelListR(); // Interpolate kernels of corresponding azimuths of the two elevations. for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumberOfTotalAzimuths; ++i) { (*kernelListL)[i] = HRTFKernel::createInterpolatedKernel(kernelListL1->at(i).get(), kernelListL2->at(i).get(), x); (*kernelListR)[i] = HRTFKernel::createInterpolatedKernel(kernelListR1->at(i).get(), kernelListR2->at(i).get(), x); } // Interpolate elevation angle. double angle = (1.0 - x) * hrtfElevation1->elevationAngle() + x * hrtfElevation2->elevationAngle(); OwnPtr<HRTFElevation> hrtfElevation = adoptPtr(new HRTFElevation(kernelListL.release(), kernelListR.release(), static_cast<int>(angle), sampleRate)); return hrtfElevation.release(); } void HRTFElevation::getKernelsFromAzimuth(double azimuthBlend, unsigned azimuthIndex, HRTFKernel* &kernelL, HRTFKernel* &kernelR, double& frameDelayL, double& frameDelayR) { bool checkAzimuthBlend = azimuthBlend >= 0.0 && azimuthBlend < 1.0; ASSERT(checkAzimuthBlend); if (!checkAzimuthBlend) azimuthBlend = 0.0; unsigned numKernels = m_kernelListL->size(); bool isIndexGood = azimuthIndex < numKernels; ASSERT(isIndexGood); if (!isIndexGood) { kernelL = 0; kernelR = 0; return; } // Return the left and right kernels. kernelL = m_kernelListL->at(azimuthIndex).get(); kernelR = m_kernelListR->at(azimuthIndex).get(); frameDelayL = m_kernelListL->at(azimuthIndex)->frameDelay(); frameDelayR = m_kernelListR->at(azimuthIndex)->frameDelay(); int azimuthIndex2 = (azimuthIndex + 1) % numKernels; double frameDelay2L = m_kernelListL->at(azimuthIndex2)->frameDelay(); double frameDelay2R = m_kernelListR->at(azimuthIndex2)->frameDelay(); // Linearly interpolate delays. frameDelayL = (1.0 - azimuthBlend) * frameDelayL + azimuthBlend * frameDelay2L; frameDelayR = (1.0 - azimuthBlend) * frameDelayR + azimuthBlend * frameDelay2R; } } // namespace WebCore #endif // ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO)