/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "NetscapePlugin.h" #include "NPRuntimeObjectMap.h" #include "NetscapePluginStream.h" #include "PluginController.h" #include "ShareableBitmap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace WebCore; using namespace std; namespace WebKit { // The plug-in that we're currently calling NPP_New for. static NetscapePlugin* currentNPPNewPlugin; PassRefPtr NetscapePlugin::create(PassRefPtr pluginModule) { if (!pluginModule) return 0; return adoptRef(new NetscapePlugin(pluginModule)); } NetscapePlugin::NetscapePlugin(PassRefPtr pluginModule) : m_pluginController(0) , m_nextRequestID(0) , m_pluginModule(pluginModule) , m_npWindow() , m_isStarted(false) #if PLATFORM(MAC) , m_isWindowed(false) #else , m_isWindowed(true) #endif , m_isTransparent(false) , m_inNPPNew(false) , m_loadManually(false) #if PLATFORM(MAC) , m_drawingModel(static_cast(-1)) , m_eventModel(static_cast(-1)) , m_currentMouseEvent(0) , m_pluginHasFocus(false) , m_windowHasFocus(false) #ifndef NP_NO_CARBON , m_nullEventTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &NetscapePlugin::nullEventTimerFired) , m_npCGContext() #endif #elif PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE(X11) , m_drawable(0) , m_pluginDisplay(0) #endif { m_npp.ndata = this; m_npp.pdata = 0; m_pluginModule->incrementLoadCount(); } NetscapePlugin::~NetscapePlugin() { ASSERT(!m_isStarted); m_pluginModule->decrementLoadCount(); } PassRefPtr NetscapePlugin::fromNPP(NPP npp) { if (npp) return static_cast(npp->ndata); // FIXME: Return the current NetscapePlugin here. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } void NetscapePlugin::invalidate(const NPRect* invalidRect) { IntRect rect; if (!invalidRect) rect = IntRect(0, 0, m_frameRect.width(), m_frameRect.height()); else rect = IntRect(invalidRect->left, invalidRect->top, invalidRect->right - invalidRect->left, invalidRect->bottom - invalidRect->top); if (platformInvalidate(rect)) return; m_pluginController->invalidate(rect); } const char* NetscapePlugin::userAgent(NPP npp) { if (npp) return fromNPP(npp)->userAgent(); if (currentNPPNewPlugin) return currentNPPNewPlugin->userAgent(); return 0; } const char* NetscapePlugin::userAgent() { if (m_userAgent.isNull()) { m_userAgent = m_pluginController->userAgent().utf8(); ASSERT(!m_userAgent.isNull()); } return m_userAgent.data(); } void NetscapePlugin::loadURL(const String& method, const String& urlString, const String& target, const HTTPHeaderMap& headerFields, const Vector& httpBody, bool sendNotification, void* notificationData) { uint64_t requestID = ++m_nextRequestID; m_pluginController->loadURL(requestID, method, urlString, target, headerFields, httpBody, allowPopups()); if (target.isNull()) { // The browser is going to send the data in a stream, create a plug-in stream. RefPtr pluginStream = NetscapePluginStream::create(this, requestID, sendNotification, notificationData); ASSERT(!m_streams.contains(requestID)); m_streams.set(requestID, pluginStream.release()); return; } if (sendNotification) { // Eventually we are going to get a frameDidFinishLoading or frameDidFail call for this request. // Keep track of the notification data so we can call NPP_URLNotify. ASSERT(!m_pendingURLNotifications.contains(requestID)); m_pendingURLNotifications.set(requestID, make_pair(urlString, notificationData)); } } NPError NetscapePlugin::destroyStream(NPStream* stream, NPReason reason) { NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream = 0; for (StreamsMap::const_iterator it = m_streams.begin(), end = m_streams.end(); it != end; ++it) { if (it->second->npStream() == stream) { pluginStream = it->second.get(); break; } } if (!pluginStream) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; return pluginStream->destroy(reason); } void NetscapePlugin::setIsWindowed(bool isWindowed) { // Once the plugin has started, it's too late to change whether the plugin is windowed or not. // (This is true in Firefox and Chrome, too.) Disallow setting m_isWindowed in that case to // keep our internal state consistent. if (m_isStarted) return; m_isWindowed = isWindowed; } void NetscapePlugin::setIsTransparent(bool isTransparent) { m_isTransparent = isTransparent; } void NetscapePlugin::setStatusbarText(const String& statusbarText) { m_pluginController->setStatusbarText(statusbarText); } void NetscapePlugin::setException(const String& exceptionString) { // FIXME: If the plug-in is running in its own process, this needs to send a CoreIPC message instead of // calling the runtime object map directly. NPRuntimeObjectMap::setGlobalException(exceptionString); } bool NetscapePlugin::evaluate(NPObject* npObject, const String& scriptString, NPVariant* result) { return m_pluginController->evaluate(npObject, scriptString, result, allowPopups()); } bool NetscapePlugin::isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() { return m_pluginController->isPrivateBrowsingEnabled(); } NPObject* NetscapePlugin::windowScriptNPObject() { return m_pluginController->windowScriptNPObject(); } NPObject* NetscapePlugin::pluginElementNPObject() { return m_pluginController->pluginElementNPObject(); } void NetscapePlugin::cancelStreamLoad(NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream) { if (pluginStream == m_manualStream) { m_pluginController->cancelManualStreamLoad(); return; } // Ask the plug-in controller to cancel this stream load. m_pluginController->cancelStreamLoad(pluginStream->streamID()); } void NetscapePlugin::removePluginStream(NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream) { if (pluginStream == m_manualStream) { m_manualStream = 0; return; } ASSERT(m_streams.get(pluginStream->streamID()) == pluginStream); m_streams.remove(pluginStream->streamID()); } bool NetscapePlugin::isAcceleratedCompositingEnabled() { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) return m_pluginController->isAcceleratedCompositingEnabled(); #else return false; #endif } void NetscapePlugin::pushPopupsEnabledState(bool state) { m_popupEnabledStates.append(state); } void NetscapePlugin::popPopupsEnabledState() { ASSERT(!m_popupEnabledStates.isEmpty()); m_popupEnabledStates.removeLast(); } String NetscapePlugin::proxiesForURL(const String& urlString) { return m_pluginController->proxiesForURL(urlString); } String NetscapePlugin::cookiesForURL(const String& urlString) { return m_pluginController->cookiesForURL(urlString); } void NetscapePlugin::setCookiesForURL(const String& urlString, const String& cookieString) { m_pluginController->setCookiesForURL(urlString, cookieString); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, uint16_t mode, int16_t argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* savedData) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().newp(pluginType, &m_npp, mode, argc, argn, argv, savedData); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_Destroy(NPSavedData** savedData) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().destroy(&m_npp, savedData); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_SetWindow(NPWindow* npWindow) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().setwindow(&m_npp, npWindow); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_NewStream(NPMIMEType mimeType, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16_t* streamType) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().newstream(&m_npp, mimeType, stream, seekable, streamType); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_DestroyStream(NPStream* stream, NPReason reason) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().destroystream(&m_npp, stream, reason); } void NetscapePlugin::NPP_StreamAsFile(NPStream* stream, const char* filename) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().asfile(&m_npp, stream, filename); } int32_t NetscapePlugin::NPP_WriteReady(NPStream* stream) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().writeready(&m_npp, stream); } int32_t NetscapePlugin::NPP_Write(NPStream* stream, int32_t offset, int32_t len, void* buffer) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().write(&m_npp, stream, offset, len, buffer); } int16_t NetscapePlugin::NPP_HandleEvent(void* event) { return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().event(&m_npp, event); } void NetscapePlugin::NPP_URLNotify(const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData) { m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().urlnotify(&m_npp, url, reason, notifyData); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_GetValue(NPPVariable variable, void *value) { if (!m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().getvalue) return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().getvalue(&m_npp, variable, value); } NPError NetscapePlugin::NPP_SetValue(NPNVariable variable, void *value) { if (!m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().setvalue) return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; return m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().setvalue(&m_npp, variable, value); } void NetscapePlugin::callSetWindow() { #if PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE(X11) // We use a backing store as the painting area for the plugin. m_npWindow.x = 0; m_npWindow.y = 0; #else m_npWindow.x = m_frameRect.x(); m_npWindow.y = m_frameRect.y(); #endif m_npWindow.width = m_frameRect.width(); m_npWindow.height = m_frameRect.height(); m_npWindow.clipRect.top = m_clipRect.y(); m_npWindow.clipRect.left = m_clipRect.x(); m_npWindow.clipRect.bottom = m_clipRect.maxY(); m_npWindow.clipRect.right = m_clipRect.maxX(); NPP_SetWindow(&m_npWindow); } bool NetscapePlugin::shouldLoadSrcURL() { // Check if we should cancel the load NPBool cancelSrcStream = false; if (NPP_GetValue(NPPVpluginCancelSrcStream, &cancelSrcStream) != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return true; return !cancelSrcStream; } NetscapePluginStream* NetscapePlugin::streamFromID(uint64_t streamID) { return m_streams.get(streamID).get(); } void NetscapePlugin::stopAllStreams() { Vector > streams; copyValuesToVector(m_streams, streams); for (size_t i = 0; i < streams.size(); ++i) streams[i]->stop(NPRES_USER_BREAK); } bool NetscapePlugin::allowPopups() const { if (m_pluginModule->pluginFuncs().version >= NPVERS_HAS_POPUPS_ENABLED_STATE) { if (!m_popupEnabledStates.isEmpty()) return m_popupEnabledStates.last(); } // FIXME: Check if the current event is a user gesture. // Really old versions of Flash required this for popups to work, but all newer versions // support NPN_PushPopupEnabledState/NPN_PopPopupEnabledState. return false; } bool NetscapePlugin::initialize(PluginController* pluginController, const Parameters& parameters) { ASSERT(!m_pluginController); ASSERT(pluginController); m_pluginController = pluginController; uint16_t mode = parameters.loadManually ? NP_FULL : NP_EMBED; m_loadManually = parameters.loadManually; CString mimeTypeCString = parameters.mimeType.utf8(); ASSERT(parameters.names.size() == parameters.values.size()); Vector paramNames; Vector paramValues; for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.names.size(); ++i) { paramNames.append(parameters.names[i].utf8()); paramValues.append(parameters.values[i].utf8()); } // The strings that these pointers point to are kept alive by paramNames and paramValues. Vector names; Vector values; for (size_t i = 0; i < paramNames.size(); ++i) { names.append(paramNames[i].data()); values.append(paramValues[i].data()); } #if PLATFORM(MAC) if (m_pluginModule->pluginQuirks().contains(PluginQuirks::MakeTransparentIfBackgroundAttributeExists)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.names.size(); ++i) { if (equalIgnoringCase(parameters.names[i], "background")) { setIsTransparent(true); break; } } } #endif NetscapePlugin* previousNPPNewPlugin = currentNPPNewPlugin; m_inNPPNew = true; currentNPPNewPlugin = this; NPError error = NPP_New(const_cast(mimeTypeCString.data()), mode, names.size(), const_cast(names.data()), const_cast(values.data()), 0); m_inNPPNew = false; currentNPPNewPlugin = previousNPPNewPlugin; if (error != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return false; m_isStarted = true; // FIXME: This is not correct in all cases. m_npWindow.type = NPWindowTypeDrawable; if (!platformPostInitialize()) { destroy(); return false; } // Load the src URL if needed. if (!parameters.loadManually && !parameters.url.isEmpty() && shouldLoadSrcURL()) loadURL("GET", parameters.url.string(), String(), HTTPHeaderMap(), Vector(), false, 0); return true; } void NetscapePlugin::destroy() { ASSERT(m_isStarted); // Stop all streams. stopAllStreams(); #if !PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE(MAC) m_npWindow.window = 0; callSetWindow(); #endif NPP_Destroy(0); m_isStarted = false; m_pluginController = 0; platformDestroy(); } void NetscapePlugin::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& dirtyRect) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); platformPaint(context, dirtyRect); } PassRefPtr NetscapePlugin::snapshot() { if (!supportsSnapshotting() || m_frameRect.isEmpty()) return 0; ASSERT(m_isStarted); RefPtr bitmap = ShareableBitmap::createShareable(m_frameRect.size(), ShareableBitmap::SupportsAlpha); OwnPtr context = bitmap->createGraphicsContext(); context->translate(-m_frameRect.x(), -m_frameRect.y()); platformPaint(context.get(), m_frameRect, true); return bitmap.release(); } bool NetscapePlugin::isTransparent() { return m_isTransparent; } void NetscapePlugin::geometryDidChange(const IntRect& frameRect, const IntRect& clipRect) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); if (m_frameRect == frameRect && m_clipRect == clipRect) { // Nothing to do. return; } m_frameRect = frameRect; m_clipRect = clipRect; platformGeometryDidChange(); callSetWindow(); } void NetscapePlugin::frameDidFinishLoading(uint64_t requestID) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); PendingURLNotifyMap::iterator it = m_pendingURLNotifications.find(requestID); if (it == m_pendingURLNotifications.end()) return; String url = it->second.first; void* notificationData = it->second.second; m_pendingURLNotifications.remove(it); NPP_URLNotify(url.utf8().data(), NPRES_DONE, notificationData); } void NetscapePlugin::frameDidFail(uint64_t requestID, bool wasCancelled) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); PendingURLNotifyMap::iterator it = m_pendingURLNotifications.find(requestID); if (it == m_pendingURLNotifications.end()) return; String url = it->second.first; void* notificationData = it->second.second; m_pendingURLNotifications.remove(it); NPP_URLNotify(url.utf8().data(), wasCancelled ? NPRES_USER_BREAK : NPRES_NETWORK_ERR, notificationData); } void NetscapePlugin::didEvaluateJavaScript(uint64_t requestID, const String& requestURLString, const String& result) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); if (NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream = streamFromID(requestID)) pluginStream->sendJavaScriptStream(requestURLString, result); } void NetscapePlugin::streamDidReceiveResponse(uint64_t streamID, const KURL& responseURL, uint32_t streamLength, uint32_t lastModifiedTime, const String& mimeType, const String& headers) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); if (NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream = streamFromID(streamID)) pluginStream->didReceiveResponse(responseURL, streamLength, lastModifiedTime, mimeType, headers); } void NetscapePlugin::streamDidReceiveData(uint64_t streamID, const char* bytes, int length) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); if (NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream = streamFromID(streamID)) pluginStream->didReceiveData(bytes, length); } void NetscapePlugin::streamDidFinishLoading(uint64_t streamID) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); if (NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream = streamFromID(streamID)) pluginStream->didFinishLoading(); } void NetscapePlugin::streamDidFail(uint64_t streamID, bool wasCancelled) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); if (NetscapePluginStream* pluginStream = streamFromID(streamID)) pluginStream->didFail(wasCancelled); } void NetscapePlugin::manualStreamDidReceiveResponse(const KURL& responseURL, uint32_t streamLength, uint32_t lastModifiedTime, const String& mimeType, const String& headers) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); ASSERT(m_loadManually); ASSERT(!m_manualStream); m_manualStream = NetscapePluginStream::create(this, 0, false, 0); m_manualStream->didReceiveResponse(responseURL, streamLength, lastModifiedTime, mimeType, headers); } void NetscapePlugin::manualStreamDidReceiveData(const char* bytes, int length) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); ASSERT(m_loadManually); ASSERT(m_manualStream); m_manualStream->didReceiveData(bytes, length); } void NetscapePlugin::manualStreamDidFinishLoading() { ASSERT(m_isStarted); ASSERT(m_loadManually); ASSERT(m_manualStream); m_manualStream->didFinishLoading(); } void NetscapePlugin::manualStreamDidFail(bool wasCancelled) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); ASSERT(m_loadManually); ASSERT(m_manualStream); m_manualStream->didFail(wasCancelled); } bool NetscapePlugin::handleMouseEvent(const WebMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); return platformHandleMouseEvent(mouseEvent); } bool NetscapePlugin::handleWheelEvent(const WebWheelEvent& wheelEvent) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); return platformHandleWheelEvent(wheelEvent); } bool NetscapePlugin::handleMouseEnterEvent(const WebMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); return platformHandleMouseEnterEvent(mouseEvent); } bool NetscapePlugin::handleMouseLeaveEvent(const WebMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); return platformHandleMouseLeaveEvent(mouseEvent); } bool NetscapePlugin::handleKeyboardEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& keyboardEvent) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); return platformHandleKeyboardEvent(keyboardEvent); } void NetscapePlugin::setFocus(bool hasFocus) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); platformSetFocus(hasFocus); } NPObject* NetscapePlugin::pluginScriptableNPObject() { ASSERT(m_isStarted); NPObject* scriptableNPObject = 0; if (NPP_GetValue(NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject, &scriptableNPObject) != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return 0; return scriptableNPObject; } void NetscapePlugin::privateBrowsingStateChanged(bool privateBrowsingEnabled) { ASSERT(m_isStarted); // From https://wiki.mozilla.org/Plugins:PrivateMode // When the browser turns private mode on or off it will call NPP_SetValue for "NPNVprivateModeBool" // (assigned enum value 18) with a pointer to an NPBool value on all applicable instances. // Plugins should check the boolean value pointed to, not the pointer itself. // The value will be true when private mode is on. NPBool value = privateBrowsingEnabled; NPP_SetValue(NPNVprivateModeBool, &value); } bool NetscapePlugin::supportsSnapshotting() const { #if PLATFORM(MAC) return m_pluginModule && m_pluginModule->pluginQuirks().contains(PluginQuirks::SupportsSnapshotting); #endif return false; } PluginController* NetscapePlugin::controller() { return m_pluginController; } } // namespace WebKit