/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsContext.h" #include <time.h> using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; Script::Script(Context *rsc) : ObjectBase(rsc) { memset(&mEnviroment, 0, sizeof(mEnviroment)); memset(&mHal, 0, sizeof(mHal)); mSlots = NULL; mTypes = NULL; mInitialized = false; } Script::~Script() { if (mSlots) { delete [] mSlots; mSlots = NULL; } if (mTypes) { delete [] mTypes; mTypes = NULL; } } void Script::setSlot(uint32_t slot, Allocation *a) { //ALOGE("setSlot %i %p", slot, a); if (slot >= mHal.info.exportedVariableCount) { ALOGE("Script::setSlot unable to set allocation, invalid slot index"); return; } mSlots[slot].set(a); if (a != NULL) { mRSC->mHal.funcs.script.setGlobalBind(mRSC, this, slot, a->getPtr()); } else { mRSC->mHal.funcs.script.setGlobalBind(mRSC, this, slot, NULL); } } void Script::setVar(uint32_t slot, const void *val, size_t len) { //ALOGE("setVar %i %p %i", slot, val, len); if (slot >= mHal.info.exportedVariableCount) { ALOGE("Script::setVar unable to set allocation, invalid slot index"); return; } mRSC->mHal.funcs.script.setGlobalVar(mRSC, this, slot, (void *)val, len); } void Script::setVar(uint32_t slot, const void *val, size_t len, Element *e, const size_t *dims, size_t dimLen) { if (slot >= mHal.info.exportedVariableCount) { ALOGE("Script::setVar unable to set allocation, invalid slot index"); return; } mRSC->mHal.funcs.script.setGlobalVarWithElemDims(mRSC, this, slot, (void *)val, len, e, dims, dimLen); } void Script::setVarObj(uint32_t slot, ObjectBase *val) { //ALOGE("setVarObj %i %p", slot, val); if (slot >= mHal.info.exportedVariableCount) { ALOGE("Script::setVarObj unable to set allocation, invalid slot index"); return; } //ALOGE("setvarobj %i %p", slot, val); mRSC->mHal.funcs.script.setGlobalObj(mRSC, this, slot, val); } bool Script::freeChildren() { incSysRef(); mRSC->mHal.funcs.script.invokeFreeChildren(mRSC, this); return decSysRef(); } namespace android { namespace renderscript { void rsi_ScriptBindAllocation(Context * rsc, RsScript vs, RsAllocation va, uint32_t slot) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); Allocation *a = static_cast<Allocation *>(va); s->setSlot(slot, a); //ALOGE("rsi_ScriptBindAllocation %i %p %p", slot, a, a->getPtr()); } void rsi_ScriptSetTimeZone(Context * rsc, RsScript vs, const char * timeZone, size_t length) { // We unfortunately need to make a new copy of the string, since it is // not NULL-terminated. We then use setenv(), which properly handles // freeing/duplicating the actual string for the environment. char *tz = (char *) malloc(length + 1); if (!tz) { ALOGE("Couldn't allocate memory for timezone buffer"); return; } strncpy(tz, timeZone, length); tz[length] = '\0'; if (setenv("TZ", tz, 1) == 0) { tzset(); } else { ALOGE("Error setting timezone"); } free(tz); } void rsi_ScriptForEach(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, RsAllocation vain, RsAllocation vaout, const void *params, size_t paramLen) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->runForEach(rsc, slot, static_cast<const Allocation *>(vain), static_cast<Allocation *>(vaout), params, paramLen); } void rsi_ScriptInvoke(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->Invoke(rsc, slot, NULL, 0); } void rsi_ScriptInvokeData(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, void *data) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->Invoke(rsc, slot, NULL, 0); } void rsi_ScriptInvokeV(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t len) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->Invoke(rsc, slot, data, len); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarI(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, int value) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->setVar(slot, &value, sizeof(value)); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarObj(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, RsObjectBase value) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); ObjectBase *o = static_cast<ObjectBase *>(value); s->setVarObj(slot, o); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarJ(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, long long value) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->setVar(slot, &value, sizeof(value)); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarF(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, float value) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->setVar(slot, &value, sizeof(value)); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarD(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, double value) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->setVar(slot, &value, sizeof(value)); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarV(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t len) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); s->setVar(slot, data, len); } void rsi_ScriptSetVarVE(Context *rsc, RsScript vs, uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t len, RsElement ve, const size_t *dims, size_t dimLen) { Script *s = static_cast<Script *>(vs); Element *e = static_cast<Element *>(ve); s->setVar(slot, data, len, e, dims, dimLen); } } }