// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // Author: wink@google.com (Wink Saville) package ril_proto; option java_package='com.android.internal.telephony.ril_proto'; option java_outer_classname='RilCmds'; enum RadioState { RADIOSTATE_OFF = 0; /* Radio explictly powered off (eg CFUN=0) */ RADIOSTATE_UNAVAILABLE = 1; /* Radio unavailable (eg, resetting or not booted) */ RADIOSTATE_SIM_NOT_READY = 2; /* Radio is on, but the SIM interface is not ready */ RADIOSTATE_SIM_LOCKED_OR_ABSENT = 3; /* SIM PIN locked, PUK required, network personalization locked, or SIM absent */ RADIOSTATE_SIM_READY = 4; /* Radio is on and SIM interface is available */ RADIOSTATE_RUIM_NOT_READY = 5; /* Radio is on, but the RUIM interface is not ready */ RADIOSTATE_RUIM_READY = 6; /* Radio is on and the RUIM interface is available */ RADIOSTATE_RUIM_LOCKED_OR_ABSENT = 7; /* RUIM PIN locked, PUK required, network personalization locked, or RUIM absent */ RADIOSTATE_NV_NOT_READY = 8; /* Radio is on, but the NV interface is not available */ RADIOSTATE_NV_READY = 9; /* Radio is on and the NV interface is available */ } enum RilCardState { CARDSTATE_ABSENT = 0; CARDSTATE_PRESENT = 1; CARDSTATE_ERROR = 2; } enum RilPersoSubstate { PERSOSUBSTATE_UNKNOWN = 0; /* initial state */ PERSOSUBSTATE_IN_PROGRESS = 1; /* in between each lock transition */ PERSOSUBSTATE_READY = 2; /* when either SIM or RUIM Perso is finished since each app can only have 1 active perso involved */ PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_NETWORK = 3; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_NETWORK_SUBSET = 4; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_CORPORATE = 5; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_SERVICE_PROVIDER = 6; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_SIM = 7; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_NETWORK_PUK = 8; /* The corresponding perso lock is blocked */ PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_NETWORK_SUBSET_PUK = 9; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_CORPORATE_PUK = 10; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PUK = 11; PERSOSUBSTATE_SIM_SIM_PUK = 12; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_NETWORK1 = 13; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_NETWORK2 = 14; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_HRPD = 15; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_CORPORATE = 16; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_SERVICE_PROVIDER = 17; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_RUIM = 18; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_NETWORK1_PUK = 19; /* The corresponding perso lock is blocked */ PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_NETWORK2_PUK = 20; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_HRPD_PUK = 21; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_CORPORATE_PUK = 22; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PUK = 23; PERSOSUBSTATE_RUIM_RUIM_PUK = 24; } enum RilAppState { APPSTATE_UNKNOWN = 0; APPSTATE_DETECTED = 1; APPSTATE_PIN = 2; /* If PIN1 or UPin is required */ APPSTATE_PUK = 3; /* If PUK1 or Puk for UPin is required */ APPSTATE_SUBSCRIPTION_PERSO = 4; /* perso_substate should be look at when app_state is assigned to this value */ APPSTATE_READY = 5; } enum RilPinState { PINSTATE_UNKNOWN = 0; PINSTATE_ENABLED_NOT_VERIFIED = 1; PINSTATE_ENABLED_VERIFIED = 2; PINSTATE_DISABLED = 3; PINSTATE_ENABLED_BLOCKED = 4; PINSTATE_ENABLED_PERM_BLOCKED = 5; } enum RilAppType { APPTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; APPTYPE_SIM = 1; APPTYPE_USIM = 2; APPTYPE_RUIM = 3; APPTYPE_CSIM = 4; } message RilAppStatus { optional RilAppType app_type = 1; optional RilAppState app_state = 2; optional RilPersoSubstate perso_substate = 3; /* applicable only if app_state == APPSTATE_SUBSCRIPTION_PERSO */ optional string aid = 4; /* null terminated string, e.g., from 0xA0, 0x00 -> 0x41, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30 */ optional string app_label = 5; /* null terminated string */ optional int32 pin1_replaced = 6; /* applicable to USIM and CSIM */ optional RilPinState pin1 = 7; optional RilPinState pin2 = 8; } message RilCardStatus { optional RilCardState card_state = 1; /* current state */ optional RilPinState universal_pin_state = 2; /* applicable to USIM and CSIM: PINSTATE_xxx */ optional int32 gsm_umts_subscription_app_index = 3; /* value < CARD_MAX_APPS */ optional int32 cdma_subscription_app_index = 4; /* value < CARD_MAX_APPS */ optional int32 ims_subscription_app_index = 5; /* value < CARD_MAX_APPS */ optional int32 num_applications = 6; /* value <= CARD_MAX_APPS */ repeated RilAppStatus applications = 7; /* CARD_MAX_APPS == 8 */ } /* User-to-User signaling Info activation types derived from 3GPP 23.087 v8.0 */ enum RilUusType { RILUUSTYPE1_IMPLICIT = 0; RILUUSTYPE1_REQUIRED = 1; RILUUSTYPE1_NOT_REQUIRED = 2; RILUUSTYPE2_REQUIRED = 3; RILUUSTYPE2_NOT_REQUIRED = 4; RILUUSTYPE3_REQUIRED = 5; RILUUSTYPE3_NOT_REQUIRED = 6; }; /* User-to-User Signaling Information data coding schemes. Possible values for * Octet 3 (Protocol Discriminator field) in the UUIE. The values have been * specified in section of 3GPP TS 24.008 */ enum RilUusDcs { RILUUSDCS_USP = 0; /* User specified protocol */ RILUUSDCS_OSIHLP = 1; /* OSI higher layer protocol */ RILUUSDCS_X244 = 2; /* X.244 */ RILUUSDCS_RMCF = 3; /* Reserved for system mangement convergence function */ RILUUSDCS_IA5c = 4; /* IA5 characters */ } /* User-to-User Signaling Information defined in 3GPP 23.087 v8.0 * This data is passed in RIL_ExtensionRecord and rec contains this * structure when type is RIL_UUS_INFO_EXT_REC */ message RilUusInfo { optional RilUusType uus_type = 1; /* UUS Type */ optional RilUusDcs uus_dcs = 2; /* UUS Data Coding Scheme */ optional int32 uus_length = 3; /* Length of UUS Data */ optional string uus_data = 4; /* UUS Data */ } enum RilCallState { CALLSTATE_ACTIVE = 0; CALLSTATE_HOLDING = 1; CALLSTATE_DIALING = 2; /* MO call only */ CALLSTATE_ALERTING = 3; /* MO call only */ CALLSTATE_INCOMING = 4; /* MT call only */ CALLSTATE_WAITING = 5; /* MT call only */ } message RilCall { optional RilCallState state = 1; /* State of the call */ optional int32 index = 2; /* Connection Index for use with, eg, AT+CHLD */ optional int32 toa = 3; /* type of address, eg 145 = intl */ optional bool is_mpty = 4; /* true if is mpty call */ optional bool is_mt = 5; /* true if call is mobile terminated */ optional int32 als = 6; /* ALS line indicator if available (0 = line 1) */ optional bool is_voice = 7; /* true if this is is a voice call */ optional bool is_voice_privacy = 8; /* true if CDMA voice privacy mode is active */ optional string number = 9; /* Remote party number */ optional int32 number_presentation = 10; /* 0=Allowed, 1=Restricted, 2=Not Specified/Unknown 3=Payphone */ optional string name = 11; /* Remote party name */ optional int32 name_presentation = 12; /* 0=Allowed, 1=Restricted, 2=Not Specified/Unknown 3=Payphone */ optional RilUusInfo uus_info = 13; /* NULL or Pointer to User-User Signaling Information */ } message RILGWSignalStrength { optional int32 signal_strength = 1; /* Valid values are (0-31, 99) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5 */ optional int32 bit_error_rate = 2; /* bit error rate (0-7, 99) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5 */ } message RILCDMASignalStrength { optional int32 dbm = 1; /* Valid values are positive integers. This value is the actual RSSI value multiplied by -1. Example: If the actual RSSI is -75, then this response value will be 75. */ optional int32 ecio = 2; /* Valid values are positive integers. This value is the actual Ec/Io multiplied by -10. Example: If the actual Ec/Io is -12.5 dB, then this response value will be 125. */ } message RILEVDOSignalStrength { optional int32 dbm = 1; /* Valid values are positive integers. This value is the actual RSSI value multiplied by -1. Example: If the actual RSSI is -75, then this response value will be 75. */ optional int32 ecio = 2; /* Valid values are positive integers. This value is the actual Ec/Io multiplied by -10. Example: If the actual Ec/Io is -12.5 dB, then this response value will be 125. */ optional int32 signal_noise_ratio = 3; /* Valid values are 0-8. 8 is the highest signal to noise ratio. */ } message RILLTESignalStrength { optional int32 signal_strength = 1; /* Valid values are (0-31, 99) * as defined in TS 27.007 8.5 */ optional int32 rsrp = 2; /* The current Reference Signal Receive Power in dBm * multipled by -1. Range: 44 to 140 dBm, * TODO: doc reference */ optional int32 rsrq = 3; /* The current Reference Signal Receive Quality in dB * multiplied by -1. Range: 20 to 3 dB. * TODO: doc reference */ optional int32 rssnr = 4; /* TODO: Need documentation and doc reference */ optional int32 cqi = 5; /* TODO: Need documentation and doc reference */ } // Response is an array of strings. // // If a strings(i) is "*magic-null*" then that value will be returned as null. message RspStrings{ repeated string strings = 1; } // Response is an array of integers message RspIntegers{ repeated int32 integers = 1; } // 1 RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS message RspGetSimStatus { required RilCardStatus card_status = 1; } // 2 RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN message ReqEnterSimPin { required string pin = 1; } // RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN response message RspEnterSimPin { required int32 retries_remaining = 1; } // 9 RIL_GET_CURRENT_CALLS response message RspGetCurrentCalls { repeated RilCall calls = 1; } // 10 RIL_REQUEST_DIAL message ReqDial { optional string address = 1; optional int32 clir = 2; /* (same as 'n' paremeter in TS 27.007 7.7 "+CLIR" * clir == 0 on "use subscription default value" * clir == 1 on "CLIR invocation" (restrict CLI presentation) * clir == 2 on "CLIR suppression" (allow CLI presentation) */ optional RilUusInfo uus_info = 3; /* NULL or Pointer to User-User Signaling Information */ } // 12 RIL_REQUEST_HANG_UP message ReqHangUp { required int32 connection_index = 1; } // 18 response for RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE message RspLastCallFailCause { required int32 last_call_fail_cause = 1; } // 19 RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH response message RspSignalStrength { optional RILGWSignalStrength gw_signalstrength = 1; optional RILCDMASignalStrength cdma_signalstrength = 2; optional RILEVDOSignalStrength evdo_signalstrength = 3; optional RILLTESignalStrength lte_signalstrength = 4; } // 22 RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR response message RspOperator{ optional string long_alpha_ons = 1; // The long alpha ons or eons optional string short_alpha_ons = 2; // The short alpha ons or eons optional string mcc_mnc = 3; // The 5 or 6 digit mcc + mnc } // 52 RIL_REQUEST_SEPARATE_CONNECTION message ReqSeparateConnection{ required int32 index = 1; // Connection index to separate // from multiparty call } // 53 RIL_REQUEST_SET_MUTE message ReqSetMute{ required bool state = 1; // true to "enable mute", false to "disable mute" } // 61 RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE message ReqScreenState { required bool state = 1; // true screen is on, false screen is off }