1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 package com.android.contacts.list; 17 18 import com.android.contacts.R; 19 20 import android.content.AsyncTaskLoader; 21 import android.content.Context; 22 import android.content.pm.PackageManager; 23 import android.database.ContentObserver; 24 import android.database.Cursor; 25 import android.database.MatrixCursor; 26 import android.net.Uri; 27 import android.os.Handler; 28 import android.provider.ContactsContract.Directory; 29 import android.text.TextUtils; 30 import android.util.Log; 31 32 /** 33 * A specialized loader for the list of directories, see {@link Directory}. 34 */ 35 public class DirectoryListLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<Cursor> { 36 37 private static final String TAG = "ContactEntryListAdapter"; 38 39 public static final int SEARCH_MODE_NONE = 0; 40 public static final int SEARCH_MODE_DEFAULT = 1; 41 public static final int SEARCH_MODE_CONTACT_SHORTCUT = 2; 42 public static final int SEARCH_MODE_DATA_SHORTCUT = 3; 43 44 private static final class DirectoryQuery { 45 public static final Uri URI = Directory.CONTENT_URI; 46 public static final String ORDER_BY = Directory._ID; 47 48 public static final String[] PROJECTION = { 49 Directory._ID, 50 Directory.PACKAGE_NAME, 51 Directory.TYPE_RESOURCE_ID, 52 Directory.DISPLAY_NAME, 53 Directory.PHOTO_SUPPORT, 54 }; 55 56 public static final int ID = 0; 57 public static final int PACKAGE_NAME = 1; 58 public static final int TYPE_RESOURCE_ID = 2; 59 public static final int DISPLAY_NAME = 3; 60 public static final int PHOTO_SUPPORT = 4; 61 } 62 63 public static final String DIRECTORY_TYPE = "directoryType"; 64 65 private static final String[] RESULT_PROJECTION = { 66 Directory._ID, 67 DIRECTORY_TYPE, 68 Directory.DISPLAY_NAME, 69 Directory.PHOTO_SUPPORT, 70 }; 71 72 private final ContentObserver mObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) { 73 @Override 74 public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { 75 forceLoad(); 76 } 77 }; 78 79 private int mDirectorySearchMode; 80 private boolean mLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled; 81 82 private MatrixCursor mDefaultDirectoryList; 83 DirectoryListLoader(Context context)84 public DirectoryListLoader(Context context) { 85 super(context); 86 } 87 setDirectorySearchMode(int mode)88 public void setDirectorySearchMode(int mode) { 89 mDirectorySearchMode = mode; 90 } 91 92 /** 93 * A flag that indicates whether the {@link Directory#LOCAL_INVISIBLE} directory should 94 * be included in the results. 95 */ setLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled(boolean flag)96 public void setLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled(boolean flag) { 97 this.mLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled = flag; 98 } 99 100 @Override onStartLoading()101 protected void onStartLoading() { 102 getContext().getContentResolver(). 103 registerContentObserver(Directory.CONTENT_URI, false, mObserver); 104 forceLoad(); 105 } 106 107 @Override onStopLoading()108 protected void onStopLoading() { 109 getContext().getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mObserver); 110 } 111 112 @Override loadInBackground()113 public Cursor loadInBackground() { 114 if (mDirectorySearchMode == SEARCH_MODE_NONE) { 115 return getDefaultDirectories(); 116 } 117 118 MatrixCursor result = new MatrixCursor(RESULT_PROJECTION); 119 Context context = getContext(); 120 PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); 121 String selection; 122 switch (mDirectorySearchMode) { 123 case SEARCH_MODE_DEFAULT: 124 selection = mLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled ? null 125 : (Directory._ID + "!=" + Directory.LOCAL_INVISIBLE); 126 break; 127 128 case SEARCH_MODE_CONTACT_SHORTCUT: 129 selection = Directory.SHORTCUT_SUPPORT + "=" + Directory.SHORTCUT_SUPPORT_FULL 130 + (mLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled ? "" 131 : (" AND " + Directory._ID + "!=" + Directory.LOCAL_INVISIBLE)); 132 break; 133 134 case SEARCH_MODE_DATA_SHORTCUT: 135 selection = Directory.SHORTCUT_SUPPORT + " IN (" 136 + Directory.SHORTCUT_SUPPORT_FULL + ", " 137 + Directory.SHORTCUT_SUPPORT_DATA_ITEMS_ONLY + ")" 138 + (mLocalInvisibleDirectoryEnabled ? "" 139 : (" AND " + Directory._ID + "!=" + Directory.LOCAL_INVISIBLE)); 140 break; 141 142 default: 143 throw new RuntimeException( 144 "Unsupported directory search mode: " + mDirectorySearchMode); 145 } 146 147 Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(DirectoryQuery.URI, 148 DirectoryQuery.PROJECTION, selection, null, DirectoryQuery.ORDER_BY); 149 try { 150 while(cursor.moveToNext()) { 151 long directoryId = cursor.getLong(DirectoryQuery.ID); 152 String directoryType = null; 153 154 String packageName = cursor.getString(DirectoryQuery.PACKAGE_NAME); 155 int typeResourceId = cursor.getInt(DirectoryQuery.TYPE_RESOURCE_ID); 156 if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(packageName) && typeResourceId != 0) { 157 try { 158 directoryType = pm.getResourcesForApplication(packageName) 159 .getString(typeResourceId); 160 } catch (Exception e) { 161 Log.e(TAG, "Cannot obtain directory type from package: " + packageName); 162 } 163 } 164 String displayName = cursor.getString(DirectoryQuery.DISPLAY_NAME); 165 int photoSupport = cursor.getInt(DirectoryQuery.PHOTO_SUPPORT); 166 result.addRow(new Object[]{directoryId, directoryType, displayName, photoSupport}); 167 } 168 } finally { 169 cursor.close(); 170 } 171 172 return result; 173 } 174 getDefaultDirectories()175 private Cursor getDefaultDirectories() { 176 if (mDefaultDirectoryList == null) { 177 mDefaultDirectoryList = new MatrixCursor(RESULT_PROJECTION); 178 mDefaultDirectoryList.addRow(new Object[] { 179 Directory.DEFAULT, 180 getContext().getString(R.string.contactsList), 181 null 182 }); 183 mDefaultDirectoryList.addRow(new Object[] { 184 Directory.LOCAL_INVISIBLE, 185 getContext().getString(R.string.local_invisible_directory), 186 null 187 }); 188 } 189 return mDefaultDirectoryList; 190 } 191 192 @Override onReset()193 protected void onReset() { 194 stopLoading(); 195 } 196 } 197