1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) 3 * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. http://www.torchmobile.com/ 4 * 5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7 * are met: 8 * 9 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 10 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 11 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 12 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 13 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 14 * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of 15 * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 16 * from this software without specific prior written permission. 17 * 18 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY 19 * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED 20 * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE 21 * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY 22 * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 23 * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 24 * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND 25 * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 26 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 27 * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 28 */ 29 30 #ifndef LayoutTestControllerQt_h 31 #define LayoutTestControllerQt_h 32 33 #include <QBasicTimer> 34 #include <QObject> 35 #include <QSize> 36 #include <QString> 37 #include <QtDebug> 38 #include <QTimer> 39 #include <QTimerEvent> 40 #include <QVariant> 41 42 #include <qwebdatabase.h> 43 #include <qwebelement.h> 44 #include <qwebframe.h> 45 #include <qwebhistory.h> 46 #include <qwebpage.h> 47 #include <qwebsecurityorigin.h> 48 49 class QWebFrame; 50 class DumpRenderTreeSupportQt; 51 namespace WebCore { 52 class DumpRenderTree; 53 } 54 class LayoutTestController : public QObject { 55 Q_OBJECT 56 Q_PROPERTY(int webHistoryItemCount READ webHistoryItemCount) 57 Q_PROPERTY(int workerThreadCount READ workerThreadCount) 58 Q_PROPERTY(bool globalFlag READ globalFlag WRITE setGlobalFlag) 59 public: 60 LayoutTestController(WebCore::DumpRenderTree* drt); 61 shouldDumpAsText()62 bool shouldDumpAsText() const { return m_textDump; } shouldDumpBackForwardList()63 bool shouldDumpBackForwardList() const { return m_dumpBackForwardList; } shouldDumpChildrenAsText()64 bool shouldDumpChildrenAsText() const { return m_dumpChildrenAsText; } shouldDumpChildFrameScrollPositions()65 bool shouldDumpChildFrameScrollPositions() const { return m_dumpChildFrameScrollPositions; } shouldDumpDatabaseCallbacks()66 bool shouldDumpDatabaseCallbacks() const { return m_dumpDatabaseCallbacks; } shouldDumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks()67 bool shouldDumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks() const { return m_dumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks; } shouldDumpStatusCallbacks()68 bool shouldDumpStatusCallbacks() const { return m_dumpStatusCallbacks; } shouldWaitUntilDone()69 bool shouldWaitUntilDone() const { return m_waitForDone; } shouldHandleErrorPages()70 bool shouldHandleErrorPages() const { return m_handleErrorPages; } canOpenWindows()71 bool canOpenWindows() const { return m_canOpenWindows; } shouldDumpTitleChanges()72 bool shouldDumpTitleChanges() const { return m_dumpTitleChanges; } waitForPolicy()73 bool waitForPolicy() const { return m_waitForPolicy; } ignoreReqestForPermission()74 bool ignoreReqestForPermission() const { return m_ignoreDesktopNotification; } isPrinting()75 bool isPrinting() { return m_isPrinting; } 76 77 void reset(); 78 79 static const unsigned int maxViewWidth; 80 static const unsigned int maxViewHeight; 81 82 protected: 83 void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*); 84 85 signals: 86 void done(); 87 88 void showPage(); 89 void hidePage(); 90 void geolocationPermissionSet(); 91 92 public slots: 93 void maybeDump(bool ok); dumpAsText()94 void dumpAsText() { m_textDump = true; } dumpChildFramesAsText()95 void dumpChildFramesAsText() { m_dumpChildrenAsText = true; } dumpChildFrameScrollPositions()96 void dumpChildFrameScrollPositions() { m_dumpChildFrameScrollPositions = true; } dumpDatabaseCallbacks()97 void dumpDatabaseCallbacks() { m_dumpDatabaseCallbacks = true; } dumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks()98 void dumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks() { m_dumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks = true;} dumpStatusCallbacks()99 void dumpStatusCallbacks() { m_dumpStatusCallbacks = true; } setCanOpenWindows()100 void setCanOpenWindows() { m_canOpenWindows = true; } setPrinting()101 void setPrinting() { m_isPrinting = true; } 102 void waitUntilDone(); 103 QString counterValueForElementById(const QString& id); 104 int webHistoryItemCount(); 105 void keepWebHistory(); 106 void notifyDone(); dumpBackForwardList()107 void dumpBackForwardList() { m_dumpBackForwardList = true; } globalFlag()108 bool globalFlag() const { return m_globalFlag; } setGlobalFlag(bool flag)109 void setGlobalFlag(bool flag) { m_globalFlag = flag; } handleErrorPages()110 void handleErrorPages() { m_handleErrorPages = true; } 111 void dumpEditingCallbacks(); 112 void dumpFrameLoadCallbacks(); 113 void dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks(); 114 void dumpResourceLoadCallbacks(); 115 void dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes(); 116 void dumpHistoryCallbacks(); 117 void dumpConfigurationForViewport(int deviceDPI, int deviceWidth, int deviceHeight, int availableWidth, int availableHeight); 118 void setWillSendRequestReturnsNullOnRedirect(bool enabled); 119 void setWillSendRequestReturnsNull(bool enabled); 120 void setWillSendRequestClearHeader(const QStringList& headers); 121 void queueBackNavigation(int howFarBackward); 122 void queueForwardNavigation(int howFarForward); 123 void queueLoad(const QString& url, const QString& target = QString()); 124 void queueLoadHTMLString(const QString& content, const QString& baseURL = QString(), const QString& failingURL = QString()); 125 void queueReload(); 126 void queueLoadingScript(const QString& script); 127 void queueNonLoadingScript(const QString& script); 128 void provisionalLoad(); 129 void setCloseRemainingWindowsWhenComplete(bool = false) {} 130 int windowCount(); 131 void grantDesktopNotificationPermission(const QString& origin); 132 void ignoreDesktopNotificationPermissionRequests(); 133 bool checkDesktopNotificationPermission(const QString& origin); 134 void simulateDesktopNotificationClick(const QString& title); 135 void display(); 136 void clearBackForwardList(); 137 QString pathToLocalResource(const QString& url); dumpTitleChanges()138 void dumpTitleChanges() { m_dumpTitleChanges = true; } 139 QString encodeHostName(const QString& host); 140 QString decodeHostName(const QString& host); dumpSelectionRect()141 void dumpSelectionRect() const {} 142 void setDeveloperExtrasEnabled(bool); 143 void setAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled(bool); 144 void showWebInspector(); 145 void closeWebInspector(); 146 void evaluateInWebInspector(long callId, const QString& script); 147 void removeAllVisitedLinks(); 148 149 void setMediaType(const QString& type); 150 void setFrameFlatteningEnabled(bool enable); 151 void setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(bool enable); 152 void setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(bool enable); 153 void setAppCacheMaximumSize(unsigned long long quota); 154 void setJavaScriptProfilingEnabled(bool enable); 155 void setTimelineProfilingEnabled(bool enable); 156 void setFixedContentsSize(int width, int height); 157 void setPrivateBrowsingEnabled(bool enable); 158 void setSpatialNavigationEnabled(bool enabled); 159 void setPluginsEnabled(bool flag); 160 void setPopupBlockingEnabled(bool enable); 161 void setPOSIXLocale(const QString& locale); resetLoadFinished()162 void resetLoadFinished() { m_loadFinished = false; } 163 void setWindowIsKey(bool isKey); 164 void setMainFrameIsFirstResponder(bool isFirst); 165 void setDeferMainResourceDataLoad(bool); 166 void setJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard(bool enable); 167 void setXSSAuditorEnabled(bool enable); 168 void setCaretBrowsingEnabled(bool enable); 169 void setViewModeMediaFeature(const QString& mode); 170 void setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(bool enable); 171 void setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(bool enable); 172 void execCommand(const QString& name, const QString& value = QString()); 173 bool isCommandEnabled(const QString& name) const; 174 bool findString(const QString& string, const QStringList& optionArray); 175 176 bool pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId(const QString& animationName, double time, const QString& elementId); 177 bool pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId(const QString& propertyName, double time, const QString& elementId); 178 bool sampleSVGAnimationForElementAtTime(const QString& animationId, double time, const QString& elementId); 179 bool elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId(const QString& elementId); 180 181 unsigned numberOfActiveAnimations() const; 182 void suspendAnimations() const; 183 void resumeAnimations() const; 184 185 void addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const QString& sourceOrigin, const QString& destinationProtocol, const QString& destinationHost, bool allowDestinationSubdomains); 186 void removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const QString& sourceOrigin, const QString& destinationProtocol, const QString& destinationHost, bool allowDestinationSubdomains); 187 188 void dispatchPendingLoadRequests(); 189 void disableImageLoading(); 190 191 void clearAllApplicationCaches(); 192 void clearApplicationCacheForOrigin(const QString& url); 193 void setApplicationCacheOriginQuota(unsigned long long quota); 194 QStringList originsWithApplicationCache(); 195 196 void setDatabaseQuota(int size); 197 void clearAllDatabases(); 198 void setIconDatabaseEnabled(bool enable); 199 200 void setCustomPolicyDelegate(bool enabled, bool permissive = false); 201 void waitForPolicyDelegate(); 202 203 void overridePreference(const QString& name, const QVariant& value); 204 void setUserStyleSheetLocation(const QString& url); 205 void setUserStyleSheetEnabled(bool enabled); 206 void setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme(bool forbidden, const QString& scheme); 207 int workerThreadCount(); 208 int pageNumberForElementById(const QString& id, float width = 0, float height = 0); 209 int numberOfPages(float width = maxViewWidth, float height = maxViewHeight); 210 bool callShouldCloseOnWebView(); 211 // For now, this is a no-op. This may change depending on outcome of 212 // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33333 setCallCloseOnWebViews()213 void setCallCloseOnWebViews() {} 214 // This is a no-op - it allows us to pass 215 // plugins/get-url-that-the-resource-load-delegate-will-disallow.html 216 // which is a Mac-specific test. addDisallowedURL(const QString &)217 void addDisallowedURL(const QString&) {} 218 219 void setMockDeviceOrientation(bool canProvideAlpha, double alpha, bool canProvideBeta, double beta, bool canProvideGamma, double gamma); 220 221 void setMockGeolocationError(int code, const QString& message); 222 void setMockGeolocationPosition(double latitude, double longitude, double accuracy); 223 void setGeolocationPermission(bool allow); 224 int numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests(); isGeolocationPermissionSet()225 bool isGeolocationPermissionSet() const { return m_isGeolocationPermissionSet; } geolocationPermission()226 bool geolocationPermission() const { return m_geolocationPermission; } 227 228 void addMockSpeechInputResult(const QString& result, double confidence, const QString& language); 229 230 // Empty stub method to keep parity with object model exposed by global LayoutTestController. abortModal()231 void abortModal() {} 232 bool hasSpellingMarker(int from, int length); 233 234 QVariantList nodesFromRect(const QWebElement& document, int x, int y, unsigned top, unsigned right, unsigned bottom, unsigned left, bool ignoreClipping); 235 236 void addURLToRedirect(const QString& origin, const QString& destination); 237 238 /* 239 Policy values: 'on', 'auto' or 'off'. 240 Orientation values: 'vertical' or 'horizontal'. 241 */ 242 void setScrollbarPolicy(const QString& orientation, const QString& policy); 243 244 QString markerTextForListItem(const QWebElement& listItem); 245 QVariantMap computedStyleIncludingVisitedInfo(const QWebElement& element) const; 246 247 // Simulate a request an embedding application could make, populating per-session credential storage. 248 void authenticateSession(const QString& url, const QString& username, const QString& password); 249 250 void setEditingBehavior(const QString& editingBehavior); 251 252 QVariant shadowRoot(const QWebElement&); 253 254 void evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld(int worldID, const QString& script); 255 bool isPageBoxVisible(int pageIndex); 256 QString pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(int pageIndex, int width, int height, int marginTop, int marginRight, int marginBottom, int marginLeft); 257 QString pageProperty(const QString& propertyName, int pageNumber); 258 void addUserStyleSheet(const QString& sourceCode); 259 260 void setMinimumTimerInterval(double); 261 262 void originsWithLocalStorage(); 263 void deleteAllLocalStorage(); 264 void deleteLocalStorageForOrigin(const QString& originIdentifier); 265 void observeStorageTrackerNotifications(unsigned number); 266 void syncLocalStorage(); 267 268 private slots: 269 void processWork(); 270 271 private: 272 void setGeolocationPermissionCommon(bool allow); 273 274 private: 275 bool m_hasDumped; 276 bool m_textDump; 277 bool m_dumpBackForwardList; 278 bool m_dumpChildrenAsText; 279 bool m_dumpChildFrameScrollPositions; 280 bool m_canOpenWindows; 281 bool m_waitForDone; 282 bool m_dumpTitleChanges; 283 bool m_dumpDatabaseCallbacks; 284 bool m_dumpApplicationCacheDelegateCallbacks; 285 bool m_dumpStatusCallbacks; 286 bool m_waitForPolicy; 287 bool m_handleErrorPages; 288 bool m_loadFinished; 289 bool m_globalFlag; 290 bool m_userStyleSheetEnabled; 291 bool m_isGeolocationPermissionSet; 292 bool m_isPrinting; 293 bool m_geolocationPermission; 294 295 QUrl m_userStyleSheetLocation; 296 QBasicTimer m_timeoutTimer; 297 QWebFrame* m_topLoadingFrame; 298 WebCore::DumpRenderTree* m_drt; 299 QWebHistory* m_webHistory; 300 QStringList m_desktopNotificationAllowedOrigins; 301 bool m_ignoreDesktopNotification; 302 }; 303 304 #endif // LayoutTestControllerQt_h 305