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1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // This test validates that the ProcessSingleton class properly makes sure
6 // that there is only one main browser process.
7 //
8 // It is currently compiled and run on Windows and Posix(non-Mac) platforms.
9 // Mac uses system services and ProcessSingletonMac is a noop.  (Maybe it still
10 // makes sense to test that the system services are giving the behavior we
11 // want?)
13 #include <list>
15 #include "base/file_path.h"
16 #include "base/file_util.h"
17 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
18 #include "base/memory/scoped_temp_dir.h"
19 #include "base/path_service.h"
20 #include "base/process_util.h"
21 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
22 #include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
23 #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
24 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
25 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
26 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
27 #include "chrome/test/test_launcher_utils.h"
28 #include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h"
29 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
31 namespace {
33 // This is for the code that is to be ran in multiple threads at once,
34 // to stress a race condition on first process start.
35 // We use the thread safe ref counted base class so that we can use the
36 // NewRunnableMethod class to run the StartChrome methods in many threads.
37 class ChromeStarter : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChromeStarter> {
38  public:
ChromeStarter(int timeout_ms,const FilePath & user_data_dir)39   explicit ChromeStarter(int timeout_ms, const FilePath& user_data_dir)
40       : ready_event_(false /* manual */, false /* signaled */),
41         done_event_(false /* manual */, false /* signaled */),
42         process_handle_(base::kNullProcessHandle),
43         process_terminated_(false),
44         timeout_ms_(timeout_ms),
45         user_data_dir_(user_data_dir) {
46   }
48   // We must reset some data members since we reuse the same ChromeStarter
49   // object and start/stop it a few times. We must start fresh! :-)
Reset()50   void Reset() {
51     ready_event_.Reset();
52     done_event_.Reset();
53     if (process_handle_ != base::kNullProcessHandle)
54       base::CloseProcessHandle(process_handle_);
55     process_handle_ = base::kNullProcessHandle;
56     process_terminated_ = false;
57   }
StartChrome(base::WaitableEvent * start_event,bool first_run)59   void StartChrome(base::WaitableEvent* start_event, bool first_run) {
60     // TODO(mattm): maybe stuff should be refactored to use
61     // UITest::LaunchBrowserHelper somehow?
62     FilePath browser_directory;
63     PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_APP, &browser_directory);
64     CommandLine command_line(browser_directory.Append(
65         chrome::kBrowserProcessExecutablePath));
67     command_line.AppendSwitchPath(switches::kUserDataDir, user_data_dir_);
69     if (first_run)
70       command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kFirstRun);
71     else
72       command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoFirstRun);
74     // Add the normal test-mode switches, except for the ones we're adding
75     // ourselves.
76     CommandLine standard_switches(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
77     test_launcher_utils::PrepareBrowserCommandLineForTests(&standard_switches);
78     const CommandLine::SwitchMap& switch_map = standard_switches.GetSwitches();
79     for (CommandLine::SwitchMap::const_iterator i = switch_map.begin();
80          i != switch_map.end(); ++i) {
81       const std::string& switch_name = i->first;
82       if (switch_name == switches::kUserDataDir ||
83           switch_name == switches::kFirstRun ||
84           switch_name == switches::kNoFirstRun)
85         continue;
87       command_line.AppendSwitchNative(switch_name, i->second);
88     }
90     // Try to get all threads to launch the app at the same time.
91     // So let the test know we are ready.
92     ready_event_.Signal();
93     // And then wait for the test to tell us to GO!
94     ASSERT_NE(static_cast<base::WaitableEvent*>(NULL), start_event);
95     ASSERT_TRUE(start_event->Wait());
97     // Here we don't wait for the app to be terminated because one of the
98     // process will stay alive while the others will be restarted. If we would
99     // wait here, we would never get a handle to the main process...
100     base::LaunchApp(command_line, false /* wait */,
101                     false /* hidden */, &process_handle_);
102     ASSERT_NE(base::kNullProcessHandle, process_handle_);
104     // We can wait on the handle here, we should get stuck on one and only
105     // one process. The test below will take care of killing that process
106     // to unstuck us once it confirms there is only one.
107     process_terminated_ = base::WaitForSingleProcess(process_handle_,
108                                                      timeout_ms_);
109     // Let the test know we are done.
110     done_event_.Signal();
111   }
113   // Public access to simplify the test code using them.
114   base::WaitableEvent ready_event_;
115   base::WaitableEvent done_event_;
116   base::ProcessHandle process_handle_;
117   bool process_terminated_;
119  private:
120   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChromeStarter>;
~ChromeStarter()122   ~ChromeStarter() {
123     if (process_handle_ != base::kNullProcessHandle)
124       base::CloseProcessHandle(process_handle_);
125   }
127   int timeout_ms_;
128   FilePath user_data_dir_;
130   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChromeStarter);
131 };
133 // Our test fixture that initializes and holds onto a few global vars.
134 class ProcessSingletonTest : public UITest {
135  public:
ProcessSingletonTest()136   ProcessSingletonTest()
137       // We use a manual reset so that all threads wake up at once when signaled
138       // and thus we must manually reset it for each attempt.
139       : threads_waker_(true /* manual */, false /* signaled */) {
140     EXPECT_TRUE(temp_profile_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
141   }
SetUp()143   void SetUp() {
144     // Start the threads and create the starters.
145     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNbThreads; ++i) {
146       chrome_starter_threads_[i].reset(new base::Thread("ChromeStarter"));
147       ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_starter_threads_[i]->Start());
148       chrome_starters_[i] = new ChromeStarter(
149           TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout_ms(), temp_profile_dir_.path());
150     }
151   }
TearDown()153   void TearDown() {
154     // Stop the threads.
155     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNbThreads; ++i)
156       chrome_starter_threads_[i]->Stop();
157   }
159   // This method is used to make sure we kill the main browser process after
160   // all of its child processes have successfully attached to it. This was added
161   // when we realized that if we just kill the parent process right away, we
162   // sometimes end up with dangling child processes. If we Sleep for a certain
163   // amount of time, we are OK... So we introduced this method to avoid a
164   // flaky wait. Instead, we kill all descendants of the main process after we
165   // killed it, relying on the fact that we can still get the parent id of a
166   // child process, even when the parent dies.
KillProcessTree(base::ProcessHandle process_handle)167   void KillProcessTree(base::ProcessHandle process_handle) {
168     class ProcessTreeFilter : public base::ProcessFilter {
169      public:
170       explicit ProcessTreeFilter(base::ProcessId parent_pid) {
171         ancestor_pids_.insert(parent_pid);
172       }
173       virtual bool Includes(const base::ProcessEntry & entry) const {
174         if (ancestor_pids_.find(entry.parent_pid()) != ancestor_pids_.end()) {
175           ancestor_pids_.insert(entry.pid());
176           return true;
177         } else {
178           return false;
179         }
180       }
181      private:
182       mutable std::set<base::ProcessId> ancestor_pids_;
183     } process_tree_filter(base::GetProcId(process_handle));
185     // Start by explicitly killing the main process we know about...
186     static const int kExitCode = 42;
187     EXPECT_TRUE(base::KillProcess(process_handle, kExitCode, true /* wait */));
189     // Then loop until we can't find any of its descendant.
190     // But don't try more than kNbTries times...
191     static const int kNbTries = 10;
192     int num_tries = 0;
193     while (base::GetProcessCount(chrome::kBrowserProcessExecutablePath,
194         &process_tree_filter) > 0 && num_tries++ < kNbTries) {
195       base::KillProcesses(chrome::kBrowserProcessExecutablePath,
196                           kExitCode, &process_tree_filter);
197     }
198     DLOG_IF(ERROR, num_tries >= kNbTries) << "Failed to kill all processes!";
199   }
201   // Since this is a hard to reproduce problem, we make a few attempts.
202   // We stop the attempts at the first error, and when there are no errors,
203   // we don't time-out of any wait, so it executes quite fast anyway.
204   static const size_t kNbAttempts = 5;
206   // The idea is to start chrome from multiple threads all at once.
207   static const size_t kNbThreads = 5;
208   scoped_refptr<ChromeStarter> chrome_starters_[kNbThreads];
209   scoped_ptr<base::Thread> chrome_starter_threads_[kNbThreads];
211   // The event that will get all threads to wake up simultaneously and try
212   // to start a chrome process at the same time.
213   base::WaitableEvent threads_waker_;
215   // We don't want to use the default profile, but can't use UITest's since we
216   // don't use UITest::LaunchBrowser.
217   ScopedTempDir temp_profile_dir_;
218 };
220 #if defined(OS_LINUX) && defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
221 // http://crbug.com/58219
222 #define MAYBE_StartupRaceCondition FAILS_StartupRaceCondition
223 #else
224 #define MAYBE_StartupRaceCondition StartupRaceCondition
225 #endif
TEST_F(ProcessSingletonTest,MAYBE_StartupRaceCondition)226 TEST_F(ProcessSingletonTest, MAYBE_StartupRaceCondition) {
227   // We use this to stop the attempts loop on the first failure.
228   bool failed = false;
229   for (size_t attempt = 0; attempt < kNbAttempts && !failed; ++attempt) {
230     SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Attempt: " << attempt << ".");
231     // We use a single event to get all threads to do the AppLaunch at the same
232     // time...
233     threads_waker_.Reset();
235     // Test both with and without the first-run dialog, since they exercise
236     // different paths.
237 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
238     // TODO(mattm): test first run dialog singleton handling on linux too.
239     // On posix if we test the first run dialog, GracefulShutdownHandler gets
240     // the TERM signal, but since the message loop isn't running during the gtk
241     // first run dialog, the ShutdownDetector never handles it, and KillProcess
242     // has to time out (60 sec!) and SIGKILL.
243     bool first_run = false;
244 #else
245     // Test for races in both regular start up and first run start up cases.
246     bool first_run = attempt % 2;
247 #endif
249     // Here we prime all the threads with a ChromeStarter that will wait for
250     // our signal to launch its chrome process.
251     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNbThreads; ++i) {
252       ASSERT_NE(static_cast<ChromeStarter*>(NULL), chrome_starters_[i].get());
253       chrome_starters_[i]->Reset();
255       ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_starter_threads_[i]->IsRunning());
256       ASSERT_NE(static_cast<MessageLoop*>(NULL),
257                 chrome_starter_threads_[i]->message_loop());
259       chrome_starter_threads_[i]->message_loop()->PostTask(
260           FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(chrome_starters_[i].get(),
261                                        &ChromeStarter::StartChrome,
262                                        &threads_waker_,
263                                        first_run));
264     }
266     // Wait for all the starters to be ready.
267     // We could replace this loop if we ever implement a WaitAll().
268     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNbThreads; ++i) {
269       SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Waiting on thread: " << i << ".");
270       ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_starters_[i]->ready_event_.Wait());
271     }
272     // GO!
273     threads_waker_.Signal();
275     // As we wait for all threads to signal that they are done, we remove their
276     // index from this vector so that we get left with only the index of
277     // the thread that started the main process.
278     std::vector<size_t> pending_starters(kNbThreads);
279     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNbThreads; ++i)
280       pending_starters[i] = i;
282     // We use a local array of starter's done events we must wait on...
283     // These are collected from the starters that we have not yet been removed
284     // from the pending_starters vector.
285     base::WaitableEvent* starters_done_events[kNbThreads];
286     // At the end, "There can be only one" main browser process alive.
287     while (pending_starters.size() > 1) {
288       SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << pending_starters.size() <<
289                    " starters left.");
290       for (size_t i = 0; i < pending_starters.size(); ++i) {
291         starters_done_events[i] =
292             &chrome_starters_[pending_starters[i]]->done_event_;
293       }
294       size_t done_index = base::WaitableEvent::WaitMany(
295           starters_done_events, pending_starters.size());
296       size_t starter_index = pending_starters[done_index];
297       // If the starter is done but has not marked itself as terminated,
298       // it is because it timed out of its WaitForSingleProcess(). Only the
299       // last one standing should be left waiting... So we failed...
300       EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_starters_[starter_index]->process_terminated_ ||
301                   failed) << "There is more than one main process.";
302       if (!chrome_starters_[starter_index]->process_terminated_) {
303         // This will stop the "for kNbAttempts" loop.
304         failed = true;
305         // But we let the last loop turn finish so that we can properly
306         // kill all remaining processes. Starting with this one...
307         if (chrome_starters_[starter_index]->process_handle_ !=
308             base::kNullProcessHandle) {
309           KillProcessTree(chrome_starters_[starter_index]->process_handle_);
310         }
311       }
312       pending_starters.erase(pending_starters.begin() + done_index);
313     }
315     // "There can be only one!" :-)
316     ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(1), pending_starters.size());
317     size_t last_index = pending_starters.front();
318     pending_starters.empty();
319     if (chrome_starters_[last_index]->process_handle_ !=
320         base::kNullProcessHandle) {
321       KillProcessTree(chrome_starters_[last_index]->process_handle_);
322       chrome_starters_[last_index]->done_event_.Wait();
323     }
324   }
325 }
327 }  // namespace