1 /*
2 SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
3 Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Sam Lantinga
5 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 Sam Lantinga
20 slouken@libsdl.org
21 */
22 #include "SDL_config.h"
24 #ifdef SDL_JOYSTICK_OS2
26 /* OS/2 Joystick driver, contributed by Daniel Caetano */
28 #include <mem.h>
33 #include <os2.h>
34 #include "joyos2.h"
36 #include "SDL_joystick.h"
37 #include "SDL_events.h"
38 #include "../SDL_sysjoystick.h"
39 #include "../SDL_joystick_c.h"
41 HFILE hJoyPort = NULL; /* Joystick GAME$ Port Address */
42 #define MAX_JOYSTICKS 2 /* Maximum of two joysticks */
43 #define MAX_AXES 4 /* each joystick can have up to 4 axes */
44 #define MAX_BUTTONS 8 /* 8 buttons */
45 #define MAX_HATS 0 /* 0 hats - OS/2 doesn't support it */
46 #define MAX_BALLS 0 /* and 0 balls - OS/2 doesn't support it */
47 #define AXIS_MIN -32768 /* minimum value for axes coordinate */
48 #define AXIS_MAX 32767 /* maximum value for axes coordinate */
49 #define MAX_JOYNAME 128 /* Joystick name may have 128 characters */
50 /* limit axes to 256 possible positions to filter out noise */
52 /* Calc Button Flag for buttons A to D */
53 #define JOY_BUTTON_FLAG(n) (1<<n)
55 /* Joystick data... hold information about detected devices */
56 typedef struct SYS_JoyData_s
57 {
58 Sint8 id; // Device ID
59 char szDeviceName[MAX_JOYNAME]; // Device Name
60 char axes; // Number of axes
61 char buttons; // Number of buttons
62 char hats; // Number of buttons
63 char balls; // Number of buttons
64 int axes_min[MAX_AXES]; // minimum callibration value for axes
65 int axes_med[MAX_AXES]; // medium callibration value for axes
66 int axes_max[MAX_AXES]; // maximum callibration value for axes
67 int buttoncalc[4]; // Used for buttons 5, 6, 7 and 8.
68 } SYS_JoyData_t, *SYS_JoyData_p;
70 SYS_JoyData_t SYS_JoyData[MAX_JOYSTICKS];
73 /* Structure used to convert data from OS/2 driver format to SDL format */
74 struct joystick_hwdata
75 {
76 Sint8 id;
77 struct _transaxes
78 {
79 int offset; /* Center Offset */
80 float scale1; /* Center to left/up Scale */
81 float scale2; /* Center to right/down Scale */
82 } transaxes[MAX_AXES];
83 };
85 /* Structure used to get values from Joystick Environment Variable */
86 struct _joycfg
87 {
88 char name[MAX_JOYNAME];
89 unsigned int axes;
90 unsigned int buttons;
91 unsigned int hats;
92 unsigned int balls;
93 };
95 /* OS/2 Implementation Function Prototypes */
96 APIRET joyPortOpen(HFILE * hGame);
97 void joyPortClose(HFILE * hGame);
98 int joyGetData(char *joyenv, char *name, char stopchar, size_t maxchars);
99 int joyGetEnv(struct _joycfg * joydata);
103 /************************************************************************/
104 /* Function to scan the system for joysticks. */
105 /* This function should set SDL_numjoysticks to the number of available */
106 /* joysticks. Joystick 0 should be the system default joystick. */
107 /* It should return 0, or -1 on an unrecoverable fatal error. */
108 /************************************************************************/
SDL_SYS_JoystickInit(void)109 int SDL_SYS_JoystickInit(void)
110 {
111 APIRET rc; /* Generic OS/2 return code */
112 GAME_PORT_STRUCT stJoyStatus; /* Joystick Status Structure */
113 GAME_PARM_STRUCT stGameParms; /* Joystick Parameter Structure */
114 GAME_CALIB_STRUCT stGameCalib; /* Calibration Struct */
115 ULONG ulDataLen; /* Size of data */
116 ULONG ulLastTick; /* Tick Counter for timing operations */
117 Uint8 maxdevs; /* Maximum number of devices */
118 Uint8 numdevs; /* Number of present devices */
119 Uint8 maxbut; /* Maximum number of buttons... */
120 Uint8 i; /* Temporary Count Vars */
121 Uint8 ucNewJoystickMask; /* Mask for Joystick Detection */
122 struct _joycfg joycfg; /* Joy Configuration from envvar */
125 /* Get Max Number of Devices */
126 rc = joyPortOpen(&hJoyPort); /* Open GAME$ port */
127 if (rc != 0) return 0; /* Cannot open... report no joystick */
128 ulDataLen = sizeof(stGameParms);
129 rc = DosDevIOCtl(hJoyPort, IOCTL_CAT_USER, GAME_GET_PARMS,
130 NULL, 0, NULL, &stGameParms, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen); /* Ask device info */
131 if (rc != 0)
132 {
133 joyPortClose(&hJoyPort);
134 SDL_SetError("Could not read joystick port.");
135 return -1;
136 }
137 if (stGameParms.useA != 0) maxdevs++;
138 if (stGameParms.useB != 0) maxdevs++;
139 if ( maxdevs > MAX_JOYSTICKS ) maxdevs = MAX_JOYSTICKS;
141 /* Defines min/max axes values (callibration) */
142 ulDataLen = sizeof(stGameCalib);
143 rc = DosDevIOCtl(hJoyPort, IOCTL_CAT_USER, GAME_GET_CALIB,
144 NULL, 0, NULL, &stGameCalib, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen);
145 if (rc != 0)
146 {
147 joyPortClose(&hJoyPort);
148 SDL_SetError("Could not read callibration data.");
149 return -1;
150 }
152 /* Determine how many joysticks are active */
153 numdevs = 0; /* Points no device */
154 ucNewJoystickMask = 0x0F; /* read all 4 joystick axis */
155 ulDataLen = sizeof(ucNewJoystickMask);
157 &ucNewJoystickMask, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen, NULL, 0, NULL);
158 if (rc == 0)
159 {
160 ulDataLen = sizeof(stJoyStatus);
161 rc = DosDevIOCtl(hJoyPort, IOCTL_CAT_USER, GAME_PORT_GET,
162 NULL, 0, NULL, &stJoyStatus, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen);
163 if (rc != 0)
164 {
165 joyPortClose(&hJoyPort);
166 SDL_SetError("Could not call joystick port.");
167 return -1;
168 }
169 ulLastTick = stJoyStatus.ulJs_Ticks;
170 while (stJoyStatus.ulJs_Ticks == ulLastTick)
171 {
172 rc = DosDevIOCtl(hJoyPort, IOCTL_CAT_USER, GAME_PORT_GET,
173 NULL, 0, NULL, &stJoyStatus, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen);
174 }
175 if ((stJoyStatus.ucJs_JoyStickMask & 0x03) > 0) numdevs++;
176 if (((stJoyStatus.ucJs_JoyStickMask >> 2) & 0x03) > 0) numdevs++;
177 }
179 if (numdevs>maxdevs) numdevs=maxdevs;
181 /* If *any* joystick was detected... Let's configure SDL for them */
182 if (numdevs > 0)
183 {
184 /* Verify if it is a "user defined" joystick */
185 if (joyGetEnv(&joycfg))
186 {
187 GAME_3POS_STRUCT * axis[4];
188 axis[0] = &stGameCalib.Ax;
189 axis[1] = &stGameCalib.Ay;
190 axis[2] = &stGameCalib.Bx;
191 axis[3] = &stGameCalib.By;
192 /* Say it has one device only (user defined is always one device only) */
193 numdevs = 1;
194 /* Define Device 0 as... */
195 SYS_JoyData[0].id=0;
196 /* Define Number of Axes... up to 4 */
197 if (joycfg.axes>MAX_AXES) joycfg.axes = MAX_AXES;
198 SYS_JoyData[0].axes = joycfg.axes;
199 /* Define number of buttons... 8 if 2 axes, 6 if 3 axes and 4 if 4 axes */
200 maxbut = MAX_BUTTONS;
201 if (joycfg.axes>2) maxbut-=((joycfg.axes-2)<<1); /* MAX_BUTTONS - 2*(axes-2) */
202 if (joycfg.buttons > maxbut) joycfg.buttons = maxbut;
203 SYS_JoyData[0].buttons = joycfg.buttons;
204 /* Define number of hats */
205 if (joycfg.hats > MAX_HATS) joycfg.hats = MAX_HATS;
206 SYS_JoyData[0].hats = joycfg.hats;
207 /* Define number of balls */
208 if (joycfg.balls > MAX_BALLS) joycfg.balls = MAX_BALLS;
209 SYS_JoyData[0].balls = joycfg.balls;
210 /* Initialize Axes Callibration Values */
211 for (i=0; i<joycfg.axes; i++)
212 {
213 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[i] = axis[i]->lower;
214 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[i] = axis[i]->centre;
215 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[i] = axis[i]->upper;
216 }
217 /* Initialize Buttons 5 to 8 structures */
218 if (joycfg.buttons>=5) SYS_JoyData[0].buttoncalc[0]=((axis[2]->lower+axis[3]->centre)>>1);
219 if (joycfg.buttons>=6) SYS_JoyData[0].buttoncalc[1]=((axis[3]->lower+axis[3]->centre)>>1);
220 if (joycfg.buttons>=7) SYS_JoyData[0].buttoncalc[2]=((axis[2]->upper+axis[3]->centre)>>1);
221 if (joycfg.buttons>=8) SYS_JoyData[0].buttoncalc[3]=((axis[3]->upper+axis[3]->centre)>>1);
222 /* Intialize Joystick Name */
223 SDL_strlcpy (SYS_JoyData[0].szDeviceName,joycfg.name, SDL_arraysize(SYS_JoyData[0].szDeviceName));
224 }
225 /* Default Init ... autoconfig */
226 else
227 {
228 /* if two devices were detected... configure as Joy1 4 axis and Joy2 2 axis */
229 if (numdevs==2)
230 {
231 /* Define Device 0 as 4 axes, 4 buttons */
232 SYS_JoyData[0].id=0;
233 SYS_JoyData[0].axes = 4;
234 SYS_JoyData[0].buttons = 4;
235 SYS_JoyData[0].hats = 0;
236 SYS_JoyData[0].balls = 0;
237 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[0] = stGameCalib.Ax.lower;
238 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[0] = stGameCalib.Ax.centre;
239 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[0] = stGameCalib.Ax.upper;
240 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[1] = stGameCalib.Ay.lower;
241 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[1] = stGameCalib.Ay.centre;
242 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[1] = stGameCalib.Ay.upper;
243 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[2] = stGameCalib.Bx.lower;
244 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[2] = stGameCalib.Bx.centre;
245 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[2] = stGameCalib.Bx.upper;
246 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[3] = stGameCalib.By.lower;
247 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[3] = stGameCalib.By.centre;
248 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[3] = stGameCalib.By.upper;
249 /* Define Device 1 as 2 axes, 2 buttons */
250 SYS_JoyData[1].id=1;
251 SYS_JoyData[1].axes = 2;
252 SYS_JoyData[1].buttons = 2;
253 SYS_JoyData[1].hats = 0;
254 SYS_JoyData[1].balls = 0;
255 SYS_JoyData[1].axes_min[0] = stGameCalib.Bx.lower;
256 SYS_JoyData[1].axes_med[0] = stGameCalib.Bx.centre;
257 SYS_JoyData[1].axes_max[0] = stGameCalib.Bx.upper;
258 SYS_JoyData[1].axes_min[1] = stGameCalib.By.lower;
259 SYS_JoyData[1].axes_med[1] = stGameCalib.By.centre;
260 SYS_JoyData[1].axes_max[1] = stGameCalib.By.upper;
261 }
262 /* One joystick only? */
263 else
264 {
265 /* If it is joystick A... */
266 if ((stJoyStatus.ucJs_JoyStickMask & 0x03) > 0)
267 {
268 /* Define Device 0 as 2 axes, 4 buttons */
269 SYS_JoyData[0].id=0;
270 SYS_JoyData[0].axes = 2;
271 SYS_JoyData[0].buttons = 4;
272 SYS_JoyData[0].hats = 0;
273 SYS_JoyData[0].balls = 0;
274 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[0] = stGameCalib.Ax.lower;
275 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[0] = stGameCalib.Ax.centre;
276 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[0] = stGameCalib.Ax.upper;
277 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[1] = stGameCalib.Ay.lower;
278 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[1] = stGameCalib.Ay.centre;
279 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[1] = stGameCalib.Ay.upper;
280 }
281 /* If not, it is joystick B */
282 else
283 {
284 /* Define Device 1 as 2 axes, 2 buttons */
285 SYS_JoyData[0].id=1;
286 SYS_JoyData[0].axes = 2;
287 SYS_JoyData[0].buttons = 2;
288 SYS_JoyData[0].hats = 0;
289 SYS_JoyData[0].balls = 0;
290 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[0] = stGameCalib.Bx.lower;
291 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[0] = stGameCalib.Bx.centre;
292 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[0] = stGameCalib.Bx.upper;
293 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_min[1] = stGameCalib.By.lower;
294 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_med[1] = stGameCalib.By.centre;
295 SYS_JoyData[0].axes_max[1] = stGameCalib.By.upper;
296 }
297 }
298 /* Hack to define Joystick Port Names */
299 if ( numdevs > maxdevs ) numdevs = maxdevs;
300 for (i=0; i<numdevs; i++)
301 SDL_snprintf (SYS_JoyData[i].szDeviceName, SDL_arraysize(SYS_JoyData[i].szDeviceName), "Default Joystick %c", 'A'+SYS_JoyData[i].id);
303 }
304 }
305 /* Return the number of devices found */
306 return(numdevs);
307 }
310 /***********************************************************/
311 /* Function to get the device-dependent name of a joystick */
312 /***********************************************************/
SDL_SYS_JoystickName(int index)313 const char *SDL_SYS_JoystickName(int index)
314 {
315 /* No need to verify if device exists, already done in upper layer */
316 return(SYS_JoyData[index].szDeviceName);
317 }
321 /******************************************************************************/
322 /* Function to open a joystick for use. */
323 /* The joystick to open is specified by the index field of the joystick. */
324 /* This should fill the nbuttons and naxes fields of the joystick structure. */
325 /* It returns 0, or -1 if there is an error. */
326 /******************************************************************************/
SDL_SYS_JoystickOpen(SDL_Joystick * joystick)327 int SDL_SYS_JoystickOpen(SDL_Joystick *joystick)
328 {
329 int index; /* Index shortcut for index in joystick structure */
330 int i; /* Generic Counter */
332 /* allocate memory for system specific hardware data */
333 joystick->hwdata = (struct joystick_hwdata *) SDL_malloc(sizeof(*joystick->hwdata));
334 if (joystick->hwdata == NULL)
335 {
336 SDL_OutOfMemory();
337 return(-1);
338 }
339 /* Reset Hardware Data */
340 SDL_memset(joystick->hwdata, 0, sizeof(*joystick->hwdata));
342 /* ShortCut Pointer */
343 index = joystick->index;
344 /* Define offsets and scales for all axes */
345 joystick->hwdata->id = SYS_JoyData[index].id;
346 for ( i = 0; i < MAX_AXES; ++i )
347 {
348 if ( (i<2) || i < SYS_JoyData[index].axes )
349 {
350 joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].offset = ((AXIS_MAX + AXIS_MIN)>>1) - SYS_JoyData[index].axes_med[i];
351 //joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].scale = (float)((AXIS_MAX - AXIS_MIN)/(SYS_JoyData[index].axes_max[i]-SYS_JoyData[index].axes_min[i]));
352 joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].scale1 = (float)abs((AXIS_MIN/SYS_JoyData[index].axes_min[i]));
353 joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].scale2 = (float)abs((AXIS_MAX/SYS_JoyData[index].axes_max[i]));
354 }
355 else
356 {
357 joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].offset = 0;
358 //joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].scale = 1.0; /* Just in case */
359 joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].scale1 = 1.0; /* Just in case */
360 joystick->hwdata->transaxes[i].scale2 = 1.0; /* Just in case */
361 }
362 }
364 /* fill nbuttons, naxes, and nhats fields */
365 joystick->nbuttons = SYS_JoyData[index].buttons;
366 joystick->naxes = SYS_JoyData[index].axes;
367 /* joystick->nhats = SYS_JoyData[index].hats; */
368 joystick->nhats = 0; /* No support for hats at this time */
369 /* joystick->nballs = SYS_JoyData[index].balls; */
370 joystick->nballs = 0; /* No support for balls at this time */
371 return 0;
372 }
376 /***************************************************************************/
377 /* Function to update the state of a joystick - called as a device poll. */
378 /* This function shouldn't update the joystick structure directly, */
379 /* but instead should call SDL_PrivateJoystick*() to deliver events */
380 /* and update joystick device state. */
381 /***************************************************************************/
SDL_SYS_JoystickUpdate(SDL_Joystick * joystick)382 void SDL_SYS_JoystickUpdate(SDL_Joystick *joystick)
383 {
384 APIRET rc; /* Generic OS/2 return code */
385 int index; /* index shortcurt to joystick index */
386 int i; /* Generic counter */
387 int normbut; /* Number of buttons reported by joystick */
388 int corr; /* Correction for button names */
389 Sint16 value, change; /* Values used to update axis values */
390 struct _transaxes *transaxes; /* Shortcut for Correction structure */
391 Uint32 pos[MAX_AXES]; /* Vector to inform the Axis status */
392 ULONG ulDataLen; /* Size of data */
393 GAME_STATUS_STRUCT stGameStatus; /* Joystick Status Structure */
395 ulDataLen = sizeof(stGameStatus);
397 NULL, 0, NULL, &stGameStatus, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen);
398 if (rc != 0)
399 {
400 SDL_SetError("Could not read joystick status.");
401 return; /* Could not read data */
402 }
404 /* Shortcut pointer */
405 index = joystick->index;
406 /* joystick motion events */
408 if (SYS_JoyData[index].id == 0)
409 {
410 pos[0] = stGameStatus.curdata.A.x;
411 pos[1] = stGameStatus.curdata.A.y;
412 if (SYS_JoyData[index].axes >= 3) pos[2] = stGameStatus.curdata.B.x;
413 else pos[2]=0;
414 if (SYS_JoyData[index].axes >= 4) pos[3] = stGameStatus.curdata.B.y;
415 else pos[3]=0;
416 pos[4]=0; /* OS/2 basic drivers do not support more than 4 axes joysticks */
417 pos[5]=0;
418 }
419 else if (SYS_JoyData[index].id == 1)
420 {
421 pos[0] = stGameStatus.curdata.B.x;
422 pos[1] = stGameStatus.curdata.B.y;
423 pos[2]=0;
424 pos[3]=0;
425 pos[4]=0;
426 pos[5]=0;
427 }
429 /* Corrects the movements using the callibration */
430 transaxes = joystick->hwdata->transaxes;
431 for (i = 0; i < joystick->naxes; i++)
432 {
433 value = pos[i] + transaxes[i].offset;
434 if (value<0)
435 {
436 value*=transaxes[i].scale1;
437 if (value>0) value = AXIS_MIN;
438 }
439 else
440 {
441 value*=transaxes[i].scale2;
442 if (value<0) value = AXIS_MAX;
443 }
444 change = (value - joystick->axes[i]);
445 if ( (change < -JOY_AXIS_THRESHOLD) || (change > JOY_AXIS_THRESHOLD) )
446 {
447 SDL_PrivateJoystickAxis(joystick, (Uint8)i, (Sint16)value);
448 }
449 }
451 /* joystick button A to D events */
452 if (SYS_JoyData[index].id == 1) corr = 2;
453 else corr = 0;
454 normbut=4; /* Number of normal buttons */
455 if (joystick->nbuttons<normbut) normbut = joystick->nbuttons;
456 for ( i = corr; (i-corr) < normbut; ++i )
457 {
458 /*
459 Button A: 1110 0000
460 Button B: 1101 0000
461 Button C: 1011 0000
462 Button D: 0111 0000
463 */
464 if ( (~stGameStatus.curdata.butMask)>>4 & JOY_BUTTON_FLAG(i) )
465 {
466 if ( ! joystick->buttons[i-corr] )
467 {
468 SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)(i-corr), SDL_PRESSED);
469 }
470 }
471 else
472 {
473 if ( joystick->buttons[i-corr] )
474 {
475 SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)(i-corr), SDL_RELEASED);
476 }
477 }
478 }
480 /* Joystick button E to H buttons */
481 /*
482 Button E: Axis 2 X Left
483 Button F: Axis 2 Y Up
484 Button G: Axis 2 X Right
485 Button H: Axis 2 Y Down
486 */
487 if (joystick->nbuttons>=5)
488 {
489 if (stGameStatus.curdata.B.x < SYS_JoyData[index].buttoncalc[0]) SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)4, SDL_PRESSED);
490 else SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)4, SDL_RELEASED);
491 }
492 if (joystick->nbuttons>=6)
493 {
494 if (stGameStatus.curdata.B.y < SYS_JoyData[index].buttoncalc[1]) SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)5, SDL_PRESSED);
495 else SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)5, SDL_RELEASED);
496 }
497 if (joystick->nbuttons>=7)
498 {
499 if (stGameStatus.curdata.B.x > SYS_JoyData[index].buttoncalc[2]) SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)6, SDL_PRESSED);
500 else SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)6, SDL_RELEASED);
501 }
502 if (joystick->nbuttons>=8)
503 {
504 if (stGameStatus.curdata.B.y > SYS_JoyData[index].buttoncalc[3]) SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)7, SDL_PRESSED);
505 else SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(joystick, (Uint8)7, SDL_RELEASED);
506 }
508 /* joystick hat events */
509 /* Not Supported under OS/2 */
510 /* joystick ball events */
511 /* Not Supported under OS/2 */
512 }
516 /******************************************/
517 /* Function to close a joystick after use */
518 /******************************************/
SDL_SYS_JoystickClose(SDL_Joystick * joystick)519 void SDL_SYS_JoystickClose(SDL_Joystick *joystick)
520 {
521 if (joystick->hwdata != NULL)
522 {
523 /* free system specific hardware data */
524 SDL_free(joystick->hwdata);
525 }
526 }
530 /********************************************************************/
531 /* Function to perform any system-specific joystick related cleanup */
532 /********************************************************************/
SDL_SYS_JoystickQuit(void)533 void SDL_SYS_JoystickQuit(void)
534 {
535 joyPortClose(&hJoyPort);
536 }
540 /************************/
541 /************************/
542 /* OS/2 Implementations */
543 /************************/
544 /************************/
547 /*****************************************/
548 /* Open Joystick Port, if not opened yet */
549 /*****************************************/
joyPortOpen(HFILE * hGame)550 APIRET joyPortOpen(HFILE * hGame)
551 {
552 APIRET rc; /* Generic Return Code */
553 ULONG ulAction; /* ? */
554 ULONG ulVersion; /* Version of joystick driver */
555 ULONG ulDataLen; /* Size of version data */
557 /* Verifies if joyport is not already open... */
558 if (*hGame != NULL) return 0;
559 /* Open GAME$ for read */
560 rc = DosOpen((PSZ)GAMEPDDNAME, hGame, &ulAction, 0, FILE_READONLY,
562 if (rc != 0)
563 {
564 SDL_SetError("Could not open Joystick Port.");
565 return -1;
566 }
568 /* Get Joystick Driver Version... must be 2.0 or higher */
569 ulVersion = 0;
570 ulDataLen = sizeof(ulVersion);
572 NULL, 0, NULL, &ulVersion, ulDataLen, &ulDataLen);
573 if (rc != 0)
574 {
575 joyPortClose(hGame);
576 SDL_SetError("Could not get Joystick Driver version.");
577 return -1;
578 }
579 if (ulVersion < GAME_VERSION)
580 {
581 joyPortClose(hGame);
582 SDL_SetError("Driver too old. At least IBM driver version 2.0 required.");
583 return -1;
584 }
585 return 0;
586 }
590 /****************************/
591 /* Close JoyPort, if opened */
592 /****************************/
joyPortClose(HFILE * hGame)593 void joyPortClose(HFILE * hGame)
594 {
595 if (*hGame != NULL) DosClose(*hGame);
596 *hGame = NULL;
597 }
601 /***************************/
602 /* Get SDL Joystick EnvVar */
603 /***************************/
joyGetEnv(struct _joycfg * joydata)604 int joyGetEnv(struct _joycfg * joydata)
605 {
606 char *joyenv; /* Pointer to tested character */
607 char tempnumber[5]; /* Temporary place to put numeric texts */
609 joyenv = SDL_getenv("SDL_OS2_JOYSTICK");
610 if (joyenv == NULL) return 0;
611 /* Joystick Environment is defined! */
612 while (*joyenv==' ' && *joyenv!=0) joyenv++; /* jump spaces... */
613 /* If the string name starts with '... get if fully */
614 if (*joyenv=='\'') joyenv+=joyGetData(++joyenv,joydata->name,'\'',sizeof(joydata->name));
615 /* If not, get it until the next space */
616 else if (*joyenv=='\"') joyenv+=joyGetData(++joyenv,joydata->name,'\"',sizeof(joydata->name));
617 else joyenv+=joyGetData(joyenv,joydata->name,' ',sizeof(joydata->name));
618 /* Now get the number of axes */
619 while (*joyenv==' ' && *joyenv!=0) joyenv++; /* jump spaces... */
620 joyenv+=joyGetData(joyenv,tempnumber,' ',sizeof(tempnumber));
621 joydata->axes = atoi(tempnumber);
622 /* Now get the number of buttons */
623 while (*joyenv==' ' && *joyenv!=0) joyenv++; /* jump spaces... */
624 joyenv+=joyGetData(joyenv,tempnumber,' ',sizeof(tempnumber));
625 joydata->buttons = atoi(tempnumber);
626 /* Now get the number of hats */
627 while (*joyenv==' ' && *joyenv!=0) joyenv++; /* jump spaces... */
628 joyenv+=joyGetData(joyenv,tempnumber,' ',sizeof(tempnumber));
629 joydata->hats = atoi(tempnumber);
630 /* Now get the number of balls */
631 while (*joyenv==' ' && *joyenv!=0) joyenv++; /* jump spaces... */
632 joyenv+=joyGetData(joyenv,tempnumber,' ',sizeof(tempnumber));
633 joydata->balls = atoi(tempnumber);
634 return 1;
635 }
639 /************************************************************************/
640 /* Get a text from in the string starting in joyenv until it finds */
641 /* the stopchar or maxchars is reached. The result is placed in name. */
642 /************************************************************************/
joyGetData(char * joyenv,char * name,char stopchar,size_t maxchars)643 int joyGetData(char *joyenv, char *name, char stopchar, size_t maxchars)
644 {
645 char *nameptr; /* Pointer to the selected character */
646 int chcnt=0; /* Count how many characters where copied */
648 nameptr=name;
649 while (*joyenv!=stopchar && *joyenv!=0)
650 {
651 if (nameptr<(name+(maxchars-1)))
652 {
653 *nameptr = *joyenv; /* Only copy if smaller than maximum */
654 nameptr++;
655 }
656 chcnt++;
657 joyenv++;
658 }
659 if (*joyenv==stopchar)
660 {
661 joyenv++; /* Jump stopchar */
662 chcnt++;
663 }
664 *nameptr = 0; /* Mark last byte */
665 return chcnt;
666 }
668 #endif /* SDL_JOYSTICK_OS2 */