/external/sepolicy/ |
D | radio.te | 2 type radio, domain; 3 app_domain(radio) 4 net_domain(radio) 5 bluetooth_domain(radio) 8 unix_socket_connect(radio, property, init) 11 unix_socket_connect(radio, rild, rild) 14 allow radio radio_data_file:dir create_dir_perms; 15 allow radio radio_data_file:notdevfile_class_set create_file_perms; 17 allow radio alarm_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; 20 allow radio radio_prop:property_service set; [all …]
D | seapp_contexts | 34 user=radio domain=radio type=radio_data_file
D | rild.te | 1 # rild - radio interface layer daemon
D | property_contexts | 12 persist.radio u:object_r:radio_prop:s0
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/ |
D | radio.edc | 23 name: "webkit/widget/radio"; 27 image: "widget/radio/img_radio_on.png" COMP; 28 image: "widget/radio/img_radio_off.png" COMP; 29 image: "widget/radio/img_radio_on_focus.png" COMP; 30 image: "widget/radio/img_radio_off_focus.png" COMP; 31 image: "widget/radio/img_radio_on_hover.png" COMP; 32 image: "widget/radio/img_radio_off_hover.png" COMP; 76 normal: "widget/radio/img_radio_off.png"; 83 normal: "widget/radio/img_radio_on.png"; 100 normal: "widget/radio/img_radio_on_hover.png"; [all …]
/external/chromium-trace/src/shared/css/ |
D | widgets.css | 18 input[type='radio'] { 80 input[type='radio'] { 138 input[type='radio']:checked::before { 157 input[type='radio']:enabled:hover { 178 input[type='radio']:enabled:active { 209 input[type='radio']:disabled { 227 input[type='radio']:enabled:focus, 272 /* Checkbox/radio helpers ****************************************************** 274 * .checkbox and .radio classes wrap labels. Checkboxes and radios should use 286 .radio { [all …]
D | chrome_shared2_touch.css | 20 .radio { 25 .radio label {
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/efl/ |
D | CMakeListsEfl.txt | 160 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/img_radio_on.png 161 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/img_radio_off_focus.png 162 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/img_radio_off_hover.png 163 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/img_radio_on_focus.png 164 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/radio.edc 165 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/img_radio_off.png 166 ${WEBKIT_DIR}/efl/DefaultTheme/widget/radio/img_radio_on_hover.png
/external/chromium-trace/ |
D | style.css | 1 …radio']{-webkit-appearance:none;-webkit-user-select:none;background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(…
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/content_settings/ |
D | content_setting_bubble_cocoa.mm | 26 // Must match the tag of the unblock radio button in the xib files. 29 // Must match the tag of the block radio button in the xib files. 50 // Padding between radio buttons and "Load all plugins" button 168 // Configure the radio group. For now, only deal with the 169 // strictly needed case of group containing 2 radio buttons. 173 // Select appropriate radio button. 179 DCHECK_EQ(2u, radio_items.size()) << "Only 2 radio items per group supported"; 180 // Set radio group labels from model. 187 // Layout radio group labels post-localization. 263 // Get the pre-resize frame of the radio group. Its origin is where the [all …]
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/gtk/ |
D | content_setting_bubble_gtk.cc | 175 GtkWidget* radio = in BuildBubble() local 181 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(bubble_content), radio, FALSE, FALSE, 0); in BuildBubble() 185 gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(radio), TRUE); in BuildBubble() 187 radio_group_gtk_.push_back(radio); in BuildBubble()
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/views/ |
D | content_setting_bubble_contents.cc | 264 views::RadioButton* radio = new views::RadioButton(UTF8ToWide(*i), 0); in InitControlLayout() local 265 radio->set_listener(this); in InitControlLayout() 266 radio_group_.push_back(radio); in InitControlLayout() 270 layout->AddView(radio); in InitControlLayout()
/external/iproute2/etc/iproute2/ |
D | rt_realms | 11 #4 radio-msu
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/efl/DefaultTheme/ |
D | default.edc | 67 #include "widget/radio/radio.edc"
/external/webkit/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/html-values/ |
D | dillo | 20 radio
D | mozilla | 32 radio
D | webkit | 65 radio
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ |
D | audits.css | 157 .audit-launcher-view input[type="radio"] { 168 .audit-launcher-view input[type="radio"]:active:not(:disabled) { 172 .audit-launcher-view input[type="radio"]:checked:not(:disabled), .audit-launcher-view input[type="r…
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/ |
D | print_preview.css | 435 input[type='radio']:focus { 447 input[type='radio'] { 464 input[type='radio']:hover { 469 input[type='radio']:active { 478 input[type='radio']:checked:before { 493 input[type='radio']:active:checked:before {
/external/webkit/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/html-attrs/ |
D | gtkhtml | 42 radio
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/options/ |
D | options_page.css | 391 div.radio { 710 input[type=radio] { 717 /* Checkbox and radio buttons have different sizes on different platforms. The 723 label > input[type=radio] { 728 html[os=mac] label > input[type=radio] { 733 html[os=chromeos] label > input[type=radio] { 738 * the span containing the label (usually a checkbox or radio).
/external/qemu/android/utils/ |
D | debug.h | 21 _VERBOSE_TAG(radio, "emulated GSM AT Command channel") \
/external/webkit/Tools/iExploder/iexploder-1.7.2/src/css-values/ |
D | mozilla | 389 radio 390 radio-container 391 radio-label
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/qt/ |
D | QtMobileWebStyle.cpp | 169 QPixmap radio = findRadio(option->rect.size(), option->state & State_On, disabled); in drawControl() local 170 if (radio.isNull()) in drawControl() 172 painter->drawPixmap(option->rect.x(), option->rect.y(), radio); in drawControl()
/external/qemu/android/ |
D | cmdline-options.h | 110 OPT_PARAM( radio, "<device>", "redirect radio modem interface to character device" )