/packages/apps/Gallery/src/com/android/camera/ |
D | EvenlySpacedLayout.java | 59 height = Math.max(height, child.getMeasuredHeight()); in onMeasure() 61 height += child.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 89 int h = child.getMeasuredHeight(); in layoutHorizontal() 104 usedHeight += child.getMeasuredHeight(); in layoutVertical() 116 int h = child.getMeasuredHeight(); in layoutVertical()
/packages/apps/LegacyCamera/src/com/android/camera/ui/ |
D | RotateLayout.java | 72 h = mChild.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 77 w = mChild.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure()
D | IndicatorControlWheelContainer.java | 105 int shutterButtonHeight = mShutterButton.getMeasuredHeight(); in onLayout() 126 int desiredHeight = mShutterButton.getMeasuredHeight() in onMeasure()
D | StackLayout.java | 42 int height = child.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure()
/packages/apps/Camera/src/com/android/camera/ui/ |
D | RotateLayout.java | 73 h = mChild.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 78 w = mChild.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure()
D | SecondLevelIndicatorControlBar.java | 101 int iconHeight = firstIndicatorButton.getMeasuredHeight(); in getTouchViewIndex() 212 int iconSize = mCloseIcon.getMeasuredHeight(); in onLayout() 220 (offset + mDivider.getMeasuredHeight())); in onLayout()
D | ZoomControlBar.java | 95 mIconSize = mZoomIn.getMeasuredHeight(); in onSizeChanged() 184 int sliderHeight = mZoomSlider.getMeasuredHeight(); in onLayout()
D | IndicatorControlWheelContainer.java | 121 int shutterButtonHeight = mShutterButton.getMeasuredHeight(); in onLayout() 153 int desiredHeight = mShutterButton.getMeasuredHeight() in onMeasure()
D | StackLayout.java | 43 int height = child.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure()
/packages/apps/Launcher2/src/com/android/launcher2/ |
D | Cling.java | 124 return new int[]{getMeasuredWidth() / 2, getMeasuredHeight() - (mButtonBarHeight / 2)}; in getPunchThroughPositions() 126 return new int[]{getMeasuredWidth() - (mButtonBarHeight / 2), getMeasuredHeight() / 2}; in getPunchThroughPositions() 208 Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(), in dispatchDraw() 232 mBackground.setBounds(0, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight()); in dispatchDraw()
D | DeleteDropTarget.java | 200 Rect to = getIconRect(d.dragView.getMeasuredWidth(), d.dragView.getMeasuredHeight(), in animateToTrashAndCompleteDrop() 260 final Rect to = getIconRect(d.dragView.getMeasuredWidth(), d.dragView.getMeasuredHeight(), in createFlingToTrashAnimatorListener() 294 float y1o = ((1f - scale) * dragView.getMeasuredHeight()) / 2f; in createFlingToTrashAnimatorListener() 343 float yOffset = ((scale - 1f) * dragView.getMeasuredHeight()) / 2f;
D | DragLayer.java | 326 r.set(left, top, left + v.getMeasuredWidth(), top + v.getMeasuredHeight()); in getViewRectRelativeToSelf() 472 toY -= dragView.getMeasuredHeight() * (1 - scale) / 2; in animateViewIntoPosition() 480 toY -= (Math.round(scale * (dragView.getHeight() - child.getMeasuredHeight()))) / 2; in animateViewIntoPosition() 505 view.getMeasuredWidth(), fromY + view.getMeasuredHeight()); in animateViewIntoPosition() 506 Rect to = new Rect(toX, toY, toX + view.getMeasuredWidth(), toY + view.getMeasuredHeight()); in animateViewIntoPosition() 567 final int height = view.getMeasuredHeight(); in animateView()
D | ButtonDropTarget.java | 128 int top = to.top + (getMeasuredHeight() - height) / 2; in getIconRect()
D | AppsCustomizeTabHost.java | 225 mAppsCustomizePane.getMeasuredHeight() <= 0) { in onTabChanged() 265 child.getMeasuredHeight()); in onTabChanged()
D | StrokedTextView.java | 93 final int h = getMeasuredHeight(); in onDraw()
/packages/inputmethods/PinyinIME/src/com/android/inputmethod/pinyin/ |
D | CandidateView.java | 261 int mOldHeight = getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 267 if (mOldWidth != getMeasuredWidth() || mOldHeight != getMeasuredHeight()) { in onMeasure() 365 mContentHeight = (int) ((getMeasuredHeight() - mPaddingTop - mPaddingBottom) * 0.95f); in onSizeChanged() 413 mContentHeight = (int) ((getMeasuredHeight() - mPaddingTop - mPaddingBottom) * 0.95f); in calculatePage() 501 int yPos = (getMeasuredHeight() - in onDraw() 586 + mSeparatorDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), getMeasuredHeight()
/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/ |
D | MoreKeysKeyboardView.java | 145 final int y = pointY - container.getMeasuredHeight() + container.getPaddingBottom(); in showMoreKeysPanel() 149 window.setHeight(container.getMeasuredHeight()); in showMoreKeysPanel()
/packages/apps/Browser/src/com/android/browser/ |
D | NavTabScroller.java | 144 int pad = (getMeasuredHeight() - v.getMeasuredHeight()) / 2 + 2; in calcPadding() 557 setMeasuredDimension(total, getMeasuredHeight()); in onMeasure() 559 int total = v.getMeasuredHeight() + getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure()
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/widget/ |
D | InterpolatingLayout.java | 258 height = Math.max(child.getMeasuredHeight(), height); in onMeasure() 271 height = Math.max(fillChild.getMeasuredHeight(), height); in onMeasure() 311 Gravity.apply(gravity, child.getMeasuredWidth(), child.getMeasuredHeight(), in onLayout()
D | ProportionalLayout.java | 100 final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure()
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/list/ |
D | ContactListItemView.java | 345 mNameTextViewHeight = mNameTextView.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 352 mPhoneticNameTextViewHeight = mPhoneticNameTextView.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 382 mDataViewHeight = mDataView.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 392 mLabelViewHeight = mLabelView.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 400 mSnippetTextViewHeight = mSnippetView.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 408 mStatusTextViewHeight = mPresenceIcon.getMeasuredHeight(); in onMeasure() 423 Math.max(mStatusTextViewHeight, mStatusView.getMeasuredHeight()); in onMeasure() 458 mHeaderTextView.getMeasuredHeight()); in onMeasure()
/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/suggestions/ |
D | MoreSuggestionsView.java | 153 final int y = pointY - container.getMeasuredHeight() + container.getPaddingBottom(); in showMoreKeysPanel() 157 window.setHeight(container.getMeasuredHeight()); in showMoreKeysPanel()
/packages/apps/Calendar/src/com/android/calendar/ |
D | StickyHeaderListView.java | 304 stickyHeaderHeight = mStickyHeader.getMeasuredHeight(); in updateStickyHeader() 334 params.setMargins(0, mStickyHeader.getMeasuredHeight(), 0, 0); in updateStickyHeader()
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/quickcontact/ |
D | FloatingChildLayout.java | 147 final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight(); in onLayout() 179 child.layout(left, top, left + child.getMeasuredWidth(), top + child.getMeasuredHeight()); in layoutChild()
/packages/apps/Browser/src/com/android/browser/view/ |
D | BasePieView.java | 101 mChildHeight = Math.max(mChildHeight, view.getMeasuredHeight()); in buildViews()