# ===== SDK source.property files ===== # Add all files to be generated from the source.prop templates to the SDK pre-requisites ALL_SDK_FILES += $(patsubst \ $(TOPDIR)development/sdk/%_source.prop_template, \ $(HOST_OUT)/development/sdk/%_source.properties, \ $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)development/sdk/*_source.prop_template)) \ $(patsubst \ $(TOPDIR)development/samples/%_source.prop_template, \ $(HOST_OUT)/development/samples/%_source.properties, \ $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)development/samples/*_source.prop_template)) # Rule to convert a source.prop template into the desired source.property # Rewritten variables: # - ${PLATFORM_VERSION} e.g. "1.0" # - ${PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION} e.g. "3", aka the API level # - ${PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME} e.g. "REL" (transformed into "") or "Cupcake" $(HOST_OUT)/development/sdk/%_source.properties : $(TOPDIR)development/sdk/%_source.prop_template @echo Generate $@ $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) sed -e 's/$${PLATFORM_VERSION}/$(PLATFORM_VERSION)/' \ -e 's/$${PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION}/$(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION)/' \ -e 's/$${PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME}/$(subst REL,,$(PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME))/' \ $< > $@ && sed -i -e '/^AndroidVersion.CodeName=\s*$$/d' $@ $(HOST_OUT)/development/samples/%_source.properties : $(TOPDIR)development/samples/%_source.prop_template @echo Generate $@ $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) sed -e 's/$${PLATFORM_VERSION}/$(PLATFORM_VERSION)/' \ -e 's/$${PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION}/$(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION)/' \ -e 's/$${PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME}/$(subst REL,,$(PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME))/' \ $< > $@ && sed -i -e '/^AndroidVersion.CodeName=\s*$$/d' $@ # ===== Android Support/Compatibility Library ===== LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) # The source files for this library are _all_ generated, something we don't do # anywhere else, and the rules don't support. Aditionally, the depenencies on # these files don't really matter, because they are all generated as part of # building the docs. So for the dependency, we just use the # api-stubs-timestamp file, which is the $@ of the droiddoc rule. # We also need to depend on framework-res.apk, in order to pull the # resource files out of there for aapt. # # Normally the package rule runs aapt, which includes the resource, # but we're not running that in our package rule so just copy in the # resource files here. intermediates := $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/JAVA_LIBRARIES/android_stubs_current_intermediates full_target := $(intermediates)/classes.jar src_dir := $(intermediates)/src classes_dir := $(intermediates)/classes framework_res_package := $(call intermediates-dir-for,APPS,framework-res,,COMMON)/package-export.apk $(full_target): PRIVATE_SRC_DIR := $(src_dir) $(full_target): PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR := $(intermediates) $(full_target): PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR := $(classes_dir) $(full_target): PRIVATE_FRAMEWORK_RES_PACKAGE := $(framework_res_package) $(full_target): $(OUT_DOCS)/api-stubs-timestamp $(framework_res_package) @echo Compiling SDK Stubs: $@ $(hide) rm -rf $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) $(hide) mkdir -p $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) $(hide) find $(PRIVATE_SRC_DIR) -name "*.java" > \ $(PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list $(hide) $(TARGET_JAVAC) -encoding ascii -bootclasspath "" \ -g $(xlint_unchecked) \ -extdirs "" -d $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) \ \@$(PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list \ || ( rm -rf $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) ; exit 41 ) $(hide) if [ ! -f $(PRIVATE_FRAMEWORK_RES_PACKAGE) ]; then \ echo Missing file $(PRIVATE_FRAMEWORK_RES_PACKAGE); \ rm -rf $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR); \ exit 1; \ fi; $(hide) unzip -qo $(PRIVATE_FRAMEWORK_RES_PACKAGE) -d $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) $(hide) (cd $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) && rm -rf classes.dex META-INF) $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) jar -cf $@ -C $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) . $(hide) jar -u0f $@ -C $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) resources.arsc .PHONY: android_stubs android_stubs: $(full_target) # The real rules create a javalib.jar that contains a classes.dex file. This # code is never going to be run anywhere, so just make a copy of the file. # The package installation stuff doesn't know about this file, so nobody will # ever be able to write a rule that installs it to a device. $(dir $(full_target))javalib.jar: $(full_target) $(hide)$(ACP) $< $@ android_jar_intermediates := $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/PACKAGING/android_jar_intermediates android_jar_full_target := $(android_jar_intermediates)/android.jar $(android_jar_full_target): $(full_target) @echo Package SDK Stubs: $@ $(hide)mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide)$(ACP) $< $@ ALL_SDK_FILES += $(android_jar_full_target) # The uiautomator stubs ALL_SDK_FILES += $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/JAVA_LIBRARIES/android_uiautomator_intermediates/javalib.jar # $(1): the Java library name define _package_sdk_library $(eval _psm_build_module := $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/JAVA_LIBRARIES/$(1)_intermediates/javalib.jar) $(eval _psm_packaging_target := $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/PACKAGING/$(1)_intermediates/$(1).jar) $(_psm_packaging_target) : $(_psm_build_module) | $(ACP) @echo "Package $(1).jar: $$@" $(hide) mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) $(hide) $(ACP) $$< $$@ ALL_SDK_FILES += $(_psm_packaging_target) $(eval _psm_build_module :=) $(eval _psm_packaging_target :=) endef ANDROID_SUPPORT_LIBRARIES := android-support-v4 android-support-v7-gridlayout android-support-v13 $(foreach lib, $(ANDROID_SUPPORT_LIBRARIES), $(eval $(call _package_sdk_library,$(lib))))