/******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ #include "ustrtest.h" #include "unicode/appendable.h" #include "unicode/std_string.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/locid.h" #include "unicode/ucnv.h" #include "unicode/uenum.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "charstr.h" #if 0 #include "unicode/ustream.h" #if U_IOSTREAM_SOURCE >= 199711 #include using namespace std; #elif U_IOSTREAM_SOURCE >= 198506 #include #endif #endif #define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)((sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))) UnicodeStringTest::~UnicodeStringTest() {} void UnicodeStringTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char *par) { if (exec) logln("TestSuite UnicodeStringTest: "); switch (index) { case 0: name = "StringCaseTest"; if (exec) { logln("StringCaseTest---"); logln(""); StringCaseTest test; callTest(test, par); } break; case 1: name = "TestBasicManipulation"; if (exec) TestBasicManipulation(); break; case 2: name = "TestCompare"; if (exec) TestCompare(); break; case 3: name = "TestExtract"; if (exec) TestExtract(); break; case 4: name = "TestRemoveReplace"; if (exec) TestRemoveReplace(); break; case 5: name = "TestSearching"; if (exec) TestSearching(); break; case 6: name = "TestSpacePadding"; if (exec) TestSpacePadding(); break; case 7: name = "TestPrefixAndSuffix"; if (exec) TestPrefixAndSuffix(); break; case 8: name = "TestFindAndReplace"; if (exec) TestFindAndReplace(); break; case 9: name = "TestBogus"; if (exec) TestBogus(); break; case 10: name = "TestReverse"; if (exec) TestReverse(); break; case 11: name = "TestMiscellaneous"; if (exec) TestMiscellaneous(); break; case 12: name = "TestStackAllocation"; if (exec) TestStackAllocation(); break; case 13: name = "TestUnescape"; if (exec) TestUnescape(); break; case 14: name = "TestCountChar32"; if (exec) TestCountChar32(); break; case 15: name = "TestStringEnumeration"; if (exec) TestStringEnumeration(); break; case 16: name = "TestNameSpace"; if (exec) TestNameSpace(); break; case 17: name = "TestUTF32"; if (exec) TestUTF32(); break; case 18: name = "TestUTF8"; if (exec) TestUTF8(); break; case 19: name = "TestReadOnlyAlias"; if (exec) TestReadOnlyAlias(); break; case 20: name = "TestAppendable"; if (exec) TestAppendable(); break; case 21: name = "TestUnicodeStringImplementsAppendable"; if (exec) TestUnicodeStringImplementsAppendable(); break; case 22: name = "TestSizeofUnicodeString"; if (exec) TestSizeofUnicodeString(); break; case 23: name = "TestStartsWithAndEndsWithNulTerminated"; if (exec) TestStartsWithAndEndsWithNulTerminated(); break; default: name = ""; break; //needed to end loop } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestBasicManipulation() { UnicodeString test1("Now is the time for all men to come swiftly to the aid of the party.\n"); UnicodeString expectedValue; UnicodeString *c; c=(UnicodeString *)test1.clone(); test1.insert(24, "good "); expectedValue = "Now is the time for all good men to come swiftly to the aid of the party.\n"; if (test1 != expectedValue) errln("insert() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test1 + "\""); c->insert(24, "good "); if(*c != expectedValue) { errln("clone()->insert() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + *c + "\""); } delete c; test1.remove(41, 8); expectedValue = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.\n"; if (test1 != expectedValue) errln("remove() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test1 + "\""); test1.replace(58, 6, "ir country"); expectedValue = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.\n"; if (test1 != expectedValue) errln("replace() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test1 + "\""); UChar temp[80]; test1.extract(0, 15, temp); UnicodeString test2(temp, 15); expectedValue = "Now is the time"; if (test2 != expectedValue) errln("extract() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test2 + "\""); test2 += " for me to go!\n"; expectedValue = "Now is the time for me to go!\n"; if (test2 != expectedValue) errln("operator+=() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test2 + "\""); if (test1.length() != 70) errln("length() failed: expected 70, got " + test1.length()); if (test2.length() != 30) errln("length() failed: expected 30, got " + test2.length()); UnicodeString test3; test3.append((UChar32)0x20402); if(test3 != CharsToUnicodeString("\\uD841\\uDC02")){ errln((UnicodeString)"append failed for UChar32, expected \"\\\\ud841\\\\udc02\", got " + prettify(test3)); } if(test3.length() != 2){ errln("append or length failed for UChar32, expected 2, got " + test3.length()); } test3.append((UChar32)0x0074); if(test3 != CharsToUnicodeString("\\uD841\\uDC02t")){ errln((UnicodeString)"append failed for UChar32, expected \"\\\\uD841\\\\uDC02t\", got " + prettify(test3)); } if(test3.length() != 3){ errln((UnicodeString)"append or length failed for UChar32, expected 2, got " + test3.length()); } // test some UChar32 overloads if( test3.setTo((UChar32)0x10330).length() != 2 || test3.insert(0, (UChar32)0x20100).length() != 4 || test3.replace(2, 2, (UChar32)0xe0061).length() != 4 || (test3 = (UChar32)0x14001).length() != 2 ) { errln((UnicodeString)"simple UChar32 overloads for replace, insert, setTo or = failed"); } { // test moveIndex32() UnicodeString s=UNICODE_STRING("\\U0002f999\\U0001d15f\\u00c4\\u1ed0", 32).unescape(); if( s.moveIndex32(2, -1)!=0 || s.moveIndex32(2, 1)!=4 || s.moveIndex32(2, 2)!=5 || s.moveIndex32(5, -2)!=2 || s.moveIndex32(0, -1)!=0 || s.moveIndex32(6, 1)!=6 ) { errln("UnicodeString::moveIndex32() failed"); } if(s.getChar32Start(1)!=0 || s.getChar32Start(2)!=2) { errln("UnicodeString::getChar32Start() failed"); } if(s.getChar32Limit(1)!=2 || s.getChar32Limit(2)!=2) { errln("UnicodeString::getChar32Limit() failed"); } } { // test new 2.2 constructors and setTo function that parallel Java's substring function. UnicodeString src("Hello folks how are you?"); UnicodeString target1("how are you?"); if (target1 != UnicodeString(src, 12)) { errln("UnicodeString(const UnicodeString&, int32_t) failed"); } UnicodeString target2("folks"); if (target2 != UnicodeString(src, 6, 5)) { errln("UnicodeString(const UnicodeString&, int32_t, int32_t) failed"); } if (target1 != target2.setTo(src, 12)) { errln("UnicodeString::setTo(const UnicodeString&, int32_t) failed"); } } { // op+ is new in ICU 2.8 UnicodeString s=UnicodeString("abc", "")+UnicodeString("def", "")+UnicodeString("ghi", ""); if(s!=UnicodeString("abcdefghi", "")) { errln("operator+(UniStr, UniStr) failed"); } } { // tests for Jitterbug 2360 // verify that APIs with source pointer + length accept length == -1 // mostly test only where modified, only few functions did not already do this if(UnicodeString("abc", -1, "")!=UnicodeString("abc", "")) { errln("UnicodeString(codepageData, dataLength, codepage) does not work with dataLength==-1"); } UChar buffer[10]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0x20ac, 0xd900, 0xdc05, 0, 0x62, 0xffff, 0xdbff, 0xdfff }; UnicodeString s, t(buffer, -1, LENGTHOF(buffer)); if(s.setTo(buffer, -1, LENGTHOF(buffer)).length()!=u_strlen(buffer)) { errln("UnicodeString.setTo(buffer, length, capacity) does not work with length==-1"); } if(t.length()!=u_strlen(buffer)) { errln("UnicodeString(buffer, length, capacity) does not work with length==-1"); } if(0!=s.caseCompare(buffer, -1, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)) { errln("UnicodeString.caseCompare(const UChar *, length, options) does not work with length==-1"); } if(0!=s.caseCompare(0, s.length(), buffer, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)) { errln("UnicodeString.caseCompare(start, _length, const UChar *, options) does not work"); } buffer[u_strlen(buffer)]=0xe4; UnicodeString u(buffer, -1, LENGTHOF(buffer)); if(s.setTo(buffer, -1, LENGTHOF(buffer)).length()!=LENGTHOF(buffer)) { errln("UnicodeString.setTo(buffer without NUL, length, capacity) does not work with length==-1"); } if(u.length()!=LENGTHOF(buffer)) { errln("UnicodeString(buffer without NUL, length, capacity) does not work with length==-1"); } static const char cs[]={ 0x61, (char)0xe4, (char)0x85, 0 }; UConverter *cnv; UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("ISO-8859-1", &errorCode); UnicodeString v(cs, -1, cnv, errorCode); ucnv_close(cnv); if(v!=CharsToUnicodeString("a\\xe4\\x85")) { errln("UnicodeString(const char *, length, cnv, errorCode) does not work with length==-1"); } } #if U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 { // Test the hardcoded-UTF-8 UnicodeString optimizations. static const uint8_t utf8[]={ 0x61, 0xC3, 0xA4, 0xC3, 0x9F, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x80, 0 }; static const UChar utf16[]={ 0x61, 0xE4, 0xDF, 0x4E00 }; UnicodeString from8a = UnicodeString((const char *)utf8); UnicodeString from8b = UnicodeString((const char *)utf8, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8)-1); UnicodeString from16(FALSE, utf16, LENGTHOF(utf16)); if(from8a != from16 || from8b != from16) { errln("UnicodeString(const char * U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8) failed"); } char buffer[16]; int32_t length8=from16.extract(0, 0x7fffffff, buffer, (uint32_t)sizeof(buffer)); if(length8!=((int32_t)sizeof(utf8)-1) || 0!=uprv_memcmp(buffer, utf8, sizeof(utf8))) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(char * U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8) failed"); } length8=from16.extract(1, 2, buffer, (uint32_t)sizeof(buffer)); if(length8!=4 || buffer[length8]!=0 || 0!=uprv_memcmp(buffer, utf8+1, length8)) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(substring to char * U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8) failed"); } } #endif } void UnicodeStringTest::TestCompare() { UnicodeString test1("this is a test"); UnicodeString test2("this is a test"); UnicodeString test3("this is a test of the emergency broadcast system"); UnicodeString test4("never say, \"this is a test\"!!"); UnicodeString test5((UChar)0x5000); UnicodeString test6((UChar)0x5100); UChar uniChars[] = { 0x74, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x61, 0x20, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0 }; char chars[] = "this is a test"; // test operator== and operator!= if (test1 != test2 || test1 == test3 || test1 == test4) errln("operator== or operator!= failed"); // test operator> and operator< if (test1 > test2 || test1 < test2 || !(test1 < test3) || !(test1 > test4) || !(test5 < test6) ) { errln("operator> or operator< failed"); } // test operator>= and operator<= if (!(test1 >= test2) || !(test1 <= test2) || !(test1 <= test3) || !(test1 >= test4)) errln("operator>= or operator<= failed"); // test compare(UnicodeString) if (test1.compare(test2) != 0 || test1.compare(test3) >= 0 || test1.compare(test4) <= 0) errln("compare(UnicodeString) failed"); //test compare(offset, length, UnicodeString) if(test1.compare(0, 14, test2) != 0 || test3.compare(0, 14, test2) != 0 || test4.compare(12, 14, test2) != 0 || test3.compare(0, 18, test1) <=0 ) errln("compare(offset, length, UnicodeString) failes"); // test compare(UChar*) if (test2.compare(uniChars) != 0 || test3.compare(uniChars) <= 0 || test4.compare(uniChars) >= 0) errln("compare(UChar*) failed"); // test compare(char*) if (test2.compare(chars) != 0 || test3.compare(chars) <= 0 || test4.compare(chars) >= 0) errln("compare(char*) failed"); // test compare(UChar*, length) if (test1.compare(uniChars, 4) <= 0 || test1.compare(uniChars, 4) <= 0) errln("compare(UChar*, length) failed"); // test compare(thisOffset, thisLength, that, thatOffset, thatLength) if (test1.compare(0, 14, test2, 0, 14) != 0 || test1.compare(0, 14, test3, 0, 14) != 0 || test1.compare(0, 14, test4, 12, 14) != 0) errln("1. compare(thisOffset, thisLength, that, thatOffset, thatLength) failed"); if (test1.compare(10, 4, test2, 0, 4) >= 0 || test1.compare(10, 4, test3, 22, 9) <= 0 || test1.compare(10, 4, test4, 22, 4) != 0) errln("2. compare(thisOffset, thisLength, that, thatOffset, thatLength) failed"); // test compareBetween if (test1.compareBetween(0, 14, test2, 0, 14) != 0 || test1.compareBetween(0, 14, test3, 0, 14) != 0 || test1.compareBetween(0, 14, test4, 12, 26) != 0) errln("compareBetween failed"); if (test1.compareBetween(10, 14, test2, 0, 4) >= 0 || test1.compareBetween(10, 14, test3, 22, 31) <= 0 || test1.compareBetween(10, 14, test4, 22, 26) != 0) errln("compareBetween failed"); // test compare() etc. with strings that share a buffer but are not equal test2=test1; // share the buffer, length() too large for the stackBuffer test2.truncate(1); // change only the length, not the buffer if( test1==test2 || test1<=test2 || test1.compare(test2)<=0 || test1.compareCodePointOrder(test2)<=0 || test1.compareCodePointOrder(0, INT32_MAX, test2)<=0 || test1.compareCodePointOrder(0, INT32_MAX, test2, 0, INT32_MAX)<=0 || test1.compareCodePointOrderBetween(0, INT32_MAX, test2, 0, INT32_MAX)<=0 || test1.caseCompare(test2, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)<=0 ) { errln("UnicodeStrings that share a buffer but have different lengths compare as equal"); } /* test compareCodePointOrder() */ { /* these strings are in ascending order */ static const UChar strings[][4]={ { 0x61, 0 }, /* U+0061 */ { 0x20ac, 0xd801, 0 }, /* U+20ac U+d801 */ { 0x20ac, 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0 }, /* U+20ac U+10000 */ { 0xd800, 0 }, /* U+d800 */ { 0xd800, 0xff61, 0 }, /* U+d800 U+ff61 */ { 0xdfff, 0 }, /* U+dfff */ { 0xff61, 0xdfff, 0 }, /* U+ff61 U+dfff */ { 0xff61, 0xd800, 0xdc02, 0 }, /* U+ff61 U+10002 */ { 0xd800, 0xdc02, 0 }, /* U+10002 */ { 0xd84d, 0xdc56, 0 } /* U+23456 */ }; UnicodeString u[20]; // must be at least as long as strings[] int32_t i; for(i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(strings)/sizeof(strings[0])); ++i) { u[i]=UnicodeString(TRUE, strings[i], -1); } for(i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(strings)/sizeof(strings[0])-1); ++i) { if(u[i].compareCodePointOrder(u[i+1])>=0 || u[i].compareCodePointOrder(0, INT32_MAX, u[i+1].getBuffer())>=0) { errln("error: UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder() fails for string %d and the following one\n", i); } } } /* test caseCompare() */ { static const UChar _mixed[]= { 0x61, 0x42, 0x131, 0x3a3, 0xdf, 0x130, 0x49, 0xfb03, 0xd93f, 0xdfff, 0 }, _otherDefault[]= { 0x41, 0x62, 0x131, 0x3c3, 0x73, 0x53, 0x69, 0x307, 0x69, 0x46, 0x66, 0x49, 0xd93f, 0xdfff, 0 }, _otherExcludeSpecialI[]={ 0x41, 0x62, 0x131, 0x3c3, 0x53, 0x73, 0x69, 0x131, 0x66, 0x46, 0x69, 0xd93f, 0xdfff, 0 }, _different[]= { 0x41, 0x62, 0x131, 0x3c3, 0x73, 0x53, 0x130, 0x49, 0x46, 0x66, 0x49, 0xd93f, 0xdffd, 0 }; UnicodeString mixed(TRUE, _mixed, -1), otherDefault(TRUE, _otherDefault, -1), otherExcludeSpecialI(TRUE, _otherExcludeSpecialI, -1), different(TRUE, _different, -1); int8_t result; /* test caseCompare() */ result=mixed.caseCompare(otherDefault, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT); if(result!=0 || 0!=mixed.caseCompareBetween(0, INT32_MAX, otherDefault, 0, INT32_MAX, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)) { errln("error: mixed.caseCompare(other, default)=%ld instead of 0\n", result); } result=mixed.caseCompare(otherExcludeSpecialI, U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I); if(result!=0) { errln("error: mixed.caseCompare(otherExcludeSpecialI, U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I)=%ld instead of 0\n", result); } result=mixed.caseCompare(otherDefault, U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I); if(result==0 || 0==mixed.caseCompareBetween(0, INT32_MAX, otherDefault, 0, INT32_MAX, U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I)) { errln("error: mixed.caseCompare(other, U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I)=0 instead of !=0\n"); } /* test caseCompare() */ result=mixed.caseCompare(different, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT); if(result<=0) { errln("error: mixed.caseCompare(different, default)=%ld instead of positive\n", result); } /* test caseCompare() - include the folded sharp s (U+00df) with different lengths */ result=mixed.caseCompare(1, 4, different, 1, 5, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT); if(result!=0 || 0!=mixed.caseCompareBetween(1, 5, different, 1, 6, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)) { errln("error: mixed.caseCompare(mixed, 1, 4, different, 1, 5, default)=%ld instead of 0\n", result); } /* test caseCompare() - stop in the middle of the sharp s (U+00df) */ result=mixed.caseCompare(1, 4, different, 1, 4, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT); if(result<=0) { errln("error: mixed.caseCompare(1, 4, different, 1, 4, default)=%ld instead of positive\n", result); } } // test that srcLength=-1 is handled in functions that // take input const UChar */int32_t srcLength (j785) { static const UChar u[]={ 0x61, 0x308, 0x62, 0 }; UnicodeString s=UNICODE_STRING("a\\u0308b", 8).unescape(); if(s.compare(u, -1)!=0 || s.compare(0, 999, u, 0, -1)!=0) { errln("error UnicodeString::compare(..., const UChar *, srcLength=-1) does not work"); } if(s.compareCodePointOrder(u, -1)!=0 || s.compareCodePointOrder(0, 999, u, 0, -1)!=0) { errln("error UnicodeString::compareCodePointOrder(..., const UChar *, srcLength=-1, ...) does not work"); } if(s.caseCompare(u, -1, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)!=0 || s.caseCompare(0, 999, u, 0, -1, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)!=0) { errln("error UnicodeString::caseCompare(..., const UChar *, srcLength=-1, ...) does not work"); } if(s.indexOf(u, 1, -1, 0, 999)!=1 || s.indexOf(u+1, -1, 0, 999)!=1 || s.indexOf(u+1, -1, 0)!=1) { errln("error UnicodeString::indexOf(const UChar *, srcLength=-1, ...) does not work"); } if(s.lastIndexOf(u, 1, -1, 0, 999)!=1 || s.lastIndexOf(u+1, -1, 0, 999)!=1 || s.lastIndexOf(u+1, -1, 0)!=1) { errln("error UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(const UChar *, srcLength=-1, ...) does not work"); } UnicodeString s2, s3; s2.replace(0, 0, u+1, -1); s3.replace(0, 0, u, 1, -1); if(s.compare(1, 999, s2)!=0 || s2!=s3) { errln("error UnicodeString::replace(..., const UChar *, srcLength=-1, ...) does not work"); } } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestExtract() { UnicodeString test1("Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.", ""); UnicodeString test2; UChar test3[13] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13}; char test4[13] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13}; UnicodeString test5; char test6[13] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13}; test1.extract(11, 12, test2); test1.extract(11, 12, test3); if (test1.extract(11, 12, test4) != 12 || test4[12] != 0) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(char *) failed to return the correct size of destination buffer."); } // test proper pinning in extractBetween() test1.extractBetween(-3, 7, test5); if(test5!=UNICODE_STRING("Now is ", 7)) { errln("UnicodeString.extractBetween(-3, 7) did not pin properly."); } test1.extractBetween(11, 23, test5); if (test1.extract(60, 71, test6) != 9) { errln("UnicodeString.extract() failed to return the correct size of destination buffer for end of buffer."); } if (test1.extract(11, 12, test6) != 12) { errln("UnicodeString.extract() failed to return the correct size of destination buffer."); } // convert test4 back to Unicode for comparison UnicodeString test4b(test4, 12); if (test1.extract(11, 12, (char *)NULL) != 12) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(NULL) failed to return the correct size of destination buffer."); } if (test1.extract(11, -1, test6) != 0) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(-1) failed to stop reading the string."); } for (int32_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (test1.charAt((int32_t)(11 + i)) != test2.charAt(i)) { errln(UnicodeString("extracting into a UnicodeString failed at position ") + i); break; } if (test1.charAt((int32_t)(11 + i)) != test3[i]) { errln(UnicodeString("extracting into an array of UChar failed at position ") + i); break; } if (((char)test1.charAt((int32_t)(11 + i))) != test4b.charAt(i)) { errln(UnicodeString("extracting into an array of char failed at position ") + i); break; } if (test1.charAt((int32_t)(11 + i)) != test5.charAt(i)) { errln(UnicodeString("extracting with extractBetween failed at position ") + i); break; } } // test preflighting and overflows with invariant conversion if (test1.extract(0, 10, (char *)NULL, "") != 10) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(0, 10, (char *)NULL, \"\") != 10"); } test4[2] = (char)0xff; if (test1.extract(0, 10, test4, 2, "") != 10) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(0, 10, test4, 2, \"\") != 10"); } if (test4[2] != (char)0xff) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(0, 10, test4, 2, \"\") overwrote test4[2]"); } { // test new, NUL-terminating extract() function UnicodeString s("terminate", ""); UChar dest[20]={ 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5 }; UErrorCode errorCode; int32_t length; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=s.extract((UChar *)NULL, 0, errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || length!=s.length()) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(NULL, 0)==%d (%s) expected %d (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)", length, s.length(), u_errorName(errorCode)); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=s.extract(dest, s.length()-1, errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || length!=s.length()) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(dest too short)==%d (%s) expected %d (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)", length, u_errorName(errorCode), s.length()); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=s.extract(dest, s.length(), errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING || length!=s.length()) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(dest just right without NUL)==%d (%s) expected %d (U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING)", length, u_errorName(errorCode), s.length()); } if(dest[length-1]!=s[length-1] || dest[length]!=0xa5) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(dest just right without NUL) did not extract the string correctly"); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=s.extract(dest, s.length()+1, errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ZERO_ERROR || length!=s.length()) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(dest large enough)==%d (%s) expected %d (U_ZERO_ERROR)", length, u_errorName(errorCode), s.length()); } if(dest[length-1]!=s[length-1] || dest[length]!=0 || dest[length+1]!=0xa5) { errln("UnicodeString.extract(dest large enough) did not extract the string correctly"); } } { // test new UConverter extract() and constructor UnicodeString s=UNICODE_STRING("\\U0002f999\\U0001d15f\\u00c4\\u1ed0", 32).unescape(); char buffer[32]; static const char expect[]={ (char)0xf0, (char)0xaf, (char)0xa6, (char)0x99, (char)0xf0, (char)0x9d, (char)0x85, (char)0x9f, (char)0xc3, (char)0x84, (char)0xe1, (char)0xbb, (char)0x90 }; UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *cnv=ucnv_open("UTF-8", &errorCode); int32_t length; if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { // test preflighting if( (length=s.extract(NULL, 0, cnv, errorCode))!=13 || errorCode!=U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR ) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(NULL, UConverter) preflighting failed (length=%ld, %s)", length, u_errorName(errorCode)); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; if( (length=s.extract(buffer, 2, cnv, errorCode))!=13 || errorCode!=U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR ) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(too small, UConverter) preflighting failed (length=%ld, %s)", length, u_errorName(errorCode)); } // try error cases errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; if( s.extract(NULL, 2, cnv, errorCode)==13 || U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(UConverter) succeeded with an illegal destination"); } errorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; if( s.extract(NULL, 0, cnv, errorCode)==13 || U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(UConverter) succeeded with a previous error code"); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; // extract for real if( (length=s.extract(buffer, sizeof(buffer), cnv, errorCode))!=13 || uprv_memcmp(buffer, expect, 13)!=0 || buffer[13]!=0 || U_FAILURE(errorCode) ) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(UConverter) conversion failed (length=%ld, %s)", length, u_errorName(errorCode)); } // Test again with just the converter name. if( (length=s.extract(0, s.length(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UTF-8"))!=13 || uprv_memcmp(buffer, expect, 13)!=0 || buffer[13]!=0 || U_FAILURE(errorCode) ) { errln("UnicodeString::extract(\"UTF-8\") conversion failed (length=%ld, %s)", length, u_errorName(errorCode)); } // try the constructor UnicodeString t(expect, sizeof(expect), cnv, errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || s!=t) { errln("UnicodeString(UConverter) conversion failed (%s)", u_errorName(errorCode)); } ucnv_close(cnv); } } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestRemoveReplace() { UnicodeString test1("The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain"); UnicodeString test2("eat SPAMburgers!"); UChar test3[] = { 0x53, 0x50, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0 }; char test4[] = "SPAM"; UnicodeString& test5 = test1; test1.replace(4, 4, test2, 4, 4); test1.replace(12, 5, test3, 4); test3[4] = 0; test1.replace(17, 4, test3); test1.replace(23, 4, test4); test1.replaceBetween(37, 42, test2, 4, 8); if (test1 != "The SPAM in SPAM SPAMs SPAMly on the SPAM") errln("One of the replace methods failed:\n" " expected \"The SPAM in SPAM SPAMs SPAMly on the SPAM\",\n" " got \"" + test1 + "\""); test1.remove(21, 1); test1.removeBetween(26, 28); if (test1 != "The SPAM in SPAM SPAM SPAM on the SPAM") errln("One of the remove methods failed:\n" " expected \"The SPAM in SPAM SPAM SPAM on the SPAM\",\n" " got \"" + test1 + "\""); for (int32_t i = 0; i < test1.length(); i++) { if (test5[i] != 0x53 && test5[i] != 0x50 && test5[i] != 0x41 && test5[i] != 0x4d && test5[i] != 0x20) { test1.setCharAt(i, 0x78); } } if (test1 != "xxx SPAM xx SPAM SPAM SPAM xx xxx SPAM") errln("One of the remove methods failed:\n" " expected \"xxx SPAM xx SPAM SPAM SPAM xx xxx SPAM\",\n" " got \"" + test1 + "\""); test1.remove(); if (test1.length() != 0) errln("Remove() failed: expected empty string, got \"" + test1 + "\""); } void UnicodeStringTest::TestSearching() { UnicodeString test1("test test ttest tetest testesteststt"); UnicodeString test2("test"); UChar testChar = 0x74; UChar32 testChar32 = 0x20402; UChar testData[]={ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0xd841, 0xdc02, 0x0071, 0xdc02, 0xd841, 0x0071, 0xd841, 0xdc02, // 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0x0071, 0x0072, 0xd841, 0xdc02, 0x0071, 0xd841, 0xdc02, 0x0071, // 16 17 18 19 0xdc02, 0xd841, 0x0073, 0x0000 }; UnicodeString test3(testData); UnicodeString test4(testChar32); uint16_t occurrences = 0; int32_t startPos = 0; for ( ; startPos != -1 && startPos < test1.length(); (startPos = test1.indexOf(test2, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 4) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 6) errln("indexOf failed: expected to find 6 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 10; startPos != -1 && startPos < test1.length(); (startPos = test1.indexOf(test2, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 4) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 4) errln("indexOf with starting offset failed: expected to find 4 occurrences, found " + occurrences); int32_t endPos = 28; for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 5; startPos != -1 && startPos < test1.length(); (startPos = test1.indexOf(test2, startPos, endPos - startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 4) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 4) errln("indexOf with starting and ending offsets failed: expected to find 4 occurrences, found " + occurrences); //using UChar32 string for ( startPos=0, occurrences=0; startPos != -1 && startPos < test3.length(); (startPos = test3.indexOf(test4, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 2) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 4) errln((UnicodeString)"indexOf failed: expected to find 4 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( startPos=10, occurrences=0; startPos != -1 && startPos < test3.length(); (startPos = test3.indexOf(test4, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 2) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 2) errln("indexOf failed: expected to find 2 occurrences, found " + occurrences); //--- for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 0; startPos != -1 && startPos < test1.length(); (startPos = test1.indexOf(testChar, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 1) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 16) errln("indexOf with character failed: expected to find 16 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 10; startPos != -1 && startPos < test1.length(); (startPos = test1.indexOf(testChar, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 1) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 12) errln("indexOf with character & start offset failed: expected to find 12 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 5, endPos = 28; startPos != -1 && startPos < test1.length(); (startPos = test1.indexOf(testChar, startPos, endPos - startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 1) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 10) errln("indexOf with character & start & end offsets failed: expected to find 10 occurrences, found " + occurrences); //testing for UChar32 UnicodeString subString; for( occurrences =0, startPos=0; startPos < test3.length(); startPos +=1){ subString.append(test3, startPos, test3.length()); if(subString.indexOf(testChar32) != -1 ){ ++occurrences; } subString.remove(); } if (occurrences != 14) errln((UnicodeString)"indexOf failed: expected to find 14 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 0; startPos != -1 && startPos < test3.length(); (startPos = test3.indexOf(testChar32, startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 1) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 4) errln((UnicodeString)"indexOf failed: expected to find 4 occurrences, found " + occurrences); endPos=test3.length(); for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 5; startPos != -1 && startPos < test3.length(); (startPos = test3.indexOf(testChar32, startPos, endPos - startPos)) != -1 ? (++occurrences, startPos += 1) : 0) ; if (occurrences != 3) errln((UnicodeString)"indexOf with character & start & end offsets failed: expected to find 2 occurrences, found " + occurrences); //--- if(test1.lastIndexOf(test2)!=29) { errln("test1.lastIndexOf(test2)!=29"); } if(test1.lastIndexOf(test2, 15)!=29 || test1.lastIndexOf(test2, 29)!=29 || test1.lastIndexOf(test2, 30)!=-1) { errln("test1.lastIndexOf(test2, start) failed"); } for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 32; startPos != -1; (startPos = test1.lastIndexOf(test2, 5, startPos - 5)) != -1 ? ++occurrences : 0) ; if (occurrences != 4) errln("lastIndexOf with starting and ending offsets failed: expected to find 4 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( occurrences = 0, startPos = 32; startPos != -1; (startPos = test1.lastIndexOf(testChar, 5, startPos - 5)) != -1 ? ++occurrences : 0) ; if (occurrences != 11) errln("lastIndexOf with character & start & end offsets failed: expected to find 11 occurrences, found " + occurrences); //testing UChar32 startPos=test3.length(); for ( occurrences = 0; startPos != -1; (startPos = test3.lastIndexOf(testChar32, 5, startPos - 5)) != -1 ? ++occurrences : 0) ; if (occurrences != 3) errln((UnicodeString)"lastIndexOf with character & start & end offsets failed: expected to find 3 occurrences, found " + occurrences); for ( occurrences = 0, endPos = test3.length(); endPos > 0; endPos -= 1){ subString.remove(); subString.append(test3, 0, endPos); if(subString.lastIndexOf(testChar32) != -1 ){ ++occurrences; } } if (occurrences != 18) errln((UnicodeString)"indexOf failed: expected to find 18 occurrences, found " + occurrences); //--- // test that indexOf(UChar32) and lastIndexOf(UChar32) // do not find surrogate code points when they are part of matched pairs // (= part of supplementary code points) // Jitterbug 1542 if(test3.indexOf((UChar32)0xd841) != 4 || test3.indexOf((UChar32)0xdc02) != 3) { errln("error: UnicodeString::indexOf(UChar32 surrogate) finds a partial supplementary code point"); } if( UnicodeString(test3, 0, 17).lastIndexOf((UChar)0xd841, 0) != 4 || UnicodeString(test3, 0, 17).lastIndexOf((UChar32)0xd841, 2) != 4 || test3.lastIndexOf((UChar32)0xd841, 0, 17) != 4 || test3.lastIndexOf((UChar32)0xdc02, 0, 17) != 16 ) { errln("error: UnicodeString::lastIndexOf(UChar32 surrogate) finds a partial supplementary code point"); } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestSpacePadding() { UnicodeString test1("hello"); UnicodeString test2(" there"); UnicodeString test3("Hi! How ya doin'? Beautiful day, isn't it?"); UnicodeString test4; UBool returnVal; UnicodeString expectedValue; returnVal = test1.padLeading(15); expectedValue = " hello"; if (returnVal == FALSE || test1 != expectedValue) errln("padLeading() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test1 + "\"."); returnVal = test2.padTrailing(15); expectedValue = " there "; if (returnVal == FALSE || test2 != expectedValue) errln("padTrailing() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test2 + "\"."); expectedValue = test3; returnVal = test3.padTrailing(15); if (returnVal == TRUE || test3 != expectedValue) errln("padTrailing() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test3 + "\"."); expectedValue = "hello"; test4.setTo(test1).trim(); if (test4 != expectedValue || test1 == expectedValue || test4 != expectedValue) errln("trim(UnicodeString&) failed"); test1.trim(); if (test1 != expectedValue) errln("trim() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test1 + "\"."); test2.trim(); expectedValue = "there"; if (test2 != expectedValue) errln("trim() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test2 + "\"."); test3.trim(); expectedValue = "Hi! How ya doin'? Beautiful day, isn't it?"; if (test3 != expectedValue) errln("trim() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test3 + "\"."); returnVal = test1.truncate(15); expectedValue = "hello"; if (returnVal == TRUE || test1 != expectedValue) errln("truncate() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test1 + "\"."); returnVal = test2.truncate(15); expectedValue = "there"; if (returnVal == TRUE || test2 != expectedValue) errln("truncate() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test2 + "\"."); returnVal = test3.truncate(15); expectedValue = "Hi! How ya doi"; if (returnVal == FALSE || test3 != expectedValue) errln("truncate() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test3 + "\"."); } void UnicodeStringTest::TestPrefixAndSuffix() { UnicodeString test1("Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."); UnicodeString test2("Now"); UnicodeString test3("country."); UnicodeString test4("count"); if (!test1.startsWith(test2) || !test1.startsWith(test2, 0, test2.length())) { errln("startsWith() failed: \"" + test2 + "\" should be a prefix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if (test1.startsWith(test3) || test1.startsWith(test3.getBuffer(), test3.length()) || test1.startsWith(test3.getTerminatedBuffer(), 0, -1) ) { errln("startsWith() failed: \"" + test3 + "\" shouldn't be a prefix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if (test1.endsWith(test2)) { errln("endsWith() failed: \"" + test2 + "\" shouldn't be a suffix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if (!test1.endsWith(test3)) { errln("endsWith(test3) failed: \"" + test3 + "\" should be a suffix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if (!test1.endsWith(test3, 0, INT32_MAX)) { errln("endsWith(test3, 0, INT32_MAX) failed: \"" + test3 + "\" should be a suffix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if(!test1.endsWith(test3.getBuffer(), test3.length())) { errln("endsWith(test3.getBuffer(), test3.length()) failed: \"" + test3 + "\" should be a suffix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if(!test1.endsWith(test3.getTerminatedBuffer(), 0, -1)) { errln("endsWith(test3.getTerminatedBuffer(), 0, -1) failed: \"" + test3 + "\" should be a suffix of \"" + test1 + "\"."); } if (!test3.startsWith(test4)) { errln("endsWith(test4) failed: \"" + test4 + "\" should be a prefix of \"" + test3 + "\"."); } if (test4.startsWith(test3)) { errln("startsWith(test3) failed: \"" + test3 + "\" shouldn't be a prefix of \"" + test4 + "\"."); } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestStartsWithAndEndsWithNulTerminated() { UnicodeString test("abcde"); const UChar ab[] = { 0x61, 0x62, 0 }; const UChar de[] = { 0x64, 0x65, 0 }; assertTrue("abcde.startsWith(ab, -1)", test.startsWith(ab, -1)); assertTrue("abcde.startsWith(ab, 0, -1)", test.startsWith(ab, 0, -1)); assertTrue("abcde.endsWith(de, -1)", test.endsWith(de, -1)); assertTrue("abcde.endsWith(de, 0, -1)", test.endsWith(de, 0, -1)); } void UnicodeStringTest::TestFindAndReplace() { UnicodeString test1("One potato, two potato, three potato, four\n"); UnicodeString test2("potato"); UnicodeString test3("MISSISSIPPI"); UnicodeString expectedValue; test1.findAndReplace(test2, test3); expectedValue = "One MISSISSIPPI, two MISSISSIPPI, three MISSISSIPPI, four\n"; if (test1 != expectedValue) errln("findAndReplace failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test1 + "\"."); test1.findAndReplace(2, 32, test3, test2); expectedValue = "One potato, two potato, three MISSISSIPPI, four\n"; if (test1 != expectedValue) errln("findAndReplace failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\", got \"" + test1 + "\"."); } void UnicodeStringTest::TestReverse() { UnicodeString test("backwards words say to used I"); test.reverse(); test.reverse(2, 4); test.reverse(7, 2); test.reverse(10, 3); test.reverse(14, 5); test.reverse(20, 9); if (test != "I used to say words backwards") errln("reverse() failed: Expected \"I used to say words backwards\",\n got \"" + test + "\""); test=UNICODE_STRING("\\U0002f999\\U0001d15f\\u00c4\\u1ed0", 32).unescape(); test.reverse(); if(test.char32At(0)!=0x1ed0 || test.char32At(1)!=0xc4 || test.char32At(2)!=0x1d15f || test.char32At(4)!=0x2f999) { errln("reverse() failed with supplementary characters"); } // Test case for ticket #8091: // UnicodeString::reverse() failed to see a lead surrogate in the middle of // an odd-length string that contains no other lead surrogates. test=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("ab\\U0001F4A9e").unescape(); UnicodeString expected=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("e\\U0001F4A9ba").unescape(); test.reverse(); if(test!=expected) { errln("reverse() failed with only lead surrogate in the middle"); } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestMiscellaneous() { UnicodeString test1("This is a test"); UnicodeString test2("This is a test"); UnicodeString test3("Me too!"); // test getBuffer(minCapacity) and releaseBuffer() test1=UnicodeString(); // make sure that it starts with its stackBuffer UChar *p=test1.getBuffer(20); if(test1.getCapacity()<20) { errln("UnicodeString::getBuffer(20).getCapacity()<20"); } test1.append((UChar)7); // must not be able to modify the string here test1.setCharAt(3, 7); test1.reverse(); if( test1.length()!=0 || test1.charAt(0)!=0xffff || test1.charAt(3)!=0xffff || test1.getBuffer(10)!=0 || test1.getBuffer()!=0 ) { errln("UnicodeString::getBuffer(minCapacity) allows read or write access to the UnicodeString"); } p[0]=1; p[1]=2; p[2]=3; test1.releaseBuffer(3); test1.append((UChar)4); if(test1.length()!=4 || test1.charAt(0)!=1 || test1.charAt(1)!=2 || test1.charAt(2)!=3 || test1.charAt(3)!=4) { errln("UnicodeString::releaseBuffer(newLength) does not properly reallow access to the UnicodeString"); } // test releaseBuffer() without getBuffer(minCapacity) - must not have any effect test1.releaseBuffer(1); if(test1.length()!=4 || test1.charAt(0)!=1 || test1.charAt(1)!=2 || test1.charAt(2)!=3 || test1.charAt(3)!=4) { errln("UnicodeString::releaseBuffer(newLength) without getBuffer(minCapacity) changed the UnicodeString"); } // test getBuffer(const) const UChar *q=test1.getBuffer(), *r=test1.getBuffer(); if( test1.length()!=4 || q[0]!=1 || q[1]!=2 || q[2]!=3 || q[3]!=4 || r[0]!=1 || r[1]!=2 || r[2]!=3 || r[3]!=4 ) { errln("UnicodeString::getBuffer(const) does not return a usable buffer pointer"); } // test releaseBuffer() with a NUL-terminated buffer test1.getBuffer(20)[2]=0; test1.releaseBuffer(); // implicit -1 if(test1.length()!=2 || test1.charAt(0)!=1 || test1.charAt(1) !=2) { errln("UnicodeString::releaseBuffer(-1) does not properly set the length of the UnicodeString"); } // test releaseBuffer() with a non-NUL-terminated buffer p=test1.getBuffer(256); for(int32_t i=0; iinsert(8, "only "); test->remove(15, 6); if (*test != "This is only a test.") errln("Manipulation of test string failed to work right."); if (guardWord != 0x4DED) errln("Manipulation of test string overwrote guard word!"); // we have to deinitialize and release the backing store by calling the destructor // explicitly, since we can't overload operator delete delete test; UChar workingBuffer[] = { 0x4e, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x20, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; UChar guardWord2 = 0x4DED; test = new UnicodeString(workingBuffer, 35, 100); if (*test != "Now is the time for all men to come") errln("Stack-allocated backing store failed to initialize correctly."); if (guardWord2 != 0x4DED) errln("Stack-allocated backing store overwrote guard word!"); test->insert(24, "good "); if (*test != "Now is the time for all good men to come") errln("insert() on stack-allocated UnicodeString didn't work right"); if (guardWord2 != 0x4DED) errln("insert() on stack-allocated UnicodeString overwrote guard word!"); if (workingBuffer[24] != 0x67) errln("insert() on stack-allocated UnicodeString didn't affect backing store"); *test += " to the aid of their country."; if (*test != "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.") errln("Stack-allocated UnicodeString overflow didn't work"); if (guardWord2 != 0x4DED) errln("Stack-allocated UnicodeString overflow overwrote guard word!"); *test = "ha!"; if (*test != "ha!") errln("Assignment to stack-allocated UnicodeString didn't work"); if (workingBuffer[0] != 0x4e) errln("Change to UnicodeString after overflow are still affecting original buffer"); if (guardWord2 != 0x4DED) errln("Change to UnicodeString after overflow overwrote guard word!"); // test read-only aliasing with setTo() workingBuffer[0] = 0x20ac; workingBuffer[1] = 0x125; workingBuffer[2] = 0; test->setTo(TRUE, workingBuffer, 2); if(test->length() != 2 || test->charAt(0) != 0x20ac || test->charAt(1) != 0x125) { errln("UnicodeString.setTo(readonly alias) does not alias correctly"); } UnicodeString *c=(UnicodeString *)test->clone(); workingBuffer[1] = 0x109; if(test->charAt(1) != 0x109) { errln("UnicodeString.setTo(readonly alias) made a copy: did not see change in buffer"); } if(c->length() != 2 || c->charAt(1) != 0x125) { errln("clone(alias) did not copy the buffer"); } delete c; test->setTo(TRUE, workingBuffer, -1); if(test->length() != 2 || test->charAt(0) != 0x20ac || test->charAt(1) != 0x109) { errln("UnicodeString.setTo(readonly alias, length -1) does not alias correctly"); } test->setTo(FALSE, workingBuffer, -1); if(!test->isBogus()) { errln("UnicodeString.setTo(unterminated readonly alias, length -1) does not result in isBogus()"); } delete test; test=new UnicodeString(); UChar buffer[]={0x0061, 0x0062, 0x20ac, 0x0043, 0x0042, 0x0000}; test->setTo(buffer, 4, 10); if(test->length() !=4 || test->charAt(0) != 0x0061 || test->charAt(1) != 0x0062 || test->charAt(2) != 0x20ac || test->charAt(3) != 0x0043){ errln((UnicodeString)"UnicodeString.setTo(UChar*, length, capacity) does not work correctly\n" + prettify(*test)); } delete test; // test the UChar32 constructor UnicodeString c32Test((UChar32)0x10ff2a); if( c32Test.length() != UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(0x10ff2a) || c32Test.char32At(c32Test.length() - 1) != 0x10ff2a ) { errln("The UnicodeString(UChar32) constructor does not work with a 0x10ff2a filler"); } // test the (new) capacity constructor UnicodeString capTest(5, (UChar32)0x2a, 5); if( capTest.length() != 5 * UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(0x2a) || capTest.char32At(0) != 0x2a || capTest.char32At(4) != 0x2a ) { errln("The UnicodeString capacity constructor does not work with an ASCII filler"); } capTest = UnicodeString(5, (UChar32)0x10ff2a, 5); if( capTest.length() != 5 * UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(0x10ff2a) || capTest.char32At(0) != 0x10ff2a || capTest.char32At(4) != 0x10ff2a ) { errln("The UnicodeString capacity constructor does not work with a 0x10ff2a filler"); } capTest = UnicodeString(5, (UChar32)0, 0); if(capTest.length() != 0) { errln("The UnicodeString capacity constructor does not work with a 0x10ff2a filler"); } } /** * Test the unescape() function. */ void UnicodeStringTest::TestUnescape(void) { UnicodeString IN("abc\\u4567 \\n\\r \\U00101234xyz\\x1\\x{5289}\\x1b", -1, US_INV); UnicodeString OUT("abc"); OUT.append((UChar)0x4567); OUT.append(" "); OUT.append((UChar)0xA); OUT.append((UChar)0xD); OUT.append(" "); OUT.append((UChar32)0x00101234); OUT.append("xyz"); OUT.append((UChar32)1).append((UChar32)0x5289).append((UChar)0x1b); UnicodeString result = IN.unescape(); if (result != OUT) { errln("FAIL: " + prettify(IN) + ".unescape() -> " + prettify(result) + ", expected " + prettify(OUT)); } // test that an empty string is returned in case of an error if (!UNICODE_STRING("wrong \\u sequence", 17).unescape().isEmpty()) { errln("FAIL: unescaping of a string with an illegal escape sequence did not return an empty string"); } } /* test code point counting functions --------------------------------------- */ /* reference implementation of UnicodeString::hasMoreChar32Than() */ static int32_t _refUnicodeStringHasMoreChar32Than(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, int32_t length, int32_t number) { int32_t count=s.countChar32(start, length); return count>number; } /* compare the real function against the reference */ void UnicodeStringTest::_testUnicodeStringHasMoreChar32Than(const UnicodeString &s, int32_t start, int32_t length, int32_t number) { if(s.hasMoreChar32Than(start, length, number)!=_refUnicodeStringHasMoreChar32Than(s, start, length, number)) { errln("hasMoreChar32Than(%d, %d, %d)=%hd is wrong\n", start, length, number, s.hasMoreChar32Than(start, length, number)); } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestCountChar32(void) { { UnicodeString s=UNICODE_STRING("\\U0002f999\\U0001d15f\\u00c4\\u1ed0", 32).unescape(); // test countChar32() // note that this also calls and tests u_countChar32(length>=0) if( s.countChar32()!=4 || s.countChar32(1)!=4 || s.countChar32(2)!=3 || s.countChar32(2, 3)!=2 || s.countChar32(2, 0)!=0 ) { errln("UnicodeString::countChar32() failed"); } // NUL-terminate the string buffer and test u_countChar32(length=-1) const UChar *buffer=s.getTerminatedBuffer(); if( u_countChar32(buffer, -1)!=4 || u_countChar32(buffer+1, -1)!=4 || u_countChar32(buffer+2, -1)!=3 || u_countChar32(buffer+3, -1)!=3 || u_countChar32(buffer+4, -1)!=2 || u_countChar32(buffer+5, -1)!=1 || u_countChar32(buffer+6, -1)!=0 ) { errln("u_countChar32(length=-1) failed"); } // test u_countChar32() with bad input if(u_countChar32(NULL, 5)!=0 || u_countChar32(buffer, -2)!=0) { errln("u_countChar32(bad input) failed (returned non-zero counts)"); } } /* test data and variables for hasMoreChar32Than() */ static const UChar str[]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0xd801, 0xdc01, 0x63, 0xd802, 0x64, 0xdc03, 0x65, 0x66, 0xd804, 0xdc04, 0xd805, 0xdc05, 0x67 }; UnicodeString string(str, LENGTHOF(str)); int32_t start, length, number; /* test hasMoreChar32Than() */ for(length=string.length(); length>=0; --length) { for(start=0; start<=length; ++start) { for(number=-1; number<=((length-start)+2); ++number) { _testUnicodeStringHasMoreChar32Than(string, start, length-start, number); } } } /* test hasMoreChar32Than() with pinning */ for(start=-1; start<=string.length()+1; ++start) { for(number=-1; number<=((string.length()-start)+2); ++number) { _testUnicodeStringHasMoreChar32Than(string, start, 0x7fffffff, number); } } /* test hasMoreChar32Than() with a bogus string */ string.setToBogus(); for(length=-1; length<=1; ++length) { for(start=-1; start<=length; ++start) { for(number=-1; number<=((length-start)+2); ++number) { _testUnicodeStringHasMoreChar32Than(string, start, length-start, number); } } } } void UnicodeStringTest::TestBogus() { UnicodeString test1("This is a test"); UnicodeString test2("This is a test"); UnicodeString test3("Me too!"); // test isBogus() and setToBogus() if (test1.isBogus() || test2.isBogus() || test3.isBogus()) { errln("A string returned TRUE for isBogus()!"); } // NULL pointers are treated like empty strings // use other illegal arguments to make a bogus string test3.setTo(FALSE, test1.getBuffer(), -2); if(!test3.isBogus()) { errln("A bogus string returned FALSE for isBogus()!"); } if (test1.hashCode() != test2.hashCode() || test1.hashCode() == test3.hashCode()) { errln("hashCode() failed"); } if(test3.getBuffer()!=0 || test3.getBuffer(20)!=0 || test3.getTerminatedBuffer()!=0) { errln("bogus.getBuffer()!=0"); } if (test1.indexOf(test3) != -1) { errln("bogus.indexOf() != -1"); } if (test1.lastIndexOf(test3) != -1) { errln("bogus.lastIndexOf() != -1"); } if (test1.caseCompare(test3, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) != 1 || test3.caseCompare(test1, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) != -1) { errln("caseCompare() doesn't work with bogus strings"); } if (test1.compareCodePointOrder(test3) != 1 || test3.compareCodePointOrder(test1) != -1) { errln("compareCodePointOrder() doesn't work with bogus strings"); } // verify that non-assignment modifications fail and do not revive a bogus string test3.setToBogus(); test3.append((UChar)0x61); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()!=0) { errln("bogus.append('a') worked but must not"); } test3.setToBogus(); test3.findAndReplace(UnicodeString((UChar)0x61), test2); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()!=0) { errln("bogus.findAndReplace() worked but must not"); } test3.setToBogus(); test3.trim(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()!=0) { errln("bogus.trim() revived bogus but must not"); } test3.setToBogus(); test3.remove(1); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()!=0) { errln("bogus.remove(1) revived bogus but must not"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.setCharAt(0, 0x62).isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.setCharAt(0, 'b') worked but must not"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(test3.truncate(1) || !test3.isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.truncate(1) revived bogus but must not"); } // verify that assignments revive a bogus string test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || (test3=test1).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.operator=() failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.fastCopyFrom(test1).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.fastCopyFrom() failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(test1).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.setTo(UniStr) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(test1, 0).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.setTo(UniStr, 0) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(test1, 0, 0x7fffffff).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.setTo(UniStr, 0, len) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(test1.getBuffer(), test1.length()).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.setTo(const UChar *, len) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo((UChar)0x2028).isBogus() || test3!=UnicodeString((UChar)0x2028)) { errln("bogus.setTo(UChar) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo((UChar32)0x1d157).isBogus() || test3!=UnicodeString((UChar32)0x1d157)) { errln("bogus.setTo(UChar32) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(FALSE, test1.getBuffer(), test1.length()).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.setTo(readonly alias) failed"); } // writable alias to another string's buffer: very bad idea, just convenient for this test test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo((UChar *)test1.getBuffer(), test1.length(), test1.getCapacity()).isBogus() || test3!=test1) { errln("bogus.setTo(writable alias) failed"); } // verify simple, documented ways to turn a bogus string into an empty one test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || (test3=UnicodeString()).isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.operator=(UnicodeString()) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(UnicodeString()).isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.setTo(UnicodeString()) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(test3.remove().isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()==0 || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.remove() failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(test3.remove(0, INT32_MAX).isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()==0 || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.remove(0, INT32_MAX) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(test3.truncate(0) || test3.isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.truncate(0) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo((UChar32)-1).isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.setTo((UChar32)-1) failed"); } static const UChar nul=0; test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.setTo(&nul, 0).isBogus() || !test3.isEmpty()) { errln("bogus.setTo(&nul, 0) failed"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(!test3.isBogus() || test3.getBuffer()!=0) { errln("setToBogus() failed to make a string bogus"); } test3.setToBogus(); if(test1.isBogus() || !(test1=test3).isBogus()) { errln("normal=bogus failed to make the left string bogus"); } // test that NULL primitive input string values are treated like // empty strings, not errors (bogus) test2.setTo((UChar32)0x10005); if(test2.insert(1, NULL, 1).length()!=2) { errln("UniStr.insert(...NULL...) should not modify the string but does"); } UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString test4((const UChar *)NULL), test5(TRUE, (const UChar *)NULL, 1), test6((UChar *)NULL, 5, 5), test7((const char *)NULL, 3, NULL, errorCode); if(test4.isBogus() || test5.isBogus() || test6.isBogus() || test7.isBogus()) { errln("a constructor set to bogus for a NULL input string, should be empty"); } test4.setTo(NULL, 3); test5.setTo(TRUE, (const UChar *)NULL, 1); test6.setTo((UChar *)NULL, 5, 5); if(test4.isBogus() || test5.isBogus() || test6.isBogus()) { errln("a setTo() set to bogus for a NULL input string, should be empty"); } // test that bogus==bogus=test2 || !(test2>test1) || test1.compare(test2)>=0 || !(test2.compare(test1)>0)) { errln("bogus