/* This file is part of Callgrind, a Valgrind tool for call graph profiling programs. Copyright (C) 2002-2011, Josef Weidendorfer (Josef.Weidendorfer@gmx.de) This tool is derived from and contains lot of code from Cachegrind Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nicholas Nethercote (njn@valgrind.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING. */ /* * Functions related to interactive commands via "callgrind.cmd" */ #include "config.h" #include "global.h" #include "pub_tool_threadstate.h" // VG_N_THREADS // Version for the syntax in command/result files for interactive control #define COMMAND_VERSION "1.0" static Char outbuf[FILENAME_LEN + FN_NAME_LEN + OBJ_NAME_LEN]; static Char* command_file = 0; static Char* command_file2 = 0; static Char* current_command_file = 0; static Char* result_file = 0; static Char* result_file2 = 0; static Char* current_result_file = 0; static Char* info_file = 0; static Char* out_file = 0; static Int thisPID = 0; /** * Setup for interactive control of a callgrind run */ static void setup_control(void) { Int fd, size; SysRes res; Char* dir; const HChar *tmpdir; CLG_ASSERT(thisPID != 0); fd = -1; dir = CLG_(get_out_directory)(); out_file = CLG_(get_out_file)(); /* name of command file */ size = VG_(strlen)(dir) + VG_(strlen)(DEFAULT_COMMANDNAME) +10; command_file = (char*) CLG_MALLOC("cl.command.sc.1", size); CLG_ASSERT(command_file != 0); VG_(sprintf)(command_file, "%s/%s.%d", dir, DEFAULT_COMMANDNAME, thisPID); /* This is for compatibility with the "Force Now" Button of current * KCachegrind releases, as it doesn't use ".pid" to distinguish * different callgrind instances from same base directory. */ command_file2 = (char*) CLG_MALLOC("cl.command.sc.2", size); CLG_ASSERT(command_file2 != 0); VG_(sprintf)(command_file2, "%s/%s", dir, DEFAULT_COMMANDNAME); size = VG_(strlen)(dir) + VG_(strlen)(DEFAULT_RESULTNAME) +10; result_file = (char*) CLG_MALLOC("cl.command.sc.3", size); CLG_ASSERT(result_file != 0); VG_(sprintf)(result_file, "%s/%s.%d", dir, DEFAULT_RESULTNAME, thisPID); /* If we get a command from a command file without .pid, use * a result file without .pid suffix */ result_file2 = (char*) CLG_MALLOC("cl.command.sc.4", size); CLG_ASSERT(result_file2 != 0); VG_(sprintf)(result_file2, "%s/%s", dir, DEFAULT_RESULTNAME); tmpdir = VG_(tmpdir)(); info_file = (char*) CLG_MALLOC("cl.command.sc.5", VG_(strlen)(tmpdir) + VG_(strlen)(DEFAULT_INFONAME) + 10); CLG_ASSERT(info_file != 0); VG_(sprintf)(info_file, "%s/%s.%d", tmpdir, DEFAULT_INFONAME, thisPID); CLG_DEBUG(1, "Setup for interactive control (PID: %d):\n", thisPID); CLG_DEBUG(1, " output file: '%s'\n", out_file); CLG_DEBUG(1, " command file: '%s'\n", command_file); CLG_DEBUG(1, " result file: '%s'\n", result_file); CLG_DEBUG(1, " info file: '%s'\n", info_file); /* create info file to indicate that we are running */ res = VG_(open)(info_file, VKI_O_WRONLY|VKI_O_TRUNC, 0); if (sr_isError(res)) { res = VG_(open)(info_file, VKI_O_CREAT|VKI_O_WRONLY, VKI_S_IRUSR|VKI_S_IWUSR); if (sr_isError(res)) { VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "warning: can't write info file '%s'\n", info_file); info_file = 0; fd = -1; } } if (!sr_isError(res)) fd = (Int) sr_Res(res); if (fd>=0) { Char buf[512]; Int i; WRITE_STR3(fd, "# This file is generated by Callgrind-" VERSION ".\n" "# It is used to enable controlling the supervision of\n" "# '", VG_(args_the_exename), "'\n" "# by external tools.\n\n"); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "version: " COMMAND_VERSION "\n"); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); WRITE_STR3(fd, "base: ", dir, "\n"); WRITE_STR3(fd, "dumps: ", out_file, "\n"); WRITE_STR3(fd, "control: ", command_file, "\n"); WRITE_STR3(fd, "result: ", result_file, "\n"); WRITE_STR2(fd, "cmd: ", VG_(args_the_exename)); for (i = 0; i < VG_(sizeXA)( VG_(args_for_client) ); i++) { HChar* arg = * (HChar**)VG_(indexXA)( VG_(args_for_client), i ); if (!arg) continue; WRITE_STR2(fd, " ", arg); } VG_(write)(fd, "\n", 1); VG_(close)(fd); } } void CLG_(init_command)() { thisPID = VG_(getpid)(); setup_control(); } void CLG_(finish_command)() { /* unlink info file */ if (info_file) VG_(unlink)(info_file); } static Int createRes(Int fd) { SysRes res; if (fd > -2) return fd; /* fd == -2: No error, but we need to create the file */ CLG_ASSERT(current_result_file != 0); res = VG_(open)(current_result_file, VKI_O_CREAT|VKI_O_WRONLY|VKI_O_TRUNC, VKI_S_IRUSR|VKI_S_IWUSR); /* VG_(open) can return any negative number on error. Remap errors to -1, * to not confuse it with our special value -2 */ if (sr_isError(res)) fd = -1; else fd = (Int) sr_Res(res); return fd; } /* Run Info: Persistant information of the callgrind run */ static Int dump_info(Int fd) { Char* buf = outbuf; int i; if ( (fd = createRes(fd)) <0) return fd; /* creator */ VG_(sprintf)(buf, "creator: callgrind-" VERSION "\n"); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); /* version */ VG_(sprintf)(buf, "version: " COMMAND_VERSION "\n"); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); /* "pid:" line */ VG_(sprintf)(buf, "pid: %d\n", VG_(getpid)()); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); /* "base:" line */ WRITE_STR3(fd, "base: ", out_file, "\n"); /* "cmd:" line */ WRITE_STR2(fd, "cmd: ", VG_(args_the_exename)); for (i = 0; i < VG_(sizeXA)( VG_(args_for_client) ); i++) { HChar* arg = * (HChar**)VG_(indexXA)( VG_(args_for_client), i ); if (!arg) continue; WRITE_STR2(fd, " ", arg); } VG_(write)(fd, "\n", 1); return fd; } /* Helper for dump_state */ Int dump_fd; void static dump_state_of_thread(thread_info* ti) { Char* buf = outbuf; int t = CLG_(current_tid); Int p, i; static FullCost sum = 0, tmp = 0; BBCC *from, *to; call_entry* ce; p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "events-%d: ", t); CLG_(init_cost_lz)( CLG_(sets).full, &sum ); CLG_(copy_cost_lz)( CLG_(sets).full, &tmp, ti->lastdump_cost ); CLG_(add_diff_cost)( CLG_(sets).full, sum, ti->lastdump_cost, ti->states.entry[0]->cost); CLG_(copy_cost)( CLG_(sets).full, ti->lastdump_cost, tmp ); p += CLG_(sprint_mappingcost)(buf + p, CLG_(dumpmap), sum); p += VG_(sprintf)(buf+p, "\n"); VG_(write)(dump_fd, (void*)buf, p); p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "frames-%d: %d\n", t, CLG_(current_call_stack).sp); VG_(write)(dump_fd, (void*)buf, p); ce = 0; for(i = 0; i < CLG_(current_call_stack).sp; i++) { ce = CLG_(get_call_entry)(i); /* if this frame is skipped, we don't have counters */ if (!ce->jcc) continue; from = ce->jcc->from; p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "function-%d-%d: %s\n",t, i, from->cxt->fn[0]->name); VG_(write)(dump_fd, (void*)buf, p); p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "calls-%d-%d: ",t, i); p+= VG_(sprintf)(buf+p, "%llu\n", ce->jcc->call_counter); VG_(write)(dump_fd, (void*)buf, p); /* FIXME: EventSets! */ CLG_(copy_cost)( CLG_(sets).full, sum, ce->jcc->cost ); CLG_(copy_cost)( CLG_(sets).full, tmp, ce->enter_cost ); CLG_(add_diff_cost)( CLG_(sets).full, sum, ce->enter_cost, CLG_(current_state).cost ); CLG_(copy_cost)( CLG_(sets).full, ce->enter_cost, tmp ); p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "events-%d-%d: ",t, i); p += CLG_(sprint_mappingcost)(buf + p, CLG_(dumpmap), sum ); p += VG_(sprintf)(buf+p, "\n"); VG_(write)(dump_fd, (void*)buf, p); } if (ce && ce->jcc) { to = ce->jcc->to; p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "function-%d-%d: %s\n",t, i, to->cxt->fn[0]->name ); VG_(write)(dump_fd, (void*)buf, p); } } /* Dump info on current callgrind state */ static Int dump_state(Int fd) { Char* buf = outbuf; thread_info** th; int t, p; Int orig_tid = CLG_(current_tid); if ( (fd = createRes(fd)) <0) return fd; VG_(sprintf)(buf, "instrumentation: %s\n", CLG_(instrument_state) ? "on":"off"); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); if (!CLG_(instrument_state)) return fd; VG_(sprintf)(buf, "executed-bbs: %llu\n", CLG_(stat).bb_executions); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "executed-calls: %llu\n", CLG_(stat).call_counter); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "distinct-bbs: %d\n", CLG_(stat).distinct_bbs); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "distinct-calls: %d\n", CLG_(stat).distinct_jccs); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "distinct-functions: %d\n", CLG_(stat).distinct_fns); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "distinct-contexts: %d\n", CLG_(stat).distinct_contexts); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); /* "events:" line. Given here because it will be dynamic in the future */ p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "events: "); CLG_(sprint_eventmapping)(buf+p, CLG_(dumpmap)); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(write)(fd, "\n", 1); /* "part:" line (number of last part. Is 0 at start */ VG_(sprintf)(buf, "\npart: %d\n", CLG_(get_dump_counter)()); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); /* threads */ th = CLG_(get_threads)(); p = VG_(sprintf)(buf, "threads:"); for(t=1;t0) { cmdPos = cmdBuffer; } } /* force creation of result file if needed */ fd = -2; while((bytesRead>0) && *cmdPos) { /* Calculate pointer for next line */ cmdNextLine = cmdPos+1; while((bytesRead>0) && *cmdNextLine && (*cmdNextLine != '\n')) { cmdNextLine++; bytesRead--; } if ((bytesRead>0) && (*cmdNextLine == '\n')) { *cmdNextLine = 0; cmdNextLine++; bytesRead--; } /* Command with integer option */ if ((*cmdPos >= '0') && (*cmdPos <='9')) { int value = *cmdPos-'0'; cmdPos++; while((*cmdPos >= '0') && (*cmdPos <='9')) { value = 10*value + (*cmdPos-'0'); cmdPos++; } while((*cmdPos == ' ') || (*cmdPos == '\t')) cmdPos++; switch(*cmdPos) { #if CLG_ENABLE_DEBUG /* verbosity */ case 'V': case 'v': CLG_(clo).verbose = value; break; #endif default: break; } cmdPos = cmdNextLine; continue; } /* Command with boolean/switch option */ if ((*cmdPos=='+') || (*cmdPos=='-')) { int value = (cmdPos[0] == '+'); cmdPos++; while((*cmdPos == ' ') || (*cmdPos == '\t')) cmdPos++; switch(*cmdPos) { case 'I': case 'i': CLG_(set_instrument_state)("Command", value); break; default: break; } cmdPos = cmdNextLine; continue; } /* regular command */ switch(*cmdPos) { case 'D': case 'd': /* DUMP */ /* skip command */ while(*cmdPos && (*cmdPos != ' ')) cmdPos++; if (*cmdPos) VG_(sprintf)(buf, "Dump Command:%s", cmdPos); else VG_(sprintf)(buf, "Dump Command"); CLG_(dump_profile)(buf, False); break; case 'Z': case 'z': CLG_(zero_all_cost)(False); break; case 'K': case 'k': /* Kill: Delay to be able to remove command file before. */ do_kill = 1; break; case 'I': case 'i': fd = dump_info(fd); break; case 's': case 'S': fd = dump_state(fd); break; case 'O': case 'o': /* Options Info */ if ( (fd = createRes(fd)) <0) break; VG_(sprintf)(buf, "\ndesc: Option: --skip-plt=%s\n", CLG_(clo).skip_plt ? "yes" : "no"); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "desc: Option: --collect-jumps=%s\n", CLG_(clo).collect_jumps ? "yes" : "no"); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "desc: Option: --separate-recs=%d\n", CLG_(clo).separate_recursions); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); VG_(sprintf)(buf, "desc: Option: --separate-callers=%d\n", CLG_(clo).separate_callers); VG_(write)(fd, (void*)buf, VG_(strlen)(buf)); break; default: break; } cmdPos = cmdNextLine; } /* If command executed, delete command file */ if (cmdPos) VG_(unlink)(current_command_file); if (fd>=0) VG_(close)(fd); if (do_kill) { VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Killed because of command from %s\n", current_command_file); CLG_(fini)(0); VG_(exit)(1); } }