/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "NPJSObject.h" #include "JSNPObject.h" #include "NPRuntimeObjectMap.h" #include "NPRuntimeUtilities.h" #include "PluginView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace JSC; using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { NPJSObject* NPJSObject::create(JSGlobalData& globalData, NPRuntimeObjectMap* objectMap, JSObject* jsObject) { // We should never have a JSNPObject inside an NPJSObject. ASSERT(!jsObject->inherits(&JSNPObject::s_info)); NPJSObject* npJSObject = toNPJSObject(createNPObject(0, npClass())); npJSObject->initialize(globalData, objectMap, jsObject); return npJSObject; } NPJSObject::NPJSObject() : m_objectMap(0) { } NPJSObject::~NPJSObject() { m_objectMap->npJSObjectDestroyed(this); } bool NPJSObject::isNPJSObject(NPObject* npObject) { return npObject->_class == npClass(); } void NPJSObject::initialize(JSGlobalData& globalData, NPRuntimeObjectMap* objectMap, JSObject* jsObject) { ASSERT(!m_objectMap); ASSERT(!m_jsObject); m_objectMap = objectMap; m_jsObject.set(globalData, jsObject); } static Identifier identifierFromIdentifierRep(ExecState* exec, IdentifierRep* identifierRep) { ASSERT(identifierRep->isString()); const char* string = identifierRep->string(); int length = strlen(string); return Identifier(exec, String::fromUTF8WithLatin1Fallback(string, length).impl()); } bool NPJSObject::hasMethod(NPIdentifier methodName) { IdentifierRep* identifierRep = static_cast(methodName); if (!identifierRep->isString()) return false; ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue value = m_jsObject->get(exec, identifierFromIdentifierRep(exec, identifierRep)); exec->clearException(); CallData callData; return getCallData(value, callData) != CallTypeNone; } bool NPJSObject::invoke(NPIdentifier methodName, const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { IdentifierRep* identifierRep = static_cast(methodName); if (!identifierRep->isString()) return false; ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue function = m_jsObject->get(exec, identifierFromIdentifierRep(exec, identifierRep)); return invoke(exec, m_objectMap->globalObject(), function, arguments, argumentCount, result); } bool NPJSObject::invokeDefault(const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue function = m_jsObject.get(); return invoke(exec, m_objectMap->globalObject(), function, arguments, argumentCount, result); } bool NPJSObject::hasProperty(NPIdentifier identifier) { IdentifierRep* identifierRep = static_cast(identifier); ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); bool result; if (identifierRep->isString()) result = m_jsObject->hasProperty(exec, identifierFromIdentifierRep(exec, identifierRep)); else result = m_jsObject->hasProperty(exec, identifierRep->number()); exec->clearException(); return result; } bool NPJSObject::getProperty(NPIdentifier propertyName, NPVariant* result) { IdentifierRep* identifierRep = static_cast(propertyName); ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue jsResult; if (identifierRep->isString()) jsResult = m_jsObject->get(exec, identifierFromIdentifierRep(exec, identifierRep)); else jsResult = m_jsObject->get(exec, identifierRep->number()); m_objectMap->convertJSValueToNPVariant(exec, jsResult, *result); exec->clearException(); return true; } bool NPJSObject::setProperty(NPIdentifier propertyName, const NPVariant* value) { IdentifierRep* identifierRep = static_cast(propertyName); ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue jsValue = m_objectMap->convertNPVariantToJSValue(exec, m_objectMap->globalObject(), *value); if (identifierRep->isString()) { PutPropertySlot slot; m_jsObject->put(exec, identifierFromIdentifierRep(exec, identifierRep), jsValue, slot); } else m_jsObject->put(exec, identifierRep->number(), jsValue); exec->clearException(); return true; } bool NPJSObject::removeProperty(NPIdentifier propertyName) { IdentifierRep* identifierRep = static_cast(propertyName); ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); if (identifierRep->isString()) { Identifier identifier = identifierFromIdentifierRep(exec, identifierRep); if (!m_jsObject->hasProperty(exec, identifier)) { exec->clearException(); return false; } m_jsObject->deleteProperty(exec, identifier); } else { if (!m_jsObject->hasProperty(exec, identifierRep->number())) { exec->clearException(); return false; } m_jsObject->deleteProperty(exec, identifierRep->number()); } exec->clearException(); return true; } bool NPJSObject::enumerate(NPIdentifier** identifiers, uint32_t* identifierCount) { ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); PropertyNameArray propertyNames(exec); m_jsObject->getPropertyNames(exec, propertyNames); NPIdentifier* nameIdentifiers = npnMemNewArray(propertyNames.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < propertyNames.size(); ++i) nameIdentifiers[i] = static_cast(IdentifierRep::get(propertyNames[i].ustring().utf8().data())); *identifiers = nameIdentifiers; *identifierCount = propertyNames.size(); return true; } bool NPJSObject::construct(const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { ExecState* exec = m_objectMap->globalExec(); if (!exec) return false; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); ConstructData constructData; ConstructType constructType = getConstructData(m_jsObject.get(), constructData); if (constructType == ConstructTypeNone) return false; // Convert the passed in arguments. MarkedArgumentBuffer argumentList; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) argumentList.append(m_objectMap->convertNPVariantToJSValue(exec, m_objectMap->globalObject(), arguments[i])); exec->globalData().timeoutChecker.start(); JSValue value = JSC::construct(exec, m_jsObject.get(), constructType, constructData, argumentList); exec->globalData().timeoutChecker.stop(); // Convert and return the new object. m_objectMap->convertJSValueToNPVariant(exec, value, *result); exec->clearException(); return true; } bool NPJSObject::invoke(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue function, const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { CallData callData; CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData); if (callType == CallTypeNone) return false; // Convert the passed in arguments. MarkedArgumentBuffer argumentList; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) argumentList.append(m_objectMap->convertNPVariantToJSValue(exec, globalObject, arguments[i])); exec->globalData().timeoutChecker.start(); JSValue value = JSC::call(exec, function, callType, callData, m_jsObject.get(), argumentList); exec->globalData().timeoutChecker.stop(); // Convert and return the result of the function call. m_objectMap->convertJSValueToNPVariant(exec, value, *result); exec->clearException(); return true; } NPClass* NPJSObject::npClass() { static NPClass npClass = { NP_CLASS_STRUCT_VERSION, NP_Allocate, NP_Deallocate, 0, NP_HasMethod, NP_Invoke, NP_InvokeDefault, NP_HasProperty, NP_GetProperty, NP_SetProperty, NP_RemoveProperty, NP_Enumerate, NP_Construct }; return &npClass; } NPObject* NPJSObject::NP_Allocate(NPP npp, NPClass*) { ASSERT_UNUSED(npp, !npp); return new NPJSObject; } void NPJSObject::NP_Deallocate(NPObject* npObject) { NPJSObject* npJSObject = toNPJSObject(npObject); delete npJSObject; } bool NPJSObject::NP_HasMethod(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier methodName) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->hasMethod(methodName); } bool NPJSObject::NP_Invoke(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier methodName, const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->invoke(methodName, arguments, argumentCount, result); } bool NPJSObject::NP_InvokeDefault(NPObject* npObject, const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->invokeDefault(arguments, argumentCount, result); } bool NPJSObject::NP_HasProperty(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier propertyName) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->hasProperty(propertyName); } bool NPJSObject::NP_GetProperty(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier propertyName, NPVariant* result) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->getProperty(propertyName, result); } bool NPJSObject::NP_SetProperty(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier propertyName, const NPVariant* value) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->setProperty(propertyName, value); } bool NPJSObject::NP_RemoveProperty(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier propertyName) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->removeProperty(propertyName); } bool NPJSObject::NP_Enumerate(NPObject* npObject, NPIdentifier** identifiers, uint32_t* identifierCount) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->enumerate(identifiers, identifierCount); } bool NPJSObject::NP_Construct(NPObject* npObject, const NPVariant* arguments, uint32_t argumentCount, NPVariant* result) { return toNPJSObject(npObject)->construct(arguments, argumentCount, result); } } // namespace WebKit