/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ide.common.rendering.api; /** * Scene result class. This is an immutable class. *

* This cannot be allocated directly, instead use * {@link Status#createResult()}, * {@link Status#createResult(String, Throwable)}, * {@link Status#createResult(String)} * {@link Status#createResult(Object)} */ public class Result { private final Status mStatus; private final String mErrorMessage; private final Throwable mThrowable; private Object mData; /** * Scene Status enum. *

This indicates the status of all scene actions. */ public enum Status { SUCCESS, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ERROR_TIMEOUT, ERROR_LOCK_INTERRUPTED, ERROR_INFLATION, ERROR_VIEWGROUP_NO_CHILDREN, ERROR_NOT_INFLATED, ERROR_RENDER, ERROR_ANIM_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_NOT_A_DRAWABLE, ERROR_REFLECTION, ERROR_UNKNOWN; private Result mResult; /** * Returns a {@link Result} object with this status. * @return an instance of SceneResult; */ public Result createResult() { // don't want to get generic error that way. assert this != ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (mResult == null) { mResult = new Result(this); } return mResult; } /** * Returns a {@link Result} object with this status, and the given data. * @return an instance of SceneResult; * * @see Result#getData() */ public Result createResult(Object data) { Result res = createResult(); if (data != null) { res = res.getCopyWithData(data); } return res; } /** * Returns a {@link #ERROR_UNKNOWN} result with the given message and throwable * @param errorMessage the error message * @param throwable the throwable * @return an instance of SceneResult. */ public Result createResult(String errorMessage, Throwable throwable) { return new Result(this, errorMessage, throwable); } /** * Returns a {@link #ERROR_UNKNOWN} result with the given message * @param errorMessage the error message * @return an instance of SceneResult. */ public Result createResult(String errorMessage) { return new Result(this, errorMessage, null /*throwable*/); } } /** * Creates a {@link Result} object with the given SceneStatus. * * @param status the status. Must not be null. */ private Result(Status status) { this(status, null, null); } /** * Creates a {@link Result} object with the given SceneStatus, and the given message * and {@link Throwable} * * @param status the status. Must not be null. * @param errorMessage an optional error message. * @param t an optional exception. */ private Result(Status status, String errorMessage, Throwable t) { assert status != null; mStatus = status; mErrorMessage = errorMessage; mThrowable = t; } private Result(Result result) { mStatus = result.mStatus; mErrorMessage = result.mErrorMessage; mThrowable = result.mThrowable; } /** * Returns a copy of the current result with the added (or replaced) given data * @param data the data bundle * * @return returns a new SceneResult instance. */ public Result getCopyWithData(Object data) { Result r = new Result(this); r.mData = data; return r; } /** * Returns whether the status is successful. *

* This is the same as calling getStatus() == SceneStatus.SUCCESS * @return true if the status is successful. */ public boolean isSuccess() { return mStatus == Status.SUCCESS; } /** * Returns the status. This is never null. */ public Status getStatus() { return mStatus; } /** * Returns the error message. This is only non-null when {@link #getStatus()} returns * {@link Status#ERROR_UNKNOWN} */ public String getErrorMessage() { return mErrorMessage; } /** * Returns the exception. This is only non-null when {@link #getStatus()} returns * {@link Status#ERROR_UNKNOWN} */ public Throwable getException() { return mThrowable; } /** * Returns the optional data bundle stored in the result object. * @return the data bundle or null if none have been set. */ public Object getData() { return mData; } }