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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.content;
19 import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
20 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
21 import android.content.res.AssetManager;
22 import android.content.res.Configuration;
23 import android.content.res.Resources;
24 import android.content.res.TypedArray;
25 import android.database.DatabaseErrorHandler;
26 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
27 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory;
28 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
29 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
30 import android.media.MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener;
31 import android.net.Uri;
32 import android.os.Bundle;
33 import android.os.Handler;
34 import android.os.Looper;
35 import android.os.UserHandle;
36 import android.os.UserManager;
37 import android.util.AttributeSet;
38 import android.view.CompatibilityInfoHolder;
39 import android.view.Display;
40 import android.view.WindowManager;
42 import java.io.File;
43 import java.io.FileInputStream;
44 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
45 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
46 import java.io.IOException;
47 import java.io.InputStream;
49 /**
50  * Interface to global information about an application environment.  This is
51  * an abstract class whose implementation is provided by
52  * the Android system.  It
53  * allows access to application-specific resources and classes, as well as
54  * up-calls for application-level operations such as launching activities,
55  * broadcasting and receiving intents, etc.
56  */
57 public abstract class Context {
58     /**
59      * File creation mode: the default mode, where the created file can only
60      * be accessed by the calling application (or all applications sharing the
61      * same user ID).
62      * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
63      * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
64      */
65     public static final int MODE_PRIVATE = 0x0000;
66     /**
67      * @deprecated Creating world-readable files is very dangerous, and likely
68      * to cause security holes in applications.  It is strongly discouraged;
69      * instead, applications should use more formal mechanism for interactions
70      * such as {@link ContentProvider}, {@link BroadcastReceiver}, and
71      * {@link android.app.Service}.  There are no guarantees that this
72      * access mode will remain on a file, such as when it goes through a
73      * backup and restore.
74      * File creation mode: allow all other applications to have read access
75      * to the created file.
76      * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
77      * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
78      */
79     @Deprecated
80     public static final int MODE_WORLD_READABLE = 0x0001;
81     /**
82      * @deprecated Creating world-writable files is very dangerous, and likely
83      * to cause security holes in applications.  It is strongly discouraged;
84      * instead, applications should use more formal mechanism for interactions
85      * such as {@link ContentProvider}, {@link BroadcastReceiver}, and
86      * {@link android.app.Service}.  There are no guarantees that this
87      * access mode will remain on a file, such as when it goes through a
88      * backup and restore.
89      * File creation mode: allow all other applications to have write access
90      * to the created file.
91      * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
92      * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
93      */
94     @Deprecated
95     public static final int MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE = 0x0002;
96     /**
97      * File creation mode: for use with {@link #openFileOutput}, if the file
98      * already exists then write data to the end of the existing file
99      * instead of erasing it.
100      * @see #openFileOutput
101      */
102     public static final int MODE_APPEND = 0x8000;
104     /**
105      * SharedPreference loading flag: when set, the file on disk will
106      * be checked for modification even if the shared preferences
107      * instance is already loaded in this process.  This behavior is
108      * sometimes desired in cases where the application has multiple
109      * processes, all writing to the same SharedPreferences file.
110      * Generally there are better forms of communication between
111      * processes, though.
112      *
113      * <p>This was the legacy (but undocumented) behavior in and
114      * before Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and this flag is implied when
115      * targetting such releases.  For applications targetting SDK
116      * versions <em>greater than</em> Android 2.3, this flag must be
117      * explicitly set if desired.
118      *
119      * @see #getSharedPreferences
120      */
121     public static final int MODE_MULTI_PROCESS = 0x0004;
123     /**
124      * Database open flag: when set, the database is opened with write-ahead
125      * logging enabled by default.
126      *
127      * @see #openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, CursorFactory)
128      * @see #openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, CursorFactory, DatabaseErrorHandler)
129      * @see SQLiteDatabase#enableWriteAheadLogging
130      */
131     public static final int MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING = 0x0008;
133     /**
134      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: automatically create the service as long
135      * as the binding exists.  Note that while this will create the service,
136      * its {@link android.app.Service#onStartCommand}
137      * method will still only be called due to an
138      * explicit call to {@link #startService}.  Even without that, though,
139      * this still provides you with access to the service object while the
140      * service is created.
141      *
142      * <p>Note that prior to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH},
143      * not supplying this flag would also impact how important the system
144      * consider's the target service's process to be.  When set, the only way
145      * for it to be raised was by binding from a service in which case it will
146      * only be important when that activity is in the foreground.  Now to
147      * achieve this behavior you must explicitly supply the new flag
148      * {@link #BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY}.  For compatibility, old applications
149      * that don't specify {@link #BIND_AUTO_CREATE} will automatically have
150      * the flags {@link #BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY} and
151      * {@link #BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY} set for them in order to achieve
152      * the same result.
153      */
154     public static final int BIND_AUTO_CREATE = 0x0001;
156     /**
157      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: include debugging help for mismatched
158      * calls to unbind.  When this flag is set, the callstack of the following
159      * {@link #unbindService} call is retained, to be printed if a later
160      * incorrect unbind call is made.  Note that doing this requires retaining
161      * information about the binding that was made for the lifetime of the app,
162      * resulting in a leak -- this should only be used for debugging.
163      */
164     public static final int BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND = 0x0002;
166     /**
167      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: don't allow this binding to raise
168      * the target service's process to the foreground scheduling priority.
169      * It will still be raised to at least the same memory priority
170      * as the client (so that its process will not be killable in any
171      * situation where the client is not killable), but for CPU scheduling
172      * purposes it may be left in the background.  This only has an impact
173      * in the situation where the binding client is a foreground process
174      * and the target service is in a background process.
175      */
176     public static final int BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND = 0x0004;
178     /**
179      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: indicates that the client application
180      * binding to this service considers the service to be more important than
181      * the app itself.  When set, the platform will try to have the out of
182      * memory killer kill the app before it kills the service it is bound to, though
183      * this is not guaranteed to be the case.
184      */
185     public static final int BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT = 0x0008;
187     /**
188      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: allow the process hosting the bound
189      * service to go through its normal memory management.  It will be
190      * treated more like a running service, allowing the system to
191      * (temporarily) expunge the process if low on memory or for some other
192      * whim it may have, and being more aggressive about making it a candidate
193      * to be killed (and restarted) if running for a long time.
194      */
195     public static final int BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT = 0x0010;
197     /**
198      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: don't impact the scheduling or
199      * memory management priority of the target service's hosting process.
200      * Allows the service's process to be managed on the background LRU list
201      * just like a regular application process in the background.
202      */
203     public static final int BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY = 0x0020;
205     /**
206      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: this service is very important to
207      * the client, so should be brought to the foreground process level
208      * when the client is.  Normally a process can only be raised to the
209      * visibility level by a client, even if that client is in the foreground.
210      */
211     public static final int BIND_IMPORTANT = 0x0040;
213     /**
214      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: If binding from an activity, allow the
215      * target service's process importance to be raised based on whether the
216      * activity is visible to the user, regardless whether another flag is
217      * used to reduce the amount that the client process's overall importance
218      * is used to impact it.
219      */
220     public static final int BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY = 0x0080;
222     /**
223      * @hide An idea that is not yet implemented.
224      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: If binding from an activity, consider
225      * this service to be visible like the binding activity is.  That is,
226      * it will be treated as something more important to keep around than
227      * invisible background activities.  This will impact the number of
228      * recent activities the user can switch between without having them
229      * restart.  There is no guarantee this will be respected, as the system
230      * tries to balance such requests from one app vs. the importantance of
231      * keeping other apps around.
232      */
233     public static final int BIND_VISIBLE = 0x0100;
235     /**
236      * Flag for {@link #bindService}: Don't consider the bound service to be
237      * visible, even if the caller is visible.
238      * @hide
239      */
240     public static final int BIND_NOT_VISIBLE = 0x40000000;
242     /** Return an AssetManager instance for your application's package. */
getAssets()243     public abstract AssetManager getAssets();
245     /** Return a Resources instance for your application's package. */
getResources()246     public abstract Resources getResources();
248     /** Return PackageManager instance to find global package information. */
getPackageManager()249     public abstract PackageManager getPackageManager();
251     /** Return a ContentResolver instance for your application's package. */
getContentResolver()252     public abstract ContentResolver getContentResolver();
254     /**
255      * Return the Looper for the main thread of the current process.  This is
256      * the thread used to dispatch calls to application components (activities,
257      * services, etc).
258      */
getMainLooper()259     public abstract Looper getMainLooper();
261     /**
262      * Return the context of the single, global Application object of the
263      * current process.  This generally should only be used if you need a
264      * Context whose lifecycle is separate from the current context, that is
265      * tied to the lifetime of the process rather than the current component.
266      *
267      * <p>Consider for example how this interacts with
268      * {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)}:
269      * <ul>
270      * <li> <p>If used from an Activity context, the receiver is being registered
271      * within that activity.  This means that you are expected to unregister
272      * before the activity is done being destroyed; in fact if you do not do
273      * so, the framework will clean up your leaked registration as it removes
274      * the activity and log an error.  Thus, if you use the Activity context
275      * to register a receiver that is static (global to the process, not
276      * associated with an Activity instance) then that registration will be
277      * removed on you at whatever point the activity you used is destroyed.
278      * <li> <p>If used from the Context returned here, the receiver is being
279      * registered with the global state associated with your application.  Thus
280      * it will never be unregistered for you.  This is necessary if the receiver
281      * is associated with static data, not a particular component.  However
282      * using the ApplicationContext elsewhere can easily lead to serious leaks
283      * if you forget to unregister, unbind, etc.
284      * </ul>
285      */
getApplicationContext()286     public abstract Context getApplicationContext();
288     /**
289      * Add a new {@link ComponentCallbacks} to the base application of the
290      * Context, which will be called at the same times as the ComponentCallbacks
291      * methods of activities and other components are called.  Note that you
292      * <em>must</em> be sure to use {@link #unregisterComponentCallbacks} when
293      * appropriate in the future; this will not be removed for you.
294      *
295      * @param callback The interface to call.  This can be either a
296      * {@link ComponentCallbacks} or {@link ComponentCallbacks2} interface.
297      */
registerComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks callback)298     public void registerComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks callback) {
299         getApplicationContext().registerComponentCallbacks(callback);
300     }
302     /**
303      * Remove a {@link ComponentCallbacks} objec that was previously registered
304      * with {@link #registerComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks)}.
305      */
unregisterComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks callback)306     public void unregisterComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks callback) {
307         getApplicationContext().unregisterComponentCallbacks(callback);
308     }
310     /**
311      * Return a localized, styled CharSequence from the application's package's
312      * default string table.
313      *
314      * @param resId Resource id for the CharSequence text
315      */
getText(int resId)316     public final CharSequence getText(int resId) {
317         return getResources().getText(resId);
318     }
320     /**
321      * Return a localized string from the application's package's
322      * default string table.
323      *
324      * @param resId Resource id for the string
325      */
getString(int resId)326     public final String getString(int resId) {
327         return getResources().getString(resId);
328     }
330     /**
331      * Return a localized formatted string from the application's package's
332      * default string table, substituting the format arguments as defined in
333      * {@link java.util.Formatter} and {@link java.lang.String#format}.
334      *
335      * @param resId Resource id for the format string
336      * @param formatArgs The format arguments that will be used for substitution.
337      */
getString(int resId, Object... formatArgs)339     public final String getString(int resId, Object... formatArgs) {
340         return getResources().getString(resId, formatArgs);
341     }
343      /**
344      * Set the base theme for this context.  Note that this should be called
345      * before any views are instantiated in the Context (for example before
346      * calling {@link android.app.Activity#setContentView} or
347      * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate}).
348      *
349      * @param resid The style resource describing the theme.
350      */
setTheme(int resid)351     public abstract void setTheme(int resid);
353     /** @hide Needed for some internal implementation...  not public because
354      * you can't assume this actually means anything. */
getThemeResId()355     public int getThemeResId() {
356         return 0;
357     }
359     /**
360      * Return the Theme object associated with this Context.
361      */
getTheme()362     public abstract Resources.Theme getTheme();
364     /**
365      * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
366      * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int[])}
367      * for more information.
368      *
369      * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int[])
370      */
obtainStyledAttributes( int[] attrs)371     public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
372             int[] attrs) {
373         return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
374     }
376     /**
377      * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
378      * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])}
379      * for more information.
380      *
381      * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])
382      */
obtainStyledAttributes( int resid, int[] attrs)383     public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
384             int resid, int[] attrs) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
385         return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(resid, attrs);
386     }
388     /**
389      * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
390      * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)}
391      * for more information.
392      *
393      * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
394      */
obtainStyledAttributes( AttributeSet set, int[] attrs)395     public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
396             AttributeSet set, int[] attrs) {
397         return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(set, attrs, 0, 0);
398     }
400     /**
401      * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
402      * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)}
403      * for more information.
404      *
405      * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
406      */
obtainStyledAttributes( AttributeSet set, int[] attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)407     public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
408             AttributeSet set, int[] attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
409         return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
410             set, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
411     }
413     /**
414      * Return a class loader you can use to retrieve classes in this package.
415      */
getClassLoader()416     public abstract ClassLoader getClassLoader();
418     /** Return the name of this application's package. */
getPackageName()419     public abstract String getPackageName();
421     /** Return the full application info for this context's package. */
getApplicationInfo()422     public abstract ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo();
424     /**
425      * Return the full path to this context's primary Android package.
426      * The Android package is a ZIP file which contains the application's
427      * primary resources.
428      *
429      * <p>Note: this is not generally useful for applications, since they should
430      * not be directly accessing the file system.
431      *
432      * @return String Path to the resources.
433      */
getPackageResourcePath()434     public abstract String getPackageResourcePath();
436     /**
437      * Return the full path to this context's primary Android package.
438      * The Android package is a ZIP file which contains application's
439      * primary code and assets.
440      *
441      * <p>Note: this is not generally useful for applications, since they should
442      * not be directly accessing the file system.
443      *
444      * @return String Path to the code and assets.
445      */
getPackageCodePath()446     public abstract String getPackageCodePath();
448     /**
449      * {@hide}
450      * Return the full path to the shared prefs file for the given prefs group name.
451      *
452      * <p>Note: this is not generally useful for applications, since they should
453      * not be directly accessing the file system.
454      */
getSharedPrefsFile(String name)455     public abstract File getSharedPrefsFile(String name);
457     /**
458      * Retrieve and hold the contents of the preferences file 'name', returning
459      * a SharedPreferences through which you can retrieve and modify its
460      * values.  Only one instance of the SharedPreferences object is returned
461      * to any callers for the same name, meaning they will see each other's
462      * edits as soon as they are made.
463      *
464      * @param name Desired preferences file. If a preferences file by this name
465      * does not exist, it will be created when you retrieve an
466      * editor (SharedPreferences.edit()) and then commit changes (Editor.commit()).
467      * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
468      * default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE}
469      * and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.  The bit
470      * {@link #MODE_MULTI_PROCESS} can also be used if multiple processes
471      * are mutating the same SharedPreferences file.  {@link #MODE_MULTI_PROCESS}
472      * is always on in apps targetting Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and below, and
473      * off by default in later versions.
474      *
475      * @return Returns the single SharedPreferences instance that can be used
476      *         to retrieve and modify the preference values.
477      *
478      * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
479      * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
480      * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
481      * @see #MODE_MULTI_PROCESS
482      */
getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode)483     public abstract SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(String name,
484             int mode);
486     /**
487      * Open a private file associated with this Context's application package
488      * for reading.
489      *
490      * @param name The name of the file to open; can not contain path
491      *             separators.
492      *
493      * @return FileInputStream Resulting input stream.
494      *
495      * @see #openFileOutput
496      * @see #fileList
497      * @see #deleteFile
498      * @see java.io.FileInputStream#FileInputStream(String)
499      */
openFileInput(String name)500     public abstract FileInputStream openFileInput(String name)
501         throws FileNotFoundException;
503     /**
504      * Open a private file associated with this Context's application package
505      * for writing.  Creates the file if it doesn't already exist.
506      *
507      * @param name The name of the file to open; can not contain path
508      *             separators.
509      * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
510      * default operation, {@link #MODE_APPEND} to append to an existing file,
511      * {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE} and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control
512      * permissions.
513      *
514      * @return FileOutputStream Resulting output stream.
515      *
516      * @see #MODE_APPEND
517      * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
518      * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
519      * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
520      * @see #openFileInput
521      * @see #fileList
522      * @see #deleteFile
523      * @see java.io.FileOutputStream#FileOutputStream(String)
524      */
openFileOutput(String name, int mode)525     public abstract FileOutputStream openFileOutput(String name, int mode)
526         throws FileNotFoundException;
528     /**
529      * Delete the given private file associated with this Context's
530      * application package.
531      *
532      * @param name The name of the file to delete; can not contain path
533      *             separators.
534      *
535      * @return True if the file was successfully deleted; else
536      *         false.
537      *
538      * @see #openFileInput
539      * @see #openFileOutput
540      * @see #fileList
541      * @see java.io.File#delete()
542      */
deleteFile(String name)543     public abstract boolean deleteFile(String name);
545     /**
546      * Returns the absolute path on the filesystem where a file created with
547      * {@link #openFileOutput} is stored.
548      *
549      * @param name The name of the file for which you would like to get
550      *          its path.
551      *
552      * @return Returns an absolute path to the given file.
553      *
554      * @see #openFileOutput
555      * @see #getFilesDir
556      * @see #getDir
557      */
getFileStreamPath(String name)558     public abstract File getFileStreamPath(String name);
560     /**
561      * Returns the absolute path to the directory on the filesystem where
562      * files created with {@link #openFileOutput} are stored.
563      *
564      * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application files.
565      *
566      * @see #openFileOutput
567      * @see #getFileStreamPath
568      * @see #getDir
569      */
getFilesDir()570     public abstract File getFilesDir();
572     /**
573      * Returns the absolute path to the directory on the external filesystem
574      * (that is somewhere on {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory()
575      * Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()}) where the application can
576      * place persistent files it owns.  These files are private to the
577      * applications, and not typically visible to the user as media.
578      *
579      * <p>This is like {@link #getFilesDir()} in that these
580      * files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled, however there
581      * are some important differences:
582      *
583      * <ul>
584      * <li>External files are not always available: they will disappear if the
585      * user mounts the external storage on a computer or removes it.  See the
586      * APIs on {@link android.os.Environment} for information in the storage state.
587      * <li>There is no security enforced with these files.  All applications
588      * can read and write files placed here.
589      * </ul>
590      *
591      * <p>On devices with multiple users (as described by {@link UserManager}),
592      * each user has their own isolated external storage. Applications only
593      * have access to the external storage for the user they're running as.</p>
594      *
595      * <p>Here is an example of typical code to manipulate a file in
596      * an application's private storage:</p>
597      *
598      * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/ExternalStorage.java
599      * private_file}
600      *
601      * <p>If you supply a non-null <var>type</var> to this function, the returned
602      * file will be a path to a sub-directory of the given type.  Though these files
603      * are not automatically scanned by the media scanner, you can explicitly
604      * add them to the media database with
605      * {@link android.media.MediaScannerConnection#scanFile(Context, String[], String[],
606      *      OnScanCompletedListener) MediaScannerConnection.scanFile}.
607      * Note that this is not the same as
608      * {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
609      * Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()}, which provides
610      * directories of media shared by all applications.  The
611      * directories returned here are
612      * owned by the application, and their contents will be removed when the
613      * application is uninstalled.  Unlike
614      * {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
615      * Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()}, the directory
616      * returned here will be automatically created for you.
617      *
618      * <p>Here is an example of typical code to manipulate a picture in
619      * an application's private storage and add it to the media database:</p>
620      *
621      * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/ExternalStorage.java
622      * private_picture}
623      *
624      * <p>Writing to this path requires the
625      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} permission.</p>
626      *
627      * @param type The type of files directory to return.  May be null for
628      * the root of the files directory or one of
629      * the following Environment constants for a subdirectory:
630      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MUSIC},
631      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PODCASTS},
632      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_RINGTONES},
633      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_ALARMS},
634      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS},
635      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PICTURES}, or
636      * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MOVIES}.
637      *
638      * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application files
639      * on external storage.  Returns null if external storage is not currently
640      * mounted so it could not ensure the path exists; you will need to call
641      * this method again when it is available.
642      *
643      * @see #getFilesDir
644      * @see android.os.Environment#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
645      */
getExternalFilesDir(String type)646     public abstract File getExternalFilesDir(String type);
648     /**
649      * Return the directory where this application's OBB files (if there
650      * are any) can be found.  Note if the application does not have any OBB
651      * files, this directory may not exist.
652      *
653      * <p>On devices with multiple users (as described by {@link UserManager}),
654      * multiple users may share the same OBB storage location. Applications
655      * should ensure that multiple instances running under different users
656      * don't interfere with each other.</p>
657      */
getObbDir()658     public abstract File getObbDir();
660     /**
661      * Returns the absolute path to the application specific cache directory
662      * on the filesystem. These files will be ones that get deleted first when the
663      * device runs low on storage.
664      * There is no guarantee when these files will be deleted.
665      *
666      * <strong>Note: you should not <em>rely</em> on the system deleting these
667      * files for you; you should always have a reasonable maximum, such as 1 MB,
668      * for the amount of space you consume with cache files, and prune those
669      * files when exceeding that space.</strong>
670      *
671      * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application cache files.
672      *
673      * @see #openFileOutput
674      * @see #getFileStreamPath
675      * @see #getDir
676      */
getCacheDir()677     public abstract File getCacheDir();
679     /**
680      * Returns the absolute path to the directory on the external filesystem
681      * (that is somewhere on {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory()
682      * Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()} where the application can
683      * place cache files it owns.
684      *
685      * <p>This is like {@link #getCacheDir()} in that these
686      * files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled, however there
687      * are some important differences:
688      *
689      * <ul>
690      * <li>The platform does not always monitor the space available in external
691      * storage, and thus may not automatically delete these files.  Currently
692      * the only time files here will be deleted by the platform is when running
693      * on {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1} or later and
694      * {@link android.os.Environment#isExternalStorageEmulated()
695      * Environment.isExternalStorageEmulated()} returns true.  Note that you should
696      * be managing the maximum space you will use for these anyway, just like
697      * with {@link #getCacheDir()}.
698      * <li>External files are not always available: they will disappear if the
699      * user mounts the external storage on a computer or removes it.  See the
700      * APIs on {@link android.os.Environment} for information in the storage state.
701      * <li>There is no security enforced with these files.  All applications
702      * can read and write files placed here.
703      * </ul>
704      *
705      * <p>On devices with multiple users (as described by {@link UserManager}),
706      * each user has their own isolated external storage. Applications only
707      * have access to the external storage for the user they're running as.</p>
708      *
709      * <p>Writing to this path requires the
710      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE} permission.</p>
711      *
712      * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application cache files
713      * on external storage.  Returns null if external storage is not currently
714      * mounted so it could not ensure the path exists; you will need to call
715      * this method again when it is available.
716      *
717      * @see #getCacheDir
718      */
getExternalCacheDir()719     public abstract File getExternalCacheDir();
721     /**
722      * Returns an array of strings naming the private files associated with
723      * this Context's application package.
724      *
725      * @return Array of strings naming the private files.
726      *
727      * @see #openFileInput
728      * @see #openFileOutput
729      * @see #deleteFile
730      */
fileList()731     public abstract String[] fileList();
733     /**
734      * Retrieve, creating if needed, a new directory in which the application
735      * can place its own custom data files.  You can use the returned File
736      * object to create and access files in this directory.  Note that files
737      * created through a File object will only be accessible by your own
738      * application; you can only set the mode of the entire directory, not
739      * of individual files.
740      *
741      * @param name Name of the directory to retrieve.  This is a directory
742      * that is created as part of your application data.
743      * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
744      * default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE} and
745      * {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.
746      *
747      * @return Returns a File object for the requested directory.  The directory
748      * will have been created if it does not already exist.
749      *
750      * @see #openFileOutput(String, int)
751      */
getDir(String name, int mode)752     public abstract File getDir(String name, int mode);
754     /**
755      * Open a new private SQLiteDatabase associated with this Context's
756      * application package.  Create the database file if it doesn't exist.
757      *
758      * @param name The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
759      * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
760      *     default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE}
761      *     and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.
762      *     Use {@link #MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING} to enable write-ahead logging by default.
763      * @param factory An optional factory class that is called to instantiate a
764      *     cursor when query is called.
765      *
766      * @return The contents of a newly created database with the given name.
767      * @throws android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException if the database file could not be opened.
768      *
769      * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
770      * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
771      * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
773      * @see #deleteDatabase
774      */
openOrCreateDatabase(String name, int mode, CursorFactory factory)775     public abstract SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String name,
776             int mode, CursorFactory factory);
778     /**
779      * Open a new private SQLiteDatabase associated with this Context's
780      * application package.  Creates the database file if it doesn't exist.
781      *
782      * <p>Accepts input param: a concrete instance of {@link DatabaseErrorHandler} to be
783      * used to handle corruption when sqlite reports database corruption.</p>
784      *
785      * @param name The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
786      * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
787      *     default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE}
788      *     and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.
789      *     Use {@link #MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING} to enable write-ahead logging by default.
790      * @param factory An optional factory class that is called to instantiate a
791      *     cursor when query is called.
792      * @param errorHandler the {@link DatabaseErrorHandler} to be used when sqlite reports database
793      * corruption. if null, {@link android.database.DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler} is assumed.
794      * @return The contents of a newly created database with the given name.
795      * @throws android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException if the database file could not be opened.
796      *
797      * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
798      * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
799      * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
801      * @see #deleteDatabase
802      */
openOrCreateDatabase(String name, int mode, CursorFactory factory, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler)803     public abstract SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String name,
804             int mode, CursorFactory factory, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler);
806     /**
807      * Delete an existing private SQLiteDatabase associated with this Context's
808      * application package.
809      *
810      * @param name The name (unique in the application package) of the
811      *             database.
812      *
813      * @return True if the database was successfully deleted; else false.
814      *
815      * @see #openOrCreateDatabase
816      */
deleteDatabase(String name)817     public abstract boolean deleteDatabase(String name);
819     /**
820      * Returns the absolute path on the filesystem where a database created with
821      * {@link #openOrCreateDatabase} is stored.
822      *
823      * @param name The name of the database for which you would like to get
824      *          its path.
825      *
826      * @return Returns an absolute path to the given database.
827      *
828      * @see #openOrCreateDatabase
829      */
getDatabasePath(String name)830     public abstract File getDatabasePath(String name);
832     /**
833      * Returns an array of strings naming the private databases associated with
834      * this Context's application package.
835      *
836      * @return Array of strings naming the private databases.
837      *
838      * @see #openOrCreateDatabase
839      * @see #deleteDatabase
840      */
databaseList()841     public abstract String[] databaseList();
843     /**
844      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#getDrawable
845      * WallpaperManager.get()} instead.
846      */
847     @Deprecated
getWallpaper()848     public abstract Drawable getWallpaper();
850     /**
851      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#peekDrawable
852      * WallpaperManager.peek()} instead.
853      */
854     @Deprecated
peekWallpaper()855     public abstract Drawable peekWallpaper();
857     /**
858      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#getDesiredMinimumWidth()
859      * WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumWidth()} instead.
860      */
861     @Deprecated
getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth()862     public abstract int getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth();
864     /**
865      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#getDesiredMinimumHeight()
866      * WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumHeight()} instead.
867      */
868     @Deprecated
getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight()869     public abstract int getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight();
871     /**
872      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#setBitmap(Bitmap)
873      * WallpaperManager.set()} instead.
874      * <p>This method requires the caller to hold the permission
875      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SET_WALLPAPER}.
876      */
877     @Deprecated
setWallpaper(Bitmap bitmap)878     public abstract void setWallpaper(Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException;
880     /**
881      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#setStream(InputStream)
882      * WallpaperManager.set()} instead.
883      * <p>This method requires the caller to hold the permission
884      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SET_WALLPAPER}.
885      */
886     @Deprecated
setWallpaper(InputStream data)887     public abstract void setWallpaper(InputStream data) throws IOException;
889     /**
890      * @deprecated Use {@link android.app.WallpaperManager#clear
891      * WallpaperManager.clear()} instead.
892      * <p>This method requires the caller to hold the permission
893      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SET_WALLPAPER}.
894      */
895     @Deprecated
clearWallpaper()896     public abstract void clearWallpaper() throws IOException;
898     /**
899      * Same as {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} with no options
900      * specified.
901      *
902      * @param intent The description of the activity to start.
903      *
904      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
905      *
906      * @see {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)}
907      * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
908      */
startActivity(Intent intent)909     public abstract void startActivity(Intent intent);
911     /**
912      * Version of {@link #startActivity(Intent)} that allows you to specify the
913      * user the activity will be started for.  This is not available to applications
914      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
915      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission.
916      * @param intent The description of the activity to start.
917      * @param user The UserHandle of the user to start this activity for.
918      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
919      * @hide
920      */
startActivityAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user)921     public void startActivityAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user) {
922         throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Must override in a subclass.");
923     }
925     /**
926      * Launch a new activity.  You will not receive any information about when
927      * the activity exits.
928      *
929      * <p>Note that if this method is being called from outside of an
930      * {@link android.app.Activity} Context, then the Intent must include
931      * the {@link Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} launch flag.  This is because,
932      * without being started from an existing Activity, there is no existing
933      * task in which to place the new activity and thus it needs to be placed
934      * in its own separate task.
935      *
936      * <p>This method throws {@link ActivityNotFoundException}
937      * if there was no Activity found to run the given Intent.
938      *
939      * @param intent The description of the activity to start.
940      * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
941      * May be null if there are no options.  See {@link android.app.ActivityOptions}
942      * for how to build the Bundle supplied here; there are no supported definitions
943      * for building it manually.
944      *
945      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
946      *
947      * @see #startActivity(Intent)
948      * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
949      */
startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options)950     public abstract void startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options);
952     /**
953      * Version of {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} that allows you to specify the
954      * user the activity will be started for.  This is not available to applications
955      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
956      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission.
957      * @param intent The description of the activity to start.
958      * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
959      * May be null if there are no options.  See {@link android.app.ActivityOptions}
960      * for how to build the Bundle supplied here; there are no supported definitions
961      * for building it manually.
962      * @param user The UserHandle of the user to start this activity for.
963      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
964      * @hide
965      */
startActivityAsUser(Intent intent, Bundle options, UserHandle userId)966     public void startActivityAsUser(Intent intent, Bundle options, UserHandle userId) {
967         throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Must override in a subclass.");
968     }
970     /**
971      * Same as {@link #startActivities(Intent[], Bundle)} with no options
972      * specified.
973      *
974      * @param intents An array of Intents to be started.
975      *
976      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
977      *
978      * @see {@link #startActivities(Intent[], Bundle)}
979      * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
980      */
startActivities(Intent[] intents)981     public abstract void startActivities(Intent[] intents);
983     /**
984      * Launch multiple new activities.  This is generally the same as calling
985      * {@link #startActivity(Intent)} for the first Intent in the array,
986      * that activity during its creation calling {@link #startActivity(Intent)}
987      * for the second entry, etc.  Note that unlike that approach, generally
988      * none of the activities except the last in the array will be created
989      * at this point, but rather will be created when the user first visits
990      * them (due to pressing back from the activity on top).
991      *
992      * <p>This method throws {@link ActivityNotFoundException}
993      * if there was no Activity found for <em>any</em> given Intent.  In this
994      * case the state of the activity stack is undefined (some Intents in the
995      * list may be on it, some not), so you probably want to avoid such situations.
996      *
997      * @param intents An array of Intents to be started.
998      * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
999      * See {@link android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
1000      * Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details.
1001      *
1002      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
1003      *
1004      * @see {@link #startActivities(Intent[])}
1005      * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
1006      */
startActivities(Intent[] intents, Bundle options)1007     public abstract void startActivities(Intent[] intents, Bundle options);
1009     /**
1010      * @hide
1011      * Launch multiple new activities.  This is generally the same as calling
1012      * {@link #startActivity(Intent)} for the first Intent in the array,
1013      * that activity during its creation calling {@link #startActivity(Intent)}
1014      * for the second entry, etc.  Note that unlike that approach, generally
1015      * none of the activities except the last in the array will be created
1016      * at this point, but rather will be created when the user first visits
1017      * them (due to pressing back from the activity on top).
1018      *
1019      * <p>This method throws {@link ActivityNotFoundException}
1020      * if there was no Activity found for <em>any</em> given Intent.  In this
1021      * case the state of the activity stack is undefined (some Intents in the
1022      * list may be on it, some not), so you probably want to avoid such situations.
1023      *
1024      * @param intents An array of Intents to be started.
1025      * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
1026      * @param userHandle The user for whom to launch the activities
1027      * See {@link android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
1028      * Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details.
1029      *
1030      * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
1031      *
1032      * @see {@link #startActivities(Intent[])}
1033      * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
1034      */
startActivitiesAsUser(Intent[] intents, Bundle options, UserHandle userHandle)1035     public void startActivitiesAsUser(Intent[] intents, Bundle options, UserHandle userHandle) {
1036         throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Must override in a subclass.");
1037     }
1039     /**
1040      * Same as {@link #startIntentSender(IntentSender, Intent, int, int, int, Bundle)}
1041      * with no options specified.
1042      *
1043      * @param intent The IntentSender to launch.
1044      * @param fillInIntent If non-null, this will be provided as the
1045      * intent parameter to {@link IntentSender#sendIntent}.
1046      * @param flagsMask Intent flags in the original IntentSender that you
1047      * would like to change.
1048      * @param flagsValues Desired values for any bits set in
1049      * <var>flagsMask</var>
1050      * @param extraFlags Always set to 0.
1051      *
1052      * @see #startActivity(Intent)
1053      * @see #startIntentSender(IntentSender, Intent, int, int, int, Bundle)
1054      */
startIntentSender(IntentSender intent, Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags)1055     public abstract void startIntentSender(IntentSender intent,
1056             Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags)
1057             throws IntentSender.SendIntentException;
1059     /**
1060      * Like {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)}, but taking a IntentSender
1061      * to start.  If the IntentSender is for an activity, that activity will be started
1062      * as if you had called the regular {@link #startActivity(Intent)}
1063      * here; otherwise, its associated action will be executed (such as
1064      * sending a broadcast) as if you had called
1065      * {@link IntentSender#sendIntent IntentSender.sendIntent} on it.
1066      *
1067      * @param intent The IntentSender to launch.
1068      * @param fillInIntent If non-null, this will be provided as the
1069      * intent parameter to {@link IntentSender#sendIntent}.
1070      * @param flagsMask Intent flags in the original IntentSender that you
1071      * would like to change.
1072      * @param flagsValues Desired values for any bits set in
1073      * <var>flagsMask</var>
1074      * @param extraFlags Always set to 0.
1075      * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
1076      * See {@link android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
1077      * Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details.  If options
1078      * have also been supplied by the IntentSender, options given here will
1079      * override any that conflict with those given by the IntentSender.
1080      *
1081      * @see #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
1082      * @see #startIntentSender(IntentSender, Intent, int, int, int)
1083      */
startIntentSender(IntentSender intent, Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags, Bundle options)1084     public abstract void startIntentSender(IntentSender intent,
1085             Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags,
1086             Bundle options) throws IntentSender.SendIntentException;
1088     /**
1089      * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers.  This
1090      * call is asynchronous; it returns immediately, and you will continue
1091      * executing while the receivers are run.  No results are propagated from
1092      * receivers and receivers can not abort the broadcast. If you want
1093      * to allow receivers to propagate results or abort the broadcast, you must
1094      * send an ordered broadcast using
1095      * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1096      *
1097      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1098      *
1099      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1100      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1101      *
1102      * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1103      * @see #registerReceiver
1104      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
1105      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1106      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1107      */
sendBroadcast(Intent intent)1108     public abstract void sendBroadcast(Intent intent);
1110     /**
1111      * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers, allowing
1112      * an optional required permission to be enforced.  This
1113      * call is asynchronous; it returns immediately, and you will continue
1114      * executing while the receivers are run.  No results are propagated from
1115      * receivers and receivers can not abort the broadcast. If you want
1116      * to allow receivers to propagate results or abort the broadcast, you must
1117      * send an ordered broadcast using
1118      * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1119      *
1120      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1121      *
1122      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1123      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1124      * @param receiverPermission (optional) String naming a permission that
1125      *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1126      *               If null, no permission is required.
1127      *
1128      * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1129      * @see #registerReceiver
1130      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1131      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1132      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1133      */
sendBroadcast(Intent intent, String receiverPermission)1134     public abstract void sendBroadcast(Intent intent,
1135             String receiverPermission);
1137     /**
1138      * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers, delivering
1139      * them one at a time to allow more preferred receivers to consume the
1140      * broadcast before it is delivered to less preferred receivers.  This
1141      * call is asynchronous; it returns immediately, and you will continue
1142      * executing while the receivers are run.
1143      *
1144      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1145      *
1146      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1147      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1148      * @param receiverPermission (optional) String naming a permissions that
1149      *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1150      *               If null, no permission is required.
1151      *
1152      * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1153      * @see #registerReceiver
1154      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1155      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1156      */
sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent, String receiverPermission)1157     public abstract void sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent,
1158             String receiverPermission);
1160     /**
1161      * Version of {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)} that allows you to
1162      * receive data back from the broadcast.  This is accomplished by
1163      * supplying your own BroadcastReceiver when calling, which will be
1164      * treated as a final receiver at the end of the broadcast -- its
1165      * {@link BroadcastReceiver#onReceive} method will be called with
1166      * the result values collected from the other receivers.  The broadcast will
1167      * be serialized in the same way as calling
1168      * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1169      *
1170      * <p>Like {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)}, this method is
1171      * asynchronous; it will return before
1172      * resultReceiver.onReceive() is called.
1173      *
1174      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1175      *
1176      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1177      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1178      * @param receiverPermission String naming a permissions that
1179      *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1180      *               If null, no permission is required.
1181      * @param resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final
1182      *                       receiver of the broadcast.
1183      * @param scheduler A custom Handler with which to schedule the
1184      *                  resultReceiver callback; if null it will be
1185      *                  scheduled in the Context's main thread.
1186      * @param initialCode An initial value for the result code.  Often
1187      *                    Activity.RESULT_OK.
1188      * @param initialData An initial value for the result data.  Often
1189      *                    null.
1190      * @param initialExtras An initial value for the result extras.  Often
1191      *                      null.
1192      *
1193      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1194      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
1195      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1196      * @see #sendStickyBroadcast(Intent)
1197      * @see #sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1198      * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1199      * @see #registerReceiver
1200      * @see android.app.Activity#RESULT_OK
1201      */
sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent, String receiverPermission, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver, Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData, Bundle initialExtras)1202     public abstract void sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent,
1203             String receiverPermission, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver,
1204             Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData,
1205             Bundle initialExtras);
1207     /**
1208      * Version of {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)} that allows you to specify the
1209      * user the broadcast will be sent to.  This is not available to applications
1210      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
1211      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
1212      * @param intent The intent to broadcast
1213      * @param user UserHandle to send the intent to.
1214      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1215      */
sendBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user)1216     public abstract void sendBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user);
1218     /**
1219      * Version of {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)} that allows you to specify the
1220      * user the broadcast will be sent to.  This is not available to applications
1221      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
1222      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
1223      *
1224      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1225      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1226      * @param user UserHandle to send the intent to.
1227      * @param receiverPermission (optional) String naming a permission that
1228      *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1229      *               If null, no permission is required.
1230      *
1231      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
1232      */
sendBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user, String receiverPermission)1233     public abstract void sendBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user,
1234             String receiverPermission);
1236     /**
1237      * Version of
1238      * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)}
1239      * that allows you to specify the
1240      * user the broadcast will be sent to.  This is not available to applications
1241      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
1242      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
1243      *
1244      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1245      *
1246      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1247      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1248      * @param user UserHandle to send the intent to.
1249      * @param receiverPermission String naming a permissions that
1250      *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1251      *               If null, no permission is required.
1252      * @param resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final
1253      *                       receiver of the broadcast.
1254      * @param scheduler A custom Handler with which to schedule the
1255      *                  resultReceiver callback; if null it will be
1256      *                  scheduled in the Context's main thread.
1257      * @param initialCode An initial value for the result code.  Often
1258      *                    Activity.RESULT_OK.
1259      * @param initialData An initial value for the result data.  Often
1260      *                    null.
1261      * @param initialExtras An initial value for the result extras.  Often
1262      *                      null.
1263      *
1264      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1265      */
sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user, String receiverPermission, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver, Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData, Bundle initialExtras)1266     public abstract void sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user,
1267             String receiverPermission, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver, Handler scheduler,
1268             int initialCode, String initialData, Bundle initialExtras);
1270     /**
1271      * Perform a {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)} that is "sticky," meaning the
1272      * Intent you are sending stays around after the broadcast is complete,
1273      * so that others can quickly retrieve that data through the return
1274      * value of {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)}.  In
1275      * all other ways, this behaves the same as
1276      * {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)}.
1277      *
1278      * <p>You must hold the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_STICKY}
1279      * permission in order to use this API.  If you do not hold that
1280      * permission, {@link SecurityException} will be thrown.
1281      *
1282      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1283      * Intent will receive the broadcast, and the Intent will be held to
1284      * be re-broadcast to future receivers.
1285      *
1286      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1287      * @see #sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1288      */
sendStickyBroadcast(Intent intent)1289     public abstract void sendStickyBroadcast(Intent intent);
1291     /**
1292      * Version of {@link #sendStickyBroadcast} that allows you to
1293      * receive data back from the broadcast.  This is accomplished by
1294      * supplying your own BroadcastReceiver when calling, which will be
1295      * treated as a final receiver at the end of the broadcast -- its
1296      * {@link BroadcastReceiver#onReceive} method will be called with
1297      * the result values collected from the other receivers.  The broadcast will
1298      * be serialized in the same way as calling
1299      * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1300      *
1301      * <p>Like {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)}, this method is
1302      * asynchronous; it will return before
1303      * resultReceiver.onReceive() is called.  Note that the sticky data
1304      * stored is only the data you initially supply to the broadcast, not
1305      * the result of any changes made by the receivers.
1306      *
1307      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1308      *
1309      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1310      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1311      * @param resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final
1312      *                       receiver of the broadcast.
1313      * @param scheduler A custom Handler with which to schedule the
1314      *                  resultReceiver callback; if null it will be
1315      *                  scheduled in the Context's main thread.
1316      * @param initialCode An initial value for the result code.  Often
1317      *                    Activity.RESULT_OK.
1318      * @param initialData An initial value for the result data.  Often
1319      *                    null.
1320      * @param initialExtras An initial value for the result extras.  Often
1321      *                      null.
1322      *
1323      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1324      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
1325      * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1326      * @see #sendStickyBroadcast(Intent)
1327      * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1328      * @see #registerReceiver
1329      * @see android.app.Activity#RESULT_OK
1330      */
sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver, Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData, Bundle initialExtras)1331     public abstract void sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent,
1332             BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver,
1333             Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData,
1334             Bundle initialExtras);
1336     /**
1337      * Remove the data previously sent with {@link #sendStickyBroadcast},
1338      * so that it is as if the sticky broadcast had never happened.
1339      *
1340      * <p>You must hold the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_STICKY}
1341      * permission in order to use this API.  If you do not hold that
1342      * permission, {@link SecurityException} will be thrown.
1343      *
1344      * @param intent The Intent that was previously broadcast.
1345      *
1346      * @see #sendStickyBroadcast
1347      */
removeStickyBroadcast(Intent intent)1348     public abstract void removeStickyBroadcast(Intent intent);
1350     /**
1351      * Version of {@link #sendStickyBroadcast(Intent)} that allows you to specify the
1352      * user the broadcast will be sent to.  This is not available to applications
1353      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
1354      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
1355      *
1356      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1357      * Intent will receive the broadcast, and the Intent will be held to
1358      * be re-broadcast to future receivers.
1359      * @param user UserHandle to send the intent to.
1360      *
1361      * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1362      */
sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user)1363     public abstract void sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user);
1365     /**
1366      * Version of
1367      * {@link #sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)}
1368      * that allows you to specify the
1369      * user the broadcast will be sent to.  This is not available to applications
1370      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
1371      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
1372      *
1373      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1374      *
1375      * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1376      *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1377      * @param user UserHandle to send the intent to.
1378      * @param resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final
1379      *                       receiver of the broadcast.
1380      * @param scheduler A custom Handler with which to schedule the
1381      *                  resultReceiver callback; if null it will be
1382      *                  scheduled in the Context's main thread.
1383      * @param initialCode An initial value for the result code.  Often
1384      *                    Activity.RESULT_OK.
1385      * @param initialData An initial value for the result data.  Often
1386      *                    null.
1387      * @param initialExtras An initial value for the result extras.  Often
1388      *                      null.
1389      *
1390      * @see #sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1391      */
sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver, Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData, Bundle initialExtras)1392     public abstract void sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent,
1393             UserHandle user, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver,
1394             Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData,
1395             Bundle initialExtras);
1397     /**
1398      * Version of {@link #removeStickyBroadcast(Intent)} that allows you to specify the
1399      * user the broadcast will be sent to.  This is not available to applications
1400      * that are not pre-installed on the system image.  Using it requires holding
1401      * the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
1402      *
1403      * <p>You must hold the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_STICKY}
1404      * permission in order to use this API.  If you do not hold that
1405      * permission, {@link SecurityException} will be thrown.
1406      *
1407      * @param intent The Intent that was previously broadcast.
1408      * @param user UserHandle to remove the sticky broadcast from.
1409      *
1410      * @see #sendStickyBroadcastAsUser
1411      */
removeStickyBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user)1412     public abstract void removeStickyBroadcastAsUser(Intent intent, UserHandle user);
1414     /**
1415      * Register a BroadcastReceiver to be run in the main activity thread.  The
1416      * <var>receiver</var> will be called with any broadcast Intent that
1417      * matches <var>filter</var>, in the main application thread.
1418      *
1419      * <p>The system may broadcast Intents that are "sticky" -- these stay
1420      * around after the broadcast as finished, to be sent to any later
1421      * registrations. If your IntentFilter matches one of these sticky
1422      * Intents, that Intent will be returned by this function
1423      * <strong>and</strong> sent to your <var>receiver</var> as if it had just
1424      * been broadcast.
1425      *
1426      * <p>There may be multiple sticky Intents that match <var>filter</var>,
1427      * in which case each of these will be sent to <var>receiver</var>.  In
1428      * this case, only one of these can be returned directly by the function;
1429      * which of these that is returned is arbitrarily decided by the system.
1430      *
1431      * <p>If you know the Intent your are registering for is sticky, you can
1432      * supply null for your <var>receiver</var>.  In this case, no receiver is
1433      * registered -- the function simply returns the sticky Intent that
1434      * matches <var>filter</var>.  In the case of multiple matches, the same
1435      * rules as described above apply.
1436      *
1437      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1438      *
1439      * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH}, receivers
1440      * registered with this method will correctly respect the
1441      * {@link Intent#setPackage(String)} specified for an Intent being broadcast.
1442      * Prior to that, it would be ignored and delivered to all matching registered
1443      * receivers.  Be careful if using this for security.</p>
1444      *
1445      * <p class="note">Note: this method <em>cannot be called from a
1446      * {@link BroadcastReceiver} component;</em> that is, from a BroadcastReceiver
1447      * that is declared in an application's manifest.  It is okay, however, to call
1448      * this method from another BroadcastReceiver that has itself been registered
1449      * at run time with {@link #registerReceiver}, since the lifetime of such a
1450      * registered BroadcastReceiver is tied to the object that registered it.</p>
1451      *
1452      * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
1453      * @param filter Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
1454      *
1455      * @return The first sticky intent found that matches <var>filter</var>,
1456      *         or null if there are none.
1457      *
1458      * @see #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, Handler)
1459      * @see #sendBroadcast
1460      * @see #unregisterReceiver
1461      */
registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter)1462     public abstract Intent registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver,
1463                                             IntentFilter filter);
1465     /**
1466      * Register to receive intent broadcasts, to run in the context of
1467      * <var>scheduler</var>.  See
1468      * {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)} for more
1469      * information.  This allows you to enforce permissions on who can
1470      * broadcast intents to your receiver, or have the receiver run in
1471      * a different thread than the main application thread.
1472      *
1473      * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1474      *
1475      * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH}, receivers
1476      * registered with this method will correctly respect the
1477      * {@link Intent#setPackage(String)} specified for an Intent being broadcast.
1478      * Prior to that, it would be ignored and delivered to all matching registered
1479      * receivers.  Be careful if using this for security.</p>
1480      *
1481      * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
1482      * @param filter Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
1483      * @param broadcastPermission String naming a permissions that a
1484      *      broadcaster must hold in order to send an Intent to you.  If null,
1485      *      no permission is required.
1486      * @param scheduler Handler identifying the thread that will receive
1487      *      the Intent.  If null, the main thread of the process will be used.
1488      *
1489      * @return The first sticky intent found that matches <var>filter</var>,
1490      *         or null if there are none.
1491      *
1492      * @see #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
1493      * @see #sendBroadcast
1494      * @see #unregisterReceiver
1495      */
registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter, String broadcastPermission, Handler scheduler)1496     public abstract Intent registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver,
1497             IntentFilter filter, String broadcastPermission, Handler scheduler);
1499     /**
1500      * @hide
1501      * Same as {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, Handler)
1502      * but for a specific user.  This receiver will receiver broadcasts that
1503      * are sent to the requested user.  It
1504      * requires holding the {@link android.Manifest.permission#INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL}
1505      * permission.
1506      *
1507      * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
1508      * @param user UserHandle to send the intent to.
1509      * @param filter Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
1510      * @param broadcastPermission String naming a permissions that a
1511      *      broadcaster must hold in order to send an Intent to you.  If null,
1512      *      no permission is required.
1513      * @param scheduler Handler identifying the thread that will receive
1514      *      the Intent.  If null, the main thread of the process will be used.
1515      *
1516      * @return The first sticky intent found that matches <var>filter</var>,
1517      *         or null if there are none.
1518      *
1519      * @see #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, Handler
1520      * @see #sendBroadcast
1521      * @see #unregisterReceiver
1522      */
registerReceiverAsUser(BroadcastReceiver receiver, UserHandle user, IntentFilter filter, String broadcastPermission, Handler scheduler)1523     public abstract Intent registerReceiverAsUser(BroadcastReceiver receiver,
1524             UserHandle user, IntentFilter filter, String broadcastPermission,
1525             Handler scheduler);
1527     /**
1528      * Unregister a previously registered BroadcastReceiver.  <em>All</em>
1529      * filters that have been registered for this BroadcastReceiver will be
1530      * removed.
1531      *
1532      * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to unregister.
1533      *
1534      * @see #registerReceiver
1535      */
unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver)1536     public abstract void unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver);
1538     /**
1539      * Request that a given application service be started.  The Intent
1540      * can either contain the complete class name of a specific service
1541      * implementation to start, or an abstract definition through the
1542      * action and other fields of the kind of service to start.  If this service
1543      * is not already running, it will be instantiated and started (creating a
1544      * process for it if needed); if it is running then it remains running.
1545      *
1546      * <p>Every call to this method will result in a corresponding call to
1547      * the target service's {@link android.app.Service#onStartCommand} method,
1548      * with the <var>intent</var> given here.  This provides a convenient way
1549      * to submit jobs to a service without having to bind and call on to its
1550      * interface.
1551      *
1552      * <p>Using startService() overrides the default service lifetime that is
1553      * managed by {@link #bindService}: it requires the service to remain
1554      * running until {@link #stopService} is called, regardless of whether
1555      * any clients are connected to it.  Note that calls to startService()
1556      * are not nesting: no matter how many times you call startService(),
1557      * a single call to {@link #stopService} will stop it.
1558      *
1559      * <p>The system attempts to keep running services around as much as
1560      * possible.  The only time they should be stopped is if the current
1561      * foreground application is using so many resources that the service needs
1562      * to be killed.  If any errors happen in the service's process, it will
1563      * automatically be restarted.
1564      *
1565      * <p>This function will throw {@link SecurityException} if you do not
1566      * have permission to start the given service.
1567      *
1568      * @param service Identifies the service to be started.  The Intent may
1569      *      specify either an explicit component name to start, or a logical
1570      *      description (action, category, etc) to match an
1571      *      {@link IntentFilter} published by a service.  Additional values
1572      *      may be included in the Intent extras to supply arguments along with
1573      *      this specific start call.
1574      *
1575      * @return If the service is being started or is already running, the
1576      * {@link ComponentName} of the actual service that was started is
1577      * returned; else if the service does not exist null is returned.
1578      *
1579      * @throws SecurityException
1580      *
1581      * @see #stopService
1582      * @see #bindService
1583      */
startService(Intent service)1584     public abstract ComponentName startService(Intent service);
1586     /**
1587      * Request that a given application service be stopped.  If the service is
1588      * not running, nothing happens.  Otherwise it is stopped.  Note that calls
1589      * to startService() are not counted -- this stops the service no matter
1590      * how many times it was started.
1591      *
1592      * <p>Note that if a stopped service still has {@link ServiceConnection}
1593      * objects bound to it with the {@link #BIND_AUTO_CREATE} set, it will
1594      * not be destroyed until all of these bindings are removed.  See
1595      * the {@link android.app.Service} documentation for more details on a
1596      * service's lifecycle.
1597      *
1598      * <p>This function will throw {@link SecurityException} if you do not
1599      * have permission to stop the given service.
1600      *
1601      * @param service Description of the service to be stopped.  The Intent may
1602      *      specify either an explicit component name to start, or a logical
1603      *      description (action, category, etc) to match an
1604      *      {@link IntentFilter} published by a service.
1605      *
1606      * @return If there is a service matching the given Intent that is already
1607      * running, then it is stopped and true is returned; else false is returned.
1608      *
1609      * @throws SecurityException
1610      *
1611      * @see #startService
1612      */
stopService(Intent service)1613     public abstract boolean stopService(Intent service);
1615     /**
1616      * @hide like {@link #startService(Intent)} but for a specific user.
1617      */
startServiceAsUser(Intent service, UserHandle user)1618     public abstract ComponentName startServiceAsUser(Intent service, UserHandle user);
1620     /**
1621      * @hide like {@link #stopService(Intent)} but for a specific user.
1622      */
stopServiceAsUser(Intent service, UserHandle user)1623     public abstract boolean stopServiceAsUser(Intent service, UserHandle user);
1625     /**
1626      * Connect to an application service, creating it if needed.  This defines
1627      * a dependency between your application and the service.  The given
1628      * <var>conn</var> will receive the service object when it is created and be
1629      * told if it dies and restarts.  The service will be considered required
1630      * by the system only for as long as the calling context exists.  For
1631      * example, if this Context is an Activity that is stopped, the service will
1632      * not be required to continue running until the Activity is resumed.
1633      *
1634      * <p>This function will throw {@link SecurityException} if you do not
1635      * have permission to bind to the given service.
1636      *
1637      * <p class="note">Note: this method <em>can not be called from a
1638      * {@link BroadcastReceiver} component</em>.  A pattern you can use to
1639      * communicate from a BroadcastReceiver to a Service is to call
1640      * {@link #startService} with the arguments containing the command to be
1641      * sent, with the service calling its
1642      * {@link android.app.Service#stopSelf(int)} method when done executing
1643      * that command.  See the API demo App/Service/Service Start Arguments
1644      * Controller for an illustration of this.  It is okay, however, to use
1645      * this method from a BroadcastReceiver that has been registered with
1646      * {@link #registerReceiver}, since the lifetime of this BroadcastReceiver
1647      * is tied to another object (the one that registered it).</p>
1648      *
1649      * @param service Identifies the service to connect to.  The Intent may
1650      *      specify either an explicit component name, or a logical
1651      *      description (action, category, etc) to match an
1652      *      {@link IntentFilter} published by a service.
1653      * @param conn Receives information as the service is started and stopped.
1654      *      This must be a valid ServiceConnection object; it must not be null.
1655      * @param flags Operation options for the binding.  May be 0,
1656      *          {@link #BIND_AUTO_CREATE}, {@link #BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND},
1657      *          {@link #BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND}, {@link #BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT},
1658      *          {@link #BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT}, or
1659      *          {@link #BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY}.
1660      * @return If you have successfully bound to the service, true is returned;
1661      *         false is returned if the connection is not made so you will not
1662      *         receive the service object.
1663      *
1664      * @throws SecurityException
1665      *
1666      * @see #unbindService
1667      * @see #startService
1668      * @see #BIND_AUTO_CREATE
1669      * @see #BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND
1670      * @see #BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND
1671      */
bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags)1672     public abstract boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn,
1673             int flags);
1675     /**
1676      * Same as {@link #bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int)}, but with an explicit userHandle
1677      * argument for use by system server and other multi-user aware code.
1678      * @hide
1679      */
bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags, int userHandle)1680     public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags, int userHandle) {
1681         throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Must override in a subclass.");
1682     }
1684     /**
1685      * Disconnect from an application service.  You will no longer receive
1686      * calls as the service is restarted, and the service is now allowed to
1687      * stop at any time.
1688      *
1689      * @param conn The connection interface previously supplied to
1690      *             bindService().  This parameter must not be null.
1691      *
1692      * @see #bindService
1693      */
unbindService(ServiceConnection conn)1694     public abstract void unbindService(ServiceConnection conn);
1696     /**
1697      * Start executing an {@link android.app.Instrumentation} class.  The given
1698      * Instrumentation component will be run by killing its target application
1699      * (if currently running), starting the target process, instantiating the
1700      * instrumentation component, and then letting it drive the application.
1701      *
1702      * <p>This function is not synchronous -- it returns as soon as the
1703      * instrumentation has started and while it is running.
1704      *
1705      * <p>Instrumentation is normally only allowed to run against a package
1706      * that is either unsigned or signed with a signature that the
1707      * the instrumentation package is also signed with (ensuring the target
1708      * trusts the instrumentation).
1709      *
1710      * @param className Name of the Instrumentation component to be run.
1711      * @param profileFile Optional path to write profiling data as the
1712      * instrumentation runs, or null for no profiling.
1713      * @param arguments Additional optional arguments to pass to the
1714      * instrumentation, or null.
1715      *
1716      * @return Returns true if the instrumentation was successfully started,
1717      * else false if it could not be found.
1718      */
startInstrumentation(ComponentName className, String profileFile, Bundle arguments)1719     public abstract boolean startInstrumentation(ComponentName className,
1720             String profileFile, Bundle arguments);
1722     /**
1723      * Return the handle to a system-level service by name. The class of the
1724      * returned object varies by the requested name. Currently available names
1725      * are:
1726      *
1727      * <dl>
1728      *  <dt> {@link #WINDOW_SERVICE} ("window")
1729      *  <dd> The top-level window manager in which you can place custom
1730      *  windows.  The returned object is a {@link android.view.WindowManager}.
1731      *  <dt> {@link #LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE} ("layout_inflater")
1732      *  <dd> A {@link android.view.LayoutInflater} for inflating layout resources
1733      *  in this context.
1734      *  <dt> {@link #ACTIVITY_SERVICE} ("activity")
1735      *  <dd> A {@link android.app.ActivityManager} for interacting with the
1736      *  global activity state of the system.
1737      *  <dt> {@link #POWER_SERVICE} ("power")
1738      *  <dd> A {@link android.os.PowerManager} for controlling power
1739      *  management.
1740      *  <dt> {@link #ALARM_SERVICE} ("alarm")
1741      *  <dd> A {@link android.app.AlarmManager} for receiving intents at the
1742      *  time of your choosing.
1743      *  <dt> {@link #NOTIFICATION_SERVICE} ("notification")
1744      *  <dd> A {@link android.app.NotificationManager} for informing the user
1745      *   of background events.
1746      *  <dt> {@link #KEYGUARD_SERVICE} ("keyguard")
1747      *  <dd> A {@link android.app.KeyguardManager} for controlling keyguard.
1748      *  <dt> {@link #LOCATION_SERVICE} ("location")
1749      *  <dd> A {@link android.location.LocationManager} for controlling location
1750      *   (e.g., GPS) updates.
1751      *  <dt> {@link #SEARCH_SERVICE} ("search")
1752      *  <dd> A {@link android.app.SearchManager} for handling search.
1753      *  <dt> {@link #VIBRATOR_SERVICE} ("vibrator")
1754      *  <dd> A {@link android.os.Vibrator} for interacting with the vibrator
1755      *  hardware.
1756      *  <dt> {@link #CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE} ("connection")
1757      *  <dd> A {@link android.net.ConnectivityManager ConnectivityManager} for
1758      *  handling management of network connections.
1759      *  <dt> {@link #WIFI_SERVICE} ("wifi")
1760      *  <dd> A {@link android.net.wifi.WifiManager WifiManager} for management of
1761      * Wi-Fi connectivity.
1762      * <dt> {@link #INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE} ("input_method")
1763      * <dd> An {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager InputMethodManager}
1764      * for management of input methods.
1765      * <dt> {@link #UI_MODE_SERVICE} ("uimode")
1766      * <dd> An {@link android.app.UiModeManager} for controlling UI modes.
1767      * <dt> {@link #DOWNLOAD_SERVICE} ("download")
1768      * <dd> A {@link android.app.DownloadManager} for requesting HTTP downloads
1769      * </dl>
1770      *
1771      * <p>Note:  System services obtained via this API may be closely associated with
1772      * the Context in which they are obtained from.  In general, do not share the
1773      * service objects between various different contexts (Activities, Applications,
1774      * Services, Providers, etc.)
1775      *
1776      * @param name The name of the desired service.
1777      *
1778      * @return The service or null if the name does not exist.
1779      *
1780      * @see #WINDOW_SERVICE
1781      * @see android.view.WindowManager
1783      * @see android.view.LayoutInflater
1784      * @see #ACTIVITY_SERVICE
1785      * @see android.app.ActivityManager
1786      * @see #POWER_SERVICE
1787      * @see android.os.PowerManager
1788      * @see #ALARM_SERVICE
1789      * @see android.app.AlarmManager
1790      * @see #NOTIFICATION_SERVICE
1791      * @see android.app.NotificationManager
1792      * @see #KEYGUARD_SERVICE
1793      * @see android.app.KeyguardManager
1794      * @see #LOCATION_SERVICE
1795      * @see android.location.LocationManager
1796      * @see #SEARCH_SERVICE
1797      * @see android.app.SearchManager
1798      * @see #SENSOR_SERVICE
1799      * @see android.hardware.SensorManager
1800      * @see #STORAGE_SERVICE
1801      * @see android.os.storage.StorageManager
1802      * @see #VIBRATOR_SERVICE
1803      * @see android.os.Vibrator
1804      * @see #CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE
1805      * @see android.net.ConnectivityManager
1806      * @see #WIFI_SERVICE
1807      * @see android.net.wifi.WifiManager
1808      * @see #AUDIO_SERVICE
1809      * @see android.media.AudioManager
1810      * @see #MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE
1811      * @see android.media.MediaRouter
1812      * @see #TELEPHONY_SERVICE
1813      * @see android.telephony.TelephonyManager
1814      * @see #INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE
1815      * @see android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
1816      * @see #UI_MODE_SERVICE
1817      * @see android.app.UiModeManager
1818      * @see #DOWNLOAD_SERVICE
1819      * @see android.app.DownloadManager
1820      */
getSystemService(String name)1821     public abstract Object getSystemService(String name);
1823     /**
1824      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1825      * {@link android.os.PowerManager} for controlling power management,
1826      * including "wake locks," which let you keep the device on while
1827      * you're running long tasks.
1828      */
1829     public static final String POWER_SERVICE = "power";
1831     /**
1832      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1833      * {@link android.view.WindowManager} for accessing the system's window
1834      * manager.
1835      *
1836      * @see #getSystemService
1837      * @see android.view.WindowManager
1838      */
1839     public static final String WINDOW_SERVICE = "window";
1841     /**
1842      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1843      * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater} for inflating layout resources in this
1844      * context.
1845      *
1846      * @see #getSystemService
1847      * @see android.view.LayoutInflater
1848      */
1849     public static final String LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE = "layout_inflater";
1851     /**
1852      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1853      * {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} for receiving intents at a
1854      * time of your choosing.
1855      *
1856      * @see #getSystemService
1857      * @see android.accounts.AccountManager
1858      */
1859     public static final String ACCOUNT_SERVICE = "account";
1861     /**
1862      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1863      * {@link android.app.ActivityManager} for interacting with the global
1864      * system state.
1865      *
1866      * @see #getSystemService
1867      * @see android.app.ActivityManager
1868      */
1869     public static final String ACTIVITY_SERVICE = "activity";
1871     /**
1872      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1873      * {@link android.app.AlarmManager} for receiving intents at a
1874      * time of your choosing.
1875      *
1876      * @see #getSystemService
1877      * @see android.app.AlarmManager
1878      */
1879     public static final String ALARM_SERVICE = "alarm";
1881     /**
1882      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1883      * {@link android.app.NotificationManager} for informing the user of
1884      * background events.
1885      *
1886      * @see #getSystemService
1887      * @see android.app.NotificationManager
1888      */
1889     public static final String NOTIFICATION_SERVICE = "notification";
1891     /**
1892      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1893      * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager} for giving the user
1894      * feedback for UI events through the registered event listeners.
1895      *
1896      * @see #getSystemService
1897      * @see android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager
1898      */
1899     public static final String ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE = "accessibility";
1901     /**
1902      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1903      * {@link android.app.NotificationManager} for controlling keyguard.
1904      *
1905      * @see #getSystemService
1906      * @see android.app.KeyguardManager
1907      */
1908     public static final String KEYGUARD_SERVICE = "keyguard";
1910     /**
1911      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1912      * android.location.LocationManager} for controlling location
1913      * updates.
1914      *
1915      * @see #getSystemService
1916      * @see android.location.LocationManager
1917      */
1918     public static final String LOCATION_SERVICE = "location";
1920     /**
1921      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1922      * {@link android.location.CountryDetector} for detecting the country that
1923      * the user is in.
1924      *
1925      * @hide
1926      */
1927     public static final String COUNTRY_DETECTOR = "country_detector";
1929     /**
1930      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1931      * android.app.SearchManager} for handling searches.
1932      *
1933      * @see #getSystemService
1934      * @see android.app.SearchManager
1935      */
1936     public static final String SEARCH_SERVICE = "search";
1938     /**
1939      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1940      * android.hardware.SensorManager} for accessing sensors.
1941      *
1942      * @see #getSystemService
1943      * @see android.hardware.SensorManager
1944      */
1945     public static final String SENSOR_SERVICE = "sensor";
1947     /**
1948      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1949      * android.os.storage.StorageManager} for accessing system storage
1950      * functions.
1951      *
1952      * @see #getSystemService
1953      * @see android.os.storage.StorageManager
1954      */
1955     public static final String STORAGE_SERVICE = "storage";
1957     /**
1958      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1959      * com.android.server.WallpaperService for accessing wallpapers.
1960      *
1961      * @see #getSystemService
1962      */
1963     public static final String WALLPAPER_SERVICE = "wallpaper";
1965     /**
1966      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1967      * android.os.Vibrator} for interacting with the vibration hardware.
1968      *
1969      * @see #getSystemService
1970      * @see android.os.Vibrator
1971      */
1972     public static final String VIBRATOR_SERVICE = "vibrator";
1974     /**
1975      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1976      * android.app.StatusBarManager} for interacting with the status bar.
1977      *
1978      * @see #getSystemService
1979      * @see android.app.StatusBarManager
1980      * @hide
1981      */
1982     public static final String STATUS_BAR_SERVICE = "statusbar";
1984     /**
1985      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1986      * android.net.ConnectivityManager} for handling management of
1987      * network connections.
1988      *
1989      * @see #getSystemService
1990      * @see android.net.ConnectivityManager
1991      */
1992     public static final String CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE = "connectivity";
1994     /**
1995      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1996      * android.net.ThrottleManager} for handling management of
1997      * throttling.
1998      *
1999      * @hide
2000      * @see #getSystemService
2001      * @see android.net.ThrottleManager
2002      */
2003     public static final String THROTTLE_SERVICE = "throttle";
2005     /**
2006      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2007      * android.os.IUpdateLock} for managing runtime sequences that
2008      * must not be interrupted by headless OTA application or similar.
2009      *
2010      * @hide
2011      * @see #getSystemService
2012      * @see android.os.UpdateLock
2013      */
2014     public static final String UPDATE_LOCK_SERVICE = "updatelock";
2016     /**
2017      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2018      * android.net.NetworkManagementService} for handling management of
2019      * system network services
2020      *
2021      * @hide
2022      * @see #getSystemService
2023      * @see android.net.NetworkManagementService
2024      */
2025     public static final String NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE = "network_management";
2027     /** {@hide} */
2028     public static final String NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE = "netstats";
2029     /** {@hide} */
2030     public static final String NETWORK_POLICY_SERVICE = "netpolicy";
2032     /**
2033      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2034      * android.net.wifi.WifiManager} for handling management of
2035      * Wi-Fi access.
2036      *
2037      * @see #getSystemService
2038      * @see android.net.wifi.WifiManager
2039      */
2040     public static final String WIFI_SERVICE = "wifi";
2042     /**
2043      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2044      * android.net.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pManager} for handling management of
2045      * Wi-Fi peer-to-peer connections.
2046      *
2047      * @see #getSystemService
2048      * @see android.net.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pManager
2049      */
2050     public static final String WIFI_P2P_SERVICE = "wifip2p";
2052     /**
2053      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2054      * android.net.nsd.NsdManager} for handling management of network service
2055      * discovery
2056      *
2057      * @see #getSystemService
2058      * @see android.net.nsd.NsdManager
2059      */
2060     public static final String NSD_SERVICE = "servicediscovery";
2062     /**
2063      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2064      * {@link android.media.AudioManager} for handling management of volume,
2065      * ringer modes and audio routing.
2066      *
2067      * @see #getSystemService
2068      * @see android.media.AudioManager
2069      */
2070     public static final String AUDIO_SERVICE = "audio";
2072     /**
2073      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2074      * {@link android.media.MediaRouter} for controlling and managing
2075      * routing of media.
2076      *
2077      * @see #getSystemService
2078      * @see android.media.MediaRouter
2079      */
2080     public static final String MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE = "media_router";
2082     /**
2083      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2084      * {@link android.telephony.TelephonyManager} for handling management the
2085      * telephony features of the device.
2086      *
2087      * @see #getSystemService
2088      * @see android.telephony.TelephonyManager
2089      */
2090     public static final String TELEPHONY_SERVICE = "phone";
2092     /**
2093      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2094      * {@link android.text.ClipboardManager} for accessing and modifying
2095      * the contents of the global clipboard.
2096      *
2097      * @see #getSystemService
2098      * @see android.text.ClipboardManager
2099      */
2100     public static final String CLIPBOARD_SERVICE = "clipboard";
2102     /**
2103      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2104      * {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager} for accessing input
2105      * methods.
2106      *
2107      * @see #getSystemService
2108      */
2109     public static final String INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE = "input_method";
2111     /**
2112      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2113      * {@link android.view.textservice.TextServicesManager} for accessing
2114      * text services.
2115      *
2116      * @see #getSystemService
2117      */
2118     public static final String TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE = "textservices";
2120     /**
2121      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2122      * {@link android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager} for accessing AppWidgets.
2123      *
2124      * @hide
2125      * @see #getSystemService
2126      */
2127     public static final String APPWIDGET_SERVICE = "appwidget";
2129     /**
2130      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve an
2131      * {@link android.app.backup.IBackupManager IBackupManager} for communicating
2132      * with the backup mechanism.
2133      * @hide
2134      *
2135      * @see #getSystemService
2136      */
2137     public static final String BACKUP_SERVICE = "backup";
2139     /**
2140      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2141      * {@link android.os.DropBoxManager} instance for recording
2142      * diagnostic logs.
2143      * @see #getSystemService
2144      */
2145     public static final String DROPBOX_SERVICE = "dropbox";
2147     /**
2148      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2149      * {@link android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager} for working with global
2150      * device policy management.
2151      *
2152      * @see #getSystemService
2153      */
2154     public static final String DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE = "device_policy";
2156     /**
2157      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2158      * {@link android.app.UiModeManager} for controlling UI modes.
2159      *
2160      * @see #getSystemService
2161      */
2162     public static final String UI_MODE_SERVICE = "uimode";
2164     /**
2165      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2166      * {@link android.app.DownloadManager} for requesting HTTP downloads.
2167      *
2168      * @see #getSystemService
2169      */
2170     public static final String DOWNLOAD_SERVICE = "download";
2172     /**
2173      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2174      * {@link android.nfc.NfcManager} for using NFC.
2175      *
2176      * @see #getSystemService
2177      */
2178     public static final String NFC_SERVICE = "nfc";
2180     /**
2181      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2182      * {@link android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter} for using Bluetooth.
2183      *
2184      * @see #getSystemService
2185      * @hide
2186      */
2187     public static final String BLUETOOTH_SERVICE = "bluetooth";
2189     /**
2190      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2191      * {@link android.net.sip.SipManager} for accessing the SIP related service.
2192      *
2193      * @see #getSystemService
2194      */
2195     /** @hide */
2196     public static final String SIP_SERVICE = "sip";
2198     /**
2199      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2200      * android.hardware.usb.UsbManager} for access to USB devices (as a USB host)
2201      * and for controlling this device's behavior as a USB device.
2202      *
2203      * @see #getSystemService
2204      * @see android.harware.usb.UsbManager
2205      */
2206     public static final String USB_SERVICE = "usb";
2208     /**
2209      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
2210      * android.hardware.SerialManager} for access to serial ports.
2211      *
2212      * @see #getSystemService
2213      * @see android.harware.SerialManager
2214      *
2215      * @hide
2216      */
2217     public static final String SERIAL_SERVICE = "serial";
2219     /**
2220      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2221      * {@link android.hardware.input.InputManager} for interacting with input devices.
2222      *
2223      * @see #getSystemService
2224      * @see android.hardware.input.InputManager
2225      */
2226     public static final String INPUT_SERVICE = "input";
2228     /**
2229      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2230      * {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager} for interacting with display devices.
2231      *
2232      * @see #getSystemService
2233      * @see android.hardware.display.DisplayManager
2234      */
2235     public static final String DISPLAY_SERVICE = "display";
2237     /**
2238      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2239      * {@link android.os.SchedulingPolicyService} for managing scheduling policy.
2240      *
2241      * @see #getSystemService
2242      * @see android.os.SchedulingPolicyService
2243      *
2244      * @hide
2245      */
2246     public static final String SCHEDULING_POLICY_SERVICE = "scheduling_policy";
2248     /**
2249      * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
2250      * {@link android.os.UserManager} for managing users on devices that support multiple users.
2251      *
2252      * @see #getSystemService
2253      * @see android.os.UserManager
2254      */
2255     public static final String USER_SERVICE = "user";
2257     /**
2258      * Determine whether the given permission is allowed for a particular
2259      * process and user ID running in the system.
2260      *
2261      * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2262      * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be > 0.
2263      * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2264      * user, which will pass every permission check.
2265      *
2266      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the given
2267      * pid/uid is allowed that permission, or
2268      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2269      *
2270      * @see PackageManager#checkPermission(String, String)
2271      * @see #checkCallingPermission
2272      */
checkPermission(String permission, int pid, int uid)2273     public abstract int checkPermission(String permission, int pid, int uid);
2275     /**
2276      * Determine whether the calling process of an IPC you are handling has been
2277      * granted a particular permission.  This is basically the same as calling
2278      * {@link #checkPermission(String, int, int)} with the pid and uid returned
2279      * by {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingPid} and
2280      * {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important difference
2281      * is that if you are not currently processing an IPC, this function
2282      * will always fail.  This is done to protect against accidentally
2283      * leaking permissions; you can use {@link #checkCallingOrSelfPermission}
2284      * to avoid this protection.
2285      *
2286      * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2287      *
2288      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the calling
2289      * pid/uid is allowed that permission, or
2290      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2291      *
2292      * @see PackageManager#checkPermission(String, String)
2293      * @see #checkPermission
2294      * @see #checkCallingOrSelfPermission
2295      */
checkCallingPermission(String permission)2296     public abstract int checkCallingPermission(String permission);
2298     /**
2299      * Determine whether the calling process of an IPC <em>or you</em> have been
2300      * granted a particular permission.  This is the same as
2301      * {@link #checkCallingPermission}, except it grants your own permissions
2302      * if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use with care!
2303      *
2304      * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2305      *
2306      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the calling
2307      * pid/uid is allowed that permission, or
2308      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2309      *
2310      * @see PackageManager#checkPermission(String, String)
2311      * @see #checkPermission
2312      * @see #checkCallingPermission
2313      */
checkCallingOrSelfPermission(String permission)2314     public abstract int checkCallingOrSelfPermission(String permission);
2316     /**
2317      * If the given permission is not allowed for a particular process
2318      * and user ID running in the system, throw a {@link SecurityException}.
2319      *
2320      * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2321      * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2322      * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2323      * user, which will pass every permission check.
2324      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2325      *
2326      * @see #checkPermission(String, int, int)
2327      */
enforcePermission( String permission, int pid, int uid, String message)2328     public abstract void enforcePermission(
2329             String permission, int pid, int uid, String message);
2331     /**
2332      * If the calling process of an IPC you are handling has not been
2333      * granted a particular permission, throw a {@link
2334      * SecurityException}.  This is basically the same as calling
2335      * {@link #enforcePermission(String, int, int, String)} with the
2336      * pid and uid returned by {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingPid}
2337      * and {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important
2338      * difference is that if you are not currently processing an IPC,
2339      * this function will always throw the SecurityException.  This is
2340      * done to protect against accidentally leaking permissions; you
2341      * can use {@link #enforceCallingOrSelfPermission} to avoid this
2342      * protection.
2343      *
2344      * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2345      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2346      *
2347      * @see #checkCallingPermission(String)
2348      */
enforceCallingPermission( String permission, String message)2349     public abstract void enforceCallingPermission(
2350             String permission, String message);
2352     /**
2353      * If neither you nor the calling process of an IPC you are
2354      * handling has been granted a particular permission, throw a
2355      * {@link SecurityException}.  This is the same as {@link
2356      * #enforceCallingPermission}, except it grants your own
2357      * permissions if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use
2358      * with care!
2359      *
2360      * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2361      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2362      *
2363      * @see #checkCallingOrSelfPermission(String)
2364      */
enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( String permission, String message)2365     public abstract void enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
2366             String permission, String message);
2368     /**
2369      * Grant permission to access a specific Uri to another package, regardless
2370      * of whether that package has general permission to access the Uri's
2371      * content provider.  This can be used to grant specific, temporary
2372      * permissions, typically in response to user interaction (such as the
2373      * user opening an attachment that you would like someone else to
2374      * display).
2375      *
2376      * <p>Normally you should use {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
2378      * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
2379      * Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION} with the Intent being used to
2380      * start an activity instead of this function directly.  If you use this
2381      * function directly, you should be sure to call
2382      * {@link #revokeUriPermission} when the target should no longer be allowed
2383      * to access it.
2384      *
2385      * <p>To succeed, the content provider owning the Uri must have set the
2386      * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestProvider_grantUriPermissions
2387      * grantUriPermissions} attribute in its manifest or included the
2388      * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestGrantUriPermission
2389      * &lt;grant-uri-permissions&gt;} tag.
2390      *
2391      * @param toPackage The package you would like to allow to access the Uri.
2392      * @param uri The Uri you would like to grant access to.
2393      * @param modeFlags The desired access modes.  Any combination of
2394      * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
2396      * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
2398      *
2399      * @see #revokeUriPermission
2400      */
grantUriPermission(String toPackage, Uri uri, int modeFlags)2401     public abstract void grantUriPermission(String toPackage, Uri uri,
2402             int modeFlags);
2404     /**
2405      * Remove all permissions to access a particular content provider Uri
2406      * that were previously added with {@link #grantUriPermission}.  The given
2407      * Uri will match all previously granted Uris that are the same or a
2408      * sub-path of the given Uri.  That is, revoking "content://foo/one" will
2409      * revoke both "content://foo/target" and "content://foo/target/sub", but not
2410      * "content://foo".
2411      *
2412      * @param uri The Uri you would like to revoke access to.
2413      * @param modeFlags The desired access modes.  Any combination of
2414      * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
2416      * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
2418      *
2419      * @see #grantUriPermission
2420      */
revokeUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags)2421     public abstract void revokeUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags);
2423     /**
2424      * Determine whether a particular process and user ID has been granted
2425      * permission to access a specific URI.  This only checks for permissions
2426      * that have been explicitly granted -- if the given process/uid has
2427      * more general access to the URI's content provider then this check will
2428      * always fail.
2429      *
2430      * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2431      * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2432      * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2433      * user, which will pass every permission check.
2434      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2437      *
2438      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the given
2439      * pid/uid is allowed to access that uri, or
2440      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2441      *
2442      * @see #checkCallingUriPermission
2443      */
checkUriPermission(Uri uri, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags)2444     public abstract int checkUriPermission(Uri uri, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags);
2446     /**
2447      * Determine whether the calling process and user ID has been
2448      * granted permission to access a specific URI.  This is basically
2449      * the same as calling {@link #checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int,
2450      * int)} with the pid and uid returned by {@link
2451      * android.os.Binder#getCallingPid} and {@link
2452      * android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important difference is
2453      * that if you are not currently processing an IPC, this function
2454      * will always fail.
2455      *
2456      * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2457      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2460      *
2461      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the caller
2462      * is allowed to access that uri, or
2463      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2464      *
2465      * @see #checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int, int)
2466      */
checkCallingUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags)2467     public abstract int checkCallingUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags);
2469     /**
2470      * Determine whether the calling process of an IPC <em>or you</em> has been granted
2471      * permission to access a specific URI.  This is the same as
2472      * {@link #checkCallingUriPermission}, except it grants your own permissions
2473      * if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use with care!
2474      *
2475      * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2476      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2479      *
2480      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the caller
2481      * is allowed to access that uri, or
2482      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2483      *
2484      * @see #checkCallingUriPermission
2485      */
checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags)2486     public abstract int checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags);
2488     /**
2489      * Check both a Uri and normal permission.  This allows you to perform
2490      * both {@link #checkPermission} and {@link #checkUriPermission} in one
2491      * call.
2492      *
2493      * @param uri The Uri whose permission is to be checked, or null to not
2494      * do this check.
2495      * @param readPermission The permission that provides overall read access,
2496      * or null to not do this check.
2497      * @param writePermission The permission that provides overall write
2498      * acess, or null to not do this check.
2499      * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2500      * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2501      * user, which will pass every permission check.
2502      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2505      *
2506      * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the caller
2507      * is allowed to access that uri or holds one of the given permissions, or
2508      * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2509      */
checkUriPermission(Uri uri, String readPermission, String writePermission, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags)2510     public abstract int checkUriPermission(Uri uri, String readPermission,
2511             String writePermission, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags);
2513     /**
2514      * If a particular process and user ID has not been granted
2515      * permission to access a specific URI, throw {@link
2516      * SecurityException}.  This only checks for permissions that have
2517      * been explicitly granted -- if the given process/uid has more
2518      * general access to the URI's content provider then this check
2519      * will always fail.
2520      *
2521      * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2522      * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2523      * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2524      * user, which will pass every permission check.
2525      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2528      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2529      *
2530      * @see #checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int, int)
2531      */
enforceUriPermission( Uri uri, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags, String message)2532     public abstract void enforceUriPermission(
2533             Uri uri, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags, String message);
2535     /**
2536      * If the calling process and user ID has not been granted
2537      * permission to access a specific URI, throw {@link
2538      * SecurityException}.  This is basically the same as calling
2539      * {@link #enforceUriPermission(Uri, int, int, int, String)} with
2540      * the pid and uid returned by {@link
2541      * android.os.Binder#getCallingPid} and {@link
2542      * android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important difference is
2543      * that if you are not currently processing an IPC, this function
2544      * will always throw a SecurityException.
2545      *
2546      * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2547      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2550      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2551      *
2552      * @see #checkCallingUriPermission(Uri, int)
2553      */
enforceCallingUriPermission( Uri uri, int modeFlags, String message)2554     public abstract void enforceCallingUriPermission(
2555             Uri uri, int modeFlags, String message);
2557     /**
2558      * If the calling process of an IPC <em>or you</em> has not been
2559      * granted permission to access a specific URI, throw {@link
2560      * SecurityException}.  This is the same as {@link
2561      * #enforceCallingUriPermission}, except it grants your own
2562      * permissions if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use
2563      * with care!
2564      *
2565      * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2566      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2569      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2570      *
2571      * @see #checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri, int)
2572      */
enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission( Uri uri, int modeFlags, String message)2573     public abstract void enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(
2574             Uri uri, int modeFlags, String message);
2576     /**
2577      * Enforce both a Uri and normal permission.  This allows you to perform
2578      * both {@link #enforcePermission} and {@link #enforceUriPermission} in one
2579      * call.
2580      *
2581      * @param uri The Uri whose permission is to be checked, or null to not
2582      * do this check.
2583      * @param readPermission The permission that provides overall read access,
2584      * or null to not do this check.
2585      * @param writePermission The permission that provides overall write
2586      * acess, or null to not do this check.
2587      * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2588      * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2589      * user, which will pass every permission check.
2590      * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2593      * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2594      *
2595      * @see #checkUriPermission(Uri, String, String, int, int, int)
2596      */
enforceUriPermission( Uri uri, String readPermission, String writePermission, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags, String message)2597     public abstract void enforceUriPermission(
2598             Uri uri, String readPermission, String writePermission,
2599             int pid, int uid, int modeFlags, String message);
2601     /**
2602      * Flag for use with {@link #createPackageContext}: include the application
2603      * code with the context.  This means loading code into the caller's
2604      * process, so that {@link #getClassLoader()} can be used to instantiate
2605      * the application's classes.  Setting this flags imposes security
2606      * restrictions on what application context you can access; if the
2607      * requested application can not be safely loaded into your process,
2608      * java.lang.SecurityException will be thrown.  If this flag is not set,
2609      * there will be no restrictions on the packages that can be loaded,
2610      * but {@link #getClassLoader} will always return the default system
2611      * class loader.
2612      */
2613     public static final int CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE = 0x00000001;
2615     /**
2616      * Flag for use with {@link #createPackageContext}: ignore any security
2617      * restrictions on the Context being requested, allowing it to always
2618      * be loaded.  For use with {@link #CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE} to allow code
2619      * to be loaded into a process even when it isn't safe to do so.  Use
2620      * with extreme care!
2621      */
2622     public static final int CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY = 0x00000002;
2624     /**
2625      * Flag for use with {@link #createPackageContext}: a restricted context may
2626      * disable specific features. For instance, a View associated with a restricted
2627      * context would ignore particular XML attributes.
2628      */
2629     public static final int CONTEXT_RESTRICTED = 0x00000004;
2631     /**
2632      * Return a new Context object for the given application name.  This
2633      * Context is the same as what the named application gets when it is
2634      * launched, containing the same resources and class loader.  Each call to
2635      * this method returns a new instance of a Context object; Context objects
2636      * are not shared, however they share common state (Resources, ClassLoader,
2637      * etc) so the Context instance itself is fairly lightweight.
2638      *
2639      * <p>Throws {@link PackageManager.NameNotFoundException} if there is no
2640      * application with the given package name.
2641      *
2642      * <p>Throws {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if the Context requested
2643      * can not be loaded into the caller's process for security reasons (see
2644      * {@link #CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE} for more information}.
2645      *
2646      * @param packageName Name of the application's package.
2647      * @param flags Option flags, one of {@link #CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE}
2648      *              or {@link #CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY}.
2649      *
2650      * @return A Context for the application.
2651      *
2652      * @throws java.lang.SecurityException
2653      * @throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException if there is no application with
2654      * the given package name
2655      */
createPackageContext(String packageName, int flags)2656     public abstract Context createPackageContext(String packageName,
2657             int flags) throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
2659     /**
2660      * Similar to {@link #createPackageContext(String, int)}, but with a
2661      * different {@link UserHandle}. For example, {@link #getContentResolver()}
2662      * will open any {@link Uri} as the given user.
2663      *
2664      * @hide
2665      */
createPackageContextAsUser( String packageName, int flags, UserHandle user)2666     public abstract Context createPackageContextAsUser(
2667             String packageName, int flags, UserHandle user)
2668             throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
2670     /**
2671      * Return a new Context object for the current Context but whose resources
2672      * are adjusted to match the given Configuration.  Each call to this method
2673      * returns a new instance of a Context object; Context objects are not
2674      * shared, however common state (ClassLoader, other Resources for the
2675      * same configuration) may be so the Context itself can be fairly lightweight.
2676      *
2677      * @param overrideConfiguration A {@link Configuration} specifying what
2678      * values to modify in the base Configuration of the original Context's
2679      * resources.  If the base configuration changes (such as due to an
2680      * orientation change), the resources of this context will also change except
2681      * for those that have been explicitly overridden with a value here.
2682      *
2683      * @return A Context with the given configuration override.
2684      */
createConfigurationContext(Configuration overrideConfiguration)2685     public abstract Context createConfigurationContext(Configuration overrideConfiguration);
2687     /**
2688      * Return a new Context object for the current Context but whose resources
2689      * are adjusted to match the metrics of the given Display.  Each call to this method
2690      * returns a new instance of a Context object; Context objects are not
2691      * shared, however common state (ClassLoader, other Resources for the
2692      * same configuration) may be so the Context itself can be fairly lightweight.
2693      *
2694      * The returned display Context provides a {@link WindowManager}
2695      * (see {@link #getSystemService(String)}) that is configured to show windows
2696      * on the given display.  The WindowManager's {@link WindowManager#getDefaultDisplay}
2697      * method can be used to retrieve the Display from the returned Context.
2698      *
2699      * @param display A {@link Display} object specifying the display
2700      * for whose metrics the Context's resources should be tailored and upon which
2701      * new windows should be shown.
2702      *
2703      * @return A Context for the display.
2704      */
createDisplayContext(Display display)2705     public abstract Context createDisplayContext(Display display);
2707     /**
2708      * Gets the compatibility info holder for this context.  This information
2709      * is provided on a per-application basis and is used to simulate lower density
2710      * display metrics for legacy applications.
2711      *
2712      * @param displayId The display id for which to get compatibility info.
2713      * @return The compatibility info holder, or null if not required by the application.
2714      * @hide
2715      */
getCompatibilityInfo(int displayId)2716     public abstract CompatibilityInfoHolder getCompatibilityInfo(int displayId);
2718     /**
2719      * Indicates whether this Context is restricted.
2720      *
2721      * @return True if this Context is restricted, false otherwise.
2722      *
2723      * @see #CONTEXT_RESTRICTED
2724      */
isRestricted()2725     public boolean isRestricted() {
2726         return false;
2727     }
2728 }