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1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 cr.define('options', function() {
6   const ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel;
7   const List = cr.ui.List;
8   const ListItem = cr.ui.ListItem;
10   /**
11    * Creates a new autocomplete list item.
12    * @param {Object} pageInfo The page this item represents.
13    * @constructor
14    * @extends {cr.ui.ListItem}
15    */
16   function AutocompleteListItem(pageInfo) {
17     var el = cr.doc.createElement('div');
18     el.pageInfo_ = pageInfo;
19     AutocompleteListItem.decorate(el);
20     return el;
21   }
23   /**
24    * Decorates an element as an autocomplete list item.
25    * @param {!HTMLElement} el The element to decorate.
26    */
27   AutocompleteListItem.decorate = function(el) {
28     el.__proto__ = AutocompleteListItem.prototype;
29     el.decorate();
30   };
32   AutocompleteListItem.prototype = {
33     __proto__: ListItem.prototype,
35     /** @inheritDoc */
36     decorate: function() {
37       ListItem.prototype.decorate.call(this);
39       var title = this.pageInfo_['title'];
40       var url = this.pageInfo_['displayURL'];
41       var titleEl = this.ownerDocument.createElement('span');
42       titleEl.className = 'title';
43       titleEl.textContent = title || url;
44       this.appendChild(titleEl);
46       if (title && title.length > 0 && url != title) {
47         var separatorEl = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(' - ');
48         this.appendChild(separatorEl);
50         var urlEl = this.ownerDocument.createElement('span');
51         urlEl.className = 'url';
52         urlEl.textContent = url;
53         this.appendChild(urlEl);
54       }
55     },
56   };
58   /**
59    * Creates a new autocomplete list popup.
60    * @constructor
61    * @extends {cr.ui.List}
62    */
63   var AutocompleteList = cr.ui.define('list');
65   AutocompleteList.prototype = {
66     __proto__: List.prototype,
68     /**
69      * The text field the autocomplete popup is currently attached to, if any.
70      * @type {HTMLElement}
71      * @private
72      */
73     targetInput_: null,
75     /**
76      * Keydown event listener to attach to a text field.
77      * @type {Function}
78      * @private
79      */
80     textFieldKeyHandler_: null,
82     /**
83      * Input event listener to attach to a text field.
84      * @type {Function}
85      * @private
86      */
87     textFieldInputHandler_: null,
89     /**
90      * A function to call when new suggestions are needed.
91      * @type {Function}
92      * @private
93      */
94     suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_: null,
96     /** @inheritDoc */
97     decorate: function() {
98       List.prototype.decorate.call(this);
99       this.classList.add('autocomplete-suggestions');
100       this.selectionModel = new cr.ui.ListSingleSelectionModel;
102       this.textFieldKeyHandler_ = this.handleAutocompleteKeydown_.bind(this);
103       var self = this;
104       this.textFieldInputHandler_ = function(e) {
105         if (self.suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_)
106           self.suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_(self.targetInput_.value);
107       };
108       this.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
109         var input = self.targetInput;
110         if (!input || !self.selectedItem)
111           return;
112         input.value = self.selectedItem['url'];
113         // Programatically change the value won't trigger a change event, but
114         // clients are likely to want to know when changes happen, so fire one.
115         var changeEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
116         changeEvent.initEvent('change', true, true);
117         input.dispatchEvent(changeEvent);
118       });
119       // Start hidden; adding suggestions will unhide.
120       this.hidden = true;
121     },
123     /** @inheritDoc */
124     createItem: function(pageInfo) {
125       return new AutocompleteListItem(pageInfo);
126     },
128     /**
129      * The suggestions to show.
130      * @type {Array}
131      */
132     set suggestions(suggestions) {
133       this.dataModel = new ArrayDataModel(suggestions);
134       this.hidden = !this.targetInput_ || suggestions.length == 0;
135     },
137     /**
138      * A function to call when the attached input field's contents change.
139      * The function should take one string argument, which will be the text
140      * to autocomplete from.
141      * @type {Function}
142      */
143     set suggestionUpdateRequestCallback(callback) {
144       this.suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_ = callback;
145     },
147     /**
148      * Attaches the popup to the given input element. Requires
149      * that the input be wrapped in a block-level container of the same width.
150      * @param {HTMLElement} input The input element to attach to.
151      */
152     attachToInput: function(input) {
153       if (this.targetInput_ == input)
154         return;
156       this.detach();
157       this.targetInput_ = input;
158       this.style.width = input.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px';
159       this.hidden = false;  // Necessary for positionPopupAroundElement to work.
160       cr.ui.positionPopupAroundElement(input, this, cr.ui.AnchorType.BELOW)
161       // Start hidden; when the data model gets results the list will show.
162       this.hidden = true;
164       input.addEventListener('keydown', this.textFieldKeyHandler_, true);
165       input.addEventListener('input', this.textFieldInputHandler_);
166     },
168     /**
169      * Detaches the autocomplete popup from its current input element, if any.
170      */
171     detach: function() {
172       var input = this.targetInput_
173       if (!input)
174         return;
176       input.removeEventListener('keydown', this.textFieldKeyHandler_);
177       input.removeEventListener('input', this.textFieldInputHandler_);
178       this.targetInput_ = null;
179       this.suggestions = [];
180     },
182     /**
183      * The text field the autocomplete popup is currently attached to, if any.
184      * @return {HTMLElement}
185      */
186     get targetInput() {
187       return this.targetInput_;
188     },
190     /**
191      * Handles input field key events that should be interpreted as autocomplete
192      * commands.
193      * @param {Event} event The keydown event.
194      * @private
195      */
196     handleAutocompleteKeydown_: function(event) {
197       if (this.hidden)
198         return;
199       var handled = false;
200       switch (event.keyIdentifier) {
201         case 'U+001B':  // Esc
202           this.suggestions = [];
203           handled = true;
204           break;
205         case 'Enter':
206           var hadSelection = this.selectedItem != null;
207           this.suggestions = [];
208           // Only count the event as handled if a selection is being commited.
209           handled = hadSelection;
210           break;
211         case 'Up':
212         case 'Down':
213           this.dispatchEvent(event);
214           handled = true;
215           break;
216       }
217       // Don't let arrow keys affect the text field, or bubble up to, e.g.,
218       // an enclosing list item.
219       if (handled) {
220         event.preventDefault();
221         event.stopPropagation();
222       }
223     },
224   };
226   return {
227     AutocompleteList: AutocompleteList
228   };
229 });