#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. """stack symbolizes native crash dumps.""" import getopt import getpass import glob import os import re import subprocess import sys import urllib import symbol def PrintUsage(): """Print usage and exit with error.""" # pylint: disable-msg=C6310 print print " usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options] [FILE]" print print " --symbols-dir=path" print " the path to a symbols dir, such as =/tmp/out/target/product/dream/symbols" print print " --symbols-zip=path" print " the path to a symbols zip file, such as =dream-symbols-12345.zip" print print " --auto" print " attempt to:" print " 1) automatically find the build number in the crash" print " 2) if it's an official build, download the symbols " print " from the build server, and use them" print print " FILE should contain a stack trace in it somewhere" print " the tool will find that and re-print it with" print " source files and line numbers. If you don't" print " pass FILE, or if file is -, it reads from" print " stdin." print # pylint: enable-msg=C6310 sys.exit(1) class SSOCookie(object): """Creates a cookie file so we can download files from the build server.""" def __init__(self, cookiename=".sso.cookie", keep=False): self.sso_server = "login.corp.google.com" self.name = cookiename self.keeper = keep if not os.path.exists(self.name): user = os.environ["USER"] print "\n%s, to access the symbols, please enter your LDAP " % user, sys.stdout.flush() password = getpass.getpass() params = urllib.urlencode({"u": user, "pw": password}) url = "https://%s/login?ssoformat=CORP_SSO" % self.sso_server # login to SSO curlcmd = ["/usr/bin/curl", "--cookie", self.name, "--cookie-jar", self.name, "--silent", "--location", "--data", params, "--output", "/dev/null", url] subprocess.check_call(curlcmd) if os.path.exists(self.name): os.chmod(self.name, 0600) else: print "Could not log in to SSO" sys.exit(1) def __del__(self): """Clean up.""" if not self.keeper: os.remove(self.name) class NoBuildIDException(Exception): pass def FindBuildFingerprint(lines): """Searches the given file (array of lines) for the build fingerprint.""" fingerprint_regex = re.compile("^.*Build fingerprint:\s'(?P.*)'") for line in lines: fingerprint_search = fingerprint_regex.match(line.strip()) if fingerprint_search: return fingerprint_search.group("fingerprint") return None # didn't find the fingerprint string, so return none class SymbolDownloadException(Exception): pass DEFAULT_SYMROOT = "/tmp/symbols" def DownloadSymbols(fingerprint, cookie): """Attempts to download the symbols from the build server. If successful, extracts them, and returns the path. Args: fingerprint: build fingerprint from the input stack trace cookie: SSOCookie Returns: tuple (None, None) if no fingerprint is provided. Otherwise tuple (root directory, symbols directory). Raises: SymbolDownloadException: Problem downloading symbols for fingerprint """ if fingerprint is None: return (None, None) symdir = "%s/%s" % (DEFAULT_SYMROOT, hash(fingerprint)) if not os.path.exists(symdir): os.makedirs(symdir) # build server figures out the branch based on the CL params = { "op": "GET-SYMBOLS-LINK", "fingerprint": fingerprint, } print "url: http://android-build/buildbot-update?" + urllib.urlencode(params) url = urllib.urlopen("http://android-build/buildbot-update?", urllib.urlencode(params)).readlines()[0] if not url: raise SymbolDownloadException("Build server down? Failed to find syms...") regex_str = (r"(?Phttp\:\/\/android-build\/builds\/.*\/[0-9]+)" r"(?P.*)") url_regex = re.compile(regex_str) url_match = url_regex.match(url) if url_match is None: raise SymbolDownloadException("Unexpected results from build server URL...") base_url = url_match.group("base_url") img = url_match.group("img") symbolfile = img.replace("-img-", "-symbols-") symurl = base_url + symbolfile localsyms = symdir + symbolfile if not os.path.exists(localsyms): print "downloading %s ..." % symurl curlcmd = ["/usr/bin/curl", "--cookie", cookie.name, "--silent", "--location", "--write-out", "%{http_code}", "--output", localsyms, symurl] p = subprocess.Popen(curlcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) code = p.stdout.read() err = p.stderr.read() if err: raise SymbolDownloadException("stderr from curl download: %s" % err) if code != "200": raise SymbolDownloadException("Faied to download %s" % symurl) else: print "using existing cache for symbols" return UnzipSymbols(localsyms, symdir) def UnzipSymbols(symbolfile, symdir=None): """Unzips a file to DEFAULT_SYMROOT and returns the unzipped location. Args: symbolfile: The .zip file to unzip symdir: Optional temporary directory to use for extraction Returns: A tuple containing (the directory into which the zip file was unzipped, the path to the "symbols" directory in the unzipped file). To clean up, the caller can delete the first element of the tuple. Raises: SymbolDownloadException: When the unzip fails. """ if not symdir: symdir = "%s/%s" % (DEFAULT_SYMROOT, hash(symbolfile)) if not os.path.exists(symdir): os.makedirs(symdir) print "extracting %s..." % symbolfile saveddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(symdir) try: unzipcode = subprocess.call(["unzip", "-qq", "-o", symbolfile]) if unzipcode > 0: os.remove(symbolfile) raise SymbolDownloadException("failed to extract symbol files (%s)." % symbolfile) finally: os.chdir(saveddir) return (symdir, glob.glob("%s/out/target/product/*/symbols" % symdir)[0]) def PrintTraceLines(trace_lines): """Print back trace.""" maxlen = max(map(lambda tl: len(tl[1]), trace_lines)) print print "Stack Trace:" print " RELADDR " + "FUNCTION".ljust(maxlen) + " FILE:LINE" for tl in trace_lines: (addr, symbol_with_offset, location) = tl print " %8s %s %s" % (addr, symbol_with_offset.ljust(maxlen), location) return def PrintValueLines(value_lines): """Print stack data values.""" print print "Stack Data:" print " ADDR VALUE FILE:LINE/FUNCTION" for vl in value_lines: (addr, value, symbol_with_offset, location) = vl print " " + addr + " " + value + " " + location if location: print " " + symbol_with_offset return UNKNOWN = "" HEAP = "[heap]" STACK = "[stack]" def ConvertTrace(lines): """Convert strings containing native crash to a stack.""" process_info_line = re.compile("(pid: [0-9]+, tid: [0-9]+.*)") signal_line = re.compile("(signal [0-9]+ \(.*\).*)") register_line = re.compile("(([ ]*[0-9a-z]{2} [0-9a-f]{8}){4})") thread_line = re.compile("(.*)(\-\-\- ){15}\-\-\-") # Note taht both trace and value line matching allow for variable amounts of # whitespace (e.g. \t). This is because the we want to allow for the stack # tool to operate on AndroidFeedback provided system logs. AndroidFeedback # strips out double spaces that are found in tombsone files and logcat output. # # Examples of matched trace lines include lines from tombstone files like: # #00 pc 001cf42e /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so # Or lines from AndroidFeedback crash report system logs like: # 03-25 00:51:05.520 I/DEBUG ( 65): #00 pc 001cf42e /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so # Please note the spacing differences. trace_line = re.compile("(.*)\#([0-9]+)[ \t]+(..)[ \t]+([0-9a-f]{8})[ \t]+([^\r\n \t]*)( \((.*)\))?") # pylint: disable-msg=C6310 # Examples of matched value lines include: # bea4170c 8018e4e9 /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so # 03-25 00:51:05.530 I/DEBUG ( 65): bea4170c 8018e4e9 /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so # Again, note the spacing differences. value_line = re.compile("(.*)([0-9a-f]{8})[ \t]+([0-9a-f]{8})[ \t]+([^\r\n \t]*)") # Lines from 'code around' sections of the output will be matched before # value lines because otheriwse the 'code around' sections will be confused as # value lines. # # Examples include: # 801cf40c ffffc4cc 00b2f2c5 00b2f1c7 00c1e1a8 # 03-25 00:51:05.530 I/DEBUG ( 65): 801cf40c ffffc4cc 00b2f2c5 00b2f1c7 00c1e1a8 code_line = re.compile("(.*)[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[a-f0-9]{8}[ \t]*[ \r\n]") # pylint: disable-msg=C6310 trace_lines = [] value_lines = [] for ln in lines: # AndroidFeedback adds zero width spaces into its crash reports. These # should be removed or the regular expresssions will fail to match. line = unicode(ln, errors='ignore') header = process_info_line.search(line) if header: print header.group(1) continue header = signal_line.search(line) if header: print header.group(1) continue header = register_line.search(line) if header: print header.group(1) continue if trace_line.match(line): match = trace_line.match(line) (unused_0, unused_1, unused_2, code_addr, area, symbol_present, symbol_name) = match.groups() if area == UNKNOWN or area == HEAP or area == STACK: trace_lines.append((code_addr, area, area)) else: # If a calls b which further calls c and c is inlined to b, we want to # display "a -> b -> c" in the stack trace instead of just "a -> c" (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) = symbol.SymbolInformation(area, code_addr) if not source_symbol: if symbol_present: source_symbol = symbol.CallCppFilt(symbol_name) else: source_symbol = UNKNOWN if not source_location: source_location = area if not object_symbol_with_offset: object_symbol_with_offset = source_symbol if not object_symbol_with_offset.startswith(source_symbol): trace_lines.append(("v------>", source_symbol, source_location)) trace_lines.append((code_addr, object_symbol_with_offset, source_location)) else: trace_lines.append((code_addr, object_symbol_with_offset, source_location)) if code_line.match(line): # Code lines should be ignored. If this were exluded the 'code around' # sections would trigger value_line matches. continue; if value_line.match(line): match = value_line.match(line) (unused_, addr, value, area) = match.groups() if area == UNKNOWN or area == HEAP or area == STACK or not area: value_lines.append((addr, value, area, "")) else: (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) = symbol.SymbolInformation(area, value) if not source_location: source_location = "" if not object_symbol_with_offset: object_symbol_with_offset = UNKNOWN value_lines.append((addr, value, object_symbol_with_offset, source_location)) header = thread_line.search(line) if header: if trace_lines: PrintTraceLines(trace_lines) if value_lines: PrintValueLines(value_lines) trace_lines = [] value_lines = [] print print "-----------------------------------------------------\n" if trace_lines: PrintTraceLines(trace_lines) if value_lines: PrintValueLines(value_lines) def main(): try: options, arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["auto", "symbols-dir=", "symbols-zip=", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError, unused_error: PrintUsage() zip_arg = None auto = False fingerprint = None for option, value in options: if option == "--help": PrintUsage() elif option == "--symbols-dir": symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR = os.path.expanduser(value) elif option == "--symbols-zip": zip_arg = os.path.expanduser(value) elif option == "--auto": auto = True if len(arguments) > 1: PrintUsage() if auto: cookie = SSOCookie(".symbols.cookie") if not arguments or arguments[0] == "-": print "Reading native crash info from stdin" f = sys.stdin else: print "Searching for native crashes in %s" % arguments[0] f = open(arguments[0], "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() rootdir = None if auto: fingerprint = FindBuildFingerprint(lines) print "fingerprint:", fingerprint rootdir, symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR = DownloadSymbols(fingerprint, cookie) elif zip_arg: rootdir, symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR = UnzipSymbols(zip_arg) print "Reading symbols from", symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR ConvertTrace(lines) if rootdir: # be a good citizen and clean up...os.rmdir and os.removedirs() don't work cmd = "rm -rf \"%s\"" % rootdir print "\ncleaning up (%s)" % cmd os.system(cmd) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # vi: ts=2 sw=2