C++ Support
The Clang compiler supports almost all of C++11. Support in the frontend for C++ language features, however, does not automatically translate into support for those features in the static analyzer. Language features need to be specifically modeled in the static analyzer so their semantics can be properly analyzed. Support for analyzing C++ and Objective-C++ files is currently fairly basic.
Listed here are a set of open tasks that are prerequisites for decent analysis of C++. This list is also not complete; new tasks will be added as deemed necessary.
- Control-Flow Graph Enhancements:
- Model destructors for temporary objects
- Model the implicit allocator call to operator new
- Path-Sensitive Analysis Engine (ExprEngine):
- Allow constructors to be inlined
- Allow destructors to be inlined
- Fully model new and delete
- Track type info through casts more precisely
- Checkers:
- Check that new and delete are correctly paired
- For more ideas, see the list of potential checkers