{{ page_title }}


Last Pass: {{ last_pass.date|timesince }} ago {% if not bot_id and last_pass.bot_id %} by {{ last_pass.bot_id }} {% endif %}
Last Boot: {{ last_boot.date|timesince }} ago {% if not bot_id and last_boot.bot_id %} by {{ last_boot.bot_id }} {% endif %}
7-day "Pass" count: {{ trailing_week_pass_count }}
30-day "Pass" count: {{ trailing_month_pass_count }}

Recent Status

Patches in queue

{% for row in work_item_rows %} {% endfor %}
PositionPatchLock Acquired
#{{ forloop.counter }} {{ row.attachment_id|force_escape|webkit_attachment_id|safe }} {% if row.lock_time %} {{ row.lock_time|timesince }} ago {% endif %}