/* FILE: sub_supp.cpp * DATE MODIFIED: 31-Aug-07 * DESCRIPTION: Part of the SREC graph compiler project source files. * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include "sub_grph.h" #define ARC_COMPARE(x,y) (arc[x]->Compare(arc[y])) #define ARC_COMPARE_REV(x,y) (arc[x]->CompareReverse(arc[y])) #define ARC_COMPARE_MIN(x,y) (arc[x]->CompareForMin(arc[y])) void SubGraph::SortLanguage () { int *sortList; if (numArc <= 1) { sortList= new int [numArc+2]; sortList[0]= 0; if (forwardList) delete [] forwardList; forwardList= sortList; sortNum= numArc; return; } SortLanguageAtIndices (-1, -1); return; } void SubGraph::SortLanguageAtIndices (int begIx, int endIx) { int ii, jj, hired, retd; int holdArc, *sortList; if (begIx < 0) begIx= 0; if (endIx < 0) endIx= numArc; if (endIx <= begIx) return; sortList= new int [numArc+2]; for (ii= 0; ii < sortNum && ii < numArc; ii++) sortList[ii]= forwardList[ii]; for (ii= begIx; ii < endIx; ii++) sortList[ii]= ii; sortList--; /* Hiring */ hired= (numArc >> 1)+1; while (hired-- > 1) { holdArc= sortList[hired]; ii= hired; jj= hired << 1; while (jj <= numArc) { if (jj < numArc && ARC_COMPARE (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0 ) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } /* Retiring */ retd= numArc; while (retd > 0) { holdArc= sortList[retd]; sortList[retd]= sortList[1]; if (--retd == 1) { sortList[1]= holdArc; break; } ii= 1; jj= 2; while (jj <= retd) { if (jj < retd && ARC_COMPARE (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } sortList++; if (forwardList) delete [] forwardList; forwardList= sortList; sortNum= numArc; /* Now carry out some checks */ assert(CheckSort()); return; } void SubGraph::SortLanguageAtSortIndices (int begIx, int endIx) { int ii, jj, hired, retd; int holdArc, *sortList; if (begIx < 0) begIx= 0; if (endIx < 0) endIx= numArc; if (endIx <= begIx) return; sortList= forwardList; sortList--; /* Hiring */ hired= (numArc >> 1)+1; while (hired-- > 1) { holdArc= sortList[hired]; ii= hired; jj= hired << 1; while (jj <= numArc) { if (jj < numArc && ARC_COMPARE (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0 ) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } /* Retiring */ retd= numArc; while (retd > 0) { holdArc= sortList[retd]; sortList[retd]= sortList[1]; if (--retd == 1) { sortList[1]= holdArc; break; } ii= 1; jj= 2; while (jj <= retd) { if (jj < retd && ARC_COMPARE (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } sortList++; forwardList= sortList; /* Now carry out some checks */ assert(CheckSort()); return; } int SubGraph::FindFromIndex (int element) { int rix, rix_low, rix_high, direction; rix_low= -1; rix_high= sortNum; while ((rix_high - rix_low) > 1) { rix= (rix_high + rix_low) >> 1; direction= element - arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetFromId(); if (direction < 0) rix_high= rix; else if (direction > 0) rix_low= rix; else { assert (arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetFromId() == element); while (rix > 0 && arc[forwardList[rix-1]]->GetFromId() == element) rix--; assert (arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetFromId() == element); assert (rix < sortNum); return (rix); } } return (-1); } void SubGraph::SortLanguageReverse () { int ii, jj, hired, retd; int holdArc, *sortList; if (numArc <= 1) { sortList= new int [numArc+2]; sortList[0]= 0; if (backwardList) delete [] backwardList; backwardList= sortList; sortRevNum= numArc; return; } sortList= new int [numArc+2]; for (ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) sortList[ii]= ii; sortList--; /* Hiring */ hired= (numArc >> 1)+1; while (hired-- > 1) { holdArc= sortList[hired]; ii= hired; jj= hired << 1; while (jj <= numArc) { if (jj < numArc && ARC_COMPARE_REV (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0 ) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE_REV (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } /* Retiring */ retd= numArc; while (retd > 0) { holdArc= sortList[retd]; sortList[retd]= sortList[1]; if (--retd == 1) { sortList[1]= holdArc; break; } ii= 1; jj= 2; while (jj <= retd) { if (jj < retd && ARC_COMPARE_REV (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE_REV (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } sortList++; if (backwardList) delete [] backwardList; backwardList= sortList; sortRevNum= numArc; /* Now carry out some checks */ assert(CheckSortReverse()); return; } int SubGraph::FindToIndex (int element) { int rix, rix_low, rix_high, direction; rix_low= -1; rix_high= sortRevNum; while ((rix_high - rix_low) > 1) { rix= (rix_high + rix_low) >> 1; direction= element - arc[backwardList[rix]]->GetToId(); if (direction < 0) rix_high= rix; else if (direction > 0) rix_low= rix; else { assert (arc[backwardList[rix]]->GetToId() == element); while (rix > 0 && arc[backwardList[rix-1]]->GetToId() == element) rix--; assert (arc[backwardList[rix]]->GetToId() == element); assert (rix < sortRevNum); return (rix); } } return (-1); } void SubGraph::UpdateSortForLanguage () { SortLanguageAtIndices (sortNum, numArc); } bool SubGraph::CheckSort () { for (int ii= 1; ii < numArc; ii++) { if (ARC_COMPARE (forwardList[ii-1], forwardList[ii]) > 0) return false; } return true; } bool SubGraph::CheckSortReverse () { for (int ii= 1; ii < numArc; ii++) { if (ARC_COMPARE_REV (backwardList[ii-1], backwardList[ii]) > 0) { printf ("Failed at %d\n", ii); return false; } } return true; } void SubGraph::ClearDuplicateArcs () { int currId; SortLanguage(); currId= 0; for (int ii= 1; ii < numArc; ii++) { if (arc[forwardList[ii]]->GetInput() != DISCARD_LABEL) if (ARC_COMPARE (forwardList[currId], forwardList[ii]) == 0) arc[forwardList[ii]]->AssignInput (DISCARD_LABEL); else currId= ii; } return; } void SubGraph::RenumberNodes () { int ii, id, count; UpdateVertexCount (0); if (numVertex > 0) { int *mapList= new int [numVertex]; for (ii= 0; ii < numVertex; ii++) mapList[ii]= -1; for (ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { id= arc[ii]->GetFromId(); mapList[id]= 1; id= arc[ii]->GetToId(); if (id >= 0) mapList[id]= 1; } count= 0; for (ii= 0; ii < numVertex; ii++) if (mapList[ii] > 0) { mapList[ii]= count; count++; } for (ii= 0; ii < numArc; ii++) { id= arc[ii]->GetFromId(); arc[ii]->AssignFromId(mapList[id]); id= arc[ii]->GetToId(); if (id >= 0) arc[ii]->AssignToId(mapList[id]); } startId= mapList[startId]; if (lastId >= 0) lastId= mapList[lastId]; delete [] mapList; } else { startId= 0; lastId= -1; endId= -1; } return; } void SubGraph::RemoveDuplicatesAtNode (int rixBegin, int rixEnd) // Works only within one node/vertex { int rix, lastRix; bool needSort; SortLanguageAtSortIndices (rixBegin, rixEnd); // Check for duplicate transitions needSort= false; lastRix= rixBegin; for (rix= rixBegin+1; rix < rixEnd; rix++) { assert (arc[forwardList[lastRix]]->GetFromId() == arc[forwardList[rix]]->GetFromId()); if (ARC_COMPARE (forwardList[lastRix], forwardList[rix]) == 0) { arc[forwardList[rix]]->AssignInput (DISCARD_LABEL); needSort= true; } else lastRix= rix; } // Resort if (needSort) SortLanguageAtSortIndices (rixBegin, rixEnd); return; } void SubGraph::SortLanguageForMin () { int *sortList; if (numArc <= 1) { sortList= new int [numArc+2]; sortList[0]= 0; if (forwardList) delete [] forwardList; forwardList= sortList; sortNum= numArc; return; } SortLanguageAtIndicesForMin (-1, -1); return; } void SubGraph::SortLanguageAtIndicesForMin (int begIx, int endIx) { int ii, jj, hired, retd; int holdArc, *sortList; if (begIx < 0) begIx= 0; if (endIx < 0) endIx= numArc; if (endIx <= begIx) return; sortList= new int [numArc+2]; for (ii= 0; ii < sortNum && ii < numArc; ii++) sortList[ii]= forwardList[ii]; for (ii= begIx; ii < endIx; ii++) sortList[ii]= ii; sortList--; /* Hiring */ hired= (numArc >> 1)+1; while (hired-- > 1) { holdArc= sortList[hired]; ii= hired; jj= hired << 1; while (jj <= numArc) { if (jj < numArc && ARC_COMPARE_MIN (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0 ) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE_MIN (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } /* Retiring */ retd= numArc; while (retd > 0) { holdArc= sortList[retd]; sortList[retd]= sortList[1]; if (--retd == 1) { sortList[1]= holdArc; break; } ii= 1; jj= 2; while (jj <= retd) { if (jj < retd && ARC_COMPARE_MIN (sortList[jj], sortList[jj+1]) <= 0) jj++; if (ARC_COMPARE_MIN (holdArc, sortList[jj]) < 0) { sortList[ii]= sortList[jj]; ii= jj; jj <<= 1; } else break; } sortList[ii]= holdArc; } sortList++; if (forwardList) delete [] forwardList; forwardList= sortList; sortNum= numArc; /* Now carry out some checks */ int checkSort = CheckSort(); if(checkSort == 0) { // printf("assert(0) in SubGraph::CheckSort %d\n", checkSort); // hmm .. this seems harmless but ...! // assert(checkSort); } return; }