/* This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework. Copyright (C) 2008-2008 Google Inc opensource@google.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING. */ // Author: Konstantin Serebryany // // This file contains a set of unit tests for a deadlock detection tool. // // // // This test can be compiled with pthreads (default) or // with any other library that supports threads, locks, cond vars, etc. // // To compile with pthreads: // g++ deadlock_unittest.cc -lpthread -g // // To compile with different library: // 1. cp thread_wrappers_pthread.h thread_wrappers_yourlib.h // 2. edit thread_wrappers_yourlib.h // 3. add '-DTHREAD_WRAPPERS="thread_wrappers_yourlib.h"' to your compilation. // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "old_test_suite.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include /*ProducerConsumerQueue *Q[4] = { new ProducerConsumerQueue(INT_MAX), new ProducerConsumerQueue(INT_MAX), new ProducerConsumerQueue(INT_MAX), new ProducerConsumerQueue(INT_MAX) }; Mutex mu[4];*/ /* void PutAndWait(int *work_item, int idx) { // Put work_item1. Q[idx]->Put(work_item); // Wait for work_item completion. mu[idx].LockWhen(Condition(&ArgIsOne, work_item)); mu[idx].Unlock(); } void GetAndServe(int idx) { // Get an item. int *item = reinterpret_cast(Q[idx]->Get()); // Handle work item and signal completion. mu[idx].Lock(); *item = 1; mu[idx].Unlock(); } bool TryGetAndServe(int idx) { // Get an item. int *item; if (Q[idx]->TryGet(reinterpret_cast(&item))) { // Handle work item and signal completion. mu[idx].Lock(); *item = 1; mu[idx].Unlock(); return true; } else { return false; } }*/ // Set of threads that execute the same function. class MyThreadSet { public: typedef void (*F) (void); MyThreadSet(F f, int count) : count_(count) { CHECK(count_ >= 1 && count_ <= 1000); ar_ = new MyThread* [count_]; for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) { ar_[i] = new MyThread(f); } } void Start() { for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) { ar_[i]->Start(); } } void Join() { for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) { ar_[i]->Join(); } } ~MyThreadSet() { for (int i = 0; i < count_; i++) { delete ar_[i]; } delete ar_; } private: MyThread **ar_; int count_; }; int ThreadId() { static Mutex mu; static map m; int id; pthread_t self = pthread_self(); mu.Lock(); map::iterator it = m.find(self); if (it != m.end()) { id = it->second; } else { id = m.size(); m[self] = id; } mu.Unlock(); return id; } // test00: {{{1 namespace test00 { void Run() { printf("test00: negative\n"); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 00) } // namespace test00 // test01: Simple deadlock, 2 threads. {{{1 namespace test01 { Mutex mu1, mu2; void Worker1() { mu1.Lock(); mu2.Lock(); mu2.Unlock(); mu1.Unlock(); } void Worker2() { usleep(1000); mu2.Lock(); mu1.Lock(); mu1.Unlock(); mu2.Unlock(); } void Run() { MyThreadArray t(Worker1, Worker2); t.Start(); t.Join(); printf("test01: positive, simple deadlock\n"); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 01) } // namespace test01 // test02: Simple deadlock, 4 threads. {{{1 namespace test02 { Mutex mu1, mu2, mu3, mu4; void Worker1() { mu1.Lock(); mu2.Lock(); mu2.Unlock(); mu1.Unlock(); } void Worker2() { usleep(1000); mu2.Lock(); mu3.Lock(); mu3.Unlock(); mu2.Unlock(); } void Worker3() { usleep(2000); mu3.Lock(); mu4.Lock(); mu4.Unlock(); mu3.Unlock(); } void Worker4() { usleep(3000); mu4.Lock(); mu1.Lock(); mu1.Unlock(); mu4.Unlock(); } void Run() { MyThreadArray t(Worker1, Worker2, Worker3, Worker4); t.Start(); t.Join(); printf("test02: positive, simple deadlock\n"); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 02) } // namespace test02 /* // test03: Queue deadlock test, 2 workers. {{{1 // This test will deadlock for sure. namespace test03 { void Worker1() { int *item = new int (0); PutAndWait(item, 0); GetAndServe(1); } void Worker2() { int *item = new int (0); PutAndWait(item, 1); GetAndServe(0); } void Run() { printf("test03: queue deadlock\n"); MyThreadArray t(Worker1, Worker2); t.Start(); t.Join(); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 03) } // namespace test03 // test04: Queue deadlock test, 3 workers. {{{1 // This test will deadlock for sure. namespace test04 { void Worker1() { int *item = new int (0); PutAndWait(item, 0); GetAndServe(1); } void Worker2() { int *item = new int (0); PutAndWait(item, 1); GetAndServe(2); } void Worker3() { int *item = new int (0); PutAndWait(item, 2); GetAndServe(0); } void Run() { printf("test04: queue deadlock\n"); MyThreadArray t(Worker1, Worker2, Worker3); t.Start(); t.Join(); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 04) } // namespace test04 // test05: Queue deadlock test, 1 worker set. {{{1 // This test will deadlock after some number of served requests. namespace test05 { int item_number = 0; // Just for debug prints. // This function randomly enqueues work and waits on it or serves a piece of work. void Worker() { while(true) { int action = rand() % 100; if (action <= 1) { // PutAndWait. int n = __sync_add_and_fetch(&item_number, 1); int *item = new int(0); PutAndWait(item, 0); if ((n % 10000) == 0) { printf("Done %d\n", n); } delete item; } else { // GetAndServe. TryGetAndServe(0); } } } void Run() { printf("test05: queue deadlock\n"); MyThreadSet t(Worker, 5); t.Start(); t.Join(); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 05) } // namespace test05 // test06: Queue deadlock test, 3 worker sets. {{{1 // This test will deadlock after some number of served requests. namespace test06 { int item_number[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // Just for debug prints. // This function randomly enqueues work to queue 'put_queue' and waits on it // or serves a piece of work from queue 'get_queue'. void Worker(int put_queue, int get_queue) { while(true) { int action = rand() % 1000; if (action <= 100) { // PutAndWait. int n = __sync_add_and_fetch(&item_number[put_queue], 1); int *item = new int(0); PutAndWait(item, put_queue); if ((n % 1000) == 0) { printf("Q[%d]: done %d\n", put_queue, n); } delete item; } else { // TryGetAndServe. TryGetAndServe(get_queue); } } } void Worker1() { Worker(0, 1); } void Worker2() { Worker(1, 2); } void Worker3() { Worker(2, 0); } void Run() { printf("test06: queue deadlock\n"); MyThreadSet t1(Worker1, 4); MyThreadSet t2(Worker2, 4); MyThreadSet t3(Worker3, 4); t1.Start(); t2.Start(); t3.Start(); t1.Join(); t2.Join(); t3.Join(); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 06) } // namespace test06 // test07: Simple deadlock which actually deadlocks, 2 threads. {{{1 namespace test07 { Mutex mu1, mu2; void Worker1() { mu1.Lock(); usleep(100000); mu2.Lock(); mu2.Unlock(); mu1.Unlock(); } void Worker2() { mu2.Lock(); usleep(100000); mu1.Lock(); mu1.Unlock(); mu2.Unlock(); } void Run() { mu1.EnableDebugLog("mu1"); mu2.EnableDebugLog("mu2"); printf("test07: positive, simple deadlock\n"); MyThreadArray t(Worker1, Worker2); t.Start(); t.Join(); } REGISTER_TEST(Run, 07) } // namespace test07 */