1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -E -fms-compatibility 2 f()3bool f() { 4 // Check that operators still work before redefining them. 5 #if compl 0 bitand 1 6 return true and false; 7 #endif 8 } 9 10 // All c++ keywords should be #define-able in ms mode. 11 // (operators like "and" aren't normally, the rest always is.) 12 #define and 13 #define and_eq 14 #define alignas 15 #define alignof 16 #define asm 17 #define auto 18 #define bitand 19 #define bitor 20 #define bool 21 #define break 22 #define case 23 #define catch 24 #define char 25 #define char16_t 26 #define char32_t 27 #define class 28 #define compl 29 #define const 30 #define constexpr 31 #define const_cast 32 #define continue 33 #define decltype 34 #define default 35 #define delete 36 #define double 37 #define dynamic_cast 38 #define else 39 #define enum 40 #define explicit 41 #define export 42 #define extern 43 #define false 44 #define float 45 #define for 46 #define friend 47 #define goto 48 #define if 49 #define inline 50 #define int 51 #define long 52 #define mutable 53 #define namespace 54 #define new 55 #define noexcept 56 #define not 57 #define not_eq 58 #define nullptr 59 #define operator 60 #define or 61 #define or_eq 62 #define private 63 #define protected 64 #define public 65 #define register 66 #define reinterpret_cast 67 #define return 68 #define short 69 #define signed 70 #define sizeof 71 #define static 72 #define static_assert 73 #define static_cast 74 #define struct 75 #define switch 76 #define template 77 #define this 78 #define thread_local 79 #define throw 80 #define true 81 #define try 82 #define typedef 83 #define typeid 84 #define typename 85 #define union 86 #define unsigned 87 #define using 88 #define virtual 89 #define void 90 #define volatile 91 #define wchar_t 92 #define while 93 #define xor 94 #define xor_eq 95 96 // Check this is all properly defined away. 97 and 98 and_eq 99 alignas 100 alignof 101 asm 102 auto 103 bitand 104 bitor 105 bool 106 break 107 case 108 catch 109 char 110 char16_t 111 char32_t 112 class 113 compl 114 const 115 constexpr 116 const_cast 117 continue 118 decltype 119 default 120 delete 121 double 122 dynamic_cast 123 else 124 enum 125 explicit 126 export 127 extern 128 false 129 float 130 for 131 friend 132 goto 133 if 134 inline 135 int 136 long 137 mutable 138 namespace 139 new 140 noexcept 141 not 142 not_eq 143 nullptr 144 operator 145 or 146 or_eq 147 private 148 protected 149 public 150 register 151 reinterpret_cast 152 return 153 short 154 signed 155 sizeof 156 static 157 static_assert 158 static_cast 159 struct 160 switch 161 template 162 this 163 thread_local 164 throw 165 true 166 try 167 typedef 168 typeid 169 typename 170 union 171 unsigned 172 using 173 virtual 174 void 175 volatile 176 wchar_t 177 while 178 xor 179 xor_eq 180