/ndk/build/core/ |
D | definitions-utils.mk | 81 filter-by = $(strip \ 85 -test-filter-by = \ 87 $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-by,,-local-func))\ 88 $(call test-expect,foo,$(call filter-by,foo,-local-func))\ 89 $(call test-expect,foo,$(call filter-by,foo bar,-local-func))\ 90 $(call test-expect,foo foo,$(call filter-by,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func))\ 92 $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-by,,-local-func))\ 93 $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-by,foo,-local-func))\ 94 $(call test-expect,bar,$(call filter-by,foo bar,-local-func))\ 95 $(call test-expect,aaa bar,$(call filter-by,aaa foo bar,-local-func)) [all …]
D | definitions-graph.mk | 52 -ndk-mod-filter = $(strip \ 57 -test-ndk-mod-filter = \ 59 $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,,-local-func))\ 60 $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo,-local-func))\ 61 $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo bar,-local-func))\ 62 $(call test-expect,foo foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func))\ 64 $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,,-local-func))\ 65 $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo,-local-func))\ 66 $(call test-expect,bar,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo bar,-local-func))\ 67 $(call test-expect,aaa bar,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,aaa foo bar,-local-func)) [all …]
D | build-binary.mk | 86 bad_cpp_extensions := $(strip $(filter-out .%,$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION))) 89 LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := $(filter $(bad_cpp_extensions),$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSIONS)) 141 $(if $(filter-out thumb arm, $(LOCAL_ARM_MODE)),\ 167 neon_sources := $(filter %.neon,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) 172 $(if $(filter-out true false,$(LOCAL_ARM_NEON)),\ 196 arm_sources := $(filter %.arm,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) 198 thumb_sources := $(filter-out %.arm,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) 231 unknown_sources := $(strip $(filter-out $(all_source_patterns),$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES))) 244 LOCAL_OBJECTS := $(filter %$(TARGET_OBJ_EXTENSION),$(LOCAL_OBJECTS)) 269 $(foreach src,$(filter %.c,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)), $(call compile-c-source,$(src),$(call get-object-na… [all …]
D | setup-app.mk | 64 _unknown_abis := $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_ABIS),$(NDK_APP_ABI))) 66 ifeq (1,$(words $(filter-out $(NDK_KNOWN_ARCHS),$(NDK_FOUND_ARCHS)))) 67 ifneq ($(filter %all,$(_unknown_abis)),) 77 …NDK_APP_ABI := $(subst $(_unknown_abis_prefix),$(filter-out $(NDK_KNOWN_ARCHS),$(NDK_FOUND_ARCHS))… 82 _bad_abis = $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_ABIS),$(NDK_APP_ABI)))
D | definitions.mk | 38 local-makefile = $(lastword $(filter %Android.mk,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) 141 index-is-zero = $(filter 0 00 000 0000 00000 000000 0000000,$1) 562 $(if $(filter 1,$(words $(__fieldval))),\ 603 $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.$3 += $(filter-out $(__ndk_modules.$1.$3),$2)) 613 $(filter STATIC_LIBRARY PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY,\ 623 $(filter SHARED_LIBRARY PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY,\ 631 module-filter-static-libraries = $(call filter-by,$1,module-is-static-library) 638 module-filter-shared-libraries = $(call filter-by,$1,module-is-shared-library) 741 $(eval _ndk_mod_whole_result := $(filter $(_ndk_mod_whole_all),$2))\ 787 $(filter $(foreach __extension,$(__extensions),%$(__extension)),$(__files)) [all …]
D | setup-abi.mk | 33 ifneq ($(filter %x86,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 40 ifneq ($(filter %mips,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),)
D | add-application.mk | 44 ifneq (,$(filter-out true false,$(APP_DEBUG))) 88 ifneq (,$(filter 6 7,$(APP_PLATFORM_LEVEL))) 92 ifneq (,$(filter 10 11 12 13,$(APP_PLATFORM_LEVEL))) 114 _bad_platform := $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS),$(APP_PLATFORM))) 148 _bad_abis := $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_ABIS),$(APP_ABIS))) 219 $(if $(filter-out release debug,$(APP_OPTIM)),\
D | main.mk | 75 _bad_apps := $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_APPS),$(APP))) 113 _unknown_apps := $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_APPS),$(APP)) 114 _known_apps := $(filter $(NDK_ALL_APPS),$(APP))
D | add-toolchain.mk | 39 ifeq (1,$(words $(filter-out $(NDK_KNOWN_ARCHS),$(NDK_FOUND_ARCHS)))) 40 TOOLCHAIN_ARCH := $(filter-out $(NDK_KNOWN_ARCHS),$(NDK_FOUND_ARCHS))
D | clear-vars.mk | 22 $(call clear-vars, $(filter-out LOCAL_PATH,$(modules-LOCALS:%=LOCAL_%)))
D | build-local.mk | 72 $(filter-out $1,$(__host_dir_parent))\ 171 DUMP_VAR := $(patsubst DUMP_%,%,$(filter DUMP_%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) 172 MAKECMDGOALS := $(filter-out DUMP_$(DUMP_VAR),$(MAKECMDGOALS))
D | setup-toolchain.mk | 35 $(filter-out %-clang$(_ver),$(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST)))) 37 TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST := $(filter-out %4.7,$(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST)) 80 …TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST := $(strip $(filter $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN),$(NDK_ABI.$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI).toolchains…
D | init.mk | 193 ifneq (,$(filter CYGWIN%,$(UNAME))) 198 ifneq (,$(filter MINGW32%,$(UNAME))) 275 ifneq ($(filter XX1.5.%,XX$(CYGWIN_VERSION)),) 479 NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS := $(filter android-%,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS)) 530 $(if $(filter-out 1,$(words $(NDK_ABI.$(_abi).arch))),\ 543 $(if $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS),$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)),\
/ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/tests/scripts/functions/ |
D | filter-out | 3 $description = "Test the filter-out function."; 6 filter-out function is first used to discard names ending in 7 .o with a single simple pattern. The second filter-out function 11 the pattern and text arguments. The result of both filter-out 17 files1 := $(filter-out %.o, foo.elc bar.o lose.o) 18 files2 := $(filter-out foo.i bar.i lose.i %.o, foo.i bar.i lose.i foo.elc bar.o lose.o)
/ndk/tests/device/test-gnustl-full/jni/ |
D | Android.mk | 12 sources := $(filter-out string_header_test.c,$(sources)) 15 sources := $(filter-out exception_test.cpp,$(sources)) 18 sources := $(filter-out codecvt_test.cpp,$(sources))
/ndk/tests/device/test-stlport/jni/ |
D | Android.mk | 12 sources := $(filter-out unit/string_header_test.c,$(sources)) 15 sources := $(filter-out unit/exception_test.cpp,$(sources)) 18 sources := $(filter-out unit/codecvt_test.cpp,$(sources))
/ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/tests/scripts/variables/ |
D | special | 9 X1 := $(sort $(filter FOO BAR,$(.VARIABLES))) 13 X2 := $(sort $(filter FOO BAR,$(.VARIABLES))) 20 @echo LAST = $(sort $(filter FOO BAR,$(.VARIABLES)))
/ndk/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/ |
D | Android.mk | 8 $(if $(filter exceptions,$(APP_GNUSTL_FORCE_CPP_FEATURES)),-fexceptions)\ 9 $(if $(filter rtti,$(APP_GNUSTL_FORCE_CPP_FEATURES)),-frtti))
/ndk/toolchains/llvm-3.1/ |
D | setup.mk | 26 ifneq ($(filter %armeabi-v7a,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 37 ifneq ($(filter %armeabi,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 48 ifneq ($(filter %x86,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 59 ifneq ($(filter %mips,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),)
/ndk/toolchains/llvm-3.2/ |
D | setup.mk | 26 ifneq ($(filter %armeabi-v7a,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 37 ifneq ($(filter %armeabi,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 48 ifneq ($(filter %x86,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),) 59 ifneq ($(filter %mips,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)),)
/ndk/tests/build/issue20862-libpng-O0/jni/ |
D | Android.mk | 12 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(notdir $(filter-out %/example.c, $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*.c)))
/ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/tests/scripts/features/ |
D | statipattrules | 6 filter command is used to get those target names ending in 20 $(filter %.o,$(files)): %.o: %.c ; @echo CC -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ 22 $(filter %.elc,$(files)): %.elc: %.el ; @echo emacs $<
/ndk/sources/host-tools/ndk-stack/ |
D | GNUMakefile | 76 $(foreach src,$(filter %.c,$(SOURCES)),\ 80 $(foreach src,$(filter %.cc,$(SOURCES)),\
/ndk/tests/build/flto/jni/ |
D | Android.mk | 8 ifneq ($(filter clang%,$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION)),)
/ndk/build/gmsl/ |
D | __gmsl | 96 __gmsl_have_or := $(if $(filter-out undefined, \ 98 __gmsl_have_and := $(if $(filter-out undefined, \ 268 $(if $(filter $(call last,$1),$(call chop,$1)),,$(call last,$1)))) 292 seq = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $(filter-out xx,x$(subst $1,,$2)$(subst $2,,$1)x),$(false),$(true)) 442 set_remove = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(filter-out $1,$2) 450 set_is_member = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $(filter $1,$2),$(true),$(false)) 466 set_intersection = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(filter $1,$2) 559 $(filter-out xx,$(join $1,$2)), \ 615 int_min = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(subst xx,x,$(filter xx,$(join $1,$2))) 639 $(filter-out $(words $2), \ [all …]