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Lines Matching refs:Match

409 def Match(pattern, s):  function
712 if Match(r'T(EST|est)', self.current_function):
1458 and not Match(r'};*\s*(//|/\*).*\bnamespace\b', line)):
1475 if not Match((r'};*\s*(//|/\*).*\bnamespace\s+' + re.escape(self.name) +
1483 if not Match(r'};*\s*(//|/\*).*\bnamespace[\*/\.\\\s]*$', line):
1556 if Match(r'^\s*#\s*(if|ifdef|ifndef)\b', line):
1560 elif Match(r'^\s*#\s*(else|elif)\b', line):
1575 elif Match(r'^\s*#\s*endif\b', line):
1636 namespace_decl_match = Match(r'^\s*namespace\b\s*([:\w]+)?(.*)$', line)
1669 class_decl_match = Match(
1687 access_match = Match(r'\s*(public|private|protected)\s*:', line)
1694 matched = Match(r'^[^{;)}]*([{;)}])(.*)$', line)
1815 if Match(r'\s*#\s*endif\s*[^/\s]+', line):
1819 if Match(r'\s*class\s+(\w+\s*::\s*)+\w+\s*;', line):
1853 args = Match(r'\s+(?:inline\s+)?%s\s*\(([^,()]+)\)'
1858 not Match(r'(const\s+)?%s\s*(?:<\w+>\s*)?&' % re.escape(base_classname),
1980 match_result = Match(regexp, line)
1986 not Match(r'[A-Z_]+$', function_name)):
2000 if Match(r'TEST', function): # Handle TEST... macros
2012 elif Match(r'^\}\s*$', line): # function end
2015 elif not Match(r'^\s*$', line):
2064 matched = Match((r'\s*(DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN|'
2259 if Match(r' {6}\w', prev_line): # Initializer list?
2264 and Match(r' {6}\w', elided[search_position])):
2275 exception = (Match(r' {4}\w[^\(]*\)\s*(const\s*)?(\{\s*$|:)',
2277 or Match(r' {4}:', prev_line))
2293 and Match(r'\s*}', next_line)
2298 matched = Match(r'\s*(public|protected|private):', prev_line)
2311 if (not Match(r'^\s*{ //', line) and
2367 elif not Match(r'#.*include', line):
2526 matched = Match(r'\s*(public|protected|private):', clean_lines.lines[linenum])
2589 if Match(r'\s*{\s*$', line):
2599 not Match(r'\s*#', prevline)):
2604 if Match(r'\s*else\s*', line):
2606 if Match(r'\s*}\s*$', prevline):
2612 if Search(r'}\s*else[^{]*$', line) or Match(r'[^}]*else\s*{', line):
2632 if Match(r'\s*do [^\s{]', line):
2642 if Match(r'\s+{.*}\s*;', line) and not prevline.count(';'):
2667 if Match(r'\s*(for|while)\s*\(', line):
2675 if end_pos >= 0 and Match(r';', end_line[end_pos:]):
2712 return Match(match_this, line) and not Search(r'NULL|&&|\|\|', line)
2760 if Match(r'^\s*#', line):
2848 not Match(r'\s*\w+\s*:\s*$', cleansed_line)):
2879 not Match(r'^\s*//.*http(s?)://\S*$', line) and
2880 not Match(r'^// \$Id:.*#[0-9]+ \$$', line)):
3090 if Match(r'(f|ind|io|i|o|parse|pf|stdio|str|)?stream$', include):
3231 not (Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(CONST_)?METHOD\d+(_T)?\(', line) or
3232 Match(r'^\s*MockCallback<.*>', line))):
3240 not Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(CONST_)?METHOD\d+(_T)?\(\S+,\s*$',
3276 match = Match(
3282 if match and not Match(r'\s*(<.*>)?(::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?\s*\(([^"]|$)',
3366 match = Match(r'([\w.\->()]+)$', printf_args)
3376 if match and not Match(r"^''|-?[0-9]+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]$", match.group(2)):
3387 match = Match(r'\s*(.+::)?(\w+) [a-z]\w*\[(.+)];', line)
3407 if Match(r'\d+', tok): continue
3408 if Match(r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', tok): continue
3409 if Match(r'k[A-Z0-9]\w*', tok): continue
3410 if Match(r'(.+::)?k[A-Z0-9]\w*', tok): continue
3411 if Match(r'(.+::)?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*', tok): continue
3428 match = Match(
3482 sizeof_match = Match(r'.*sizeof\s*$', line[0:match.start(1) - 1])
3507 function_match = Match(r'\s*(\)|=|(const)?\s*(;|\{|throw\(\)|>))', remainder)