Lines Matching defs:SpoofDataHeader
266 struct SpoofDataHeader { struct
276 int32_t fCFUKeys; // byte offset to Keys table (from SpoofDataHeader *) argument
277 int32_t fCFUKeysSize; // number of entries in keys table (32 bits each)
280 int32_t fCFUStringIndex; // byte offset to String Indexes table
281 … int32_t fCFUStringIndexSize; // number of entries in String Indexes table (16 bits each)
284 int32_t fCFUStringTable; // byte offset of String table
285 int32_t fCFUStringTableLen; // length of string table (in 16 bit UChars)
287 int32_t fCFUStringLengths; // byte offset to String Lengths table
288 int32_t fCFUStringLengthsSize; // number of entries in lengths table. (2 x 16 bits each)
293 int32_t fAnyCaseTrie; // byte offset to the serialized Any Case Trie
294 int32_t fAnyCaseTrieLength; // Length (bytes) of the serialized Any Case Trie
296 int32_t fLowerCaseTrie; // byte offset to the serialized Lower Case Trie
297 int32_t fLowerCaseTrieLength; // Length (bytes) of the serialized Lower Case Trie
299 int32_t fScriptSets; // byte offset to array of ScriptSets
300 int32_t fScriptSetsLength; // Number of ScriptSets (24 bytes each)
306 int32_t unused[15]; // Padding, Room for Expansion