/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * This file contains functions that handle ACL connections. This includes * operations such as hold and sniff modes, supported packet types. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "bt_types.h" #include "bt_target.h" #include "gki.h" #include "hcimsgs.h" #include "btu.h" #include "btm_api.h" #include "btm_int.h" #include "l2c_int.h" #include "hcidefs.h" static void btm_establish_continue (tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb); static void btm_read_remote_features (UINT16 handle); static void btm_read_remote_ext_features (UINT16 handle, UINT8 page_number); static void btm_process_remote_ext_features_page (tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb, tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec, UINT8 page_idx); static void btm_process_remote_ext_features (tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb, UINT8 num_read_pages); #define BTM_DEV_REPLY_TIMEOUT 3 /* 3 second timeout waiting for responses */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_save_remote_device_role ** ** Description This function is to save remote device role ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btm_save_remote_device_role(BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT8 role) { UINT8 i, j; if (role == BTM_ROLE_UNDEFINED) return; for (i = 0; i < BTM_ROLE_DEVICE_NUM; i++) { if ((btm_cb.previous_connected_role[i] != BTM_ROLE_UNDEFINED) && (!bdcmp(bd_addr, btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[i]))) { break; } } if (i < BTM_ROLE_DEVICE_NUM) { UINT8 end; if (i < btm_cb.front) { for (j = i; j > 0; j--) { bdcpy(btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[j], btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[j-1]); } bdcpy(btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[0], btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[BTM_ROLE_DEVICE_NUM-1]); end = BTM_ROLE_DEVICE_NUM-1; } else { end = i; } for (j = end; j > btm_cb.front; j--) { bdcpy(btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[j], btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[j-1]); } } bdcpy(btm_cb.previous_connected_remote_addr[btm_cb.front], bd_addr); btm_cb.previous_connected_role[btm_cb.front] = role; btm_cb.front = (btm_cb.front + 1) % BTM_ROLE_DEVICE_NUM; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_init ** ** Description This function is called at BTM startup to initialize ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_init (void) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_init"); #if 0 /* cleared in btm_init; put back in if called from anywhere else! */ memset (&btm_cb.acl_db, 0, sizeof (btm_cb.acl_db)); #if RFCOMM_INCLUDED == TRUE memset (btm_cb.btm_scn, 0, BTM_MAX_SCN); /* Initialize the SCN usage to FALSE */ #endif btm_cb.btm_def_link_policy = 0; #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb = NULL; #else btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb = NULL; #endif #endif /* Initialize nonzero defaults */ btm_cb.btm_def_link_super_tout = HCI_DEFAULT_INACT_TOUT; btm_cb.acl_disc_reason = 0xff ; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_bda_to_acl ** ** Description This function returns the FIRST acl_db entry for the passed BDA. ** ** Returns Returns pointer to the ACL DB for the requested BDA if found. ** NULL if not found. ** *******************************************************************************/ tACL_CONN *btm_bda_to_acl (BD_ADDR bda) { tACL_CONN *p = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 xx; if (bda) { for (xx = 0; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p++) { if ((p->in_use) && (!memcmp (p->remote_addr, bda, BD_ADDR_LEN))) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_bda_to_acl found"); return(p); } } } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return((tACL_CONN *)NULL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_handle_to_acl_index ** ** Description This function returns the FIRST acl_db entry for the passed hci_handle. ** ** Returns index to the acl_db or MAX_L2CAP_LINKS. ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 btm_handle_to_acl_index (UINT16 hci_handle) { tACL_CONN *p = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT8 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_handle_to_acl_index"); for (xx = 0; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p++) { if ((p->in_use) && (p->hci_handle == hci_handle)) { break; } } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(xx); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_created ** ** Description This function is called by L2CAP when an ACL connection ** is created. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_created (BD_ADDR bda, DEV_CLASS dc, BD_NAME bdn, UINT16 hci_handle, UINT8 link_role, UINT8 is_le_link) { tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = NULL; UINT8 yy; tACL_CONN *p; UINT8 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG3 ("btm_acl_created hci_handle=%d link_role=%d is_le_link=%d", hci_handle,link_role, is_le_link); /* Ensure we don't have duplicates */ p = btm_bda_to_acl(bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { p->hci_handle = hci_handle; p->link_role = link_role; btm_save_remote_device_role(bda, link_role); #if BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE p->is_le_link = is_le_link; #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG6 ("Duplicate btm_acl_created: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", bda[0], bda[1], bda[2], bda[3], bda[4], bda[5]); BTM_SetLinkPolicy(p->remote_addr, &btm_cb.btm_def_link_policy); return; } /* Allocate acl_db entry */ for (xx = 0, p = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p++) { if (!p->in_use) { p->in_use = TRUE; p->hci_handle = hci_handle; p->link_role = link_role; btm_save_remote_device_role(bda, link_role); p->link_up_issued = FALSE; #if BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE p->is_le_link = is_le_link; if (is_le_link) { p->conn_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC; BTM_GetLocalDeviceAddr(p->conn_addr); } #endif p->restore_pkt_types = 0; /* Only exists while SCO is active */ p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE p->mode = BTM_ACL_MODE_NORMAL; #else btm_pm_sm_alloc(xx); #endif /* BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE */ memcpy (p->remote_addr, bda, BD_ADDR_LEN); if (dc) memcpy (p->remote_dc, dc, DEV_CLASS_LEN); if (bdn) memcpy (p->remote_name, bdn, BTM_MAX_REM_BD_NAME_LEN); /* if BR/EDR do something more */ if (!is_le_link) { btsnd_hcic_read_rmt_clk_offset (p->hci_handle); btsnd_hcic_rmt_ver_req (p->hci_handle); } p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev_by_handle (hci_handle); #if (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) if (p_dev_rec ) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("device_type=0x%x", p_dev_rec->device_type); } #endif if (p_dev_rec && !is_le_link) { /* If remote features already known, copy them and continue connection setup */ if ((p_dev_rec->num_read_pages) && (p_dev_rec->num_read_pages <= (HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_MAX + 1)) /* sanity check */) { memcpy (p->peer_lmp_features, p_dev_rec->features, (HCI_FEATURE_BYTES_PER_PAGE * p_dev_rec->num_read_pages)); p->num_read_pages = p_dev_rec->num_read_pages; if (BTM_SEC_MODE_SP == btm_cb.security_mode && HCI_SSP_HOST_SUPPORTED(p_dev_rec->features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_1]) && HCI_SIMPLE_PAIRING_SUPPORTED(p_dev_rec->features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) { p_dev_rec->sm4 = BTM_SM4_TRUE; } else { p_dev_rec->sm4 |= BTM_SM4_KNOWN; } btm_establish_continue (p); return; } } #if (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* If here, features are not known yet */ if (p_dev_rec && is_le_link) { btm_establish_continue(p); #if (!defined(BTA_SKIP_BLE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT) || BTA_SKIP_BLE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT == FALSE) if (link_role == HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { btsnd_hcic_ble_read_remote_feat(p->hci_handle); } #endif } else #endif { btm_read_remote_features (p->hci_handle); } /* read page 1 - on rmt feature event for buffer reasons */ return; } } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_report_role_change ** ** Description This function is called when the local device is deemed ** to be down. It notifies L2CAP of the failure. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_report_role_change (UINT8 hci_status, BD_ADDR bda) { tBTM_ROLE_SWITCH_CMPL ref_data; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_report_role_change"); if (btm_cb.devcb.p_switch_role_cb && (bda && (0 == memcmp(btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.remote_bd_addr, bda, BD_ADDR_LEN)))) { memcpy (&ref_data, &btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data, sizeof(tBTM_ROLE_SWITCH_CMPL)); ref_data.hci_status = hci_status; (*btm_cb.devcb.p_switch_role_cb)(&ref_data); memset (&btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data, 0, sizeof(tBTM_ROLE_SWITCH_CMPL)); btm_cb.devcb.p_switch_role_cb = NULL; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_removed ** ** Description This function is called by L2CAP when an ACL connection ** is removed. Since only L2CAP creates ACL links, we use ** the L2CAP link index as our index into the control blocks. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_removed (BD_ADDR bda) { tACL_CONN *p; #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_BL_EVENT_DATA evt_data; #endif #if (defined BLE_INCLUDED && BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec=NULL; #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_removed"); p = btm_bda_to_acl(bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { p->in_use = FALSE; /* if the disconnected channel has a pending role switch, clear it now */ btm_acl_report_role_change(HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION, bda); /* Only notify if link up has had a chance to be issued */ if (p->link_up_issued) { p->link_up_issued = FALSE; /* If anyone cares, tell him database changed */ #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb) { evt_data.event = BTM_BL_DISCN_EVT; evt_data.discn.p_bda = bda; (*btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb)(&evt_data); } btm_acl_update_busy_level (BTM_BLI_ACL_DOWN_EVT); #else if (btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb) (*btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb) (bda, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE); #endif } #if (defined BLE_INCLUDED && BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) BTM_TRACE_DEBUG4 ("acl hci_handle=%d is_le_link=%d connectable_mode=0x%0x link_role=%d", p->hci_handle, p->is_le_link, btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.inq_var.connectable_mode, p->link_role); p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev(bda); if ( p_dev_rec) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("before update p_dev_rec->sec_flags=0x%x", p_dev_rec->sec_flags); if (p->is_le_link) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0("LE link down"); p_dev_rec->sec_flags &= ~(BTM_SEC_ENCRYPTED | BTM_SEC_ROLE_SWITCHED); if ( (p_dev_rec->sec_flags & BTM_SEC_LINK_KEY_KNOWN) == 0) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0("Not Bonded"); p_dev_rec->sec_flags &= ~(BTM_SEC_AUTHENTICATED | BTM_SEC_LINK_KEY_AUTHED); } else { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0("Bonded"); } } else { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0("Bletooth link down"); p_dev_rec->sec_flags &= ~(BTM_SEC_AUTHORIZED | BTM_SEC_AUTHENTICATED | BTM_SEC_ENCRYPTED | BTM_SEC_ROLE_SWITCHED); } BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("after update p_dev_rec->sec_flags=0x%x", p_dev_rec->sec_flags); } else { BTM_TRACE_ERROR0("Device not found"); } #endif return; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_device_down ** ** Description This function is called when the local device is deemed ** to be down. It notifies L2CAP of the failure. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_device_down (void) { tACL_CONN *p = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_device_down"); for (xx = 0; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p++) { if (p->in_use) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("hci_handle=%d HCI_ERR_HW_FAILURE ",p->hci_handle ); l2c_link_hci_disc_comp (p->hci_handle, HCI_ERR_HW_FAILURE); } } } #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_update_busy_level ** ** Description This function is called to update the busy level of the system ** . ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_update_busy_level (tBTM_BLI_EVENT event) { tBTM_BL_UPDATE_DATA evt; UINT8 busy_level; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_update_busy_level"); switch (event) { case BTM_BLI_ACL_UP_EVT: BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_BLI_ACL_UP_EVT"); btm_cb.num_acl++; break; case BTM_BLI_ACL_DOWN_EVT: if (btm_cb.num_acl) { btm_cb.num_acl--; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("BTM_BLI_ACL_DOWN_EVT", btm_cb.num_acl); } else { BTM_TRACE_ERROR0 ("BTM_BLI_ACL_DOWN_EVT issued, but num_acl already zero !!!"); } break; case BTM_BLI_PAGE_EVT: BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_BLI_PAGE_EVT"); btm_cb.is_paging = TRUE; evt.busy_level_flags= BTM_BL_PAGING_STARTED; break; case BTM_BLI_PAGE_DONE_EVT: BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_BLI_PAGE_DONE_EVT"); btm_cb.is_paging = FALSE; evt.busy_level_flags = BTM_BL_PAGING_COMPLETE; break; case BTM_BLI_INQ_EVT: BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_BLI_INQ_EVT"); btm_cb.is_inquiry = TRUE; evt.busy_level_flags = BTM_BL_INQUIRY_STARTED; break; case BTM_BLI_INQ_CANCEL_EVT: BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_BLI_INQ_CANCEL_EVT"); btm_cb.is_inquiry = FALSE; evt.busy_level_flags = BTM_BL_INQUIRY_CANCELLED; break; case BTM_BLI_INQ_DONE_EVT: BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_BLI_INQ_DONE_EVT"); btm_cb.is_inquiry = FALSE; evt.busy_level_flags = BTM_BL_INQUIRY_COMPLETE; break; } if (btm_cb.is_paging || btm_cb.is_inquiry) busy_level = 10; else busy_level = (UINT8)btm_cb.num_acl; if (busy_level != btm_cb.busy_level) { evt.event = BTM_BL_UPDATE_EVT; evt.busy_level = busy_level; btm_cb.busy_level = busy_level; if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb && (btm_cb.bl_evt_mask & BTM_BL_UPDATE_MASK)) { (*btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb)((tBTM_BL_EVENT_DATA *)&evt); } } } #endif /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_GetRole ** ** Description This function is called to get the role of the local device ** for the ACL connection with the specified remote device ** ** Returns BTM_SUCCESS if connection exists. ** BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR if no active link with bd addr specified ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_GetRole (BD_ADDR remote_bd_addr, UINT8 *p_role) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_GetRole"); if ((p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bd_addr)) == NULL) { *p_role = BTM_ROLE_UNDEFINED; return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /* Get the current role */ *p_role = p->link_role; return(BTM_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SwitchRole ** ** Description This function is called to switch role between master and ** slave. If role is already set it will do nothing. If the ** command was initiated, the callback function is called upon ** completion. ** ** Returns BTM_SUCCESS if already in specified role. ** BTM_CMD_STARTED if command issued to controller. ** BTM_NO_RESOURCES if couldn't allocate memory to issue command ** BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR if no active link with bd addr specified ** BTM_MODE_UNSUPPORTED if local device does not support role switching ** BTM_BUSY if the previous command is not completed ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SwitchRole (BD_ADDR remote_bd_addr, UINT8 new_role, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p; tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = NULL; #if BTM_SCO_INCLUDED == TRUE BOOLEAN is_sco_active; #endif #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == TRUE tBTM_STATUS status; tBTM_PM_MODE pwr_mode; tBTM_PM_PWR_MD settings; #endif #if (BT_USE_TRACES == TRUE) BD_ADDR_PTR p_bda; #endif BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_SwitchRole BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", remote_bd_addr[0], remote_bd_addr[1], remote_bd_addr[2], remote_bd_addr[3], remote_bd_addr[4], remote_bd_addr[5]); /* Make sure the local device supports switching */ if (!(HCI_SWITCH_SUPPORTED(btm_cb.devcb.local_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0]))) return(BTM_MODE_UNSUPPORTED); if (btm_cb.devcb.p_switch_role_cb && p_cb) { #if (BT_USE_TRACES == TRUE) p_bda = btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.remote_bd_addr; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG6 ("Role switch on other device is in progress 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", p_bda[0], p_bda[1], p_bda[2], p_bda[3], p_bda[4], p_bda[5]); #endif return(BTM_BUSY); } if ((p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bd_addr)) == NULL) return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); /* Finished if already in desired role */ if (p->link_role == new_role) return(BTM_SUCCESS); #if BTM_SCO_INCLUDED == TRUE /* Check if there is any SCO Active on this BD Address */ is_sco_active = btm_is_sco_active_by_bdaddr(remote_bd_addr); if (is_sco_active == TRUE) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); #endif /* Ignore role switch request if the previous request was not completed */ if (p->switch_role_state != BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("BTM_SwitchRole busy: %d", p->switch_role_state); return(BTM_BUSY); } /* Cannot switch role while parked or sniffing */ #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE if (p->mode == HCI_MODE_PARK) { if (!btsnd_hcic_exit_park_mode (p->hci_handle)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE; } else if (p->mode == HCI_MODE_SNIFF) { if (!btsnd_hcic_exit_sniff_mode (p->hci_handle)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE; } #else /* power manager is in use */ if ((status = BTM_ReadPowerMode(p->remote_addr, &pwr_mode)) != BTM_SUCCESS) return(status); /* Wake up the link if in sniff or park before attempting switch */ if (pwr_mode == BTM_PM_MD_PARK || pwr_mode == BTM_PM_MD_SNIFF) { memset( (void*)&settings, 0, sizeof(settings)); settings.mode = BTM_PM_MD_ACTIVE; status = BTM_SetPowerMode (BTM_PM_SET_ONLY_ID, p->remote_addr, &settings); if (status != BTM_CMD_STARTED) return(BTM_WRONG_MODE); p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE; } #endif /* some devices do not support switch while encryption is on */ else { p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (remote_bd_addr); if ((p_dev_rec != NULL) && ((p_dev_rec->sec_flags & BTM_SEC_ENCRYPTED) != 0) && !BTM_EPR_AVAILABLE(p)) { /* bypass turning off encryption if change link key is already doing it */ if (p->encrypt_state != BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_OFF) { if (!btsnd_hcic_set_conn_encrypt (p->hci_handle, FALSE)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); else p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_OFF; } p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_OFF; } else { if (!btsnd_hcic_switch_role (remote_bd_addr, new_role)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS; #if BTM_DISC_DURING_RS == TRUE if (p_dev_rec) p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending = BTM_SEC_RS_PENDING; #endif } } /* Initialize return structure in case request fails */ if (p_cb) { memcpy (btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.remote_bd_addr, remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.role = new_role; /* initialized to an error code */ btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.hci_status = HCI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_VALUE; btm_cb.devcb.p_switch_role_cb = p_cb; } return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ChangeLinkKey ** ** Description This function is called to change the link key of the ** connection. ** ** Returns BTM_CMD_STARTED if command issued to controller. ** BTM_NO_RESOURCES if couldn't allocate memory to issue command ** BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR if no active link with bd addr specified ** BTM_BUSY if the previous command is not completed ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_ChangeLinkKey (BD_ADDR remote_bd_addr, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p; tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = NULL; #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == TRUE tBTM_STATUS status; tBTM_PM_MODE pwr_mode; tBTM_PM_PWR_MD settings; #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ChangeLinkKey"); if ((p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bd_addr)) == NULL) return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); /* Ignore change link key request if the previsous request has not completed */ if (p->change_key_state != BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("Link key change request declined since the previous request" " for this device has not completed "); return(BTM_BUSY); } memset (&btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data, 0, sizeof(tBTM_CHANGE_KEY_CMPL)); /* Cannot change key while parked */ #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE if (p->mode == HCI_MODE_PARK) { if (!btsnd_hcic_exit_park_mode (p->hci_handle)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE; } #else /* power manager is in use */ if ((status = BTM_ReadPowerMode(p->remote_addr, &pwr_mode)) != BTM_SUCCESS) return(status); /* Wake up the link if in park before attempting to change link keys */ if (pwr_mode == BTM_PM_MD_PARK) { memset( (void*)&settings, 0, sizeof(settings)); settings.mode = BTM_PM_MD_ACTIVE; status = BTM_SetPowerMode (BTM_PM_SET_ONLY_ID, p->remote_addr, &settings); if (status != BTM_CMD_STARTED) return(BTM_WRONG_MODE); p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE; } #endif /* some devices do not support change of link key while encryption is on */ else if (((p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (remote_bd_addr)) != NULL) && ((p_dev_rec->sec_flags & BTM_SEC_ENCRYPTED) != 0) && !BTM_EPR_AVAILABLE(p)) { /* bypass turning off encryption if switch role is already doing it */ if (p->encrypt_state != BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_OFF) { if (!btsnd_hcic_set_conn_encrypt (p->hci_handle, FALSE)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); else p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_OFF; } p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_OFF; } else /* Ok to initiate change of link key */ { if (!btsnd_hcic_change_link_key (p->hci_handle)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS; } /* Initialize return structure in case request fails */ memcpy (btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data.remote_bd_addr, remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb = p_cb; return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_link_key_change ** ** Description This function is called to when a change link key event ** is received. ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_link_key_change (UINT16 handle, UINT8 status) { tBTM_CHANGE_KEY_CMPL *p_data; tACL_CONN *p; UINT8 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_link_key_change"); /* Look up the connection by handle and set the current mode */ xx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle); /* don't assume that we can never get a bad hci_handle */ if (xx >= MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) return; p_data = &btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data; p = &btm_cb.acl_db[xx]; p_data->hci_status = status; /* if switching state is switching we need to turn encryption on */ /* if idle, we did not change encryption */ if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_SWITCHING) { /* Make sure there's not also a role switch going on before re-enabling */ if (p->switch_role_state != BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_SWITCHING) { if (btsnd_hcic_set_conn_encrypt (p->hci_handle, TRUE)) { p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_ON; p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_ON; return; } } else /* Set the state and wait for change link key */ { p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_ON; return; } } /* Set the switch_role_state to IDLE since the reply received from HCI */ /* regardless of its result either success or failed. */ if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS) { p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; } if (btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb) { (*btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb)((void *)p_data); btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb = NULL; } BTM_TRACE_ERROR2("Change Link Key Complete Event: Handle 0x%02x, HCI Status 0x%02x", handle, p_data->hci_status); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_encrypt_change ** ** Description This function is when encryption of the connection is ** completed by the LM. Checks to see if a role switch or ** change of link key was active and initiates or continues ** process if needed. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_encrypt_change (UINT16 handle, UINT8 status, UINT8 encr_enable) { tACL_CONN *p; UINT8 xx; tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec; #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_DATA evt; #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG3 ("btm_acl_encrypt_change handle=%d status=%d encr_enabl=%d", handle, status, encr_enable); xx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle); /* don't assume that we can never get a bad hci_handle */ if (xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) p = &btm_cb.acl_db[xx]; else return; /* Process Role Switch if active */ if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_OFF) { /* if encryption turn off failed we still will try to switch role */ if (encr_enable) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; } else { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_SWITCHING; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_TEMP_FUNC; } if (!btsnd_hcic_switch_role (p->remote_addr, (UINT8)!p->link_role)) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; btm_acl_report_role_change(btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.hci_status, p->remote_addr); } #if BTM_DISC_DURING_RS == TRUE else { if ((p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (p->remote_addr)) != NULL) p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending = BTM_SEC_RS_PENDING; } #endif } /* Finished enabling Encryption after role switch */ else if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_ON) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; btm_acl_report_role_change(btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.hci_status, p->remote_addr); #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* if role change event is registered, report it now */ if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb && (btm_cb.bl_evt_mask & BTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_MASK)) { evt.event = BTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_EVT; evt.new_role = btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.role; evt.p_bda = btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.remote_bd_addr; evt.hci_status = btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.hci_status; (*btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb)((tBTM_BL_EVENT_DATA *)&evt); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG3("Role Switch Event: new_role 0x%02x, HCI Status 0x%02x, rs_st:%d", evt.new_role, evt.hci_status, p->switch_role_state); } #endif #if BTM_DISC_DURING_RS == TRUE /* If a disconnect is pending, issue it now that role switch has completed */ if ((p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (p->remote_addr)) != NULL) { if (p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending == BTM_SEC_DISC_PENDING) { BTM_TRACE_WARNING0("btm_acl_encrypt_change -> Issuing delayed HCI_Disconnect!!!"); btsnd_hcic_disconnect(p_dev_rec->hci_handle, HCI_ERR_PEER_USER); } BTM_TRACE_ERROR2("btm_acl_encrypt_change: tBTM_SEC_DEV:0x%x rs_disc_pending=%d", (UINT32)p_dev_rec, p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending); p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending = BTM_SEC_RS_NOT_PENDING; /* reset flag */ } #endif } /* Process Change Link Key if active */ if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_OFF) { /* if encryption turn off failed we still will try to change link key */ if (encr_enable) { p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; } else { p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_TEMP_FUNC; p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_SWITCHING; } if (!btsnd_hcic_change_link_key (p->hci_handle)) { p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; if (btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb) { (*btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb)(&btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data); btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb = NULL; } } } /* Finished enabling Encryption after changing link key */ else if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_ON) { p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; if (btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb) { (*btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb)(&btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data); btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb = NULL; } } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetLinkPolicy ** ** Description Create and send HCI "Write Policy Set" command ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetLinkPolicy (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 *settings) { tACL_CONN *p; UINT8 *localFeatures = BTM_ReadLocalFeatures(); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetLinkPolicy"); /* BTM_TRACE_API1 ("BTM_SetLinkPolicy: requested settings: 0x%04x", *settings ); */ /* First, check if hold mode is supported */ if (*settings != HCI_DISABLE_ALL_LM_MODES) { if ( (*settings & HCI_ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH) && (!HCI_SWITCH_SUPPORTED(localFeatures)) ) { *settings &= (~HCI_ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH); BTM_TRACE_API1 ("BTM_SetLinkPolicy switch not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", *settings ); } if ( (*settings & HCI_ENABLE_HOLD_MODE) && (!HCI_HOLD_MODE_SUPPORTED(localFeatures)) ) { *settings &= (~HCI_ENABLE_HOLD_MODE); BTM_TRACE_API1 ("BTM_SetLinkPolicy hold not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", *settings ); } if ( (*settings & HCI_ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE) && (!HCI_SNIFF_MODE_SUPPORTED(localFeatures)) ) { *settings &= (~HCI_ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE); BTM_TRACE_API1 ("BTM_SetLinkPolicy sniff not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", *settings ); } if ( (*settings & HCI_ENABLE_PARK_MODE) && (!HCI_PARK_MODE_SUPPORTED(localFeatures)) ) { *settings &= (~HCI_ENABLE_PARK_MODE); BTM_TRACE_API1 ("BTM_SetLinkPolicy park not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", *settings ); } } if ((p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda)) != NULL) return(btsnd_hcic_write_policy_set (p->hci_handle, *settings) ? BTM_CMD_STARTED : BTM_NO_RESOURCES); /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy ** ** Description Set the default value for HCI "Write Policy Set" command ** to use when an ACL link is created. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy (UINT16 settings) { UINT8 *localFeatures = BTM_ReadLocalFeatures(); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy setting:0x%04x", settings); if((settings & HCI_ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH) && (!HCI_SWITCH_SUPPORTED(localFeatures))) { settings &= ~HCI_ENABLE_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy switch not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", settings); } if ((settings & HCI_ENABLE_HOLD_MODE) && (!HCI_HOLD_MODE_SUPPORTED(localFeatures))) { settings &= ~HCI_ENABLE_HOLD_MODE; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy hold not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", settings); } if ((settings & HCI_ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE) && (!HCI_SNIFF_MODE_SUPPORTED(localFeatures))) { settings &= ~HCI_ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy sniff not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", settings); } if ((settings & HCI_ENABLE_PARK_MODE) && (!HCI_PARK_MODE_SUPPORTED(localFeatures))) { settings &= ~HCI_ENABLE_PARK_MODE; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy park not supported (settings: 0x%04x)", settings); } BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("Set DefaultLinkPolicy:0x%04x", settings); btm_cb.btm_def_link_policy = settings; /* Set the default Link Policy of the controller */ btsnd_hcic_write_def_policy_set(settings); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadLinkPolicy ** ** Description This function is called to read the link policy settings. ** The address of link policy results are returned in the callback. ** (tBTM_LNK_POLICY_RESULTS) ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_ReadLinkPolicy (BD_ADDR remote_bda, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_ReadLinkPolicy: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); /* If someone already waiting on the version, do not allow another */ if (btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { btu_start_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.rlinkp_timer, BTU_TTYPE_BTM_ACL, BTM_DEV_REPLY_TIMEOUT); btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb = p_cb; if (!btsnd_hcic_read_policy_set (p->hci_handle)) { btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.rlinkp_timer); btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb = NULL; return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); } return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_link_policy_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the read local link policy request. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_link_policy_complete (UINT8 *p) { tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb = btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb; tBTM_LNK_POLICY_RESULTS lnkpol; UINT16 handle; tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 index; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_link_policy_complete"); btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.rlinkp_timer); /* If there was a callback address for read local version, call it */ btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb = NULL; if (p_cb) { STREAM_TO_UINT8 (lnkpol.hci_status, p); if (lnkpol.hci_status == HCI_SUCCESS) { lnkpol.status = BTM_SUCCESS; STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); STREAM_TO_UINT16 (lnkpol.settings, p); /* Search through the list of active channels for the correct BD Addr */ for (index = 0; index < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; index++, p_acl_cb++) { if ((p_acl_cb->in_use) && (handle == p_acl_cb->hci_handle)) { memcpy (lnkpol.rem_bda, p_acl_cb->remote_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); break; } } } else lnkpol.status = BTM_ERR_PROCESSING; (*p_cb)(&lnkpol); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_remote_version_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the remote version info. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_remote_version_complete (UINT8 *p) { tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT8 status; UINT16 handle; int xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_remote_version_complete"); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (status, p); if (status == HCI_SUCCESS) { STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); /* Look up the connection by handle and copy features */ for (xx = 0; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p_acl_cb++) { if ((p_acl_cb->in_use) && (p_acl_cb->hci_handle == handle)) { STREAM_TO_UINT8 (p_acl_cb->lmp_version, p); STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_acl_cb->manufacturer, p); STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_acl_cb->lmp_subversion, p); break; } } } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_process_remote_ext_features ** ** Description Local function called to process all extended features pages ** read from a remote device. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_process_remote_ext_features (tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb, UINT8 num_read_pages) { UINT16 handle = p_acl_cb->hci_handle; tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev_by_handle (handle); UINT8 page_idx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_process_remote_ext_features"); /* Make sure we have the record to save remote features information */ if (p_dev_rec == NULL) { /* Get a new device; might be doing dedicated bonding */ p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (p_acl_cb->remote_addr); } p_acl_cb->num_read_pages = num_read_pages; p_dev_rec->num_read_pages = num_read_pages; /* Process the pages one by one */ for (page_idx = 0; page_idx < num_read_pages; page_idx++) { btm_process_remote_ext_features_page (p_acl_cb, p_dev_rec, page_idx); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_process_remote_ext_features_page ** ** Description Local function called to process the information located ** in the specific extended features page read from a remote device. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_process_remote_ext_features_page (tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb, tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec, UINT8 page_idx) { UINT16 handle; UINT8 req_pend; handle = p_acl_cb->hci_handle; memcpy (p_dev_rec->features[page_idx], p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features[page_idx], HCI_FEATURE_BYTES_PER_PAGE); switch (page_idx) { /* Extended (Legacy) Page 0 */ case HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0: /* Page 0 indicates Controller support for SSP */ if (btm_cb.security_mode < BTM_SEC_MODE_SP || !HCI_SIMPLE_PAIRING_SUPPORTED(p_dev_rec->features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) { req_pend = (p_dev_rec->sm4 & BTM_SM4_REQ_PEND); p_dev_rec->sm4 = BTM_SM4_KNOWN; if (req_pend) { l2cu_resubmit_pending_sec_req (p_dev_rec->bd_addr); } } break; /* Extended Page 1 */ case HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_1: /* Page 1 indicates Host support for SSP and SC */ req_pend = (p_dev_rec->sm4 & BTM_SM4_REQ_PEND); if (btm_cb.security_mode == BTM_SEC_MODE_SP && HCI_SSP_HOST_SUPPORTED(p_dev_rec->features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_1]) && HCI_SIMPLE_PAIRING_SUPPORTED(p_dev_rec->features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) { p_dev_rec->sm4 = BTM_SM4_TRUE; } else { p_dev_rec->sm4 = BTM_SM4_KNOWN; } BTM_TRACE_API4 ("ext_features_complt page_num:%d f[0]:x%02x, sm4:%x, pend:%d", HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_1, *(p_dev_rec->features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_1]), p_dev_rec->sm4, req_pend); if (req_pend) l2cu_resubmit_pending_sec_req (p_dev_rec->bd_addr); break; /* Extended Page 2 */ case HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_2: /* Page 2 indicates Ping support*/ break; default: BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("btm_process_remote_ext_features_page page=%d unexpected", page_idx); break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_remote_features ** ** Description Local function called to send a read remote supported features/ ** remote extended features page[0]. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_remote_features (UINT16 handle) { UINT8 acl_idx; tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("btm_read_remote_features() handle: %d", handle); if ((acl_idx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle)) >= MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("btm_read_remote_features handle=%d invalid", handle); return; } p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[acl_idx]; p_acl_cb->num_read_pages = 0; memset (p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features, 0, sizeof(p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features)); /* first send read remote supported features HCI command */ /* because we don't know whether the remote support extended feature command */ btsnd_hcic_rmt_features_req (handle); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_remote_ext_features ** ** Description Local function called to send a read remote extended features ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_remote_ext_features (UINT16 handle, UINT8 page_number) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG2("btm_read_remote_ext_features() handle: %d page: %d", handle, page_number); btsnd_hcic_rmt_ext_features(handle, page_number); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_remote_features_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the remote supported features ** complete event is received from the HCI. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_remote_features_complete (UINT8 *p) { tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb; UINT8 status; UINT16 handle; UINT8 acl_idx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_remote_features_complete"); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (status, p); if (status != HCI_SUCCESS) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1 ("btm_read_remote_features_complete failed (status 0x%02x)", status); return; } STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); if ((acl_idx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle)) >= MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("btm_read_remote_features_complete handle=%d invalid", handle); return; } p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[acl_idx]; /* Copy the received features page */ STREAM_TO_ARRAY(p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0], p, HCI_FEATURE_BYTES_PER_PAGE); if ((HCI_LMP_EXTENDED_SUPPORTED(p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) && (HCI_READ_REMOTE_EXT_FEATURES_SUPPORTED(btm_cb.devcb.supported_cmds))) { /* if the remote controller has extended features and local controller supports ** HCI_Read_Remote_Extended_Features command then start reading these feature starting ** with extended features page 1 */ BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("Start reading remote extended features"); btm_read_remote_ext_features(handle, HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_1); return; } /* Remote controller has no extended features. Process remote controller supported features (features page HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0). */ btm_process_remote_ext_features (p_acl_cb, 1); /* Continue with HCI connection establishment */ btm_establish_continue (p_acl_cb); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_remote_ext_features_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the remote extended features ** complete event is received from the HCI. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_remote_ext_features_complete (UINT8 *p) { tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb; UINT8 status, page_num, max_page; UINT16 handle; UINT8 acl_idx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_remote_ext_features_complete"); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (status, p); STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (page_num, p); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (max_page, p); /* Validate parameters */ if ((acl_idx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle)) >= MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("btm_read_remote_ext_features_complete handle=%d invalid", handle); return; } if (max_page > HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_MAX) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("btm_read_remote_ext_features_complete page=%d unknown", max_page); return; } p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[acl_idx]; /* Copy the received features page */ STREAM_TO_ARRAY(p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features[page_num], p, HCI_FEATURE_BYTES_PER_PAGE); /* If there is the next remote features page and * we have space to keep this page data - read this page */ if ((page_num < max_page) && (page_num < HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_MAX)) { page_num++; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM reads next remote extended features page (%d)", page_num); btm_read_remote_ext_features (handle, page_num); return; } /* Reading of remote feature pages is complete */ BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1("BTM reached last remote extended features page (%d)", page_num); /* Process the pages */ btm_process_remote_ext_features (p_acl_cb, (UINT8) (page_num + 1)); /* Continue with HCI connection establishment */ btm_establish_continue (p_acl_cb); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_remote_ext_features_failed ** ** Description This function is called when the remote extended features ** complete event returns a failed status. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_remote_ext_features_failed (UINT8 status, UINT16 handle) { tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb; UINT8 acl_idx; BTM_TRACE_WARNING2 ("btm_read_remote_ext_features_failed (status 0x%02x) for handle %d", status, handle); if ((acl_idx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle)) >= MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("btm_read_remote_ext_features_failed handle=%d invalid", handle); return; } p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[acl_idx]; /* Process supported features only */ btm_process_remote_ext_features (p_acl_cb, 1); /* Continue HCI connection establishment */ btm_establish_continue (p_acl_cb); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_establish_continue ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the read local link policy request. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btm_establish_continue (tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb) { #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_BL_EVENT_DATA evt_data; #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_establish_continue"); #if (!defined(BTM_BYPASS_EXTRA_ACL_SETUP) || BTM_BYPASS_EXTRA_ACL_SETUP == FALSE) #if (defined BLE_INCLUDED && BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) if (!p_acl_cb->is_le_link) #endif { /* For now there are a some devices that do not like sending */ /* commands events and data at the same time. */ /* Set the packet types to the default allowed by the device */ btm_set_packet_types (p_acl_cb, btm_cb.btm_acl_pkt_types_supported); if (btm_cb.btm_def_link_policy) BTM_SetLinkPolicy (p_acl_cb->remote_addr, &btm_cb.btm_def_link_policy); } #endif p_acl_cb->link_up_issued = TRUE; /* If anyone cares, tell him database changed */ #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb) { evt_data.event = BTM_BL_CONN_EVT; evt_data.conn.p_bda = p_acl_cb->remote_addr; evt_data.conn.p_bdn = p_acl_cb->remote_name; evt_data.conn.p_dc = p_acl_cb->remote_dc; evt_data.conn.p_features = p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0]; (*btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb)(&evt_data); } btm_acl_update_busy_level (BTM_BLI_ACL_UP_EVT); #else if (btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb) (*btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb) (p_acl_cb->remote_addr, p_acl_cb->remote_dc, p_acl_cb->remote_name, p_acl_cb->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0], TRUE); #endif } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetDefaultLinkSuperTout ** ** Description Set the default value for HCI "Write Link Supervision Timeout" ** command to use when an ACL link is created. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void BTM_SetDefaultLinkSuperTout (UINT16 timeout) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetDefaultLinkSuperTout"); btm_cb.btm_def_link_super_tout = timeout; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_GetLinkSuperTout ** ** Description Read the link supervision timeout value of the connection ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_GetLinkSuperTout (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 *p_timeout) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_GetLinkSuperTout"); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { *p_timeout = p->link_super_tout; return(BTM_SUCCESS); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetLinkSuperTout ** ** Description Create and send HCI "Write Link Supervision Timeout" command ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetLinkSuperTout (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 timeout) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetLinkSuperTout"); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { p->link_super_tout = timeout; /* Only send if current role is Master; 2.0 spec requires this */ if (p->link_role == BTM_ROLE_MASTER) { if (!btsnd_hcic_write_link_super_tout (LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID, p->hci_handle, timeout)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } else return(BTM_SUCCESS); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_RegForLstoEvt ** ** Description register for the HCI "Link Supervision Timeout Change" event ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void BTM_RegForLstoEvt (tBTM_LSTO_CBACK *p_cback) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_RegForLstoEvt"); btm_cb.p_lsto_cback = p_cback; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_proc_lsto_evt ** ** Description process the HCI "Link Supervision Timeout Change" event ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_proc_lsto_evt(UINT16 handle, UINT16 timeout) { UINT8 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_proc_lsto_evt"); if (btm_cb.p_lsto_cback) { /* Look up the connection by handle and set the current mode */ xx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(handle); /* don't assume that we can never get a bad hci_handle */ if (xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) { (*btm_cb.p_lsto_cback)(btm_cb.acl_db[xx].remote_addr, timeout); } } } #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetHoldMode ** ** Description This function is called to set a connection into hold mode. ** A check is made if the connection is in sniff or park mode, ** and if yes, the hold mode is ignored. ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetHoldMode (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 min_interval, UINT16 max_interval) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetHoldMode"); /* First, check if hold mode is supported */ if (!HCI_HOLD_MODE_SUPPORTED(BTM_ReadLocalFeatures())) return(BTM_MODE_UNSUPPORTED); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { /* If the connection is in park or sniff mode, forget about holding it */ if (p->mode != BTM_ACL_MODE_NORMAL) return(BTM_SUCCESS); if (!btsnd_hcic_hold_mode (p->hci_handle, max_interval, min_interval)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetSniffMode ** ** Description This function is called to set a connection into sniff mode. ** A check is made if the connection is already in sniff or park ** mode, and if yes, the sniff mode is ignored. ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetSniffMode (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 min_period, UINT16 max_period, UINT16 attempt, UINT16 timeout) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetSniffMode"); /* First, check if sniff mode is supported */ if (!HCI_SNIFF_MODE_SUPPORTED(BTM_ReadLocalFeatures())) return(BTM_MODE_UNSUPPORTED); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { /* If the connection is in park mode, forget about sniffing it */ if (p->mode != BTM_ACL_MODE_NORMAL) return(BTM_WRONG_MODE); if (!btsnd_hcic_sniff_mode (p->hci_handle, max_period, min_period, attempt, timeout)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_CancelSniffMode ** ** Description This function is called to put a connection out of sniff mode. ** A check is made if the connection is already in sniff mode, ** and if not, the cancel sniff mode is ignored. ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_CancelSniffMode (BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_CancelSniffMode "); if (p == (tACL_CONN *)NULL) return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); /* If the connection is not in sniff mode, cannot cancel */ if (p->mode != BTM_ACL_MODE_SNIFF) return(BTM_WRONG_MODE); if (!btsnd_hcic_exit_sniff_mode (p->hci_handle)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetParkMode ** ** Description This function is called to set a connection into park mode. ** A check is made if the connection is already in sniff or park ** mode, and if yes, the park mode is ignored. ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetParkMode (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 beacon_min_period, UINT16 beacon_max_period) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetParkMode"); /* First, check if park mode is supported */ if (!HCI_PARK_MODE_SUPPORTED(BTM_ReadLocalFeatures())) return(BTM_MODE_UNSUPPORTED); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { /* If the connection is in sniff mode, forget about parking it */ if (p->mode != BTM_ACL_MODE_NORMAL) return(BTM_WRONG_MODE); /* no park mode if SCO exists -- CR#1982, 1.1 errata 1124 command status event should be returned /w error code 0x0C "Command Disallowed" Let LM do this. */ if (!btsnd_hcic_park_mode (p->hci_handle, beacon_max_period, beacon_min_period)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_CancelParkMode ** ** Description This function is called to put a connection out of park mode. ** A check is made if the connection is already in park mode, ** and if not, the cancel sniff mode is ignored. ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_CancelParkMode (BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_CancelParkMode"); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { /* If the connection is not in park mode, cannot cancel */ if (p->mode != BTM_ACL_MODE_PARK) return(BTM_WRONG_MODE); if (!btsnd_hcic_exit_park_mode (p->hci_handle)) return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } #endif /* BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetPacketTypes ** ** Description This function is set the packet types used for a specific ** ACL connection, ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetPacketTypes (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT16 pkt_types) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetPacketTypes"); if ((p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda)) != NULL) return(btm_set_packet_types (p, pkt_types)); /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadPacketTypes ** ** Description This function is set the packet types used for a specific ** ACL connection, ** ** Returns packet types supported for the connection, or 0 if no BD address ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT16 BTM_ReadPacketTypes (BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ReadPacketTypes"); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { return(p->pkt_types_mask); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(0); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadAclMode ** ** Description This returns the current mode for a specific ** ACL connection. ** ** Input Param remote_bda - device address of desired ACL connection ** ** Output Param p_mode - address where the current mode is copied into. ** BTM_ACL_MODE_NORMAL ** BTM_ACL_MODE_HOLD ** BTM_ACL_MODE_SNIFF ** BTM_ACL_MODE_PARK ** (valid only if return code is BTM_SUCCESS) ** ** Returns BTM_SUCCESS if successful, ** BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR if bd addr is not active or bad ** *******************************************************************************/ #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE tBTM_STATUS BTM_ReadAclMode (BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT8 *p_mode) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_ReadAclMode: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { *p_mode = p->mode; return(BTM_SUCCESS); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } #endif /* BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadClockOffset ** ** Description This returns the clock offset for a specific ** ACL connection. ** ** Input Param remote_bda - device address of desired ACL connection ** ** Returns clock-offset or 0 if unknown ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT16 BTM_ReadClockOffset (BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_ReadClockOffset: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); if ( (p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda)) != NULL) return(p->clock_offset); /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(0); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_IsAclConnectionUp ** ** Description This function is called to check if an ACL connection exists ** to a specific remote BD Address. ** ** Returns TRUE if connection is up, else FALSE. ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN BTM_IsAclConnectionUp (BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_IsAclConnectionUp: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { return(TRUE); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(FALSE); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_GetNumAclLinks ** ** Description This function is called to count the number of ** ACL links that are active. ** ** Returns UINT16 Number of active ACL links ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT16 BTM_GetNumAclLinks (void) { #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) return(UINT16)btm_cb.num_acl; #else tACL_CONN *p = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 xx, yy; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_GetNumAclLinks"); for (xx = yy = 0; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p++) { if (p->in_use) yy++; } return(yy); #endif } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_get_acl_disc_reason_code ** ** Description This function is called to get the disconnection reason code ** returned by the HCI at disconnection complete event. ** ** Returns TRUE if connection is up, else FALSE. ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT16 btm_get_acl_disc_reason_code (void) { UINT8 res = btm_cb.acl_disc_reason; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_get_acl_disc_reason_code"); return(res); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_GetHCIConnHandle ** ** Description This function is called to get the handle for an ACL connection ** to a specific remote BD Address. ** ** Returns the handle of the connection, or 0xFFFF if none. ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT16 BTM_GetHCIConnHandle (BD_ADDR remote_bda) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_GetHCIConnHandle"); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { return(p->hci_handle); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(0xFFFF); } #if BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_process_mode_change ** ** Description This function is called when an HCI mode change event occurs. ** ** Input Parms hci_status - status of the event (HCI_SUCCESS if no errors) ** hci_handle - connection handle associated with the change ** mode - HCI_MODE_ACTIVE, HCI_MODE_HOLD, HCI_MODE_SNIFF, or HCI_MODE_PARK ** interval - number of baseband slots (meaning depends on mode) ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_process_mode_change (UINT8 hci_status, UINT16 hci_handle, UINT8 mode, UINT16 interval) { tACL_CONN *p; UINT8 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_process_mode_change"); if (hci_status != HCI_SUCCESS) { BTM_TRACE_WARNING1 ("BTM: HCI Mode Change Error Status: 0x%02x", hci_status); } /* Look up the connection by handle and set the current mode */ xx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(hci_handle); /* don't assume that we can never get a bad hci_handle */ if (xx >= MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) return; p = &btm_cb.acl_db[xx]; /* If status is not success mode does not mean anything */ if (hci_status == HCI_SUCCESS) p->mode = mode; /* If mode change was because of an active role switch or change link key */ btm_cont_rswitch_or_chglinkkey(p, btm_find_dev(p->remote_addr), hci_status); } #endif /* BTM_PWR_MGR_INCLUDED == FALSE */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_process_clk_off_comp_evt ** ** Description This function is called when clock offset command completes. ** ** Input Parms hci_handle - connection handle associated with the change ** clock offset ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_process_clk_off_comp_evt (UINT16 hci_handle, UINT16 clock_offset) { UINT8 xx; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_process_clk_off_comp_evt"); /* Look up the connection by handle and set the current mode */ if ((xx = btm_handle_to_acl_index(hci_handle)) < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS) btm_cb.acl_db[xx].clock_offset = clock_offset; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_role_changed ** ** Description This function is called whan a link's master/slave role change ** event or command status event (with error) is received. ** It updates the link control block, and calls ** the registered callback with status and role (if registered). ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_role_changed (UINT8 hci_status, BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT8 new_role) { UINT8 *p_bda = (bd_addr) ? bd_addr : btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data.remote_bd_addr; tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(p_bda); tBTM_ROLE_SWITCH_CMPL *p_data = &btm_cb.devcb.switch_role_ref_data; tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec; #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_DATA evt; #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_role_changed"); /* Ignore any stray events */ if (p == NULL) { /* it could be a failure */ if (hci_status != HCI_SUCCESS) btm_acl_report_role_change(hci_status, bd_addr); return; } p_data->hci_status = hci_status; if (hci_status == HCI_SUCCESS) { p_data->role = new_role; memcpy(p_data->remote_bd_addr, p_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN); /* Update cached value */ p->link_role = new_role; btm_save_remote_device_role(p_bda, new_role); /* Reload LSTO: link supervision timeout is reset in the LM after a role switch */ if (new_role == BTM_ROLE_MASTER) { BTM_SetLinkSuperTout (p->remote_addr, p->link_super_tout); } } else { /* so the BTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_EVT uses the old role */ new_role = p->link_role; } /* Check if any SCO req is pending for role change */ btm_sco_chk_pend_rolechange (p->hci_handle); /* if switching state is switching we need to turn encryption on */ /* if idle, we did not change encryption */ if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_SWITCHING) { /* Make sure there's not also a change link key going on before re-enabling */ if (p->change_key_state != BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_SWITCHING) { if (btsnd_hcic_set_conn_encrypt (p->hci_handle, TRUE)) { p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_ON; p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_ON; return; } } else /* Set the state and wait for change link key */ { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_ON; return; } } /* Set the switch_role_state to IDLE since the reply received from HCI */ /* regardless of its result either success or failed. */ if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_IDLE; } /* if role switch complete is needed, report it now */ btm_acl_report_role_change(hci_status, bd_addr); #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* if role change event is registered, report it now */ if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb && (btm_cb.bl_evt_mask & BTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_MASK)) { evt.event = BTM_BL_ROLE_CHG_EVT; evt.new_role = new_role; evt.p_bda = p_bda; evt.hci_status = hci_status; (*btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb)((tBTM_BL_EVENT_DATA *)&evt); } BTM_TRACE_DEBUG3("Role Switch Event: new_role 0x%02x, HCI Status 0x%02x, rs_st:%d", p_data->role, p_data->hci_status, p->switch_role_state); #endif #if BTM_DISC_DURING_RS == TRUE /* If a disconnect is pending, issue it now that role switch has completed */ if ((p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (p_bda)) != NULL) { if (p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending == BTM_SEC_DISC_PENDING) { BTM_TRACE_WARNING0("btm_acl_role_changed -> Issuing delayed HCI_Disconnect!!!"); btsnd_hcic_disconnect(p_dev_rec->hci_handle, HCI_ERR_PEER_USER); } BTM_TRACE_ERROR2("tBTM_SEC_DEV:0x%x rs_disc_pending=%d", (UINT32)p_dev_rec, p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending); p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending = BTM_SEC_RS_NOT_PENDING; /* reset flag */ } #endif } #if (RFCOMM_INCLUDED==TRUE) /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_AllocateSCN ** ** Description Look through the Server Channel Numbers for a free one. ** ** Returns Allocated SCN number or 0 if none. ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 BTM_AllocateSCN(void) { UINT8 x; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_AllocateSCN"); // stack reserves scn 1 for HFP, HSP we still do the correct way for (x = 1; x < BTM_MAX_SCN; x++) { if (!btm_cb.btm_scn[x]) { btm_cb.btm_scn[x] = TRUE; return(x+1); } } return(0); /* No free ports */ } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_TryAllocateSCN ** ** Description Try to allocate a fixed server channel ** ** Returns Returns TRUE if server channel was available ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN BTM_TryAllocateSCN(UINT8 scn) { UINT8 x; /* Make sure we don't exceed max port range. * Stack reserves scn 1 for HFP, HSP we still do the correct way. */ if ( (scn>=BTM_MAX_SCN) || (scn == 1) ) return FALSE; /* check if this port is available */ if (!btm_cb.btm_scn[scn-1]) { btm_cb.btm_scn[scn-1] = TRUE; return TRUE; } return (FALSE); /* Port was busy */ } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_FreeSCN ** ** Description Free the specified SCN. ** ** Returns TRUE or FALSE ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN BTM_FreeSCN(UINT8 scn) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_FreeSCN "); if (scn <= BTM_MAX_SCN) { btm_cb.btm_scn[scn-1] = FALSE; return(TRUE); } else return(FALSE); /* Illegal SCN passed in */ } #else /* Make dummy functions for the RPC to link against */ UINT8 BTM_AllocateSCN(void) { return(0); } BOOLEAN BTM_FreeSCN(UINT8 scn) { return(FALSE); } #endif /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_timeout ** ** Description This function is called when a timer list entry expires. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_timeout (TIMER_LIST_ENT *p_tle) { UINT32 timer_type = p_tle->param; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_timeout"); if (timer_type == TT_DEV_RLNKP) { tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb = btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb; tBTM_LNK_POLICY_RESULTS lnkpol; lnkpol.status = BTM_ERR_PROCESSING; lnkpol.settings = 0; btm_cb.devcb.p_rlinkp_cmpl_cb = NULL; if (p_cb) (*p_cb)(&lnkpol); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_set_packet_types ** ** Description This function sets the packet types used for a specific ** ACL connection. It is called internally by btm_acl_created ** or by an application/profile by BTM_SetPacketTypes. ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS btm_set_packet_types (tACL_CONN *p, UINT16 pkt_types) { UINT16 temp_pkt_types; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_set_packet_types"); /* Save in the ACL control blocks, types that we support */ temp_pkt_types = (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_SUPPORTED_PKTS_MASK & btm_cb.btm_acl_pkt_types_supported); /* OR in any exception packet types if at least 2.0 version of spec */ if (btm_cb.devcb.local_version.hci_version >= HCI_PROTO_VERSION_2_0) { temp_pkt_types |= ((pkt_types & BTM_ACL_EXCEPTION_PKTS_MASK) | (btm_cb.btm_acl_pkt_types_supported & BTM_ACL_EXCEPTION_PKTS_MASK)); } else { temp_pkt_types &= (~BTM_ACL_EXCEPTION_PKTS_MASK); } /* Exclude packet types not supported by the peer */ btm_acl_chk_peer_pkt_type_support (p, &temp_pkt_types); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("SetPacketType Mask -> 0x%04x", temp_pkt_types); if (!btsnd_hcic_change_conn_type (p->hci_handle, temp_pkt_types)) { return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); } p->pkt_types_mask = temp_pkt_types; return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_get_max_packet_size ** ** Returns Returns maximum packet size that can be used for current ** connection, 0 if connection is not established ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT16 btm_get_max_packet_size (BD_ADDR addr) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(addr); UINT16 pkt_types = 0; UINT16 pkt_size = 0; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_get_max_packet_size"); if (p != NULL) { pkt_types = p->pkt_types_mask; } else { /* Special case for when info for the local device is requested */ if (memcmp (btm_cb.devcb.local_addr, addr, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0) { pkt_types = btm_cb.btm_acl_pkt_types_supported; } } if (pkt_types) { if (!(pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH5)) pkt_size = HCI_EDR3_DH5_PACKET_SIZE; else if (!(pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH5)) pkt_size = HCI_EDR2_DH5_PACKET_SIZE; else if (!(pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH3)) pkt_size = HCI_EDR3_DH3_PACKET_SIZE; else if (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DH5) pkt_size = HCI_DH5_PACKET_SIZE; else if (!(pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH3)) pkt_size = HCI_EDR2_DH3_PACKET_SIZE; else if (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DM5) pkt_size = HCI_DM5_PACKET_SIZE; else if (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DH3) pkt_size = HCI_DH3_PACKET_SIZE; else if (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DM3) pkt_size = HCI_DM3_PACKET_SIZE; else if (!(pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH1)) pkt_size = HCI_EDR3_DH1_PACKET_SIZE; else if (!(pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH1)) pkt_size = HCI_EDR2_DH1_PACKET_SIZE; else if (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DH1) pkt_size = HCI_DH1_PACKET_SIZE; else if (pkt_types & BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DM1) pkt_size = HCI_DM1_PACKET_SIZE; } return(pkt_size); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadRemoteVersion ** ** Returns If connected report peer device info ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_ReadRemoteVersion (BD_ADDR addr, UINT8 *lmp_version, UINT16 *manufacturer, UINT16 *lmp_sub_version) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(addr); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ReadRemoteVersion"); if (p == NULL) return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); if (lmp_version) *lmp_version = p->lmp_version; if (manufacturer) *manufacturer = p->manufacturer; if (lmp_sub_version) *lmp_sub_version = p->lmp_subversion; return(BTM_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadRemoteFeatures ** ** Returns pointer to the remote supported features mask (8 bytes) ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 *BTM_ReadRemoteFeatures (BD_ADDR addr) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(addr); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ReadRemoteFeatures"); if (p == NULL) { return(NULL); } return(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0]); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadRemoteExtendedFeatures ** ** Returns pointer to the remote extended features mask (8 bytes) ** or NULL if bad page ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 *BTM_ReadRemoteExtendedFeatures (BD_ADDR addr, UINT8 page_number) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(addr); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ReadRemoteExtendedFeatures"); if (p == NULL) { return(NULL); } if (page_number > HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_MAX) { BTM_TRACE_ERROR1("Warning: BTM_ReadRemoteExtendedFeatures page %d unknown", page_number); return NULL; } return(p->peer_lmp_features[page_number]); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadNumberRemoteFeaturesPages ** ** Returns number of features pages read from the remote device. ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 BTM_ReadNumberRemoteFeaturesPages (BD_ADDR addr) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(addr); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ReadNumberRemoteFeaturesPages"); if (p == NULL) { return(0); } return(p->num_read_pages); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadAllRemoteFeatures ** ** Returns pointer to all features of the remote (24 bytes). ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 *BTM_ReadAllRemoteFeatures (BD_ADDR addr) { tACL_CONN *p = btm_bda_to_acl(addr); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_ReadAllRemoteFeatures"); if (p == NULL) { return(NULL); } return(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0]); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_RegBusyLevelNotif ** ** Description This function is called to register a callback to receive ** busy level change events. ** ** Returns BTM_SUCCESS if successfully registered, otherwise error ** *******************************************************************************/ #if (defined(BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED) && BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_STATUS BTM_RegBusyLevelNotif (tBTM_BL_CHANGE_CB *p_cb, UINT8 *p_level, tBTM_BL_EVENT_MASK evt_mask) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_RegBusyLevelNotif"); if (p_level) *p_level = btm_cb.busy_level; btm_cb.bl_evt_mask = evt_mask; if (!p_cb) btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb = NULL; else if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); else btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb = p_cb; return(BTM_SUCCESS); } #else /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_AclRegisterForChanges ** ** Returns This function is called to register a callback for when the ** ACL database changes, i.e. new entry or entry deleted. ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_AclRegisterForChanges (tBTM_ACL_DB_CHANGE_CB *p_cb) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_AclRegisterForChanges"); if (!p_cb) btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb = NULL; else if (btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); else btm_cb.p_acl_changed_cb = p_cb; return(BTM_SUCCESS); } #endif /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetQoS ** ** Description This function is called to setup QoS ** ** Returns status of the operation ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetQoS (BD_ADDR bd, FLOW_SPEC *p_flow, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_SetQoS: BdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", bd[0], bd[1], bd[2], bd[3], bd[4], bd[5]); /* If someone already waiting on the version, do not allow another */ if (btm_cb.devcb.p_qossu_cmpl_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); if ( (p = btm_bda_to_acl(bd)) != NULL) { btu_start_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.qossu_timer, BTU_TTYPE_BTM_ACL, BTM_DEV_REPLY_TIMEOUT); btm_cb.devcb.p_qossu_cmpl_cb = p_cb; if (!btsnd_hcic_qos_setup (p->hci_handle, p_flow->qos_flags, p_flow->service_type, p_flow->token_rate, p_flow->peak_bandwidth, p_flow->latency,p_flow->delay_variation)) { btm_cb.devcb.p_qossu_cmpl_cb = NULL; btu_stop_timer(&btm_cb.devcb.qossu_timer); return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); } else return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_qos_setup_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the qos setup request. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_qos_setup_complete (UINT8 status, UINT16 handle, FLOW_SPEC *p_flow) { tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb = btm_cb.devcb.p_qossu_cmpl_cb; tBTM_QOS_SETUP_CMPL qossu; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_qos_setup_complete"); btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.qossu_timer); btm_cb.devcb.p_qossu_cmpl_cb = NULL; if (p_cb) { memset(&qossu, 0, sizeof(tBTM_QOS_SETUP_CMPL)); qossu.status = status; qossu.handle = handle; if (p_flow != NULL) { qossu.flow.qos_flags = p_flow->qos_flags; qossu.flow.service_type = p_flow->service_type; qossu.flow.token_rate = p_flow->token_rate; qossu.flow.peak_bandwidth = p_flow->peak_bandwidth; qossu.flow.latency = p_flow->latency; qossu.flow.delay_variation = p_flow->delay_variation; } BTM_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("BTM: p_flow->delay_variation: 0x%02x", qossu.flow.delay_variation); (*p_cb)(&qossu); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadRSSI ** ** Description This function is called to read the link policy settings. ** The address of link policy results are returned in the callback. ** (tBTM_RSSI_RESULTS) ** ** Returns BTM_CMD_STARTED if successfully initiated or error code ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_ReadRSSI (BD_ADDR remote_bda, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_ReadRSSI: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); /* If someone already waiting on the version, do not allow another */ if (btm_cb.devcb.p_rssi_cmpl_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { btu_start_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.rssi_timer, BTU_TTYPE_BTM_ACL, BTM_DEV_REPLY_TIMEOUT); btm_cb.devcb.p_rssi_cmpl_cb = p_cb; if (!btsnd_hcic_read_rssi (p->hci_handle)) { btm_cb.devcb.p_rssi_cmpl_cb = NULL; btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.rssi_timer); return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); } else return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadLinkQuality ** ** Description This function is called to read the link qulaity. ** The value of the link quality is returned in the callback. ** (tBTM_LINK_QUALITY_RESULTS) ** ** Returns BTM_CMD_STARTED if successfully initiated or error code ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_ReadLinkQuality (BD_ADDR remote_bda, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p; BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_ReadLinkQuality: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); /* If someone already waiting on the version, do not allow another */ if (btm_cb.devcb.p_lnk_qual_cmpl_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { btu_start_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.lnk_quality_timer, BTU_TTYPE_BTM_ACL, BTM_DEV_REPLY_TIMEOUT); btm_cb.devcb.p_lnk_qual_cmpl_cb = p_cb; if (!btsnd_hcic_get_link_quality (p->hci_handle)) { btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.lnk_quality_timer); btm_cb.devcb.p_lnk_qual_cmpl_cb = NULL; return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); } else return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return(BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_ReadTxPower ** ** Description This function is called to read the current ** TX power of the connection. The tx power level results ** are returned in the callback. ** (tBTM_RSSI_RESULTS) ** ** Returns BTM_CMD_STARTED if successfully initiated or error code ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS BTM_ReadTxPower (BD_ADDR remote_bda, tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb) { tACL_CONN *p; BOOLEAN ret; #define BTM_READ_RSSI_TYPE_CUR 0x00 #define BTM_READ_RSSI_TYPE_MAX 0X01 BTM_TRACE_API6 ("BTM_ReadTxPower: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", remote_bda[0], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[5]); /* If someone already waiting on the version, do not allow another */ if (btm_cb.devcb.p_tx_power_cmpl_cb) return(BTM_BUSY); p = btm_bda_to_acl(remote_bda); if (p != (tACL_CONN *)NULL) { btu_start_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.tx_power_timer, BTU_TTYPE_BTM_ACL, BTM_DEV_REPLY_TIMEOUT); btm_cb.devcb.p_tx_power_cmpl_cb = p_cb; #if BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE if (p->is_le_link) { memcpy(btm_cb.devcb.read_tx_pwr_addr, remote_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN); ret = btsnd_hcic_ble_read_adv_chnl_tx_power(); } else #endif { ret = btsnd_hcic_read_tx_power (p->hci_handle, BTM_READ_RSSI_TYPE_CUR); } if (!ret) { btm_cb.devcb.p_tx_power_cmpl_cb = NULL; btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.tx_power_timer); return(BTM_NO_RESOURCES); } else return(BTM_CMD_STARTED); } /* If here, no BD Addr found */ return (BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_tx_power_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the read tx power request. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_tx_power_complete (UINT8 *p, BOOLEAN is_ble) { tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb = btm_cb.devcb.p_tx_power_cmpl_cb; tBTM_TX_POWER_RESULTS results; UINT16 handle; tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 index; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_tx_power_complete"); btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.tx_power_timer); /* If there was a callback registered for read rssi, call it */ btm_cb.devcb.p_tx_power_cmpl_cb = NULL; if (p_cb) { STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.hci_status, p); if (results.hci_status == HCI_SUCCESS) { results.status = BTM_SUCCESS; if (!is_ble) { STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.tx_power, p); /* Search through the list of active channels for the correct BD Addr */ for (index = 0; index < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; index++, p_acl_cb++) { if ((p_acl_cb->in_use) && (handle == p_acl_cb->hci_handle)) { memcpy (results.rem_bda, p_acl_cb->remote_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); break; } } } #if BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE else { STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.tx_power, p); memcpy(results.rem_bda, btm_cb.devcb.read_tx_pwr_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); } #endif BTM_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("BTM TX power Complete: tx_power %d, hci status 0x%02x", results.tx_power, results.hci_status); } else results.status = BTM_ERR_PROCESSING; (*p_cb)(&results); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_rssi_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the read rssi request. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_rssi_complete (UINT8 *p) { tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb = btm_cb.devcb.p_rssi_cmpl_cb; tBTM_RSSI_RESULTS results; UINT16 handle; tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 index; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_rssi_complete"); btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.rssi_timer); /* If there was a callback registered for read rssi, call it */ btm_cb.devcb.p_rssi_cmpl_cb = NULL; if (p_cb) { STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.hci_status, p); if (results.hci_status == HCI_SUCCESS) { results.status = BTM_SUCCESS; STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.rssi, p); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("BTM RSSI Complete: rssi %d, hci status 0x%02x", results.rssi, results.hci_status); /* Search through the list of active channels for the correct BD Addr */ for (index = 0; index < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; index++, p_acl_cb++) { if ((p_acl_cb->in_use) && (handle == p_acl_cb->hci_handle)) { memcpy (results.rem_bda, p_acl_cb->remote_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); break; } } } else results.status = BTM_ERR_PROCESSING; (*p_cb)(&results); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_read_link_quality_complete ** ** Description This function is called when the command complete message ** is received from the HCI for the read link quality. ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_read_link_quality_complete (UINT8 *p) { tBTM_CMPL_CB *p_cb = btm_cb.devcb.p_lnk_qual_cmpl_cb; tBTM_LINK_QUALITY_RESULTS results; UINT16 handle; tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb = &btm_cb.acl_db[0]; UINT16 index; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_read_link_quality_complete"); btu_stop_timer (&btm_cb.devcb.lnk_quality_timer); /* If there was a callback registered for read rssi, call it */ btm_cb.devcb.p_lnk_qual_cmpl_cb = NULL; if (p_cb) { STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.hci_status, p); if (results.hci_status == HCI_SUCCESS) { results.status = BTM_SUCCESS; STREAM_TO_UINT16 (handle, p); STREAM_TO_UINT8 (results.link_quality, p); BTM_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("BTM Link Quality Complete: Link Quality %d, hci status 0x%02x", results.link_quality, results.hci_status); /* Search through the list of active channels for the correct BD Addr */ for (index = 0; index < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; index++, p_acl_cb++) { if ((p_acl_cb->in_use) && (handle == p_acl_cb->hci_handle)) { memcpy (results.rem_bda, p_acl_cb->remote_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); break; } } } else results.status = BTM_ERR_PROCESSING; (*p_cb)(&results); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_remove_acl ** ** Description This function is called to disconnect an ACL connection ** ** Returns BTM_SUCCESS if successfully initiated, otherwise BTM_NO_RESOURCES. ** *******************************************************************************/ tBTM_STATUS btm_remove_acl (BD_ADDR bd_addr) { UINT16 hci_handle = BTM_GetHCIConnHandle(bd_addr); tBTM_STATUS status = BTM_SUCCESS; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_remove_acl"); #if BTM_DISC_DURING_RS == TRUE tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (bd_addr); /* Role Switch is pending, postpone until completed */ if (p_dev_rec && (p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending == BTM_SEC_RS_PENDING)) { p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending = BTM_SEC_DISC_PENDING; } else /* otherwise can disconnect right away */ #endif { if (hci_handle != 0xFFFF) { if (!btsnd_hcic_disconnect (hci_handle, HCI_ERR_PEER_USER)) status = BTM_NO_RESOURCES; } else status = BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR; } return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function BTM_SetTraceLevel ** ** Description This function sets the trace level for BTM. If called with ** a value of 0xFF, it simply returns the current trace level. ** ** Returns The new or current trace level ** *******************************************************************************/ UINT8 BTM_SetTraceLevel (UINT8 new_level) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("BTM_SetTraceLevel"); if (new_level != 0xFF) btm_cb.trace_level = new_level; return(btm_cb.trace_level); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_cont_rswitch_or_chglinkkey ** ** Description This function is called to continue processing an active ** role switch or change of link key procedure. It first ** disables encryption if enabled and EPR is not supported ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_cont_rswitch_or_chglinkkey (tACL_CONN *p, tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec, UINT8 hci_status) { BOOLEAN sw_ok = TRUE; BOOLEAN chlk_ok = TRUE; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_cont_rswitch_or_chglinkkey "); /* Check to see if encryption needs to be turned off if pending change of link key or role switch */ if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE || p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) { /* Must turn off Encryption first if necessary */ /* Some devices do not support switch or change of link key while encryption is on */ if (p_dev_rec != NULL && ((p_dev_rec->sec_flags & BTM_SEC_ENCRYPTED) != 0) && !BTM_EPR_AVAILABLE(p)) { if (btsnd_hcic_set_conn_encrypt (p->hci_handle, FALSE)) { p->encrypt_state = BTM_ACL_ENCRYPT_STATE_ENCRYPT_OFF; if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_OFF; if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_ENCRYPTION_OFF; } else { /* Error occurred; set states back to Idle */ if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) sw_ok = FALSE; if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) chlk_ok = FALSE; } } else /* Encryption not used or EPR supported, continue with switch and/or change of link key */ { if (p->switch_role_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS; #if BTM_DISC_DURING_RS == TRUE if (p_dev_rec) p_dev_rec->rs_disc_pending = BTM_SEC_RS_PENDING; #endif sw_ok = btsnd_hcic_switch_role (p->remote_addr, (UINT8)!p->link_role); } if (p->change_key_state == BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_MODE_CHANGE) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IN_PROGRESS; chlk_ok = btsnd_hcic_change_link_key (p->hci_handle); } } if (!sw_ok) { p->switch_role_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; btm_acl_report_role_change(hci_status, p->remote_addr); } if (!chlk_ok) { p->change_key_state = BTM_ACL_SWKEY_STATE_IDLE; if (btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb) { btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data.hci_status = hci_status; (*btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb)(&btm_cb.devcb.chg_link_key_ref_data); btm_cb.devcb.p_chg_link_key_cb = NULL; } } } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_resubmit_page ** ** Description send pending page request ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_resubmit_page (void) { tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec; BT_HDR *p_buf; UINT8 *pp; BD_ADDR bda; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_resubmit_page"); /* If there were other page request schedule can start the next one */ if ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *)GKI_dequeue (&btm_cb.page_queue)) != NULL) { /* skip 3 (2 bytes opcode and 1 byte len) to get to the bd_addr * for both create_conn and rmt_name */ pp = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset + 3; STREAM_TO_BDADDR (bda, pp); p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (bda); memcpy (btm_cb.connecting_bda, p_dev_rec->bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); memcpy (btm_cb.connecting_dc, p_dev_rec->dev_class, DEV_CLASS_LEN); btu_hcif_send_cmd (LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID, p_buf); } else btm_cb.paging = FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_reset_paging ** ** Description set paging to FALSE and free the page queue - called at hci_reset ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_reset_paging (void) { BT_HDR *p; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_reset_paging"); /* If we sent reset we are definitely not paging any more */ while ((p = (BT_HDR *)GKI_dequeue(&btm_cb.page_queue)) != NULL) GKI_freebuf (p); btm_cb.paging = FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_set_discing ** ** Description set discing to the given value ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_set_discing (BOOLEAN discing) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("btm_acl_set_discing"); btm_cb.discing = discing; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_paging ** ** Description send a paging command or queue it in btm_cb ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_paging (BT_HDR *p, BD_ADDR bda) { tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec; BTM_TRACE_DEBUG4 ("btm_acl_paging discing:%d, paging:%d BDA: %06x%06x", btm_cb.discing, btm_cb.paging, (bda[0]<<16) + (bda[1]<<8) + bda[2], (bda[3]<<16) + (bda[4] << 8) + bda[5]); if (btm_cb.discing) { btm_cb.paging = TRUE; GKI_enqueue (&btm_cb.page_queue, p); } else { if (!BTM_ACL_IS_CONNECTED (bda)) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("connecting_bda: %06x%06x", (btm_cb.connecting_bda[0]<<16) + (btm_cb.connecting_bda[1]<<8) + btm_cb.connecting_bda[2], (btm_cb.connecting_bda[3]<<16) + (btm_cb.connecting_bda[4] << 8) + btm_cb.connecting_bda[5]); if (btm_cb.paging && memcmp (bda, btm_cb.connecting_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) != 0) { GKI_enqueue (&btm_cb.page_queue, p); } else { p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (bda); memcpy (btm_cb.connecting_bda, p_dev_rec->bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN); memcpy (btm_cb.connecting_dc, p_dev_rec->dev_class, DEV_CLASS_LEN); btu_hcif_send_cmd (LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID, p); } btm_cb.paging = TRUE; } else /* ACL is already up */ { btu_hcif_send_cmd (LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID, p); } } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_notif_conn_collision ** ** Description Send connection collision event to upper layer if registered ** ** Returns TRUE if sent out to upper layer, ** FALSE if BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == FALSE, or no one ** needs the notification. ** ** Note: Function only used if BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN btm_acl_notif_conn_collision (BD_ADDR bda) { #if (BTM_BUSY_LEVEL_CHANGE_INCLUDED == TRUE) tBTM_BL_EVENT_DATA evt_data; /* Report possible collision to the upper layer. */ if (btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb) { BTM_TRACE_DEBUG6 ("btm_acl_notif_conn_collision: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", bda[0], bda[1], bda[2], bda[3], bda[4], bda[5]); evt_data.event = BTM_BL_COLLISION_EVT; evt_data.conn.p_bda = bda; (*btm_cb.p_bl_changed_cb)(&evt_data); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; #else return FALSE; #endif } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btm_acl_chk_peer_pkt_type_support ** ** Description Check if peer supports requested packets ** *******************************************************************************/ void btm_acl_chk_peer_pkt_type_support (tACL_CONN *p, UINT16 *p_pkt_type) { /* 3 and 5 slot packets? */ if (!HCI_3_SLOT_PACKETS_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) *p_pkt_type &= ~(BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DH3 +BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DM3); if (!HCI_5_SLOT_PACKETS_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) *p_pkt_type &= ~(BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DH5 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_DM5); /* If HCI version > 2.0, then also check EDR packet types */ if (btm_cb.devcb.local_version.hci_version >= HCI_PROTO_VERSION_2_0) { /* 2 and 3 MPS support? */ if (!HCI_EDR_ACL_2MPS_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) /* Not supported. Add 'not_supported' mask for all 2MPS packet types */ *p_pkt_type |= (BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH1 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH3 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH5); if (!HCI_EDR_ACL_3MPS_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) /* Not supported. Add 'not_supported' mask for all 3MPS packet types */ *p_pkt_type |= (BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH1 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH3 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH5); /* EDR 3 and 5 slot support? */ if (HCI_EDR_ACL_2MPS_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0]) || HCI_EDR_ACL_3MPS_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) { if (!HCI_3_SLOT_EDR_ACL_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) /* Not supported. Add 'not_supported' mask for all 3-slot EDR packet types */ *p_pkt_type |= (BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH3 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH3); if (!HCI_5_SLOT_EDR_ACL_SUPPORTED(p->peer_lmp_features[HCI_EXT_FEATURES_PAGE_0])) /* Not supported. Add 'not_supported' mask for all 5-slot EDR packet types */ *p_pkt_type |= (BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_2_DH5 + BTM_ACL_PKT_TYPES_MASK_NO_3_DH5); } } }