#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Script to parse perf data from Chrome Endure test executions, to be graphed. This script connects via HTTP to a buildbot master in order to scrape and parse perf data from Chrome Endure tests that have been run. The perf data is then stored in local text files to be graphed by the Chrome Endure graphing code. It is assumed that any Chrome Endure tests that show up on the waterfall have names that are of the following form: "endure_-" (non-Web Page Replay tests) or "endure__wpr-" (Web Page Replay tests) For example: "endure_gmail_wpr-testGmailComposeDiscard" This script accepts either a URL or a local path as a buildbot location. It switches its behavior if a URL is given, or a local path is given. When a URL is given, it gets buildbot logs from the buildbot builders URL e.g. http://build.chromium.org/p/chromium.endure/builders/. When a local path is given, it gets buildbot logs from buildbot's internal files in the directory e.g. /home/chrome-bot/buildbot. """ import cPickle import getpass import logging import optparse import os import re import simplejson import socket import string import sys import time import urllib import urllib2 CHROME_ENDURE_SLAVE_NAMES = [ 'Linux QA Perf (0)', 'Linux QA Perf (1)', 'Linux QA Perf (2)', 'Linux QA Perf (3)', 'Linux QA Perf (4)', 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(0)', 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(1)', 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(2)', 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(3)', 'Linux QA Perf (dbg)(4)', ] BUILDER_URL_BASE = 'http://build.chromium.org/p/chromium.endure/builders/' LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_parser_last_processed.txt') LOCAL_GRAPH_DIR = '/home/%s/www/chrome_endure_clean' % getpass.getuser() MANGLE_TRANSLATION = string.maketrans(' ()', '___') def SetupBaseGraphDirIfNeeded(webapp_name, test_name, dest_dir): """Sets up the directory containing results for a particular test, if needed. Args: webapp_name: The string name of the webapp associated with the given test. test_name: The string name of the test. dest_dir: The name of the destination directory that needs to be set up. """ if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) # Test name directory. os.chmod(dest_dir, 0755) # Create config file. config_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'config.js') if not os.path.exists(config_file): with open(config_file, 'w') as f: f.write('var Config = {\n') f.write('buildslave: "Chrome Endure Bots",\n') f.write('title: "Chrome Endure %s Test: %s",\n' % (webapp_name.upper(), test_name)) f.write('};\n') os.chmod(config_file, 0755) # Set up symbolic links to the real graphing files. link_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'index.html') if not os.path.exists(link_file): os.symlink('../../endure_plotter.html', link_file) link_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'endure_plotter.js') if not os.path.exists(link_file): os.symlink('../../endure_plotter.js', link_file) link_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'js') if not os.path.exists(link_file): os.symlink('../../js', link_file) def WriteToDataFile(new_line, existing_lines, revision, data_file): """Writes a new entry to an existing perf data file to be graphed. If there's an existing line with the same revision number, overwrite its data with the new line. Else, prepend the info for the new revision. Args: new_line: A dictionary representing perf information for the new entry. existing_lines: A list of string lines from the existing perf data file. revision: The string revision number associated with the new perf entry. data_file: The string name of the perf data file to which to write. """ overwritten = False for i, line in enumerate(existing_lines): line_dict = simplejson.loads(line) if line_dict['rev'] == revision: existing_lines[i] = simplejson.dumps(new_line) overwritten = True break elif int(line_dict['rev']) < int(revision): break if not overwritten: existing_lines.insert(0, simplejson.dumps(new_line)) with open(data_file, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(existing_lines)) os.chmod(data_file, 0755) def OutputPerfData(revision, graph_name, values, units, units_x, dest_dir, is_stacked=False, stack_order=[]): """Outputs perf data to a local text file to be graphed. Args: revision: The string revision number associated with the perf data. graph_name: The string name of the graph on which to plot the data. values: A dict which maps a description to a value. A value is either a single data value to be graphed, or a list of 2-tuples representing (x, y) points to be graphed for long-running tests. units: The string description for the y-axis units on the graph. units_x: The string description for the x-axis units on the graph. Should be set to None if the results are not for long-running graphs. dest_dir: The name of the destination directory to which to write. is_stacked: True to draw a "stacked" graph. First-come values are stacked at bottom by default. stack_order: A list that contains key strings in the order to stack values in the graph. """ # Update graphs.dat, which contains metadata associated with each graph. existing_graphs = [] graphs_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'graphs.dat') if os.path.exists(graphs_file): with open(graphs_file, 'r') as f: existing_graphs = simplejson.loads(f.read()) is_new_graph = True for graph in existing_graphs: if graph['name'] == graph_name: is_new_graph = False break if is_new_graph: new_graph = { 'name': graph_name, 'units': units, 'important': False, } if units_x: new_graph['units_x'] = units_x existing_graphs.append(new_graph) existing_graphs = sorted(existing_graphs, key=lambda x: x['name']) with open(graphs_file, 'w') as f: f.write(simplejson.dumps(existing_graphs, indent=2)) os.chmod(graphs_file, 0755) # Update summary data file, containing the actual data to be graphed. data_file_name = graph_name + '-summary.dat' existing_lines = [] data_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, data_file_name) if os.path.exists(data_file): with open(data_file, 'r') as f: existing_lines = f.readlines() existing_lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), existing_lines) new_traces = {} for description in values: value = values[description] if units_x: points = [] for point in value: points.append([str(point[0]), str(point[1])]) new_traces[description] = points else: new_traces[description] = [str(value), str(0.0)] new_line = { 'traces': new_traces, 'rev': revision } if is_stacked: new_line['stack'] = True new_line['stack_order'] = stack_order WriteToDataFile(new_line, existing_lines, revision, data_file) def OutputEventData(revision, event_dict, dest_dir): """Outputs event data to a local text file to be graphed. Args: revision: The string revision number associated with the event data. event_dict: A dict which maps a description to an array of tuples representing event data to be graphed. dest_dir: The name of the destination directory to which to write. """ data_file_name = '_EVENT_-summary.dat' existing_lines = [] data_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, data_file_name) if os.path.exists(data_file): with open(data_file, 'r') as f: existing_lines = f.readlines() existing_lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), existing_lines) new_events = {} for description in event_dict: event_list = event_dict[description] value_list = [] for event_time, event_data in event_list: value_list.append([str(event_time), event_data]) new_events[description] = value_list new_line = { 'rev': revision, 'events': new_events } WriteToDataFile(new_line, existing_lines, revision, data_file) def UpdatePerfDataFromFetchedContent( revision, content, webapp_name, test_name, graph_dir, only_dmp=False): """Update perf data from fetched stdio data. Args: revision: The string revision number associated with the new perf entry. content: Fetched stdio data. webapp_name: A name of the webapp. test_name: A name of the test. graph_dir: A path to the graph directory. only_dmp: True if only Deep Memory Profiler results should be used. """ perf_data_raw = [] def AppendRawPerfData(graph_name, description, value, units, units_x, webapp_name, test_name, is_stacked=False): perf_data_raw.append({ 'graph_name': graph_name, 'description': description, 'value': value, 'units': units, 'units_x': units_x, 'webapp_name': webapp_name, 'test_name': test_name, 'stack': is_stacked, }) # First scan for short-running perf test results. for match in re.findall( r'RESULT ([^:]+): ([^=]+)= ([-\d\.]+) (\S+)', content): if (not only_dmp) or match[0].endswith('-DMP'): try: match2 = eval(match[2]) except SyntaxError: match2 = None if match2: AppendRawPerfData(match[0], match[1], match2, match[3], None, webapp_name, webapp_name) # Next scan for long-running perf test results. for match in re.findall( r'RESULT ([^:]+): ([^=]+)= (\[[^\]]+\]) (\S+) (\S+)', content): if (not only_dmp) or match[0].endswith('-DMP'): try: match2 = eval(match[2]) except SyntaxError: match2 = None # TODO(dmikurube): Change the condition to use stacked graph when we # determine how to specify it. if match2: AppendRawPerfData(match[0], match[1], match2, match[3], match[4], webapp_name, test_name, match[0].endswith('-DMP')) # Next scan for events in the test results. for match in re.findall( r'RESULT _EVENT_: ([^=]+)= (\[[^\]]+\])', content): try: match1 = eval(match[1]) except SyntaxError: match1 = None if match1: AppendRawPerfData('_EVENT_', match[0], match1, None, None, webapp_name, test_name) # For each graph_name/description pair that refers to a long-running test # result or an event, concatenate all the results together (assume results # in the input file are in the correct order). For short-running test # results, keep just one if more than one is specified. perf_data = {} # Maps a graph-line key to a perf data dictionary. for data in perf_data_raw: key_graph = data['graph_name'] key_description = data['description'] if not key_graph in perf_data: perf_data[key_graph] = { 'graph_name': data['graph_name'], 'value': {}, 'units': data['units'], 'units_x': data['units_x'], 'webapp_name': data['webapp_name'], 'test_name': data['test_name'], } perf_data[key_graph]['stack'] = data['stack'] if 'stack_order' not in perf_data[key_graph]: perf_data[key_graph]['stack_order'] = [] if (data['stack'] and data['description'] not in perf_data[key_graph]['stack_order']): perf_data[key_graph]['stack_order'].append(data['description']) if data['graph_name'] != '_EVENT_' and not data['units_x']: # Short-running test result. perf_data[key_graph]['value'][key_description] = data['value'] else: # Long-running test result or event. if key_description in perf_data[key_graph]['value']: perf_data[key_graph]['value'][key_description] += data['value'] else: perf_data[key_graph]['value'][key_description] = data['value'] # Finally, for each graph-line in |perf_data|, update the associated local # graph data files if necessary. for perf_data_key in perf_data: perf_data_dict = perf_data[perf_data_key] dest_dir = os.path.join(graph_dir, perf_data_dict['webapp_name']) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) # Webapp name directory. os.chmod(dest_dir, 0755) dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, perf_data_dict['test_name']) SetupBaseGraphDirIfNeeded(perf_data_dict['webapp_name'], perf_data_dict['test_name'], dest_dir) if perf_data_dict['graph_name'] == '_EVENT_': OutputEventData(revision, perf_data_dict['value'], dest_dir) else: OutputPerfData(revision, perf_data_dict['graph_name'], perf_data_dict['value'], perf_data_dict['units'], perf_data_dict['units_x'], dest_dir, perf_data_dict['stack'], perf_data_dict['stack_order']) def SlaveLocation(master_location, slave_info): """Returns slave location for |master_location| and |slave_info|.""" if master_location.startswith('http://'): return master_location + urllib.quote(slave_info['slave_name']) else: return os.path.join(master_location, slave_info['slave_name'].translate(MANGLE_TRANSLATION)) def GetRevisionAndLogs(slave_location, build_num): """Get a revision number and log locations. Args: slave_location: A URL or a path to the build slave data. build_num: A build number. Returns: A pair of the revision number and a list of strings that contain locations of logs. (False, []) in case of error. """ if slave_location.startswith('http://'): location = slave_location + '/builds/' + str(build_num) else: location = os.path.join(slave_location, str(build_num)) revision = False logs = [] fp = None try: if location.startswith('http://'): fp = urllib2.urlopen(location) contents = fp.read() revisions = re.findall(r'got_revision\s+' '(\d+)\s+Source', contents) if revisions: revision = revisions[0] logs = [location + link + '/text' for link in re.findall(r'(/steps/endure[^/]+/logs/stdio)', contents)] else: fp = open(location, 'rb') build = cPickle.load(fp) properties = build.getProperties() if properties.has_key('got_revision'): revision = build.getProperty('got_revision') candidates = os.listdir(slave_location) logs = [os.path.join(slave_location, filename) for filename in candidates if re.match(r'%d-log-endure[^/]+-stdio' % build_num, filename)] except urllib2.URLError, e: logging.exception('Error reading build URL "%s": %s', location, str(e)) return False, [] except (IOError, OSError), e: logging.exception('Error reading build file "%s": %s', location, str(e)) return False, [] finally: if fp: fp.close() return revision, logs def ExtractTestNames(log_location, is_dbg): """Extract test names from |log_location|. Returns: A dict of a log location, webapp's name and test's name. False if error. """ if log_location.startswith('http://'): location = urllib.unquote(log_location) test_pattern = r'endure_([^_]+)(_test |-)([^/]+)/' wpr_test_pattern = r'endure_([^_]+)_wpr(_test |-)([^/]+)/' else: location = log_location test_pattern = r'endure_([^_]+)(_test_|-)([^/]+)-stdio' wpr_test_pattern = 'endure_([^_]+)_wpr(_test_|-)([^/]+)-stdio' found_wpr_result = False match = re.findall(test_pattern, location) if not match: match = re.findall(wpr_test_pattern, location) if match: found_wpr_result = True else: logging.error('Test name not in expected format: ' + location) return False match = match[0] webapp_name = match[0] + '_wpr' if found_wpr_result else match[0] webapp_name = webapp_name + '_dbg' if is_dbg else webapp_name test_name = match[2] return { 'location': log_location, 'webapp_name': webapp_name, 'test_name': test_name, } def GetStdioContents(stdio_location): """Gets appropriate stdio contents. Returns: A content string of the stdio log. None in case of error. """ fp = None contents = '' try: if stdio_location.startswith('http://'): fp = urllib2.urlopen(stdio_location, timeout=60) # Since in-progress test output is sent chunked, there's no EOF. We need # to specially handle this case so we don't hang here waiting for the # test to complete. start_time = time.time() while True: data = fp.read(1024) if not data: break contents += data if time.time() - start_time >= 30: # Read for at most 30 seconds. break else: fp = open(stdio_location) data = fp.read() contents = '' index = 0 # Buildbot log files are stored in the netstring format. # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netstring while index < len(data): index2 = index while data[index2].isdigit(): index2 += 1 if data[index2] != ':': logging.error('Log file is not in expected format: %s' % stdio_location) contents = None break length = int(data[index:index2]) index = index2 + 1 channel = int(data[index]) index += 1 if data[index+length-1] != ',': logging.error('Log file is not in expected format: %s' % stdio_location) contents = None break if channel == 0: contents += data[index:(index+length-1)] index += length except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error, IOError, OSError), e: # Issue warning but continue to the next stdio link. logging.warning('Error reading test stdio data "%s": %s', stdio_location, str(e)) finally: if fp: fp.close() return contents def UpdatePerfDataForSlaveAndBuild( slave_info, build_num, graph_dir, master_location): """Process updated perf data for a particular slave and build number. Args: slave_info: A dictionary containing information about the slave to process. build_num: The particular build number on the slave to process. graph_dir: A path to the graph directory. master_location: A URL or a path to the build master data. Returns: True if the perf data for the given slave/build is updated properly, or False if any critical error occurred. """ if not master_location.startswith('http://'): # Source is a file. from buildbot.status import builder slave_location = SlaveLocation(master_location, slave_info) logging.debug(' %s, build %d.', slave_info['slave_name'], build_num) is_dbg = '(dbg)' in slave_info['slave_name'] revision, logs = GetRevisionAndLogs(slave_location, build_num) if not revision: return False stdios = [] for log_location in logs: stdio = ExtractTestNames(log_location, is_dbg) if not stdio: return False stdios.append(stdio) for stdio in stdios: stdio_location = stdio['location'] contents = GetStdioContents(stdio_location) if contents: UpdatePerfDataFromFetchedContent(revision, contents, stdio['webapp_name'], stdio['test_name'], graph_dir, is_dbg) return True def GetMostRecentBuildNum(master_location, slave_name): """Gets the most recent buld number for |slave_name| in |master_location|.""" most_recent_build_num = None if master_location.startswith('http://'): slave_url = master_location + urllib.quote(slave_name) url_contents = '' fp = None try: fp = urllib2.urlopen(slave_url, timeout=60) url_contents = fp.read() except urllib2.URLError, e: logging.exception('Error reading builder URL: %s', str(e)) return None finally: if fp: fp.close() matches = re.findall(r'/(\d+)/stop', url_contents) if matches: most_recent_build_num = int(matches[0]) else: matches = re.findall(r'#(\d+)', url_contents) if matches: most_recent_build_num = sorted(map(int, matches), reverse=True)[0] else: slave_path = os.path.join(master_location, slave_name.translate(MANGLE_TRANSLATION)) files = os.listdir(slave_path) number_files = [int(filename) for filename in files if filename.isdigit()] if number_files: most_recent_build_num = sorted(number_files, reverse=True)[0] if most_recent_build_num: logging.debug('%s most recent build number: %s', slave_name, most_recent_build_num) else: logging.error('Could not identify latest build number for slave %s.', slave_name) return most_recent_build_num def UpdatePerfDataFiles(graph_dir, master_location): """Updates the Chrome Endure graph data files with the latest test results. For each known Chrome Endure slave, we scan its latest test results looking for any new test data. Any new data that is found is then appended to the data files used to display the Chrome Endure graphs. Args: graph_dir: A path to the graph directory. master_location: A URL or a path to the build master data. Returns: True if all graph data files are updated properly, or False if any error occurred. """ slave_list = [] for slave_name in CHROME_ENDURE_SLAVE_NAMES: slave_info = {} slave_info['slave_name'] = slave_name slave_info['most_recent_build_num'] = None slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = None slave_list.append(slave_info) # Identify the most recent build number for each slave. logging.debug('Searching for latest build numbers for each slave...') for slave in slave_list: slave_name = slave['slave_name'] slave['most_recent_build_num'] = GetMostRecentBuildNum( master_location, slave_name) # Identify the last-processed build number for each slave. logging.debug('Identifying last processed build numbers...') if not os.path.exists(LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE): for slave_info in slave_list: slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = 0 else: with open(LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE, 'r') as fp: file_contents = fp.read() for match in re.findall(r'([^:]+):(\d+)', file_contents): slave_name = match[0].strip() last_processed_build_num = match[1].strip() for slave_info in slave_list: if slave_info['slave_name'] == slave_name: slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = int( last_processed_build_num) for slave_info in slave_list: if not slave_info['last_processed_build_num']: slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] = 0 logging.debug('Done identifying last processed build numbers.') # For each Chrome Endure slave, process each build in-between the last # processed build num and the most recent build num, inclusive. To process # each one, first get the revision number for that build, then scan the test # result stdio for any performance data, and add any new performance data to # local files to be graphed. for slave_info in slave_list: logging.debug('Processing %s, builds %d-%d...', slave_info['slave_name'], slave_info['last_processed_build_num'], slave_info['most_recent_build_num']) curr_build_num = slave_info['last_processed_build_num'] while curr_build_num <= slave_info['most_recent_build_num']: if not UpdatePerfDataForSlaveAndBuild(slave_info, curr_build_num, graph_dir, master_location): # Do not give up. The first files might be removed by buildbot. logging.warning('Logs do not exist in buildbot for #%d of %s.' % (curr_build_num, slave_info['slave_name'])) curr_build_num += 1 # Log the newly-processed build numbers. logging.debug('Logging the newly-processed build numbers...') with open(LAST_BUILD_NUM_PROCESSED_FILE, 'w') as f: for slave_info in slave_list: f.write('%s:%s\n' % (slave_info['slave_name'], slave_info['most_recent_build_num'])) return True def GenerateIndexPage(graph_dir): """Generates a summary (landing) page for the Chrome Endure graphs. Args: graph_dir: A path to the graph directory. """ logging.debug('Generating new index.html page...') # Page header. page = """ Chrome Endure Overview

Chrome Endure

""" # Print current time. page += '

Updated: %s

\n' % ( time.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p %Z')) # Links for each webapp. webapp_names = [x for x in os.listdir(graph_dir) if x not in ['js', 'old_data', '.svn', '.git'] and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(graph_dir, x))] webapp_names = sorted(webapp_names) page += '

[' for i, name in enumerate(webapp_names): page += '%s' % (name.upper(), name.upper()) if i < len(webapp_names) - 1: page += ' | ' page += ']

\n' # Print out the data for each webapp. for webapp_name in webapp_names: page += '\n


\n' % (webapp_name.upper(), webapp_name.upper()) # Links for each test for this webapp. test_names = [x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(graph_dir, webapp_name))] test_names = sorted(test_names) page += '

[' for i, name in enumerate(test_names): page += '%s' % (name, name) if i < len(test_names) - 1: page += ' | ' page += ']

\n' # Print out the data for each test for this webapp. for test_name in test_names: # Get the set of graph names for this test. graph_names = [x[:x.find('-summary.dat')] for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(graph_dir, webapp_name, test_name)) if '-summary.dat' in x and '_EVENT_' not in x] graph_names = sorted(graph_names) page += '


\n' % (test_name, test_name) page += '\n' for i, graph_name in enumerate(graph_names): if i % 2 == 0: page += ' \n' page += (' \n' % (webapp_name, test_name, graph_name)) if i % 2 == 1: page += ' \n' if len(graph_names) % 2 == 1: page += ' \n' page += '
\n' # Page footer. page += """
""" index_file = os.path.join(graph_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_file, 'w') as f: f.write(page) os.chmod(index_file, 0755) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use verbose logging.') parser.add_option( '-s', '--stdin', action='store_true', default=False, help='Input from stdin instead of slaves for testing this script.') parser.add_option( '-b', '--buildbot', dest='buildbot', metavar="BUILDBOT", default=BUILDER_URL_BASE, help='Use log files in a buildbot at BUILDBOT. BUILDBOT can be a ' 'buildbot\'s builder URL or a local path to a buildbot directory. ' 'Both an absolute path and a relative path are available, e.g. ' '"/home/chrome-bot/buildbot" or "../buildbot". ' '[default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-g', '--graph', dest='graph_dir', metavar="DIR", default=LOCAL_GRAPH_DIR, help='Output graph data files to DIR. [default: %default]') options, _ = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) logging_level = logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level, format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s') if options.stdin: content = sys.stdin.read() UpdatePerfDataFromFetchedContent( '12345', content, 'webapp', 'test', options.graph_dir) else: if options.buildbot.startswith('http://'): master_location = options.buildbot else: build_dir = os.path.join(options.buildbot, 'build') third_party_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'third_party') sys.path.append(third_party_dir) sys.path.append(os.path.join(third_party_dir, 'buildbot_8_4p1')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(third_party_dir, 'twisted_10_2')) master_location = os.path.join(build_dir, 'masters', 'master.chromium.endure') success = UpdatePerfDataFiles(options.graph_dir, master_location) if not success: logging.error('Failed to update perf data files.') sys.exit(0) GenerateIndexPage(options.graph_dir) logging.debug('All done!') if __name__ == '__main__': main()