#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Performance tests for Chrome Endure (long-running perf tests on Chrome). This module accepts the following environment variable inputs: TEST_LENGTH: The number of seconds in which to run each test. PERF_STATS_INTERVAL: The number of seconds to wait in-between each sampling of performance/memory statistics. The following variables are related to the Deep Memory Profiler. DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE: Enable the Deep Memory Profiler if it's set to 'True'. DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_SAVE: Don't clean up dump files if it's set to 'True'. DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_UPLOAD: Upload dumped files if the variable has a Google Storage bucket like gs://chromium-endure/. The 'gsutil' script in $PATH is used by default, or set a variable 'GSUTIL' to specify a path to the 'gsutil' script. A variable 'REVISION' (or 'BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION') is used as a subdirectory in the destination if it is set. GSUTIL: A path to the 'gsutil' script. Not mandatory. REVISION: A string that represents the revision or some build configuration. Not mandatory. BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION: Similar to 'REVISION', but checked only if 'REVISION' is not specified. Not mandatory. ENDURE_NO_WPR: Run tests without Web Page Replay if it's set. WPR_RECORD: Run tests in record mode. If you want to make a fresh archive, make sure to delete the old one, otherwise it will append to the old one. WPR_ARCHIVE_PATH: an alternative archive file to use. """ from datetime import datetime import json import logging import os import re import subprocess import tempfile import time import perf import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto. import pyauto import pyauto_errors import pyauto_utils import remote_inspector_client import selenium.common.exceptions from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait import webpagereplay class NotSupportedEnvironmentError(RuntimeError): """Represent an error raised since the environment (OS) is not supported.""" pass class DeepMemoryProfiler(object): """Controls Deep Memory Profiler (dmprof) for endurance tests.""" DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE = False DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_SAVE = False DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_UPLOAD = '' _WORKDIR_PATTERN = re.compile('endure\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+') _SAVED_WORKDIRS = 8 _DMPROF_DIR_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'tools', 'deep_memory_profiler')) _DMPROF_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join(_DMPROF_DIR_PATH, 'dmprof') _POLICIES = ['l0', 'l1', 'l2', 't0'] def __init__(self): self._enabled = self.GetEnvironmentVariable( 'DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE', bool, self.DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE) self._save = self.GetEnvironmentVariable( 'DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_SAVE', bool, self.DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_SAVE) self._upload = self.GetEnvironmentVariable( 'DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_UPLOAD', str, self.DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE_UPLOAD) if self._upload and not self._upload.endswith('/'): self._upload += '/' self._revision = '' self._gsutil = '' self._json_file = None self._last_json_filename = '' self._proc = None self._last_time = {} for policy in self._POLICIES: self._last_time[policy] = -1.0 def __nonzero__(self): return self._enabled @staticmethod def GetEnvironmentVariable(env_name, converter, default): """Returns a converted environment variable for Deep Memory Profiler. Args: env_name: A string name of an environment variable. converter: A function taking a string to convert an environment variable. default: A value used if the environment variable is not specified. Returns: A value converted from the environment variable with 'converter'. """ return converter(os.environ.get(env_name, default)) def SetUp(self, is_linux, revision, gsutil): """Sets up Deep Memory Profiler settings for a Chrome process. It sets environment variables and makes a working directory. """ if not self._enabled: return if not is_linux: raise NotSupportedEnvironmentError( 'Deep Memory Profiler is not supported in this environment (OS).') self._revision = revision self._gsutil = gsutil # Remove old dumped files with keeping latest _SAVED_WORKDIRS workdirs. # It keeps the latest workdirs not to miss data by failure in uploading # and other operations. Dumped files are no longer available if they are # removed. Re-execution doesn't generate the same files. tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() saved_workdirs = 0 for filename in sorted(os.listdir(tempdir), reverse=True): if self._WORKDIR_PATTERN.match(filename): saved_workdirs += 1 if saved_workdirs > self._SAVED_WORKDIRS: fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tempdir, filename)) logging.info('Removing an old workdir: %s' % fullpath) pyauto_utils.RemovePath(fullpath) dir_prefix = 'endure.%s.' % datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') self._workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=dir_prefix, dir=tempdir) os.environ['HEAPPROFILE'] = os.path.join(self._workdir, 'endure') os.environ['HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP'] = '1' os.environ['DEEP_HEAP_PROFILE'] = '1' def TearDown(self): """Tear down Deep Memory Profiler settings for the Chrome process. It removes the environment variables and the temporary directory. Call it after Chrome finishes. Chrome may dump last files at the end. """ if not self._enabled: return del os.environ['DEEP_HEAP_PROFILE'] del os.environ['HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP'] del os.environ['HEAPPROFILE'] if not self._save and self._workdir: pyauto_utils.RemovePath(self._workdir) def LogFirstMessage(self): """Logs first messages.""" if not self._enabled: return logging.info('Running with the Deep Memory Profiler.') if self._save: logging.info(' Dumped files won\'t be cleaned.') else: logging.info(' Dumped files will be cleaned up after every test.') def StartProfiler(self, proc_info, is_last, webapp_name, test_description): """Starts Deep Memory Profiler in background.""" if not self._enabled: return logging.info(' Profiling with the Deep Memory Profiler...') # Wait for a running dmprof process for last _GetPerformanceStat call to # cover last dump files. if is_last: logging.info(' Waiting for the last dmprof.') self._WaitForDeepMemoryProfiler() if self._proc and self._proc.poll() is None: logging.info(' Last dmprof is still running.') else: if self._json_file: self._last_json_filename = self._json_file.name self._json_file.close() self._json_file = None first_dump = '' last_dump = '' for filename in sorted(os.listdir(self._workdir)): if re.match('^endure.%05d.\d+.heap$' % proc_info['tab_pid'], filename): logging.info(' Profiled dump file: %s' % filename) last_dump = filename if not first_dump: first_dump = filename if first_dump: logging.info(' First dump file: %s' % first_dump) matched = re.match('^endure.\d+.(\d+).heap$', last_dump) last_sequence_id = matched.group(1) self._json_file = open( os.path.join(self._workdir, 'endure.%05d.%s.json' % (proc_info['tab_pid'], last_sequence_id)), 'w+') self._proc = subprocess.Popen( '%s json %s' % (self._DMPROF_SCRIPT_PATH, os.path.join(self._workdir, first_dump)), shell=True, stdout=self._json_file) if is_last: # Wait only when it is the last profiling. dmprof may take long time. self._WaitForDeepMemoryProfiler() # Upload the dumped files. if first_dump and self._upload and self._gsutil: if self._revision: destination_path = '%s%s/' % (self._upload, self._revision) else: destination_path = self._upload destination_path += '%s-%s-%s.zip' % ( webapp_name, test_description, os.path.basename(self._workdir)) gsutil_command = '%s upload --gsutil %s %s %s' % ( self._DMPROF_SCRIPT_PATH, self._gsutil, os.path.join(self._workdir, first_dump), destination_path) logging.info('Uploading: %s' % gsutil_command) try: returncode = subprocess.call(gsutil_command, shell=True) logging.info(' Return code: %d' % returncode) except OSError, e: logging.error(' Error while uploading: %s', e) else: logging.info('Note that the dumped files are not uploaded.') else: logging.info(' No dump files.') def ParseResultAndOutputPerfGraphValues( self, webapp_name, test_description, output_perf_graph_value): """Parses Deep Memory Profiler result, and outputs perf graph values.""" if not self._enabled: return results = {} for policy in self._POLICIES: if self._last_json_filename: json_data = {} with open(self._last_json_filename) as json_f: json_data = json.load(json_f) if json_data['version'] == 'JSON_DEEP_1': results[policy] = json_data['snapshots'] elif json_data['version'] == 'JSON_DEEP_2': results[policy] = json_data['policies'][policy]['snapshots'] for policy, result in results.iteritems(): if result and result[-1]['second'] > self._last_time[policy]: started = False for legend in json_data['policies'][policy]['legends']: if legend == 'FROM_HERE_FOR_TOTAL': started = True elif legend == 'UNTIL_HERE_FOR_TOTAL': break elif started: output_perf_graph_value( legend.encode('utf-8'), [ (int(round(snapshot['second'])), snapshot[legend] / 1024) for snapshot in result if snapshot['second'] > self._last_time[policy]], 'KB', graph_name='%s%s-%s-DMP' % ( webapp_name, test_description, policy), units_x='seconds', is_stacked=True) self._last_time[policy] = result[-1]['second'] def _WaitForDeepMemoryProfiler(self): """Waits for the Deep Memory Profiler to finish if running.""" if not self._enabled or not self._proc: return self._proc.wait() self._proc = None if self._json_file: self._last_json_filename = self._json_file.name self._json_file.close() self._json_file = None class ChromeEndureBaseTest(perf.BasePerfTest): """Implements common functionality for all Chrome Endure tests. All Chrome Endure test classes should inherit from this class. """ _DEFAULT_TEST_LENGTH_SEC = 60 * 60 * 6 # Tests run for 6 hours. _GET_PERF_STATS_INTERVAL = 60 * 5 # Measure perf stats every 5 minutes. # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Do we still need to tolerate errors? _ERROR_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 50 # Number of errors to tolerate. _REVISION = '' _GSUTIL = 'gsutil' def setUp(self): # The Web Page Replay environment variables must be parsed before # perf.BasePerfTest.setUp() self._ParseReplayEnv() # The environment variables for the Deep Memory Profiler must be set # before perf.BasePerfTest.setUp() to inherit them to Chrome. self._dmprof = DeepMemoryProfiler() self._revision = str(os.environ.get('REVISION', self._REVISION)) if not self._revision: self._revision = str(os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION', self._REVISION)) self._gsutil = str(os.environ.get('GSUTIL', self._GSUTIL)) if self._dmprof: self._dmprof.SetUp(self.IsLinux(), self._revision, self._gsutil) perf.BasePerfTest.setUp(self) self._test_length_sec = int( os.environ.get('TEST_LENGTH', self._DEFAULT_TEST_LENGTH_SEC)) self._get_perf_stats_interval = int( os.environ.get('PERF_STATS_INTERVAL', self._GET_PERF_STATS_INTERVAL)) logging.info('Running test for %d seconds.', self._test_length_sec) logging.info('Gathering perf stats every %d seconds.', self._get_perf_stats_interval) if self._dmprof: self._dmprof.LogFirstMessage() # Set up a remote inspector client associated with tab 0. logging.info('Setting up connection to remote inspector...') self._remote_inspector_client = ( remote_inspector_client.RemoteInspectorClient()) logging.info('Connection to remote inspector set up successfully.') self._test_start_time = 0 self._num_errors = 0 self._events_to_output = [] self._StartReplayServerIfNecessary() def tearDown(self): logging.info('Terminating connection to remote inspector...') self._remote_inspector_client.Stop() logging.info('Connection to remote inspector terminated.') # Must be done at end of this function except for post-cleaning after # Chrome finishes. perf.BasePerfTest.tearDown(self) # Must be done after perf.BasePerfTest.tearDown() self._StopReplayServerIfNecessary() if self._dmprof: self._dmprof.TearDown() def _GetArchiveName(self): """Return the Web Page Replay archive name that corresponds to a test. Override this function to return the name of an archive that corresponds to the test, e.g "ChromeEndureGmailTest.wpr". Returns: None, by default no archive name is provided. """ return None def _ParseReplayEnv(self): """Parse Web Page Replay related envrionment variables.""" if 'ENDURE_NO_WPR' in os.environ: self._use_wpr = False logging.info('Skipping Web Page Replay since ENDURE_NO_WPR is set.') else: self._archive_path = None if 'WPR_ARCHIVE_PATH' in os.environ: self._archive_path = os.environ.get('WPR_ARCHIVE_PATH') else: if self._GetArchiveName(): self._archive_path = ChromeEndureReplay.Path( 'archive', archive_name=self._GetArchiveName()) self._is_record_mode = 'WPR_RECORD' in os.environ if self._is_record_mode: if self._archive_path: self._use_wpr = True else: self._use_wpr = False logging.info('Fail to record since a valid archive path can not ' + 'be generated. Did you implement ' + '_GetArchiveName() in your test?') else: if self._archive_path and os.path.exists(self._archive_path): self._use_wpr = True else: self._use_wpr = False logging.info( 'Skipping Web Page Replay since archive file %sdoes not exist.', self._archive_path + ' ' if self._archive_path else '') def ExtraChromeFlags(self): """Ensures Chrome is launched with custom flags. Returns: A list of extra flags to pass to Chrome when it is launched. """ # The same with setUp, but need to fetch the environment variable since # ExtraChromeFlags is called before setUp. deep_memory_profile = DeepMemoryProfiler.GetEnvironmentVariable( 'DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE', bool, DeepMemoryProfiler.DEEP_MEMORY_PROFILE) # Ensure Chrome enables remote debugging on port 9222. This is required to # interact with Chrome's remote inspector. # Also, enable the memory benchmarking V8 extension for heap dumps. extra_flags = ['--remote-debugging-port=9222', '--enable-memory-benchmarking'] if deep_memory_profile: extra_flags.append('--no-sandbox') if self._use_wpr: extra_flags.extend(ChromeEndureReplay.CHROME_FLAGS) return perf.BasePerfTest.ExtraChromeFlags(self) + extra_flags def _OnTimelineEvent(self, event_info): """Invoked by the Remote Inspector Client when a timeline event occurs. Args: event_info: A dictionary containing raw information associated with a timeline event received from Chrome's remote inspector. Refer to chrome/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/inspector/Inspector.json for the format of this dictionary. """ elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - self._test_start_time)) if event_info['type'] == 'GCEvent': self._events_to_output.append({ 'type': 'GarbageCollection', 'time': elapsed_time, 'data': {'collected_bytes': event_info['data']['usedHeapSizeDelta']}, }) def _RunEndureTest(self, webapp_name, tab_title_substring, test_description, do_scenario, frame_xpath=''): """The main test harness function to run a general Chrome Endure test. After a test has performed any setup work and has navigated to the proper starting webpage, this function should be invoked to run the endurance test. Args: webapp_name: A string name for the webapp being tested. Should not include spaces. For example, 'Gmail', 'Docs', or 'Plus'. tab_title_substring: A unique substring contained within the title of the tab to use, for identifying the appropriate tab. test_description: A string description of what the test does, used for outputting results to be graphed. Should not contain spaces. For example, 'ComposeDiscard' for Gmail. do_scenario: A callable to be invoked that implements the scenario to be performed by this test. The callable is invoked iteratively for the duration of the test. frame_xpath: The string xpath of the frame in which to inject javascript to clear chromedriver's cache (a temporary workaround until the WebDriver team changes how they handle their DOM node cache). """ self._num_errors = 0 self._test_start_time = time.time() last_perf_stats_time = time.time() if self._dmprof: self.HeapProfilerDump('renderer', 'Chrome Endure (first)') self._GetPerformanceStats( webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring) self._iteration_num = 0 # Available to |do_scenario| if needed. self._remote_inspector_client.StartTimelineEventMonitoring( self._OnTimelineEvent) while time.time() - self._test_start_time < self._test_length_sec: self._iteration_num += 1 if self._num_errors >= self._ERROR_COUNT_THRESHOLD: logging.error('Error count threshold (%d) reached. Terminating test ' 'early.' % self._ERROR_COUNT_THRESHOLD) break if time.time() - last_perf_stats_time >= self._get_perf_stats_interval: last_perf_stats_time = time.time() if self._dmprof: self.HeapProfilerDump('renderer', 'Chrome Endure') self._GetPerformanceStats( webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring) if self._iteration_num % 10 == 0: remaining_time = self._test_length_sec - (time.time() - self._test_start_time) logging.info('Chrome interaction #%d. Time remaining in test: %d sec.' % (self._iteration_num, remaining_time)) do_scenario() # Clear ChromeDriver's DOM node cache so its growth doesn't affect the # results of Chrome Endure. # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Once the WebDriver team implements changes to # handle their DOM node cache differently, we need to revisit this. It # may no longer be necessary at that point to forcefully delete the cache. # Additionally, the Javascript below relies on an internal property of # WebDriver that may change at any time. This is only a temporary # workaround to stabilize the Chrome Endure test results. js = """ (function() { delete document.$wdc_; window.domAutomationController.send('done'); })(); """ try: self.ExecuteJavascript(js, frame_xpath=frame_xpath) except pyauto_errors.AutomationCommandTimeout: self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation timeout: delete chromedriver ' 'cache.') self._remote_inspector_client.StopTimelineEventMonitoring() if self._dmprof: self.HeapProfilerDump('renderer', 'Chrome Endure (last)') self._GetPerformanceStats( webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring, is_last=True) def _GetProcessInfo(self, tab_title_substring): """Gets process info associated with an open browser/tab. Args: tab_title_substring: A unique substring contained within the title of the tab to use; needed for locating the tab info. Returns: A dictionary containing information about the browser and specified tab process: { 'browser_private_mem': integer, # Private memory associated with the # browser process, in KB. 'tab_private_mem': integer, # Private memory associated with the tab # process, in KB. 'tab_pid': integer, # Process ID of the tab process. } """ browser_process_name = ( self.GetBrowserInfo()['properties']['BrowserProcessExecutableName']) info = self.GetProcessInfo() # Get the information associated with the browser process. browser_proc_info = [] for browser_info in info['browsers']: if browser_info['process_name'] == browser_process_name: for proc_info in browser_info['processes']: if proc_info['child_process_type'] == 'Browser': browser_proc_info.append(proc_info) self.assertEqual(len(browser_proc_info), 1, msg='Expected to find 1 Chrome browser process, but found ' '%d instead.\nCurrent process info:\n%s.' % ( len(browser_proc_info), self.pformat(info))) # Get the process information associated with the specified tab. tab_proc_info = [] for browser_info in info['browsers']: for proc_info in browser_info['processes']: if (proc_info['child_process_type'] == 'Tab' and [x for x in proc_info['titles'] if tab_title_substring in x]): tab_proc_info.append(proc_info) self.assertEqual(len(tab_proc_info), 1, msg='Expected to find 1 %s tab process, but found %d ' 'instead.\nCurrent process info:\n%s.' % ( tab_title_substring, len(tab_proc_info), self.pformat(info))) browser_proc_info = browser_proc_info[0] tab_proc_info = tab_proc_info[0] return { 'browser_private_mem': browser_proc_info['working_set_mem']['priv'], 'tab_private_mem': tab_proc_info['working_set_mem']['priv'], 'tab_pid': tab_proc_info['pid'], } def _GetPerformanceStats(self, webapp_name, test_description, tab_title_substring, is_last=False): """Gets performance statistics and outputs the results. Args: webapp_name: A string name for the webapp being tested. Should not include spaces. For example, 'Gmail', 'Docs', or 'Plus'. test_description: A string description of what the test does, used for outputting results to be graphed. Should not contain spaces. For example, 'ComposeDiscard' for Gmail. tab_title_substring: A unique substring contained within the title of the tab to use, for identifying the appropriate tab. is_last: A boolean value which should be True if it's the last call of _GetPerformanceStats. The default is False. """ logging.info('Gathering performance stats...') elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - self._test_start_time)) memory_counts = self._remote_inspector_client.GetMemoryObjectCounts() proc_info = self._GetProcessInfo(tab_title_substring) if self._dmprof: self._dmprof.StartProfiler( proc_info, is_last, webapp_name, test_description) # DOM node count. dom_node_count = memory_counts['DOMNodeCount'] self._OutputPerfGraphValue( 'TotalDOMNodeCount', [(elapsed_time, dom_node_count)], 'nodes', graph_name='%s%s-Nodes-DOM' % (webapp_name, test_description), units_x='seconds') # Event listener count. event_listener_count = memory_counts['EventListenerCount'] self._OutputPerfGraphValue( 'EventListenerCount', [(elapsed_time, event_listener_count)], 'listeners', graph_name='%s%s-EventListeners' % (webapp_name, test_description), units_x='seconds') # Browser process private memory. self._OutputPerfGraphValue( 'BrowserPrivateMemory', [(elapsed_time, proc_info['browser_private_mem'])], 'KB', graph_name='%s%s-BrowserMem-Private' % (webapp_name, test_description), units_x='seconds') # Tab process private memory. self._OutputPerfGraphValue( 'TabPrivateMemory', [(elapsed_time, proc_info['tab_private_mem'])], 'KB', graph_name='%s%s-TabMem-Private' % (webapp_name, test_description), units_x='seconds') # V8 memory used. v8_info = self.GetV8HeapStats() # First window, first tab. v8_mem_used = v8_info['v8_memory_used'] / 1024.0 # Convert to KB. self._OutputPerfGraphValue( 'V8MemoryUsed', [(elapsed_time, v8_mem_used)], 'KB', graph_name='%s%s-V8MemUsed' % (webapp_name, test_description), units_x='seconds') # V8 memory allocated. v8_mem_allocated = v8_info['v8_memory_allocated'] / 1024.0 # Convert to KB. self._OutputPerfGraphValue( 'V8MemoryAllocated', [(elapsed_time, v8_mem_allocated)], 'KB', graph_name='%s%s-V8MemAllocated' % (webapp_name, test_description), units_x='seconds') if self._dmprof: self._dmprof.ParseResultAndOutputPerfGraphValues( webapp_name, test_description, self._OutputPerfGraphValue) logging.info(' Total DOM node count: %d nodes' % dom_node_count) logging.info(' Event listener count: %d listeners' % event_listener_count) logging.info(' Browser process private memory: %d KB' % proc_info['browser_private_mem']) logging.info(' Tab process private memory: %d KB' % proc_info['tab_private_mem']) logging.info(' V8 memory used: %f KB' % v8_mem_used) logging.info(' V8 memory allocated: %f KB' % v8_mem_allocated) # Output any new timeline events that have occurred. if self._events_to_output: logging.info('Logging timeline events...') event_type_to_value_list = {} for event_info in self._events_to_output: if not event_info['type'] in event_type_to_value_list: event_type_to_value_list[event_info['type']] = [] event_type_to_value_list[event_info['type']].append( (event_info['time'], event_info['data'])) for event_type, value_list in event_type_to_value_list.iteritems(): self._OutputEventGraphValue(event_type, value_list) self._events_to_output = [] else: logging.info('No new timeline events to log.') def _GetElement(self, find_by, value): """Gets a WebDriver element object from the webpage DOM. Args: find_by: A callable that queries WebDriver for an element from the DOM. value: A string value that can be passed to the |find_by| callable. Returns: The identified WebDriver element object, if found in the DOM, or None, otherwise. """ try: return find_by(value) except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: return None def _ClickElementByXpath(self, driver, xpath): """Given the xpath for a DOM element, clicks on it using WebDriver. Args: driver: A WebDriver object, as returned by self.NewWebDriver(). xpath: The string xpath associated with the DOM element to click. Returns: True, if the DOM element was found and clicked successfully, or False, otherwise. """ try: self.WaitForDomNode(xpath) except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError, pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError) as e: logging.exception('PyAuto exception: %s' % e) return False try: element = self._GetElement(driver.find_element_by_xpath, xpath) element.click() except (selenium.common.exceptions.StaleElementReferenceException, selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException) as e: logging.exception('WebDriver exception: %s' % e) return False return True def _StartReplayServerIfNecessary(self): """Start replay server if necessary.""" if self._use_wpr: mode = 'record' if self._is_record_mode else 'replay' self._wpr_server = ChromeEndureReplay.ReplayServer(self._archive_path) self._wpr_server.StartServer() logging.info('Web Page Replay server has started in %s mode.', mode) def _StopReplayServerIfNecessary(self): """Stop the Web Page Replay server if necessary. This method has to be called AFTER all network connections which go through Web Page Replay server have shut down. Otherwise the Web Page Replay server will hang to wait for them. A good place is to call it at the end of the teardown process. """ if self._use_wpr: self._wpr_server.StopServer() logging.info('The Web Page Replay server stopped.') class ChromeEndureControlTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest): """Control tests for Chrome Endure.""" _WEBAPP_NAME = 'Control' _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'Chrome Endure Control Test' def testControlAttachDetachDOMTree(self): """Continually attach and detach a DOM tree from a basic document.""" test_description = 'AttachDetachDOMTree' url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath('chrome_endure', 'endurance_control.html') self.NavigateToURL(url) loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle() self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title, msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' % (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title)) def scenario(): # Just sleep. Javascript in the webpage itself does the work. time.sleep(5) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario) def testControlAttachDetachDOMTreeWebDriver(self): """Use WebDriver to attach and detach a DOM tree from a basic document.""" test_description = 'AttachDetachDOMTreeWebDriver' url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath('chrome_endure', 'endurance_control_webdriver.html') self.NavigateToURL(url) loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle() self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title, msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' % (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title)) driver = self.NewWebDriver() def scenario(driver): # Click the "attach" button to attach a large DOM tree (with event # listeners) to the document, wait half a second, click "detach" to detach # the DOM tree from the document, wait half a second. self._ClickElementByXpath(driver, 'id("attach")') time.sleep(0.5) self._ClickElementByXpath(driver, 'id("detach")') time.sleep(0.5) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, lambda: scenario(driver)) # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Make new WPR recordings of the Gmail tests so that we # can remove the special handling for when self._use_wpr is True. class ChromeEndureGmailTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest): """Long-running performance tests for Chrome using Gmail.""" _WEBAPP_NAME = 'Gmail' _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'Gmail' _FRAME_XPATH = 'id("canvas_frame")' def setUp(self): ChromeEndureBaseTest.setUp(self) self._FRAME_XPATH = self._FRAME_XPATH if self._use_wpr else '' # Log into a test Google account and open up Gmail. self._LoginToGoogleAccount(account_key='test_google_account_gmail') self.NavigateToURL(self._GetConfig().get('gmail_url')) self.assertTrue( self.WaitUntil(lambda: self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in self.GetActiveTabTitle(), timeout=60, expect_retval=True, retry_sleep=1), msg='Timed out waiting for Gmail to load. Tab title is: %s' % self.GetActiveTabTitle()) self._driver = self.NewWebDriver() # Any call to wait.until() will raise an exception if the timeout is hit. # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Remove the need for webdriver's wait using the new # DOM mutation observer mechanism. self._wait = WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout=60) if self._use_wpr: # Wait until Gmail's 'canvas_frame' loads and the 'Inbox' link is present. # TODO(dennisjeffrey): Check with the Gmail team to see if there's a # better way to tell when the webpage is ready for user interaction. self._wait.until( self._SwitchToCanvasFrame) # Raises exception if the timeout is hit. # Wait for the inbox to appear. self.WaitForDomNode('//a[starts-with(@title, "Inbox")]', frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) # Test whether latency dom element is available. try: self._GetLatencyDomElement(5000) self._has_latency = True except pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError: logging.info('Skip recording latency as latency ' + 'dom element is not available.') self._has_latency = False def _GetArchiveName(self): """Return Web Page Replay archive name.""" return 'ChromeEndureGmailTest.wpr' def _SwitchToCanvasFrame(self, driver): """Switch the WebDriver to Gmail's 'canvas_frame', if it's available. Args: driver: A selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver object. Returns: True, if the switch to Gmail's 'canvas_frame' is successful, or False if not. """ try: driver.switch_to_frame('canvas_frame') return True except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchFrameException: return False def _GetLatencyDomElement(self, timeout=-1): """Returns a reference to the latency info element in the Gmail DOM. Args: timeout: The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the latency dom element to appear, defaults to the default automation timeout. Returns: A latency dom element. """ latency_xpath = ( '//span[starts-with(text(), "Why was the last action slow?")]') self.WaitForDomNode(latency_xpath, timeout=timeout, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) return self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, latency_xpath) def _WaitUntilDomElementRemoved(self, dom_element): """Waits until the given element is no longer attached to the DOM. Args: dom_element: A selenium.webdriver.remote.WebElement object. """ def _IsElementStale(): try: dom_element.tag_name except selenium.common.exceptions.StaleElementReferenceException: return True return False self.WaitUntil(_IsElementStale, timeout=60, expect_retval=True) def _ClickElementAndRecordLatency(self, element, test_description, action_description): """Clicks a DOM element and records the latency associated with that action. To account for scenario warm-up time, latency values during the first minute of test execution are not recorded. Args: element: A selenium.webdriver.remote.WebElement object to click. test_description: A string description of what the test does, used for outputting results to be graphed. Should not contain spaces. For example, 'ComposeDiscard' for Gmail. action_description: A string description of what action is being performed. Should not contain spaces. For example, 'Compose'. """ if not self._has_latency: element.click() return latency_dom_element = self._GetLatencyDomElement() element.click() # Wait for the old latency value to be removed, before getting the new one. self._WaitUntilDomElementRemoved(latency_dom_element) latency_dom_element = self._GetLatencyDomElement() match = re.search(r'\[(\d+) ms\]', latency_dom_element.text) if match: latency = int(match.group(1)) elapsed_time = int(round(time.time() - self._test_start_time)) if elapsed_time > 60: # Ignore the first minute of latency measurements. self._OutputPerfGraphValue( '%sLatency' % action_description, [(elapsed_time, latency)], 'msec', graph_name='%s%s-%sLatency' % (self._WEBAPP_NAME, test_description, action_description), units_x='seconds') else: logging.warning('Could not identify latency value.') def testGmailComposeDiscard(self): """Continuously composes/discards an e-mail before sending. This test continually composes/discards an e-mail using Gmail, and periodically gathers performance stats that may reveal memory bloat. """ test_description = 'ComposeDiscard' def scenario_wpr(): # Click the "Compose" button, enter some text into the "To" field, enter # some text into the "Subject" field, then click the "Discard" button to # discard the message. compose_xpath = '//div[text()="COMPOSE"]' self.WaitForDomNode(compose_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) compose_button = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, compose_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency( compose_button, test_description, 'Compose') to_xpath = '//textarea[@name="to"]' self.WaitForDomNode(to_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) to_field = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, to_xpath) to_field.send_keys('nobody@nowhere.com') subject_xpath = '//input[@name="subject"]' self.WaitForDomNode(subject_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) subject_field = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, subject_xpath) subject_field.send_keys('This message is about to be discarded') discard_xpath = '//div[text()="Discard"]' self.WaitForDomNode(discard_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) discard_button = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, discard_xpath) discard_button.click() # Wait for the message to be discarded, assumed to be true after the # "To" field is removed from the webpage DOM. self._wait.until(lambda _: not self._GetElement( self._driver.find_element_by_name, 'to')) def scenario_live(): compose_xpath = '//div[text()="COMPOSE"]' self.WaitForDomNode(compose_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) compose_button = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, compose_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency( compose_button, test_description, 'Compose') to_xpath = '//textarea[@name="to"]' self.WaitForDomNode(to_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) to_field = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, to_xpath) to_field.send_keys('nobody@nowhere.com') subject_xpath = '//input[@name="subjectbox"]' self.WaitForDomNode(subject_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) subject_field = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, subject_xpath) subject_field.send_keys('This message is about to be discarded') discard_xpath = '//div[@aria-label="Discard draft"]' self.WaitForDomNode(discard_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) discard_button = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, discard_xpath) discard_button.click() # Wait for the message to be discarded, assumed to be true after the # "To" element is removed from the webpage DOM. self._wait.until(lambda _: not self._GetElement( self._driver.find_element_by_name, 'to')) scenario = scenario_wpr if self._use_wpr else scenario_live self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) def testGmailAlternateThreadlistConversation(self): """Alternates between threadlist view and conversation view. This test continually clicks between the threadlist (Inbox) and the conversation view (e-mail message view), and periodically gathers performance stats that may reveal memory bloat. """ test_description = 'ThreadConversation' def scenario(): # Click an e-mail to see the conversation view, wait 1 second, click the # "Inbox" link to see the threadlist, wait 1 second. # Find the first thread (e-mail) identified by a "span" tag that contains # an "email" attribute. Then click it and wait for the conversation view # to appear (assumed to be visible when a particular div exists on the # page). thread_xpath = '//span[@email]' self.WaitForDomNode(thread_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) thread = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, thread_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency( thread, test_description, 'Conversation') self.WaitForDomNode('//div[text()="Click here to "]', frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) time.sleep(1) # Find the inbox link and click it. Then wait for the inbox to be shown # (assumed to be true when the particular div from the conversation view # no longer appears on the page). inbox_xpath = '//a[starts-with(text(), "Inbox")]' self.WaitForDomNode(inbox_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) inbox = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, inbox_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency(inbox, test_description, 'Threadlist') self._wait.until( lambda _: not self._GetElement( self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, '//div[text()="Click here to "]')) time.sleep(1) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) def testGmailAlternateTwoLabels(self): """Continuously alternates between two labels. This test continually clicks between the "Inbox" and "Sent Mail" labels, and periodically gathers performance stats that may reveal memory bloat. """ test_description = 'AlternateLabels' def scenario(): # Click the "Sent Mail" label, wait for 1 second, click the "Inbox" label, # wait for 1 second. # Click the "Sent Mail" label, then wait for the tab title to be updated # with the substring "sent". sent_xpath = '//a[starts-with(text(), "Sent Mail")]' self.WaitForDomNode(sent_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) sent = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, sent_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency(sent, test_description, 'SentMail') self.assertTrue( self.WaitUntil(lambda: 'Sent Mail' in self.GetActiveTabTitle(), timeout=60, expect_retval=True, retry_sleep=1), msg='Timed out waiting for Sent Mail to appear.') time.sleep(1) # Click the "Inbox" label, then wait for the tab title to be updated with # the substring "inbox". inbox_xpath = '//a[starts-with(text(), "Inbox")]' self.WaitForDomNode(inbox_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) inbox = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, inbox_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency(inbox, test_description, 'Inbox') self.assertTrue( self.WaitUntil(lambda: 'Inbox' in self.GetActiveTabTitle(), timeout=60, expect_retval=True, retry_sleep=1), msg='Timed out waiting for Inbox to appear.') time.sleep(1) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) def testGmailExpandCollapseConversation(self): """Continuously expands/collapses all messages in a conversation. This test opens up a conversation (e-mail thread) with several messages, then continually alternates between the "Expand all" and "Collapse all" views, while periodically gathering performance stats that may reveal memory bloat. """ test_description = 'ExpandCollapse' # Enter conversation view for a particular thread. thread_xpath = '//span[@email]' self.WaitForDomNode(thread_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) thread = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, thread_xpath) thread.click() self.WaitForDomNode('//div[text()="Click here to "]', frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) def scenario(): # Click on the "Expand all" icon, wait for 1 second, click on the # "Collapse all" icon, wait for 1 second. # Click the "Expand all" icon, then wait for that icon to be removed from # the page. expand_xpath = '//img[@alt="Expand all"]' self.WaitForDomNode(expand_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) expand = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, expand_xpath) self._ClickElementAndRecordLatency(expand, test_description, 'ExpandAll') self.WaitForDomNode( '//img[@alt="Expand all"]/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*' '[@style="display: none;"]', frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) time.sleep(1) # Click the "Collapse all" icon, then wait for that icon to be removed # from the page. collapse_xpath = '//img[@alt="Collapse all"]' self.WaitForDomNode(collapse_xpath, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) collapse = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, collapse_xpath) collapse.click() self.WaitForDomNode( '//img[@alt="Collapse all"]/parent::*/parent::*/parent::*' '[@style="display: none;"]', frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) time.sleep(1) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario, frame_xpath=self._FRAME_XPATH) class ChromeEndureDocsTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest): """Long-running performance tests for Chrome using Google Docs.""" _WEBAPP_NAME = 'Docs' _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'Google Drive' def setUp(self): ChromeEndureBaseTest.setUp(self) # Log into a test Google account and open up Google Docs. self._LoginToGoogleAccount() self.NavigateToURL(self._GetConfig().get('docs_url')) self.assertTrue( self.WaitUntil(lambda: self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in self.GetActiveTabTitle(), timeout=60, expect_retval=True, retry_sleep=1), msg='Timed out waiting for Docs to load. Tab title is: %s' % self.GetActiveTabTitle()) self._driver = self.NewWebDriver() def _GetArchiveName(self): """Return Web Page Replay archive name.""" return 'ChromeEndureDocsTest.wpr' def testDocsAlternatelyClickLists(self): """Alternates between two different document lists. This test alternately clicks the "Shared with me" and "My Drive" buttons in Google Docs, and periodically gathers performance stats that may reveal memory bloat. """ test_description = 'AlternateLists' def sort_menu_setup(): # Open and close the "Sort" menu to get some DOM nodes to appear that are # used by the scenario in this test. sort_xpath = '//div[text()="Sort"]' self.WaitForDomNode(sort_xpath) sort_button = self._GetElement(self._driver.find_element_by_xpath, sort_xpath) sort_button.click() sort_button.click() sort_button.click() def scenario(): # Click the "Shared with me" button, wait for 1 second, click the # "My Drive" button, wait for 1 second. # Click the "Shared with me" button and wait for a div to appear. if not self._ClickElementByXpath( self._driver, '//div[text()="Shared with me"]'): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "shared with me".') try: self.WaitForDomNode('//div[text()="Share date"]') except pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError: # This case can occur when the page reloads; set things up again. sort_menu_setup() time.sleep(1) # Click the "My Drive" button and wait for a resulting div to appear. if not self._ClickElementByXpath( self._driver, '//span[starts-with(text(), "My Drive")]'): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "my drive".') try: self.WaitForDomNode('//div[text()="Quota used"]') except pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError: # This case can occur when the page reloads; set things up again. sort_menu_setup() time.sleep(1) sort_menu_setup() self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario) class ChromeEndurePlusTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest): """Long-running performance tests for Chrome using Google Plus.""" _WEBAPP_NAME = 'Plus' _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'Google+' def setUp(self): ChromeEndureBaseTest.setUp(self) # Log into a test Google account and open up Google Plus. self._LoginToGoogleAccount() self.NavigateToURL(self._GetConfig().get('plus_url')) loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle() self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title, msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' % (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title)) self._driver = self.NewWebDriver() def _GetArchiveName(self): """Return Web Page Replay archive name.""" return 'ChromeEndurePlusTest.wpr' def testPlusAlternatelyClickStreams(self): """Alternates between two different streams. This test alternately clicks the "Friends" and "Family" buttons using Google Plus, and periodically gathers performance stats that may reveal memory bloat. """ test_description = 'AlternateStreams' def scenario(): # Click the "Friends" button, wait for 1 second, click the "Family" # button, wait for 1 second. # Click the "Friends" button and wait for a resulting div to appear. if not self._ClickElementByXpath( self._driver, '//div[text()="Friends" and ' 'starts-with(@data-dest, "stream/circles")]'): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "Friends" button.') try: self.WaitForDomNode('//span[contains(., "in Friends")]') except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError, pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: wait for "in Friends".') time.sleep(1) # Click the "Family" button and wait for a resulting div to appear. if not self._ClickElementByXpath( self._driver, '//div[text()="Family" and ' 'starts-with(@data-dest, "stream/circles")]'): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "Family" button.') try: self.WaitForDomNode('//span[contains(., "in Family")]') except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError, pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: wait for "in Family".') time.sleep(1) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario) class IndexedDBOfflineTest(ChromeEndureBaseTest): """Long-running performance tests for IndexedDB, modeling offline usage.""" _WEBAPP_NAME = 'IndexedDBOffline' _TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING = 'IndexedDB Offline' def setUp(self): ChromeEndureBaseTest.setUp(self) url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath('indexeddb', 'endure', 'app.html') self.NavigateToURL(url) loaded_tab_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle() self.assertTrue(self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING in loaded_tab_title, msg='Loaded tab title does not contain "%s": "%s"' % (self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, loaded_tab_title)) self._driver = self.NewWebDriver() def testOfflineOnline(self): """Simulates user input while offline and sync while online. This test alternates between a simulated "Offline" state (where user input events are queued) and an "Online" state (where user input events are dequeued, sync data is staged, and sync data is unstaged). """ test_description = 'OnlineOfflineSync' def scenario(): # Click the "Online" button and let simulated sync run for 1 second. if not self._ClickElementByXpath(self._driver, 'id("online")'): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "online" button.') try: self.WaitForDomNode('id("state")[text()="online"]') except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError, pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: wait for "online".') time.sleep(1) # Click the "Offline" button and let user input occur for 1 second. if not self._ClickElementByXpath(self._driver, 'id("offline")'): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: click "offline" button.') try: self.WaitForDomNode('id("state")[text()="offline"]') except (pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError, pyauto_errors.JavascriptRuntimeError): self._num_errors += 1 logging.warning('Logging an automation error: wait for "offline".') time.sleep(1) self._RunEndureTest(self._WEBAPP_NAME, self._TAB_TITLE_SUBSTRING, test_description, scenario) class ChromeEndureReplay(object): """Run Chrome Endure tests with network simulation via Web Page Replay.""" _PATHS = { 'archive': 'src/chrome/test/data/pyauto_private/webpagereplay/{archive_name}', 'scripts': 'src/chrome/test/data/chrome_endure/webpagereplay/wpr_deterministic.js', } WEBPAGEREPLAY_HOST = '' WEBPAGEREPLAY_HTTP_PORT = 8080 WEBPAGEREPLAY_HTTPS_PORT = 8413 CHROME_FLAGS = webpagereplay.GetChromeFlags( WEBPAGEREPLAY_HOST, WEBPAGEREPLAY_HTTP_PORT, WEBPAGEREPLAY_HTTPS_PORT) @classmethod def Path(cls, key, **kwargs): return perf.FormatChromePath(cls._PATHS[key], **kwargs) @classmethod def ReplayServer(cls, archive_path): """Create a replay server.""" # Inject customized scripts for Google webapps. # See the javascript file for details. scripts = cls.Path('scripts') if not os.path.exists(scripts): raise IOError('Injected scripts %s not found.' % scripts) replay_options = ['--inject_scripts', scripts] if 'WPR_RECORD' in os.environ: replay_options.append('--append') return webpagereplay.ReplayServer(archive_path, cls.WEBPAGEREPLAY_HOST, cls.WEBPAGEREPLAY_HTTP_PORT, cls.WEBPAGEREPLAY_HTTPS_PORT, replay_options) if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()