// // Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Renderer.h: Defines a back-end specific class that hides the details of the // implementation-specific renderer. #ifndef LIBGLESV2_RENDERER_RENDERER_H_ #define LIBGLESV2_RENDERER_RENDERER_H_ #include "libGLESv2/Uniform.h" #include "libGLESv2/angletypes.h" #if !defined(ANGLE_COMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL) #define ANGLE_COMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL3 #endif const int versionWindowsVista = MAKEWORD(0x00, 0x06); const int versionWindows7 = MAKEWORD(0x01, 0x06); // Return the version of the operating system in a format suitable for ordering // comparison. inline int getComparableOSVersion() { DWORD version = GetVersion(); int majorVersion = LOBYTE(LOWORD(version)); int minorVersion = HIBYTE(LOWORD(version)); return MAKEWORD(minorVersion, majorVersion); } namespace egl { class Display; } namespace gl { class InfoLog; class ProgramBinary; class VertexAttribute; class Buffer; class Texture; class Framebuffer; } namespace rx { class TextureStorageInterface2D; class TextureStorageInterfaceCube; class VertexBuffer; class IndexBuffer; class QueryImpl; class FenceImpl; class BufferStorage; class Blit; struct TranslatedIndexData; class ShaderExecutable; class SwapChain; class RenderTarget; class Image; class TextureStorage; typedef void * ShaderBlob; typedef void (*pCompileFunc)(); struct ConfigDesc { GLenum renderTargetFormat; GLenum depthStencilFormat; GLint multiSample; bool fastConfig; }; struct dx_VertexConstants { float depthRange[4]; float viewAdjust[4]; }; struct dx_PixelConstants { float depthRange[4]; float viewCoords[4]; float depthFront[4]; }; enum ShaderType { SHADER_VERTEX, SHADER_PIXEL, SHADER_GEOMETRY }; enum D3DWorkaroundType { ANGLE_D3D_WORKAROUND_NONE, ANGLE_D3D_WORKAROUND_SM3_OPTIMIZER }; class Renderer { public: explicit Renderer(egl::Display *display); virtual ~Renderer(); virtual EGLint initialize() = 0; virtual bool resetDevice() = 0; virtual int generateConfigs(ConfigDesc **configDescList) = 0; virtual void deleteConfigs(ConfigDesc *configDescList) = 0; virtual void sync(bool block) = 0; virtual SwapChain *createSwapChain(HWND window, HANDLE shareHandle, GLenum backBufferFormat, GLenum depthBufferFormat) = 0; virtual void setSamplerState(gl::SamplerType type, int index, const gl::SamplerState &sampler) = 0; virtual void setTexture(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture) = 0; virtual void setRasterizerState(const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState) = 0; virtual void setBlendState(const gl::BlendState &blendState, const gl::Color &blendColor, unsigned int sampleMask) = 0; virtual void setDepthStencilState(const gl::DepthStencilState &depthStencilState, int stencilRef, int stencilBackRef, bool frontFaceCCW) = 0; virtual void setScissorRectangle(const gl::Rectangle &scissor, bool enabled) = 0; virtual bool setViewport(const gl::Rectangle &viewport, float zNear, float zFar, GLenum drawMode, GLenum frontFace, bool ignoreViewport) = 0; virtual bool applyRenderTarget(gl::Framebuffer *frameBuffer) = 0; virtual void applyShaders(gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary) = 0; virtual void applyUniforms(gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, gl::UniformArray *uniformArray) = 0; virtual bool applyPrimitiveType(GLenum primitiveType, GLsizei elementCount) = 0; virtual GLenum applyVertexBuffer(gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, gl::VertexAttribute vertexAttributes[], GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) = 0; virtual GLenum applyIndexBuffer(const GLvoid *indices, gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer, GLsizei count, GLenum mode, GLenum type, TranslatedIndexData *indexInfo) = 0; virtual void drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) = 0; virtual void drawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer, const TranslatedIndexData &indexInfo, GLsizei instances) = 0; virtual void clear(const gl::ClearParameters &clearParams, gl::Framebuffer *frameBuffer) = 0; virtual void markAllStateDirty() = 0; // lost device virtual void notifyDeviceLost() = 0; virtual bool isDeviceLost() = 0; virtual bool testDeviceLost(bool notify) = 0; virtual bool testDeviceResettable() = 0; // Renderer capabilities virtual DWORD getAdapterVendor() const = 0; virtual std::string getRendererDescription() const = 0; virtual GUID getAdapterIdentifier() const = 0; virtual bool getBGRATextureSupport() const = 0; virtual bool getDXT1TextureSupport() = 0; virtual bool getDXT3TextureSupport() = 0; virtual bool getDXT5TextureSupport() = 0; virtual bool getEventQuerySupport() = 0; virtual bool getFloat32TextureSupport(bool *filtering, bool *renderable) = 0; virtual bool getFloat16TextureSupport(bool *filtering, bool *renderable) = 0; virtual bool getLuminanceTextureSupport() = 0; virtual bool getLuminanceAlphaTextureSupport() = 0; bool getVertexTextureSupport() const { return getMaxVertexTextureImageUnits() > 0; } virtual unsigned int getMaxVertexTextureImageUnits() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformVectors() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformVectors() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getMaxVertexUniformVectors() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getMaxFragmentUniformVectors() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getMaxVaryingVectors() const = 0; virtual bool getNonPower2TextureSupport() const = 0; virtual bool getDepthTextureSupport() const = 0; virtual bool getOcclusionQuerySupport() const = 0; virtual bool getInstancingSupport() const = 0; virtual bool getTextureFilterAnisotropySupport() const = 0; virtual float getTextureMaxAnisotropy() const = 0; virtual bool getShareHandleSupport() const = 0; virtual bool getDerivativeInstructionSupport() const = 0; virtual bool getPostSubBufferSupport() const = 0; virtual int getMajorShaderModel() const = 0; virtual float getMaxPointSize() const = 0; virtual int getMaxViewportDimension() const = 0; virtual int getMaxTextureWidth() const = 0; virtual int getMaxTextureHeight() const = 0; virtual bool get32BitIndexSupport() const = 0; virtual int getMinSwapInterval() const = 0; virtual int getMaxSwapInterval() const = 0; virtual GLsizei getMaxSupportedSamples() const = 0; virtual unsigned int getMaxRenderTargets() const = 0; // Pixel operations virtual bool copyToRenderTarget(TextureStorageInterface2D *dest, TextureStorageInterface2D *source) = 0; virtual bool copyToRenderTarget(TextureStorageInterfaceCube *dest, TextureStorageInterfaceCube *source) = 0; virtual bool copyImage(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, TextureStorageInterface2D *storage, GLint level) = 0; virtual bool copyImage(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, TextureStorageInterfaceCube *storage, GLenum target, GLint level) = 0; virtual bool blitRect(gl::Framebuffer *readTarget, const gl::Rectangle &readRect, gl::Framebuffer *drawTarget, const gl::Rectangle &drawRect, bool blitRenderTarget, bool blitDepthStencil) = 0; virtual void readPixels(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei outputPitch, bool packReverseRowOrder, GLint packAlignment, void* pixels) = 0; // RenderTarget creation virtual RenderTarget *createRenderTarget(SwapChain *swapChain, bool depth) = 0; virtual RenderTarget *createRenderTarget(int width, int height, GLenum format, GLsizei samples, bool depth) = 0; // Shader operations virtual ShaderExecutable *loadExecutable(const void *function, size_t length, rx::ShaderType type) = 0; virtual ShaderExecutable *compileToExecutable(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const char *shaderHLSL, rx::ShaderType type, D3DWorkaroundType workaround) = 0; // Image operations virtual Image *createImage() = 0; virtual void generateMipmap(Image *dest, Image *source) = 0; virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(SwapChain *swapChain) = 0; virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(int levels, GLenum internalformat, GLenum usage, bool forceRenderable, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = 0; virtual TextureStorage *createTextureStorageCube(int levels, GLenum internalformat, GLenum usage, bool forceRenderable, int size) = 0; // Buffer creation virtual VertexBuffer *createVertexBuffer() = 0; virtual IndexBuffer *createIndexBuffer() = 0; virtual BufferStorage *createBufferStorage() = 0; // Query and Fence creation virtual QueryImpl *createQuery(GLenum type) = 0; virtual FenceImpl *createFence() = 0; virtual bool getLUID(LUID *adapterLuid) const = 0; protected: bool initializeCompiler(); ShaderBlob *compileToBinary(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const char *hlsl, const char *profile, UINT optimizationFlags, bool alternateFlags); egl::Display *mDisplay; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Renderer); HMODULE mD3dCompilerModule; pCompileFunc mD3DCompileFunc; }; } #endif // LIBGLESV2_RENDERER_RENDERER_H_