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1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5cr.define('cloudprint', function() {
6  'use strict';
8  /**
9   * API to the Google Cloud Print service.
10   * @param {string} baseUrl Base part of the Google Cloud Print service URL
11   *     with no trailing slash. For example,
12   *     'https://www.google.com/cloudprint'.
13   * @param {!print_preview.NativeLayer} nativeLayer Native layer used to get
14   *     Auth2 tokens.
15   * @constructor
16   * @extends {cr.EventTarget}
17   */
18  function CloudPrintInterface(baseUrl, nativeLayer) {
19    /**
20     * The base URL of the Google Cloud Print API.
21     * @type {string}
22     * @private
23     */
24    this.baseUrl_ = baseUrl;
26    /**
27     * Used to get Auth2 tokens.
28     * @type {!print_preview.NativeLayer}
29     * @private
30     */
31    this.nativeLayer_ = nativeLayer;
33    /**
34     * Last received XSRF token. Sent as a parameter in every request.
35     * @type {string}
36     * @private
37     */
38    this.xsrfToken_ = '';
40    /**
41     * Pending requests delayed until we get access token.
42     * @type {!Array.<!CloudPrintRequest>}
43     * @private
44     */
45    this.requestQueue_ = [];
47    /**
48     * Number of outstanding cloud destination search requests.
49     * @type {number}
50     * @private
51     */
52    this.outstandingCloudSearchRequestCount_ = 0;
54    /**
55     * Event tracker used to keep track of native layer events.
56     * @type {!EventTracker}
57     * @private
58     */
59    this.tracker_ = new EventTracker();
61    this.addEventListeners_();
62  };
64  /**
65   * Event types dispatched by the interface.
66   * @enum {string}
67   */
68  CloudPrintInterface.EventType = {
69    PRINTER_DONE: 'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.PRINTER_DONE',
70    PRINTER_FAILED: 'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.PRINTER_FAILED',
71    SEARCH_DONE: 'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.SEARCH_DONE',
72    SEARCH_FAILED: 'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.SEARCH_FAILED',
73    SUBMIT_DONE: 'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.SUBMIT_DONE',
74    SUBMIT_FAILED: 'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.SUBMIT_FAILED',
76        'cloudprint.CloudPrintInterface.UPDATE_PRINTER_TOS_ACCEPTANCE_FAILED'
77  };
79  /**
80   * Content type header value for a URL encoded HTTP request.
81   * @type {string}
82   * @const
83   * @private
84   */
85  CloudPrintInterface.URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE_ =
86      'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
88  /**
89   * Multi-part POST request boundary used in communication with Google
90   * Cloud Print.
91   * @type {string}
92   * @const
93   * @private
94   */
95  CloudPrintInterface.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_ =
96      '----CloudPrintFormBoundaryjc9wuprokl8i';
98  /**
99   * Content type header value for a multipart HTTP request.
100   * @type {string}
101   * @const
102   * @private
103   */
104  CloudPrintInterface.MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE_ =
105      'multipart/form-data; boundary=' +
106      CloudPrintInterface.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_;
108  /**
109   * Regex that extracts Chrome's version from the user-agent string.
110   * @type {!RegExp}
111   * @const
112   * @private
113   */
114  CloudPrintInterface.VERSION_REGEXP_ = /.*Chrome\/([\d\.]+)/i;
116  /**
117   * Enumeration of JSON response fields from Google Cloud Print API.
118   * @enum {string}
119   * @private
120   */
121  CloudPrintInterface.JsonFields_ = {
122    PRINTER: 'printer'
123  };
125  /**
126   * Could Print origins used to search printers.
127   * @type {!Array.<!print_preview.Destination.Origin>}
128   * @const
129   * @private
130   */
131  CloudPrintInterface.CLOUD_ORIGINS_ = [
132      print_preview.Destination.Origin.COOKIES,
133      print_preview.Destination.Origin.DEVICE
134      // TODO(vitalybuka): Enable when implemented.
135      // ready print_preview.Destination.Origin.PROFILE
136  ];
138  CloudPrintInterface.prototype = {
139    __proto__: cr.EventTarget.prototype,
141    /** @return {string} Base URL of the Google Cloud Print service. */
142    get baseUrl() {
143      return this.baseUrl_;
144    },
146    /**
147     * @return {boolean} Whether a search for cloud destinations is in progress.
148     */
149    get isCloudDestinationSearchInProgress() {
150      return this.outstandingCloudSearchRequestCount_ > 0;
151    },
153    /**
154     * Sends a Google Cloud Print search API request.
155     * @param {boolean} isRecent Whether to search for only recently used
156     *     printers.
157     */
158    search: function(isRecent) {
159      var params = [
160        new HttpParam('connection_status', 'ALL'),
161        new HttpParam('client', 'chrome'),
162        new HttpParam('use_cdd', 'true')
163      ];
164      if (isRecent) {
165        params.push(new HttpParam('q', '^recent'));
166      }
167      CloudPrintInterface.CLOUD_ORIGINS_.forEach(function(origin) {
168        ++this.outstandingCloudSearchRequestCount_;
169        var cpRequest =
170            this.buildRequest_('GET', 'search', params, origin,
171                               this.onSearchDone_.bind(this, isRecent));
172        this.sendOrQueueRequest_(cpRequest);
173      }, this);
174    },
176    /**
177     * Sends a Google Cloud Print submit API request.
178     * @param {!print_preview.Destination} destination Cloud destination to
179     *     print to.
180     * @param {!print_preview.PrintTicketStore} printTicketStore Contains the
181     *     print ticket to print.
182     * @param {!print_preview.DocumentInfo} documentInfo Document data model.
183     * @param {string} data Base64 encoded data of the document.
184     */
185    submit: function(destination, printTicketStore, documentInfo, data) {
186      var result =
187          CloudPrintInterface.VERSION_REGEXP_.exec(navigator.userAgent);
188      var chromeVersion = 'unknown';
189      if (result && result.length == 2) {
190        chromeVersion = result[1];
191      }
192      var params = [
193        new HttpParam('printerid', destination.id),
194        new HttpParam('contentType', 'dataUrl'),
195        new HttpParam('title', documentInfo.title),
196        new HttpParam('ticket',
197                      printTicketStore.createPrintTicket(destination)),
198        new HttpParam('content', 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + data),
199        new HttpParam('tag',
200                      '__google__chrome_version=' + chromeVersion),
201        new HttpParam('tag', '__google__os=' + navigator.platform)
202      ];
203      var cpRequest = this.buildRequest_('POST', 'submit', params,
204                                         destination.origin,
205                                         this.onSubmitDone_.bind(this));
206      this.sendOrQueueRequest_(cpRequest);
207    },
209    /**
210     * Sends a Google Cloud Print printer API request.
211     * @param {string} printerId ID of the printer to lookup.
212     * @param {!print_preview.Destination.Origin} origin Origin of the printer.
213     */
214    printer: function(printerId, origin) {
215      var params = [
216        new HttpParam('printerid', printerId),
217        new HttpParam('use_cdd', 'true')
218      ];
219      var cpRequest =
220          this.buildRequest_('GET', 'printer', params, origin,
221                             this.onPrinterDone_.bind(this, printerId));
222      this.sendOrQueueRequest_(cpRequest);
223    },
225    /**
226     * Sends a Google Cloud Print update API request to accept (or reject) the
227     * terms-of-service of the given printer.
228     * @param {string} printerId ID of the printer to accept the
229     *     terms-of-service for.
230     * @param {!print_preview.Destination.Origin} origin Origin of the printer.
231     * @param {boolean} isAccepted Whether the user accepted the
232     *     terms-of-service.
233     */
234    updatePrinterTosAcceptance: function(printerId, origin, isAccepted) {
235      var params = [
236        new HttpParam('printerid', printerId),
237        new HttpParam('is_tos_accepted', isAccepted)
238      ];
239      var cpRequest =
240          this.buildRequest_('POST', 'update', params, origin,
241                             this.onUpdatePrinterTosAcceptanceDone_.bind(this));
242      this.sendOrQueueRequest_(cpRequest);
243    },
245    /**
246     * Adds event listeners to the relevant native layer events.
247     * @private
248     */
249    addEventListeners_: function() {
250      this.tracker_.add(
251          this.nativeLayer_,
252          print_preview.NativeLayer.EventType.ACCESS_TOKEN_READY,
253          this.onAccessTokenReady_.bind(this));
254    },
256    /**
257     * Builds request to the Google Cloud Print API.
258     * @param {string} method HTTP method of the request.
259     * @param {string} action Google Cloud Print action to perform.
260     * @param {Array.<!HttpParam>} params HTTP parameters to include in the
261     *     request.
262     * @param {!print_preview.Destination.Origin} origin Origin for destination.
263     * @param {function(number, Object, !print_preview.Destination.Origin)}
264     *     callback Callback to invoke when request completes.
265     * @return {!CloudPrintRequest} Partially prepared request.
266     * @private
267     */
268    buildRequest_: function(method, action, params, origin, callback) {
269      var url = this.baseUrl_ + '/' + action + '?xsrf=';
270      if (origin == print_preview.Destination.Origin.COOKIES) {
271        if (!this.xsrfToken_) {
272          // TODO(rltoscano): Should throw an error if not a read-only action or
273          // issue an xsrf token request.
274        } else {
275          url = url + this.xsrfToken_;
276        }
277      }
278      var body = null;
279      if (params) {
280        if (method == 'GET') {
281          url = params.reduce(function(partialUrl, param) {
282            return partialUrl + '&' + param.name + '=' +
283                encodeURIComponent(param.value);
284          }, url);
285        } else if (method == 'POST') {
286          body = params.reduce(function(partialBody, param) {
287            return partialBody + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"' +
288                param.name + '\"\r\n\r\n' + param.value + '\r\n--' +
289                CloudPrintInterface.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_ + '\r\n';
290          }, '--' + CloudPrintInterface.MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_ + '\r\n');
291        }
292      }
294      var headers = {};
295      headers['X-CloudPrint-Proxy'] = 'ChromePrintPreview';
296      if (method == 'GET') {
297        headers['Content-Type'] = CloudPrintInterface.URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE_;
298      } else if (method == 'POST') {
299        headers['Content-Type'] = CloudPrintInterface.MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE_;
300      }
302      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
303      xhr.open(method, url, true);
304      xhr.withCredentials =
305          (origin == print_preview.Destination.Origin.COOKIES);
306      for (var header in headers) {
307        xhr.setRequestHeader(header, headers[header]);
308      }
310      return new CloudPrintRequest(xhr, body, origin, callback);
311    },
313    /**
314     * Sends a request to the Google Cloud Print API or queues if it needs to
315     *     wait OAuth2 access token.
316     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request to send or queue.
317     * @private
318     */
319    sendOrQueueRequest_: function(request) {
320      if (request.origin == print_preview.Destination.Origin.COOKIES) {
321        return this.sendRequest_(request);
322      } else {
323        this.requestQueue_.push(request);
324        this.nativeLayer_.startGetAccessToken(request.origin);
325      }
326    },
328    /**
329     * Sends a request to the Google Cloud Print API.
330     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request to send.
331     * @private
332     */
333    sendRequest_: function(request) {
334      request.xhr.onreadystatechange =
335          this.onReadyStateChange_.bind(this, request);
336      request.xhr.send(request.body);
337    },
339    /**
340     * Creates a Google Cloud Print interface error that is ready to dispatch.
341     * @param {!CloudPrintInterface.EventType} type Type of the error.
342     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request that has been completed.
343     * @return {!Event} Google Cloud Print interface error event.
344     * @private
345     */
346    createErrorEvent_: function(type, request) {
347      var errorEvent = new Event(type);
348      errorEvent.status = request.xhr.status;
349      if (request.xhr.status == 200) {
350        errorEvent.errorCode = request.result['errorCode'];
351        errorEvent.message = request.result['message'];
352      } else {
353        errorEvent.errorCode = 0;
354        errorEvent.message = '';
355      }
356      errorEvent.origin = request.origin;
357      return errorEvent;
358    },
360    /**
361     * Called when a native layer receives access token.
362     * @param {Event} evt Contains the authetication type and access token.
363     * @private
364     */
365    onAccessTokenReady_: function(event) {
366      // TODO(vitalybuka): remove when other Origins implemented.
367      assert(event.authType == print_preview.Destination.Origin.DEVICE);
368      this.requestQueue_ = this.requestQueue_.filter(function(request) {
369        assert(request.origin == print_preview.Destination.Origin.DEVICE);
370        if (request.origin != event.authType) {
371          return true;
372        }
373        if (event.accessToken) {
374          request.xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization',
375                                       'Bearer ' + event.accessToken);
376          this.sendRequest_(request);
377        } else {  // No valid token.
378          // Without abort status does not exists.
379          request.xhr.abort();
380          request.callback(request);
381        }
382        return false;
383      }, this);
384    },
386    /**
387     * Called when the ready-state of a XML http request changes.
388     * Calls the successCallback with the result or dispatches an ERROR event.
389     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request that was changed.
390     * @private
391     */
392    onReadyStateChange_: function(request) {
393      if (request.xhr.readyState == 4) {
394        if (request.xhr.status == 200) {
395          request.result = JSON.parse(request.xhr.responseText);
396          if (request.origin == print_preview.Destination.Origin.COOKIES &&
397              request.result['success']) {
398            this.xsrfToken_ = request.result['xsrf_token'];
399          }
400        }
401        request.status = request.xhr.status;
402        request.callback(request);
403      }
404    },
406    /**
407     * Called when the search request completes.
408     * @param {boolean} isRecent Whether the search request was for recent
409     *     destinations.
410     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request that has been completed.
411     * @private
412     */
413    onSearchDone_: function(isRecent, request) {
414      --this.outstandingCloudSearchRequestCount_;
415      if (request.xhr.status == 200 && request.result['success']) {
416        var printerListJson = request.result['printers'] || [];
417        var printerList = [];
418        printerListJson.forEach(function(printerJson) {
419          try {
420            printerList.push(
421                cloudprint.CloudDestinationParser.parse(printerJson,
422                                                        request.origin));
423          } catch (err) {
424            console.error('Unable to parse cloud print destination: ' + err);
425          }
426        });
427        var searchDoneEvent =
428            new Event(CloudPrintInterface.EventType.SEARCH_DONE);
429        searchDoneEvent.printers = printerList;
430        searchDoneEvent.origin = request.origin;
431        searchDoneEvent.isRecent = isRecent;
432        searchDoneEvent.email = request.result['request']['user'];
433        this.dispatchEvent(searchDoneEvent);
434      } else {
435        var errorEvent = this.createErrorEvent_(
436            CloudPrintInterface.EventType.SEARCH_FAILED, request);
437        this.dispatchEvent(errorEvent);
438      }
439    },
441    /**
442     * Called when the submit request completes.
443     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request that has been completed.
444     * @private
445     */
446    onSubmitDone_: function(request) {
447      if (request.xhr.status == 200 && request.result['success']) {
448        var submitDoneEvent = new Event(
449            CloudPrintInterface.EventType.SUBMIT_DONE);
450        submitDoneEvent.jobId = request.result['job']['id'];
451        this.dispatchEvent(submitDoneEvent);
452      } else {
453        var errorEvent = this.createErrorEvent_(
454            CloudPrintInterface.EventType.SUBMIT_FAILED, request);
455        this.dispatchEvent(errorEvent);
456      }
457    },
459    /**
460     * Called when the printer request completes.
461     * @param {string} destinationId ID of the destination that was looked up.
462     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request that has been completed.
463     * @private
464     */
465    onPrinterDone_: function(destinationId, request) {
466      if (request.xhr.status == 200 && request.result['success']) {
467        var printerJson = request.result['printers'][0];
468        var printer;
469        try {
470          printer = cloudprint.CloudDestinationParser.parse(printerJson,
471                                                            request.origin);
472        } catch (err) {
473          console.error('Failed to parse cloud print destination: ' +
474              JSON.stringify(printerJson));
475          return;
476        }
477        var printerDoneEvent =
478            new Event(CloudPrintInterface.EventType.PRINTER_DONE);
479        printerDoneEvent.printer = printer;
480        this.dispatchEvent(printerDoneEvent);
481      } else {
482        var errorEvent = this.createErrorEvent_(
483            CloudPrintInterface.EventType.PRINTER_FAILED, request);
484        errorEvent.destinationId = destinationId;
485        errorEvent.destinationOrigin = request.origin;
486        this.dispatchEvent(errorEvent, request.origin);
487      }
488    },
490    /**
491     * Called when the update printer TOS acceptance request completes.
492     * @param {!CloudPrintRequest} request Request that has been completed.
493     * @private
494     */
495    onUpdatePrinterTosAcceptanceDone_: function(request) {
496      if (request.xhr.status == 200 && request.result['success']) {
497        // Do nothing.
498      } else {
499        var errorEvent = this.createErrorEvent_(
500            CloudPrintInterface.EventType.SUBMIT_FAILED, request);
501        this.dispatchEvent(errorEvent);
502      }
503    }
504  };
506  /**
507   * Data structure that holds data for Cloud Print requests.
508   * @param {!XMLHttpRequest} xhr Partially prepared http request.
509   * @param {string} body Data to send with POST requests.
510   * @param {!print_preview.Destination.Origin} origin Origin for destination.
511   * @param {function(!CloudPrintRequest)} callback Callback to invoke when
512   *     request completes.
513   * @constructor
514   */
515  function CloudPrintRequest(xhr, body, origin, callback) {
516    /**
517     * Partially prepared http request.
518     * @type {!XMLHttpRequest}
519     */
520    this.xhr = xhr;
522    /**
523     * Data to send with POST requests.
524     * @type {string}
525     */
526    this.body = body;
528    /**
529     * Origin for destination.
530     * @type {!print_preview.Destination.Origin}
531     */
532    this.origin = origin;
534    /**
535     * Callback to invoke when request completes.
536     * @type {function(!CloudPrintRequest)}
537     */
538    this.callback = callback;
540    /**
541     * Result for requests.
542     * @type {Object} JSON response.
543     */
544    this.result = null;
545  };
547  /**
548   * Data structure that represents an HTTP parameter.
549   * @param {string} name Name of the parameter.
550   * @param {string} value Value of the parameter.
551   * @constructor
552   */
553  function HttpParam(name, value) {
554    /**
555     * Name of the parameter.
556     * @type {string}
557     */
558    this.name = name;
560    /**
561     * Name of the value.
562     * @type {string}
563     */
564    this.value = value;
565  };
567  // Export
568  return {
569    CloudPrintInterface: CloudPrintInterface
570  };