1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 3 * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) 4 * 5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7 * are met: 8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13 * 14 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY 15 * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 16 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 17 * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR 18 * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, 19 * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 20 * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 21 * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY 22 * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 23 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 24 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 25 */ 26 27 #ifndef DOMWindow_h 28 #define DOMWindow_h 29 30 #include "bindings/v8/ScriptWrappable.h" 31 #include "core/events/EventTarget.h" 32 #include "core/frame/FrameDestructionObserver.h" 33 #include "platform/LifecycleContext.h" 34 #include "platform/Supplementable.h" 35 36 #include "wtf/Forward.h" 37 38 namespace WebCore { 39 class ApplicationCache; 40 class BarProp; 41 class CSSRuleList; 42 class CSSStyleDeclaration; 43 class Console; 44 class DOMPoint; 45 class DOMSelection; 46 class DOMURL; 47 class DOMWindowProperty; 48 class Database; 49 class DatabaseCallback; 50 class Document; 51 class DocumentInit; 52 class DOMWindowEventQueue; 53 class DOMWindowLifecycleNotifier; 54 class Element; 55 class EventListener; 56 class EventQueue; 57 class ExceptionState; 58 class FloatRect; 59 class Frame; 60 class History; 61 class IDBFactory; 62 class Location; 63 class MediaQueryList; 64 class MessageEvent; 65 class Navigator; 66 class Node; 67 class Page; 68 class PageConsole; 69 class Performance; 70 class PostMessageTimer; 71 class RequestAnimationFrameCallback; 72 class ScheduledAction; 73 class Screen; 74 class ScriptCallStack; 75 class SecurityOrigin; 76 class SerializedScriptValue; 77 class Storage; 78 class StyleMedia; 79 class DOMWindowCSS; 80 81 struct WindowFeatures; 82 83 typedef Vector<RefPtr<MessagePort>, 1> MessagePortArray; 84 85 enum PageshowEventPersistence { 86 PageshowEventNotPersisted = 0, 87 PageshowEventPersisted = 1 88 }; 89 90 enum SetLocationLocking { LockHistoryBasedOnGestureState, LockHistoryAndBackForwardList }; 91 92 class DOMWindow : public RefCounted<DOMWindow>, public ScriptWrappable, public EventTargetWithInlineData, public FrameDestructionObserver, public Supplementable<DOMWindow>, public LifecycleContext<DOMWindow> { 93 REFCOUNTED_EVENT_TARGET(DOMWindow); 94 public: 95 static PassRefPtr<Document> createDocument(const String& mimeType, const DocumentInit&, bool forceXHTML); create(Frame * frame)96 static PassRefPtr<DOMWindow> create(Frame* frame) { return adoptRef(new DOMWindow(frame)); } 97 virtual ~DOMWindow(); 98 99 PassRefPtr<Document> installNewDocument(const String& mimeType, const DocumentInit&, bool forceXHTML = false); 100 101 virtual const AtomicString& interfaceName() const OVERRIDE; 102 virtual ExecutionContext* executionContext() const OVERRIDE; 103 104 virtual DOMWindow* toDOMWindow(); 105 106 void registerProperty(DOMWindowProperty*); 107 void unregisterProperty(DOMWindowProperty*); 108 109 void reset(); 110 111 PassRefPtr<MediaQueryList> matchMedia(const String&); 112 113 unsigned pendingUnloadEventListeners() const; 114 115 static FloatRect adjustWindowRect(Page*, const FloatRect& pendingChanges); 116 117 bool allowPopUp(); // Call on first window, not target window. 118 static bool allowPopUp(Frame* firstFrame); 119 static bool canShowModalDialog(const Frame*); 120 static bool canShowModalDialogNow(const Frame*); 121 122 // DOM Level 0 123 124 Screen* screen() const; 125 History* history() const; 126 BarProp* locationbar() const; 127 BarProp* menubar() const; 128 BarProp* personalbar() const; 129 BarProp* scrollbars() const; 130 BarProp* statusbar() const; 131 BarProp* toolbar() const; 132 Navigator* navigator() const; clientInformation()133 Navigator* clientInformation() const { return navigator(); } 134 135 Location* location() const; 136 void setLocation(const String& location, DOMWindow* activeWindow, DOMWindow* firstWindow, 137 SetLocationLocking = LockHistoryBasedOnGestureState); 138 139 DOMSelection* getSelection(); 140 141 Element* frameElement() const; 142 143 void focus(ExecutionContext* = 0); 144 void blur(); 145 void close(ExecutionContext* = 0); 146 void print(); 147 void stop(); 148 149 PassRefPtr<DOMWindow> open(const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, const String& windowFeaturesString, 150 DOMWindow* activeWindow, DOMWindow* firstWindow); 151 152 typedef void (*PrepareDialogFunction)(DOMWindow*, void* context); 153 void showModalDialog(const String& urlString, const String& dialogFeaturesString, 154 DOMWindow* activeWindow, DOMWindow* firstWindow, PrepareDialogFunction, void* functionContext); 155 156 void alert(const String& message); 157 bool confirm(const String& message); 158 String prompt(const String& message, const String& defaultValue); 159 160 bool find(const String&, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog) const; 161 162 bool offscreenBuffering() const; 163 164 int outerHeight() const; 165 int outerWidth() const; 166 int innerHeight() const; 167 int innerWidth() const; 168 int screenX() const; 169 int screenY() const; screenLeft()170 int screenLeft() const { return screenX(); } screenTop()171 int screenTop() const { return screenY(); } 172 int scrollX() const; 173 int scrollY() const; pageXOffset()174 int pageXOffset() const { return scrollX(); } pageYOffset()175 int pageYOffset() const { return scrollY(); } 176 177 bool closed() const; 178 179 unsigned length() const; 180 181 const AtomicString& name() const; 182 void setName(const AtomicString&); 183 184 String status() const; 185 void setStatus(const String&); 186 String defaultStatus() const; 187 void setDefaultStatus(const String&); 188 189 // Self-referential attributes 190 191 DOMWindow* self() const; window()192 DOMWindow* window() const { return self(); } frames()193 DOMWindow* frames() const { return self(); } 194 195 DOMWindow* opener() const; 196 DOMWindow* parent() const; 197 DOMWindow* top() const; 198 199 // DOM Level 2 AbstractView Interface 200 201 Document* document() const; 202 203 // CSSOM View Module 204 205 PassRefPtr<StyleMedia> styleMedia() const; 206 207 // DOM Level 2 Style Interface 208 209 PassRefPtr<CSSStyleDeclaration> getComputedStyle(Element*, const String& pseudoElt) const; 210 211 // WebKit extensions 212 213 PassRefPtr<CSSRuleList> getMatchedCSSRules(Element*, const String& pseudoElt, bool authorOnly = true) const; 214 double devicePixelRatio() const; 215 216 PassRefPtr<DOMPoint> webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(Node*, const DOMPoint*) const; 217 PassRefPtr<DOMPoint> webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(Node*, const DOMPoint*) const; 218 219 Console* console() const; 220 PageConsole* pageConsole() const; 221 222 void printErrorMessage(const String&); 223 String crossDomainAccessErrorMessage(DOMWindow* activeWindow); 224 String sanitizedCrossDomainAccessErrorMessage(DOMWindow* activeWindow); 225 226 void postMessage(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> message, const MessagePortArray*, const String& targetOrigin, DOMWindow* source, ExceptionState&); 227 void postMessageTimerFired(PassOwnPtr<PostMessageTimer>); 228 void dispatchMessageEventWithOriginCheck(SecurityOrigin* intendedTargetOrigin, PassRefPtr<Event>, PassRefPtr<ScriptCallStack>); 229 230 void scrollBy(int x, int y) const; 231 void scrollTo(int x, int y) const; scroll(int x,int y)232 void scroll(int x, int y) const { scrollTo(x, y); } 233 234 void moveBy(float x, float y) const; 235 void moveTo(float x, float y) const; 236 237 void resizeBy(float x, float y) const; 238 void resizeTo(float width, float height) const; 239 240 // WebKit animation extensions 241 int requestAnimationFrame(PassOwnPtr<RequestAnimationFrameCallback>); 242 int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(PassOwnPtr<RequestAnimationFrameCallback>); 243 void cancelAnimationFrame(int id); 244 245 DOMWindowCSS* css(); 246 247 // Events 248 // EventTarget API 249 virtual bool addEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>, bool useCapture) OVERRIDE; 250 virtual bool removeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, EventListener*, bool useCapture) OVERRIDE; 251 virtual void removeAllEventListeners() OVERRIDE; 252 253 using EventTarget::dispatchEvent; 254 bool dispatchEvent(PassRefPtr<Event> prpEvent, PassRefPtr<EventTarget> prpTarget); 255 256 void dispatchLoadEvent(); 257 258 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(animationend); 259 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(animationiteration); 260 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(animationstart); 261 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(search); 262 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(transitionend); 263 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(wheel); 264 265 DEFINE_MAPPED_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(webkitanimationstart, webkitAnimationStart); 266 DEFINE_MAPPED_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(webkitanimationiteration, webkitAnimationIteration); 267 DEFINE_MAPPED_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(webkitanimationend, webkitAnimationEnd); 268 DEFINE_MAPPED_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(webkittransitionend, webkitTransitionEnd); 269 captureEvents()270 void captureEvents() { } releaseEvents()271 void releaseEvents() { } 272 273 void finishedLoading(); 274 275 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(devicemotion); 276 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(deviceorientation); 277 278 // HTML 5 key/value storage 279 Storage* sessionStorage(ExceptionState&) const; 280 Storage* localStorage(ExceptionState&) const; optionalSessionStorage()281 Storage* optionalSessionStorage() const { return m_sessionStorage.get(); } optionalLocalStorage()282 Storage* optionalLocalStorage() const { return m_localStorage.get(); } 283 284 ApplicationCache* applicationCache() const; optionalApplicationCache()285 ApplicationCache* optionalApplicationCache() const { return m_applicationCache.get(); } 286 287 #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) 288 // This is the interface orientation in degrees. Some examples are: 289 // 0 is straight up; -90 is when the device is rotated 90 clockwise; 290 // 90 is when rotated counter clockwise. 291 int orientation() const; 292 293 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(orientationchange); 294 #endif 295 296 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(touchstart); 297 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(touchmove); 298 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(touchend); 299 DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(touchcancel); 300 301 Performance* performance() const; 302 303 // FIXME: When this DOMWindow is no longer the active DOMWindow (i.e., 304 // when its document is no longer the document that is displayed in its 305 // frame), we would like to zero out m_frame to avoid being confused 306 // by the document that is currently active in m_frame. 307 bool isCurrentlyDisplayedInFrame() const; 308 309 void willDetachDocumentFromFrame(); 310 DOMWindow* anonymousIndexedGetter(uint32_t); 311 312 bool isInsecureScriptAccess(DOMWindow* activeWindow, const String& urlString); 313 314 PassOwnPtr<LifecycleNotifier<DOMWindow> > createLifecycleNotifier(); 315 316 EventQueue* eventQueue() const; 317 void enqueueWindowEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>); 318 void enqueueDocumentEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>); 319 void enqueuePageshowEvent(PageshowEventPersistence); 320 void enqueueHashchangeEvent(const String& oldURL, const String& newURL); 321 void enqueuePopstateEvent(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>); 322 void dispatchWindowLoadEvent(); 323 void documentWasClosed(); 324 void statePopped(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>); 325 326 // FIXME: This shouldn't be public once DOMWindow becomes ExecutionContext. 327 void clearEventQueue(); 328 329 protected: 330 DOMWindowLifecycleNotifier& lifecycleNotifier(); 331 332 private: 333 explicit DOMWindow(Frame*); 334 335 Page* page(); 336 337 virtual void frameDestroyed() OVERRIDE; 338 virtual void willDetachPage() OVERRIDE; 339 340 void clearDocument(); 341 void resetDOMWindowProperties(); 342 void willDestroyDocumentInFrame(); 343 344 RefPtr<Document> m_document; 345 346 bool m_shouldPrintWhenFinishedLoading; 347 348 HashSet<DOMWindowProperty*> m_properties; 349 350 mutable RefPtr<Screen> m_screen; 351 mutable RefPtr<History> m_history; 352 mutable RefPtr<BarProp> m_locationbar; 353 mutable RefPtr<BarProp> m_menubar; 354 mutable RefPtr<BarProp> m_personalbar; 355 mutable RefPtr<BarProp> m_scrollbars; 356 mutable RefPtr<BarProp> m_statusbar; 357 mutable RefPtr<BarProp> m_toolbar; 358 mutable RefPtr<Console> m_console; 359 mutable RefPtr<Navigator> m_navigator; 360 mutable RefPtr<Location> m_location; 361 mutable RefPtr<StyleMedia> m_media; 362 363 String m_status; 364 String m_defaultStatus; 365 366 mutable RefPtr<Storage> m_sessionStorage; 367 mutable RefPtr<Storage> m_localStorage; 368 mutable RefPtr<ApplicationCache> m_applicationCache; 369 370 mutable RefPtr<Performance> m_performance; 371 372 mutable RefPtr<DOMWindowCSS> m_css; 373 374 RefPtr<DOMWindowEventQueue> m_eventQueue; 375 RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> m_pendingStateObject; 376 }; 377 status()378 inline String DOMWindow::status() const 379 { 380 return m_status; 381 } 382 defaultStatus()383 inline String DOMWindow::defaultStatus() const 384 { 385 return m_defaultStatus; 386 } 387 388 } // namespace WebCore 389 390 #endif // DOMWindow_h 391