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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "compiler_internals.h"
18 #include "dex/dataflow_iterator-inl.h"
20 namespace art {
SetFp(int index,bool is_fp)22 bool MIRGraph::SetFp(int index, bool is_fp) {
23   bool change = false;
24   if (is_fp && !reg_location_[index].fp) {
25     reg_location_[index].fp = true;
26     reg_location_[index].defined = true;
27     change = true;
28   }
29   return change;
30 }
SetCore(int index,bool is_core)32 bool MIRGraph::SetCore(int index, bool is_core) {
33   bool change = false;
34   if (is_core && !reg_location_[index].defined) {
35     reg_location_[index].core = true;
36     reg_location_[index].defined = true;
37     change = true;
38   }
39   return change;
40 }
SetRef(int index,bool is_ref)42 bool MIRGraph::SetRef(int index, bool is_ref) {
43   bool change = false;
44   if (is_ref && !reg_location_[index].defined) {
45     reg_location_[index].ref = true;
46     reg_location_[index].defined = true;
47     change = true;
48   }
49   return change;
50 }
SetWide(int index,bool is_wide)52 bool MIRGraph::SetWide(int index, bool is_wide) {
53   bool change = false;
54   if (is_wide && !reg_location_[index].wide) {
55     reg_location_[index].wide = true;
56     change = true;
57   }
58   return change;
59 }
SetHigh(int index,bool is_high)61 bool MIRGraph::SetHigh(int index, bool is_high) {
62   bool change = false;
63   if (is_high && !reg_location_[index].high_word) {
64     reg_location_[index].high_word = true;
65     change = true;
66   }
67   return change;
68 }
70 /*
71  * Infer types and sizes.  We don't need to track change on sizes,
72  * as it doesn't propagate.  We're guaranteed at least one pass through
73  * the cfg.
74  */
InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock * bb)75 bool MIRGraph::InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock* bb) {
76   MIR *mir;
77   bool changed = false;   // Did anything change?
79   if (bb->data_flow_info == NULL) return false;
80   if (bb->block_type != kDalvikByteCode && bb->block_type != kEntryBlock)
81     return false;
83   for (mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != NULL; mir = mir->next) {
84     SSARepresentation *ssa_rep = mir->ssa_rep;
85     if (ssa_rep) {
86       int attrs = oat_data_flow_attributes_[mir->dalvikInsn.opcode];
88       // Handle defs
89       if (attrs & DF_DA) {
90         if (attrs & DF_CORE_A) {
91           changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->defs[0], true);
92         }
93         if (attrs & DF_REF_A) {
94           changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->defs[0], true);
95         }
96         if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) {
97           reg_location_[ssa_rep->defs[0]].wide = true;
98           reg_location_[ssa_rep->defs[1]].wide = true;
99           reg_location_[ssa_rep->defs[1]].high_word = true;
100           DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->defs[0])+1,
101           SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->defs[1]));
102         }
103       }
105       // Handles uses
106       int next = 0;
107       if (attrs & DF_UA) {
108         if (attrs & DF_CORE_A) {
109           changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[next], true);
110         }
111         if (attrs & DF_REF_A) {
112           changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->uses[next], true);
113         }
114         if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) {
115           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next]].wide = true;
116           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]].wide = true;
117           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]].high_word = true;
118           DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[next])+1,
119           SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]));
120           next += 2;
121         } else {
122           next++;
123         }
124       }
125       if (attrs & DF_UB) {
126         if (attrs & DF_CORE_B) {
127           changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[next], true);
128         }
129         if (attrs & DF_REF_B) {
130           changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->uses[next], true);
131         }
132         if (attrs & DF_B_WIDE) {
133           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next]].wide = true;
134           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]].wide = true;
135           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]].high_word = true;
136           DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[next])+1,
137                                SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]));
138           next += 2;
139         } else {
140           next++;
141         }
142       }
143       if (attrs & DF_UC) {
144         if (attrs & DF_CORE_C) {
145           changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[next], true);
146         }
147         if (attrs & DF_REF_C) {
148           changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->uses[next], true);
149         }
150         if (attrs & DF_C_WIDE) {
151           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next]].wide = true;
152           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]].wide = true;
153           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]].high_word = true;
154           DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[next])+1,
155           SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[next + 1]));
156         }
157       }
159       // Special-case return handling
160       if ((mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN) ||
161           (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN_WIDE) ||
162           (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN_OBJECT)) {
163         switch (cu_->shorty[0]) {
164             case 'I':
165               changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[0], true);
166               break;
167             case 'J':
168               changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[0], true);
169               changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[1], true);
170               reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[0]].wide = true;
171               reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[1]].wide = true;
172               reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[1]].high_word = true;
173               break;
174             case 'F':
175               changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->uses[0], true);
176               break;
177             case 'D':
178               changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->uses[0], true);
179               changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->uses[1], true);
180               reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[0]].wide = true;
181               reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[1]].wide = true;
182               reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[1]].high_word = true;
183               break;
184             case 'L':
185               changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->uses[0], true);
186               break;
187             default: break;
188         }
189       }
191       // Special-case handling for format 35c/3rc invokes
192       Instruction::Code opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
193       int flags = (static_cast<int>(opcode) >= kNumPackedOpcodes)
194           ? 0 : Instruction::FlagsOf(mir->dalvikInsn.opcode);
195       if ((flags & Instruction::kInvoke) &&
196           (attrs & (DF_FORMAT_35C | DF_FORMAT_3RC))) {
197         DCHECK_EQ(next, 0);
198         int target_idx = mir->dalvikInsn.vB;
199         const char* shorty = GetShortyFromTargetIdx(target_idx);
200         // Handle result type if floating point
201         if ((shorty[0] == 'F') || (shorty[0] == 'D')) {
202           MIR* move_result_mir = FindMoveResult(bb, mir);
203           // Result might not be used at all, so no move-result
204           if (move_result_mir && (move_result_mir->dalvikInsn.opcode !=
205               Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT)) {
206             SSARepresentation* tgt_rep = move_result_mir->ssa_rep;
207             DCHECK(tgt_rep != NULL);
208             tgt_rep->fp_def[0] = true;
209             changed |= SetFp(tgt_rep->defs[0], true);
210             if (shorty[0] == 'D') {
211               tgt_rep->fp_def[1] = true;
212               changed |= SetFp(tgt_rep->defs[1], true);
213             }
214           }
215         }
216         int num_uses = mir->dalvikInsn.vA;
217         // If this is a non-static invoke, mark implicit "this"
218         if (((mir->dalvikInsn.opcode != Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC) &&
219             (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode != Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE))) {
220           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next]].defined = true;
221           reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[next]].ref = true;
222           next++;
223         }
224         uint32_t cpos = 1;
225         if (strlen(shorty) > 1) {
226           for (int i = next; i < num_uses;) {
227             DCHECK_LT(cpos, strlen(shorty));
228             switch (shorty[cpos++]) {
229               case 'D':
230                 ssa_rep->fp_use[i] = true;
231                 ssa_rep->fp_use[i+1] = true;
232                 reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i]].wide = true;
233                 reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i+1]].wide = true;
234                 reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i+1]].high_word = true;
235                 DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[i])+1, SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[i+1]));
236                 i++;
237                 break;
238               case 'J':
239                 reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i]].wide = true;
240                 reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i+1]].wide = true;
241                 reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i+1]].high_word = true;
242                 DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[i])+1, SRegToVReg(ssa_rep->uses[i+1]));
243                 changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[i], true);
244                 i++;
245                 break;
246               case 'F':
247                 ssa_rep->fp_use[i] = true;
248                 break;
249               case 'L':
250                 changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->uses[i], true);
251                 break;
252               default:
253                 changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[i], true);
254                 break;
255             }
256             i++;
257           }
258         }
259       }
261       for (int i = 0; ssa_rep->fp_use && i< ssa_rep->num_uses; i++) {
262         if (ssa_rep->fp_use[i])
263           changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->uses[i], true);
264         }
265       for (int i = 0; ssa_rep->fp_def && i< ssa_rep->num_defs; i++) {
266         if (ssa_rep->fp_def[i])
267           changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->defs[i], true);
268         }
269       // Special-case handling for moves & Phi
270       if (attrs & (DF_IS_MOVE | DF_NULL_TRANSFER_N)) {
271         /*
272          * If any of our inputs or outputs is defined, set all.
273          * Some ugliness related to Phi nodes and wide values.
274          * The Phi set will include all low words or all high
275          * words, so we have to treat them specially.
276          */
277         bool is_phi = (static_cast<int>(mir->dalvikInsn.opcode) ==
278                       kMirOpPhi);
279         RegLocation rl_temp = reg_location_[ssa_rep->defs[0]];
280         bool defined_fp = rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.fp;
281         bool defined_core = rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.core;
282         bool defined_ref = rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.ref;
283         bool is_wide = rl_temp.wide || ((attrs & DF_A_WIDE) != 0);
284         bool is_high = is_phi && rl_temp.wide && rl_temp.high_word;
285         for (int i = 0; i < ssa_rep->num_uses; i++) {
286           rl_temp = reg_location_[ssa_rep->uses[i]];
287           defined_fp |= rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.fp;
288           defined_core |= rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.core;
289           defined_ref |= rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.ref;
290           is_wide |= rl_temp.wide;
291           is_high |= is_phi && rl_temp.wide && rl_temp.high_word;
292         }
293         /*
294          * We don't normally expect to see a Dalvik register definition used both as a
295          * floating point and core value, though technically it could happen with constants.
296          * Until we have proper typing, detect this situation and disable register promotion
297          * (which relies on the distinction between core a fp usages).
298          */
299         if ((defined_fp && (defined_core | defined_ref)) &&
300             ((cu_->disable_opt & (1 << kPromoteRegs)) == 0)) {
301           LOG(WARNING) << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file)
302                        << " op at block " << bb->id
303                        << " has both fp and core/ref uses for same def.";
304           cu_->disable_opt |= (1 << kPromoteRegs);
305         }
306         changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->defs[0], defined_fp);
307         changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->defs[0], defined_core);
308         changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->defs[0], defined_ref);
309         changed |= SetWide(ssa_rep->defs[0], is_wide);
310         changed |= SetHigh(ssa_rep->defs[0], is_high);
311         if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) {
312           changed |= SetWide(ssa_rep->defs[1], true);
313           changed |= SetHigh(ssa_rep->defs[1], true);
314         }
315         for (int i = 0; i < ssa_rep->num_uses; i++) {
316           changed |= SetFp(ssa_rep->uses[i], defined_fp);
317           changed |= SetCore(ssa_rep->uses[i], defined_core);
318           changed |= SetRef(ssa_rep->uses[i], defined_ref);
319           changed |= SetWide(ssa_rep->uses[i], is_wide);
320           changed |= SetHigh(ssa_rep->uses[i], is_high);
321         }
322         if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) {
323           DCHECK_EQ(ssa_rep->num_uses, 2);
324           changed |= SetWide(ssa_rep->uses[1], true);
325           changed |= SetHigh(ssa_rep->uses[1], true);
326         }
327       }
328     }
329   }
330   return changed;
331 }
333 static const char* storage_name[] = {" Frame ", "PhysReg", " Spill "};
DumpRegLocTable(RegLocation * table,int count)335 void MIRGraph::DumpRegLocTable(RegLocation* table, int count) {
336   // FIXME: Quick-specific.  Move to Quick (and make a generic version for MIRGraph?
337   Mir2Lir* cg = static_cast<Mir2Lir*>(cu_->cg.get());
338   if (cg != NULL) {
339     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
340       LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("Loc[%02d] : %s, %c %c %c %c %c %c %c%d %c%d S%d",
341           table[i].orig_sreg, storage_name[table[i].location],
342           table[i].wide ? 'W' : 'N', table[i].defined ? 'D' : 'U',
343           table[i].fp ? 'F' : table[i].ref ? 'R' :'C',
344           table[i].is_const ? 'c' : 'n',
345           table[i].high_word ? 'H' : 'L', table[i].home ? 'h' : 't',
346           cg->IsFpReg(table[i].low_reg) ? 's' : 'r',
347           table[i].low_reg & cg->FpRegMask(),
348           cg->IsFpReg(table[i].high_reg) ? 's' : 'r',
349           table[i].high_reg & cg->FpRegMask(), table[i].s_reg_low);
350     }
351   } else {
352     // Either pre-regalloc or Portable.
353     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
354       LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("Loc[%02d] : %s, %c %c %c %c %c %c S%d",
355           table[i].orig_sreg, storage_name[table[i].location],
356           table[i].wide ? 'W' : 'N', table[i].defined ? 'D' : 'U',
357           table[i].fp ? 'F' : table[i].ref ? 'R' :'C',
358           table[i].is_const ? 'c' : 'n',
359           table[i].high_word ? 'H' : 'L', table[i].home ? 'h' : 't',
360           table[i].s_reg_low);
361     }
362   }
363 }
365 static const RegLocation fresh_loc = {kLocDalvikFrame, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
366                                      INVALID_REG, INVALID_REG, INVALID_SREG,
367                                      INVALID_SREG};
369 /*
370  * Simple register allocation.  Some Dalvik virtual registers may
371  * be promoted to physical registers.  Most of the work for temp
372  * allocation is done on the fly.  We also do some initialization and
373  * type inference here.
374  */
BuildRegLocations()375 void MIRGraph::BuildRegLocations() {
376   /* Allocate the location map */
377   RegLocation* loc = static_cast<RegLocation*>(arena_->Alloc(GetNumSSARegs() * sizeof(*loc),
378                                                              ArenaAllocator::kAllocRegAlloc));
379   for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSSARegs(); i++) {
380     loc[i] = fresh_loc;
381     loc[i].s_reg_low = i;
382     loc[i].is_const = is_constant_v_->IsBitSet(i);
383   }
385   /* Patch up the locations for Method* and the compiler temps */
386   loc[method_sreg_].location = kLocCompilerTemp;
387   loc[method_sreg_].defined = true;
388   for (int i = 0; i < cu_->num_compiler_temps; i++) {
389     CompilerTemp* ct = compiler_temps_.Get(i);
390     loc[ct->s_reg].location = kLocCompilerTemp;
391     loc[ct->s_reg].defined = true;
392   }
394   reg_location_ = loc;
396   int num_regs = cu_->num_dalvik_registers;
398   /* Add types of incoming arguments based on signature */
399   int num_ins = cu_->num_ins;
400   if (num_ins > 0) {
401     int s_reg = num_regs - num_ins;
402     if ((cu_->access_flags & kAccStatic) == 0) {
403       // For non-static, skip past "this"
404       reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true;
405       reg_location_[s_reg].ref = true;
406       s_reg++;
407     }
408     const char* shorty = cu_->shorty;
409     int shorty_len = strlen(shorty);
410     for (int i = 1; i < shorty_len; i++) {
411       switch (shorty[i]) {
412         case 'D':
413           reg_location_[s_reg].wide = true;
414           reg_location_[s_reg+1].high_word = true;
415           reg_location_[s_reg+1].fp = true;
416           DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(s_reg)+1, SRegToVReg(s_reg+1));
417           reg_location_[s_reg].fp = true;
418           reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true;
419           s_reg++;
420           break;
421         case 'J':
422           reg_location_[s_reg].wide = true;
423           reg_location_[s_reg+1].high_word = true;
424           DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(s_reg)+1, SRegToVReg(s_reg+1));
425           reg_location_[s_reg].core = true;
426           reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true;
427           s_reg++;
428           break;
429         case 'F':
430           reg_location_[s_reg].fp = true;
431           reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true;
432           break;
433         case 'L':
434           reg_location_[s_reg].ref = true;
435           reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true;
436           break;
437         default:
438           reg_location_[s_reg].core = true;
439           reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true;
440           break;
441         }
442         s_reg++;
443       }
444   }
446   /* Do type & size inference pass */
447   PreOrderDfsIterator iter(this, true /* iterative */);
448   bool change = false;
449   for (BasicBlock* bb = iter.Next(false); bb != NULL; bb = iter.Next(change)) {
450     change = InferTypeAndSize(bb);
451   }
453   /*
454    * Set the s_reg_low field to refer to the pre-SSA name of the
455    * base Dalvik virtual register.  Once we add a better register
456    * allocator, remove this remapping.
457    */
458   for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSSARegs(); i++) {
459     if (reg_location_[i].location != kLocCompilerTemp) {
460       int orig_sreg = reg_location_[i].s_reg_low;
461       reg_location_[i].orig_sreg = orig_sreg;
462       reg_location_[i].s_reg_low = SRegToVReg(orig_sreg);
463     }
464   }
465 }
467 }  // namespace art