1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #ifndef CONTENT_BROWSER_LOADER_RESOURCE_LOADER_H_ 6 #define CONTENT_BROWSER_LOADER_RESOURCE_LOADER_H_ 7 8 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" 9 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" 10 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" 11 #include "content/browser/loader/resource_handler.h" 12 #include "content/browser/ssl/ssl_error_handler.h" 13 #include "content/common/content_export.h" 14 #include "content/public/browser/resource_controller.h" 15 #include "content/public/common/signed_certificate_timestamp_id_and_status.h" 16 #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" 17 18 namespace content { 19 class ResourceDispatcherHostLoginDelegate; 20 class ResourceLoaderDelegate; 21 class ResourceRequestInfoImpl; 22 class SSLClientAuthHandler; 23 24 // This class is responsible for driving the URLRequest (i.e., calling Start, 25 // Read, and servicing events). It has a ResourceHandler, which is typically a 26 // chain of ResourceHandlers, and is the ResourceController for its handler. 27 class CONTENT_EXPORT ResourceLoader : public net::URLRequest::Delegate, 28 public SSLErrorHandler::Delegate, 29 public ResourceController { 30 public: 31 ResourceLoader(scoped_ptr<net::URLRequest> request, 32 scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> handler, 33 ResourceLoaderDelegate* delegate); 34 virtual ~ResourceLoader(); 35 36 void StartRequest(); 37 void CancelRequest(bool from_renderer); 38 39 void ReportUploadProgress(); 40 is_transferring()41 bool is_transferring() const { return is_transferring_; } 42 void MarkAsTransferring(const GURL& target_url); 43 void CompleteTransfer(); 44 request()45 net::URLRequest* request() { return request_.get(); } 46 ResourceRequestInfoImpl* GetRequestInfo(); 47 48 void ClearLoginDelegate(); 49 void ClearSSLClientAuthHandler(); 50 51 // IPC message handlers: 52 void OnUploadProgressACK(); 53 54 private: 55 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceLoaderTest, ClientCertStoreLookup); 56 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceLoaderTest, ClientCertStoreNull); 57 58 // net::URLRequest::Delegate implementation: 59 virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(net::URLRequest* request, 60 const GURL& new_url, 61 bool* defer) OVERRIDE; 62 virtual void OnAuthRequired(net::URLRequest* request, 63 net::AuthChallengeInfo* info) OVERRIDE; 64 virtual void OnCertificateRequested(net::URLRequest* request, 65 net::SSLCertRequestInfo* info) OVERRIDE; 66 virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(net::URLRequest* request, 67 const net::SSLInfo& info, 68 bool fatal) OVERRIDE; 69 virtual void OnResponseStarted(net::URLRequest* request) OVERRIDE; 70 virtual void OnReadCompleted(net::URLRequest* request, 71 int bytes_read) OVERRIDE; 72 73 // SSLErrorHandler::Delegate implementation: 74 virtual void CancelSSLRequest(const GlobalRequestID& id, 75 int error, 76 const net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) OVERRIDE; 77 virtual void ContinueSSLRequest(const GlobalRequestID& id) OVERRIDE; 78 79 // ResourceController implementation: 80 virtual void Resume() OVERRIDE; 81 virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE; 82 virtual void CancelAndIgnore() OVERRIDE; 83 virtual void CancelWithError(int error_code) OVERRIDE; 84 85 void StartRequestInternal(); 86 void CancelRequestInternal(int error, bool from_renderer); 87 // Stores the SignedCertificateTimestamps held in |sct_list| in the 88 // SignedCertificateTimestampStore singleton, associated with |process_id|. 89 // On return, |sct_ids| contains the assigned ID and verification status of 90 // each SignedCertificateTimestamp. 91 void StoreSignedCertificateTimestamps( 92 const net::SignedCertificateTimestampAndStatusList& sct_list, 93 int process_id, 94 SignedCertificateTimestampIDStatusList* sct_ids); 95 void CompleteResponseStarted(); 96 void StartReading(bool is_continuation); 97 void ResumeReading(); 98 void ReadMore(int* bytes_read); 99 void CompleteRead(int bytes_read); 100 void ResponseCompleted(); 101 void CallDidFinishLoading(); 102 void RecordHistograms(); 103 is_deferred()104 bool is_deferred() const { return deferred_stage_ != DEFERRED_NONE; } 105 106 // Used for categorizing loading of prefetches for reporting in histograms. 107 // NOTE: This enumeration is used in histograms, so please do not add entries 108 // in the middle. 109 enum PrefetchStatus { 110 STATUS_UNDEFINED, 111 STATUS_SUCCESS_FROM_CACHE, 112 STATUS_SUCCESS_FROM_NETWORK, 113 STATUS_CANCELED, 114 STATUS_MAX, 115 }; 116 117 enum DeferredStage { 118 DEFERRED_NONE, 119 DEFERRED_START, 120 DEFERRED_REDIRECT, 121 DEFERRED_READ, 122 DEFERRED_FINISH 123 }; 124 DeferredStage deferred_stage_; 125 126 scoped_ptr<net::URLRequest> request_; 127 scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> handler_; 128 ResourceLoaderDelegate* delegate_; 129 130 scoped_refptr<ResourceDispatcherHostLoginDelegate> login_delegate_; 131 scoped_refptr<SSLClientAuthHandler> ssl_client_auth_handler_; 132 133 uint64 last_upload_position_; 134 bool waiting_for_upload_progress_ack_; 135 base::TimeTicks last_upload_ticks_; 136 base::TimeTicks read_deferral_start_time_; 137 138 // Indicates that we are in a state of being transferred to a new downstream 139 // consumer. We are waiting for a notification to complete the transfer, at 140 // which point we'll receive a new ResourceHandler. 141 bool is_transferring_; 142 143 base::WeakPtrFactory<ResourceLoader> weak_ptr_factory_; 144 145 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResourceLoader); 146 }; 147 148 } // namespace content 149 150 #endif // CONTENT_BROWSER_LOADER_RESOURCE_LOADER_H_ 151