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1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6 * This view displays information on ChromeOS specific features.
7 */
8var CrosView = (function() {
9  'use strict';
11  var fileContent;
12  var passcode = '';
14  /**
15   *  Clear file input div
16   *
17   *  @private
18   */
19  function clearFileInput_() {
20    $(CrosView.IMPORT_DIV_ID).innerHTML = $(CrosView.IMPORT_DIV_ID).innerHTML;
21    $(CrosView.IMPORT_ONC_ID).addEventListener('change',
22                                               handleFileChangeEvent_,
23                                               false);
24  }
26  /**
27   *  Send file contents and passcode to C++ cros network library.
28   *
29   *  @private
30   */
31  function importONCFile_() {
32    clearParseStatus_();
33    if (fileContent)
34      g_browser.importONCFile(fileContent, passcode);
35    else
36      setParseStatus_('ONC file parse failed: cannot read file');
37    clearFileInput_();
38  }
40  /**
41   *  Set the passcode var, and trigger onc import.
42   *
43   *  @param {string} value The passcode value.
44   *  @private
45   */
46  function setPasscode_(value) {
47    passcode = value;
48    if (passcode)
49      importONCFile_();
50  }
52  /**
53   *  Unhide the passcode prompt input field and give it focus.
54   *
55   *  @private
56   */
57  function promptForPasscode_() {
58    $(CrosView.PASSCODE_ID).hidden = false;
59    $(CrosView.PASSCODE_INPUT_ID).focus();
60    $(CrosView.PASSCODE_INPUT_ID).select();
61  }
63  /**
64   *  Set the fileContent var, and trigger onc import if the file appears to
65   *  not be encrypted, or prompt for passcode if the file is encrypted.
66   *
67   *  @private
68   *  @param {string} text contents of selected file.
69   */
70  function setFileContent_(result) {
71    fileContent = result;
72    // Parse the JSON to get at the top level "Type" property.
73    var jsonObject;
74    // Ignore any parse errors: they'll get handled in the C++ import code.
75    try {
76      jsonObject = JSON.parse(fileContent);
77    } catch (error) {}
78    // Check if file is encrypted.
79    if (jsonObject &&
80        jsonObject.hasOwnProperty('Type') &&
81        jsonObject.Type == 'EncryptedConfiguration') {
82      promptForPasscode_();
83    } else {
84      importONCFile_();
85    }
86  }
88  /**
89   *  Clear ONC file parse status.  Clears and hides the parse status div.
90   *
91   *  @private
92   */
93  function clearParseStatus_(error) {
94    var parseStatus = $(CrosView.PARSE_STATUS_ID);
95    parseStatus.hidden = true;
96    parseStatus.textContent = '';
97  }
99  /**
100   *  Set ONC file parse status.
101   *
102   *  @private
103   */
104  function setParseStatus_(error) {
105    var parseStatus = $(CrosView.PARSE_STATUS_ID);
106    parseStatus.hidden = false;
107    parseStatus.textContent = error ?
108        'ONC file parse failed: ' + error : 'ONC file successfully parsed';
109    reset_();
110  }
112  /**
113   *  Set storing debug logs status.
114   *
115   *  @private
116   */
117  function setStoreDebugLogsStatus_(status) {
118    $(CrosView.STORE_DEBUG_LOGS_STATUS_ID).innerText = status;
119  }
121  /**
122   *  Set status for current debug mode.
123   *
124   *  @private
125   */
126  function setNetworkDebugModeStatus_(status) {
127    $(CrosView.DEBUG_STATUS_ID).innerText = status;
128  }
130  /**
131   *  An event listener for the file selection field.
132   *
133   *  @private
134   */
135  function handleFileChangeEvent_(event) {
136    clearParseStatus_();
137    var file = event.target.files[0];
138    var reader = new FileReader();
139    reader.onloadend = function(e) {
140      setFileContent_(reader.result);
141    };
142    reader.readAsText(file);
143  }
145  /**
146   *  Add event listeners for the file selection, passcode input
147   *  fields, for the button for debug logs storing and for buttons
148   *  for debug mode selection.
149   *
150   *  @private
151   */
152  function addEventListeners_() {
153    $(CrosView.IMPORT_ONC_ID).addEventListener('change',
154                                               handleFileChangeEvent_,
155                                               false);
157    $(CrosView.PASSCODE_INPUT_ID).addEventListener('change', function(event) {
158      setPasscode_(this.value);
159    }, false);
161    $(CrosView.STORE_DEBUG_LOGS_ID).addEventListener('click', function(event) {
162      $(CrosView.STORE_DEBUG_LOGS_STATUS_ID).innerText = '';
163      g_browser.storeDebugLogs();
164    }, false);
166    $(CrosView.DEBUG_WIFI_ID).addEventListener('click', function(event) {
167        setNetworkDebugMode_('wifi');
168    }, false);
169    $(CrosView.DEBUG_ETHERNET_ID).addEventListener('click', function(event) {
170        setNetworkDebugMode_('ethernet');
171    }, false);
172    $(CrosView.DEBUG_CELLULAR_ID).addEventListener('click', function(event) {
173        setNetworkDebugMode_('cellular');
174    }, false);
175    $(CrosView.DEBUG_WIMAX_ID).addEventListener('click', function(event) {
176        setNetworkDebugMode_('wimax');
177    }, false);
178    $(CrosView.DEBUG_NONE_ID).addEventListener('click', function(event) {
179        setNetworkDebugMode_('none');
180    }, false);
181  }
183  /**
184   *  Reset fileContent and passcode vars.
185   *
186   *  @private
187   */
188  function reset_() {
189    fileContent = undefined;
190    passcode = '';
191    $(CrosView.PASSCODE_ID).hidden = true;
192  }
194  /**
195   *  Enables or disables debug mode for a specified subsystem.
196   *
197   *  @private
198   */
199  function setNetworkDebugMode_(subsystem) {
200    $(CrosView.DEBUG_STATUS_ID).innerText = '';
201    g_browser.setNetworkDebugMode(subsystem);
202  }
204  /**
205   *  @constructor
206   *  @extends {DivView}
207   */
208  function CrosView() {
209    assertFirstConstructorCall(CrosView);
211    // Call superclass's constructor.
212    DivView.call(this, CrosView.MAIN_BOX_ID);
214    g_browser.addCrosONCFileParseObserver(this);
215    g_browser.addStoreDebugLogsObserver(this);
216    g_browser.addSetNetworkDebugModeObserver(this);
217    addEventListeners_();
218  }
220  CrosView.TAB_ID = 'tab-handle-chromeos';
221  CrosView.TAB_NAME = 'ChromeOS';
222  CrosView.TAB_HASH = '#chromeos';
224  CrosView.MAIN_BOX_ID = 'chromeos-view-tab-content';
225  CrosView.IMPORT_DIV_ID = 'chromeos-view-import-div';
226  CrosView.IMPORT_ONC_ID = 'chromeos-view-import-onc';
227  CrosView.PASSCODE_ID = 'chromeos-view-password-div';
228  CrosView.PASSCODE_INPUT_ID = 'chromeos-view-onc-password';
229  CrosView.PARSE_STATUS_ID = 'chromeos-view-parse-status';
230  CrosView.STORE_DEBUG_LOGS_ID = 'chromeos-view-store-debug-logs';
231  CrosView.STORE_DEBUG_LOGS_STATUS_ID = 'chromeos-view-store-debug-logs-status';
232  CrosView.DEBUG_WIFI_ID = 'chromeos-view-network-debugging-wifi';
233  CrosView.DEBUG_ETHERNET_ID = 'chromeos-view-network-debugging-ethernet';
234  CrosView.DEBUG_CELLULAR_ID = 'chromeos-view-network-debugging-cellular';
235  CrosView.DEBUG_WIMAX_ID = 'chromeos-view-network-debugging-wimax';
236  CrosView.DEBUG_NONE_ID = 'chromeos-view-network-debugging-none';
237  CrosView.DEBUG_STATUS_ID = 'chromeos-view-network-debugging-status';
239  cr.addSingletonGetter(CrosView);
241  CrosView.prototype = {
242    // Inherit from DivView.
243    __proto__: DivView.prototype,
245    onONCFileParse: setParseStatus_,
246    onStoreDebugLogs: setStoreDebugLogsStatus_,
247    onSetNetworkDebugMode: setNetworkDebugModeStatus_,
248  };
250  return CrosView;