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3# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
9submit_try: Submit a try request.
11This is a thin wrapper around the try request utilities in depot_tools which
12adds some validation and supports both git and svn.
16import httplib
17import json
18import os
19import re
20import subprocess
21import svn
22import sys
24import buildbot_globals
27# Alias which can be used to run a try on every builder.
28ALL_BUILDERS = 'all'
29# Alias which can be used to run a try on all compile builders.
30COMPILE_BUILDERS = 'compile'
31# Alias which can be used to run a try on all builders that are run in the CQ.
32CQ_BUILDERS = 'cq'
33# Alias which can be used to specify a regex to choose builders.
34REGEX = 'regex'
38# Contact information for the build master.
39SKIA_BUILD_MASTER_HOST = str(buildbot_globals.Get('public_master_host'))
40SKIA_BUILD_MASTER_PORT = str(buildbot_globals.Get('public_external_port'))
42# All try builders have this suffix.
43TRYBOT_SUFFIX = '-Trybot'
45# Location of the codereview.settings file in the Skia repo.
46SKIA_URL = 'skia.googlecode.com'
47CODEREVIEW_SETTINGS = '/svn/codereview.settings'
49# String for matching the svn url of the try server inside codereview.settings.
52# Strings used for matching svn config properties.
54REPO_ROOT_STR = 'Repository Root'
57def FindDepotTools():
58  """ Find depot_tools on the local machine and return its location. """
59  which_cmd = 'where' if os.name == 'nt' else 'which'
60  cmd = [which_cmd, 'gcl']
61  proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
62  if proc.wait() != 0:
63    raise Exception('Couldn\'t find depot_tools in PATH!')
64  gcl = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0].rstrip()
65  depot_tools_dir = os.path.dirname(gcl)
66  return depot_tools_dir
69def GetCheckoutRoot(is_svn=True):
70  """ Determine where the local checkout is rooted.
72  is_svn: boolean; whether we're in an SVN checkout. If False, assume we're in
73      a git checkout.
74  """
75  if is_svn:
76    repo = svn.Svn(os.curdir)
77    svn_info = repo.GetInfo()
78    url = svn_info.get(URL_STR, None)
79    repo_root = svn_info.get(REPO_ROOT_STR, None)
80    if not url or not repo_root:
81      raise Exception('Couldn\'t find checkout root!')
82    if url == repo_root:
83      return 'svn'
84    return url[len(repo_root)+1:]
85  else:
86    cmd = ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']
87    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
88                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
89    if proc.wait() != 0:
90      raise Exception('Couldn\'t find checkout root!')
91    return os.path.basename(proc.communicate()[0])
94def GetTryRepo():
95  """ Determine the TRYSERVER_SVN_URL from the codereview.settings file in the
96  Skia repo. """
97  connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(SKIA_URL)
98  connection.request('GET', CODEREVIEW_SETTINGS)
99  content = connection.getresponse().read()
100  for line in content.split('\n'):
101    if line.startswith(TRYSERVER_SVN_URL):
102      return line[len(TRYSERVER_SVN_URL):].rstrip()
103  raise Exception('Couldn\'t determine the TRYSERVER_SVN_URL. Make sure it is '
104                  'defined in the %s file.' % CODEREVIEW_SETTINGS)
107def RetrieveTrybotList(json_filename):
108  """ Retrieve the list of known trybots from the build master, stripping
109  TRYBOT_SUFFIX from the name. """
110  trybots = []
111  connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(SKIA_BUILD_MASTER_HOST,
112                                      SKIA_BUILD_MASTER_PORT)
113  connection.request('GET', '/json/%s' % json_filename)
114  response = connection.getresponse()
115  builders = json.load(response)
117  for builder in builders:
118    if builder.endswith(TRYBOT_SUFFIX):
119      trybots.append(builder[:-len(TRYBOT_SUFFIX)])
120  return trybots
123def ValidateArgs(argv, trybots, is_svn=True):
124  """ Parse and validate command-line arguments. If the arguments are valid,
125  returns a tuple of (<changelist name>, <list of trybots>).
127  trybots: A list of the known try builders.
128  """
130  class CollectedArgs(object):
131    def __init__(self, bots, changelist, revision):
132      self._bots = bots
133      self._changelist = changelist
134      self._revision = revision
136    @property
137    def bots(self):
138      for bot in self._bots:
139        yield bot
141    @property
142    def changelist(self):
143      return self._changelist
145    @property
146    def revision(self):
147      return self._revision
149  usage = (
150"""submit_try: Submit a try request.
151submit_try %s--bot <buildername> [<buildername> ...]
153-b, --bot           Builder(s) or Alias on which to run the try. Required.
154                    Allowed aliases: %s
155-h, --help          Show this message.
156-r <revision#>      Revision from which to run the try.
157-l, --list_bots     List the available try builders and aliases and exit.
158""" % ('<changelist> ' if is_svn else '', ALL_ALIASES))
160  def Error(msg=None):
161    if msg:
162      print msg
163    print usage
164    sys.exit(1)
166  using_bots = None
167  changelist = None
168  revision = None
170  while argv:
171    arg = argv.pop(0)
172    if arg == '-h' or arg == '--help':
173      Error()
174    elif arg == '-l' or arg == '--list_bots':
175      format_args = ['\n  '.join(sorted(trybots))] + ALL_ALIASES
176      print (
178submit_try: Available builders:\n  %s
180Can also use the following aliases to run on groups of builders-
181  %s: Will run against all trybots.
182  %s: Will run against all compile trybots.
183  %s: Will run against the same trybots as the commit queue.
184  %s: You will be prompted to enter a regex to select builders with.
186""" % tuple(format_args))
187      sys.exit(0)
188    elif arg == '-b' or arg == '--bot':
189      if using_bots:
190        Error('--bot specified multiple times.')
191      if len(argv) < 1:
192        Error('You must specify a builder with "--bot".')
193      using_bots = []
194      while argv and not argv[0].startswith('-'):
195        for bot in argv.pop(0).split(','):
196          if bot in ALL_ALIASES:
197            if using_bots:
198              Error('Cannot specify "%s" with additional builder names or '
199                    'aliases.' % bot)
200            if bot == ALL_BUILDERS:
201              are_you_sure = raw_input('Running a try on every bot is very '
202                                       'expensive. You may be able to get '
203                                       'enough information by running on a '
204                                       'smaller set of bots. Are you sure you '
205                                       'want to run your try job on all of the '
206                                       'trybots? [y,n]: ')
207              if are_you_sure == 'y':
208                using_bots = trybots
209            elif bot == COMPILE_BUILDERS:
210              using_bots = [t for t in trybots if t.startswith('Build')]
211            elif bot == CQ_BUILDERS:
212              using_bots = RetrieveTrybotList(json_filename='cqtrybots')
213            elif bot == REGEX:
214              while True:
215                regex = raw_input("Enter your trybot regex: ")
216                p = re.compile(regex)
217                using_bots = [t for t in trybots if p.match(t)]
218                print '\n\nTrybots that match your regex:\n%s\n\n' % '\n'.join(
219                    using_bots)
220                if raw_input('Re-enter regex? [y,n]: ') == 'n':
221                  break
222            break
223          else:
224            if not bot in trybots:
225              Error('Unrecognized builder: %s' % bot)
226            using_bots.append(bot)
227    elif arg == '-r':
228      if len(argv) < 1:
229        Error('You must specify a revision with "-r".')
230      revision = argv.pop(0)
231    else:
232      if changelist or not is_svn:
233        Error('Unknown argument: %s' % arg)
234      changelist = arg
235  if is_svn and not changelist:
236    Error('You must specify a changelist name.')
237  if not using_bots:
238    Error('You must specify one or more builders using --bot.')
239  return CollectedArgs(bots=using_bots, changelist=changelist,
240                       revision=revision)
243def SubmitTryRequest(args, is_svn=True):
244  """ Submits a try request for the given changelist on the given list of
245  trybots.
247  args: Object whose properties are derived from command-line arguments. If
248      is_svn is True, it should contain:
249      - changelist: string; the name of the changelist to try.
250      - bot: list of strings; the names of the try builders to run.
251      - revision: optional, int; the revision number from which to run the try.
252      If is_svn is False, it should contain:
253      - bot: list of strings; the names of the try builders to run.
254      - revision: optional, int; the revision number from which to run the try.
255  is_svn: boolean; are we in an SVN repo?
256  """
257  botlist = ','.join(['%s%s' % (bot, TRYBOT_SUFFIX) for bot in args.bots])
258  if is_svn:
259    gcl_cmd = 'gcl.bat' if os.name == 'nt' else 'gcl'
260    try_args = [gcl_cmd, 'try', args.changelist,
261                '--root', GetCheckoutRoot(is_svn),
262                '--bot', botlist]
263    if args.revision:
264      try_args.extend(['-r', args.revision])
265    print ' '.join(try_args)
266    proc = subprocess.Popen(try_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
267                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
268    if proc.wait() != 0:
269      raise Exception('Failed to submit try request: %s' % (
270          proc.communicate()[0]))
271    print proc.communicate()[0]
272  else:
273    # First, find depot_tools. This is needed to import trychange.
274    sys.path.append(FindDepotTools())
275    import trychange
276    try_args = ['--use_svn',
277                '--svn_repo', GetTryRepo(),
278                '--root', GetCheckoutRoot(is_svn),
279                '--bot', botlist,
280                '--patchlevel', '0']
281    if args.revision:
282      try_args.extend(['-r', args.revision])
283    trychange.TryChange(try_args, None, False)
286def main():
287  # Retrieve the list of active try builders from the build master.
288  trybots = RetrieveTrybotList(json_filename='trybots')
290  # Determine if we're in an SVN checkout.
291  is_svn = os.path.isdir('.svn')
293  # Parse and validate the command-line arguments.
294  args = ValidateArgs(sys.argv[1:], trybots=trybots, is_svn=is_svn)
296  # Submit the try request.
297  SubmitTryRequest(args, is_svn=is_svn)
300if __name__ == '__main__':
301  sys.exit(main())