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1page.title=Supporting Tablets and Handsets
5<div id="qv-wrapper">
6<ol id="qv">
8<h2>In this document</h2>
10  <li><a href="#Guidelines">Basic Guidelines</a></li>
11  <li><a href="#Fragments">Creating Single-pane and Multi-pane Layouts</a></li>
12  <li><a href="#ActionBar">Using the Action Bar</a>
13    <ol>
14      <li><a href="#SplitActionBar">Using split action bar</a></li>
15      <li><a href="#NavigatingUp">Using "up" navigation</a></li>
16    </ol>
17  </li>
18  <li><a href="#Tips">Other Design Tips</a></li>
21<h2>Related samples</h2>
23  <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb
27<h2>See also</h2>
29  <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">Fragments</a></li>
30  <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a></li>
31  <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">Supporting Multiple Screens</a></li>
41<p>The Android platform runs on a variety of screen sizes and the system gracefully resizes your
42application's UI to fit each one. Typically, all you need to do is design your UI to be flexible and
43optimize some elements for different sizes by providing <a
45resources</a> (such as alternative layouts that reposition some views or alternative
46dimension values for views). However, sometimes you might want to go a step further to
47optimize the overall user experience for different screen sizes. For example, tablets offer
48more space in which your application can present multiple sets of information at once, while a
49handset device usually requires that you split those sets apart and display them separately. So
50even though a UI designed for handsets will properly resize to fit a tablet, it does not fully
51leverage the potential of the tablet's screen to enhance the user experience.</p>
53<p>With Android 3.0 (API level 11), Android introduced a new set of framework APIs that allow you
54 to more effectively design activities that take advantage of large screens: the {@link
55android.app.Fragment} APIs. Fragments allow you to separate distinct behavioral components of your
56UI into separate parts, which you can then combine to create multi-pane layouts when running on a
57tablet or place in separate activities when running on a handset. Android 3.0 also introduced
58{@link android.app.ActionBar}, which provides a dedicated UI at the top of the screen to identify
59the app and provide user actions and navigation.</p>
61<p>This document provides guidance that can help you create an application that offers a unique and
62optimized user experience on both handsets and tablets, using fragments and the action bar.</p>
64<p>Before you continue with this guide, it's important that you first read the
65guide to <a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">Supporting Multiple
66Screens</a>. That document describes the fundamental design principles for developing a UI that
67supports different screen sizes and densities with flexible layouts and alternative bitmaps,
73<h2 id="Guidelines">Basic Guidelines</h2>
75<p>Here are a few guidelines that will help you create an app that provides an optimized user
76experience on both tablets and handsets:</p>
79  <li><strong>Build your activity designs based on fragments</strong> that you can reuse in
80different combinations&mdash;in multi-pane layouts on tablets and single-pane layouts on handsets.
82<p>A {@link android.app.Fragment} represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an
83activity. You can think of a fragment as a modular section of an activity (a "fragment" of an
84activity), which has its own lifecycle and which you can add or remove while the activity is
87<p>If you haven't used fragments yet, start by reading the <a
88href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">Fragments</a> developer guide.</p>
92  <li><strong>Use the action bar</strong>, but follow best practices and ensure your design
93is flexible enough for the system to adjust the action bar layout based on the screen size.
95<p>The {@link android.app.ActionBar} is a UI component for activities that replaces the traditional
96title bar at the top of the screen. By default, the action bar includes the application logo on the
97left side, followed by the activity title, and access to items from the options menu on the right
100<p>You can enable items from the options menu to appear directly in the action bar as "action
101items". You can also add navigation features to the action bar, such as tabs or a drop-down list,
102and use the application icon to supplement the system's <em>Back</em> button behavior with the option to
103navigate to
104your application's "home" activity or "up" the application's structural hierarchy.</p>
106<p>This guide provides some tips for using the action bar in ways that support both tablets and
107handsets. For a detailed discussion of the action bar APIs, read the <a
108href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a> developer guide.</p>
112  <li><strong>Implement flexible layouts</strong>, as discussed in the
113<a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html#screen-independence">Best Practices</a> for
114supporting multiple screens and the blog post, <a
116Like a Web Designer</a>.
117  <p>A flexible layout design allows your application to adapt to variations in screen
118sizes. Not all tablets are the same size, nor are all handsets the same size. While you might
119provide different fragment combinations for "tablets" and "handsets", it's still necessary that
120each design be flexible to resize to variations in size and aspect ratio.</p>
124<p>The following sections discuss the first two recommendations in more detail. For more
125information about creating flexible layouts, refer to the links provided above.</p>
128<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Aside from one feature in the action bar, all the
129APIs needed to accomplish the recommendations in this document are available in Android
1303.0. Additionally, you can even implement the fragment design patterns and remain
131backward-compatible with Android 1.6, by using the support library&mdash;discussed in the side
132bar below.</p>
136<h2 id="Fragments">Creating Single-pane and Multi-pane Layouts</h2>
139<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
140<div class="sidebox">
141  <h3>Remaining backward-compatible</h3>
142<p>If you want to use fragments in your application <em>and</em> remain compatible with
143versions of Android older than 3.0, you can do so by using the Android <a
144href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Support Library</a> (downloadable from the
145SDK Manager).</p>
146<p>The support library includes APIs for <a
147href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">fragments</a>, <a
148href="{@docRoot}guide/components/loaders.html">loaders</a>, and other APIs added in newer
149versions of Android. By simply adding this library to your Android project, you can use
150backward-compatible versions of these APIs in your application and remain compatible with Android
1511.6 (your <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code
152android:minSdkVersion}</a> value can be as low as {@code "4"}). For information about how to get the
153library and start using it, see the <a href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Support
154Library</a> document.</p>
156<p>The support library <em>does not</em> provide APIs for the action bar, but you can use
157code from the sample app, <a
158href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ActionBarCompat/index.html">Action Bar Compatibility</a>, to
159create an action bar that supports all devices.</p>
166<p>The most effective way to create a distinct user experience for tablets and handsets is to create
167layouts with different combinations of fragments, such that you can design "multi-pane" layouts for
168tablets and "single-pane" layouts for handsets. For example, a news application on a tablet might
169show a list of articles on the left side and a full article on the right side&mdash;selecting an
170article on the left updates the article view on the right. On a handset, however, these two
171components should appear on separate screens&mdash;selecting an article from a list changes the
172entire screen to show that article. There are two techniques to accomplish this design with
177  <li><em>Multiple fragments, one activity</em>: Use one activity regardless of the device size,
178but decide at runtime whether to combine fragments in the layout (to create a multiple-pane design)
179or swap fragments (to create a single-pane design). Or...</li>
181  <li><em>Multiple fragments, multiple activities</em>: On a tablet, place multiple fragments in
182one activity; on a handset, use separate activities to host each fragment. For example,
183when the tablet design uses two fragments in an activity, use the same activity for handsets, but
184supply an alternative layout that includes just the first fragment. When running on a handset and
185you need to switch fragments (such as when the user selects an item), start another activity that
186hosts the second fragment.</li>
189<p>The approach you choose depends on your design and personal preferences. The first option
190(one activity; swapping fragments) requires that you determine the screen size at runtime
191and dynamically add each fragment as appropriate&mdash;rather than declare the fragments
192in your activity's XML layout&mdash;because you <em>cannot</em> remove a fragment from an activity
193if it's been declared in the XML layout. When using the first technique, you might also need to
194update the action bar each time the fragments change, depending on what actions or navigation modes
195are available for each fragment. In some cases, these factors might not affect your design, so
196using one activity and swapping fragments might work well (especially if your tablet design requires
197that you add fragments dynamically anyway). Other times, however, dynamically swapping
198fragments for your handset design can make your code more complicated, because you must manage all
199the fragment combinations in the activity's code (rather than use alternative layout resources to
200define fragment combinations) and manage the back stack of fragments yourself (rather than
201allow the normal activity stack to handle back-navigation).</p>
203<p>This guide focuses on the second option, in which you display each fragment in a separate
204activity when on a smaller screen. Using this technique means that you can use alternative layout
205files that define different fragment combinations for different screen sizes, keep fragment code
206modular, simplify action bar management, and let the system handle all the back stack work on
209<p>Figure 1 illustrates how an application with two fragments might be arranged for
210both handsets and tablets when using separate activities for the handset design:</p>
212<img src="{@docRoot}images/fundamentals/fragments.png" alt="" />
213<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> Different design patterns for tablets and
214handsets when selecting an item to view its details.</p>
216<p>In the application shown in figure 1, Activity A is the "main activity" and uses different
217layouts to display either one or two fragments at a time, depending on the size of the screen:</p>
219  <li>On a tablet-sized screen, the Activity A layout contains both Fragment A and Fragment B.</li>
220  <li>On a handset-sized screen, the Activity A layout contains only Fragment A (the list
221view). In order to show the details in Fragment B, Activity B must open.</li>
224<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Activity B is never used on a tablet. It is simply a
225container to present Fragment B, so is only used on handset devices when the two fragments must
226be displayed separately.</p>
228<p>Depending on the screen size, the system applies a different {@code main.xml} layout file:</p>
230<p><code>res/layout/main.xml</code> for handsets:</p>
233&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
234&lt;FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
235    android:layout_width="match_parent"
236    android:layout_height="match_parent">
237    &lt;!-- "Fragment A" --&gt;
238    &lt;fragment class="<b>com.example.android.TitlesFragment</b>"
239              android:id="@+id/list_frag"
240              android:layout_width="match_parent"
241              android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
245<p><code>res/layout-large/main.xml</code> for tablets:</p>
248&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
249&lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
250  android:orientation="horizontal"
251  android:layout_width="match_parent"
252  android:layout_height="match_parent"
253  android:id="@+id/frags">
254    &lt;!-- "Fragment A" --&gt;
255  &lt;fragment class="<b>com.example.android.TitlesFragment</b>"
256            android:id="@+id/list_frag"
257            android:layout_width="@dimen/titles_size"
258            android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
259    &lt;!-- "Fragment B" --&gt;
260  &lt;fragment class="<b>com.example.android.DetailsFragment</b>"
261            android:id="@+id/details_frag"
262            android:layout_width="match_parent"
263            android:layout_height="match_parent" />
268<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
269<div class="sidebox">
270  <h3>Supporting sizes based on screen width</h3>
271  <p>Android 3.2 (API level 13) adds new APIs that provide more fine-grain control over what screen
272sizes your app supports and what resources it uses, by declaring screen sizes based on the minimum
273width your layouts require. For example, both a 5" and 7" device qualify as a "large" screen, so
274your "large" layout resources are used on both devices. With API level 13, you can distinguish
275between these two sizes based on the screen width, as measured in density-independent pixels.</p>
276  <p>For details, read the blog post about <a
278New Tools for Managing Screen Sizes</a>.</p>
282<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although the above sample layout for tablets is based on
283the "large" screen configuration qualifier, you should also use the new "minimum width" size
284qualifiers in order to more precisely control the screen size at which the system applies your
285handset or tablet layout. See the sidebar for more information.</p>
287<p>How the application responds when a user selects an item from the list depends on whether
288Fragment B is available in the layout:</p>
290  <li>If Fragment B is in the layout, Activity A notifies Fragment B to update itself.</li>
291  <li>If Fragment B is <em>not</em> in the layout, Activity A starts Activity B (which hosts
292Fragment B).</li>
296<p>To implement this pattern for your application, it's important
297that you develop your fragments to be highly compartmentalized. Specifically, you should follow two
301  <li>Do not manipulate one fragment directly from another.</li>
302  <li>Keep all code that concerns content in a fragment inside that fragment, rather than putting it
303in the host activity's code.</li>
306<p>To avoid directly calling one fragment from another, <strong>define a callback interface in each
307fragment</strong> class that it can use to deliver events to
308its host activity, which implements the callback
309interface. When the activity receives a callback due to an event (such as the user selecting a list
310item), the activity responds appropriately based on the current fragment configuration.</p>
312<p>For example, Activity A from above can handle item selections depending on whether it's using
313the tablet or handset layout like this:</p>
316public class MainActivity extends Activity implements TitlesFragment.OnItemSelectedListener {
317    ...
319    /** This is a callback that the list fragment (Fragment A)
320        calls when a list item is selected */
321    public void onItemSelected(int position) {
322        DisplayFragment displayFrag = (DisplayFragment) getFragmentManager()
323                                    .findFragmentById(R.id.display_frag);
324        if (displayFrag == null) {
325            // DisplayFragment (Fragment B) is not in the layout (handset layout),
326            // so start DisplayActivity (Activity B)
327            // and pass it the info about the selected item
328            Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayActivity.class);
329            intent.putExtra("position", position);
330            startActivity(intent);
331        } else {
332            // DisplayFragment (Fragment B) is in the layout (tablet layout),
333            // so tell the fragment to update
334            displayFrag.updateContent(position);
335        }
336    }
340<p>When <code>DisplayActivity</code> (Activity B) starts, it reads the data delivered by the
341{@link android.content.Intent} and passes it to the <code>DisplayFragment</code> (Fragment B).</p>
343<p>If Fragment B needs to deliver a result back to Fragment A (because Activity B was started with
344{@link android.app.Activity#startActivityForResult startActivityForResult()}), then the process
345works similarly with a callback interface between Fragment B and Activity B. That is, Activity B
346implements a different callback interface defined by Fragment B. When Activity B receives the
347callback with a result from the fragment, it sets the result for the activity (with {@link
348android.app.Activity#setResult setResult()}) and finishes itself. Activity A then receives the
349result and delivers it to Fragment A.</p>
351<p>For a demonstration of this technique for creating different fragment combinations for
352tablets and handsets, see the updated version of the <a
353href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb Gallery</a>
361<h2 id="ActionBar">Using the Action Bar</h2>
363<p>The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a> is an important UI
364component for Android apps on both tablets and handsets. To ensure that the action bar
365behaves appropriately on all screen sizes, it's important that you use the {@link
366android.app.ActionBar} APIs without adding complex customizations. By using the standard {@link
367android.app.ActionBar} APIs to design your action bar, the Android system does all
368the work to gracefully adapt the action bar for different screen sizes. Here are some important
369tips to follow when creating your action bar:</p>
372  <li>When setting a menu item to be an action item, <strong>avoid using the {@code "always"}
373value</strong>. In your <a
374href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/menu-resource.html">menu resource</a>, use {@code "ifRoom"}
375for the {@code android:showAsAction} attribute if you'd like the menu item to appear in the action
376bar. However, you might need {@code "always"} when an action view does not provide a default
377action for the overflow menu (that is, it must appear as an action view). However,
378you should not use {@code "always"} more than once or twice. In almost all other cases, use {@code
379"ifRoom"} as the value for {@code "android:showAsAction"} when you want the item to appear as an
380action item. Forcing too many action items into the action bar can create a cluttered UI and
381action items may overlap with other action bar elements such as the title or navigation items.</li>
383  <li>When adding action items to the action bar with a text title, also <strong>provide an
384icon</strong>, when appropriate, and declare <code>showAsAction="ifRoom|withText"</code>.
385This way, if there's not enough room for the title, but there is enough room for the icon, then only
386the icon may be used.</li>
389  <li>Always <strong>provide a title</strong> for your action items, even if you don't enable {@code
390"withText"}, because users can view the title as a "tool-tip" by performing a
391"long click" on the item&mdash;the title text appears momentarily in a toast message. Providing
392a title is also critical for accessibility, because screen readers read aloud the item title
393even when not visible.</li>
396  <li><strong>Avoid using custom navigation modes when possible</strong>. Use the built-in tab
397and drop-down navigation modes when possible&mdash;they're designed so the system can adapt their
398presentation to different screen sizes. For example, when the width is too narrow for both tabs and
399other action items (such as a handset in portrait orientation), the tabs appear below the action bar
400(this is known as the "stacked action bar"). If you must build a custom navigation mode or other
401custom views in the action bar, thoroughly test them on smaller screens and make any
402necessary adjustments to support a narrow action bar.</li>
405<p>For example, the mock-ups below demonstrate how the system may adapt an action bar based
406on the available screen space. On the handset, only two action items fit, so the remaining menu
407items appear in the overflow menu (because {@code android:showAsAction} was set to {@code "ifRoom"})
408and the tabs appear in a separate row (the stacked action bar). On the tablet, more action items can
409fit in the action bar and so do the tabs.</p>
411<img src="{@docRoot}images/practices/actionbar-phone-tablet.png" alt=""/>
412<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Mock-up showing how the system re-configures
413action bar components based on the available screen space.</p>
416<h3 id="SplitActionBar">Using split action bar</h3>
418<p>When your application is running on Android 4.0 (API level 14) and
419higher, there's an extra mode available for the action bar called "split action bar." When
420you enable split action bar, a separate bar appears at the bottom of the screen to
421display all action items when the activity is running on a narrow screen (such as a portrait
422handset). Splitting the action bar ensures that a reasonable amount of space is available to
423display action items on a narrow screen and also leave room for navigation and title elements
424at the top.</p>
426<p>To enable split action bar, simply add {@code uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow"} to your
427<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a> or
428<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>
429manifest element.</p>
432<img src="{@docRoot}images/practices/actionbar-phone-splitaction.png" alt=""/>
433<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> Split action bar with navigation tabs on the left;
434with the app icon and title disabled on the right.</p>
437<p>If you'd like to hide the main action bar at the top, because you're using the built-in
438navigation tabs along with the split action bar, call {@link
439android.app.ActionBar#setDisplayShowHomeEnabled setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false)} to disable the
440application icon in the action bar. In this case, there's now nothing left in the main action bar,
441so it disappears and all that’s left are the navigation tabs at the top and the action items at the
442bottom, as shown by the second device in figure 3.</p>
444<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although the {@code uiOptions} attribute was added in Android
4454.0 (API level 14), you can safely include it in your application even if your <a
446href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code minSdkVersion}</a> is set to
447a value lower than {@code "14"} to remain compatible with older versions of Android. When running on
448older versions, the system simply ignores the attribute because it doesn't understand it. The only
449condition to adding it to your manifest is that you must compile your application against a platform
450version that supports API level 14 or higher. Just be sure that you don't openly use other APIs in
451your application code that aren't supported by the version declared by your <a
452href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code minSdkVersion}</a>
456<h3 id="NavigatingUp">Using "up" navigation</h3>
458<p>As discussed in the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#Home">Action Bar</a>
459developer guide, you can use the application icon in the action bar to facilitate user navigation
460when appropriate&mdash;either as a method to get back to the "home" activity (similar to clicking
461the logo on a web site) or as a way to navigate up the application's structural hierarchy. Although
462it might seem similar to the standard <em>Back</em> navigation in some cases, the up navigation
464provides a more predictable navigation method for situations in which the user may have entered
465from an external location, such as a notification, app widget, or a different application.</p>
467<p>When using fragments in different combinations for different devices, it's important to give
468extra consideration to how your up navigation behaves in each configuration. For example, when on a
469handset and your application shows just one fragment at a time, it might be appropriate to enable up
470navigation to go up to the parent screen, whereas it's not necessary when showing the same
471fragment in a multi-pane configuration.</p>
473<p>For more information about enabling up navigation, see the <a
474href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#Home">Action Bar</a> developer guide.</p>
479<h2 id="Tips">Other Design Tips</h2>
482  <li>When working with a {@link android.widget.ListView}, consider how you might provide more or less
483information in each list item based on the available space. That is, you can create alternative
484layouts to be used by the items in your list adapter such that a large screen might display more
485detail for each item.</li>
486  <li>Create <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/more-resources.html">alternative resource
487files</a> for values such as integers, dimensions, and even booleans. Using size qualifiers for
488these resources, you can easily apply different layout sizes, font sizes, or enable/disable features
489based on the current screen size.</li>