1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 * 4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6 * are met: 7 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12 * 13 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY 14 * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 15 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 16 * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR 17 * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, 18 * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 19 * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 20 * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY 21 * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 22 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 23 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 24 */ 25 26 #ifndef UseCounter_h 27 #define UseCounter_h 28 29 #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" 30 #include "wtf/BitVector.h" 31 #include "wtf/Noncopyable.h" 32 #include "wtf/OwnPtr.h" 33 #include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h" 34 #include "wtf/text/WTFString.h" 35 36 namespace WebCore { 37 38 class CSSStyleSheet; 39 class DOMWindow; 40 class Document; 41 class ExecutionContext; 42 class StyleSheetContents; 43 44 // UseCounter is used for counting the number of times features of 45 // Blink are used on real web pages and help us know commonly 46 // features are used and thus when it's safe to remove or change them. 47 // 48 // The Chromium Content layer controls what is done with this data. 49 // For instance, in Google Chrome, these counts are submitted 50 // anonymously through the Histogram recording system in Chrome 51 // for users who opt-in to "Usage Statistics" submission 52 // during their install of Google Chrome: 53 // http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/privacy.html 54 55 class UseCounter { 56 WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(UseCounter); 57 public: 58 UseCounter(); 59 ~UseCounter(); 60 61 enum Feature { 62 PageDestruction, 63 LegacyNotifications, 64 MultipartMainResource, 65 PrefixedIndexedDB, 66 WorkerStart, 67 SharedWorkerStart, 68 LegacyWebAudio, 69 WebAudioStart, 70 PrefixedContentSecurityPolicy, 71 UnprefixedIndexedDB, 72 OpenWebDatabase, 73 UnusedSlot01, // Prior to 7/2013, we used this slot for LegacyHTMLNotifications. 74 LegacyTextNotifications, 75 UnprefixedRequestAnimationFrame, 76 PrefixedRequestAnimationFrame, 77 ContentSecurityPolicy, 78 ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly, 79 PrefixedContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly, 80 PrefixedTransitionEndEvent, 81 UnprefixedTransitionEndEvent, 82 PrefixedAndUnprefixedTransitionEndEvent, 83 AutoFocusAttribute, 84 UnusedSlot02, // Prior to 4/2013, we used this slot for AutoSaveAttribute. 85 DataListElement, 86 FormAttribute, 87 IncrementalAttribute, 88 InputTypeColor, 89 InputTypeDate, 90 InputTypeDateTime, 91 InputTypeDateTimeFallback, 92 InputTypeDateTimeLocal, 93 InputTypeEmail, 94 InputTypeMonth, 95 InputTypeNumber, 96 InputTypeRange, 97 InputTypeSearch, 98 InputTypeTel, 99 InputTypeTime, 100 InputTypeURL, 101 InputTypeWeek, 102 InputTypeWeekFallback, 103 ListAttribute, 104 MaxAttribute, 105 MinAttribute, 106 PatternAttribute, 107 PlaceholderAttribute, 108 PrecisionAttribute, 109 PrefixedDirectoryAttribute, 110 PrefixedSpeechAttribute, 111 RequiredAttribute, 112 ResultsAttribute, 113 StepAttribute, 114 PageVisits, 115 HTMLMarqueeElement, 116 UnusedSlot03, // Removed, was tracking overflow: -webkit-marquee. 117 Reflection, 118 CursorVisibility, // Removed, was -webkit-cursor-visibility. 119 StorageInfo, 120 XFrameOptions, 121 XFrameOptionsSameOrigin, 122 XFrameOptionsSameOriginWithBadAncestorChain, 123 DeprecatedFlexboxWebContent, 124 DeprecatedFlexboxChrome, 125 DeprecatedFlexboxChromeExtension, 126 UnusedSlot04, 127 UnprefixedPerformanceTimeline, 128 PrefixedPerformanceTimeline, 129 UnprefixedUserTiming, 130 PrefixedUserTiming, 131 WindowEvent, 132 ContentSecurityPolicyWithBaseElement, 133 PrefixedMediaAddKey, 134 PrefixedMediaGenerateKeyRequest, 135 WebAudioLooping, 136 DocumentClear, 137 PrefixedTransitionMediaFeature, 138 SVGFontElement, 139 XMLDocument, 140 XSLProcessingInstruction, 141 XSLTProcessor, 142 SVGSwitchElement, 143 UnusedSlot05, // Removed, was document.webkitRegister 144 HTMLShadowElementOlderShadowRoot, 145 DocumentAll, 146 FormElement, 147 DemotedFormElement, 148 CaptureAttributeAsEnum, 149 ShadowDOMPrefixedPseudo, 150 ShadowDOMPrefixedCreateShadowRoot, 151 ShadowDOMPrefixedShadowRoot, 152 SVGAnimationElement, 153 KeyboardEventKeyLocation, 154 CaptureEvents, 155 ReleaseEvents, 156 CSSDisplayRunIn, 157 CSSDisplayCompact, 158 LineClamp, 159 SubFrameBeforeUnloadRegistered, 160 SubFrameBeforeUnloadFired, 161 CSSPseudoElementPrefixedDistributed, 162 TextReplaceWholeText, 163 PrefixedShadowRootConstructor, 164 ConsoleMarkTimeline, 165 CSSPseudoElementUserAgentCustomPseudo, 166 DocumentTypeEntities, // Removed from DOM4. 167 DocumentTypeInternalSubset, // Removed from DOM4. 168 DocumentTypeNotations, // Removed from DOM4. 169 ElementGetAttributeNode, // Removed from DOM4. 170 ElementSetAttributeNode, // Removed from DOM4. 171 ElementRemoveAttributeNode, // Removed from DOM4. 172 ElementGetAttributeNodeNS, // Removed from DOM4. 173 DocumentCreateAttribute, // Removed from DOM4. 174 DocumentCreateAttributeNS, // Removed from DOM4. 175 DocumentCreateCDATASection, // Removed from DOM4. 176 DocumentInputEncoding, // Removed from DOM4. 177 DocumentXMLEncoding, // Removed from DOM4. 178 DocumentXMLStandalone, // Removed from DOM4. 179 DocumentXMLVersion, // Removed from DOM4. 180 NodeIsSameNode, // Removed from DOM4. 181 NodeIsSupported, // Removed from DOM4. 182 NodeNamespaceURI, // Removed from DOM4. 183 NodePrefix, // Removed from DOM4. 184 NodeLocalName, // Removed from DOM4. 185 NavigatorProductSub, 186 NavigatorVendor, 187 NavigatorVendorSub, 188 FileError, 189 DocumentCharset, // Documented as IE extensions, from KHTML days. 190 PrefixedAnimationEndEvent, 191 UnprefixedAnimationEndEvent, 192 PrefixedAndUnprefixedAnimationEndEvent, 193 PrefixedAnimationStartEvent, 194 UnprefixedAnimationStartEvent, 195 PrefixedAndUnprefixedAnimationStartEvent, 196 PrefixedAnimationIterationEvent, 197 UnprefixedAnimationIterationEvent, 198 PrefixedAndUnprefixedAnimationIterationEvent, 199 EventReturnValue, // Legacy IE extension. 200 SVGSVGElement, 201 SVGAnimateColorElement, 202 InsertAdjacentText, 203 InsertAdjacentElement, 204 HasAttributes, // Removed from DOM4. 205 DOMSubtreeModifiedEvent, 206 DOMNodeInsertedEvent, 207 DOMNodeRemovedEvent, 208 DOMNodeRemovedFromDocumentEvent, 209 DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocumentEvent, 210 DOMCharacterDataModifiedEvent, 211 DocumentAllTags, 212 DocumentAllLegacyCall, 213 HTMLAppletElementLegacyCall, 214 HTMLEmbedElementLegacyCall, 215 HTMLObjectElementLegacyCall, 216 BeforeLoadEvent, 217 GetMatchedCSSRules, 218 SVGFontInCSS, 219 ScrollTopBodyNotQuirksMode, 220 ScrollLeftBodyNotQuirksMode, 221 AttributeIsId, // Removed in DOM4. 222 AttributeOwnerElement, // Removed in DOM4. 223 AttributeSetPrefix, // Attribute prefix is readonly in DOM4. 224 AttributeSpecified, // Removed in DOM4. 225 BeforeLoadEventInIsolatedWorld, 226 PrefixedAudioDecodedByteCount, 227 PrefixedVideoDecodedByteCount, 228 PrefixedVideoSupportsFullscreen, 229 PrefixedVideoDisplayingFullscreen, 230 PrefixedVideoEnterFullscreen, 231 PrefixedVideoExitFullscreen, 232 PrefixedVideoEnterFullScreen, 233 PrefixedVideoExitFullScreen, 234 PrefixedVideoDecodedFrameCount, 235 PrefixedVideoDroppedFrameCount, 236 SourceElementCandidate, 237 SourceElementNonMatchingMedia, 238 PrefixedElementRequestFullscreen, 239 PrefixedElementRequestFullScreen, 240 BarPropLocationbar, 241 BarPropMenubar, 242 BarPropPersonalbar, 243 BarPropScrollbars, 244 BarPropStatusbar, 245 BarPropToolbar, 246 InputTypeEmailMultiple, 247 InputTypeEmailMaxLength, 248 InputTypeEmailMultipleMaxLength, 249 TextTrackCueConstructor, 250 CSSStyleDeclarationPropertyName, // Removed in CSSOM. 251 CSSStyleDeclarationFloatPropertyName, // Pending removal in CSSOM. 252 InputTypeText, 253 InputTypeTextMaxLength, 254 InputTypePassword, 255 InputTypePasswordMaxLength, 256 SVGInstanceRoot, 257 ShowModalDialog, 258 PrefixedPageVisibility, 259 HTMLFrameElementLocation, 260 CSSStyleSheetInsertRuleOptionalArg, // Inconsistent with the specification and other browsers. 261 CSSWebkitRegionAtRule, // @region rule changed to ::region() 262 DocumentBeforeUnloadRegistered, 263 DocumentBeforeUnloadFired, 264 DocumentUnloadRegistered, 265 DocumentUnloadFired, 266 SVGLocatableNearestViewportElement, 267 SVGLocatableFarthestViewportElement, 268 IsIndexElement, 269 HTMLHeadElementProfile, 270 OverflowChangedEvent, 271 SVGPointMatrixTransform, 272 HTMLHtmlElementManifest, 273 DOMFocusInOutEvent, 274 FileGetLastModifiedDate, 275 HTMLElementInnerText, 276 HTMLElementOuterText, 277 ReplaceDocumentViaJavaScriptURL, 278 ElementSetAttributeNodeNS, // Removed from DOM4. 279 ElementPrefixedMatchesSelector, 280 DOMImplementationCreateCSSStyleSheet, 281 CSSStyleSheetRules, 282 CSSStyleSheetAddRule, 283 CSSStyleSheetRemoveRule, 284 // Add new features immediately above this line. Don't change assigned 285 // numbers of each items, and don't reuse unused slots. 286 NumberOfFeatures, // This enum value must be last. 287 }; 288 289 // "count" sets the bit for this feature to 1. Repeated calls are ignored. 290 static void count(const Document&, Feature); 291 static void count(const DOMWindow*, Feature); 292 void count(CSSParserContext, CSSPropertyID); 293 void count(Feature); 294 295 // "countDeprecation" sets the bit for this feature to 1, and sends a deprecation 296 // warning to the console. Repeated calls are ignored. 297 // 298 // Be considerate to developers' consoles: features should only send deprecation warnings 299 // when we're actively interested in removing them from the platform. 300 static void countDeprecation(const DOMWindow*, Feature); 301 static void countDeprecation(ExecutionContext*, Feature); 302 static void countDeprecation(const Document&, Feature); 303 String deprecationMessage(Feature); 304 305 void didCommitLoad(); 306 307 static UseCounter* getFrom(const Document*); 308 static UseCounter* getFrom(const CSSStyleSheet*); 309 static UseCounter* getFrom(const StyleSheetContents*); 310 311 static int mapCSSPropertyIdToCSSSampleIdForHistogram(int id); 312 313 private: recordMeasurement(Feature feature)314 bool recordMeasurement(Feature feature) 315 { 316 ASSERT(feature != PageDestruction); // PageDestruction is reserved as a scaling factor. 317 ASSERT(feature < NumberOfFeatures); 318 if (!m_countBits) { 319 m_countBits = adoptPtr(new BitVector(NumberOfFeatures)); 320 m_countBits->clearAll(); 321 } 322 323 if (m_countBits->quickGet(feature)) 324 return false; 325 326 m_countBits->quickSet(feature); 327 return true; 328 } 329 330 void updateMeasurements(); 331 332 OwnPtr<BitVector> m_countBits; 333 BitVector m_CSSFeatureBits; 334 }; 335 336 } // namespace WebCore 337 338 #endif // UseCounter_h 339