/external/eclipse-windowbuilder/propertysheet/src/org/eclipse/wb/internal/core/utils/reflect/ |
D | ReflectionUtils.java | 55 Assert.isNotNull(type); in getFullyQualifiedName() 162 Assert.isNotNull(method); in getMethodSignature() 179 Assert.isNotNull(name); in getMethodSignature() 180 Assert.isNotNull(parameterTypes); in getMethodSignature() 203 Assert.isNotNull(clazz); in getMethodBySignature() 204 Assert.isNotNull(signature); in getMethodBySignature() 220 Assert.isNotNull(object); in invokeMethod() 221 Assert.isNotNull(arguments); in invokeMethod() 227 Assert.isNotNull(method, "Can not find method " + signature + " in " + refClass); in invokeMethod()
/external/eclipse-windowbuilder/propertysheet/src/org/eclipse/wb/internal/core/utils/check/ |
D | Assert.java | 154 public static void isNotNull(Object object) { in isNotNull() method in Assert 155 isNotNull(object, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ in isNotNull() 168 public static void isNotNull(Object object, String message) { in isNotNull() method in Assert 188 public static void isNotNull(Object object, String errorFormat, Object... args) { in isNotNull() method in Assert
/external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/editing/ |
D | VisiblePosition.h | 62 bool isNotNull() const { return m_deepPosition.isNotNull(); } in isNotNull() function 86 …Element* rootEditableElement() const { return m_deepPosition.isNotNull() ? m_deepPosition.deprecat… in rootEditableElement()
D | IndentOutdentCommand.cpp | 172 if (visibleStartOfParagraph.isNotNull() && !isStartOfParagraph(visibleStartOfParagraph)) in outdentParagraph() 174 if (visibleEndOfParagraph.isNotNull() && !isEndOfParagraph(visibleEndOfParagraph)) in outdentParagraph() 219 if (endAfterSelection.isNotNull() && !endAfterSelection.deepEquivalent().inDocument()) in outdentRegion() 222 if (endOfNextParagraph.isNotNull() && !endOfNextParagraph.deepEquivalent().inDocument()) { in outdentRegion()
D | ApplyBlockElementCommand.cpp | 99 if (start.isNotNull() && end.isNotNull()) in doApply() 146 if (endAfterSelection.isNotNull() && !endAfterSelection.deepEquivalent().inDocument()) in formatSelection() 150 if (endOfNextParagraph.isNotNull() && !endOfNextParagraph.deepEquivalent().inDocument()) in formatSelection()
D | VisibleUnits.cpp | 709 return p.isNotNull() && p == startOfWord(p, RightWordIfOnBoundary); in isStartOfWord() 846 return a.isNotNull() && logicalStartOfLine(a) == logicalStartOfLine(b); in inSameLogicalLine() 900 return a.isNotNull() && startOfLine(a) == startOfLine(b); in inSameLine() 905 return p.isNotNull() && p == startOfLine(p); in isStartOfLine() 910 return p.isNotNull() && p == endOfLine(p); in isEndOfLine() 955 if (position.isNotNull()) { in previousLinePosition() 1013 if (position.isNotNull()) { in nextLinePosition() 1261 …return a.isNotNull() && startOfParagraph(a, boundaryCrossingRule) == startOfParagraph(b, boundaryC… in inSameParagraph() 1266 return pos.isNotNull() && pos == startOfParagraph(pos, boundaryCrossingRule); in isStartOfParagraph() 1271 return pos.isNotNull() && pos == endOfParagraph(pos, boundaryCrossingRule); in isEndOfParagraph() [all …]
D | DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp | 231 … bool skipSmartDelete = pos.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull(); in initializePositionData() 233 …skipSmartDelete = m_downstreamEnd.leadingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull(); in initializePositionData() 236 …ment = m_upstreamStart.leadingWhitespacePosition(m_selectionToDelete.affinity(), true).isNotNull(); in initializePositionData() 251 …eAdjustment && m_downstreamEnd.trailingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY, true).isNotNull()) { in initializePositionData() 386 if (firstEditablePosition.isNotNull()) in removeNode() 575 …if (m_leadingWhitespace.isNotNull() && !m_leadingWhitespace.isRenderedCharacter() && m_leadingWhit… in fixupWhitespace() 580 …if (m_trailingWhitespace.isNotNull() && !m_trailingWhitespace.isRenderedCharacter() && m_trailingW… in fixupWhitespace()
D | VisibleSelection.cpp | 258 if (m_base.isNotNull()) { in setBaseAndExtentToDeepEquivalents() 263 if (m_extent.isNotNull() && !baseAndExtentEqual) in setBaseAndExtentToDeepEquivalents() 346 if (next.isNotNull()) in setStartAndEndFromBaseAndExtentRespectingGranularity() 576 …while (p.isNotNull() && !(lowestEditableAncestor(p.containerNode()) == baseEditableAncestor && !is… in adjustSelectionToAvoidCrossingEditingBoundaries() 605 …while (p.isNotNull() && !(lowestEditableAncestor(p.containerNode()) == baseEditableAncestor && !is… in adjustSelectionToAvoidCrossingEditingBoundaries()
D | FrameSelection.cpp | 197 VisiblePosition base = m_originalBase.isNotNull() ? m_originalBase : newSelection.visibleBase(); in setNonDirectionalSelectionIfNeeded() 208 } else if (m_originalBase.isNotNull()) { in setNonDirectionalSelectionIfNeeded() 342 if (start.isNotNull() && end.isNotNull()) { in respondToNodeModification() 491 if (startPosition.isNotNull()) in directionOfSelection() 493 if (endPosition.isNotNull()) in directionOfSelection() 588 …if (positionAfterSpacingAndFollowingWord.isNotNull() && positionAfterSpacingAndFollowingWord != po… in nextWordPositionForPlatform() 1155 …x = visiblePosition.isNotNull() ? visiblePosition.lineDirectionPointForBlockDirectionNavigation() … in lineDirectionPointForBlockDirectionNavigation() 1449 if (m_selection.start().isNotNull() && m_selection.end().isNotNull()) { in notifyAccessibilityForSelectionChange() 1567 …VisibleSelection selection(m_selection.visibleStart(), forwardPosition.isNotNull() ? forwardPositi… in updateAppearance() 1589 …if (startPos.isNotNull() && endPos.isNotNull() && selection.visibleStart() != selection.visibleEnd… in updateAppearance()
D | PlainTextRange.cpp | 72 ASSERT(isNotNull()); in createRangeFor() 114 if (runEnd.isNotNull()) in createRangeFor()
D | PlainTextRange.h | 48 bool isNotNull() const { return m_start != kNotFound; } in isNotNull() function
D | InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp | 82 ASSERT(pos.isNotNull()); in calculateStyleBeforeInsertion() 348 if (leadingWhitespace.isNotNull() && leadingWhitespace.deprecatedNode()->isTextNode()) { in doApply() 413 if (positionAfterSplit.isNotNull()) { in doApply()
D | InsertTextCommand.cpp | 190 if (placeholder.isNotNull()) in doApply() 198 if (placeholder.isNotNull()) in doApply()
D | Caret.h | 86 bool hasCaret() const { return m_position.isNotNull(); } in hasCaret()
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/modifiers/ |
D | ModifierHelper.java | 141 if (pAction.isNotNull()) { in readAnimationModifier249() 156 if (pIpo.isNotNull()) { in readAnimationModifier249() 182 if (pAnimData.isNotNull()) { in readAnimationModifier250() 185 if (pAction.isNotNull()) { in readAnimationModifier250()
D | ArrayModifier.java | 68 if (pCurveOb.isNotNull()) { in ArrayModifier() 111 if (pOffsetObject.isNotNull()) { in ArrayModifier() 118 if (pStartCap.isNotNull()) { in ArrayModifier() 122 if (pEndCap.isNotNull()) { in ArrayModifier()
D | ArmatureModifier.java | 93 if (this.validate(modifierStructure, blenderContext) && pDvert.isNotNull()) { in ArmatureModifier() 95 if (pArmatureObject.isNotNull()) { in ArmatureModifier() 280 if (pDvert.isNotNull()) {// assigning weights and bone indices in getBoneWeightAndIndexBuffer() 289 …if (totweight > 0 && pDW.isNotNull() && groupToBoneIndexMap!=null) {// pDW should never be null he… in getBoneWeightAndIndexBuffer()
D | Modifier.java | 49 invalid = pError.isNotNull(); in validate()
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/constraints/ |
D | ConstraintHelper.java | 83 if (pActions.isNotNull()) { in loadConstraints() 94 if (pIpo.isNotNull()) { in loadConstraints() 108 if (pPose.isNotNull()) { in loadConstraints() 191 if(pData.isNotNull()) { in getConstraintClassName()
D | Constraint.java | 56 if (pData.isNotNull()) { in Constraint() 59 if(pTar!= null && pTar.isNotNull()) { in Constraint()
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/ |
D | JDKDSAPublicKey.java | 77 if (isNotNull(info.getAlgorithm().getParameters())) in JDKDSAPublicKey() 85 private boolean isNotNull(ASN1Encodable parameters) in isNotNull() method in JDKDSAPublicKey
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/jcajce/provider/asymmetric/dsa/ |
D | BCDSAPublicKey.java | 76 if (isNotNull(info.getAlgorithm().getParameters())) in BCDSAPublicKey() 84 private boolean isNotNull(ASN1Encodable parameters) in isNotNull() method in BCDSAPublicKey
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/objects/ |
D | ObjectHelper.java | 129 if(parent == null && pParent.isNotNull()) { in toObject() 183 if(pCurve.isNotNull()) { in toObject() 197 if(pLamp.isNotNull()) { in toObject() 234 if(pCamera.isNotNull()) { in toObject()
/external/mockito/src/org/mockito/ |
D | Matchers.java | 695 public static Object isNotNull() { in isNotNull() method in Matchers 710 public static <T> T isNotNull(Class<T> clazz) { in isNotNull() method in Matchers
/external/jmonkeyengine/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/curves/ |
D | CurvesHelper.java | 102 if (pBevelObject.isNotNull()) { in toCurve() 162 if (bevelObject != null && pTaperObject.isNotNull()) { in toCurve() 221 if (pBezierTriple.isNotNull()) { in loadBezierCurve() 276 if (pKnots[i].isNotNull()) { in loadNurb() 550 if (pBezierTriple.isNotNull()) { in loadTaperObject()