/frameworks/base/docs/html/training/basics/activity-lifecycle/ |
D | stopping.jd | 54 android.app.Activity#onStop()} and {@link android.app.Activity#onRestart()}, which allow you to 61 {@link android.app.Activity#onStop()} and {@link android.app.Activity#onRestart()} (or even {@link 68 calls {@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} to stop the activity (1). If the user returns 73 android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()}.</p> 79 <p>When your activity receives a call to the {@link android.app.Activity#onStop()} method, it's no 84 you use {@link android.app.Activity#onStop()} to release resources that might leak memory.</p> 87 {@link android.app.Activity#onStop()}, you should use {@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} 91 <p>For example, here's an implementation of {@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} that 94 <!-- TODO: Find a better example for onStop, because this kind of thing should probably use a 98 protected void onStop() { [all …]
/frameworks/base/tests/TtsTests/src/com/android/speech/tts/ |
D | MockableTextToSpeechService.java | 53 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in MockableTextToSpeechService 54 sDelegate.onStop(); in onStop() 69 void onStop(); in onStop() method
/frameworks/rs/java/tests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/ |
D | Balls.java | 101 onStop(); in onPause() 105 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in Balls 107 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/activity/ |
D | TestedActivity.java | 53 protected void onStop() in onStop() method in TestedActivity 55 super.onStop(); in onStop()
D | SubActivityScreen.java | 157 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in SubActivityScreen 158 super.onStop(); in onStop()
D | TestedScreen.java | 84 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in TestedScreen 85 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/support/v4/java/android/support/v4/media/ |
D | TransportPerformer.java | 46 public abstract void onStop(); in onStop() method in TransportPerformer 135 onStop(); in onMediaButtonDown()
/frameworks/rs/java/tests/RsTest_14/src/com/android/rs/test/ |
D | RSTest_v14.java | 77 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in RSTest_v14 81 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/rs/java/tests/RsTest/src/com/android/rs/test/ |
D | RSTest.java | 77 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in RSTest 81 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/media/tests/MediaDump/src/com/android/mediadump/ |
D | VideoDumpActivity.java | 79 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in VideoDumpActivity 85 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ |
D | ActivityGroup.java | 80 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in ActivityGroup 81 super.onStop(); in onStop()
D | Presentation.java | 223 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in Presentation 225 super.onStop(); in onStop()
D | TimePickerDialog.java | 136 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in TimePickerDialog 138 super.onStop(); in onStop()
D | DatePickerDialog.java | 154 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in DatePickerDialog 156 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/text/ |
D | LoginFilter.java | 93 onStop(); in filter() 118 public void onStop() { in onStop() method in LoginFilter
/frameworks/support/v7/mediarouter/src/android/support/v7/app/ |
D | MediaRouteDiscoveryFragment.java | 152 public void onStop() { in onStop() method in MediaRouteDiscoveryFragment 158 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/settings/ |
D | BrightnessDialog.java | 92 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in BrightnessDialog 93 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/tests/SslLoad/src/com/android/sslload/ |
D | SslLoad.java | 67 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in SslLoad 68 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/docs/html-intl/ja/guide/topics/ |
D | fundamentals.jd | 609 …br/>{@code void onResume()} <br/>{@code void onPause()} <br/>{@code void onStop()} <br/>{@code voi… 637 …onStop onStop()}</code> の呼び出しで終了します。このライフタイムの間は、ユーザーが画面上でそのアクティビティを見ることができます。ただし、アクティビティがフォアグラウンドに… 685 …<p>その後、アクティビティがフォアグラウンドに表示された場合は {@code onResume()} が、他のアクティビティの後ろに隠れた場合は {@code onStop()} が呼び出されま… 687 <td align="center">{@code onResume()} <br/>または<br/>{@code onStop()}</td> 702 …<p>その後、アクティビティがフォアグラウンドに戻った場合は {@code onResume()} が、ユーザーから見えなくなった場合は {@code onStop()} が呼び出されます。</t… 704 <td align="center">{@code onResume()} <br/>または<br/>{@code onStop()}</td> 708 <td colspan="2" align="left"><code>{@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()}</code></td> 728 …ause()}、{@code onStop()}、および {@code onDestroy()} メソッドの 3 つは「可能」となっています。1 番目に挙げた {@code onPause()} … 776 <li>その後、開始されたアクティビティが画面上で見えなくなると、その {@code onStop()} メソッドが呼び出されます。</li> 813 サービスの停止に相当するコールバック、つまり {@code onStop()} メソッドはありません。 [all …]
/frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/ |
D | MediaTimeProvider.java | 87 void onStop(); in onStop() method
/frameworks/support/v7/appcompat/src/android/support/v7/app/ |
D | ActionBarActivity.java | 108 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in ActionBarActivity 109 super.onStop(); in onStop() 110 mImpl.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/src/androidx/media/filterfw/decoder/ |
D | MediaDecoder.java | 205 onStop(true); in run() 219 onStop(false); in run() 287 private void onStop(boolean notifyListener) { in onStop() method in MediaDecoder
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/usb/ |
D | UsbDebuggingActivity.java | 112 protected void onStop() { in onStop() method in UsbDebuggingActivity 116 super.onStop(); in onStop()
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/components/ |
D | activities.jd | 417 protected void {@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} { 418 super.onStop(); 447 android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()}. During this time, the user can see the activity 448 on-screen and interact with it. For example, {@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} is called 453 it in {@link android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} when the user can no longer see what you are 455 android.app.Activity#onStop onStop()} multiple times during the entire lifetime of the activity, as 521 to the foreground, or {@code onStop()} if it becomes hidden.</p></td> 523 <td align="center">{@code onResume()} <br/>or<br/> {@code onStop()}</td> 545 returns back to the front, or by {@code onStop()} if it becomes 548 <td align="center">{@code onResume()} <br/>or<br/> {@code onStop()}</td> [all …]
/frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/am/ |
D | FactoryErrorDialog.java | 39 public void onStop() { in onStop() method in FactoryErrorDialog