/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2011, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef TALK_BASE_TESTUTILS_H__ #define TALK_BASE_TESTUTILS_H__ // Utilities for testing talk_base infrastructure in unittests #ifdef LINUX #include #include // X defines a few macros that stomp on types that gunit.h uses. #undef None #undef Bool #endif #include #include #include "talk/base/asyncsocket.h" #include "talk/base/common.h" #include "talk/base/gunit.h" #include "talk/base/nethelpers.h" #include "talk/base/pathutils.h" #include "talk/base/stream.h" #include "talk/base/stringencode.h" #include "talk/base/stringutils.h" #include "talk/base/thread.h" namespace testing { using namespace talk_base; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StreamSink - Monitor asynchronously signalled events from StreamInterface // or AsyncSocket (which should probably be a StreamInterface. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: Any event that is an error is treaded as SSE_ERROR instead of that // event. enum StreamSinkEvent { SSE_OPEN = SE_OPEN, SSE_READ = SE_READ, SSE_WRITE = SE_WRITE, SSE_CLOSE = SE_CLOSE, SSE_ERROR = 16 }; class StreamSink : public sigslot::has_slots<> { public: void Monitor(StreamInterface* stream) { stream->SignalEvent.connect(this, &StreamSink::OnEvent); events_.erase(stream); } void Unmonitor(StreamInterface* stream) { stream->SignalEvent.disconnect(this); // In case you forgot to unmonitor a previous object with this address events_.erase(stream); } bool Check(StreamInterface* stream, StreamSinkEvent event, bool reset = true) { return DoCheck(stream, event, reset); } int Events(StreamInterface* stream, bool reset = true) { return DoEvents(stream, reset); } void Monitor(AsyncSocket* socket) { socket->SignalConnectEvent.connect(this, &StreamSink::OnConnectEvent); socket->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &StreamSink::OnReadEvent); socket->SignalWriteEvent.connect(this, &StreamSink::OnWriteEvent); socket->SignalCloseEvent.connect(this, &StreamSink::OnCloseEvent); // In case you forgot to unmonitor a previous object with this address events_.erase(socket); } void Unmonitor(AsyncSocket* socket) { socket->SignalConnectEvent.disconnect(this); socket->SignalReadEvent.disconnect(this); socket->SignalWriteEvent.disconnect(this); socket->SignalCloseEvent.disconnect(this); events_.erase(socket); } bool Check(AsyncSocket* socket, StreamSinkEvent event, bool reset = true) { return DoCheck(socket, event, reset); } int Events(AsyncSocket* socket, bool reset = true) { return DoEvents(socket, reset); } private: typedef std::map EventMap; void OnEvent(StreamInterface* stream, int events, int error) { if (error) { events = SSE_ERROR; } AddEvents(stream, events); } void OnConnectEvent(AsyncSocket* socket) { AddEvents(socket, SSE_OPEN); } void OnReadEvent(AsyncSocket* socket) { AddEvents(socket, SSE_READ); } void OnWriteEvent(AsyncSocket* socket) { AddEvents(socket, SSE_WRITE); } void OnCloseEvent(AsyncSocket* socket, int error) { AddEvents(socket, (0 == error) ? SSE_CLOSE : SSE_ERROR); } void AddEvents(void* obj, int events) { EventMap::iterator it = events_.find(obj); if (events_.end() == it) { events_.insert(EventMap::value_type(obj, events)); } else { it->second |= events; } } bool DoCheck(void* obj, StreamSinkEvent event, bool reset) { EventMap::iterator it = events_.find(obj); if ((events_.end() == it) || (0 == (it->second & event))) { return false; } if (reset) { it->second &= ~event; } return true; } int DoEvents(void* obj, bool reset) { EventMap::iterator it = events_.find(obj); if (events_.end() == it) return 0; int events = it->second; if (reset) { it->second = 0; } return events; } EventMap events_; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StreamSource - Implements stream interface and simulates asynchronous // events on the stream, without a network. Also buffers written data. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class StreamSource : public StreamInterface { public: StreamSource() { Clear(); } void Clear() { readable_data_.clear(); written_data_.clear(); state_ = SS_CLOSED; read_block_ = 0; write_block_ = SIZE_UNKNOWN; } void QueueString(const char* data) { QueueData(data, strlen(data)); } void QueueStringF(const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); char buffer[1024]; size_t len = vsprintfn(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, args); ASSERT(len < sizeof(buffer) - 1); va_end(args); QueueData(buffer, len); } void QueueData(const char* data, size_t len) { readable_data_.insert(readable_data_.end(), data, data + len); if ((SS_OPEN == state_) && (readable_data_.size() == len)) { SignalEvent(this, SE_READ, 0); } } std::string ReadData() { std::string data; // avoid accessing written_data_[0] if it is undefined if (written_data_.size() > 0) { data.insert(0, &written_data_[0], written_data_.size()); } written_data_.clear(); return data; } void SetState(StreamState state) { int events = 0; if ((SS_OPENING == state_) && (SS_OPEN == state)) { events |= SE_OPEN; if (!readable_data_.empty()) { events |= SE_READ; } } else if ((SS_CLOSED != state_) && (SS_CLOSED == state)) { events |= SE_CLOSE; } state_ = state; if (events) { SignalEvent(this, events, 0); } } // Will cause Read to block when there are pos bytes in the read queue. void SetReadBlock(size_t pos) { read_block_ = pos; } // Will cause Write to block when there are pos bytes in the write queue. void SetWriteBlock(size_t pos) { write_block_ = pos; } virtual StreamState GetState() const { return state_; } virtual StreamResult Read(void* buffer, size_t buffer_len, size_t* read, int* error) { if (SS_CLOSED == state_) { if (error) *error = -1; return SR_ERROR; } if ((SS_OPENING == state_) || (readable_data_.size() <= read_block_)) { return SR_BLOCK; } size_t count = _min(buffer_len, readable_data_.size() - read_block_); memcpy(buffer, &readable_data_[0], count); size_t new_size = readable_data_.size() - count; // Avoid undefined access beyond the last element of the vector. // This only happens when new_size is 0. if (count < readable_data_.size()) { memmove(&readable_data_[0], &readable_data_[count], new_size); } readable_data_.resize(new_size); if (read) *read = count; return SR_SUCCESS; } virtual StreamResult Write(const void* data, size_t data_len, size_t* written, int* error) { if (SS_CLOSED == state_) { if (error) *error = -1; return SR_ERROR; } if (SS_OPENING == state_) { return SR_BLOCK; } if (SIZE_UNKNOWN != write_block_) { if (written_data_.size() >= write_block_) { return SR_BLOCK; } if (data_len > (write_block_ - written_data_.size())) { data_len = write_block_ - written_data_.size(); } } if (written) *written = data_len; const char* cdata = static_cast(data); written_data_.insert(written_data_.end(), cdata, cdata + data_len); return SR_SUCCESS; } virtual void Close() { state_ = SS_CLOSED; } private: typedef std::vector Buffer; Buffer readable_data_, written_data_; StreamState state_; size_t read_block_, write_block_; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SocketTestClient // Creates a simulated client for testing. Works on real and virtual networks. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SocketTestClient : public sigslot::has_slots<> { public: SocketTestClient() { Init(NULL, AF_INET); } SocketTestClient(AsyncSocket* socket) { Init(socket, socket->GetLocalAddress().family()); } SocketTestClient(const SocketAddress& address) { Init(NULL, address.family()); socket_->Connect(address); } AsyncSocket* socket() { return socket_.get(); } void QueueString(const char* data) { QueueData(data, strlen(data)); } void QueueStringF(const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); char buffer[1024]; size_t len = vsprintfn(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, args); ASSERT(len < sizeof(buffer) - 1); va_end(args); QueueData(buffer, len); } void QueueData(const char* data, size_t len) { send_buffer_.insert(send_buffer_.end(), data, data + len); if (Socket::CS_CONNECTED == socket_->GetState()) { Flush(); } } std::string ReadData() { std::string data(&recv_buffer_[0], recv_buffer_.size()); recv_buffer_.clear(); return data; } bool IsConnected() const { return (Socket::CS_CONNECTED == socket_->GetState()); } bool IsClosed() const { return (Socket::CS_CLOSED == socket_->GetState()); } private: typedef std::vector Buffer; void Init(AsyncSocket* socket, int family) { if (!socket) { socket = Thread::Current()->socketserver() ->CreateAsyncSocket(family, SOCK_STREAM); } socket_.reset(socket); socket_->SignalConnectEvent.connect(this, &SocketTestClient::OnConnectEvent); socket_->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &SocketTestClient::OnReadEvent); socket_->SignalWriteEvent.connect(this, &SocketTestClient::OnWriteEvent); socket_->SignalCloseEvent.connect(this, &SocketTestClient::OnCloseEvent); } void Flush() { size_t sent = 0; while (sent < send_buffer_.size()) { int result = socket_->Send(&send_buffer_[sent], send_buffer_.size() - sent); if (result > 0) { sent += result; } else { break; } } size_t new_size = send_buffer_.size() - sent; memmove(&send_buffer_[0], &send_buffer_[sent], new_size); send_buffer_.resize(new_size); } void OnConnectEvent(AsyncSocket* socket) { if (!send_buffer_.empty()) { Flush(); } } void OnReadEvent(AsyncSocket* socket) { char data[64 * 1024]; int result = socket_->Recv(data, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); if (result > 0) { recv_buffer_.insert(recv_buffer_.end(), data, data + result); } } void OnWriteEvent(AsyncSocket* socket) { if (!send_buffer_.empty()) { Flush(); } } void OnCloseEvent(AsyncSocket* socket, int error) { } scoped_ptr socket_; Buffer send_buffer_, recv_buffer_; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SocketTestServer // Creates a simulated server for testing. Works on real and virtual networks. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SocketTestServer : public sigslot::has_slots<> { public: SocketTestServer(const SocketAddress& address) : socket_(Thread::Current()->socketserver() ->CreateAsyncSocket(address.family(), SOCK_STREAM)) { socket_->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &SocketTestServer::OnReadEvent); socket_->Bind(address); socket_->Listen(5); } virtual ~SocketTestServer() { clear(); } size_t size() const { return clients_.size(); } SocketTestClient* client(size_t index) const { return clients_[index]; } SocketTestClient* operator[](size_t index) const { return client(index); } void clear() { for (size_t i=0; i(socket_->Accept(NULL)); if (!accepted) return; clients_.push_back(new SocketTestClient(accepted)); } scoped_ptr socket_; std::vector clients_; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generic Utilities /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline bool ReadFile(const char* filename, std::string* contents) { FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) return false; char buffer[1024*64]; size_t read; contents->clear(); while ((read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp))) { contents->append(buffer, read); } bool success = (0 != feof(fp)); fclose(fp); return success; } // Look in parent dir for parallel directory. inline talk_base::Pathname GetSiblingDirectory( const std::string& parallel_dir) { talk_base::Pathname path = talk_base::Filesystem::GetCurrentDirectory(); while (!path.empty()) { talk_base::Pathname potential_parallel_dir = path; potential_parallel_dir.AppendFolder(parallel_dir); if (talk_base::Filesystem::IsFolder(potential_parallel_dir)) { return potential_parallel_dir; } path.SetFolder(path.parent_folder()); } return path; } inline talk_base::Pathname GetGoogle3Directory() { return GetSiblingDirectory("google3"); } inline talk_base::Pathname GetTalkDirectory() { return GetSiblingDirectory("talk"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Unittest predicates which are similar to STREQ, but for raw memory /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline AssertionResult CmpHelperMemEq(const char* expected_expression, const char* expected_length_expression, const char* actual_expression, const char* actual_length_expression, const void* expected, size_t expected_length, const void* actual, size_t actual_length) { if ((expected_length == actual_length) && (0 == memcmp(expected, actual, expected_length))) { return AssertionSuccess(); } Message msg; msg << "Value of: " << actual_expression << " [" << actual_length_expression << "]"; if (true) { //!actual_value.Equals(actual_expression)) { size_t buffer_size = actual_length * 2 + 1; char* buffer = STACK_ARRAY(char, buffer_size); hex_encode(buffer, buffer_size, reinterpret_cast(actual), actual_length); msg << "\n Actual: " << buffer << " [" << actual_length << "]"; } msg << "\nExpected: " << expected_expression << " [" << expected_length_expression << "]"; if (true) { //!expected_value.Equals(expected_expression)) { size_t buffer_size = expected_length * 2 + 1; char* buffer = STACK_ARRAY(char, buffer_size); hex_encode(buffer, buffer_size, reinterpret_cast(expected), expected_length); msg << "\nWhich is: " << buffer << " [" << expected_length << "]"; } return AssertionFailure(msg); } inline AssertionResult CmpHelperFileEq(const char* expected_expression, const char* expected_length_expression, const char* actual_filename, const void* expected, size_t expected_length, const char* filename) { std::string contents; if (!ReadFile(filename, &contents)) { Message msg; msg << "File '" << filename << "' could not be read."; return AssertionFailure(msg); } return CmpHelperMemEq(expected_expression, expected_length_expression, actual_filename, "", expected, expected_length, contents.c_str(), contents.size()); } #define EXPECT_MEMEQ(expected, expected_length, actual, actual_length) \ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT4(::testing::CmpHelperMemEq, expected, expected_length, \ actual, actual_length) #define ASSERT_MEMEQ(expected, expected_length, actual, actual_length) \ ASSERT_PRED_FORMAT4(::testing::CmpHelperMemEq, expected, expected_length, \ actual, actual_length) #define EXPECT_FILEEQ(expected, expected_length, filename) \ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT3(::testing::CmpHelperFileEq, expected, expected_length, \ filename) #define ASSERT_FILEEQ(expected, expected_length, filename) \ ASSERT_PRED_FORMAT3(::testing::CmpHelperFileEq, expected, expected_length, \ filename) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers for initializing constant memory with integers in a particular byte // order /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define BYTE_CAST(x) static_cast((x) & 0xFF) // Declare a N-bit integer as a little-endian sequence of bytes #define LE16(x) BYTE_CAST(((uint16)x) >> 0), BYTE_CAST(((uint16)x) >> 8) #define LE32(x) BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 0), BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 8), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 16), BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 24) #define LE64(x) BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 0), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 8), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 16), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 24), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 32), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 40), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 48), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 56) // Declare a N-bit integer as a big-endian (Internet) sequence of bytes #define BE16(x) BYTE_CAST(((uint16)x) >> 8), BYTE_CAST(((uint16)x) >> 0) #define BE32(x) BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 24), BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 16), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 8), BYTE_CAST(((uint32)x) >> 0) #define BE64(x) BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 56), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 48), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 40), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 32), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 24), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 16), \ BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 8), BYTE_CAST(((uint64)x) >> 0) // Declare a N-bit integer as a this-endian (local machine) sequence of bytes #ifndef BIG_ENDIAN #define BIG_ENDIAN 1 #endif // BIG_ENDIAN #if BIG_ENDIAN #define TE16 BE16 #define TE32 BE32 #define TE64 BE64 #else // !BIG_ENDIAN #define TE16 LE16 #define TE32 LE32 #define TE64 LE64 #endif // !BIG_ENDIAN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers for determining if X/screencasting is available (on linux). #define MAYBE_SKIP_SCREENCAST_TEST() \ if (!testing::IsScreencastingAvailable()) { \ LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Skipping test, since it doesn't have the requisite " \ << "X environment for screen capture."; \ return; \ } \ #ifdef LINUX struct XDisplay { XDisplay() : display_(XOpenDisplay(NULL)) { } ~XDisplay() { if (display_) XCloseDisplay(display_); } bool IsValid() const { return display_ != NULL; } operator Display*() { return display_; } private: Display* display_; }; #endif // Returns true if screencasting is available. When false, anything that uses // screencasting features may fail. inline bool IsScreencastingAvailable() { #ifdef LINUX XDisplay display; if (!display.IsValid()) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "No X Display available."; return false; } int ignored_int, major_version, minor_version; if (!XRRQueryExtension(display, &ignored_int, &ignored_int) || !XRRQueryVersion(display, &major_version, &minor_version) || major_version < 1 || (major_version < 2 && minor_version < 3)) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "XRandr version: " << major_version << "." << minor_version; LOG(LS_WARNING) << "XRandr is not supported or is too old (pre 1.3)."; return false; } #endif return true; } } // namespace testing #endif // TALK_BASE_TESTUTILS_H__