#include #include #include #if defined (STLPORT) # include # include #endif //#include #include "cppunit/cppunit_proxy.h" #if !defined (STLPORT) || defined(_STLP_USE_NAMESPACES) using namespace std; # if defined (STLPORT) using namespace std::tr1; # endif #endif // // TestCase class // class UnorderedTest : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestCase { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(UnorderedTest); #if !defined (STLPORT) CPPUNIT_IGNORE; #endif CPPUNIT_TEST(uset); CPPUNIT_TEST(umultiset); CPPUNIT_TEST(umap); CPPUNIT_TEST(umultimap); CPPUNIT_TEST(user_case); CPPUNIT_TEST(hash_policy); CPPUNIT_TEST(buckets); CPPUNIT_TEST(equal_range); CPPUNIT_EXPLICIT_TEST(benchmark1); CPPUNIT_EXPLICIT_TEST(benchmark2); #if !defined (_STLP_USE_CONTAINERS_EXTENSION) CPPUNIT_IGNORE; #endif CPPUNIT_TEST(template_methods); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); protected: void uset(); void umultiset(); void umap(); void umultimap(); void user_case(); void hash_policy(); void buckets(); void equal_range(); void benchmark1(); void benchmark2(); void template_methods(); }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(UnorderedTest); const int NB_ELEMS = 2000; // // tests implementation // void UnorderedTest::uset() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_set, equal_to > usettype; usettype us; //Small compilation check of the copy constructor: usettype us2(us); //And assignment operator us = us2; int i; pair ret; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { ret = us.insert(i); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ret.second ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret.first == i ); ret = us.insert(i); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !ret.second ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret.first == i ); } vector us_val; usettype::local_iterator lit, litEnd; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { lit = us.begin(us.bucket(i)); litEnd = us.end(us.bucket(i)); usettype::size_type bucket_pos = us.bucket(*lit); for (; lit != litEnd; ++lit) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.bucket(*lit) == bucket_pos ); us_val.push_back(*lit); } } //A compilation time check to uncomment from time to time { //usettype::iterator it; //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( it != lit ); } sort(us_val.begin(), us_val.end()); for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us_val[i] == i ); } #endif } void UnorderedTest::umultiset() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_multiset, equal_to > usettype; usettype us; int i; usettype::iterator ret; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { ret = us.insert(i); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret == i ); ret = us.insert(i); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret == i ); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.size() == 2 * NB_ELEMS ); vector us_val; usettype::local_iterator lit, litEnd; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { lit = us.begin(us.bucket(i)); litEnd = us.end(us.bucket(i)); usettype::size_type bucket_pos = us.bucket(*lit); for (; lit != litEnd; ++lit) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.bucket(*lit) == bucket_pos ); us_val.push_back(*lit); } } sort(us_val.begin(), us_val.end()); for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us_val[2 * i] == i ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us_val[2 * i + 1] == i ); } #endif } void UnorderedTest::umap() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_map, equal_to > umaptype; umaptype us; //Compilation check of the [] operator: umaptype us2; us[0] = us2[0]; us.clear(); { //An other compilation check typedef unordered_map uumaptype; uumaptype uus; umaptype const& uref = uus[0]; umaptype ucopy = uus[0]; ucopy = uref; //Avoids warning: //(void*)&uref; } int i; pair ret; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { umaptype::value_type p1(i, i); ret = us.insert(p1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ret.second ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret.first == p1 ); umaptype::value_type p2(i, i + 1); ret = us.insert(p2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !ret.second ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret.first == p1 ); } { //Lets look for some values to see if everything is normal: umaptype::iterator umit; for (int j = 0; j < NB_ELEMS; j += NB_ELEMS / 100) { umit = us.find(j); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( umit != us.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( (*umit).second == j ); } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.size() == (size_t)NB_ELEMS ); vector > us_val; umaptype::local_iterator lit, litEnd; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { lit = us.begin(us.bucket(i)); litEnd = us.end(us.bucket(i)); umaptype::size_type bucket_pos = us.bucket((*lit).first); for (; lit != litEnd; ++lit) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.bucket((*lit).first) == bucket_pos ); us_val.push_back(make_pair((*lit).first, (*lit).second)); } } sort(us_val.begin(), us_val.end()); for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us_val[i] == make_pair(i, i) ); } #endif } void UnorderedTest::umultimap() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_multimap, equal_to > umaptype; umaptype us; int i; umaptype::iterator ret; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { umaptype::value_type p(i, i); ret = us.insert(p); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret == p ); ret = us.insert(p); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *ret == p ); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.size() == 2 * NB_ELEMS ); typedef pair ptype; vector us_val; umaptype::local_iterator lit, litEnd; for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { lit = us.begin(us.bucket(i)); litEnd = us.end(us.bucket(i)); umaptype::size_type bucket_pos = us.bucket((*lit).first); for (; lit != litEnd; ++lit) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us.bucket((*lit).first) == bucket_pos ); us_val.push_back(ptype((*lit).first, (*lit).second)); } } sort(us_val.begin(), us_val.end()); for (i = 0; i < NB_ELEMS; ++i) { ptype p(i, i); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us_val[i * 2] == p ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( us_val[i * 2 + 1] == p ); } #endif } void UnorderedTest::user_case() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_map UnorderedMap1; typedef unordered_map UnorderedMap2; UnorderedMap1 foo; UnorderedMap2 bar; foo.insert(UnorderedMap1::value_type(1, string("test1"))); foo.insert(UnorderedMap1::value_type(2, string("test2"))); foo.insert(UnorderedMap1::value_type(3, string("test3"))); foo.insert(UnorderedMap1::value_type(4, string("test4"))); foo.insert(UnorderedMap1::value_type(5, string("test5"))); bar.insert(UnorderedMap2::value_type(0, foo)); UnorderedMap2::iterator it = bar.find(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( it != bar.end() ); UnorderedMap1 &body = it->second; UnorderedMap1::iterator cur = body.find(3); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cur != body.end() ); body.erase(body.begin(), body.end()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( body.empty() ); #endif } void UnorderedTest::hash_policy() { #if defined (STLPORT) unordered_set int_uset; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.max_load_factor() == 1.0f ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.load_factor() == 0.0f ); size_t nbInserts = int_uset.bucket_count() - 1; for (int i = 0; (size_t)i < nbInserts; ++i) { int_uset.insert(i); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.size() == nbInserts ); int_uset.max_load_factor(0.5f); int_uset.rehash(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.load_factor() < int_uset.max_load_factor() ); size_t bucketsHint = int_uset.bucket_count() + 1; int_uset.rehash(bucketsHint); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.bucket_count() >= bucketsHint ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.key_eq()(10, 10) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.hash_function()(10) == 10 ); #endif } void UnorderedTest::buckets() { #if defined (STLPORT) unordered_set int_uset; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( int_uset.bucket_count() < int_uset.max_bucket_count() ); int i; size_t nbBuckets = int_uset.bucket_count(); size_t nbInserts = int_uset.bucket_count() - 1; for (i = 0; (size_t)i < nbInserts; ++i) { int_uset.insert(i); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nbBuckets == int_uset.bucket_count() ); size_t bucketSizes = 0; for (i = 0; (size_t)i < nbBuckets; ++i) { bucketSizes += int_uset.bucket_size(i); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bucketSizes == int_uset.size() ); #endif } void UnorderedTest::equal_range() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_multiset umset; { //General test umset iumset; iumset.max_load_factor(10.0f); size_t nbBuckets = iumset.bucket_count(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbBuckets; ++i) { iumset.insert(i); iumset.insert(i + nbBuckets); iumset.insert(i + 2 * nbBuckets); iumset.insert(i + 3 * nbBuckets); iumset.insert(i + 4 * nbBuckets); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nbBuckets == iumset.bucket_count() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( iumset.size() == 5 * nbBuckets ); pair p = iumset.equal_range(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( p.first != p.second ); size_t nbElems = iumset.size(); nbElems -= distance(p.first, p.second); for (umset::iterator j = p.first; j != p.second;) { iumset.erase(j++); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nbElems == iumset.size() ); p = iumset.equal_range(2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( p.first != p.second ); nbElems -= distance(p.first, p.second); iumset.erase(p.first, p.second); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( nbElems == iumset.size() ); } { //More specific test that tries to put many values in the same bucket umset iumset; size_t i; //We are going to add at least 20 values, to get a stable hash container while doing that //we force a large number of buckets: iumset.rehash(193); size_t nbBuckets = iumset.bucket_count(); const size_t targetedBucket = nbBuckets / 2; //Lets put 10 values in the targeted bucket: for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { iumset.insert(targetedBucket + (i * nbBuckets)); } //We put again 10 values in the targeted bucket and in reverse order: for (i = 9; i <= 10; --i) { iumset.insert(targetedBucket + (i * nbBuckets)); } //Now we put some more elements until hash container is resized: i = 0; while (iumset.bucket_count() == nbBuckets) { iumset.insert(i++); } //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( iumset.bucket_size(targetedBucket) == 21 ); pair p = iumset.equal_range(targetedBucket); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( p.first != p.second ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( distance(p.first, p.second) == 3 ); // Now we remove some elements until hash container is resized: nbBuckets = iumset.bucket_count(); while (iumset.bucket_count() == nbBuckets && !iumset.empty()) { iumset.erase(iumset.begin()); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( iumset.load_factor() <= iumset.max_load_factor() ); // Adding an element back shouldn't change number of buckets: nbBuckets = iumset.bucket_count(); iumset.insert(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( iumset.bucket_count() == nbBuckets ); } { srand(0); for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; ++runs) { size_t magic = rand(); umset hum; size_t c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { if ((rand() % 500) == 0) { hum.insert(magic); ++c; } else { size_t r; while ((r = rand()) == magic) ; hum.insert(r); } /* if ((float)(hum.size() + 1) / (float)hum.bucket_count() > hum.max_load_factor()) { cout << "Hash container dump: Nb elems: " << hum.size() << ", Nb buckets: " << hum.bucket_count() << "\n"; for (size_t b = 0; b < hum.bucket_count(); ++b) { if (hum.bucket_size(b) != 0) { umset::local_iterator litBegin(hum.begin(b)), litEnd(hum.end(b)); cout << "B" << b << ": "; for (umset::local_iterator lit = litBegin; lit != litEnd; ++lit) { if (lit != litBegin) { cout << " - "; } cout << *lit; } cout << "\n"; } } cout << endl; } */ } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( hum.count(magic) == c ); } } #endif } void UnorderedTest::benchmark1() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_multiset umset; const size_t target = 500000; umset iumset; iumset.max_load_factor(10); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < target; ++i) { iumset.insert(i); } for (i = 0; i < target; ++i) { iumset.erase(i); } #endif } void UnorderedTest::benchmark2() { #if defined (STLPORT) typedef unordered_multiset umset; const size_t target = 500000; umset iumset; iumset.max_load_factor(10); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < target; ++i) { iumset.insert(target - i); } for (i = 0; i < target; ++i) { iumset.erase(target - i); } #endif } struct Key { Key() : m_data(0) {} explicit Key(int data) : m_data(data) {} int m_data; #if defined (__DMC__) // slist<_Tp,_Alloc>::remove error bool operator==(const Key&) const; #endif }; struct KeyHash { size_t operator () (Key key) const { return (size_t)key.m_data; } size_t operator () (int data) const { return (size_t)data; } }; struct KeyEqual { bool operator () (Key lhs, Key rhs) const { return lhs.m_data == rhs.m_data; } bool operator () (Key lhs, int rhs) const { return lhs.m_data == rhs; } bool operator () (int lhs, Key rhs) const { return lhs == rhs.m_data; } }; struct KeyHashPtr { size_t operator () (Key const volatile *key) const { return (size_t)key->m_data; } size_t operator () (int data) const { return (size_t)data; } }; struct KeyEqualPtr { bool operator () (Key const volatile *lhs, Key const volatile *rhs) const { return lhs->m_data == rhs->m_data; } bool operator () (Key const volatile *lhs, int rhs) const { return lhs->m_data == rhs; } bool operator () (int lhs, Key const volatile *rhs) const { return lhs == rhs->m_data; } }; void UnorderedTest::template_methods() { #if defined (STLPORT) && defined (_STLP_USE_CONTAINERS_EXTENSION) { typedef unordered_set Container; Container cont; cont.insert(Key(1)); cont.insert(Key(2)); cont.insert(Key(3)); cont.insert(Key(4)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(Key(1)) == 1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(1) == 1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(5) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.find(2) != cont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(cont.begin(), cont.end()) ); Container const& ccont = cont; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.find(2) != ccont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.bucket(2) == ccont.bucket(2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(ccont.begin(), ccont.end()) ); } { typedef unordered_set Container; Container cont; Key key1(1), key2(2), key3(3), key4(4); cont.insert(&key1); cont.insert(&key2); cont.insert(&key3); cont.insert(&key4); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(1) == 1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(5) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.find(2) != cont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(cont.begin(), cont.end()) ); Container const& ccont = cont; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.find(2) != ccont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.bucket(2) == ccont.bucket(2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(ccont.begin(), ccont.end()) ); } { typedef unordered_multiset Container; Container cont; cont.insert(Key(1)); cont.insert(Key(2)); cont.insert(Key(1)); cont.insert(Key(2)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(Key(1)) == 2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(1) == 2 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(5) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.find(2) != cont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.equal_range(1) != make_pair(cont.end(), cont.end()) ); Container const& ccont = cont; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.find(2) != ccont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.bucket(2) == ccont.bucket(2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(ccont.end(), ccont.end()) ); } { typedef unordered_multiset Container; Container cont; Key key1(1), key2(2), key3(3), key4(4); cont.insert(&key1); cont.insert(&key2); cont.insert(&key3); cont.insert(&key4); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(1) == 1 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.count(5) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.find(2) != cont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(cont.begin(), cont.end()) ); Container const& ccont = cont; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.find(2) != ccont.end() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.bucket(2) == ccont.bucket(2) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ccont.equal_range(2) != make_pair(ccont.begin(), ccont.end()) ); } #endif } #if defined (STLPORT) && \ (!defined (_STLP_USE_PTR_SPECIALIZATIONS) || defined (_STLP_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION)) # if !defined (__DMC__) /* Simple compilation test: Check that nested types like iterator * can be access even if type used to instanciate container is not * yet completely defined. */ class IncompleteClass { unordered_set usinstances; typedef unordered_set::iterator usit; unordered_multiset usminstances; typedef unordered_multiset::iterator usmit; unordered_map uminstances; typedef unordered_map::iterator umit; unordered_multimap umminstances; typedef unordered_multimap::iterator ummit; }; # endif #endif