1 // Windows/Registry.cpp
3 #include "StdAfx.h"
5 #ifndef _UNICODE
6 #include "Common/StringConvert.h"
7 #endif
8 #include "Windows/Registry.h"
10 #ifndef _UNICODE
11 extern bool g_IsNT;
12 #endif
14 namespace NWindows {
15 namespace NRegistry {
17 #define MYASSERT(expr) // _ASSERTE(expr)
Create(HKEY parentKey,LPCTSTR keyName,LPTSTR keyClass,DWORD options,REGSAM accessMask,LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes,LPDWORD disposition)19 LONG CKey::Create(HKEY parentKey, LPCTSTR keyName,
20 LPTSTR keyClass, DWORD options, REGSAM accessMask,
21 LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes, LPDWORD disposition)
22 {
23 MYASSERT(parentKey != NULL);
24 DWORD dispositionReal;
25 HKEY key = NULL;
26 LONG res = RegCreateKeyEx(parentKey, keyName, 0, keyClass,
27 options, accessMask, securityAttributes, &key, &dispositionReal);
28 if (disposition != NULL)
29 *disposition = dispositionReal;
30 if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
31 {
32 res = Close();
33 _object = key;
34 }
35 return res;
36 }
Open(HKEY parentKey,LPCTSTR keyName,REGSAM accessMask)38 LONG CKey::Open(HKEY parentKey, LPCTSTR keyName, REGSAM accessMask)
39 {
40 MYASSERT(parentKey != NULL);
41 HKEY key = NULL;
42 LONG res = RegOpenKeyEx(parentKey, keyName, 0, accessMask, &key);
43 if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
44 {
45 res = Close();
47 _object = key;
48 }
49 return res;
50 }
Close()52 LONG CKey::Close()
53 {
55 if (_object != NULL)
56 {
57 res = RegCloseKey(_object);
58 _object = NULL;
59 }
60 return res;
61 }
63 // win95, win98: deletes sunkey and all its subkeys
64 // winNT to be deleted must not have subkeys
DeleteSubKey(LPCTSTR subKeyName)65 LONG CKey::DeleteSubKey(LPCTSTR subKeyName)
66 {
67 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
68 return RegDeleteKey(_object, subKeyName);
69 }
RecurseDeleteKey(LPCTSTR subKeyName)71 LONG CKey::RecurseDeleteKey(LPCTSTR subKeyName)
72 {
73 CKey key;
74 LONG res = key.Open(_object, subKeyName, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE);
75 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS)
76 return res;
77 FILETIME fileTime;
78 const UInt32 kBufferSize = MAX_PATH + 1; // 256 in ATL
79 DWORD size = kBufferSize;
80 TCHAR buffer[kBufferSize];
81 while (RegEnumKeyEx(key._object, 0, buffer, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTime) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
82 {
83 res = key.RecurseDeleteKey(buffer);
84 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS)
85 return res;
86 size = kBufferSize;
87 }
88 key.Close();
89 return DeleteSubKey(subKeyName);
90 }
93 /////////////////////////
94 // Value Functions
BoolToUINT32(bool value)96 static inline UInt32 BoolToUINT32(bool value) { return (value ? 1: 0); }
UINT32ToBool(UInt32 value)97 static inline bool UINT32ToBool(UInt32 value) { return (value != 0); }
DeleteValue(LPCTSTR name)100 LONG CKey::DeleteValue(LPCTSTR name)
101 {
102 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
103 return ::RegDeleteValue(_object, name);
104 }
106 #ifndef _UNICODE
DeleteValue(LPCWSTR name)107 LONG CKey::DeleteValue(LPCWSTR name)
108 {
109 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
110 if (g_IsNT)
111 return ::RegDeleteValueW(_object, name);
112 return DeleteValue(name == 0 ? 0 : (LPCSTR)GetSystemString(name));
113 }
114 #endif
SetValue(LPCTSTR name,UInt32 value)116 LONG CKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR name, UInt32 value)
117 {
118 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
119 return RegSetValueEx(_object, name, NULL, REG_DWORD,
120 (BYTE * const)&value, sizeof(UInt32));
121 }
SetValue(LPCTSTR name,bool value)123 LONG CKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR name, bool value)
124 {
125 return SetValue(name, BoolToUINT32(value));
126 }
SetValue(LPCTSTR name,LPCTSTR value)128 LONG CKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR value)
129 {
130 MYASSERT(value != NULL);
131 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
132 return RegSetValueEx(_object, name, NULL, REG_SZ,
133 (const BYTE * )value, (lstrlen(value) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
134 }
136 /*
137 LONG CKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR name, const CSysString &value)
138 {
139 MYASSERT(value != NULL);
140 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
141 return RegSetValueEx(_object, name, NULL, REG_SZ,
142 (const BYTE *)(const TCHAR *)value, (value.Length() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
143 }
144 */
146 #ifndef _UNICODE
SetValue(LPCWSTR name,LPCWSTR value)148 LONG CKey::SetValue(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR value)
149 {
150 MYASSERT(value != NULL);
151 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
152 if (g_IsNT)
153 return RegSetValueExW(_object, name, NULL, REG_SZ,
154 (const BYTE * )value, (DWORD)((wcslen(value) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)));
155 return SetValue(name == 0 ? 0 : (LPCSTR)GetSystemString(name),
156 value == 0 ? 0 : (LPCSTR)GetSystemString(value));
157 }
159 #endif
SetValue(LPCTSTR name,const void * value,UInt32 size)162 LONG CKey::SetValue(LPCTSTR name, const void *value, UInt32 size)
163 {
164 MYASSERT(value != NULL);
165 MYASSERT(_object != NULL);
166 return RegSetValueEx(_object, name, NULL, REG_BINARY,
167 (const BYTE *)value, size);
168 }
SetValue(HKEY parentKey,LPCTSTR keyName,LPCTSTR valueName,LPCTSTR value)170 LONG SetValue(HKEY parentKey, LPCTSTR keyName, LPCTSTR valueName, LPCTSTR value)
171 {
172 MYASSERT(value != NULL);
173 CKey key;
174 LONG res = key.Create(parentKey, keyName);
175 if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
176 res = key.SetValue(valueName, value);
177 return res;
178 }
SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR keyName,LPCTSTR valueName,LPCTSTR value)180 LONG CKey::SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR keyName, LPCTSTR valueName, LPCTSTR value)
181 {
182 MYASSERT(value != NULL);
183 CKey key;
184 LONG res = key.Create(_object, keyName);
185 if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
186 res = key.SetValue(valueName, value);
187 return res;
188 }
QueryValue(LPCTSTR name,UInt32 & value)190 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR name, UInt32 &value)
191 {
192 DWORD type = NULL;
193 DWORD count = sizeof(DWORD);
194 LONG res = RegQueryValueEx(_object, (LPTSTR)name, NULL, &type,
195 (LPBYTE)&value, &count);
196 MYASSERT((res!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (type == REG_DWORD));
197 MYASSERT((res!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (count == sizeof(UInt32)));
198 return res;
199 }
QueryValue(LPCTSTR name,bool & value)201 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR name, bool &value)
202 {
203 UInt32 uintValue = BoolToUINT32(value);
204 LONG res = QueryValue(name, uintValue);
205 value = UINT32ToBool(uintValue);
206 return res;
207 }
GetValue_IfOk(LPCTSTR name,UInt32 & value)209 LONG CKey::GetValue_IfOk(LPCTSTR name, UInt32 &value)
210 {
211 UInt32 newVal;
212 LONG res = QueryValue(name, newVal);
213 if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
214 value = newVal;
215 return res;
216 }
GetValue_IfOk(LPCTSTR name,bool & value)218 LONG CKey::GetValue_IfOk(LPCTSTR name, bool &value)
219 {
220 bool newVal;
221 LONG res = QueryValue(name, newVal);
222 if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
223 value = newVal;
224 return res;
225 }
QueryValue(LPCTSTR name,LPTSTR value,UInt32 & count)227 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR name, LPTSTR value, UInt32 &count)
228 {
229 MYASSERT(count != NULL);
230 DWORD type = NULL;
231 LONG res = RegQueryValueEx(_object, (LPTSTR)name, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)value, (DWORD *)&count);
232 MYASSERT((res!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (type == REG_SZ) || (type == REG_MULTI_SZ) || (type == REG_EXPAND_SZ));
233 return res;
234 }
QueryValue(LPCTSTR name,CSysString & value)236 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR name, CSysString &value)
237 {
238 value.Empty();
239 DWORD type = NULL;
240 UInt32 currentSize = 0;
241 LONG res = RegQueryValueEx(_object, (LPTSTR)name, NULL, &type, NULL, (DWORD *)¤tSize);
242 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_MORE_DATA)
243 return res;
244 res = QueryValue(name, value.GetBuffer(currentSize), currentSize);
245 value.ReleaseBuffer();
246 return res;
247 }
249 #ifndef _UNICODE
QueryValue(LPCWSTR name,LPWSTR value,UInt32 & count)250 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCWSTR name, LPWSTR value, UInt32 &count)
251 {
252 MYASSERT(count != NULL);
253 DWORD type = NULL;
254 LONG res = RegQueryValueExW(_object, name, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)value, (DWORD *)&count);
255 MYASSERT((res!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (type == REG_SZ) || (type == REG_MULTI_SZ) || (type == REG_EXPAND_SZ));
256 return res;
257 }
QueryValue(LPCWSTR name,UString & value)258 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCWSTR name, UString &value)
259 {
260 value.Empty();
261 DWORD type = NULL;
262 UInt32 currentSize = 0;
264 LONG res;
265 if (g_IsNT)
266 {
267 res = RegQueryValueExW(_object, name, NULL, &type, NULL, (DWORD *)¤tSize);
268 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_MORE_DATA)
269 return res;
270 res = QueryValue(name, value.GetBuffer(currentSize), currentSize);
271 value.ReleaseBuffer();
272 }
273 else
274 {
275 AString vTemp;
276 res = QueryValue(name == 0 ? 0 : (LPCSTR)GetSystemString(name), vTemp);
277 value = GetUnicodeString(vTemp);
278 }
279 return res;
280 }
281 #endif
QueryValue(LPCTSTR name,void * value,UInt32 & count)283 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR name, void *value, UInt32 &count)
284 {
285 DWORD type = NULL;
286 LONG res = RegQueryValueEx(_object, (LPTSTR)name, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)value, (DWORD *)&count);
287 MYASSERT((res!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (type == REG_BINARY));
288 return res;
289 }
QueryValue(LPCTSTR name,CByteBuffer & value,UInt32 & dataSize)292 LONG CKey::QueryValue(LPCTSTR name, CByteBuffer &value, UInt32 &dataSize)
293 {
294 DWORD type = NULL;
295 dataSize = 0;
296 LONG res = RegQueryValueEx(_object, (LPTSTR)name, NULL, &type, NULL, (DWORD *)&dataSize);
297 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_MORE_DATA)
298 return res;
299 value.SetCapacity(dataSize);
300 return QueryValue(name, (BYTE *)value, dataSize);
301 }
EnumKeys(CSysStringVector & keyNames)303 LONG CKey::EnumKeys(CSysStringVector &keyNames)
304 {
305 keyNames.Clear();
306 CSysString keyName;
307 for (UInt32 index = 0; ; index++)
308 {
309 const UInt32 kBufferSize = MAX_PATH + 1; // 256 in ATL
310 FILETIME lastWriteTime;
311 UInt32 nameSize = kBufferSize;
312 LONG result = ::RegEnumKeyEx(_object, index, keyName.GetBuffer(kBufferSize),
313 (DWORD *)&nameSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lastWriteTime);
314 keyName.ReleaseBuffer();
315 if (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
316 break;
317 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
318 return result;
319 keyNames.Add(keyName);
320 }
321 return ERROR_SUCCESS;
322 }
SetValue_Strings(LPCTSTR valueName,const UStringVector & strings)324 LONG CKey::SetValue_Strings(LPCTSTR valueName, const UStringVector &strings)
325 {
326 UInt32 numChars = 0;
327 int i;
328 for (i = 0; i < strings.Size(); i++)
329 numChars += strings[i].Length() + 1;
330 CBuffer<wchar_t> buffer;
331 buffer.SetCapacity(numChars);
332 int pos = 0;
333 for (i = 0; i < strings.Size(); i++)
334 {
335 const UString &s = strings[i];
336 MyStringCopy((wchar_t *)buffer + pos, (const wchar_t *)s);
337 pos += s.Length() + 1;
338 }
339 return SetValue(valueName, buffer, numChars * sizeof(wchar_t));
340 }
GetValue_Strings(LPCTSTR valueName,UStringVector & strings)342 LONG CKey::GetValue_Strings(LPCTSTR valueName, UStringVector &strings)
343 {
344 strings.Clear();
345 CByteBuffer buffer;
346 UInt32 dataSize;
347 LONG res = QueryValue(valueName, buffer, dataSize);
348 if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS)
349 return res;
350 if (dataSize % sizeof(wchar_t) != 0)
351 return E_FAIL;
352 const wchar_t *data = (const wchar_t *)(const Byte *)buffer;
353 int numChars = dataSize / sizeof(wchar_t);
354 UString s;
355 for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++)
356 {
357 wchar_t c = data[i];
358 if (c == 0)
359 {
360 strings.Add(s);
361 s.Empty();
362 }
363 else
364 s += c;
365 }
366 return res;
367 }
369 }}